
Autolady credit. How to get a women's loan in the oriental express bank. Where can I get a loan

Whether modern men like it or not, but a girl, a woman in the XXI century. no longer resembles a modest housewife. Today's business woman wants and lives a full life. At the same time, the automotive topic is no exception for her, despite any skeptical views of the stronger sex! Although it is still not easy for her to buy a car with her personal funds, and sometimes it is more difficult than for a man. The more pleasant the product specially designed for auto lady looks on the Russian market. What are the main features of a loan for women?

Unfortunately, however, the bankers still did not become true gentlemen in this matter and did not form loans on favorable terms specifically for the fair sex. But there are still some concessions. For example, the idea of ​​a special car loan for lovely ladies recently appeared at the Orient Express bank. One of the distinguishing qualities is the possibility of obtaining it, provided that the auto lady does not yet have her own rights, but her husband, as well as another close relative, have the rights. A similar change can be made in relation to the income statement. Avtoledi can provide the earnings of her husband, who became her guarantor.

It becomes possible and a car loan with no down payment. And without the initial purchase of the "CASCO" policy. However, it will still be necessary to purchase health insurance, as well as the life of the car owner. A female car loan is possible in many cases: both for buying a brand new car, and for an already used car, and even if there is a need to repair the car. If the question arises about buying already used vehicles, the bank will set its own limit - 10 years.

There are certain conditions that limit the receipt of a ladies loan. The age criterion is from 21 to 65 years old. It is important to register at the place where you wish to conclude the contract. Each autolady should have a passport and identification number with you. If the car was previously purchased in the showroom, then an invoice. If the car was bought from your hands, do not forget about the seller's general power of attorney. And, of course, the technical passport of the car itself, as well as a driver's license of one of their closest relatives.

An additional document can be a certificate of income from the place of work and the duration of work in the last place of the person applying for a car loan. Usually the application is reviewed within 2-3 hours. This procedure can also take place online. The maximum amount is up to 750 thousand rubles. And the payment time is several months or even as much as 7 years. There is no commission for a car loan, and there is no need for a car to be pledged.

The only negative: someone may not be satisfied with the interest rate on this loan. And it can be equal to 20% per annum.

Today women confidently occupy leading positions in business, politics and science. The weaker sex has pushed the stronger half not only in the professional field, but also on the road.

Of course, everyone knows jokes about "blonde driving", but in fact, women are much more responsible drivers than men, more strictly adhere to the rules of the road and are much less likely to get into accidents.

It is for such an audience that Orient Express Bank has developed a specialized loan product - "Women's Car Loan", which takes into account all the features of "women's lending". The main difference of the program is the reduced interest rates and loyalty to women who want to join the ranks of car owners.

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Within the framework of the Women's Car Loan, Orient Express Bank offers women, first of all, more flexible and prolonged loan terms. If the term of a regular car loan is 5 years, then in a car loan for women the maximum term is 7 years.

According to the terms of the credit program, you can purchase a car of Russian and foreign production, new or used, the service life of which does not exceed 10 years.

At the same time, the decision to issue a loan can be made by East Express Bank even before choosing a car (the so-called preliminary decision), which is very convenient, because makes it possible to choose a car already "having in your pocket" the Bank's decision to issue a loan.

The amount of a car loan ranges from 100,000 to 750,000 rubles, while there are no requirements for the Bank's minimum own contribution in payment for a car, and the loan is repaid in equal installments throughout the entire term of the loan agreement.

On the part of the financial institution, there are no restrictions on the method of purchasing a vehicle - you can buy a car both in a car dealership and in a car market or from a private person, and the money will be issued in a form convenient for the transaction (in cash or listed according to the seller's details). At the same time, you can apply for a loan not only for a purchase, but also, if necessary, for car repairs.

A prerequisite is the provision of PTS, issued in the name of the borrower within 20 days after receiving the loan.

If the agreement refers to an amount not exceeding 200,000 rubles, then you will not have to confirm your solvency.

The Bank provides the possibility of full early repayment of the loan after a month of using the loan, it is also possible to carry out partial early repayment of the loan, while the result of the payment, the Bank will carry out the appropriate recalculation.

The main thing is to pay off the interest on time, since in case of a delay in payment, the bank retains the right to raise the rate by 3 points until the moment of calculation.

The pleasant features of this loan include the possibility of obtaining a car loan using the driving license of a husband or a close relative, if at the time of filing a loan application the lady does not yet have her own rights.

And one more additional advantage of the Women's Car Loan is the possibility of obtaining credit funds without signing a CASCO agreement for the purchased car, which significantly affects the reduction of the final cost of the loan for the future car owner.

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Interest rate

The interest rate on the Women's car loan from Orient Express Bank ranges from 17.5 to 22% per annum. The interest rate depends on the loan term and the loan amount: the longer the loan term and amount, the lower the rate.

More details on the terms of the loan can be found here:

Currency Term,month Amount, rubles % bid
RUR 12 — 60 100 001 – 200 000 22
RUR 12 – 60 200 001 – 300 000 19,5
RUR 12 – 74 300 001 – 500 000 18,5
RUR 12 — 74 500 001 – 750 000 17,5

Borrower requirements

Such loyal conditions for lending are offered by Orient Express Bank exclusively to the fair sex, while in order to obtain a Woman's loan, the Bank makes the following requirements to the borrower:

* - for women who do not have their own driving license at the time of filing a loan application, it is possible to provide a driver's license of a husband or a close relative.

Package of documents

To apply for a Women's Car Loan for a future auto lady, you must provide a standard package of documents:

  • loan application;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • salary certificate;
  • borrower's driver's license (husband / other close relative);
  • a certified copy of a work book or employment contract.

How to issue and receive

You can apply for a Women's car loan in any of the offices and branches of Orient Express Bank, as well as in car dealerships that cooperate with the Bank under the car loan program.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. choose a car;
  2. we apply to the branch of the Orient Express bank / car dealership (you need all the necessary documents to apply for a loan);
  3. submit an application;
  4. we get a solution;
  5. we draw up all the necessary documents, including the NS agreement and the life of the borrower;
  6. we buy a car;
  7. we arrange a vehicle;
  8. we provide a copy of the vehicle passport to the credit department.

Depending on the chosen method of purchasing a vehicle, the procedure for purchasing a car changes slightly:

  • in the case of purchasing a car "from hand", the transaction is carried out jointly with the seller of the car and a car loan agreement is drawn up directly at the bank. In this case, the loan funds are issued in cash;
  • in case of purchasing a car from a car dealership, the bank pays for it according to the invoice.

Requirements for collateral

The pledge agreement of the purchased vehicle is not a prerequisite for obtaining a Women's Car Loan from Orient Express Bank, if necessary, it can be drawn up as an alternative to documentary evidence of the borrower's income.

Vehicle requirements

As a rule, when choosing the first car, many ladies, especially those for whom this car is their first own car, prefer a used car. The choice of such a vehicle gives them the opportunity to feel more confident on the road and not worry in the event of a minor accidental scratch or dented bumper.

Understanding this, the Bank makes fairly loyal requirements for a vehicle purchased for credit funds - using the Women's Car Loan, women can buy a new or used vehicle of Russian or foreign production no more than 15 years old on the date of termination of the loan agreement.

The market value of this car must be at least 100 and not more than 750 thousand rubles.

At the same time, an initial payment for the car is not required under the terms of the "Ladies' loan" program.


One of the pleasant bonuses of obtaining a Women's Car Loan is the absence of requirements from the Bank for CASCO insurance of a car purchased for a loan, which is a significant competitive advantage of this type of loan.

To obtain a loan, a woman only needs to draw up a life and health insurance contract for the borrower, the payment in this case will be 0.6% of the monthly loan payment.

Repayment methods

The most efficient way of repayment is, of course, the repayment through the Internet bank.

Advantages of repayment via the Internet bank of Vostochny Express Bank:

  • 24 hours a day;
  • 7 days a week;
  • no commissions;
  • selection of a loan number from the list, without entering data manually;
  • the ability to set up automatic debiting of the repayment amount from the debit card.

If you need to pay off quickly, the most suitable way of repayment is through the terminals of Orient Express Bank. In this case, the repayment is made instantly. Funds can be deposited in cash or debited from the borrower's debit card.

Choosing this method of repayment, you should take into account that the presence of a payment card for the operation is mandatory.

The easiest way to repay the Women's Loan is through the Bank's partner network. You can familiarize yourself with the list of companies and the size of the commission for transferring funds on the Bank's website.

As a rule, the size of the commission is from 1 to 1.5 %%, and the crediting period is from the next day to 3 working days. To make such a payment, you will need a passport and account number.

A female car loan can be repaid on the Bank's website and using a card from another Bank. In this case, the transfer will be paid, and the enrollment will be carried out in accordance with the schedule posted on the website.

At the Russian Post offices, the transfer will be accepted and carried out completely free of charge, however, the transfer period can be up to 10 days when choosing this repayment method.

In the branches of Orient Express Bank, it is also possible to repay the loan, in this case even the borrower does not have the physical ability to repay the loan, this operation can be carried out by any third party, upon presentation of a passport and a loan agreement.

In connection with the active development of entrepreneurial activity among women, banks have developed a completely new loan program, called a women's car loan. Representatives of the fair sex can use this program. ?

Characteristics of a women's car loan

Women's car loan- This is a type of loan designed only for women of different ages. The loan is issued in cash... Any bank client who has already chosen a car in a car dealership, from a private person or in the auto market, or wants to repair her car, can go to the bank for a loan. When making a purchase with a private person, the borrower must come to the financial institution with the seller. If the borrower is going to buy a vehicle in a car showroom, then before applying for a loan, she must take the issued invoice from it for payment by the bank. In this case, the funds are transferred to the Car Dealer. The main feature of this type of loan is the lack of a driver's license (that is, a woman may not even have a driver's license). Car loan covers new and used car models... The latter are subject to a restriction. So, a used car should not exceed a service life of 9 years (taking into account the period for which the loan is provided). The average for this type of loan is 14.9% (the interest rate may differ in different banks). A female car loan can be taken for a period from five months to seven years. Minimum loan amount may be equal to - 40,000 rubles, and the maximum - 750,000 rubles. If the client takes out a loan in the amount of 40,000 to 150,000 rubles, then he is allowed not to make an initial payment. For a loan over 15,000 rubles, the amount of the first installment will be from 15,000 rubles. Accordingly, if the amount exceeds 350,000 rubles, the initial payment will be 30,000 rubles. carried out in an anuitive way ( equal monthly installments)... Loan registration is accompanied by health and life insurance of the borrower (insurance can be replaced with collateral or surety).

Terms of registration

This loan can be obtained by representatives of the opposite sex aged from 21 to 65 years old, living in the territory of the Russian Federation.... In addition, when applying for a bank loan, work experience (at least 3 months at the current place of work) is taken into account, as well as wages, which must pay off the amount of monthly payments, taking into account all utility and other types of expenses. To get a loan women will need documents proving their identity (passport, IIN), driver's license ( them, or any relative who has a driving experience and driving experience). You will also need the following types of documents:

  • The original of the seller's general power of attorney (required when the seller is not the main owner of the car);
  • Car documents (technical passport);
  • Seller's documents (personal presence of the selling party is required);
  • Original certificate-invoice issued in the name of the vehicle buyer (if the seller is not the main owner of the vehicle);
  • An invoice (if a car dealership acts as a seller).

Apply for a women's loan It is possible in the branches of banks that provide this service, and online (an application submitted via the Internet is valid for 21 days from the date of submission).

Where can I get a loan

Not all banks give out women's car loans yet. For example, you can use this service in just a few banks, one of which is Bank Orient Express... The loan amount in this financial institution ranges from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles (from 3,500 to 15,000 euros, up to 20,000 dollars). The age of the selected vehicle must not exceed 15 years (taking into account the loan terms). Lending terms, depending on the currency chosen by the borrower, can range from 1 to 7 years (in rubles), from 1 to 5 years (in foreign currency). The minimum interest rate is from 14%.

IN In conclusion, we will say that the registration of a female car loan takes (depending on the chosen method of registration) from 1 day to 7 days.

Seeing a woman driving a car, today no one will be surprised. Although the total number of male drivers remains much higher, the trend is towards a change in this ratio. Banks also paid attention to this fact. That is why the female strives to make it as simple, understandable and accessible as possible.

It should be noted that not all banks offer a lending program aimed exclusively at men or women. But Sberbank is a pleasant exception. There is a women's car loan program here. But she, like every program, undoubtedly has its own characteristics.

Conditions of a women's car loan

Women's car loan is a discipline in fulfilling credit obligations. But at the same time, beautiful ladies are often not attentive enough to the details of the transaction. Therefore, Sberbank recommends that women carefully assess their capabilities and, possibly, consult with a man.

If you pay attention to the general approach that the bank demonstrates in its car loan programs, you can see that it mainly concerns age and seniority.

Work experience at the last job must be at least 6 months. The age at which a woman's car loan can be obtained will be the same as for men. In Sberbank, the age limits are as follows: from 21 to 75 years. Also common is the condition that the client must pay 15% of the set price of the car.

Sberbank, like any other bank, cooperates with various car manufacturers. Each of them has its own loan program. And it can have quite favorable interest rates (depending on the car brand).

It should be noted that banks have recently been actively promoting women's car loans. It is worth paying attention to the nature of the credit relationship. After all, if you treat financial transactions rashly, with all the undoubted benefits, a car loan can lead to an uncomfortable situation.

Therefore, it makes sense to analyze several options, discuss them with specialists. The amount of the monthly payment that is required to repay a car loan in

Sberbank must be able to service other necessary financial obligations. It is always worth soberly assessing how much a car loan for a woman will cost for the family budget.

It is necessary to find a bank that offers the most acceptable conditions. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best or most expensive car. But if the realization of such a desire must be achieved at an unacceptable price, for example, a forced infringement of their living conditions, restriction in food or clothing, is the game worth the candle?

Without a doubt, Sberbank is doing everything to provide both women and men with all the information they need. Thanks to Sberbank, the fairer sex can make themselves a gift in the form of a brand new car.

Driving cars that ply the difficult Russian roads, more and more often you can see representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. What is it - the consequences of emancipation, fashion, or is it a tribute to the times?

Let the answer to this question be sought by specialists in the field of sociology and gender policy. In this article, we will talk about how a woman can get a bank loan to purchase a car, and what is needed for this. It would seem that this can be difficult - I took a passport, went to the bank and took out a loan for the car I liked, or I got it right in a car dealership - many of which provide such a service. Bank representatives work in them, that is, directly in the salons. Yes, there really is nothing complicated in this, but it should be noted that female car loan different from a loan that banks give men to buy a car. Why are these preferences? The point here is not at all about emancipation, but about the fact that women are more stable and disciplined in financial matters, including the one that concerns the payment of car loans. This is the data of specialists based on statistics. A woman, due to her social status, the fact that she has to answer not only for herself, but at least for the children, has to deal with the family budget, is more disciplined. In addition, women are not threatened by the army - and this is the reason for the refusal of many applications for loans, which are submitted by young people of pre-conscription and draft age. After all, give them a loan, even a consumer loan, not to mention a car loan, and then look for a borrower in the army in the vast expanses of the Motherland. That is why get female car loan sometimes it's easier than getting a car loan for a man. And the spouses use it successfully.

True, it should be noted that so far female car loan as a special credit program, not all banks have in their arsenal. Therefore, before going to the bank, you must first decide on the lender. To do this, you can use the Internet by submitting a request to a search engine on this topic. By the way, without leaving your home, you can also preliminarily familiarize yourself with the conditions on which it is provided female car loan in various banking institutions.

The details of women's car loans are, of course, different, but there are similar conditions for providing women with a car loan. One of them is a clear advantage over a men's car loan - the possibility of obtaining a loan even in the absence of a driver's license. So, if suddenly a woman decided to buy a car, but she had not yet had time to hand over the license, well, this is her right. She can buy a car on credit, providing her husband's driver's license and himself as a guarantor for the loan. The second is if, of course, the bank demands it. And he requires surety support if an expensive car is purchased. By the way, not any "iron horse" can be bought on credit under the terms of a woman's loan, and not over 15 years old, including the loan term. That is, within the framework of this credit program, ladies can buy not only new, but also used cars, as well as receive a cash loan to repair an existing car.

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