
Banks with profitable deposits per year. Deposits high rates. How to choose a reliable bank for opening a deposit

A bank deposit is an opportunity to earn interest by investing your money in a bank for a certain period of time. None of the programs can be called universal - a recipe profitable investment money for everyone and depends on the attitude of the depositor to the reliability of the bank, auto-prolongation, capitalization and other conditions. The best interest rates on deposits are usually associated with risks and some inconvenience for the depositor.

This page contains banks offering maximum rates interest on deposits. To get to know the best deals and programs in more detail, click the "Apply" button - you will be redirected to the bank's website.

Creditnatok is a service that allows you to select deposits with the highest interest rate or the most favorable conditions with a variety of offerings. No matter what matters to you - flexibility of conditions, availability of capitalization or maximum income - here you will find the most high percent on deposits in Moscow and you will be able to profitably dispose of your money right now.

Analysis of profitable offers

Offers that provide for the possibility of capitalization allow the most profitable investment. Income is accrued every month, and in the next period the interest is calculated on the new increased amount. Among the best profitable offers can also be identified:

  • not allowing replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds;
  • not allowing withdrawal of income before the end of the contract;
  • promotional offers of banks dedicated to memorable dates.

Term deposits at the highest interest rate can also be found among currency products: interest rate here it is lower than in rubles, but the option is very wide and flexible. You can open an account not only in dollars and euros, but also in other currencies.

Profitable deposits at a high percentage are easier to find in less promoted small banks. Having an impeccable reputation, large banks do not need the highest rates to attract depositors - many of them choose reliability and stability instead of fast money. Additional advantages - convenient Internet banking, bonus programs, availability of ATMs not only in Moscow, but even in small towns.

We have collected on this page banks that offer the highest income and allow you to invest money profitably. You can choose a suitable bank according to several criteria: high income, term, deposit amount, currency. It should be remembered that a higher rate, exceeding the refinancing rate by 5 points, will entail the payment of a tax of 35% on the difference between the interest.

To find out more, click on the "Apply" button: get all the necessary information and fill out an application on the bank's website. Look for profitable offer together with "Creditznatok"!

Even in a difficult economic situation in 2020, there is an opportunity to invest money in such a way as to earn. One of the ways is to make a profitable deposit for individuals. But which of the most reliable banks in Russia today has the highest interest on deposits? The website agency experts analyzed the proposals of the largest banks in the country, compiling a review of deposits in rubles with favorable interest rates.

Deposits of individuals - a traditional way of investing money

There are many ways to invest in order to receive passive income. You can buy a currency and wait for it to rise in price, you can earn money on Forex, invest in a PAMM account, try to earn income by trading binary options and much more.

All these ways of making money bring fairly high profits, but they are also associated with a certain risk. Bank deposits individuals still remain the most reliable and traditional way of investing savings in Russia today.

Choosing the most profitable deposit: what to look for

When choosing a bank to entrust money to, depositors, as a rule, pay attention to at least two parameters:

  • - the size of the interest rate, which allows you to choose a deposit with the maximum income;
  • - reliability of the bank, which allows you not to worry about the safety of savings even during a banking crisis.

It can be quite difficult to combine a high interest rate and sufficient bank reliability. Analysts of the agency website tried to do this by examining the conditions for deposits in Russian rubles for individuals in reliable banks.

What deposits in reliable Russian banks are the most profitable today

Each bank has its own line of profitable deposits for individuals with unique conditions.

In order to somehow bring "to a common denominator" the parameters of contributions to different banks, we tried to find out what the highest interest rates in rubles are offered to those who intend to open a deposit today, in 2020.

For the purity of the experiment, we compared the rates in largest banks Russia on deposits for a period of 12 months, since this is the most popular investment period. As settlement amount took 1 million rubles. And they also tried to dismiss the so-called investment or complex proposals with the obligatory investment of money, insurance, mutual funds or shares. As a result, the following list was obtained (check the exact conditions and interest rates on deposits with banks).

The most profitable deposits in reliable Russian banks from the top 10

Credit Bank of Moscow

MEGA Online deposit

Replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / Without capitalization / Interest at the end of the term

Bank FK Otkritie

Deposit "Reliable"

Without replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Accrual of interest at the end of the term.


Deposit "My income"

No replenishment / No partial withdrawal / No capitalization / Interest at the end of the term.

Savings account deposit

Without replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest accrual monthly.


Deposit "Capital"

Without replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / Capitalization / Interest monthly

Sberbank of Russia

Contribution "Save"

Interest rate

Without replenishment / Without partial withdrawal / With capitalization / Calculation of interest monthly. Banks of Moscow >>

The main types of deposits of individuals

Today, Moscow banks offer a large number of various kinds profitable deposits for individuals. But all of them can be divided into several groups:

term deposits at the highest interest rates. By opening such a deposit, you give the bank your money for a certain period (3-6 months, 1 year or 3 years), and at this time you cannot take it back without losing interest or replenish your account.

✓ replenished deposits of individuals. By opening such a deposit, the depositor can save money by replenishing the account, and at the same time interest increases. However, it is impossible to withdraw funds from the account and not lose profitability.

✓ deposits with partial withdrawal of funds without loss of interest. Such deposits usually have the lowest interest rates. But they make it possible to withdraw part of the funds up to a pre-negotiated minimum balance, on the amount of which interest will be charged.

Of course, in any unforeseen situation, if you need money ahead of time the end of the deposit, you can always get them, but it will be a pity for the lost profit. So, when you are going to make a deposit in a bank, it is better to decide in advance when you will withdraw money so as not to lose income.

Only a few banks offer high-interest deposits in Moscow. Some make such an offer so that new customers appear, others - to maintain their positive reputation. Most huge contribution- . But this can only happen if a few conditions are met:

  • the account is opened immediately for the entire amount;
  • nothing can be done with the funds until the expiration of the contract;
  • the client belongs to the privileged category.

High interest rates are possible within . Get the maximum profit and when opening a foreign currency account.

Conditions for opening a high-interest deposit in Moscow

Citizens can open with a high percentage both at the place of registration and residence. To do this, you only need a passport. There are those who cooperate with young people from 14 years old. Offers for individuals are different:

  • minimum amounts.

Most high stakes on deposits in Moscow offer institutions that have high rates of their own assets, a good loan portfolio, which means they are stable.

On our website you will find deposits in banks with a high interest rate in 2020. For convenience, we offer a comparative table with up-to-date information and for calculating possible profits. The data is updated regularly, so our users receive up-to-date information. If necessary, you can choose the most convenient currency for calculations.

When a person has free cash, a fair question arises: where to invest it in order to receive income? The easiest and safest way to receive income from the point of view of state protection of risks is deposits. We offer you to get acquainted with the ratings of banks, which have the highest deposit rates, depending on the conditions of deposit programs.

Please note that when compiling the lists, banks included in the TOP-50 credit institutions of the country were used to exclude offers from companies that may be in an unstable financial situation.

Standard deposits

Standard deposits are fixed-term deposits that do not have additional features– replenishment or partial withdrawal. As a rule, the rates on such deposits are the highest. The top ten with the best offers looks like this:

Deposits with additional features

Even the highest percentage of deposits in banks with additional options is usually lower than that of standard programs, but this does not reduce the interest of consumers in them. Such deposit products are preferable to depositors due to the expanded access to money and the preservation of accrued interest.

Replenished deposits

TOP-10 banks issuing the most profitable deposits with the possibility of increasing the initial amount looks like this:

  1. RosEvro Bank - 8.5%. banking product bears the corresponding name "Replenish". It is possible to open an account for a period of 91 to 1095 days in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. monthly interest can be capitalized or used as you see fit. Replenish the deposit by at least 5 thousand rubles. available until the last 30 days of the validity of the contract.
  2. Tinkoff - 8.5%. The bank has two rates - 8.5% with the possibility of replenishing the deposit only in the first 30 days and 8% - with the availability of increasing the balance throughout the entire term of the contract. The minimum deposit amount is 50 thousand rubles. The size additional contributions not limited.
  3. TransCapital Bank - 8.5%. Another bank with a high interest rate on deposits is TKB. The deposit product "Super-long-term" is designed for 6000 days with the possibility of replenishing the account at any convenient time. Minimum limit for opening - 10 thousand rubles. Interest is paid every 400 days.
  4. Oriental Express Bank - 8.3%. Thanks to the Savings Book deposit, a bank client can receive a high income for 6-24 months. The contract is drawn up if there is at least 30 thousand rubles on the account. The amount of payments to increase the deposit must be more than 5 thousand rubles.
  5. The All Inclusive program assumes a minimum down payment of 30 thousand rubles. with the further possibility of replenishing the account for any amount. The deposit is opened for a period of 3 to 12 months.
  6. Globex - 8.25%. The "Optimal" product guarantees the multiplication of funds in the specified amount when they are placed for 367 days. The initial contribution must be more than 30 thousand rubles, and each additional payment must be more than 5 thousand rubles. Capitalization of interest is possible at the request of the client.
  7. AK Bars - 8.25%. A deposit account is opened for a period of 91 to 720 days. The minimum deposit amount is 1 million rubles. It is possible to replenish the account, but not more than four times the initial balance.
  8. BinBank - 8.2%. The contract is executed for 91 days with automatic prolongation on the same terms. Initial payment from 10 thousand rubles. There is capitalization of interest, as well as the possibility of replenishing the deposit for any amount.
  9. Moscow Regional Bank – 8%. A product with a similar rate is available at MosoblBank. The minimum initial investment is 300 thousand rubles. You can count on the stated rate when signing a contract for 367 days. Bank charges capitalized or transferred to the client's account. Replenishment of the account is possible in the first 183 days.
  10. Moscow Credit Bank – 7,75%. Registration with the offered rate is possible only through the online application. The initial amount of the deposit must be at least 1 thousand rubles. The tariff provides for monthly interest capitalization. Replenishment possible up to maximum limit- 10 million rubles.

Deposits with partial withdrawals

The highest rates on deposits in banks with the ability to withdraw part of the deposit amount (excluding accrued interest) are offered by several banks. Let's list them:

  1. Tinkoff - 8.5%. Universal deposit with replenishment and withdrawal of part of the money. The minimum deposit amount is 50 thousand rubles. Partial withdrawal in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. possible after 60 days from the date of opening the account. Term from 3 months and more at the request of the client.
  2. Novikobank - 8.5%. Novikobank offers a program with fixed terms of 184 or 368 days. The initial deposit amount is from 30 thousand rubles. Partial withdrawal is possible if the minimum balance is more than 1.4 million rubles. Interest is paid every 184 days.
  3. National Bank Trust - 8.25%. According to the All Inclusive tariff, you can not only replenish your account, but also partially withdraw money, subject to maintaining the minimum balance (similar to the initial minimum) - 30 thousand rubles. The terms are fixed - 91, 181 and 367 days.
  4. AK Bars - 8.25%. The bank has quite strict requirements regarding minimum size contribution - 1 million rubles. The term of the contract can be from 3 to 24 months. The savings account can be replenished, as well as part of the money can be withdrawn from it, keeping the initial minimum of 1 million rubles.
  5. Globex - 8.15%. The product "Universal Online" is available only through an application on the Internet. Money can be invested for 6, 12 and 24 months. Initial payment - 10 thousand rubles. It is allowed to withdraw money from the account, subject to saving minimum amount, individually indicated in the deposit agreement.
  6. Oriental Express Bank - 8.02%. The "Practical" product allows you to withdraw money without losing interest. Sum down payment- from 100 thousand rubles. Terms of registration - 181 and 731 days. After a partial withdrawal, the account must have a minimum balance of 100 thousand rubles.
  7. Absolut Bank - 8%. Absolut Bank offers special program for people of retirement age. The account is opened for at least 10 thousand rubles. lasting from 91 to 730 days. A one-time partial withdrawal of the amount for the entire period is possible, provided that the minimum deposit amount is maintained.
  8. Ugra - 7.89%. The banking program "Maximum" allows you to invest from 1.5 million rubles. for a period of 2 to 12 months. It is possible to replenish the deposit account, as well as to withdraw part of the money, saving the minimum balance. In addition to this program, Ugra Bank also offers Managed Interest, where the minimum initial deposit is 100 thousand rubles, and the duration of the funds placement is 720 days. Replenishment is possible during the first year, and withdrawals - starting from 91 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. The first year the rate is 10%, the second - 5.5% per annum. Interest can be withdrawn at the end of each period.
  9. Promsvyazbank - 7.5%. The minimum deposit amount is 150 thousand rubles, which can be invested for 367 or 731 days. The deposit can be replenished or withdrawn from it, keeping the established initial limit. An automatic extension of the contract is possible.
  10. Credit Moscow Bank - 7.25%. The "Settlement" tariff is issued in the online banking system. The deposit is opened for at least 1000 rubles. You can replenish in the amount of no more than 20 thousand rubles. At partial withdrawal Money the initial amount must remain in the account.

Opening a deposit

When the most difficult process is over - the investor has determined where the interest-bearing deposit is more profitable, you can proceed directly to opening it. Most banks, along with registration at the branch, practice submitting online applications.

Often, for opening a deposit account online, a client can even receive a premium to the declared rate.

Of the documents you need only a passport. If the deposit is opened in favor of a third party, then it is necessary to provide his documents (certified copies) proving his identity. There are no requirements for the client as such, banks open deposits even in the name of minors.

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, many do not understand that keeping savings at home is not the best solution. Instead of bringing income to their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, often people do not hold back and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only save your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike the stock market or precious metals, you do not need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You just find a suitable offer and sign a contract. At the same time, most organizations do not have any restrictions on minimum contributions, and if they exist, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so before signing it, you need to read the text personally. To do this, ask the bank employees to give a sample in printed or in electronic format and read all the points carefully, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and prescribe unfavorable conditions for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main plus of the service, in addition to stable income is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through the program compulsory insurance. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be compensated. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain time period. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. Wherein this species The deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is provided for periodic replenishment (popularly called a "piggy bank").

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is unprofitable for an organization to keep finances at home, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers who are satisfied with the fact of reliability, and they are of little interest in potential profit.

Online Assistant

On the site you will find products that are currently on the market. It contains reliable information, which our experts check and update daily. By comparing the services according to their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, the cost of opening and commission, you will be able to make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. site is the largest financial supermarket Runet, successfully functioning for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or profitable only according to the experts of Banki.ru

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state