
Where can I get a pension insurance certificate. Where to get snils? Where to get snls for an individual

On the territory of Russia, SNILS is a mandatory document, not only for adults, but also for children. Therefore, every citizen needs to know how to get SNILS for a child and when to do it. The personal account number corresponds to the insurance certificate of the Pension Fund. It accumulates money that the employer transfers to his employee for the entire period of employment.

General concept

SNILS is a certificate on which the number of an insurance personal account in the Pension Fund is indicated. It is a small light green form and is issued by the relevant authorities on an individual basis after the application is completed. In addition to the individual number, the certificate contains the following information:

  • FULL NAME. a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • full date of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • time of registration in the PF.

SNILS is assigned to every citizen for the rest of his life. If there is a change of surname or other personal data, the number remains unchanged. The significance of SNILS lies in the fact that during the entire working period the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund for this number.

According to the individual number, you can find out information about the accumulated funds, as well as about the time of work that goes into the work experience. A pension is paid to a citizen upon reaching retirement age or in the event of an insured event (disability or death). All the necessary information is taken from SNILS. The certificate itself does not matter, it is valid only together with an identity document.

Many are interested in how many years you can get SNILS. An individual number is required when applying for maternity capital, entering a dairy kitchen, receiving child benefits and social benefits, so it is better to do it immediately after the birth of a baby. The personal account number is asked to be provided by employers, representatives of social services, health workers when applying for help.

The need for an early procedure

The policy issued by the Pension Fund is designed for working citizens, since it implies a confirmation of income accounting and the fulfillment of taxpayer obligations. However, SNILS is also needed for small citizens for a number of reasons:

Registration procedure

In order to enjoy social privileges and draw up papers in a simplified form, a mother or father needs to know how to get SNILS for a newborn from the first days of the appearance of a new family member. The procedure for issuing an individual personal number:

  • The document is provided only after registration and receipt of the birth certificate of the baby. SNILS can be issued by one of the parents or the legal guardian of the child.
  • It is necessary to collect the necessary documents, which should contain copies of the passport of the mother or father. The presence of the newborn at the time of application is not required.

Since 2013, the registry office has been mandatory transferring all information about newborns to the Pension Fund, so in Moscow, Samara, Tolyatti, Tver, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Ufa, Saratov and other regions, the procedure for obtaining is the same. The certificate can be obtained in a short time. How much it will be done depends on the employees of the organization.

For schoolchildren and teenagers

The procedure for obtaining an individual number for children under 14 years of age looks the same as the preparation of a document for newborns. SNILS is ordered by the parents or legal representative of the child.

Parents need to know where to get SNILS for a child who already has a passport. A teenager can apply for a personal number on his own or entrust the registration to his mother or father. In this case, it is mandatory to take the original passport with you.

Upon reaching the age of 14, a child already has the right to officially get a job, so the employer can help to obtain SNILS. According to the legislation, the administration of a kindergarten, school or other educational institution can also make this document. In this case, several children receive a personal account number at once.


To find out what documents a child needs for SNILS, you need to contact the nearest multifunctional center. Employees will provide a list of necessary papers, after which you need to make an application and wait for a call from an employee of the center. He will tell you when you need to come up to pick up the FIU certificate. The term for issuing SNILS is about 3 weeks.

If you apply for SNILS at a branch of the Pension Fund, you can significantly speed up the procedure for obtaining it. Usually, the application is completed by the PF employee, and the applicant only needs to present the original passport or other document proving his identity. The pension fund appoints a time and the child's parents receive a ready-made certificate in their hands. The issue of the number is carried out within a few days, but no later than 7 days from the date of the applicant's request.

It is impossible to get SNILS through public services, the application must be submitted only in person. On the site, you can only print the applicant's questionnaire and fill it out. The Pension Fund does not recommend the transfer of personal data to third parties, as they are confidential information and cannot be transferred online.

List of documents

To order SNILS for a child and receive it in a short time, you need to know exactly what papers will be needed for this . The following list of documents has been approved by law:

Foreign citizens

As a rule, not only a citizen of Russia, but also any foreign citizen who officially works on the territory of the Russian Federation can obtain a certificate. For such persons, the employer himself, who provides them with SNILS, is involved in the registration procedure. But if the management cannot solve this problem, you need to contact the Pension Fund at the place of temporary registration on your own. The list of required papers for persons who do not have Russian citizenship:

With these documents, you need to contact the Pension Fund, and to avoid long queues, you can make an appointment online.

Repair or replacement

If the certificate has been lost or damaged, you can easily restore the document by contacting the PF or the MFC. To do this, you need to perform several actions:

  • Write a statement about the loss or damage to the personal account and the issuance of its duplicate.
  • Submit documents for its restoration.

If parents want to restore the child's SNILS, they must have their birth certificate and the original of their passport with them. If the applicant applies to the PF, he will be issued a duplicate immediately. When restoring through the MFC, the terms may increase by several days. It is also possible to get SNILS via the Internet - this service is available on the official PF portal and the certificate is issued electronically. To obtain the form, you must personally contact the PF branch.

In the event of a change in personal data, you need to write an application for the cancellation of the current personal account and apply for updating information indicating the reason, for example, change of surname or marriage.

SNILS is necessary for every citizen of Russia. Without this certificate, it is impossible to receive benefits and apply for benefits, so parents need to apply on time and make a personal account number for their child as soon as they receive a birth certificate.

If earlier SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account) was necessary solely for the formation of pension rights and citizens encountered the need to obtain this certificate only when they were employed, now it may be required under a variety of circumstances, including for a child. If a person first gets a job, then the pension certificate can be made by the employer. In other cases, citizens are forced to deal with this issue on their own. The need to find out how to make SNILS can occur in a person at any age.

Anyone can register in the mandatory pension insurance system, regardless of age and citizenship. In modern society, SNILS is a very important document. With its help, you can see the formed pension rights, etc. In addition, SNILS is required when receiving various state and municipal services, including through the State Services portal. If for some reason you have not yet received an insurance pension certificate or want to get one for your child, then this review is for you. We will tell you step by step how to get SNILS for an individual or for a child.

  • Important
  • You can get an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the MFC at the place of registration (including temporary).

Where can I get SNILS

The issuance of a certificate of compulsory pension insurance is carried out by the pension fund of the Russian Federation. However, this does not mean that you can get the relevant document only by contacting the FIU. At the moment, there are several ways to get a laminated green card with the insurance number of an individual personal account. Which one is best for you depends on the specific circumstances. Our goal is to tell you about all available options.

You can get SNILS in the following ways:

  • Through the employer when applying for a job;
  • By contacting the pension fund of Russia at the place of residence;
  • In the nearest multifunctional center (MFC);
  • Through the registry office (if an agreement is signed with them).

Please note that we are talking about the initial receipt of the document. If you need, then the only solution will be a personal visit to the FIU branch. More about that, we wrote in a separate article. As for the procedure for obtaining an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, there are no difficulties here. You just need to decide where you will receive the certificate. Before you make SNILS at the MFC or PFR, you need to prepare the necessary documents. See below for what you need.

  • Important
  • When applying to the FIU, the insurance certificate is issued online. In case of contacting the MFC, SNILS is issued within 5 days.

What you need to get SNILS

When planning the issuance of an insurance certificate, you first need to find out. In principle, there should be no problems with the preparation of the necessary documents, since the list will be minimal.

To obtain SNILS, the following documents are required:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Questionnaire of the insured person;
  • An employment contract or an indefinite contract (for foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation for work).

It turns out that if an individual over the age of 14 needs to receive SNILS, then only a passport is required from the documents. If a child needs to receive an insurance certificate, then in addition to the passport of the mother or father, a birth certificate is additionally required. For stateless persons who are in the country, an employment contract is temporarily needed, confirming the fact of employment in Russia. Also, in all cases, you need to fill out the questionnaire of the insured person. You can download it from our website, fill it out in advance and go to the pension fund or MFC. If desired, this document can be filled out directly when visiting the FIU.

How to get SNILS at the MFC

Multifunctional centers (MFCs) act as intermediaries between citizens and government organizations. The MFC provides the population with many services, including obtaining an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. Most multifunctional centers have an agreement on interaction with the FIU, therefore, you can get SNILS at the MFC. First of all, you need to prepare the necessary documents. In principle, the list will be the same as when applying to a pension fund.

To obtain SNILS at the MFC, the following documents are required:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Birth certificate (for children under 14);
  • Questionnaire of the insured person.

You can fill out the questionnaire directly at the MFC with the help of a specialist. To avoid queues, we recommend that you pre-order. When visiting the multifunctional center, you must present your passport and fill out a questionnaire. It's also worth mentioning. If you contact the MFC, the insurance certificate will be issued within 5 days. If you apply immediately to the pension fund, then the issuance of SNILS will be made on the day of application. Similar terms were introduced recently, before the issuance of an insurance certificate had to wait a few days.

How to get SNILS for a child

There are quite a few circumstances under which a child may need an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, and sometimes such a need arises already in the first months of a baby’s life, for example, when issuing a certificate for maternity capital. The procedure for obtaining an insurance certificate from SNILS for a child is not much different from a similar procedure for an adult citizen. In the same way, you will have the opportunity to receive this document through a pension fund or a multifunctional center. Which option is more convenient for you, decide for yourself. Please note that in the pension fund SNILS is issued immediately, and in the MFC you will have to wait 5 days. If queues scare you, avoiding them will help.

The procedure for obtaining SNILS for a child:

  1. Contact the FIU or the MFC at the place of residence with your passport and birth certificate of the child;
  2. Fill in the questionnaire of the insured person;
  3. Pick up the finished insurance certificate (at the MFC in 5 days).

Everything is extremely simple and very fast. Persons from 14 years old can pick up SNILS on their own. Either parent can receive an insurance certificate for a child under 14 years of age. It is more reasonable in this case to immediately contact the pension fund, because in this case we will be able to pick up SNILS immediately.

Is it possible to get SNILS via the Internet

Modern man is accustomed to receiving all sorts of services via the Internet. Indeed, at the moment, any citizen can get access to a huge number of state and municipal services in electronic form. The unified website of public services has impressive functionality, so many users often ask us how to get SNILS through public services. Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. It is not possible to get SNILS via the Internet. If you have come across a similar offer somewhere on the net, then you should not follow it. If such an opportunity ever appears, then first of all on the portal of public services and the PFR website.

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Every citizen of our country must have several documents certifying basic or personal information about him. The absence of some of them is even considered a violation.

One of these most important documents is the insurance certificate of state pension insurance (the name in everyday life is simply SNILS).

What is SNILS

Full decoding of SNILS - "insurance number of an individual personal account."

For each citizen, SNILS is unique, since the number of his own personal account is assigned to him, on which, throughout his entire career, information is accumulated about how many pension contributions employers paid for him, information about the length of service and other information that will then be used to appointment and recalculation of pensions.

The presence of SNILS confirms that you are officially registered in the compulsory pension insurance system.

Often SNILS is called an insurance certificate of state pension insurance, which is a small green card with personal information indicated on it.

What is the purpose of SNILS

In Russia today there is a federal data exchange system that fully covers all government agencies located in different regions. In this system, it is SNILS that is used as an unambiguous and unique identifier of an individual. Its presence is required for:

  • registration on the portal "Gosuslugi":
  • receiving various state benefits;
  • official employment (see Work without a work book under an agreement or contract: pros and cons);
  • applying for various free services (medical care, education);
  • accrual and calculation of pension payments in the future (see How to earn a good pension - specific recommendations);
  • registration and receipt of the UEC (universal electronic card);
  • to reduce the package of required documents when applying for various services.

In what situations is it indispensable

As practice shows, this document is currently required very often. Without it, it is impossible to apply to any social or medical service. Require document and its copy:

  1. when receiving public services through the Internet portal. Without SNILS, you won’t even register there, let alone perform any actions;
  2. when applying to the NPF for insurance of the funded part of the labor pension;
  3. in medical institutions;
  4. in employment;
  5. at the Social Security Administration when requesting benefits or benefits.


The SNILS number cannot be replaced. When changing the surname, a new certificate is issued, where only the personal data of the owner has changed, and the number remains unchanged.

What data must SNILS contain without fail

In this document, in all cases, the personal data of the person, his gender, date and place of birth, as well as the number of the certificate and the date of registration in the insurance system are indicated.

Who should get it

How to get SNILS for an individual? Without fail, SNILS is issued to the following categories:

  • all citizens of Russia who are able-bodied;
  • children;
  • unemployed (see Grounds for receiving and the amount of unemployment benefits in Russia);
  • servicemen.

If for some reason the document is destroyed or lost, the person can get a new one, but with the same assigned number. SNILS does not have an expiration date as such, since it is issued for life.

Where to get SNILS for an individual

Where to get SNILS? Currently, the legislation provides for two ways to obtain

  • In the first case, a citizen should independently contact the regional department of the Pension Fund (it is determined by the place of registration and actual residence). Once there, you will need to fill out the form provided. After two weeks, you can pick up the finished certificate by presenting your general passport for this. What is needed to get SNILS for an adult in another way?
  • In the second case, the employer should deal with this issue. After an agreement or contract is drawn up, the employee should write a statement of a certain form and transfer it to the accountant of the organization. The employer must certify it independently and send it to the Pension Fund. The finished document can be received at the place of work after a month.

Where to get SNILS for a minor

In order to obtain such a certificate for a child, one of the parents needs to contact the PF department at the place of residence and submit an appropriate application. It must be accompanied by a birth certificate of a minor or a passport if the child is over 14 years old. Parent's passport is also required for presentation.

The Pension Fund of Russia recommends obtaining SNILS to all adult citizens who, for various reasons, do not yet have it. These are, as a rule, military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies without seniority in the "civilian" who will receive or are already receiving a pension through their department, as well as citizens who do not have insurance experience. For example, housewives.

To obtain SNILS, you must contact any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the MFC, if an agreement on cooperation has been concluded between the PFR and the MFC.

Military personnel who serve in garrisons remote from the locations of the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can also receive SNILS by contacting their military unit at the place of service.

Foreign citizens or stateless persons (with the exception of highly qualified specialists in accordance with the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation"), permanently or temporarily residing in Russia, receive SNILS personally in the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence (stay) or through your employer.

Upon receipt of a document confirming registration in the system of individual (personalized) accounting, it is necessary to carefully check the personal data contained in it. If errors are found, immediately inform the specialist who issued the document confirming registration to the registered person. If the document confirming the registration is issued by the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, corrections will also be made online. The situation when a registered person has a document confirming registration containing incorrect personal data can lead to problems in assigning a pension, paying SIT, MSC, paying SIT to NPF, as well as when the employer submits reports to both the FIU and the Federal Tax Service.

How long do SNILS

If a person applies directly to the pension fund, then he receives SNILS on the same day at the reception.

Upon receipt of the certificate through the MFC, the document will be ready within 5-10 working days. You will be notified when the certificate can be collected.

Through the employer, the certificate is made even longer - up to one month.

What is the validity period of SNILS and when do you need to change it

SNILS is valid for life. The insurance number is assigned to a person once and for all. The insurance certificate itself - the green card - can change.

If a person has changed his full name, gender, date or place of birth, he needs a new certificate. The insurance number of the individual personal account remains the same.

Documents for registration of SNILS

If you are receiving SNILS for the first time, then you will need:

  • the passport;
  • A completed application form.

With these documents, you must contact the FIU or MFC department (addresses are listed below).

By place of work

Muscovites can receive SNILS at the place of work, for this it is necessary, after concluding an employment contract, to fill out a questionnaire and transfer it to the employer. The employer submits the completed application form, a copy of the passport and the employment contract to the PFR department.

How to issue SNILS on the State Services portal

In order to register on the portal, the user must already have an assigned SNILS, so issuing this document through the State Services is not possible. Also, in accordance with federal law No. 27-F3, the submission of documents for registration of SNILS must take place in the presence of the insured person.

How to get SNILS at the MFC

Multifunctional centers (MFCs) act as intermediaries between citizens and government organizations. The MFC provides the population with many services, including obtaining an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. Most multifunctional centers have an agreement on interaction with the FIU, therefore, you can get SNILS at the MFC. First of all, you need to prepare the necessary documents. In principle, the list will be the same as when applying to a pension fund.

To obtain SNILS at the MFC, the following documents are required:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Birth certificate (for children under 14);
  • Questionnaire of the insured person.

You can fill out the questionnaire directly at the MFC with the help of a specialist. To avoid queues, we recommend that you pre-register at the MFC. When visiting the multifunctional center, you must present your passport and fill out a questionnaire. It is also worth saying how much SNILS is being done. If you contact the MFC, the insurance certificate will be issued within 5 days. If you apply immediately to the pension fund, then the issuance of SNILS will be made on the day of application. Similar deadlines were introduced recently, before the issuance of an insurance certificate had to wait a few days.

What you need to replace SNILS when changing your last name

First of all, you need to force out what documents are needed to obtain SNILS with a changed surname. Basically, you don't need anything special. The package of necessary documents and the application for the cancellation of the insurance certificate will be identical regardless of where exactly the SNILS will be replaced when changing the surname.

To replace SNILS, the following documents will be required:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Old SNILS;
  • Marriage certificate (if the surname was changed after marriage);
  • Application for cancellation of insurance certificate.

It is important that you have an old insurance certificate. If for some reason it is not there, for example, it was lost, then SNILS will have to be restored. In this case, another statement is written. The corresponding instructions are in a separate article. Here we will talk about how to change SNILS when changing a surname. As for filling out the application, this can be done when visiting the department or in advance. If you prefer the second option, then use the tips below.

Is it necessary to change

According to Russian laws, all personal data of a citizen of the Russian Federation must be displayed in his documents, which include a passport, medical insurance policy and SNILS. In this case, all information must be identical.

Therefore, when personal data changes, all of the above documents, including SNILS, also change. Violation of this law leads to administrative liability and fines.

In addition to administrative punishment, other problems may arise. So, the money contributed by the employer before the replacement of the insurance policy may not reach. Because the database of the Pension Fund is updated only after the replacement of the SNILS card, which means that up to this point there will be discrepancies in personal data.

Therefore, in order to avoid the loss of pension contributions, it is recommended to start processing a new SNILS before the next payment of your earnings.

Application for cancellation of insurance certificate

The personal data indicated on the compulsory pension insurance certificate must match the passport data. If your last name, first name or patronymic have been changed for one reason or another, you must replace SNILS. Rather, it will not be the insurance number of the individual personal account that will change, but the plastic card itself. In order to replace the insurance certificate, you must write an appropriate application. You can do this ahead of time to save time. Although, it is allowed to fill out an application at the MFC or the FIU.

The application for cancellation of the insurance certificate shall contain the following data:

  • Insurance number;
  • Full name indicated on the insurance certificate;
  • Current full name;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Citizenship;
  • Address of permanent residence;
  • Registration address;
  • Telephone;
  • Passport data.

In principle, no difficulties should arise when filling out the form. The application must be completed in block letters. You can download the form from our website. All you have to do is print and fill it out. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

How much time is done

As mentioned above, the procedure for replacing SNILS can be done in two ways: independently and through the employer. Depending on this, the timing of how long the replacement will take will also change.

The only thing to consider is that it is recommended to submit documents for the replacement of SNILS no later than 14 days after changing personal data.

  1. If you are engaged in registration on your own, then ten working days after the submission of documents, a new insurance certificate will be prepared for you. At the same time, all necessary changes will be made to the pension accounting database.
  2. If the replacement of SNILS was carried out by an employer who officially acts as an insurer of his employees, then the procedure will take longer. This is due to the fact that the time for submitting documents to the FIU and their subsequent receipt will slightly increase. The procedure for issuing a new certificate and making changes to the database over time will remain the same.

After receiving the document, you must immediately check its number - it must match the previous one.

Fees and fines

The SNILS replacement procedure is free of charge. And if you did not manage to submit documents to the Pension Fund within the first 14 days, you will not face any penalties.

The only problems that may arise will be related to the inconsistency of your personal data with those entered into the Pension Fund system.

Where can I replace SNILS after changing my last name

It should be understood that the insurance number of an individual personal account cannot be changed directly, because it is issued once and for all. Only the green card itself is subject to change, namely, the full name indicated on it. Most often, a change in SNILS is required when changing a surname after marriage. You can perform this procedure in several ways. We have listed all available options, you just need to choose the most convenient for you.

You can replace SNILS when changing your last name in the following ways:

  • Through the employer;
  • By contacting the pension fund of Russia at the place of residence;
  • In the nearest multifunctional center (MFC);
  • Through the registry office (if an agreement is signed with them).

If you are officially employed, the replacement of the insurance certificate can be entrusted to the employer. In other cases, you will have to deal with this issue yourself. You can choose absolutely any option, but we recommend that you contact the pension fund immediately. Why? The fact is that only in this case it seems possible to replace SNILS immediately. That is, you do not have to visit the FIU again.

Replacing SNILS when changing a surname through the MFC takes up to 5 days. This is because the multifunctional center is an intermediary and it takes time to interact with the FIU. If you are worried about queues, then registering in a pension fund via the Internet will help to avoid them. As for the SNILS replacement procedure itself, everything is extremely simple here. Take the documents given earlier and go to the FIU or the MFC. Then you submit documents, fill out an application and pick up a new insurance certificate. If the application is submitted to the MFC, then you have to wait five days.

Additional questions

Why Children Need Testimony

It is advisable to start obtaining a card for a child immediately after receiving a birth certificate.

This is due to the fact that:

  • Medical services will be provided to the baby in full only upon presentation together with the SNILS medical policy.
  • SNILS opens up access to receiving such social guarantees as free medicines, vouchers to sanatoriums, etc.
  • Upon admission to a kindergarten or school and further educational institutions, SNILS for a child allows you to apply for benefits for free meals, a camp and a number of other social privileges.
  • SNILS is an identifier on the public services portal, where you can queue for a kindergarten without leaving your home.

Why get SNILS for a newborn

It is better not to postpone the receipt of a document for a newborn by relatives for a long time.

SNILS will allow parents to issue and receive in a simplified form:

  • Services of medical institutions (clinics, hospitals) when servicing a newborn (according to a birth certificate for keeping a child after birth for a year)
  • Receive medicines prescribed by law free of charge (usually for children under three years of age);
  • Receive free, nutritious, age-appropriate meals;
  • Prepare the necessary certificates and documents for the baby;
  • Issue various benefits (birth, child, maternity capital, etc.).
  • Participate in the inheritance of a pension.

Where non-working citizens receive SNILS

The first thing you need to know is that if you are officially employed, then your employer should be involved in issuing a pension certificate. He is obliged to begin issuing a certificate no later than within two weeks after you have been hired.

If a citizen is unemployed, then SNILS must be issued independently or through legal representatives in the Pension Fund.

If a parent wants to issue SNILS for a child under the age of 14, then he can do it alone by contacting the territorial office of the Pension Fund. From the age of 14, the child must receive the certificate personally. Just as in the case of a working citizen, an educational organization can issue SNILS for a student child.

SNILS for foreigners

Citizens of other states or stateless persons usually draw up SNILS at the place of work immediately after the conclusion of an employment contract. However, if necessary (for example, in order to speed up the extradition process), they can apply to the FIU in person.

Documents required to obtain SNILS for a citizen of another state:

  • questionnaire filled out in Russian according to passport data;
  • an identity document (if the document is not filled out in Russian and does not contain a translation, it is necessary to issue a notarized translation into Russian).

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Compulsory pension insurance (OPS) involves accounting for each resident of Russia in this system.

After the registration procedure, a personal account is opened for a person and an insurance number of an individual personal account is assigned, in other words, SNILS.

SNILS is one of the elements of the mandatory pension insurance system (OPS). In this system, it is supposed to register every resident of Russia. After registration, a client account is opened for a person and an insurance number is assigned to this account, in other words, SNILS.

A unique number will be assigned to a person forever, and will not change under any circumstances: neither when changing personal data nor when changing personal data. SNILS belongs to only one specific person.

With the help, records are kept of all periods of labor activity and civil service of a person, as well as insurance contributions paid by the heads of organizations in which a person worked to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Subsequently, this information will be required to calculate and assign monthly pension payments.

Where and how to get SNILS for an individual

The SNILS certificate is a mandatory document that all residents of Russia, without exception, must have, including minor children.

The opinion that the child does not need SNILS yet, since it does not work, is actually erroneous. This document is used by various educational and medical institutions to recognize a person's identity. SNILS is a kind of guarantee of ensuring the social rights of minors in our country.

If the child does not yet have a passport, then the obligation to issue a document rests with the parents, guardians and trustees. When writing an application to the Pension Fund or the MFC, the legal representatives of the child will need to provide the employees with their passport and documents of the child.

If a young citizen is already 14 years old, then he himself can apply to the relevant organizations for issuing a SNILS certificate.

Military personnel serving in remote units can write an application to the personnel service of the military unit for registration of SNILS.

To become the owner of the coveted "green card" you need to personally or with the help of legal representatives, apply with an application either to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of Russia, or to the Multifunctional Center (MFC). It is recommended to apply to the relevant organizations at the place of registration (including temporary) or at the address of actual residence. Through the employer, you can apply for and receive SNILS only when applying for the first job.

  1. Through the Pension Fund.

A person personally applies to the PFR department and writes down information about himself in the questionnaire of the insured person, which is also an application for obtaining SNILS. In this case, the registration of the applicant in the pension insurance system and the subsequent receipt of the insurance certificate takes place online.

You must take your passport (or a document that replaces it) with you. After 2 weeks it will be possible to pick up the finished insurance certificate.

  1. Through the Multifunctional Center.

To receive SNILS through the MFC, you will also need to enter your data in a formalized application form and present a passport (or other identity card).

At the MFC, the registration procedure takes about 5 days, but the period may increase by a couple of days, which will be required to transfer documents from one department to another.

  1. When applying for a job.

SNILS belongs to only one person

You can apply for SNILS through an employer after an employment contract (contract) is signed. The employee fills out the appropriate application form for registration of SNILS and gives it to the personnel department. The employer certifies the questionnaire and then, within the time limits established by law, sends the documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where, according to the submitted application, a personal pension account is opened and a certificate is made.

The employee does not need to come to the Pension Fund for documents, since the employer will issue him a “green card”. Having received the coveted document, the employee signs the statement, which the employees of the organization will then transfer to the Pension Fund in confirmation of the fact of personal receipt of SNILS.

There are strict deadlines for issuing the SNILS certificate. The employer must, within two weeks, transfer the duly certified documents to the FIU, about those weeks it takes the production of the certificate itself, and the employer will have another week to hand over the SNILS to the person. As a result, a person will receive SNILS only after a month and a half.

The time for obtaining a document may increase if there are long public holidays at this time or if a person lives in a remote village.

Various commercial organizations also offer registration of SNILS, but they only play the role of intermediaries, transferring documents to the FIU. The function of assigning and issuing original personal account numbers is assigned exclusively to the Pension Fund.

Is it possible to get SNILS via the Internet?

Information posted on various Internet resources, including on the official website of the Pension Fund, clearly makes it clear that it is impossible to issue SNILS via the Internet, that is, remotely.

This is due to the fact that the data about a person entered into the system (such as the indication of a personal account) are not subject to disclosure, since they do not refer to public information and can be transferred personally to the applicant, and can be stored exclusively in the Pension Fund.

This rule is fixed in the Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. 27 “On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the System of Compulsory Pension Insurance in Russia”.

The pension account number is strictly confidential information, and you can get it only by submitting a personal application; it is impossible to order such a service via the Internet.

However, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia plans in the near future to develop the filing of an application remotely through the Internet portal of the State Services.

How to get SNILS for an individual without registration

Retirement account number

When applying for SNILS, a mandatory procedure is to fill out an application form, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 14, 2009 No. 987N. In one of the items of the questionnaire, you need to enter the address of the person’s permanent place of residence, specifying the place of registration and the place of actual residence.

But, the law on compulsory pension insurance states that it is possible to register a client in the OPS system without registration data. In this case, only information about the permanent place of residence is important, which will be indicated in the user's personal personal account.

He will assign an individual insurance number to a citizen, regardless of whether he has a permanent (temporary) residence permit or not. If a person does not have a permanent registration, then documents will be issued to him under temporary registration. He can also indicate the address of actual residence in the questionnaire. The procedure for issuing the document will not change.

The documents of the Pension Fund do not record the registration of a person, and registration is not one of the mandatory elements when issuing an insurance certificate. A person without registration does not have the right to refuse to receive SNILS.

Usually, when applying for SNILS, a passport is presented. But the law does not prohibit issuing SNILS on any other identity document, but not having a registration mark. The law provides for several types of documents proving the identity of a person, which can also be presented when applying for SNILS.

Along with the passport, you can submit other documents with similar legal force:

  • military ID;
  • identity card (temporary);
  • resident card;
  • international passport;
  • certificate confirming refugee status;
  • certificate of release from prison.

How to restore SNILS

Often situations arise when documents are lost or, due to circumstances, become unusable. In such cases, the territorial branch of the Pension Fund or the MFC is responsible for restoring the insurance certificate.

A working person will have two ways to restore: through the personnel service of the organization where he works or on his own.

  1. To restore the document through the employer, you need to fill out a special application and, attaching a copy of your passport, give it to the personnel officers. All documents will be sent to the Pension Fund by the personnel department. The employee will receive a finished duplicate of the lost document in the personnel department against signature. But if the document was lost before getting a job, then the employer will not be able to restore it, since the organization’s database does not have the necessary information.
  2. You can personally come to the Pension Fund or the MFC with a statement about the restoration of the lost document.

Do not delay filing an application for a duplicate insurance certificate. The restoration of the document must be declared within a month from the date of discovery of the loss. A new document is made within 14 business days.

A person registered in the OPS system and having an appropriate certificate has significantly expanded opportunities in many areas of public life. The SNILS certificate makes it easier to apply to various institutions.

Video about the purpose of the insurance certificate:

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Deciphering the abbreviation SNILS - Insurance number of an individual personal account.

The document itself, which looks like a green card with the number and name of the owner, is called the State Pension Insurance Certificate.

You will learn about what SNILS is and why you need it, how to get it in Moscow in 2019 in this article.

What is SNILS and why is it needed

More recently, obtaining SNILS was required only for working people about whom the employer transferred information to the Pension Fund - this was necessary for calculating contributions to the Pension Fund. With the introduction of new information technologies, the functions of the green card are expanding very quickly.

Today, the number of an individual personal account of pension insurance has become a link in the information exchange of different departments. For example, this number is used for identification on the Public Services Portal.

In the future, the role of SNILS as a universal identifier to which citizens' personal data is linked will only increase. It is likely that soon the insurance number of a personal account, becoming an identifier of a citizen's electronic card, will be able to replace many existing documents, such as a passport, TIN, and will allow you to receive services in medical and social security systems.

Now without a "green card" it is impossible to officially get a job, to receive many state or municipal social services and benefits.

Why does a child need SNILS

"Green Card" - a certificate of state pension insurance, the child will need when receiving various services:

  • to receive sanatorium-resort treatment and free travel to the sanatorium
  • for various grants
  • when receiving preferential medicines, special food for children with disabilities
  • after the child grows up and wants to earn extra money during the holidays, he will again need SNILS

Why SNILS for a foreign citizen

The answer is very simple - for the same reason why a Russian. Without SNILS it is impossible to get free medical care and other social services. Contributions to the pension fund made by the employer will allow you to apply for a pension in the future.

How to get SNILS - "green card" insurance certificate

Children under 14

To obtain SNILS for a child, one of the parents with a passport and birth certificate must apply to the Pension Fund of Russia or the MFC at the place of residence. There you need to fill out a questionnaire, and in two weeks the insurance certificate will be ready.

Children who are already 14 years old can get a document on their own with their passport.


There are two main options:

  1. At the employer. When registering an employee, the employer sends his data to the territorial body of the PFR. Within three weeks, the Insurance Certificate is handed over to the employer, who issues it to the employee.
  2. On one's own. In the Pension Fund of Russia or in the My Documents centers at the place of residence. You must show your passport and fill out a form. Registration of the insurance certificate will take three weeks.

You can find the nearest center of public services "My Documents" on the Internet at: mos.ru/pgu/ru/md/

For foreign citizens

The procedure for obtaining an insurance certificate for foreign citizens is no different from the procedure for obtaining it for Russian citizens. In the same way, you can apply for a receipt through your employer or directly at the territorial branch of the pension fund.

Obtaining an insurance certificate card, like many other government services, is absolutely free. Foreign citizens may require a notarized translation of their passport, which will have to be paid for.

How to get a duplicate in case of loss

The sequence of actions is no different from that as if you were receiving an insurance certificate for the first time.

You need to contact your employer or directly to the PFR authority (MFC at the place of residence), and in a month you will receive a new card with the old number.

You will also have to get a new card if you changed your last name or first name. In all other cases, replacement is not required, the document has no restrictions on the period of use.

How to find out SNILS via the Internet online

If you have not received an insurance certificate, then you will not be able to find out the number via the Internet online using your passport, last name, TIN or in another way without contacting your employer or the PFR authority.

The website of the Pension Fund explains why you can’t just find out the number - everything is explained by the confidentiality of personal information.

If you have already been registered on the public services website gosuslugi.ru (which is simply impossible to do without an insurance certificate with a number), it will be very easy to find out SNILS online - just use the service in the section "Pension, benefits and benefits" - "Obtaining information about the status of an individual personal account".

As a rule, military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies who already receive or will only receive a pension through their department, as well as citizens who do not have insurance experience, for example, housewives, do not have it.

Military personnel can receive a "green card" through their military unit. Housewives - through the MFC or a branch of the Pension Fund. Foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in the territory of Russia, as well as stateless persons (excluding highly qualified specialists in accordance with the federal law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"), can obtain an insurance certificate from SNILS through your employer or in person at the territorial office of the PFR at the place of stay.

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