
Egp examples. Geographical position of Russia: pros and cons. Economic and geographical position of the Russian Federation. Types, levels and components of EGP

It is one of the factors of its development and is reflected in many aspects of its activities, in the first stage, economic. This dependence can be traced at 3 levels: macro-, micro- mesoposition.

1. Macro position of Russia- in relation to the surrounding world as a whole. The largest state. Its area is 17.075 million sq km. With the collapse of the USSR, the country's northerners became more pronounced. 2/3 of the country's territory is in the north, while in the European part there are 1/3 in the north, in the Asian part - 2/3, - 0.9 in the north. For economic activity (the north zone is very rich) it is expressed in a very large rise in the cost of everything - life, products produced in extreme conditions, construction. In relation to the northern regions, protectionism is practiced in the state. This applies to regional policy - individual taxation (it does not exist, or is delayed in time), subsidies for development, maintenance of social and welfare - medicine, education, nutrition, etc., preservation of the habitat of indigenous peoples. In the past decade, the development of the north has relied on a large influx of labor through the creation of large settlements. Today, about 12 million people live in the Russian north. This is approximately 8%, while only 2.5 million live in the approximately equal area of ​​the foreign north of both Europe and America. Each of the regions of the Russian north has a frontal outlet to the seas, to the ocean shelf, to world sea communications.

Russian maritime borders are of great importance in view of their length - 2/3. Width = 24 km. Sovereignty extends to these waters, airspace, surface and bowels of the ocean, that is, foreign ships are allowed innocent passage and economic zones are established where the state conducts exploration, development, and protection of natural resources. The same right has the same right on the continental shelf. In the current borders, in comparison with the borders of the USSR, the access to the sea has significantly narrowed, especially in the southern and western ones, where a number of ports moved away from Russia. Baltic ports - 13% of the cargo turnover of the sea fleet, according to these indicators, many ports are not inferior to London, accounting for most of the foreign trade traffic by sea. For one Odessa more than 30%. The remaining ports of the Russian Federation are not large, therefore, the problem of creating compensating ports is being solved in the Far East - Primorsky Territory. For transportation of coal, timber, containers since December 2001, the port of Ust-has been put into operation, which connects Russia with the Kaliningrad region through a road-transit conveyor and. A port specializing in the transportation of oil products was opened in Primorsk. At a time when the ports were separated and the ships that were in the ports declared their own. The fleet was lost. All this affected the change in the economic and geographical position. The modern meso-location still remains unique in view of the position of Russia between the 3 leading centers of the modern -,. Between them, it is a kind of Eurasian bridge, and in the opinion of the domestic ones, the preconditions have been created for the formation of competition between their capitals. Semenov-Tyanshansky first wrote about this advantage in his writings in 1915. His work is called "On the powerful territorial possession in relation to Russia."

Significant projects in Russia... Currently, the conveyor bridge Hamburg - - Moscow, the cargo-passenger ferry line St. Petersburg -, the construction of the Germany - - Kaliningrad highway, is under discussion - the project for the construction of the Berlin - - - Moscow expressway (300 km / h), which will be connected to a network of the same roads in Europe. A transport corridor is also being created between Russia and and. The already existing communications through Russia are being strengthened. The Transsib was laid down and is used as the shortest route between southeastern and Europe as a container route. Foreign companies will pay for the operation of our tracks. Along this route, the cargo from Bangkok will reach in 20 days. And through - - the Suez Canal - comes in 2-2.5 months. From the Japanese side, a proposal is being put forward to connect the Trans-Siberian Railway with 20 km of spans. The next project - the application of the experience of constructing a tunnel under and completing the North - Siberian Railway will be applied to the construction of a tunnel under the strait to connect the Trans-Siberian Railway with the US railway network, etc.

Airways of Russia... Russia is going to use 22 communication corridors. For the operation of our airports, for the passage through our airspace, foreign companies will pay about $ 500 million. A special place in the organization of the air corridor is assigned to the northern air corridor, where the main hub is. At the same time, the domestic aviation industry and other related enterprises will receive stable orders and new high-paying jobs, because the IL-76 can feel good in our conditions. The network of meteorological stations will expand. The Northern Sea Route will be used for international shipping. It is 2 times shorter, 1.5 times cheaper in relation to the South. Additional income: weather reports, operation of icebreakers, all ports on the north coast. For the passage of the commercial port, Russia can receive at least 100 thousand dollars. The countries, the USA, Japan are interested in this project. An obstacle is radioactivity, and you also need to remember that it entered the EU 3 years ago - there is a close border with the EU.

2. Mesolocation of Russia- the position of individual regions in relation to the territory of Russia. There used to be 11 economic regions of the Russian Federation, before the republic was a separate region. Previously, only 6 had access to the border, today 10 (Volgo-Vyatsky does not). 20 out of 76 republics, territories, regions were bordering, today - 44. orientation towards border contacts. The situation has changed, as a result flows appear within the regions, new directions are formed in migration flows, primarily in Russian-speaking ones. Intermediate settled in, a large percentage remained in the Stavropol, Krasnodar regions. Most of the migration flows are people in search of work (, Chinese, Azerbaijanis), from the south and east, from hot spots. At the same time, there was a redeployment of military personnel to the border zones. The market meso position of the regions has also changed, i.e. in relation to trading partners, to the markets for goods and services, in relation to the main trade routes, in relation to the centers of the industry, in relation to the centers of innovation - the development of high technology, good education, specialties that do not duplicate other universities, to information centers. There are 2 main groups of regions with a geographic location: a position favorable to entrepreneurial activity and areas with an obstacle to entrepreneurial activity. The first include: those located in the zone of influence of the main transport hubs of federal significance, which provide stable communications - Moscow and Moscow region, Perm, Sverdlovsk regions; coastal areas with developed port infrastructure - Primorsky Krai, Kaliningrad region; regions adjacent to the western and located on transit routes to Europe -, Murmansk region. The second group includes areas that are in depth - Volgo-Vyatka region, Vostochnaya and; peripheral territories with poor access to the all-Russian system of communications - the Komi Republic, Magadan region.

3. Micro-location of Russia- position in relation to border neighbors. In the southeast of the border section (North Karelia,), undertakings were conceived under the auspices of the creation of an international free trade zone of the modern type, which will be called East Rotterdam. It will have a large port complex, powerful infrastructure, there are interested investors. The Russian government has been involved since June 1995. In this regard, it is not a bad prospect for the Kaliningrad region (zone - Yantar).

Residing at a specific address also occupy a specific place on the planet. And each person has his neighbors - rich and poor, benevolent or envious; and each window has its own view, picturesque or not. By the same analogies, it is quite possible to characterize any of the countries of the world.

The current geographic position of Russia - what is it? And how beneficial is it? We will try to assess the economic and geographical position of Russia in this article.

GP - what is it?

One of the most important concepts of geographical science is the concept of the geographical location of a country or territory. Geographic location (abbreviated as GP) is the position of a geographic area (or object) relative to other objects and territories. At the same time, in physical geography, it is determined on the one hand (the emphasis is on the natural features of the country), but economic geographers characterize it from their side, taking into account the socio-economic aspects.

By and large, geography is precisely the science that determines and evaluates the location of certain objects in space. This is how it differs from all other scientific disciplines. After all, the determination of the geographical location, as it turned out, not only provides information about the specific location of the object, but also explains its individual features. In addition, the assessment of SOEs even allows predicting the development of the territory in the future.

Historians of geography believe that the very concept of "geographical location" appeared around the end of the 18th century. But the first serious work, revealing this concept, can be considered the book by L. Guicciardini entitled "Description of the Netherlands" (1567). In it, the Italian author assesses the role of the sea in the development of the country, which can be considered the first attempt to analyze the geographical position of the territory.

What is the economic and geographical location of the country (EGP)?

One of the types of SOEs is the country's economic and geographic position (abbreviated as EGP).

Economic and geographical position is understood as the position of a country or territory in relation to those external objects that have an impact on the development of the economy of a particular state. These objects can be of both natural and anthropogenic origin. It can also be other countries or their unions.

Geographers distinguish the following components (aspects) of the territory's EGP:

  • transport and geographical location;
  • geopolitical;
  • agricultural;
  • market;
  • demographic;
  • recreational tourism, etc.

There are also several types of economic and geographical location. So, the EGP of a country or territory can be:

  • central;
  • peripheral;
  • isolated;
  • borderline;
  • seaside;
  • or transit.

Geographical position of Russia - what is it? And what are its strengths and weaknesses? This will be discussed further.

Economic and geographical position of Russia, its brief description

The Russian Federation is the largest state in the world today in terms of area (about 17 million square kilometers of land is occupied by the country). Therefore, the geographical position of Russia is very advantageous and is distinguished by its versatility.

Russia is located on the mainland Eurasia. Moreover, a third of it is located in Europe, and most of it is in Asia. The westernmost point of the country is located on the Baltic Sea coast, while the easternmost point is on the Bering Sea, near the borders with the United States. Thus, the territory of the state is very elongated from west to east and is divided into ten time zones.

The total length of the Russian border is 60 thousand kilometers, of which 2/3 are sea borders. This aspect makes our country one of the most powerful maritime powers on the planet. The territory of Russia is washed by the waters of three oceans of the Earth at once. Sea lanes connect the Russian Federation with such important countries of the world as China, Japan, the USA and Germany.

On land, Russia borders on 14 independent states of the world. These are Norway, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, North Korea and Mongolia.

EGP assessment of Russia

In order to assess the EGP of our country, it is necessary to determine its position in relation to external economic centers, resource bases and transport corridors. This is precisely what the science of geography does.

The geographical position of Russia largely determines the economic level of its development. It is generally assessed at three different levels. It:

  • macro level (global level of assessment) - assesses the position of the state relative to the continents and oceans, the main transport corridors, as well as the leading centers of the world economy;
  • meso-level - determines the position of the state in relation to the historical and geographical regions;
  • micro-level - assesses the position of the country relative to its immediate neighbors (in this case, these are the 14 states that border on the Russian Federation).

The assessment of the EGP of a particular country is usually expressed in the form of a list of its strengths and weaknesses. It should be noted that the geographical position of European Russia will be somewhat different from the position of its Asian part. This is due to the vast territory of the state and its elongation in the sublatitudinal direction.

EGP of Russia: strengths and weaknesses

The peculiarities of Russia's geographic location are best characterized in terms of its strengths and weaknesses.

So, the positive aspects of EGP in Russia include:

  • huge area of ​​the territory;
  • variety of natural conditions and resources;
  • variety of landforms;
  • free access to the World Ocean;
  • rich forest resources;
  • a large number of neighboring countries;
  • the presence of large navigable rivers.

The most important negative aspects of EGP in Russia include the following facts:

  • huge territory;
  • about 25% of the territory lies behind the Polar climate, where a very harsh climate is observed;
  • a large number of Russian seas and rivers freeze over for a long period of the year, which makes navigation very difficult;
  • too much elongation of the territory from west to east.

It should be noted that a large territory of the country is on the list of strengths and weaknesses of the EGP. Indeed, on the one hand, a vast territory is a large assortment of natural conditions and resources, which opens up great prospects for the development of industry. On the other hand, too large spaces are very difficult to manage. In addition, it is almost impossible to create an integral and high-quality system of transport infrastructure in such a territory.

Natural resource potential

The relief of the territory of Russia is very diverse. Plains occupy about 70% of its expanses, but there are also high mountain ranges - the Caucasus, Altai, Sayan, Sikhote-Alin, Byrranga mountains and others. Kamchatka is famous for its numerous volcanoes, among which Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the highest volcano on the mainland. There are even deserts in Russia. In particular, Tsimlyansk Sands with an area of ​​1000 square kilometers is the largest desert in Russia.

The geographical position of a country is largely determined by its climate. The climatic features of Russia are very diverse, the territory of the country lies in four climatic zones. However, most of it is located in the temperate zone, which is characterized by the most favorable conditions for human life and economic activity.

Russia is extremely rich in water, mineral and forest resources. The country has the world's largest reserves of fresh water. Of the minerals, oil, natural gas, coal and non-ferrous metal ores are of global importance.

The country has colossal forest reserves. However, the geographical position of the forests of Russia is distinguished by such features that hinder the development of the country's forestry. The fact is that most of Russia's forest resources are located in regions that are difficult to access (in terms of transport), which greatly complicates the process of their development.

Transport and geographical position of Russia

The economic development of any territory largely depends on its transport and geographical location. For Russia, it is very beneficial, although after the collapse of the USSR, the country's external transport links have significantly narrowed. At the moment, the most promising for the development of sea transport links in Russia is the northern basin. Although there are problems and difficulties here, primarily due to the fact that most of the waters of the northern seas are frozen for a long period of the year.

The possibility of full-fledged use of railway lines is still limited. Today, the country's railway network requires a complete reorganization and modernization.

Geopolitical position

Russia borders on 14 states of the world. At the same time, the lack of proper border demarcation with many of the neighboring countries remains a very serious problem.

The geopolitical position of a state is determined by the nature of its relationship with its immediate neighbors. Unfortunately, Russia does not have good-neighborly relations with all neighboring countries. So, a number of countries (officially or unofficially) have territorial claims against Russia. These are Japan, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. Relations between Russia and countries such as Georgia and Ukraine have become no less tense.

In general, experts note that the geopolitical encirclement of Russia has noticeably deteriorated over the past five years.

Economic zoning

The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 12 economic regions (do not confuse them with federal districts):

  • Central.
  • Central Black Earth.
  • East Siberian.
  • Far Eastern.
  • Northern.
  • North Caucasian.
  • Northwestern.
  • Povolzhsky.
  • Uralsky.
  • Volgo-Vyatsky.
  • West Siberian.
  • Kaliningrad.

Geographical position of Central Russia

This area is the most populous in the country. It is home to about 30 million inhabitants. In addition, the most developed industry is characteristic precisely for the Central Region of Russia. The geographical position of this economic region is very advantageous and has several features.

The Central Economic Region is located at the intersection of the most important transport arteries (land and water). It is here that the Volga river system is located - a river that has always played an important role in the life of Russia. Even despite the absence of significant mineral deposits in the region, several sectors of the national economy are successfully developing here: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, the chemical industry, the construction industry and the agro-industrial complex. And it is precisely the convenient and advantageous geographical position of Central Russia that has become the basis for the rapid economic development of this region.


Thus, the geographical position of Russia differs in both its strengths and weaknesses. The Russian Federation is a huge country with extensive access to the World Ocean. The presence of the richest natural resource potential, as well as the possibility of cooperation with many countries of the world, opens up broad opportunities for Russia for its own successful economic development.

It is all the same to the objects lying outside it that have this or that economic significance, whether these objects are of a natural order or created in the process of history (according to N.N. Baransky). In other words, EGP is a position in the economic space, which is determined in relation to both the natural elements of the environment, and to the elements of the artificial environment created by man, and to the location of the population itself.

EGP analysis is carried out according to its following components

  • transport-geographic
  • industrial-geographic
  • agrogeographic
  • market
  • demographic
  • recreational-geographical

The following types of EGP are distinguished:

  • central;
  • peripheral;
  • borderline;
  • transit;
  • seaside;
  • deep.

Country (region) EGP characterization plan

In a school geography course, the description of EGL usually follows the following type of plan:

  1. Position in relation to neighboring countries.
  2. Position in relation to the main land and sea transport routes.
  3. Position in relation to the main fuel and raw material bases, industrial and agricultural areas.
  4. Location in relation to the main marketing areas.
  5. Change in EGP over time.
  6. General conclusion about the influence of EGP on the development and location of the country's economy.

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See what "Economic and geographical position" is in other dictionaries:

    ECONOMIC AND GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION- the position of a region or country relative to other objects of economic importance for it. E. G. P. Is a historical category, may change in connection with the construction of the railway. d. or power plant, the beginning of the development of a deposit of useful ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Economic and geographical location- the position of a deposit, enterprise, city, region, country or other economic-geographical object in relation to other economic-geographical objects that are of economic importance for it. EGP assessment of an object depends on its position ... Financial vocabulary

    GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    geographical position- the position of any point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories or objects; relative to the surface of the earth, geographic position is determined using coordinates. Distinguish geographic location by ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Geographical position- the position of any point or area of ​​the earth's surface in relation to territories or objects located outside this point or area. A geographic area in mathematical geography is understood as the latitude and longitude of these points or terrain, in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    transport and geographical location- the position of a city, district (region) or country in relation to the transport network, the network of transport nodes and flows. The peculiarities of the position of economic and geographical objects are determined by the nature of the territorial coverage (they highlight the macro position, ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Chile. Economic and geographical outline- Mining of iron ore at the Algarrobo deposit (province of Huasco). Chile. Economic and geographical outline General characteristics of the economy. Ch. Is one of the relatively developed Latin American countries. It stands on the 5th place in Latin ... ... Encyclopedic guide "Latin America"

    EGP- Economic and geographical position of EGP 6 energy heterogeneous loop reactor 6 coolant circulation loops ... Wikipedia

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the topic "Economic-geographical, transport-geographical and geopolitical position of Russia." At the beginning of the lesson, remember what the concept of "economic and geographical location" is, repeat who was the first to introduce this definition, at what levels it is studied. After that, proceed to the study of the economic-geographical, transport-geographical and geopolitical position of Russia.

Topic: Geographical position of Russia

Lesson: Economic-geographical, transport-geographical and geopolitical position of Russia

The concept of “economic and geographical position was introduced by the geography science, the theorist and popularizer of geography, the author of school textbooks Nikolai Nikolaevich Baransky. (see fig 1)

Rice. 1.N.N.Baransky (1881 - 1963)

To assess the economic and geographical position of Russia at different levels, one should pay attention to our neighbors. Russia borders on land with 14 states. Border states are first-order neighbors. Most of the first-order neighbors are countries CIS [C1].

The main task of the CIS is to unite the states that formed it for economic, cultural and military cooperation.

The CIS countries are important for the Russian economy because they account for 16% of Russia's exports and 24% of imports. The main trade partners are Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus. In turn, the CIS countries are interested in maintaining economic cooperation with Russia, since it accounts for more than 70% of their economic ties.

EGP of Russia at the global level (macrolevel) characterizes the position of the country in relation to the main centers of the world economy and trade. This position is extremely advantageous. Russia has the potential to develop and deepen its economic ties with countries of all continents. Today this is reflected in the fact that Russia is a member of over 200 international organizations. And yet, the main foreign economic partners, in addition to the CIS, for Russia are the countries The EU [L2] and recently - countries Asia-Pacific [L3] ... For example, European countries account for 59% of Russia's trade turnover, and of them -51% for the EU countries. The share of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region

(except for the countries of the American region) -18%.

(see fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Factors of Russia's EGP at the macro level

The peculiarities of the geographical position are influenced by the transport and geographical position of Russia. After the collapse of the USSR, many railway, automobile, pipeline, gas pipelines remained within the borders of independent states. Their use will require additional costs for the transportation of transit goods. Therefore, the country is currently developing the construction of new roads and the reconstruction of old ones. The Russian Empire and the USSR had four main outlets to the world ocean: firstly, to the Baltic, cut by Peter in the 18th century, secondly, the Black Sea, thirdly, to the Northern and fourthly, to the Pacific. In connection with the collapse of the USSR and the formation of new independent states, Russia's transport and geographical position deteriorated. The number of ports in the Baltic and Black Seas has sharply decreased. Russia retained Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg and Vyborg ports in the Baltic, while Stalin, Ventspils, and Riga became ports of sovereign states. (see fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Baltic ports (white marked Russian, red - ports of sovereign states)

In the Azov-Black Sea basin, the situation is almost the same, Russia owns two ports: Tuapse and Novorossiysk, and Odessa and Kherson became ports of independent Ukraine. (see fig. 4)

Rice. 4. Ports of the Azov-Black Sea Basin (white marked Russian, red - ports of sovereign states)

The ports of the Baltic and Ukraine are rarely used by these countries, since they were built to supply the entire USSR. Russia needs to conclude new trade agreements on the exploitation of these transport routes.

The transport and geographical position in the Far East is characterized as rather favorable for our country. Since Russia can act as a transcontinental "corridor" between the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe, this requires new construction of bridges.

Before the collapse of the USSR, Russia lived in a "bipolar world": on the one hand, it was the Soviet Union, and on the other hand, the United States; on the one hand, these are the NATO countries, and on the other, the Warsaw Pact countries.

After the collapse of the USSR, the world gradually became multipolar (see fig. 5) and therefore, to determine its geopolitical position, Russia needs to focus on the following points:

· Russia is the largest country in the post-Soviet space and therefore needs to build a new relationship with the CIS countries;

· Russia is the largest country in the world, which stretches in the Eurasian space from the Atlantic in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east;

· Russia is a northern country, because 64% of the territory belongs to the planetary zone of the North.

Rice. 5. The current geopolitical position of Russia

New Russia in its geopolitics should be guided by the following groups of countries:

The CIS countries and other newly independent states are not only bordering states, but also second-order neighbors (Moldova, Armenia, Central Asian states) and third order (Tajikistan);

· Countries of Western and Southern Europe, united in the European Economic Community (EU), among which the role of Germany, the new world geopolitical pole, is growing; (see fig. 6)

Rice. 6. Germany - the new world geopolitical pole

· Countries of Eastern Europe, closely connected throughout the post-war period with the USSR, with which Russia must renew and strengthen ties;

· Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea basins - Russia has already concluded multilateral agreements with them: cultural and economic, on problems of protected nature, on human rights;

· Countries of the Asia-Pacific region, especially the new poles of the world economy and politics: Japan, China, South Asia, India;

· A special role belongs to the strengthening and development of diversified ties between Russia and the United States. Our country has already concluded an agreement on radical disarmament and space exploration, along with the development of economic, scientific and technical ties;

· Of great importance are Russia's ties with Canada and Northern Europe in the exchange of experience in the development of northern territories.


  1. What are the neighbors of Russia of the 1st and 2nd order of Russia?
  2. How can you assess the geopolitical position in the north of Russia?
  1. Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. 1 h. 8 class / auth. V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinova, V. Ya Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze
  2. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. Grade 9 / author V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum Atlas.
  3. Geography of Russia. Population and Economy / Publishing House "Bustard" 2012

Other lessons on this topic

  • Geographical position and borders of Russia. Geopolitical position ().

learn more

  1. Official site of the CIS ().
  2. On this site you can find out everything about the ports of Russia ().

[C1] In December 1991, the USSR ceased to exist, most of the newly independent states that emerged within its former borders decided to create the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)

[L2] The European Union (European Union, EU) is an economic and political union of 27 European states aimed at regional integration (union).

[L3] The Asia-Pacific Region (APR) is a political and economic term for countries located along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean and numerous island states in the ocean itself.

Russia, the pros and cons of the location of our state. We will also designate the objects that make up our endless country. Let's compare the location of France, England and the geographical location of Russia, the pros and cons of which are different.

Our country is wide and immense. The Russian Federation is geographically located in the north of Asia and the east of Europe. In 2017, about 147 million people live on its area (17 million square kilometers). There are eighty-five constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

  • 46 regions;
  • 22 republics;
  • 9 edges;
  • 3 cities of federal significance;
  • 4 autonomous regions;
  • 1 autonomous region.

Another distinctive feature of the EGP is the borders with 18 states (this includes both land and sea). Russia ranks first in terms of the number of Orthodox population (70%), despite this, it is a multinational state with the greatest ethnocultural diversity.

Russia, the pros and cons of which we will identify, is unique. The country possesses huge reserves of natural resources (about 20% of the world's reserves).

Economic and geographical position of Russia

The economic and geographical position of the country allows us to judge the development of a given state, primarily about economic activity. We will briefly trace this relationship at three levels:

  • macro position;
  • micro position;
  • mesoposition.

The geographical position of Russia, the pros and cons of which we are considering, is quite successful. One eighth of all land belongs to this particular state. The country is located on the mainland Eurasia. Due to its military potential, it is considered a world power.

First of all, we will consider the position of Russia in relation to the whole world, that is, its macro position. The country's territory is over 17 million square kilometers. As mentioned above, Russia covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.

Now a little about the location of the regions (meso location). Let's start with the fact that 11 economic regions of Russia were previously identified:

  • Northwestern;
  • Northern;
  • Central;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • Volgo-Vyatsky;
  • Povolzhsky;
  • North Caucasian;
  • Ural;
  • West Siberian;
  • East Siberian;
  • Far Eastern.

Russia recognizes the existence of borders with 18 states. (excluding Crimea) is 60933 km.

Now let's consider the position of our country in relation to its neighbors (micro position). In this part, it is very important to mention the southeast. This territory, perhaps, in the near future will be called East Rotterdam - a free trade zone. Many investors are interested in this project.


We examined the geographic location and borders of Russia. Now we propose to highlight the advantages of the location of our state. These include:

  • Russia is incredibly rich in many resources, including mineral, fuel and energy and biological;
  • has access to the Arctic Ocean, which opens up access to the energy reserves of the shelf part of Eurasia;
  • has large rivers, which helps in shipping and dam building;
  • developed shipping and marine fisheries due to the well-open access to the sea;
  • another advantage lies in the large number of neighboring states, Russia acts as a transit country for Europe and Asia.


Despite the large number of advantages, the disadvantages of Russia's geographical position can also be highlighted. Let's list them. The disadvantages of Russia's geographic location are as follows:

  • although the territory is large, most of it is located in permafrost regions, it is very difficult to improve these lands for comfortable living of people;
  • a harsh climate prevails, which leads to high economic and labor costs for energy supply and heat supply;
  • the last drawback can be called the great length of Russia, which leads to some difficulties with the transportation of various cargo.

Comparison of the geographical location of Russia and other countries

If we compare the geographical position of Russia with England and France, then we can highlight some differences:

  • the natural conditions of Russia are more severe, since it is located to the north;
  • the country has a disadvantageous position regarding access to the world's oceans, or rather, far from trade routes.

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area. Due to the vastness of the territory, all the necessary conditions for a rational geographical division of labor are provided.

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