
The most profitable business where to invest money. Investing for beginners - where to start, types of investments. Stock market, securities

To date, deposits on the Internet became an ordinary thing, and anyone can, make their first contribution to interest, not even leaving home. The main thing is that to invest and know where to invest. And if you have these two components, then you will be very simple on deposits.

From you, even any special skills will not be required to earn money, there will be enough basic knowledge that all people get even at school. And if you become accurate, it is enough to be able to calculate interest, but if you have problems with this, you never know different people, then you can use a calculator, they can accurately use everything.

Well, the most important moment in this all will be the foundation of the project to which deposits will be carried out on favorable conditions. Yes, undoubtedly, I will tell you where to invest money is profitable, and I will give a few proven projects.

But you ourselves must learn to identify worthy projects with which it will be possible to work safely in order not to be afraid of losing money. And how to do it? Yes, it is very simple, always, before making contribution, Read more about the project:

  • How much it works;
  • Whether he pays money;
  • Check out the terms and interest on deposits.

Do not be lazy to spend some time to analyze the project, in which you decide to invest your own money. After all, your end result will depend on it.

Where to invest profitable money?

So, let's say you already have n-I am money and you want to commit favorable attachment. In this case, it remains only to decide where to invest profitable money on the Internet. I, as promised earlier, tell you several proven projects that are not only tested by me, but also time.

1.) The first in my list will be the company Maya Group, which many probably have already heard, and if not directly, so through its unsolving projects: and so accurately. She proposes to earn everyone, on the so-called "Craudinvesting" - public investment. If we talk simple languagethen the essence of earnings will be to buy the share of this company, which in turn will bring you daily profits.

The main advantage of this company is that profits in shares will not be accrued, it is not incomprehensible from where, or from fictional sources of income, as often happens in investment projects, but quite from real sources. The main sources of income of this company are its subsidiary popular Likesrock and PostingBlues projects (plus new projects will soon be launched). 10% S. net profit From these projects and will be distributed daily between all investors.

In general, what can be said, the company is serious and reliable, works flawlessly and stable as 2 years. With its help, you can make money on average 6% per month from the deposit without any problems. At the same time, the minimum deposit amount of only 10 €. Such a sum, I think many have.

1. All you need to start earnings on deposits with Maya Group is to be a member of one of the following projects below:

  • Likesrock;
  • Postingblues.
  • Landingjazz.
  • Maya Group.

2. If you are not yet registered in any of its project, you will need to do it. Registration in Maya Group is very simple, you will need to fill out several standard fields, solve "Recappy" and press the " Create a user«:

3. After that, you can fully use the site, i.e. You can make money under interest, buying the share of the company. Just need to replenish the balance. As I said, the minimum amount that you can attach is 10 €.

So in order to introduce money to the MAYA Group project, you need to go to the section " Operations with balance"And choose a tab" Top up balance»:

There you can see all ways to enter funds for the project. Choose anyone that suits you and replenish.

4. After being replenished, it remains only to make a profitable investment. To do this, move to the "Investment" section and choose the "Buy Shares" tab, then you can buy the number of shares you need:

Moreover, you can invest, i.e. Buy, unlimited number of shares.

Shares from the company, sold at 10 € each, share from users, can cost more, most often from 10.15 to 10.50 €. If you do not want to overpay, it is best to wait for Monday, it was then that the next issue of the share of selling from the company will be.

5. After you contributed a contribution (bought a share), you will receive accruals from profits every day at 1:00 per MSC.

Please note, the more you will invest money in Maya Group, the more your daily profit will be in shame that actually should be clear without me. However, if you are from those people who believe that money should not lie, but to work, then, I think you should pay attention to Maya Group.

The project pays 100%, and here is my recent payment from it:

And also do not forget about additional features Earnings with Maya Group, which you can organize on attracting investors (referrals).

2.) (The project closed) The second will be a fairly good average average investment project called Westland Storage. This project offers earnings on investing cryptocurrency for an indefinite period with a daily interest rate of profitability - 1% on weekdays and 0.5% on weekends. Interest the following cryptocurrencies with the following minimal sums: 0.01 BTC, 0.2 LTC, 0.02 BCH, 0.06 DASH, 0.05 ETH, 30 XRP, 0.1 ZEC.

After 40 days, it is possible to derive the body of the deposit, but in this case, be prepared to say between 50% of the amount. As for the payback of investments, the term of complete payback is approximately 4 months.

By the way, on the project there are optional. The first of them, this is a traditional affiliate in which to receive 10% from the levels of referrals of the 1st level and 5% from the second. The second will consist in. For all sorts of actions you will be completely free to receive WLS tokens of this project. Here full list actions and amounts of remuneration for them:

In addition to all, with all the WLS tokens earned in this way, you will receive 0.1% of profit every day more and from them.

In general, the project is very interesting and promising. A more detailed overview of this project, you can find here in this article - "".

3.) The third will be the KUCOIN cryptocurrency exchange, which went to the cryptocurrency market quite recently, and even more precisely, then in August 2017. As for the exchange itself, it does not offer its users a supernova, and all the same as everyone already known: Exmo, Youubit, Livecoin, Binance, etc., provides an opportunity to do cryptotrading, i.e. In simple language, it allows you to earn in cryptocurrency speculation. An exception is its own cryptocurrency called "Kucoin Shares" or abbreviated - "KCS" and an affiliate program, with the help of which is quite good and most importantly, in full passive, you can make money on Kucoin quite good money.

As for the very cryptocurrency "Kucoin Shares", then you can earn it, both on the growth of her course, which, by the way, is growing rapidly, and on the storage "KCS" on the account. I think that, how to make money on the growth rate, everyone is clear, but how to make money on the storage "KCS" on the account, now I will explain. The thing is that on the Kucoin exchange there is one very cool chip, it is called "Kucoin Bonus", which is the distribution of 50% of the exchange profit between all KCS coins per magnitude of their balance sheet. Moreover, such a distribution is carried out daily at 00:00.

In general, if you are interested in such passive earnings, you can only realize it after buying Kucoin Shares cryptocurrency on the stock exchange. Agree on how to realize the purchase of "KCS" on the Kucoin stock exchange, then I will tell you.

The first thing you need to do is register on the stock exchange - Kucoin. Registration is very simple and will be filling out only 3 fields of the registration form:

In the first field, you will need to enter the address of your email, and second and third password.

The password at the same time, I advise you to enter, as difficult as possible, i.e. Using the upper and lower register letters, as well as numbers and specialsimeters.

The next step, after confirming the registration, will be connected to the two-factor authentication account - Google Authenticator. It will be necessary to fulfill this procedure, and not only for the sake of increased account security, but also in order to open the ability to trade, make deposits and output funds from the stock exchange.

Please note that no verification of the account account does not require.

To connect two-factor authentication, just go to "Settings" and move to the "Google 2-Step" subsection, in which, following the instructions, and you can implement all this business.

On this, all, registration and activation of the account will be completely reckoned with the completed and now, you can enter funds for the stock exchange to buy KCS cryptocurrency. To enter funds, simply hover the mouse over the dollar icon, which is in the upper right corner of the site, and in the pop-up window, click the "Deposit" button:

After receipt of funds to the account, you can go to the "Markets" section and buy the KCS cryptocurrency you need:

All the Kucoin Shares KCS Cryptomet Coverings provided for you, you can watch in the site section - "Examine" - "Kucoin Bonus".

As already mentioned earlier, it is possible to passively on the Kucoin Stock Exchange also on the affiliate program. The coolest thing in the partner is that it is here 3-level, and not single-level, as on most cryptochege. Plus, for each level of referrals there are very high interest deductions from the profit of the stock exchange, namely: for the 1st level of referrals - 20%, for the 2nd - 12% and for the 3rd - 8%.

In general, as you can see to invest in Kucoin cryptotobier, it is very profitable, and it is also very profitable to attract referrals. Many this is very well earned at this, and given that there are huge demand and new traders are actively involved, it turns out that the exchange will increase income, and the course of local crypt will also grow steadily, and hence the holders of Kucoin Shares KCS Cases will be faced not worse than the Exchange. In general, if it is in line to invest in this case, then in the future, you can very quickly double / triple your deposit.

Online deposits in games

3.) The following 2 projects are so-called such as or.

Online deposits in games will allow you to earn from 20 to 38% per month, depending on the deposit amount. In order to understand the process, I will give you an example, it is advantageous to invest money in the game Taxi-Money.

1. So, first of all, you need to register with Taxi-Money. After, you will need to go to the game.

2. Then after the input, you will need to replenish the game balance, in order to be for what to buy a taxi, because It is the taxi you purchased that will bring you a profit from 20 to 38% per month.

In order to replenish it, you need to go to the section " Top up balance", And replenish one of the ways convenient for you:

As you can see, the methods of replenishing the balance set. In addition, I ask you to notice that the first replenishment there is a bonus + 25% of the amount of replenishment.

Those. If you, for example, will be replenished with 20,000 rubles, then not 20 thousand will be credited to the balance sheet, but as many as 25 thousand rubles. You will have enough money to buy 2 cars of the 5th level with an income of 36% per month with each. The daily profit will be - 294 rubles, and the monthly - 8820 rubles.

3. Purchase a taxi is carried out in the "Buy Taxi" section. Taxis are divided into 7 levels, each of which is characterized by the cost and amount of income:

Note that you can buy how many machines of one or different levels, which allows you to significantly increase the earnings. Well, what typewriter (ki) you buy, you already solve you.

4. After buying a taxi, it will make you profit daily. You also have only sometimes to go to the game and collect this profit.

Important: Initially, all 4 available safes can accommodate 10 rubles each, but their capacity can be increased for money that I actually did. Because My daily income is 404 rubles, the package of safes had to increase to 200 rubles. Which allows me to attend the game just 2 times a day in order to collect your profits. Capacity is very important to increase, otherwise if you do not translate money from safes to the conclusion on time, they will not be able to fit in safes, and the money is simply burned.

6. After that, the money that is on the balance on the output can be safely displayed to a convenient for you. payment System.

Regarding payments, you may not even worry, the project pays 100%. Here are my income and payments:

7. In Taxi-Money, there is also a city in which you can additionally earn in the role of a taxi driver or a businessman, creating your own company. Creating a company is a more expensive thing than the work of the taxi driver, but also the revenue revenues will not be comparable to each other.

For example, to create a company costs 29,000 rubles, but to arrange a single car to tax, just 200 rubles. That's just to tax, you will have to hang around in the game for all day, well, or at least visit it once per hour at least. Moreover, for one order, you will rescue from 3 to 12 rubles, depending on the taxi level. And then you only 50% from executed orders will be deducted.

But the owners of the company can relax, as they do not have to work and hang in the game. All work will be performed by employees. At the first level of the company, you can arrange 10 taxi drivers to work with an increase in the company's level, the number of taxi drivers, which can be arranged in the company increases.

Thus, at the first level, the average income from the company will be within 500 rubles. While the coolest taxi driver earns no more than 20-60 rubles per day, and it will be plowing almost all day. So decide how it will be more convenient for you to make money in the city.

In general, this is at the moment the most reliable projects where you can best invest. But in any case, it is possible to solve only you, it is better to invest money, and whether to invest in general.

You go to work every morning, day after day, from year to year. And all your life is rather reminiscent of Groundhog's day. Every day is similar to the previous one. All your income received at work you safely spend on life. As a result, it turns out a vicious circle. And what's next? - You think. You need to change something in this life. One way to break the current situation is investment.

After all, what is investment?

Investments are an investment of money today, in order to receive them tomorrow, but more. Or receiving constant passive income, from once invested funds.

Of course, it is not immediately possible to find a big amount. Most investors are starting with very modest amounts that turn out to be postponed from salaries. Here is the main thing this is constancy and time. In combination with these parameters, any, even a minor capital can grow in a fairly decent amount, allowing to receive a very good income to its owner, which will exceed your current income. Please note that it will be completely passive incomeFormated by almost without your participation.

Before beginner investors, many questions arise, the main of which is where you can invest. Especially if it comes to a very small amount of money. It is the restriction on the amount of invested funds causes its own adjustments for possible investments. But nevertheless, even with small money there are many ways to earn and multiply their blood.

6 ways to invest new money

Investing in bank deposits

Bank deposits or deposits, the easiest and most reliable type of investment. Opening the contribution to the bank, you will know in advance. What income you get at the end of the term. And most importantly, guaranteed income. Deposits are a practically the only financial instrument, the yield on which is known in advance. Other investments such a guarantee are not carried. You can make both earn and lose. Also, do not forget that the preservation of deposits is guaranteed by the state (in the amount of 1.4 million rubles). If the amount exceeds this threshold, it is better to open several deposits in different banks.

Bank deposits are used mainly as a means of initial capital accumulation. When achieving a certain level of funds in the account, the investor becomes available other investment opportunities. Why? The answer is quite simple - very low yield. Typically, deposit rates are within inflation. Therefore, to get rich on investments in deposits is unlikely to succeed.

Currency deposits

In the conditions of the difficult economic situation in the country, currency deposits Again began to gain popularity. The ruble rapidly loses its position compared to other financial payment systems. And even in order to save their savings, deposits are used in foreign currency. And although the yield on such contributions is quite modest, in the region of 2-5% per annum, real earnings may exceed the current yield several times. Due to the weakening of the ruble and, accordingly, strengthening the currency.

It is foreign exchange deposits that have been the most profitable in the last 5 years, among the main types of investments. Those who discovered similar deposits a few years ago earned more than 230% of profits. For comparison, simple ruble deposits have shown a yield of 83% for the same period.

Investment in mutual investment

  • possibility of investing small amounts
  • tax exemption
  • no need to store at home, exposing the risks of theft
  • you can buy-sell parts, if necessary

Others possible methods Attachments in gold (buying ingots, gold coins) - just possess the disadvantages that are advantages of the OMS.

Following the results of 2017, official inflation in Russia was 2.5%. In 2016, consumer goods would be significantly significant - by 5.4%. And in 2015, inflation in Russia and exceeded the level of 10% at all, stopping at a time of 12.9%.

This means that for 2015-2017, the ruble was depreciated by 20%. Since 1991, there was no year in Russia when without inflation. Money was constantly depreciated, and therefore, just to store them is not profitable.

Therefore, today we will tell about 18 digesions much better to invest money so that they bring profit.

You will learn about:

  • 9 traditional ways of investing money
  • 8 best investment methods online

7 rules of investment

These rules will help newcomers better to understand where to invest money and how to contact them.

#one. Invest your money only

Invest your money only. If the attachment is unsuccessful, we will only lose equity. It is better than to stay without money and at the same time look for funds for refund.

# 2. Leave a "airbag"

Do not invest all savings. If something goes wrong, it should remain at least for food.

# 3. Form the plan of attachments

Place and write down where you will invest. Do it until you want to invest. This will help the best to break out the prospects.

#four. Increase investment

Invest part of earned money and thereby constantly increase the turnover.

On the wave of success, it may be wondering to buy luxury items or start walking on expensive restaurants - it is possible to do it, but not to the detriment of the cause. Without additional investments, the case will not develop.

#five. Do not give in emotions

Strong emotions - the worst enemy of the investor. Defendable both depression and euphoria.

  • depressions may hinder bringing the plan to the end
  • in Euphoria, a person can enter into a risky transaction for a large amount

Therefore, you need to invest in cold-blooded. If you bother emotions, we recommend taking a time out. For 2-3 days, emotions will be shuffled, and the situation can be sober.

# 6. Regularly evaluate risks

Before investing, calculating potential profits and potential losses. The main thing is that profit significantly blocked the contribution.

Example: Write 5,000 rubles to earn 200 rubles not justified at high risks.

# 7. Diversify risks

Insert into several projects immediately. If one is unsuccessful, then the profit from the rest will help to block the loss.

8 ways to invest online money

Consider the most profitable ways to invest money in intensive.

#one. Forex

The essence of trading on forex - earnings on changing currency exchange rates. We buy cheaper - sell more expensive. The greater the difference, the higher the income.

For example, we will buy $ 100 by 65 rubles per $ 1, and in a month we will sell 70 rubles. This will bring the income in 5 × 100 \u003d 500 rubles.


  • low input threshold - from 1-2 thousand rubles
  • easy investment - only a laptop or smartphone is needed
  • learning from scratch - on most stock exchanges there are video courses


  • high risks - Trade on forex for beginner turns into "Gay"
  • permanent activity - you need to check quotes every day and find the most favorable currency pairs.

# 2. PAMM-account

PAMM accounts are offered to unite with other people who have capital, and transfer money to the experienced manager. He will invest in the projects that bring revenue, and share a part of the profits with investors.

Managing PAMM accounts are mainly traded on Forex. Therefore, the yield is lower than independent trade. But the risk is lower: a qualified manager is experiencing and will not allow a disadvantageous transaction.


  • risk less - money manages professional
  • low starting capital - it is enough to invest from 1-2 thousand rubles
  • passive income - you do not need to trade


  • restrictions for the investor - it is impossible to return the money before the deadline
  • no Warranty Refund - on PAMM Accounts state programs Insurance does not apply

Summary: PAMM accounts are suitable for those who want to make money on the forex market, but does not have the necessary knowledge and time. You can invest in the account of experienced traders on the Alpari website. This is a reliable broker working since 1998.

# 3. Binary options

#eight. Haip

Translated into Russian "Haip" is an investment program for which traders can earn 200-300% per annum and more. Highypes are always very risky fraudulent projects.

Example of Hype in Russia - financial Pyramide Mmm. Despite the fact that Mmm collapsed in 1994, when the concepts of "Haip" were not yet, it has all the signs of HYIP. The first participants who were invested in MMM at the very beginning of its existence, managed to earn good. The rest were deceived and lost money. The example is the company Cashbury.


  • high income - in Haip really earn a year 200-300% per annum
  • special knowledge is not needed - you only need to invest and wait
  • many projects - on the Internet there are always fresh hotypes that are asked from people their money.


  • very large risks - no one knows when the Haip will "come to" and stop making a profit
  • fraud - the creators of Haipov are often masked for real companies

Summary: With reliable inventions of Haip, they definitely do not appear - we do not recommend them. In order not to get on scammers that are macked for real projects, check the projects on the MMGP.ru forum.

9 ways to invest money

In this section, we will begin to answer the question of where to invest money.

Consideration only offline investment methods. About where to invest in the Internet will tell in the next section.

#one. Bank deposits

Contribution to the bank is the most popular in Russia. In September 2018, the inhabitants of our country kept 27.4 trillion rubles on bank deposits.

For an investor, the contribution is the easiest way to make money. You need to visit the bank, pass money and conclude an agreement on the contribution. Further, the investor receives interest on his account until the deposit is completed.

  • minimum risk - if you open the contribution to 1.4 million rubles, then even if the bank go bankrupt, the state will reimburse the loss
  • convenience - you can open the contribution in the online bank for 5-10 minutes, it is not necessary to go to the bank.


  • minimum income - reliable bankwho participates in the ASV system (deposit insurance agency) will pay no more than 7-8% per annum
  • little money control - contracts monetary deposits We impose restrictions on the removal of funds, replenishment of the account, which is why the investor loses part of the profits.

Summary: The bank's contribution is minimal risks for the investor. But the income from the deposit is low: in fact, it is equal to 3-4% per annum. After all, those money that lie on the contribution is depreciated due to inflation.

We wrote more about bank deposits in the article: "How to make a bank contribution under high percent + Top 3 banks with the best conditions. "

# 2. PIFES.

FIF - PAUVA investment fund. This tool is associated with the stock market. FIF is created by several investors. They make their contributions and receive shares in the Foundation - "PAI".

Example: 10 friends decided to create a PIF and invested in it 100 thousand rubles each. They have formed a fund with capital of 1 million rubles, and the share of each friend is 10%. Then the FIF is transmitted to the experimental control. He invests the money invested by participants in the FIF, in revenue assets. The better the manager, the greater the profit of the participants of the FIF.

Investing in the face, we trust Money to an experienced investor. He will see a profit there, where the newcomer does not notice her. Also, the manager will not invest in the fact that it is popular only because of advertising and has no real value.

Services of the experienced manager paid. Participants of the FIFA pay them from the fund's profits. It is enough to settle with the manager and distribute the income between the participants of the FIF.

  • a small risk - the state controls how large mutual impact works, and the managers have certificates and qualification certificates
  • low Requirements for Starting Capital - PIF Depositors You can become only 1000 rubles
  • fully passive earnings - to get monthly income, to invest once in the face, and then only make a profit
  • a wide selection of mutiings on the market - you can choose a mutilation that invests in risky assets and bringing large profitAnd you can choose a reliable fund with a yield of 10-15% per annum.


  • no guarantee of the preservation of funds - if the fund is bankrupt, then the investor may lose money
  • there is no possibility to manage capital - contracts for participation in PIFAs contain conditions for which the investor cannot pick up money before a certain period, as well as other restrictions.

#nine. Self-development

Investments in yourself are an investment in the knowledge that can be used to earn money.

Example: Having spent money for programming courses, you can find high-balanced work.


  • there is always a benefit - even if the investment did not give direct benefits (money), we are becoming more developed


  • you can get on inexperienced "counting", the sense of which will not be

Summary: Even if the investment does not bring direct profits, they will make us more developed.

Where not to invest money not to turn around?

In this section we will give some tips on how to understand - what to invest money and where it is not worth it.

#one. Collect all the information

If you heard about the "new promising technology that brings 500-700% per month", then collect all the information about this development. Perhaps someone has already tried to invest in it and lost money. Inspar familiar knowledgeable in the area in which development has been created. They will determine its advantages and disadvantages and prompt whether its market prospects are good.

# 2. Do not give in emotions

If a friend or acquaintance has already made an investment and says that he began to make a profit, this does not mean that you need to repeat. Perhaps everything he said is fiction, and a person must be attracted to the project of new people and get money for it.

Pause a pause for 2-3 days. During this time, emotions will be played, and you can comprehend the situation more soberly. Then ask a person who has advertised new startup, evidence of its income.

# 3. Do not hurry

If you want to increase money without risk, do not count on instant and big profits. Please accept the fact that your income will be 10-20% per annum, or even less.

Looks on popular blogs and sites can be bought, so always check the reviews on the forum: mmgp.ru. To check the company or project write a company name and the name of the forum. For example: "Cashbury MMGP".

Where can I invest 5, 10, 20, 50 100, 500 thousand rubles or 1 000 000 rubles?

IN the last section Articles will tell about how to make money on investments, if you have 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 thousand rubles or 1 million rubles.

#one. 5 000 rubles

If the starting capital of the investor is 5 thousand rubles, we recommend using the following investment methods:

Investing in PAMM, binary options or impacts, the investor will receive 20-30% per annum, or 1000-1500 rubles per year. The probability of losing money is more than if they were placed on a deposit in a bank, but still remains small.

If you invest 5 thousand rubles for a bank deposit, then for the year it will be possible to earn only 300-400 rubles.

# 2. 10 000 rubles

Starting capital of 10 thousand rubles allows you to create:

  • small online store
  • small site with content.

But these ways are suitable if the investor has not only money, but also understanding how to unwind the site on the Internet. Otherwise, we recommend using PIPs, PAMM accounts or binary options.

Bank deposit by 10 thousand rubles will bring 700-800 rubles in 12 months. It is 10-20 times less than a content website or online store could bring for the same time.

# 3. 20 000 rubles

Investors, whose starting capital - 20 thousand rubles, can be interested in shares of large companies. Their yield is higher than that bank deposits, and the guarantee of the preservation of funds is nearing 100%.

Internet site or online store for investors who have 20 thousand rubles, are also attractive. But with this amount approaching investments is more careful. After all, possible losses in comparison with the situation when there are only 10 thousand rubles, increase by 2 times.

Those who want high yield, but does not know how to spin sites on the Internet, we recommend impacts, polam accounts or binary options.

#four. 50 000 rubles

Having 50 thousand rubles and more, it is advisable to diversify attachments. For example:

  • 50% of the amount put on a bank deposit
  • 30% amount use to open an online store or site promotion
  • 20% of the sum in the face, PAMM account or binary options.

The proportions can be changed, if more risky investment (PAMM, FIF, website on the Internet) seem more promising. But to invest 50 thousand rubles in one industry - it means to expose yourself to serious risk.

# 5.100 000 - 500 000 rubles

With this amount, diversification becomes mandatory. The investor must choose at least three sources on which it will earn. Investing all the money in one or two places - it means to lose all savings.

  • put money on a deposit in a bank (30-50% of all capital)
  • invest in creating an online site or online store (20-30% of the total)
  • buy precious metals through OMS (5-10% of total capital)
  • invest in PAMM account or PIF (5-10% of the total).

Such a distribution of funds will reduce risks to a minimum. Even if all investments are unsuccessful, 30-50% of the capital investor will return back - funds in the bank are insured in the DC.

The profitability of all investments will be 20-30% per annum, which will be a good result with such a risk level.

# 6. 1 000 000 rubles or more

Options and examples are too much, and we will not be able to consider them all in one article. Instead, we will give some tips to help dispose of the amount of 1 million rubles correctly.

No. 1. Take advantage of trust management

The experienced manager for 10-20% of the income amount will invest means that they give maximum profits. Behind their results can be followed - best companiesTrust management by means, lay out statistics in open access.

№ 2. Consider investments in real estate

For 1 million rubles an investor can buy a room in a millionth city. If you consider the city is smaller, then you can buy a one-room apartment.

Own apartment will give an investor not only stable income 8-10% per annum. If urgently need large amount Money, you can quickly sell real estate and get funds. This distinguishes investment in real estate from bank deposits: if investing in the bank, then you need to wait until the contribution will end.

And in the purchased real estate you can live. It will come in handy if the investor will happen in life.

№ 3. Enter into business

For 1 million rubles you can open a business. Owned the idea optional: enough capital. It is enough to find a person or a team that have promising developments, give them money and receive passive income.

The advantage of investment in business - profitability. They give from 20% to 200% per annum and more. And another investor, investing in business, puts promising contacts and meets interesting people.

№ 4. Buy promotions foreign companies

Having 1 million rubles, you can buy securities of foreign companies through reliable brokers.

For example, CHECK POINT Software Technologies Ltd (CHKP) shares for the period from November 1, 2017 to September 23, 2018 brought investors a yield of 15% per annum. And the startup of the Jacobs Engineering Group, whose shares from September 2017 to September 2018 have grown in price from 52 to 77 dollars, provided its shareholders in 40% per annum.

At the same time, examples of the investments that we led in this paragraph are much more reliable than investing in mutual piths, pamm accounts or binary options. And with the amount of 1 million rubles, saving money often turns out to be even more important than multiplying them. Therefore, we recommend learn the markets of foreign stocks and buy the most promising papers to combine reliability and profitability.


We told about 18 versions where to invest money to earn. They affected both ordinary investments and online ways to invest.

We are confident: everyone who wants to make money, found something interesting for themselves in this article. After all, we picked up a variety of ways to invest. They are designed for investors in different ages, with different capital, with different strategies.

We think that after reading this article, our readers are confident: to invest and earn money - easier than it seems. The main thing in this matter is to have a desire. And about, you can read on our website.

If you did everything, they would literally surprise themselves.

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Inflation is a continuous process from which no one is insured. The only chance to avoid the loss of funds is to start investing. In addition, it is a great opportunity Not only to keep money, but also to increase its savings. To invest money in interest daily, you need to know what a "deposit", "participation in bargains", "binary options", "impersonal metal bills" and other concepts that concern investment.

Basics of investment

Investment is the possibility of receiving passive earnings that does not require special effort and time. In bankers and economists, investing is associated with a stable well-being, which liquidates potential material problems and increases the income of the investor. Investments can be divided into investments in several types: real, financial, venture, speculative.

The minimum risk of losing your money receives an investor who chooses real investment:

  • acquisition of a ready-made and successful business;
  • human capital;
  • tangible assets.

Financial investments are based on investments in intangible assets:

Venture investment implies the contribution of financial resources to:

  • innovative enterprises;
  • new organizations;
  • progressive projects that are just starting their work on the market.

At the heart of speculative investment lies the purchase of any assets at the lowest price and their sale at the maximum. Such a method most often use businessmen who know how to predict and analyze the growth and decline in the course.

Each investor selects itself the most acceptable option, which corresponds to preferences, financial opportunities and readiness to risk.

  1. As much as possible to study the object of investment.
  2. Consult with investors who laid out their funds earlier.
  3. Evaluate potential risks and their willingness to financial losses.
  4. Analyze what income and after which time the newcomer is calculated.

The main directions of short-term investment

In order to receive an annual income from 20% or more, people resort to the use of short-term investment. Among their basic advantages are the possibility rapid receipt Additional earnings. While investors preferring to invest in long-term projects are waiting for their money for three years or more, short-term investments will be able to positively affect income in less than a year. Today, short-term investments on the Internet are actively popular.

Leading positions occupy:

  1. Forex market.
  2. Investment funds.
  3. Debt online services.

Internet technologies attract investors due to the fact that the investment period begins from one day. And make up all financial documents and you can account directly from the house.

Since when you can start investing

From 5 thousand rubles and more

Five thousand rubles is an excellent amount to start investing. Newbies can be inserted into PAMM accounts, as this is the easiest method. This method involves the transfer of financial resources to professional traders through currency exchange. In the future, the total trade income will be divided between the investor and the manager. Profit from such a "modest amount" can reach from five to thirty percent per month.

The investment in the startup may be meaningless, since in the early stages of business development in the investor there will be many unforeseen losses that may exceed the sum of the initial contribution. More or less reliable way Start your business with 5,000 rubles in your pocket - it is to create your own web resource, start blogging or online magazine. The main thing in this case is to have experience, strategy and content plan.

The most valuable in the investment facility is considered to be the human resource. In other words, investing money in courses, trainings, master classes and lectures, you can find a large luggage of knowledge, which will soon become equivalent to no less big income.

10 thousand and more

Investors are very popular with investment in paintings, antiques and other masterpieces of art. With successful investment, a year later, a 300 dollars may increase in price by 25%. At all, it is not necessary to understand well in art, it is important to sell the goods to the right person at the right time.

Bankers believe that the crowns of Norway and Sweden are the most sustainable currencies, as well as british pound. And in a few years their increase in price in relation to other monetary units is predicted. Therefore, invested by 10,000 rubles in such currency, the investor guaranteed nothing will lose. It is important to understand that investing in crowns is cost-effective only under the condition if they are planned to resell them before after three years.

Some depositors buy gold bars, as there is a conviction that the precious metal will never lose its relevance. Having invested 10 thousand rubles, in a year you can get some profits.

25-30 thousand

Having extra 30 thousand rubles, you can invest in stocks and bonds, engage in stock exchange. Securities should be considered already in the presence of experience in investing. In addition, you need to be able to make forecasts and analyze the situation on the market. Exchange speculation is a good job of earnings for professional traders. Although brokerage companies Open access to users even with a minimum amount (sometimes starting even from 1 dollars), it is possible to significantly increase your income only when attachments of at least $ 500.

From 50 thousand and more

Insert 50,000 rubles in the development of its startup is a promising decision. Whether it is the sale of handmade products, a service for repairing smartphones, opening a manicure interior - current services will always be in demand.

This amount can already be distributed over different assets. Investor can assemble the stock portfolio to invest an existing amount. For example, Tesla shares cost $ 249, and Amazon is $ 830. By investing money immediately in several assets, you can increase your chance to get income at least one of them.

Also, part of the amount can be sent to PAMM account. According to the top 50 investor rating, professionals invest in this direction from $ 100 to $ 700,000. Despite increased risks, such investments give good profits.

Popular methods to invest money in interest daily

Today, investors invest in antiques, cars, valuable metals, real estate, education, courses, trainings and other options for passive earnings. But it is possible to obtain an additional income only if the investor sees the future in the industry chosen.

Invest money in interest daily in mutual

PIF (mutual investment fund) for its principle resembles PAMM investment, but has higher security and low profitability. On the resources that investor invest, securities are acquired by large organizations, and if it is possible to profit, it will be distributed among all participants.

Pyp can be considered as trust management: The investor invests money (buys PAI), but manages them by the company - as a result of this prices for PAI increase. Among the shortcomings of the mutual investment fund there are no possibility to predict the result of the work of a particular PIF. Sometimes even experienced specialists with regular growth at any time may suffer collapse.

Structure and principle of operation of the FIF.

Invest money for interest daily in binary options

Investing financial resources to binary options is considered a very profitable investment. At the same time, it is very risky. This is a kind of compilation of a contract with a growth forecast or falling asset value on time that was established by the investor (for a minute, hour, day, week). If the prediction comes true, and at the designated time the value of the asset increases (or decreases), then the investor receives an income from 70 to 90%. But if he permits a mistake, he will lose his entire deposit.

In practice, it looks like this: the investor is watching latest news And it draws attention that the day after tomorrow the N & M brand launches the sale of a new collection. Accordingly, soon their shares should rapidly. Everything you need is to invest in an option with the condition for the growth of the price of shares, suppose the day after tomorrow. So experienced investors can make several successful deals per day.

Money investment in trading and forex

An option that is suitable for newcomers and experienced traders. Forex offers structured products to save their savings and increase income. There are two types for this. financial instruments:

  1. Low-risk (bringing a small profit).
  2. High-roofing (but with great opportunities).

It is important to work on Forex clearly and structured, without excitement and unnecessary emotions. Since trading signals and analytical thinking are the most accurate indicators of the market situation.

Invest money at percent daily in cryptocurrency

Among the main advantages, cryptocurrencies can be allocated:

  • the ability to start investing with a minimum amount;
  • confidence in investors around the world;
  • independence from political and economic conditions;
  • minimum Commissions;
  • sharp changes in courses.

Opening of the Deposit in the Bank

Opening a deposit, the user of banking services is practically nothing risks, as bank deposits are insured and regulated by the state. Bank employees immediately stipulate, for what time frames and what specific amount the client can count on. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the percentage of the deposit is quite low, which is why the passive income will be meager.

Anathered metallic account

Among the advantages of investing in precious metals Through the banks, it is possible to highlight the growth of their prices due to exhaustion of stocks. Since 2009, the gold rate has increased 2 times - in other words, the profitability of this type of investment is 5-10% per year. Open an impersonal metallic account in many russian banks (Such a service offers, for example, Sberbank).

Participation in trading

Participation in trading implies fair competition when buying and selling assets on stock exchanges. You can trade regardless of income level. In this case, there are some restrictions on the part of the law that allow you to control this process and minimize the risks. There are two trading options - to increase or decrease. In the first case, you can earn with an increase in the price of the asset, and in the second - when it is falling. In online trading, you can take part in any corner of the world.

Debt online services

As an alternative to banking credit system There are P2P lending services. In such projects, money is issued directly from the investor to the borrower. As a rule, such services work around the clock and without days off, accessible to pensioners, students, unemployed, etc. They can invest money, which are then issued as loans. In the case of a successful return, the investor receives a profit, but there is a risk that the borrower will not return debt.

Much better not to invest money to avoid fraud

"A win-win combination", "only here and only now", "winnings are guaranteed" - calls, to react to which in no case cannot be. Most often they use online casinos, lotteries, rates, online poker and other gambling on the Internet, which remain illegal and unofficial. This is a kind of bait for Internet users who are convinced that it is quite realistic to get big money for the minimum time. But after the first investment, the fraudster trap closes.

Also investing money can not be in that sphere in which the investor is not oriented - the investment of money requires an analytical warehouse of the mind, the ability to predict and understand the dynamics of market development.

A successful investor can be absolutely each. However, there are no 100% guarantees of the benefit from any tool, you need to study them all - analyze the risks, constantly track trends on the selected asset, etc. The main thing is to follow the main investment postulates that are relevant for both newcomers and experienced specialists: not to invest out exclusively in one project, distribute financial resources to different tools, to invest only those tools whose loss will not strongly affect the wallet.

Many who have free funds, wish to invest money so that they work. It is important that the income received exceeds the level of inflation. At the same time, every investor wants the risk to be minimal. Without exploring modern investment options, in such a situation can not do.

Before you begin to analyze and compare money investment options, a number of rules should be remembered. They help to invest as efficiently as possible. Below are the expert advice, which avoids most investment problems.

  1. You can invest only free money. In other words, the amount that can be attached is defined as a balance of income after payment of basic payments and needs. It is also not worth risking not by their money, taken into debt or on credit. If you do not follow this rule, you can get into a difficult financial situation. There are cases when the investor's families remained without livelihood. In addition, there is a risk of funds that will lead to the impossibility of paying a loan. The result can be a spoiled credit history.
  2. It is not necessary to expect that it will be immediately able to secure yourself, receiving passive income. Most likely, first it will be too small to ensure a comfortable existence. Therefore, the first time most of the earned funds will have to reinvest, that is, to direct to an increase in the invested capital.
  3. Followed by obligatory Make an investment plan. It should be clearly indicated by all the settings of money investment. First of all, such a plan must fix what kind of investment options and in what relationship will be conducted. At the same time, it should be flexible enough and easily adapt to changing conditions.
  4. In order not to lose all invested funds, risks should diversify. That is, it is impossible to invest all the capital in one investment project. It is best to choose a minimum of 3 suitable options. The likelihood that three projects immediately will be unprofitable. With a competent analysis, at least one will bring profits.
  5. It is important to constantly control the money invested. Regular tracking of the situation allows you to take the right decision, as well as adjust financial plan If necessary.
  6. It should not be associated with dubious projects that enlighten a huge profit. In this case, it is a great probability to face fraudsters, and therefore losing the invested funds.

These uncomplicated tips help even beginner investors to competently enter the financial investment market. Do not forget that investments are also work. Without regular analysis, the situation is hardly possible.

Top 10 of the most profitable investments in 2020

The instability of the economic situation leads to the fact that the profitability of investment products is constantly changing. It is important to calculate everything possible options And coordinate them with the circumstances established in the country and the world. In finding an answer to the question where to invest money is beneficial in 2020, the experts drawn up the best options ranking.

Investments in the development of small businesses (Alpha pad)

For those who decided to start investing with the amount of 100 and more than thousand rubles, the investments in small business are excellent through specialized sites. Most often, similar options are offered large banks. They are developing investment products. By investing money in them, the owner of funds in essence credits the company selected by the Bank.

Despite the fact that the risk in this case fully falls on the shoulders of the investor, it can be noted that it is relatively low. This is due to the fact that the invested money is distributed between a large number of organizations.

An excellent example of a site that offers to make a profit in this way is alpha .Dejital, organized by the Bank of the same name. Here are offered the following conditions Investment:

  • profitability up to 30% per year;
  • payments are carried out once a week with accrued interest;
  • the minimum amount of embedding from 100 thousand rubles.

Investments in P2P lending

Attach almost any amount allows service P2R lending. In essence, it is the so-called social loan. As a borrower and the lender in this case are individuals.

This option is a very profitable investment. The percentage of R2P lending is about one and a half percent per day. True, about half of them will have to pay the service that performs intermediary services.

Those who are looking for R2R lending services, you can explore two interesting portals - along and Loanberry. The first site takes an investment of from 4 thousand to 10 million. Such a sum sufficient to invest money and receive a monthly income. Loanberry allows you to start investing in loans to individuals from 1000 rubles from percent of 20-30 percent per annum. Moreover, now there is such a function when the fee of 5% can be connected to the default insurance, when the payment is paid in the event of a borrower default takes on the site.

Forex investment (foreign exchange market)

Many have heard what forex is. However, not everyone understands that it is not limited to independent trading. For earnings in the foreign exchange market with the help of trading, a significant number of serious knowledge will be required. In addition, without having experience, it is hardly possible to earn in self-trade.

However, it is not worth refusing to invest money in Forex, it is enough to choose one of the two popular ways:

  1. PAMM accounts are a certain type of transfer money In managing professional traders. At the same time, you can even put a small amount. It is determined exclusively by the terms of the selected PAMM account.
  2. Those who dream of independently conclude transactions on forex can use social trading systems or copy transactions. In the first case, on the basis of the opinion of experienced traders, forecasts of market behavior are drawn up, which help beginners to make the right decision. When copying transactions, choose a trader to which confidence is to learn about all the transactions.

With an independent opening of positions in the investor, more opportunities to reduce the risk. This is explained by the fact that in the absence of trust, one or another forecast can be refused to conclude a transaction. In PAMM-accounts, all decisions are accepted by the manager himself.

Investments in startups

Investments in the startup represent a profitable investment of money, which can bring serious profits if successful. Startup B. financial world Call a business project or an idea that is at the initial stage of development. It is quite natural that even the most best projects We need to influence funds for their implementation. However, far from all ideas owners have free funds. Therefore, they are forced to seek help.

Get a loan for the development of the project in the bank is unlikely to succeed. This is due to the lack of confirmation of the profitability of new projects. Investors who prefer to invest in promising projects at the stage of their origin come to the rescue of novice businessmen. The main difficulty of investing in startups is that it is very difficult to determine which project will be profitable, and which will bring a loss.

Attachments of money in mutual

FIF or PAID INVESTMENT FUND - promising investments that can be specified to collective. Depositors (in this case they are called shareholders) acquire a part of the property of the Fund, which is called Pai, and are waiting for its value to grow. In essence, such investments should be long-term, in this case the probability of profit is the highest. The advantage of the pee is:

  • high degree of security from the state;
  • lack of need to have special knowledge;
  • low entry threshold - the value of the share begins from two thousand rubles.

The yield of the mutual fund depends on the strategy of the investment of the funds it applies. Moderate, conservative and aggressive funds are distinguished. In order of enumerations, profit is growing in them. But do not forget that the risk is directly dependent on it.

Experts are recommended if an investor in the course of choice where to invest in 2020 is profitable and safely, preferred to the PIPs, choose to invest funds that invest in the sphere of IT technologies. To date, they are the most promising. In addition, such mutiys are distinguished by the best combination of yield and risk.

Investment in investment or accumulative insurance

Investment I. Investment Programs cumulative insurance represent a combination of an income financial product with insurance. When making a contract for investment insurance The client receives a number of advantages:

  1. guaranteed yield of 13% of the state due to tax deduction;
  2. investment returns by managing your money investment or management company;
  3. the ability to discover the contribution for a longer period than the usual deposits.
  4. Free insurance of life and health;

Cumulative insurance allows you to solve two tasks:

  • protect yourself in case of financial problems;
  • accumulate a significant amount of money due to effective cash management.

Attachment of money in securities (via iis)

Those who decided to invest in stocks and bonds should open an individual investment account. You can do this by contacting brokers or in managing company. Most often in the stock market, investors earn one of two ways:

  1. Independent trading involves the discovery of transactions solely on the basis of the knowledge of the investor himself. In this case, make a profit without experience and certain skills are unlikely to succeed.
  2. Copying experienced managerial strategies. Such profitable investmentsFor example, offers the company Finam. It is implemented with the TRADE Center service. It is enough to choose a strategy and connect to it so that all transactions performed on the professional account were transferred to the Investor IIS.

Investment of money in real estate

This method requires the investor a large enough monetary sum. Capital size depends on the region and the type of real estate acquired.

In order to obtain profits, you can acquire both residential and commercial real estate. There are several options for profit with this investment method:

  1. purchase of real estate in order to subsequent lease;
  2. acquisition for resale.

Increase in the second case in the second case, buying a property under construction or acquiring unfavorable or "grandmother" apartments and selling them after repair.

It is important to remember that the sale of real estate, which was owned for less than five years, leads to the emergence of an obligation to pay income tax.

Bank deposits

Deposits B. lately Lose popularity. It is explained by this reduction in interest rates. Nevertheless, they deserve attention. Despite the fact that this option is not a real way to earn if the money is investigated to contribute to the contribution, you can reduce the effect of inflation. Deposits are suitable for those investors who do not have sufficient baggage of financial knowledge, as well as large capital.

A deposit can be discovered even on small amounts - many banks offer to conclude a contract for one thousand rubles and even less. For many, the determining indicator when choosing a contribution is interest rate. In connection with the Deposit Insurance System in our country, the choice of the Bank departed to the background. In search of the time to invest money, it is worth paying attention to the programs offered bank Tinkoff. Rates here are always at a fairly high level.

Investments in MFIs

Investments in MFIs allow their own capital under high percentage. At the same time, you will not need any additional knowledge and skills.

Nevertheless, this option is not suitable for everyone. Most companies set a fairly high minimum entry threshold. Traditionally, it is at the level of one and a half million for individuals And 500 thousand for legal.

Thus, a universal answer to the question, much better to invest money, does not exist. The decision must be taken for each case separately, focusing on the existing amount, as well as the desired risk and yield.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state