
Samsung Galaxy S9 vs S8 comparison, what's the difference? (Camera comparison). Comparison of Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S8: an upgrade for photo fans New calculation and graphics systems

In 2015, 36 new projects entered the market of new buildings in Moscow between the TTK and the Moscow Ring Road, where a total of 100 buildings were opened. Another 28 buildings were put up for sale in 10 projects, the implementation of which began in previous years. A new trend in 2015 in the apartment market was the conversion of three projects with apartments into housing, which made it possible to additionally replenish the already growing supply volumes. For more information on the most significant projects and a complete list of all residential complexes that went on sale in 2015, see the article "".

The number of new buildings of different classes, launched in 2015, pcs.
Moscow from TTK to MKAD

Dynamics of supply volumes

In 2015, the business class accounted for 23% of new housing, while the economy and comfort class accounted for 77%. This is evidenced by the monitoring data of the market of new buildings in Moscow from the Third Transport Ring to the Moscow Ring Road, which is regularly carried out by specialists "".

The number of new buildings of different classes on sale in 2014-2015, pcs.
Moscow from TTK to MKAD

Due to this, in 2015 we observed a dynamic increase in the supply of primary housing in the segments of economy and comfort: the total number of new buildings doubled (from 69 to 139), the volume of supply in meters - 2.3 times (from 377,000 to 876,300 sq. m.), and the total number of apartments for sale increased 2.6 times (from 5,700 to 14,900). This resulted in a decrease in the share of business class in the total supply over the past year: from 47% to 24% in terms of the total area of ​​housing for sale and from 36% to 15% in terms of the number of apartments being sold.

Number of apartments of different classes on sale in 2014-2015, pcs.
Moscow from TTK to MKAD

In total, by the end of 2015, the number of new buildings on sale and the volume of supply in meters in the metropolitan areas between the Third Ring Road and the Moscow Ring Road increased by about 1.6 times, and the number of apartments for sale almost doubled.

The volume of supply of new buildings of different classes in 2014-2015, sq. m
Moscow from TTK to MKAD

Demand dynamics

The main increase in absorption volumes in Moscow from the Third Transport Ring to the Moscow Ring Road took place in the comfort class. In 2015, compared to 2014, the total number of transactions here increased by 90%, and the total area of ​​apartments sold - by 78%. Economy class also showed positive dynamics at the end of the year: by 18% in the number of transactions and by 15% in square meters. The total absorption in the segment of affordable housing - new buildings of economy and comfort class - increased by 38% in the number of transactions and by 35% in square meters. In business class, total sales volumes in 2015 decreased compared to 2014: by 27% in the number of transactions and by 30% in square meters.

Total absorption in different classes in 2014-2015, sq. m
Moscow from TTK to MKAD

“The main factors that contributed to the growth in the number of transactions in the primary housing market in Moscow from the Third Transport Ring to the Moscow Ring Road were the following. Firstly, a sharp increase in the volume of supply in the segment of affordable housing: by about 2.5 times compared to 2014.Second, a decrease in the transaction price in new buildings in the capital: in 2015, the minimum cost of apartments in Moscow fell to 3.0 RUB million In 2014, for this money it was possible to purchase housing only in the Moscow region, and not in the nearest one. Third, the state program for subsidizing mortgages when buying a home in a new building. These factors contributed to the shift in demand from the secondary market to the primary housing market, as well as from the districts of Moscow and Moscow region cities outside the Moscow Ring Road to the metropolitan districts within the Moscow Ring Road. Due to a sharp increase in the number of projects, the total number of transactions from the Third Transport Ring to the Moscow Ring Road increased, although in the context of individual objects there was a drop in sales compared to 2014, "says Tatyana Kalyuzhnova, head of" ".

“An important role in boosting demand was also played by the devaluation of the ruble, characteristic of the second half of the year, and New Year's discounts, which were announced by many developers since November and reached 16%, and even up to 25% for individual pools of apartments. As a result, the largest jump in absorption volumes in 2015 was recorded in the 4th quarter - by about 1.5 times compared to the 3rd quarter. During this period, the number of transactions increased in all segments: by 12% in business class and by 64% in economy and comfort classes. It is impossible not to note the reason for the psychological nature. In the capital, within the boundaries of the Moscow Ring Road, there has not been such a low level of prices for new housing for a long time. The current instability does not instill confidence in the future, and therefore people for whom periodically recurring economic disasters and an almost constant rise in prices over the past 15 years have become a habit, are in a hurry to purchase significantly cheaper apartments in new buildings, because they are afraid that soon such prices will already will not be, ”the expert continues.

In 2015, the trend towards a shift in demand in favor of affordable housing continued. If in 2014 the total share of economy and comfort class in the total absorption volume was 60%, then in 2015 it increased to 75%. The share of the business class dropped from 40% to 25%, respectively. The gap is even wider in the number of deals. The total share of transactions in the economy and comfort segments increased from 72% to 83%, and in the business class fell from 28% to 17%.

In 2015, the bulk of transactions, as in 2014, were in the economy class: 43% of the total area of ​​housing sold and 51% of the total number of apartments sold. The reallocation took place in the business and comfort segments. In fact, the demand from new business-class buildings has partially shifted to comfort: in 2014, the share of comfort-class was approximately 20% in the total absorption volume, and in 2015 it increased to 32%.

Price dynamics

In 2015, the average cost per meter in new buildings in Moscow from the Third Transport Ring to the Moscow Ring Road decreased by 11.4%. At the end of the year, it amounted to 196,000 rubles. against 221 300 rubles. at the end of 2014, the main role in this was played by an almost twofold increase in the supply of affordable housing. Within each segment, the price dynamics were more moderate. In the economy class, the average cost per meter decreased by 3.5%, in the comfort class - 6%, and in the business class the average price level even increased - by 4.9%.

Average cost per meter in different classes, rubles
Moscow from TTK to MKAD

The negative dynamics of prices in the economy and comfort class is due to the constant replenishment of supply with new housing projects at the early stages of implementation at starting prices. The increase in the average cost per meter in business class is largely due to the change in the structure of the offer.

At the end of 2015, an apartment in a new building in Moscow from the Third Transport Ring to the Moscow Ring Road could, on average, be purchased for 12.9 million rubles, which is 26.6% cheaper than a year earlier, and 30.5% cheaper than at the beginning of 2014 d. A stronger decline in apartment prices in comparison with the correction of the cost per square meter is associated with a decrease in the average area of ​​housing in the economy class, the share of which prevails on the market of new buildings.

Average cost per meter and apartment
Moscow from TTK to MKAD

For more details on the quarterly dynamics of prices in different classes of new buildings in Moscow from the Third Ring Road to the Moscow Ring Road and the reasons that influenced it, read the articles "", "", "", "".

Forecast for the market of new buildings in 2016

At the end of 2015, the volume of supply of new buildings in Moscow between the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road exceeded 1 million square meters. m. Taking into account the prevailing rates of sales of primary housing over the past year, this volume will be enough for about 2-2.5 years. If we take into account that usually developers put up for sale only a part of apartments in a building at a time, free housing in new buildings on the market may be enough, according to our estimate, for about 2.5-3 years.

In the first half of 2016, the trend towards an increase in supply volumes will continue. Developers will continue to bring new buildings to the market in large projects already under construction, including large-scale projects for the reconstruction of industrial zones, so as not to fix losses and not violate obligations to the city on the timing of construction completion. Also, the market will be replenished with point residential properties, which have good prospects for implementation even in the current difficult conditions. A decrease in the volume of new supply is expected towards the end of 2016.

In turn, effective demand has prerequisites for a decrease. First, economic forecasts are disappointing; in 2016, household incomes will continue to decline, while the share of consumption expenditures will grow. Secondly, people will gradually spend the savings made in 2010-2013, when the economy was developing and the standard of living of the population was growing. Thirdly, citizens interested in solving the housing issue will begin to get used to the new price level in new buildings and will stop rushing to buy housing in the early stages of construction. According to our estimates, these factors can reduce demand by about 10-15%, i.e. to the level of 2014 or slightly lower. Subject to the emergence of additional factors that negatively affect demand, for example, in the event of the termination of the program for subsidizing mortgage rates by the state, the drop in demand may amount to 25-30%.

By the end of 2016, the gap between supply and absorption is likely to grow even more, and the volume of vacant housing in new buildings in Moscow between the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road may accumulate for 3.5-4 years of demand.

“Due to the growing supply in the capital from the TTK and the Moscow Ring Road, the trend towards an increase in the share of affordable housing will continue. According to our forecasts, most of the new buildings, sales of which will open in 2016, will be in the economy and comfort segments. The share of business-class housing may fall to 10-15% of the total supply, and the average price level in Moscow new buildings between the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road may drop to about 180,000 rubles / sq. m ", - sums up Tatyana Kalyuzhnova, head of" ".

Note: the scope of supply does not include apartments in residential complexes , , , « », « », « », « », « », « » , « », « », « » , « » , « » , « », "Legacy", "", "", "", "" Due to the lack of accurate data on these objects.

New projects and buildings that entered the market in 2015

Number on the card LCD name Total area of ​​apartments,
sq. m *
1 36 650 FSK Leader
2 23 000 Krost
3 64 900 TektaGroup
4 (apartments) 40 000 MR Group
5 86 600 Grad Invest
6 95 700 GC Terra Auri
7 6 700 Mangazeya development
8 71 000 GC Pioneer
9 55 300 GK PIK
10 6 800 Zheldoripoteka CJSC
11 4 700 Pilot Babushkina LLC
12 5 000 OOO Emerald
13 (Freedom, Dignity) 54 000 DonStroy
14 15 700 Zheldoripoteka CJSC
15 51 300 Morton
16 12 000 Interflora
17 58 300 GC Etalon
18 16 400 MR Group
19 39 050 PSN Group

According to the operational data of the Branch of SO UES, JSC Regional Dispatch Office of the Moscow and Moscow Region Power System (Moscow Regional Dispatch Office), electricity consumption in the regional power system in February 2016 amounted to 9,183.5 million kWh, which is 1.9% higher consumption in February 2015.

The increase in electricity consumption in February this year is mainly due to an extra day in a leap year.

Power plants of the power system of Moscow and the Moscow Region in February 2016 generated 6,363.3 million kWh, which is 5.5% less than the same period in 2015.

Electricity consumption in the energy system of Moscow and the Moscow Region in January - February 2016 amounted to 19,538.8 million kWh, which is 3.3% higher than the same period in 2015.

Electricity generation by the energy system of Moscow and the Moscow Region in January - February 2016 amounted to 13,793.3 million kWh, which is 1.9% less than the same period in 2015.

The deficit of generated electricity on the territory of the power system of Moscow and the Moscow Region was covered by the flow of electricity through inter-system power transmission lines from adjacent power systems. The total balance flow to the power system of Moscow and the Moscow Region in February 2016 amounted to 2,820.1 million kWh, in January - February 2016, this figure was 5,745.5 million kWh. In February 2015 and January - February 2015, the same indicator amounted to 2,276.0 million kWh and 4,858.1 million kWh, respectively.

Electricity consumption in IES Center in February 2016 increased by 0.8% compared to the same month last year

According to the operational data of the Branch of SO UES OJSC, the United Dispatch Management of the Center's Power Systems (UES of the Center), electricity consumption in the Unified Power System (UES) of the Center in February 2016 amounted to 20,370.1 million kWh, which is 169.2 million kWh more than in February last year.

The total volumes of electricity consumption and generation in the IES of the Center are made up of the indicators of the energy systems of the Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovsk, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow and Moscow regions, Oryol, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions.

Electricity generation in February 2016 amounted to 20131.7 million kWh, which is 5.6% less than in February 2015. The difference between generation and consumption in the IES of the Center was compensated for by power flows with adjacent power interconnections in the South, Middle Volga, Urals and North-West, as well as by the export of electricity to Belarus and Ukraine.

Thermal power plants (TPPs) in February 2016 generated 12,141.8 million kWh (60.3% in the structure of the IES of the Center), hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) - 275.6 million kWh (1.4% in the structure of the IES Center), nuclear power plants (NPP) - 7714.4 million kWh (38.3% in the structure of the IES Center output). Compared to February last year, the generation of TPPs decreased by 3.5%, the generation of hydroelectric power plants increased by 24.2%, and the generation of nuclear power plants decreased by 9.4%.

An increase in consumption in February 2016 compared to the same month last year was recorded in the power systems of the Belgorod region by 0.5%, the Kostroma region by 0.2%, Moscow and the Moscow region by 1.9%, the Oryol region by 1.1%, Lipetsk region by 0.5%, Ryazan region by 2.1%, Tambov region by 0.5%, Tula region by 0.8%, Yaroslavl region by 2%.

A decrease in consumption in February 2016 compared to the same month last year was recorded in the energy systems of the Bryansk region by 2.4%, the Vologda region by 0.4%, the Voronezh region by 0.3%, the Ivanovo region by 1.1%, the Kaluga region by 0.4%, the Kursk region by 3.3%, the Smolensk region by 1.3%.

For two months of 2016, electricity consumption in the IES of the Center amounted to 43,186.2 million kWh, which is 1.6% higher than the level of consumption in the same period last year.

In January-February 2016, an increase in electricity consumption was recorded in the power systems of the Vladimir region by 1.1%, the Vologda region by 0.4%, the Voronezh region by 0.2%, the Kostroma region by 0.3%, Moscow and Moscow region by 3.3%, Oryol region by 0.8%, Ryazan region by 2%, Tambov region by 0.4%, Tula region by 1.2%, Tver region by 2.9%, Yaroslavl region by 2 ,nine%. A decrease in electricity consumption for two months of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015 was noted in the energy system of the Belgorod region by 0.1%, the Bryansk region by 1.9%, the Kaluga region by 0.8%, the Ivanovo region by 0.4%, the Kursk region by 3.6%, Lipetsk region by 0.3%, Smolensk region by 2.6%.

Power plants of IES Center for the period from January to February 2016 generated 42,570.2 million kWh, which is 5.3% less than in the same period in 2015. The generation of TPPs during this period amounted to 26,106.3 million kWh (61.3% in the structure of the IES Center's generation), which is 1% less than the generation of TPPs in the period from January to February 2015. The generation of HPPs during this period amounted to 556.2 million kWh (1.3% in the structure of the IES Center's output), which is 21.8% more than the output of HPPs in the period from January to February 2015. The NPP output during this period amounted to 15,907.7 million kWh (37.4% in the structure of the IES Center output), which is 12.3% less than the NPP output in the period from January to February 2015.

Samsung's Galaxy Note line is arguably one of the most compelling in the world, offering a product that no doubt meets the needs of users. Given how the Note 8 had to overcome the "aftertaste" left by its predecessor, some probably expected the Note 9 to be an even more revolutionary proposition. If you are thinking of "upgrading" to a newer model, read this article to see if it is worth doing.


Looking at the two phones in question, it is very difficult to tell the difference between the new and the old model. This is because the same design language is featured here. For example, the Note 9 uses many of the design tricks we saw earlier in the Note 8. For example, its glass and metal construction, double curved edges and an Infinity display.

Putting the smartphones side by side, we see that many of the buttons, ports and their placement remain unchanged. However, it's worth noting that Samsung has finally moved the under-camera fingerprint scanner on its Note 9.

It is clear that the design has not changed fundamentally. This is supported by the fact that both smartphones are equipped with IP68 waterproof designs, heart rate sensors, and yes, the same 3.5 mm headphone jacks remain.

But some design changes did take place. In the Note 9, design aspects are focused on the S Pen. It is now equipped with Bluetooth LE. This allowed more functionality to be added, such as the ability to use it to remotely control a camera or media playback.


Again, it's almost impossible to immediately glimpse any striking differences between these displays. Last year's Note 8 has a 6.3-inch 2960x1440 Super AMOLED panel, while the Note 9 gets a 6.4-inch increase in size.

It still has the same Quad HD + resolution as its predecessor, as well as Super AMOLED technology, so the difference is almost imperceptible. Looking at smartphones at a glance, they both seem delightful given their pointed corners, vibrant colors, and exceptional viewing angles. These qualities are more than enough to keep the Note 9's display attractive, so Samsung’s decision is a testament to last year’s model being well-liked and should not be heavily modified.


Unsurprisingly, the Note line has always focused on performance - a trend that has continued in the Note 9. At first glance, the interface here, which runs Android 8.1 Oreo, is no different from what we see in the Note 8.

However, the Note 9 adds new features that make it cooler when it comes to performance. For starters, you no longer need a DeX Pad to create your desktop as it can now be accessed via a USB Type-C HDMI adapter. Secondly, manufacturers have improved their AR emulation by offering new background options and making it more realistic. And finally, there is a photo mode that lets you use the S Pen to take photos remotely.

Speaking of the S Pen, we've already mentioned how it now features Bluetooth LE, allowing it to act as a presentation tool. In PowerPoint, you can use it to flip or return to the previous slide. The same function is applied in other functions, for example, in the photo gallery, where you can also flip images forward or backward. While these features may seem minor, they can make using your smartphone even more comfortable.


The Note 9 uses the latest processors, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 for US devices, and the Exynos 9810 for other markets. This is naturally a significant upgrade over the components of the Note 8, which is powered by the Snapdragon 835. However, for gamers, the Note 9 has a completely new cooling system to better dissipate heat and increase performance while gaming.

In addition, Samsung continues to generously equip the flagship with 6GB of RAM. This is the same indicator as that of its predecessor. But the base storage has been bumped up to 128GB, which is double the amount. In addition to this, there is a version with 8 GB of RAM and 512 GB of regular storage. And yes, the Note 9 also has a microSD expansion slot.


Samsung's flagship has a distinct imaging ability. Improving the implementation of its dual-camera predecessor, the Note 9 offers its users a variable aperture. The dual main camera this year is 12-megapixel sensors with f1.5 / f2.4 aperture. The main difference between the Note 9 is that the variable aperture gives better results in low light and sharpness in the daytime. But this still needs to be verified.

On the software side, it is good news that Samsung is not trying to use the trendy AI components that rival manufacturers are vying to place in their smartphones. Instead, the Note 9 has a smart camera that detects the exact subject you're shooting and applies Scene Optimizer to enhance your shot. He will also find that the frame is blurry or someone blinked while shooting. It is mentioned that HDR and live focus have been improved.

Unfortunately, very little was mentioned about the video.


If you take a close look at the ends of both phones, you can see that the Note 9 is slightly thicker. This is because Samsung has added a significantly larger 4,000mAh battery to the Note 9, which is a welcome upgrade from the 3,300mAh battery in the Note 8.

For optimization purposes using the new chipset and software, the Note 9 has some "longevity" prospects on a single charge. There is a charger for wireless communication with the Note 9, so nothing has changed in this area.


When it launched last year, the Note 8 was priced between $ 930 and $ 960, so we shouldn't be surprised if the Note 9 comes close to the same range. For those thinking of an upgrade, this is a really tough decision.

From what it has gathered so far, the most notable additions are centered around the new S Pen Note 9 features, higher-capacity batteries, double the base internal storage and its ability to create a full desktop using only a standard USB Type-C to HDMI adapter.

At the same time, the Note 8 can still give a good fight to its new competitor that it is still quite productive in all areas. Going back to what we mentioned earlier, the Note 9 is an iterative successor - it has all the upgraded hardware, but there is nothing supernatural to make it very different.

Based on materials from Phone Arena

Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Samsung Galaxy S8, what's the difference?

Only two months have passed since the beginning of the year, and we have already been announced the release of one of the most anticipated phones of 2018, namely the Samsung Galaxy S9. The novelty will surely face a lot of competition, including with its predecessor - the Samsung Galaxy S8.

These two phones are somewhat similar, but somewhat different. So what makes the new S9 different from its sibling? And does the difference justify the higher price? We will compare these two phones in many ways so that you can form your opinion about which one is better.

Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Samsung Galaxy S8: Design

Samsung hasn't changed the design of the Samsung Galaxy S9 much: just like the Galaxy S8, you get a metal frame and curved glass panels on the front and back. Both phones are IP68 certified, which is dust and water resistant, which means you can submerge them up to 1.5 meters for 30 minutes. And yes, both phones also have a 3.5mm headphone port.

However, there are some differences as well. In relation to the camera, the fingerprint scanner has been moved, on the S8 it is to the right of the camera, and on the S9 it is now under the camera. The Galaxy S9 has a slightly thinner bezel above and below the screen, which has led to the fact that the phone has become smaller in length, it used to be 148.9 mm, and now it is 147.7 mm.

It is noteworthy that the rest of the dimensions of the Samsung Galaxy S9 are slightly larger than their predecessor: 68.7 × 8.5 (mm) compared to 68.1 × 8 (mm) in the S8. The S9 also weighs slightly more than the previous version at 163 grams, while the S8 weighs 155 grams.

There are now fewer color options for the Galaxy S9 as it only comes out in Midnight Black, Coral Blue, and Lilac Purple, while the Galaxy S8 had the following Midnight Black color palette. ), Orchid Gray, Arctic Silver, Coral Blue, Maple Gold, Rose Pink, and Burgundy Red (although not all shades are available in all regions).

Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Samsung Galaxy S8: Display

Now let's look at the characteristics of the display. The Samsung Galaxy S9, like the Samsung Galaxy S8, has a 5.8-inch curved QHD + Super AMOLED display with an 18.5: 9 aspect ratio, so there doesn't seem to be much to choose from, if only because the S8 display has already established itself well, so it is understandable that little has changed.

The Galaxy S9 has a smaller bezel, as mentioned above, and has some display-related software features such as the ability to view the entire interface in landscape orientation.

Galaxy S9 and S8 Specs: What New Features Have Been Added?

The S9 has a lot of new features, but it also has a lot of the same. Whether you choose the regular 5.8 "diagonal or the Plus - 6.2", the size and resolution in Quad-HD + format will be the same as the previous device.

The volumes of the batteries have not changed either, so we shouldn't expect the charging to last longer. The power supply standard remains the same - Qi and we have not yet received confirmation on whether the charging speed has been changed.

Probably the most predictable upgrade is the chip swap, with the S9 and S9 Plus getting the improved Snapdragon 835 / Exynos 8895 chip in the latest versions. If you live in Europe, you will get the Exynos 9810 and the US residents will get the Snapdragon 845.

Why are the new chips better? They have faster boot speeds, superior CPU and GPU performance, and improved efficiency. The RAM on the regular S9 remains at 4GB like the S8, while the S9 Plus gets 6GB of RAM. External storage remains at 64GB, although it can now be upgraded to 256GB for the S9 and S9 +.

Among the big changes are the improved speakers, which now feed sound directly at you, rather than in the palm of your hand. These new speakers are manufactured by Austrian audio electronics manufacturer AKG and support Dolby Atmos for 360-degree sound. You will notice that the sound from the speakers is not only louder, but also clearer.

Another big change and the main thing about the S9 is the camera. The 12MP sensor now has a smart aperture shift that will move between f / 2.4 and f / 1.5 depending on environmental conditions. When the sun is shining outside, the camera will use an f / 2.4 aperture, and a wider aperture, f / 1.5, when it gets dark or you are indoors.

Thus, you will get great photos, regardless of whether it is light outside or twilight, the smartphone camera will take into account all these conditions.

The S8 had a 12MP sensor, but the aperture was fixed at f / 1.7, 4K video can now be shot at 60fps instead of just 30fps, and slow motion can be up to 960fps in a very short period of time. Like the S8, the S9 can also shoot at 120fps and 240fps in 1080p quality.

Galaxy S9 vs Galaxy S8: Emoji - Augmented Reality

There aren't many other significant technical differences between the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S8, but the new phone introduces a truly new feature that Samsung is trying to replicate after Apple's Animoji.

Augmented Reality Emojis are emojis that the Galaxy S9 generates by scanning your face with the front camera. These can be animated clips or even short videos based on your facial expression.

Thanks to the Snapdragon 845, the Galaxy S9 is equipped with Qualcomm's new X20 wireless modem. This modem is one step ahead of the X16 modem in Snapdragon 835, which supports 5 × 20 LTE Category 18 carrier aggregation and download speeds up to 1.2 Gbps (which North American carriers do not yet support).

This is not a huge leap forward from the 4 × 20, LTE category 16 X16 modem, but it is faster and more reliable.

Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Samsung Galaxy S8: camera and battery

The camera is the biggest difference between the two phones, and Samsung has focused all its efforts on the Galaxy S9.

The smartphone has a single 12-megapixel lens on the back, but boasts a variable aperture, meaning the aperture can vary between f / 2.4, which is ideal for daylight photography, and f / 1.5, which is intended for low-light photography.

This variable aperture allows you to take pictures without problems in any conditions and there will be less noise in the photos. This is the highest aperture ever in a smartphone.

In fact, it delivers 30% less noise than the 12MP camera on the Galaxy S8, which has a fixed f / 1.7 aperture. The S9's signal processor is also supposedly four times faster than the S8.

The Galaxy S9 has better slow-motion shots than the S8. The fact is that the S9 can shoot up to 960 frames per second, which allows video to be slowed down four times compared to the camera in the Galaxy S8.

Also, users are offered more shooting modes, for example, you can select the automatic slow-motion recording mode when the movement hits the focus point.

And when you're done shooting, you can add a soundtrack or convert the video to GIF easily.

The Galaxy S9's camera also lets you create your own emoji to reflect your facial expressions, and Bixby mode on will tell you how many calories are in the food you're looking at, or translate the text live.

As stated above, the Samsung Galaxy S8 also has an impressive camera. Both phones support optical image stabilization. As for the front cameras, they have a resolution of 8 megapixels and an f / 1.7 lens aperture.

In terms of batteries, they haven't changed much either: both phones have a 3,000mAh battery and support both fast charging (via USB-C) and wireless charging.

What to take, Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Samsung Galaxy S8?

The Samsung Galaxy S9 has been called the enhanced Samsung Galaxy S8, and this is true in most, but not all, ways.

The most significant changes seem to have been in the camera, while the design of the phone itself was only slightly improved, the chipset was replaced with a new generation chipset, and the screen and battery remained practically the same.

One could hardly hope for a dramatic change, especially in the face of the iPhone X, but since the S8 was already one of the best phones of last year, one could argue that Samsung didn't need much.

Of course, when making a purchase decision, price plays an important role. In the UK, the S9 will set you back £ 739 - a bit more than the £ 689 that the S8 originally cost, although now that the phone is about a year old, you can get it for less.

This is completely different if you live in the United States or Australia. The S8 will be priced at $ 725 (or AU $ 1,199) when the S8 launches, and the S9 will be priced at $ 719 (AU $ 1,199). You can buy the S8 even cheaper these days, with the price dropping to $ 549 during promotions, but that is not as tangible as expected when the S9 launches.

On the back, the difference is slightly more visible, and especially the Plus version can be distinguished by the new dual camera. In terms of equipment and performance, Samsung is also taking another step forward, but we still associate special expectations with the camera. There probably won't be any big changes in battery life. As soon as the exact results of measurements and tests are ready for publication, we will update this article. You can see the new top model in the video.

Galaxy S9 vs Galaxy S8: comparison

We were already able to get acquainted with, after which we talked about our first impressions in a detailed report on the results of practical testing. We do not yet have specific laboratory results, so in this article, before the final tests, we only compare the equipment of the Galaxy S9 (Plus) with that of and, which we have already comprehensively tested.

In terms of design, Samsung hasn't changed much. The display is still made in a relatively narrow 18: 9 format, rounded on the long sides and occupies most of the front surface. It looks awesome. Apparently, the bezels on the top and bottom sides are minimally thinner than those of their predecessors.

If you believe the data provided by Samsung, the specifications remain the same: the displays are again 5.8 inches (Galaxy S9) and 6.2 inches (Galaxy S9 Plus), displaying content in a resolution of 2960x1440 pixels. Obviously, they shine very brightly, thanks to AMOLED technologies, they can boast of rich colors and offer very good blacks.

Better positioned fingerprint scanner

Samsung has received a lot of criticism over the somewhat poor placement of the Galaxy S8's fingerprint scanners. The Galaxy S9 solves this problem by placing the fingerprint sensor under the camera, where it is easily accessible. The Plus version especially benefits from this, as it is longer. Unfortunately, the manufacturer is still abandoning the use of a fingerprint scanner hidden under the screen panel. The 3.5mm classic audio jack for cable headphones is back in place.

Also, immediately before the start of sales, there is a version with support for the Dual-SIM function, equipped with a "hybrid" slot: this means that the user can insert into it not only a second SIM card, but also a Micro-SD memory card. Only operators such as Vodafone and 1 & 1 will initially sell exclusively "single-digit" versions.

All models, by the way, arrive on store shelves with a nominal 64 GB of internal memory even in the basic configuration. But for the Galaxy S9 Plus, Samsung has a choice of 256GB storage. In addition, it also has more RAM than the regular S9 and both predecessors, that is, 6 GB instead of the previous 4 GB. However, in everyday use, you most likely will not notice much difference in this parameter.

It should be mentioned that the S9, like the S8, is waterproof in accordance with the IP-68 standard. New here are the Dolby-Atmos-enabled stereo speakers, which are a clear step up from the Galaxy S8's mono speaker. Anyone who wants to can enjoy even virtual Surround sound while watching movies. It sounds clear, but the bass is a little weak. We prefer headphones.

Camera with new functionality

The biggest improvements should be in the camera. Samsung continues to rely on a matrix with a 12-megapixel resolution, which is quite normal for mobile photo cameras. However, this time users have a variable aperture, which is open less (f / 2.4) in daylight and more (f / 1.5) in twilight, which is still the biggest discovery in mobile phones. According to our data, there are currently no other smartphones with a variable lens hood.

With this flexibility, Samsung promises daytime shots with greater depth of field, and twilight photos with less noise and higher detail. The Galaxy S8 has a fixed f / 1.7 lens hood and generally takes very good pictures, which, however, in poor lighting conditions, are inferior to the cameras of smartphones such as the HTC U11 and Google Pixel 2. Will Samsung meet new standards in this area, should show the results of our laboratory tests.

In addition, unlike the Galaxy S8 Plus, the Galaxy S9 Plus now comes with a dual camera, which it inherits from the Galaxy Note 8. This allows you to capture images with a blurry background effect and use 2x the zoom without much loss. The second camera has a smaller aperture (f / 2.4), but it also boasts the presence of optical stabilization - this is a rarity in dual cameras.

Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus with super slow motion video

Unlike the Galaxy S8, this time Samsung has tied a small and particularly fast memory module (DRAM) directly to the camera chip, allowing the Galaxy S9 to shoot short HD video clips at fabulous speeds of up to 960 frames per second.

The shooting time in this case is limited to 0.2 seconds, which at 32x slowdown (that is, extremely slow) are played back in approximately 6 seconds. This is already familiar to us from Sony mobile phones since the Xperia XZ Premium - but the current model, the Xperia XZ2, for example, raises the resolution to Full-HD.

In addition, there are so-called AR Emoji - that is, animated characters that you can animate with your own facial expressions. This is Apple's "à la Animoji" fun, which, during the first check, did not seem to us the most convincing, since the animation for our taste is not natural enough and not very realistic. It is also unknown if AR Emoji and Galaxy S8 will receive. Since Samsung has not installed any new scanning technology there, in our understanding, such a function will be available only after an upgrade.

Exynos 9810: Significantly More Processing Power?

With regard to the performance of the Galaxy S9 (Plus), we should, according to the latest information from Anandtech, who ran the benchmarks on a pre-production device, quite a few question marks.

Basically, the new Exynos 9810 in the Galaxy S9 has all the prerequisites to significantly raise the level of performance over its predecessors. This is indicated, in particular, by Geekbench scores. The Single-Core performance is especially strong here, which in comparison with the Exynos 8895 in the Galaxy S8 has increased in speed from 80 to 120 percent - this is a lot.

However, the increase in graphics power turns out to be less than expected, and depending on the type of test compared to last year's model, it is only 7 to 17 percent.

The biggest problem in the preliminary tests we see is that "raw" processor performance does not always completely "flow" into everyday performance. At least that's what the PC-Mark benchmark indicates: here the Galaxy S8 sits higher than the Galaxy S9 quite often.

Perhaps the pre-production version of the device we are testing does not yet have the final system setup, maybe we need a PCMark update for Android, and there is a chance that all the ratings will remain the same, which will be a real disappointment.

All questions will be removed by testing the serial device. During the first acquaintance, the Galaxy S9 showed nothing unusual and no flaws. He reacted to the commands very promptly, however, we have not yet been able to check the performance in more detail.

Samsung did not change the battery capacity. There are still 3,000mAh batteries for the Galaxy S9 and 3,500mAh for the Galaxy S9 Plus. That being said, the Galaxy S8 reached a good 9 hours 47 minutes during our "online" endurance tests.

The Galaxy S8 Plus performed even better with its very good 11 hours and 17 minutes. The charging time for both devices is approximately 2 hours - similarly good results we expect to see in the S9 (Plus).

Should I change it or not?

Summing up, we can say that although the Galaxy S9 (Plus) is rather a boring upgrade relative to the Galaxy S8, if Samsung's promises are fulfilled, then the new model, at least for photography lovers, will be able to offer quite a lot.

For those who don't care about image quality, they can be a Galaxy S8 user without any problems. Even Galaxy S7 owners, most likely, shouldn't need to exchange a smartphone and, according to our estimates, they can calmly wait for the S10 release. Unless they want an almost bezel-less display.

The Galaxy S9 is estimated at about RUB 56,000 by the time it hits the market, and Samsung will ask RUB 67,000 for the Galaxy S9 Plus. The predecessors as of March 2018 cost 22,000 rubles cheaper: whoever chooses in favor of the Galaxy S8 should prepare about 36,000 rubles, and for the Plus version of the S8 you will have to pay about 38,000 rubles.

Comparison: Galaxy S9 vs. Galaxy S8

- Galaxy S9 Galaxy S8 Galaxy S9 Plus Galaxy S8 Plus
Display 5.8-inch, 2960 x 1440 pixels, 570 ppi, OLED 6.2-inch, 2960 x 1440 pixels, 530 ppi, OLED
CPU Exynos 9810
Exynos 8895
Exynos 9810
(4x Exynos M3, up to 2.7 GHz + 4 Cortex A55, up to 1.7 GHz)
Exynos 8895
(4x Exynos M2, up to 2.3 GHz + 4 x Cortex A53, up to 1.7 GHz)
Camera 12 megapixels, variable aperture (f / 2.4, f / 1.5), super slow motion at up to 960 fps, 1.4μm pixel size, OIS / front: 8 megapixels 12 Mpix, fixed aperture (f / 1.7), pixel size 1.4um, OIS / front: 8MP 12 megapixels, variable aperture (f / 2.4, f / 1.5), super slow motion at up to 960 fps, pixel size 1.4um, dual camera, dual OIS / front: 8 megapixels 12 Mpix, fixed aperture (f / 1.7), pixel size - 1.4 μm, dual cameras, dual OIS / front: 8 megapixels
Battery 3.000 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging 3.500 mAh, fast charging, wireless charging
Memory 64 GB, 4 GB RAM, Micro-SD card slot 64GB / 256GB, 6GB RAM, Micro-SD card slot 64 GB, 4 GB RAM, Micro-SD card slot
Interfaces LTE 1.2 Gbps, AC-WLAN, Bluetooth 5.0, USB-3.1-Typ-C, 3.5 mm audio jack LTE 1.0 Gbps, AC-WLAN, Bluetooth 5.0, USB-3.1-Typ-C, 3.5 mm audio jack
OS Android 8 Android 8 (via update) Android 8 Android 8 (via update)
Peculiarities waterproof (IP68) waterproof (IP68), Dual-SIM hybrid slot, stereo speakers waterproof (IP68)
Dimensions, weight 147.7 x 68.7 x 8.5mm (163g) 148.9 x 68.1 x 8.0 mm (155g) 158.1 x 73.8 x 8.5mm (189g) 159.5 x 73.4 x 8.1 mm (173g)
Price RUB 56,000 (starting price) RUB 36,000 (as of March 2018) from RUB 67,000 (starting price) RUB 38,000 (as of March 2018)

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