
Rules for calculating vacation pay after decree. Post-maternity leave Pays for childcare are calculated

The calculator for calculating the allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years will help to correctly determine the monthly amount of payment due to an employee who is on parental leave.

Childcare allowance is paid for the period from the beginning of the vacation and until the day the child turns one and a half years old (part 1 of article 11.1 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, part 1 of article 14 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81 -FZ).

Documents Required to Receive Child Care Benefit

Allowance for caring for a child until they reach 1.5 years of age is paid on the basis of the corresponding application of the employee (). Certain documents must be attached to the application, in particular:

  • birth certificate of a child;
  • a certificate from the place of work of the child's father stating that he does not use parental leave and does not receive benefits.

A complete list of required documents can be found in Part 6 of Article 13 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006.

Calculation of the allowance for the care of a child under 1.5 years old

This benefit is calculated based on the employee's average daily earnings. At the same time, the amount of the benefit cannot be less than the minimum established value (Article 11.2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, Article 15 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ).

The monthly benefit amount is calculated using the following formula:

Recall that the average daily earnings are determined by dividing the amount of payments from which contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were calculated for two calendar years preceding the year of the onset of parental leave by the number of calendar days in this period (part 1, 3.1, article 14 Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). From the total number of calendar days, it is necessary to exclude calendar days falling on the periods:

  • temporary disability / maternity leave / parental leave;
  • the release of an employee from work with full / partial salary, if no insurance premiums have been charged on this salary.

If it turns out that the average earnings of an employee per each full month of the billing period is less than the minimum wage (part 1.1 of article 14 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006), then the childcare allowance is calculated based on the minimum wage:

Minimum childcare allowance in 2020

The minimum allowance for caring for a child under 1.5 years of age in 2020 is:

* Please note that the minimum values ​​of the amount of benefits for the first, second and subsequent children from February 2020 may still change - for now, this is only.

Maximum parental allowance in 2020

The maximum monthly allowance for caring for a child under 1.5 years old is 27984.66 rubles.

How long does it take to apply for a childcare allowance for a child up to 1.5 years old

The deadline for applying for benefits is six months from the date the child reaches the age of one and a half years (part 2.1 of article 12 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

How long does it take for an employer to assign and pay benefits for the care of a child up to 1.5 years old?

The employer must assign a childcare allowance within 10 calendar days from the day the employee applies for such an allowance (part 1 of article 15 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006), provided that the employee has submitted all the necessary documents.

It is necessary to pay the allowance on the next “salary” day after the grant of the allowance. In the future, the allowance is paid once a month on the day set for the payment of wages.

Allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years: personal income tax and insurance premiums

As a general rule, this benefit is not subject to personal income tax (clause 1 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), as well as insurance premiums (clause 1 of clause 1 of article 422 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1 of clause 1 of article 20.2 of the Federal Law of 24.07. 1998 No. 125-FZ).

Monthly childcare allowance for part-time jobs

If an employee at the time of the onset of parental leave worked in several places, then only one of the employers should pay her childcare allowance up to 1.5 years old - at her choice (Part 2, 2.1, Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 29 .2006 No. 255-FZ).

At the same time, the employer from whom the employee plans to receive benefits must submit a certificate from another employer stating that he does not receive childcare benefits and is not paid (part 7 of article 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ ).

Childcare benefits are not limited to the mother of the child

Allowance for caring for a child under 1.5 years old is due to that relative / adoptive parent / guardian who is on parental leave and is actually caring for the baby. That is, for example, the child's father, grandmother or grandfather may be on parental leave (Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, some of them will receive benefits for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old.

According to Russian legislation, a monthly child benefit of up to 1.5 years in the form of insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance is paid in 2019 to a person on parental leave (that is, interrupting their professional activities), and ceases to be accrued from the moment of going to work or from next month, when the child turns one and a half years old.

The actual recipient of the monthly payment (benefit) not necessary is the mother - she can be transferred to the father, grandmother or another relative, as well as the guardian - but only to one person caring for the child.

Legal regulation is carried out by the Federal Law No. 81-ФЗ dated 05.19.1995 "On state benefits to citizens with children"... The procedure for calculating benefits up to 1.5 years takes into account many factors: the fact of employment, the size of the salary before going on vacation, the number of previous children, the region of residence, and others.

The amount of the monthly allowance up to 1.5 years

The question of the amount of benefits up to 1.5 years should be considered separately for two special cases:

  • for working people - that is, if the beneficiary is subject to compulsory social insurance for temporary disability and maternity;
  • - that is, if insurance contributions are not paid for the citizen by the Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

The correct calculation of the monthly childcare allowance requires knowledge of the legal framework and accounting subtleties. The amount of the payment takes into account the applicant's income, the time he actually worked, as well as periods of disability, the number of children in the family and other factors.


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Knowing the algorithm for calculating the childcare allowance allows you to check the correctness of the calculations made by the accountant at work, or to pre-plan the family budget for the period when the mother is on parental leave.

Allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old in terms of legislation

According to FZ-255 of 2006 and FZ-81 of 1995, the parental allowance is paid from the beginning of parental leave until the moment the child turns 1.5 years old.

Under Part 6 of Art. 13 FZ-255, childcare allowance is paid on the basis of an application received from an employee. Attached are the following:

  1. Child's birth certificate.
  2. Help from father confirming the fact that he is not using parental leave.
  3. Other documents depending on the specifics of registration of the allowance(a complete list is contained in part 6 of article 13 of FZ-255).

The amount of the child allowance up to 1.5 years is not fixed. It varies depending on the employee's average monthly earnings for the two years preceding the leave.

Transferred monthly in the amount of 40% of the employee's average monthly income. According to the latest amendments to the legislation, the allowance is allowed to be paid not monthly, but at a different frequency, but at least once a quarter.

According to Part 2.1 of FZ-255, you need to have time to apply for a benefit before the child turns six months old. The employer is obliged to assign child support within 10 days after applying for, provided that the employee has provided all the necessary documents.

If the employee worked in several places, then the allowance is paid to her at one place of work of her choice. At the same time, she must bring a certificate that the other employer did not provide her with parental leave.

According to Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the right to receive childcare benefits belongs to the person who actually takes care of the child. It does not have to be the mother of the child: the child's father, as well as the grandmother or grandfather, can apply for benefits. But only one of them is entitled to take a vacation.

The procedure for calculating benefits

Usually, you do not need to calculate the childcare allowance yourself. This is the responsibility of accountants or civil servants to whom the woman applied for benefits. Self-computing may be required in order to:

  • control over the correctness of the amount benefits transferred by the employer;
  • for family budgeting on the eve of the birth of a child;
  • to determine a more profitable calculation option(if the woman is eligible to change the years).

The size of the childcare allowance is calculated according to the following formula: the woman's earnings must be multiplied by 30.4 and then by 40%. 30.4 is the average number of days in a month.

The calculation of the average daily earnings is a rather laborious process. To determine it, you need to know the following values:

  1. Sum for two years that preceded the year of registration of parental leave (if the child was born in 2018, then income for 2016 and 2017 is taken into account).
  2. The period of being on maternity leave, on sick leave or on parental leave (number of days), as well as the release of the employee from work with the preservation of her earnings (if insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were not transferred from him).
  3. The amount of benefits paid for temporary(sick leave), maternity and childcare for the period under review.
  4. Limit value of earnings from which social insurance contributions are calculated for employees in 2016-2017 or the maximum average daily earnings that are involved in determining the amount of the childcare allowance.
  5. for the current period.

Average daily earnings are determined by dividing the amount of payments (which were the basis for calculating social insurance contributions in the FSS) for two years by the number of calendar days in the period under review (730 days).

The salary for determining the amount of the benefit is taken in full without reducing it to personal income tax. This includes not only wages, but also accrued and other payments included in the remuneration system.

As already noted, in 2018, income for 2016-2017 is taken into account, but there is one exception to this rule. If a woman was on parental leave for at least one day during the periods in question, then she has the right to replace these years (or one year) with the previous ones.

From the resulting value, it is necessary to exclude income for the period of temporary disability, as well as the number of days spent on or on parental leave.

Minimum and maximum amount of allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old

When determining the amount of childcare allowance, the established minimum and maximum amounts of such payments should be taken into account.

According to Part 1.1 of Art. 14 FZ-255 of 2006, the minimum childcare allowance is calculated taking into account the current minimum wage. According to the current legislation, the minimum allowance for childcare cannot be less than the minimum wage established on the date of commencement of parental leave, multiplied by 40%.

In January 2018, the minimum allowance for caring for the first child was 3065.69 rubles, in February 2018 it was indexed to 3142.33 rubles. The allowance for caring for the second and subsequent child as of January 2018 amounted to 6131.37 rubles, as of February - 6284.65 rubles.

But in May 2018, the minimum wage was indexed, and those women who will apply for a care allowance after May will receive a childcare allowance in the amount of at least 4465.2 rubles. and 8930.4 p. - on the second and subsequent. For those who went on vacation before May 2018, the allowance will be paid in the amount established in February.

The maximum allowance for caring for a child under 1.5 years of age in 2018 is 24,536.57 rubles. This value is determined taking into account the limits for assessing contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, which were established for 2016-2017. In 2017, the maximum was different and amounted to 23,120.66 rubles.

The allowance is paid in full. It is not subject to personal income tax and insurance payments to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

The calculated amount of the benefit cannot be rounded to the nearest ruble.

The limit value of the average daily earnings, which can be taken into account in 2018, is 2017.81 rubles. When determining the amount of the benefit, it does not increase by regional coefficients, if they are in effect in the region of its registration, but this coefficient is included in the composition of earnings.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that the amount of the benefit may increase annually (this may be relevant for those who receive the maximum benefit, since the base for assessing contributions is growing), it is not recalculated after the New Year.

This means, for example, that if she went on vacation in 2018, then after 2019 she will receive the same amount. The exception is cases when parental leave was interrupted and started again after a temporary return to work.

Examples of calculating benefits

For clarity, we will give examples of calculating benefits for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old.

Example 1. A citizen takes parental leave in 2018. In 2017, her earnings amounted to 500 thousand rubles, in 2016 - 450 thousand rubles. The indicated values ​​are less than the limits of 755 and 718 thousand rubles, therefore, they can be taken into account in the calculations in full. During the two years under review, the citizen was on sick leave for 34 days.

The calculation of the size of the average daily earnings for her will look like this: (500,000 + 450,000) / (730-34) = 1364.94 rubles. This value is less than the limit in 2017.81 rubles, so it is allowed to take it into account in full without decreasing.

Example 2. An employee of the company earned 986 thousand rubles in 2017, 855 thousand rubles in 2016. These values ​​are higher than the established limits for 2016-2017 in the amount of 718 and 755 thousand rubles, therefore, only the limit values ​​of earnings will participate in further calculations.

At the same time, the employee was on sick leave for 15 days. The calculation of the average daily earnings will look like this: (718000 + 755000) / (730-15) = 2060.13 rubles. This is more than the limit value of the average daily earnings in 2017.81 rubles. A woman is entitled to a childcare allowance in the maximum amount of 24,536.57 rubles.

Example 3. The employee gave birth to twins and wrote an application for parental leave. In 2016, her income was 98 thousand rubles, in 2017 - 150 thousand rubles. This is less than the limits. She did not use sick leave.

Average daily earnings will be calculated as (150,000 + 211,000) / 730 = 339.73 rubles.

The allowance for caring for the first child will be 339.73 * 30.4 * 40% = 4131.12 rubles. This value is less than the calculated minimum wage benefit from May 2018. Therefore, a woman will receive 4465.2 rubles for caring for her first child.

The allowance for caring for the second child will also be paid in the minimum amount, namely, 8930.4 rubles. It turns out that a woman will simultaneously take care of two children, so she will receive monthly (4465.2 rubles + 8930.4 rubles) = 13395.6 rubles.

Calculation of benefits for an incomplete month

Rarely, the allowance is issued from the 1st day of the month and finishes being paid on the last day of the month. Therefore, the task arises to calculate the benefit for an incomplete period.

The allowance for an incomplete period is calculated as follows: you need to multiply the amount of the allowance by the number of days for which it must be paid, and divided by the number of calendar days in a month.

For example, the allowance was accrued in the amount of 15,000 rubles. The woman took leave from July 11, she must be paid for 20 days. There are 31 days in July. The calculation will look like this: 15000/20/31 = 9677.42 rubles.

Calculation calculator

In order to automate the calculation of the childcare allowance, you can use a special online calculator. Here it is enough to indicate all the initial parameters, and the amount of the benefit will be calculated automatically.

One of the examples of such a calculator can be found on the official website of the FSS http://portal.fss.ru/fss/sicklist/child15-guest. After all the data are entered, the user will have access to such indicators as the amount of earnings, average daily and average monthly earnings, the amount of the monthly allowance and the total amount of the allowance.

Thus, in order to calculate the amount of the allowance for caring for a child under 1.5 years old, it is necessary to have information about the income received for the 2 years preceding the vacation. On their basis, the average daily earnings are determined, which is then multiplied by 30.4 and by a coefficient of 40%. The result is the amount of the benefit that is transferred to the woman every month for childcare. At the same time, many nuances must be taken into account: such as the minimum and maximum benefits, as well as the amount of sick leave compensation.

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Every year, a company that conducts its activities on an official basis is obliged to provide employees with time to rest -.

If the employee was absent for a long time due to being on maternity leave, then the calculation of vacation pay for the next vacation has a number of features.

Below are the required formulas and calculation examples.

Often, employees whose maternity leave is coming to an end turn to the employer in order to arrange the annual rest time immediately after going to work -.

Employees have the right to another rest after going to work, if before the decree they did not use the same right under Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When registering paid leave immediately after maternity leave, vacation pay is calculated in a standard way. The exact technology for performing this action is specified in Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When calculating vacation pay that should be credited to the account of an employee who has left the decree, it is necessary to correctly determine the following indicators:

  • number of vacation days;
  • billing period;
  • the amount of average daily earnings;
  • vacation pay.

How to calculate days after leaving maternity leave?

According to the norms established by this Legislation of the Russian Federation, after the decree, the woman has the right to immediate annual leave.

According to Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this category of employees is entitled to a paid rest period, which cannot be less than 28 days. In some cases, this period can be increased, but it cannot be reduced under any circumstances.

In addition, when calculating the days of the due vacation, the days unused before the decree may be taken into account, accrued to her until she leaves for sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

Also weekends are relied on 140 days in advance, during which the woman was in. The period of the right to the next vacation does not give, since it is not included in.

The calculation of the number of days of the prescribed annual leave involves the implementation of several stages:

  1. Payment unused before decree vacation days - calculated according to the rules,.
  2. Determination of the quantity sick days duration of 140 days - 11.65 days of the next vacation are laid.
  3. Addition the amounts listed above.

Maternity decree time is 140 days or 4 months 20 days, which is rounded up to 5 full months.

With an annual duration of 28 days, 2.33 days are required for each month (28/12), therefore during maternity leave for pregnancy, a woman is entitled to 2.33 * 5 = 11.65 days.

It is possible, at the request of the employer, to round up to 12 days.

What billing period to take?

When calculating the amount of vacation compensation for a woman who left the decree and immediately took paid leave, special attention is paid to determining the accounting period.

According to the rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for the billing period it is necessary to take 12 months preceding the annual vacation time... An employee who was recently on maternity leave did not work for 140-194 days provided for pregnancy and childbirth, and until 3 years of birth of a child.

The exact duration of a pregnancy decree depends on specific circumstances - the nature of childbirth, multiple pregnancies, etc.

It is important to consider that sick leave for pregnancy is included in the billing period, but childcare is not... Therefore, when determining the average earnings, one should take into account the payments accrued to the employee's account during this time.

If a woman immediately went to work after sick leave, then it has no excluded periods, and the billing period will be 12 calendar months before the month of registration of the next vacation.

If a woman went to work after caring for a child, then in the previous 12 months she had no income. In this case, you can change the period to an earlier one - they are taken 12 months before the start of the decree. The right of replacement is spelled out in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 922 (as amended on December 10, 2016).

Calculating average earnings?

An equally important role in calculating the vacation amount after leaving maternity leave is played by the value of the average daily earnings.

The income for calculating the average daily earnings includes

  • the amount of wages received during the billing period;
  • various bonuses, allowances and surcharges.

The regional coefficient is taken into account as part of the added income.

If there was an increase in salaries in the billing period, then indexation is carried out.

Not taken into account following income:

  • vacation pay;
  • travel payments;
  • one-time awards;
  • one-time benefits;
  • dividends and interest amounts;
  • compensation of various types;
  • bonus payments received for participation in contests and competitions;
  • subsidies of all kinds;
  • sums of money that acted as a festive presentation;
  • benefits for the care of a child with a disability.

The procedure for calculating vacation payments after decree is carried out in a standard way. First of all, the amount of income for the billing period is determined. To do this, add up all the accruals that were received on the employee's account during this period. The list of payments is provided above.

Next, you need to determine the amount of time actually worked. If the month has been fully worked out, then the number of days in it is equal to 29.3 - this is the coefficient of the average monthly number of days. If the month is incomplete, then the number of days in it is determined as worked calendar days, divided by the total number of calendar days and multiplied by 29.3.

Formula for calculation:

Average earnings= (All income / Number of full months * 29.3 + Number of days in incomplete months)

Vacation formula for annual vacations

After the average earnings have been determined, you can calculate the vacation pay for the annual leave:

Calculation formula:

Vacation= Average earnings * Vacation days

Example for 2018

Example conditions:

Maternity leave to care for a child under 3 years old citizen Nekrasova O.V. began immediately after the sick leave for pregnancy and ended on February 01, 2018. The hospital is open from 22.11.2014.

Immediately after leaving for work, Nekrasova turned to the head of the company in order to arrange the annual paid rest time.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the internal documentation of the organization, a woman is entitled to leave of 28 days.

The billing period in this case is the time period from November 22, 2013 to November 21, 2014.


The first action that needs to be taken to calculate vacation pay is to determine the amount of income received for the year. To do this, use the formula above. It is assumed that in this example, the total income for the specified period has reached the level of 500,000 rubles.

SDZ = 500,000 / 12 months / 29.3 = 1422 rubles.

Then, of course, the action is carried out - determining the amount of vacation pay.

Vacation = 1422 x 28 = 39816 rubles.

From the amount of vacation pay received, you need to withhold 13% of personal income tax, the employees will receive the difference in their hands.

Useful video

More about the calculation procedure next vacation after the decree, see the video:

After leaving the decree, a woman has the right to get another rest, while when calculating vacation pay, it is necessary to correctly determine the settlement period and calculate the average daily earnings.

It is important that for the period of sick leave for pregnancy, she is entitled to vacation days, since this period is included in the vacation experience, and the time for caring for a child is not included.

Vacation pay is paid to the employee after deducting income tax of 13 percent.

In accordance with Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ, persons caring for a child under 1.5 years of age are entitled to a monthly allowance. From the article you will find out who can apply for this benefit, what are the features of receiving it for working and non-working citizens, how to calculate the amount of payments in 2017 for the first, second and subsequent children.

Who can get parental benefit for a child under 1.5 years of age in 2017?

Benefit for a child under 1.5 years old is entitled to:

  1. Any family member, close relative (degree of relationship - grandmother, grandfather, aunt or uncle of the newborn) or guardian who is actually caring for the toddler. Moreover, the payment of funds does not depend on whether the person caring for the baby worked or not.
  2. Russian citizens who live abroad due to military service in the public service (diplomats, sales representatives, etc.).
  3. From 2017, the right to receive childcare benefits will also be granted to:
    • foreigners legally residing in the territory of the federation;
    • stateless persons;
    • persons who have received refugee status .

Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ (as amended on 03/09/2016) "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood"

Article 11.1. Conditions and duration of payment of monthly childcare allowance

1. Monthly childcare allowance is paid to insured persons (mother, father, other relatives, guardians) who are actually caring for the child and are on parental leave, from the date of the parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years ...

2. The right to monthly parental allowance is retained if the person on parental leave works part-time or at home and continues to care for the child.

3. Mothers who are eligible for a pregnancy and childbirth allowance in the period after childbirth have the right from the date of birth of a child to receive either a pregnancy and childbirth allowance, or a monthly childcare allowance, offsetting the previously paid pregnancy and childbirth allowance, if the amount of the monthly childcare benefit is higher than the amount of the maternity benefit.

4. In the event that several persons are simultaneously caring for a child, the right to receive a monthly childcare allowance shall be granted to one of the indicated persons.

Where can I get my monthly child support?

  • Persons claiming benefits and working officially , which means that deductions from their wages are transferred to the FSS (as a rule, this is done by the employer) arrange financial assistance at the place of work. It is also possible to draw up documents for working applicants for benefits at the expense of the FSS, bypassing the employer. In this case, you must contact directly to the regional bodies of the FSS .
  • Other: unemployed, students who were laid off due to the reorganization of the enterprise, relatives who actually look after the baby , in connection with the deprivation of parents of their parental rights formalize financial assistance in social security agencies.

Conditions for receiving child support for working and non-working citizens

Features of receiving benefits for a child under 1.5 years of age for working and non-working citizens

Conditions for receiving payments for working citizens Conditions for receiving payments for non-working citizens
Financial support for caring for a baby up to 1.5 years old is issued immediately after the mother's maternity leave. The allowance is assigned from the day the vacation ends and is paid in full, regardless of when it was applied for. But this must be done no later than six months after the child is 1.5 years old. Non-working citizens can also apply for benefits after the expiration of the mother's maternity leave. In this case, you can apply for material payments no later than the expiration of a six-month period after the child turns 1.5 years old.
Citizens who actually take care of the baby are required to submit the relevant documents and certificates to the personnel department at the place of work. If they work in two jobs, then a document must be submitted from the second place of work stating that no money was credited to him there. Documents and certificates for registration of material payments are submitted to the social security authorities at the actual place of residence. Documents can be submitted electronically.
The allowance is assigned within ten days, after all the necessary documents have been submitted. Finances are paid in the period of payment of wages to all employees of the enterprise, directly at the enterprise or transferred to a credit card. Material support is scheduled within ten days and credited to the recipient's credit card.

The maximum and minimum amounts of the allowance for the care of a child under 1.5 years of age in 2016-2017

In 2016, the amount of financial payments for childcare changed twice, which was associated with indexation. Usually, indexing was carried out from January 1 of the new year. In 2016, as of January 1, there was no indexation, so all payments were made in the same amount as last year. From February 1, the indexation for the previous calendar year was carried out, and from July 1, the amount of the minimum wage (minimum wage) changed, which entailed a recalculation and an increase in payments for childcare. Thus, in 2016 there are three different indicators of the minimum and maximum amount of material payments for caring for a child under 1.5 years old. We bring their comparison table to your attention.

Maximum and minimum payments of benefits for a child up to 1.5 years in 2016

Time of action The minimum amount of payments, rubles. Maximum amount of payments, rub.
From 01.01.2016 to 01.02.2016 For the first child - 2718.34.

On the second and all subsequent -5436.67.

10837.36 - regardless of how the child was born.
From 02/01/2016 to 07/01/2016 For the first child - 2908.62. 11634.50 - regardless of how the child was born
From 01.07.2016 For the first child - 3000.0.

On the second and all subsequent ones - 5817.24.

21554.82 - regardless of how he was born.

How is the monthly allowance for a child under 1.5 years of age calculated in 2017?

With the fixed amounts of material support, everything is more or less clear. But how is the calculation of benefits done to workers? Let's try to figure it out.

  1. The average salary value for the two years preceding the vacation is taken. Let's make a reservation right away that the calculated amount should not exceed the maximum level of the calculation of insurance premiums in the Social Insurance Fund. Don't be alarmed. This is a documented amount, and in 2016 it is 718,000 rubles.
  2. The average amount of two-year earnings (or 718,000 rubles) is divided by the total number of calendar earnings for the same period. This is the average daily earnings. From the total number of days, you must subtract those in which you did not work: vacation days (maternity, childcare), sick days, etc .;
  3. Then the average daily earnings are multiplied by 30.4 - conditional average monthly number of days.
  4. From this amount, you need to calculate 40% (just multiply this figure by 0.4) and get the amount of your benefit.
  5. If the calculated amount of the benefit exceeds the established maximum amount (21,554.82 rubles), then the applicant will receive a fixed maximum benefit.
  6. If the calculated amount of the benefit is below the minimum level, due to low earnings, or for other reasons, then the amount of the benefit will be equal to the minimum indicator valid for this period.

What is the monthly allowance up to 1.5 years for the second child?

The calculation of financial assistance for the 2nd and subsequent children is carried out according to the same formula as the allowance for the first child. Even the percentage does not change - 40%. The only difference is in the fixed minimum and maximum payments. The minimum amount of financial payments for the second child from 01.07.2016 is 5817.24 rubles, and the maximum is 21554.82 rubles.

In that case, if the first-born died even in the first or second week of life, all payments for the second child will be accrued as usual without any recalculation of the amount. It will be enough to present at the place of registration of financial payments a certificate of birth and death of the first child.

If the necessary documents confirming the fact of the birth of the child were not drawn up in a timely manner, then you can get them at any time, it is enough to provide a certificate from the maternity hospital about the birth and a death certificate to the registry office.

What documents do I need to submit to apply for a child benefit under 1.5 years old?

To arrange regular payments for caring for a baby up to 1.5 years old, you need to submit the following package of documents to the FSS authorities or the regional department of social protection:

  1. Statement about the need to obtain financial support in a free form.
  2. Baby's birth certificate or children, if there are several. The originals and copies of the relevant certificates and documents are provided.
  3. Certificate of adoption (adoption) or guardianship if payments are made to a guardian or adoptive parent.
  4. Regardless of where payments are made, it is imperative to submit the appropriate documents that one of the parents does not receive financial assistance for the child .
  5. If the applicant for material assistance has changed jobs within 2 previous years, then a certificate should be submitted, which indicates a fixed amount of earnings from the previous place of work. Thus, it will be possible to determine the amount of the amount accrued as a benefit.

Documents can be submitted to the FSS and social protection authorities by e-mail. On our website you will also find information about.

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