
How to receive stable passive income. The best idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income. Passive income: ideas, sources, types and investments

Passive is called such an income that does not depend on regular human activity. The simplest example can be a deposit in a bank: it consistently brings interest to his owner. Regardless of the age of the depositor, the presence of disease or desire to go to work the interest will be accrued to him.

Active income is completely dependent on human actions. To receive it, you need to deal with any activity: to produce goods, sell them, provide services, mined minerals and much more.

Revealing the concept of stable passive income should not be forgotten about risks. On the example of the deposit, the following risks can be distinguished for depositors:

  • depreciation currency;
  • bankruptcy of the bank;
  • fors major circumstances.

There is also a number of inconvenience: interest are accrued after the end of a certain period of time (for example, once a month), and it is impossible to use invested money until the end of the deposit period.

Therefore, before creating a passive source of income, it is necessary to take into account all possible risks of activity.

Verified methods for creating passive income

Before creating passive income from scratch, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the existing ways of such passive earnings. This will help to see all the advantages and disadvantages of the basic options for passive sources of income. The article will consider efficient and proven sources of passive income. They can be used as the basis for building their business.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, having a certain amount of means to build a source of stable passive income is somewhat simpler. Without having money for the implementation of your dreams will have to spend your own time and strength.

Business Registration and Delegation of Powers

It is very effective method Get passive income. It has a minimum of deficiencies in the competent organization of the case. It will take the following to create it:

  • organization of the enterprise;
  • business development;
  • exit on stable level income;
  • selection of a candidate for the position of the manager;
  • obtaining profits with minimal time spent on monitoring key documentation and making important decisions.

Of course, there are risks here. Among them is the main: responsibility and decency of the manager. From its daily solutions will depend on the continued success of the company or organization. To select a suitable candidate, most often resorted to proven personnel, which worked at the enterprise for a long time.

It is not easy to create and develop a business. This requires a lot of time, means and skills. However, there are many situations where a skilled niche for doing business allows you to quickly develop it.

What you need to open your own business:

  • business plan;
  • starting capital (in most cases);
  • official design;
  • rental of premises;
  • we have employees (if required).

Any enterprise is risks for the entrepreneur. No one can be sure that the activity will bring income at all, and not damages. Therefore, you need to weigh everything correctly before creating your business. If everything is done correctly, the entrepreneur is waiting for success and the possibility of receiving passive income.

Sale of its intellectual property

This version is suitable for those who have knowledge and skills in certain sciences or specialties. How to create passive income from scratch, having the opportunity to create demanded information products? They need to be implemented.

What can be attributed to intellectual property:

  • artistic, literary and scientific works;
  • created unique industrial samples;
  • developed software;
  • invented objects or technologies in all sectors of life.

As can be seen from the list, intellectual property can be in any field of human activity. Passive profit can bring both a written book and a unique invention that helps increase equipment performance, for example. In order for the property to be individual, it is necessary to confirm its documented. For this, patents are issued and copyright are assigned. Owning them can be made of profit from the sale of its goods / services.

The simplest example for consideration of the profit option will be written book. The author of the book will sell copies of books on their own or concluding an agreement with the publishing company. The owner of the right will make a profit from every book sold. If she is in demand - she brings profit. If she is in demand for a long time - she long brings profit.

This applies not only to books. Increasingly resort to creating various programs on PCs or mobile devices. One finished project can bring passive profits until another, cheaper or more useful will appear on sale.

Accordingly, the person needs to create such a source of income:

  • come up with / create something unique and sought-after for society;
  • confirm your rights to the invention;
  • implement a product of your activities.

Disadvantages: On the creation of unique works / techniques / technologies, it is necessary to work a lot; Property may be unclaimed and will not bring tangible profits.

Building your own trading network

Such a network is able to provide its owner with constant passive income. All actions will be committed by network members, and its creator will receive all increasing profits. For this you need the following:

  • create your own unique products (services are less likely);
  • officially issue an enterprise for production and selling or collaborating with the manufacturer;
  • interest those who wish to become participants in the network;
  • sell them to other network participants;
  • to create a price of goods in such a way that the part of the profit came to the owner of the network, and part of the goods to the seller.

Everyone who wants to make money in such a network - should sell these goods. The more he sells - the more it will work. The main key to success is high-quality and demanded goods at competitive prices. This can be anything, ranging from cosmetic products and ending with food, medical goods or unique services.

The main difference from most network marketing companies should be as follows:

  • providing guarantees to all network participants;
  • use of only safe goods;
  • the presence of contacts for communication with the manual and all comprehensive information on the activities of the organization.

These factors will increase the sales and interest of workers.

To sell something not necessary - you need to buy something at first, I do not need anything, but you have no money. Passive income implies a profit from previously embedded assets. Here under assets are considered not only cashBut also your various features that will enable passive income without money. What are the ideas of business with passive income? Read on.

It is necessary to understand that the passive sources of income with a constant and stable profit must be pretty hard to work out, think to actively invest in the business. However, in any case, a properly built circuit of passive profits "Swells" all previously invested funds.

Financial Investments - Best Passive Income

Financial investments as passive business became known immediately after the emergence of money. Now, this type of passive business does not lose popularity, and at the first places of any list of ideas for business with passive income. This type of business is characterized by simplicity - invested money and make a profit. However, this simplicity carries with me and disadvantages - financial investments are a highly risky business type, in addition to risks, passive income directly depends on the invested funds and their sum, so 10 dollars will not bring 1000 dollars in a month (if, of course, you want to get honest and stable income).

Among all possible ways to invest, we allocate - investing in PAMM account. This is a pretty new way of investments with stable high percent Profit from nested funds from 20% to 90% and minimal risks with a competent approach. You can read in more detail in a special article.

But, nevertheless, the author's design can cost money and bring passive income. We are not talking about creating a musical hat, a movie or something like something. Although, if you know how ... We will talk about copyrights on a computer program, information business or photo.

Computer program. If you have programming skills, you can build algorithms and solve other extensive tasks, you can write a useful program that other users will acquire for money, the more popularity your program will have, the more you get passive income. We recommend that you pay attention to the creation of programs and games for popular mobile operating systems - Android, iOS, Windows. Programs and games for these platforms extensive opportunities Monetization - from buying the program itself, to built-in mobile advertising. With the growing popularity of your mobile program you will receive a stable source of passive income.

Information business. It is much easier here than in the previous way. You can just apply your knowledge area in the right and right direction. How it works? If you have knowledge, you can easily sell them in the form of consultations, information assistance and courses. You can sell them in offline business, which denies passivity - you need to ride, respond to calls and so on. And you can create your own infocanal - paid periodic mailing, webinars, participation in information on sales platforms. With a successful coincidence and the right approach, the created material can be sold infinitely, supporting its relevance.

See also:

The photo.Possessing the talent of photography or not possessing, but learned, you can sell copyright photos repeatedly through special stock exchanges. It may be thematic photos - see photo banks with wallpaper for desktop, event - news and other, and spontaneous - natural events.

A lot of news projects, publishing houses and other writing are ready to pay for a good photo, which will accompany their material.

Types of passive income - those in which the presence of stable financial revenues does not depend on daily work. Any of us heard of people living at the expense of such revenues - those who do not have to go to work. They are called "Earlier", that is, those living at the expense of rent.

The rent is the revenues that the owner receives from the fixed capital, placed in real estate, deposits, valuable papersah, etc., "from the same opera" - sources of passive income related to copyright. By the way, the last option is not ordered today to anyone. Everything is simple here: by creating some of something and fixing the copyright on our own brainchild, you will have such deductions at each next sale.

If you are a professional (no matter what area) - you have a real opportunity to monetize your own knowledge. Just write down the training course on video or audio and release to the market.

Why we don't order

Today we will look at the options for passive income and its possible sources. His great advantage is in the release of personal time, which you can spend on your favorite classes, family, rest, home affairs or somewhere else. One who runs out for all day at work, such a wonderful opportunity is almost completely deprived.

To dispose of personal time at its own discretion - it does not mean to burn life in pleasure places, either having rolling on a warm beach - many people would gladly engage in charity, helping patients and homeless or creating works of art. To begin to embody all these dreams, it is necessary for the most - stable passive income.

Everyone heard the expression "money for money." What does it mean? Nowadays, the situation is incredited when, having a generally good salary, the man "eats" her completely, buys things on credit and interrupts loans from relatives and acquaintances from paying to pay. So goes on for years and decades.

But why does this happen? It seems that the main problem of such people is that the idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income does not even come to mind. They are not able to engage in the creation of an asset, which will continue to work on their well-being. All that earn, these people are immediately spent, and thus deprive themselves the only chance to escape from captivity of financial slavery.

Do you know yourself?

Part of such consumers can be attributed to the category of "financial zombies". These are those whose asset has long been a negative value. That is, there are more expenses than income. Debts accompany them throughout life. Giving one loan, they immediately take the next and so on.

Another category is a little more prosperous (but it is not easier) - trying to somehow relate its expenses with the amount of earnings. They sometimes have a set of necessary benefits - housing, a car, etc. Most of all this was purchased on credit, which puts owners into a dangerous and unstable position. After all, it is happening any unforeseen financial circumstance, the well-being of them will crumble as a card house.

Progress is obvious ...

In contrast to the above categories, there are those whose asset can be considered positive. That is, their income is higher than expenses. Most of the ordinary citizens from this group prefers not to have debts either minimize them and even possess some accumulations, but such saved finances are not carrying, as they are growing extremely slowly and are located either under the mattress or (at best) on the savings book.

The most advanced from fellow citizens - those whom does not leave the idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income alone. Such are trying to grab any opportunity to invest free funds and create your own additional financial source.

Turn to authoritors

Many people know such a name as Robert Kiyosaki. This investor and businessman wrote a number of popular books on the basics of financial literacy, which will not be superfluous for anyone. For example, one of the interesting and most effective tips of this author is as follows: an error of almost every one of us is that, earning a certain amount, we are trying to distribute these funds to anyone, but not yourself. We pay rental housing and utilitiesBut at the same time I do not leave anything. You should begin with yourself from creating your own money asset. Subsequently, he will be the basis of investment in a business or another source of constant income.

Another "Profi" in the financial issues by the name Rockefeller shook somehow the phrase that a person running a full day make money completely once. With all the paradoxicity of this saying, the wisdom lies on the surface - indeed, working in the office or in production, each of us is able to earn it personally only for current expenses to maintain everyday existence. For actions leading to wealth and well-being, there is no strength, no free time.

Tackle: The main resource is the time that any of the wealthy people knows well. The idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income is based on the correct distribution of this invaluable asset. And only having achieved this, you can start moving towards financial success. Everyone knows that all reached wealth initially possessed a specific list of purposes. Well, the third, the most important component for creating passive income is active targeted work over a number of months or even years.

The result should be a legitimate opportunity to quit the unloved job and begin to live dividends.

Passive income: examples and options

Now let's talk about those methods that are created by passive income. All its sources can be attributed to the four varieties - investment (or financial), intellectual, marketing or legal (that is, such that puts us under the law). Passive income in Russia is no different from that in any other country of the world.

We will receive passive income of a financial or investment nature, if we invest in a certain financial instrument, which will bring us some percentage of profits. Sources of such an investment can exist in the form of real estate, securities, bank deposits, their own business (if it acquired) or the equipment belonging to us, which can be leased.

The second of the listed options, called intellectual, occurs, as mentioned above, by creating and implementing any product of mental labor. In this principle, the information business is widespread in our online online. Many professionals in various fields are developing and drawing out their own training courses, then release them for sale unlimited number.

"PARTNERS" - an interesting topic

Similarly, it is possible to buy rights to resell such a product, which is capable of bringing no less income. This type of earnings is referred to as affiliate marketing. Other sources belonging to this item can be copyrighted patents for the inventions or developed technologies.

Earnings on affiliate programs - an excellent way out for those who are not too hoping to create their own intellectual product - after all, temporary and mental resources will save. It is enough just to enter into such a program or purchase the right of reselling (resale) on the chosen book, video or audio course.

Another earnings without investment

Marketing passive income is called the one in which you organize your own marketing system or a few. An example of such a structure may be its own website on the Internet or personal brand, the right to use which you can also sell. A combination of several mentioned strategies is possible.

What is meant by the concept of a personal brand? This is the commercial use of the famous name. An example - shooting in commercials of stars of movie, television and sports. Becoming the "face" of a particular brand, they get good money.

By the fourth variety - legal income of a passive nature - are all cases where people, in addition to a certain (sometimes not too high) remuneration for their work, have certain bonuses from the state. This may be, for example, an early retirement with its guaranteed receipt, which is typical for the military, etc.

We go to the network

Creating a site for earnings on the Internet (or blog). Nowadays, this does not require a large number of complex technical knowledge and skills. You can make an acceptable site with your own hands, traveled to minimal information that can be easily and free of charge on the network. There are many step-by-step instructions and video courses.

Of course, our own blog or the website will bring you far from immediately. For the promotion of it and the output on an acceptable level, it will take at least six months, and most likely a year or two. All this time you have to work on your own project on a regular basis, optimize it and bring to mind. This work will occupy several hours daily. However, it is possible to count on the first small arrivals within a few months from the start of the start.

Having created and promoting the site, you can sell it, and for a very good amount. A person who has mastered this technology is quite realistic to organize its own business on manufacturing and further sell profitable Internet pages.

How do they earn? The most popular ways include receiving income by posting on the resource pages of the blocks of contextual advertising and the same articles, naturally, not free. On sites put partner links and sell a place for advertising, the training courses as their own and partners are actively offering to buyers.

In a word, ways to use such a valuable resource, as a blog or site, there is quite a lot on the Internet, and there is always the possibility of choosing something suitable for you.

For those who are not deprived of intelligence

The creation of a product that has an intellectual status (such includes books, training videos, new technologies, and the like) implies the presence of a certain talent, as well as a high level of professionalism in any of the areas.

If you are an inventor or a developer of an industrial design that has become fundamentally new, then your work products can safely belong to intangible assets. Such a term is indicated by the derivatives of our intelligence that bring income in the absence of material form. Examples include trademarks, brands or patented inventions.

Let's go down on the ground

The income from the delivery of an apartment for rent (or other real estate - if available) - a well-known and very common option. But there are others like that: "let" for rent is perhaps not only the buildings or shopping Square, but also equipment related to a variety of sectors - trading, construction or production.

Yes, and other expensive items (for example, vehicles) will bring you good dividends. Sometimes disposed of equipment more profitable than real estate. In particular, by purchasing tools and equipment for construction, you really organize a good and pretty profitable businessbased on leases. The payback of such activities is very large and in time significantly exceeds a similar indicator for leased real estate.

Want to become a shareholder?

Investments in securities (or other financial instruments, to the number of which include a huge number of banks, PAMM accounts, mutual practices - the practice is widely accepted. Such activities are considered one of the species of business.

Top up the number of professional investors - the task is not the simplest. This activity It is quite difficult and requires a competent approach, as well as serious training. Possession financial instruments It is impossible without little acceptable education in this area, the ability to compare various information flows, take into account the risks and predict the situation.

Investments in securities have certain advantages compared, for example, with bank deposits, in the form of a higher level of profitability, but at the same time, the high risk of loss of attached funds sometimes crosses all available pluses. Deciding to immerse yourself in the world of stocks, mutual and PAMM accounts, remember that with the exception of the bonds of a long-term loan of stable income to achieve here is not so simple, and the risk of increasing significant losses is always large enough.

You can sell everything!

A relatively simple and, perhaps, a publicly available option for creating a source of passive income is considered to be part in network marketing. The amount of initial investments, if they are, not too large and rarely exceeds a hundred dollars.

A prerequisite for those who are trying to succeed in this field is sociable, willingness to contact with a large number of people. In the future, these people are your team - can bring money without your participation by organizing your own network, the percentage of income from which you will receive.

Do you need much money?

The classic and best of the best, perhaps, the way it remains and the creation of your business. If this action occurs in virtual reality, that is, in the Internet network, global financial investments At the initial stage, as a rule, it is not required. That is, a similar option is available to people with very limited material resources.

Quite real even earnings without investment or on accumulation of small initial Capital You can earn right here on the Internet.

There is a huge variety of options for the beginning and promotion of your own business both online and in the most real reality. In the "life", of course, it requires high costs and overcoming many difficulties of organizational and legal nature. In addition, the competition here is very and very high. But still, looking attentively, you can look after your own niche, not yet occupied rivals.

What in real life?

For example, a very promising business with passive income in our time is to buy and accommodate in large hypermarkets and other crowded vents of the most detailed destination - from payment terminals to the aggregates selling coffee and pies. Such a business is called vending. A person acquires at his own expense and installs automata, which then carry him a constant and stable income.

In a small article, we have no opportunity to consider all types of passive income - they are very and very much. Options for us offer to us today the media, and the Internet was and remains their indispensable source. We want to complete our material with important advice.

Several slight things

  1. At any cost, try to regularly cut the time left from the main work that you will spend on creating your future asset. Constantly think about how to use it most profitable. Your goal is to make earnings at the main place of work remained the only source of money for you. You must find sources of passive income that make a profit more than once and not two.
  2. Do not limit yourself to creating a single similar source. Options for passive earnings may be somewhat, and the more, the better. After all, there is always a risk of losing one or most of them. In this case, losses will be compensated by parallel channels. In the importance of this postulate, you can see by reading the multiple sources of income from Robert Allen.
  3. Do not forget about self-education. Knowledge is an asset that does not prevent anyone. To understand the world of finance, to understand how money is done, from where they arise and where they are sent, no less important than come up with an interesting idea for investing or successfully to be in time in the right place.

Special secrets do not carry the principles of creating passive income. If you are firmly tuned to success, you have the necessary minimum knowledge and some of the amount of free time, the result with a lot of probability sooner or later you will please you.

How to create passive income - 14 working methods + 12 tips novice businessmen.

To answer the question: how to create passive income, It is necessary to understand how passive income mechanisms act, how the money accumulates in the account, and also, what to do to start earning without investing your time and strength?

Features of creating passive income and his difference from active

The main difference between passive income from the active - it does not require investments of time and labor.

Money arrive at the expense of themselves.

Of course, to ensure the receipt of profit to your account, efforts will have to make, but they pay off and in the future bring money.

The active income requires constant labor, visiting the workplace and fulfilling their duties.

To receive passive profits, you must once make certain actions to receive it.

Receipts will occur throughout a certain time.

To get rich, it is necessary to have at least 1-2 sources of passive income, in addition to the main profit obtained at continuous operation.

This is spoken by many in their books and interviews.

When creating several sources of profit, you can also leave your labor activity "On Uncle" and do our own business.

How to create passive income: 14 best ideas

    Create your website or blog on the Internet and unwind it.

    In this case, passive income is achieved by paying advertising.

    On average, on one site, a beginner can earn about 12,000 rubles.

    And to sell the site, where the total number of visitors exceeds 5,000 people, it is possible for 200-250,000.

    This can not only passively earn money, but also to build a high-order business.

    An alternative site is the maintenance of the VKontakte group.

    One, well-promoted group can bring the owner from 8 to 15,000 rubles per month.

    And if there are five such groups?

    Sale of own seminars and training courses.

    This option is suitable for those who graduated from the Higher Educational Institution and has a diploma with the right of teaching.

    The most difficult thing is a set of listeners.

    However, if the topic is interesting, people themselves will find you.

    Write a book.

    Revenues from the product of "royalty" come to the author until the book is removed from the sale.

    Create an intelligent product.

    For example, a computer program.

    Having received a patent for her, you can also receive regular deductions from sales.

    Or car.

    Even one-bedroom apartment can bring income comparable to average monthly salaries Citizen in Russia.

    Rental of the cabin, hairdresser.

    The average price of one place in the cabin per month - 8,000 V small town, and the cabin is more than 20,000 rubles.

    State payments.

    They can receive people with disabilities large families Or people who have retired by age.

    Deposit in the bank.

    Investing money to the bank under the deposit is not a big passive income, and for the most part it allows you to get money.

    However, still, with a large amount, it is quite possible to get at all extra 3-10 thousand per month.

    Sale of securities and face.

    Not bad option long-term investment Capital in order to profit.

    However, it is necessary to approach it very carefully.

    Collect all the information on the organization in which you invest your money.

    The income from the shares becomes greater only after about 7 years will be held from the moment of their acquisition.

    Own business.

    A very good option for receiving passive income, but it requires a lot of effort and time, before making a profit.

    Venture investment and profit.

    To receive venture deductions, it is necessary to invest in the newly opened company.

    A few years you can start receiving a very solid amount, depending on the amount of the contribution.

    Investment in investment and trusting organizations.

    Profit is formed by the redistribution of capital.

    However, in this case, high risk of losing their investments.

    The acquisition of housing under construction and its sale after the construction.

    The favorable option in the event that there are funds to buy one or more apartments under construction.

    Buy you for 500,000 rubles, and sell for 1,000,000.

    However, most likely, it will have to make repairs, at least cosmetic.

    When choosing a developer should be extremely attentive.

    Buy housing only in reliable, well-known developers working in the housing market is not the first year.

Search please better option Of the many existing - the matter is not one day.

It is necessary to thoroughly think about the actions, assess the initial capital and decide what is best suited.

Many people thinking about how to create passive income, do not want to do anything for this.

However, at the beginning will have to work hard in order to continue to reap sweet fruits.

12 tips novice businessmen to create passive income

To become a free person in terms of finance, not depend on the opinion and sentiment of the employer, you will have to work hard.

    Always are in finding a better option for investing and opening a business.

    Look for new assets that subsequently turn into liabilities.

  • To become a secured person, strive for creating several sources of passive income.
  • Increase your financial literacy.
  • Be an educated person, read the books, attend courses and lectures.

    You will behave such a life that rich people lead.

    Before you, or invest money, learn all the options, do not invest the money outflow.

    Always have in my hands required documentsconfirming your investments in the company or bank.

  • Smash cash Capital For several parts and put in different projects.
  • Squeeze the risks of the loss of invested money.

    If the risks are minimal, risk.

    However, if intuition and sound reason are shouting about the fact that the investment should not be done, stop, no matter how profitable the proposal seemed to.

    Think about your future every day.

    Decide what you want to achieve.

    Open your website on the Internet and develop it.

    With a lack of capital, the site can be sold for good sum money.

  • Find a mentor or coach, which has already passed your path and tells a few ideas.
  • Be prepared for creating a good passive income for some time to work, to invest not only money, but also time, strength.
  • Do not try everything at once.

    Focus on one project, and how to finish it, try another.

    Slowing immediately into several projects, you can get confused and lose attachments.

How to create passive income on the Internet?

Organization of own financial project is an great way Creating passive income.

You can open a business both in real life and on the Internet.

If there is no initial capital, or it is relatively small, the business creation option on the Internet is preferable.

Select the case that you best succeed.

It can be the creation of sites, administering a group in social networks, Copywriting, Forex trade.

To start trading on the Forex Stock Exchange, you need to pass monthly training and conclude several trial transactions.

At the initial stage, insert the minimum amounts and develop.

About how to create a passive income, tells Robert Kiyosaki in the video:

How to create passive income and gain financial freedom?

In books on self-development, achieving success and wealth, millionaires give advice to achieve financial freedom.

We chose the best ideas:

    In order not to remain poor all my life, we find the time to create passive income, even working at the main job.

    After a month or year, these efforts will pay off.

    Always strive to create as much sources of passive income.

    Having profit, invest it again.


    Financial literacy - required condition For those who wish to get rich.

    Start at least with reading books of world millionaires and billionaires and follow their advice.

People who are thinking about how to create passive incomealready stand on the step above the rest.

Move forward, apply the recommendations described by us and become a millionaire.

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What is passive income and how to create an ordinary person? How can you live only at percent of your investment and never work again. Read about all this below.

1. What is passive income

Passive income - This is a permanent and stable source of earnings that do not require any time (or they are minimal)

The main ideas of passive income is to create itself eternal sources of income and further on a permanent basis to receive profits from them. That is, we once created something and then nothing is done in order to receive money. For example, everyone familiar to us work refers to active sources of income, since payment is made only in the case when the employee goes to work. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly spend your time.

The simplest example of passive income is the rental apartment for rent. You will rent a monthly rental. In order to get this money from you no action is no longer required.

The sooner you think about creating passive income, the more opportunities you have. You will be able to quickly and more accumulate funds to implement your plans. And the plans for the majority: to create a financial freedom and no longer work, but to do what the soul.

Advantages of passive income

For example, you can postpone money on bank deposit Every month and for the year to scribe a good amount. For 3 years, this amount will be even more solid and perhaps even percent of it will be enough for some needs.

3.1. The effect of complex interest

In mathematics there is such a concept as complex interest. Speaking easier, it means that over time your accumulations begin to grow not linearly, and exponentially. This is easy to achieve if reinvest the income received.

For example, if we put 1 million rubles under 10% per annum, then in a year the amount will be 1.1 million rubles. Now I put the same money to the bank under the same 10% per annum in two years in the account will be the amount of 1.21 million rubles. For the second year, capital rose by 110 thousand rubles, and not 100 thousand rubles, as in the first year.

I agree with those who will say that it is insignificant. However, if we take a calculator and consider what will happen in 10 years, after 20 years, it turns out that the effect is already huge amounts.

In more detail, I reveal this topic in the article:

  • Develop your financial literacy. To do this, read books about investment, trading, wealth philosophy. You can start with Robert Kiyosaki and continue already exchange literature.
  • Regularly create new assets. Look for new opportunities, they are always there.
  • Create several sources of passive income. Tips only on one carries risks.

3.3. Rules: how to become rich from scratch

There is a basic set of rules that should be performed by anyone who wants to become rich. They are not completely complex and under the power to any person:

  1. Pay yourself. As soon as you received a salary, first of all postpone yourself some of the funds (at least 10%). Usually people on the contrary give debts and spend money, and the fact that remains postponed. This is the habit of poor people, exclude it from your life.
  2. Save what has postponed. This rule implies that deferred funds cannot be spent.
  3. Damage money. It is necessary to invest money in reliable assets in order to constantly increase their capital. We will tell about the sources of passive income just below.
  4. Save multiply. The resulting profit is best reinvesting so that the accumulations grew faster. No need to invest in dubious and via CHUR risky assets.
  5. Create several types of assets to minimize your risks. Whatever your common reliable income was, it will be even more reliable if you distribute money between several such sources.

4. Passive income sources

There are very many sources to create passive income. Each of us has their own knowledge, skills, opportunities, wishes, so solve for you, what you can specifically do only. We will only consider in detail the basic options for stable sources of money (for sure you have already heard of many). We will poison attention on a mathematical basis to calculate how profitable each option is.

How many sources of passive income will have - to solve only you. I can only say that what is more, the more reliable and more important your life. Therefore, follow the Paretto principle: 20% bring 80% of the result. Attach small efforts in different industries to get different benefits.

4.1. Bank deposit - a source of passive income

Bank deposit is the most popular means for saving and accumulation of funds among the population in Russia. Interest that banks offer are certainly not so big as I would like, but nevertheless it is really the most reliable way Increase your capital in the absence of any action.

Proposals in the bank deposit market extremely many. Each bank offers its own rules on deposits. If you spend literally 10 minutes, you can choose the most profitable for you. This can increase the yield of 1-3% per annum.

Worry for the fact that the funds will not be worth it. All contributions are insured in the amount of 1.4 million rubles (including interest). That is, it makes no sense to put 1.4 million rubles in one bank. It is better to put a little less to the interest to be accurately insured. For example, if we talk about a rate of 8% per annum for a year, it would be logical to put the amount of 1.27 million rubles and sleep peacefully.

How much can earn money

The profitability of the contribution at each moment of time will be changed, so the relevance of information should be checked. As of 2018, you can find deposits with maximum rate at 8%. In more reliable banks under 7% per annum. These are almost the smallest rates on deposits for the new history of Russia. Previously, there were always proposals under 10-12%.

  • Reliability of investment (the amount is insured with the QU)
  • Predictable income
  • There is no action from the investor
  • You can invest any amount
  • No way to "break" and spend money, because It is necessary to tease the contract on the contribution and then the accumulated interest "burnt"
  • Low yield
  • It is impossible to close the contribution ahead of time without losing interest
  • It is impossible to store solid amounts of more than 1.4 million rubles in one bank

I advise you to partially store money on debit cards that give interest on the residue. These cards also give cachek for any purchase. I use these cards myself:

  • Tinkoff. 6% per annum per balance. The amount up to 300 thousand rubles. You can translate to a special savings account at 5% any amount.
  • Use (HomeCredit Bank). 7% per annum on the rest. The amount up to 300 thousand rubles.

Summing up we can say that it makes sense to have some part of money on deposits, because This is a liquid and reliable asset.

4.2. The property

Real estate objects have always been and will be in the trend among investors. Such purchases can be visually seen, sense. However, their yield is extremely low, but about everything in order.

In real estate, you can earn in two ways:

  1. Rent
  2. Resale

For passive income, the first option is considered, since the second method is more risky and requires a constant search in the market of new good offers.

Share the following types of investment in real estate:

  • Residential (apartments)
  • Commercial (garages, premises for office, warehouses)
  • New buildings (investments in the construction of new objects)

Large investors buy commercial real estate more often because the yield from the delivery non-residential premises Usually brings more profits, and also does not need any repairs. However, this situation arises only in favorable periods of the economy, when GDP is growing steadily, inflation is within acceptable limits.

An ordinary person is difficult to buy commercial real estate due to its high costs. Objects are different, but usually a good place stands like 3-5 one-bedroom apartments. Therefore, many will better choose the option with buying 3 apartments than one such object.

Since 2014, the economic situation in Russia is quite complicated. Real estate prices do not grow. Therefore, many who have invested in commercial real estate are at losses. Residential also fell, but slightly with smaller losses for the investor.

What is the profitability

The profitability of rental is located on a modest 4-6% per annum. It is even less than on bank deposits. At the same time, there are still risks of property damage to apartments and periodically will have to be inserted into repair (rarely, but still such moments happen).

Experience that real estate will rise in price with time, of course, it is worth it, but it is extremely long process. For the growth of its value in the country as a whole should be economic growth. Otherwise, due to salaries and high inflation No one risks to put in mortgages, even with low rates.

  • High reliability
  • Real estate can really see the eyes that many people are very important for many people.
  • Stable revenue from rental
  • Excellent option for risk diversification
  • Low yield
  • Low liquidity (during sale will have to search for customers for the medium market value, plus another 2-3 weeks design transaction)
  • There are overhead of real estate
  • Large attachments (apartments are several million rubles at least)

4.3. Securities

The securities market is traditionally considered one of the most profitable options for multiplying money. The yield here on average are at the level of 8% -20% per annum, provided that you act on the principle of "buy and hold". If we engage in trading, you can significantly increase these numbers and get 30%, and even 100%.

High yield and large liquidity allow you to quickly and quickly manage your capital. Anyone can enter the market, while it is enough to have small investments. I would recommend entering the market with the amounts of 100 thousand rubles.

To open a brokerage account online, you can use the following brokers:

These are leaders in the field of provision brokerage services On the market. I recommend working only with them. They have low commissions, a wide selection of tools for trade.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state