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Let's talk a little about preparing for the rescue of the car, because even in a modern city, a light SUV can be stuck, especially considering the quality of Russian roads.

So, if you bought a jeep to truly travel, ride fishing and in general on nature, cut off the off-road, and not shift in front of friends, then you will definitely get a swan and spare cable.

What to use

It will also be useful to have metal plates or wooden boards, which can be placed under the car, when we calculate the theoretical route of departure from the mud / pit.

About shovels: It is better to have a big and comfortable shovel, for the greatest speed of digging the rut, however, the storage and transportation of this tool are not always comfortable, so the folding garden, or a sapper blade.

Full jack, type High-jack. A full-fledged ax, or at least a small hatch is simply necessary, because transported boards does not always happen enough for lining, and it may also be necessary for a jack for a jack when the car is lifted, here the ax and useful to you.

Well, it is also worth stocking theory, however, remember that everything is individually and no theory will replace the experience of pulling the jeep.

Consider the most common ways to pull out the "seated" SUV, as well as errors made by the action.

Pitch and boards

Banal way. Everyone heard about him. Just jump forward a few meters of a gauge in the mud and put the wheels on the wheels or a suitable size.

With a jeep, this event will carry out much more easier than with an ordinary car, due to the full drive and the larger diameter of the wheels, but the big weight plays against you, remember it.

Because of this, the SUV well-stuck in the swamp is usually pulled out only by the tow truck.


Under the wheels, it is sometimes put too large brica, with the result that the car breaks down and tightly hangs on the bridge. Remember that it is better to delight a few suitable boards than one large.

Pull up with a winch

With a winch. Any action with a winch is desirable to perform, having a partner, which will follow the correctness of the wound on the drum, otherwise the car pulling is stretching for a very long time.

Fix the winch should only be at right angles (exceptions are possible) and as close as possible to the ground. If you do not allow you to secure the saving cable there is a tricky trouble-free admission.

The reserve is buried at about a meter to the ground, the cable is attached to it, and a trench is pulled to the winch movement.

This method allows you to leave the mud as simply in a clean field, and in a young forest, where the trees are not able to withstand the weight of your off-road "monster".

Also, when using this method, it is worth listening to a lot. The sound can say both about the nearest successful release and that the cable is overloaded, and you should change the tactics, otherwise it will break.

Remember that the winch action can be improved, and its life is extended using various blocks, slings and polyspats (a complex block of blocks, which is almost impossible to collect yourself, but which will help to easily pull out the stuck SUV from anywhere.)

Towing a car

Ordinary tug. Go to the nearest village and buy a couple of hours at the local tractor driver. For a good fee, after this time, you will be pulled out of any pit and spend before the track, in order to avoid repeated confusion. For this method, there will be any car at all, at least a little exceeding your jeep.

Pulling off the jack

Using a high-jack jack. The same is the same as the first item, only a strongly recognized side, on which the car almost fell walked, cling to a high jack, rises, login, walking, boards, etc. impose on wheels.

After that, the SUV moves from the spot, not even removing from the jack (do not worry, it will fall, falls under the wheels and will not suffer at all if you pass on it). A very time-consuming process, but in some situations it is not necessary to do without it.

Deadov methods

There is also a huge number of different "grandfathers", but not all of them apply to off-road machines. But they do not require any special skills, and items that are required to successfully pull out the car can be found at hand.

But the easiest way to pull the car is just riding neatly. With the slightest suspicion that your car was "strung", it is not necessary to buck and exacerbate the situation, as well as hope to "slip" on dirt, depth to meter.
Make wooden pavements case 20-minute, but after that you will not have to spend half a day on the liberation of your SUV.

Video instruction

Cost of leaving professional rescuers to provide assistance services for the release of a car from captivity - from 5000 rubles

We will be able to pull the jammed car from dirt, snow, pit, ditch, cuvette, swamps, sand or water.

Withdraw any car: passenger / cargo, jeep / SUV, bus. The arrival time of rescuers in Moscow - from 15 minutes, in the Moscow region - from 25 minutes.

The price is for a one-time challenge of the rescue service, the complexity of the work is determined on the spot. Additional services Paid separately, in accordance with the current tariffs.

To pull the car stuck on off-road, you will need help third-party. Hoping for understanding the same motorists, the unlucky driver asks them to help in such a difficult situation. However, the result of such interaction most often becomes a torn bumper or mutilated trunk. And the point is not that a stranger wanted evil to joke or deliberately damaged the car, trying to pull him out of the cuvette. In such a fine case, like a stucking machine, you need to have not only practical experience and knowledge, but also the corresponding gear. That is why it is correct to ask for help on the telephone rescue service.

How to independently pull the car from the mud?

But before you grab the phone, try to solve the problem yourself. If the machine is not too deeply bogged down, you can use some tools that improve the grip of the wheels and the road. For self-help procedure, you need a shovel and sand (stone salt, feline toilet, sawdust filler). As a retreat, the Council for motorists living in harsh climatic conditions: In your trunk listed above items, since under certain circumstances these tools can be very useful.

So, you need to act by improving the clutch. To do this, it is necessary to clean a small shovel of the front wheel of the car, pour sand or dry filler on them, try to leave a snowdrift or dirt. If this method was inffective, then you will need professional help to pull the car from the impassable debrees. Rate all the severity of the situation: if possible and safely, you need to go out and get around the car to determine how sad everything is. If you find that the wheels are buried deep enough, and the chassis rests on the ground, then for emergency service there will be a lot of work. Similar assistance will be needed stucking machines, if more than one wheel plunged into loose ground or slippery dirt.

The car is stuck. What to do and where to call?

Stuck on the car in the forest, snow or swamp? Do not know what to do and where to call? Emergency Center in emergency Offers its services 24 hours a day and under any circumstances. You can be sure that our specialists are always ready to go to your aid. Whatever difficult situation, professionals will be able to carefully evacuate your vehicle Without the slightest damage. Agree to take advantage of the help of those who guarantee the result than to hope for random assistants. By the way, according to the stories of drivers who have already helped, many of them tried in vain to stop at least one passing by the car. Very rarely someone managed to simplify another driver to help. But the usual car enthusiast does not own special means and skills to pull the car from the mud, so most often such assistance has ended with the need for serious repair and calling a paid tow truck.

When driving, almost everything could happen from asphalt roads. For example, you can unexpectedly move from the road to the downstream fields. Or just in the fall or in the spring, when the continuing rains turned the country road into an impassable swamp, where you can get stuck even on a powerful SUV, not to mention the standard car with front-wheel drive.

In this article you will learn how to go, if stuck in the mud. As a rule, in such a situation, without someone else's help, it is not necessary, however, there are several ways, thanks to which you can go out of dirt on your own.

First method: Properly distribute weight by car with rear and front drive

It is much easier to leave the mud on the front drive, as it gives its owner greater maneuverability, which cannot be said about the rear drive.

On the front drive:

  • Unload the back of the car and boot the front. If you travel one, then simply shift things from the trunk on the front seat. If you are with the company, then leave one passenger on the front and land all from the rear seats;
  • Slug to touch from the place and slow turn to the steering wheel to the right and go left to find a clutch with an expensive on the edge of the rut.

On the rear drive:

  • In this case, on the contrary, you need to load the rear axle and unload the front. Or simply transfer the passenger from the front seat to the rear.
  • Put only straight.
  • Slowly move in the opposite direction. In this case, you can tighten the handbrake to avoid the wheel slip.

Did not help, the car sat down firmly? Then put trees, stones, boards, rubber mats under the leading wheels. And again, slowly trying to leave the mud.

The second way: "Rashchka" on the machine and mechanics

If the previous way to leave the dirt did not help you, try to rack your car. This can be performed both one and with friends. So that it worked, you need to move the car back and forth, gradually increasing the distance traveled. On the mechanics it is obtained by the periodic inclusion of the first and reverse gear. At the same time, try to slip as possible by the wheels as possible, so as not to get bogged in the mud even more. And as soon as you felt that the car was scattered to the maximum - try to dramatically leave in the right direction. Also carefully work with clutch so as not to burn it.

If you do not turn out to quickly switch the transfer, you can try to dig a car by clutch. As a rule, it works in cases where the wheels of the car fell into the recess. To do this, turn on the first or rear transmission and slow slowly. And after you feel that the wheels began to scroll, release the gas and click on the clutch. At this point, the car must turn in the opposite direction. And as soon as he stops rolling back, and starts returning himself in the right direction, re-release the clutch, helping the car to climb. Most likely, it will have to repeatedly repeat the actions described above before you choose to a solid surface.

How to roll out of the mud on the machine?

As a rule, cars with automatic transmission are equipped with different additional electronics, which does not allow the wheels to slip on turns. That is why when trying to leave the mud, the car will behave quite differently. Moreover, on the machine you will not turn out to switch the transmissions from the same speed as mechanics. Therefore, no matter how hard you tried, but you will not get a quick switching transmission. Even if you try to do this, the automatic box will simply refuse you.

What to advise if a car with a box automatic stuck in the mud? All as in the previous case. Use the way to roll the car half - without the use of rear transmission. That is, start moving until you stop, and then just roll in the opposite direction and again forward. Only instead of pressing the clutch you need to switch the gauge lever to the "N" position, and when you need to touch - to the "D" position.

Third way: we use the winch or make it from the girlfriend

From the mud you can go through the winch. She is selected by the weight of your car. You can cling it for a tree, pillar or another object. If you do not have it, you can make a winch from the remedies.

For this you need to have scrap and two cables. Also for the lever you will need a wooden bar or a metal rod, but instead you can use a cutlets from a shovel or a branch from the tree. Better if the cable is not flat, but in the form of pigtails, as it is more resistant to twisting loads.

Scrap into the ground, one end of the cable is tied to a tree or post, and the second end cling to the lomage so that it can freely scroll on the spot without attracting the tree. Make sure that the rope is not proviscribed, and the latitude was mounted for the top of the scrap.

Go to the second cable. One end is tied to the branch, and the other cling to the car. Carefully screw the branch to the device, the cable must be located as low as possible to the ground. So you have a kind of lever that will allow you to rescue your car from dirt.

Make sure that the device gets strong, the cable was not rotten, but scrap did not jump out of the ground.

Fourth way: departure from mud with a jack

What if the car sat on the belly and the wheels just spin in the mud? In this case, it is best to use the jack. But for its use, you need an even and solid surface. And if under you a solid swamp? And here there is a way out, you can use a wide board as a support. If it is not, make a platform pad or put a rubber rug or spare tire. With the help of a jack, lift the drive wheels and put something hard for them: it can be branches, stones or even straw. In any case, your goal is to make the bottom of the car raised above the surface of the Earth.

Fifth way: how to leave mud with a stick

There is also another simple and original way to leave the mud who simply could not fail to get into this article. All you need is a piece of boards or stick and a mix of adhesive tape. Further everything is simple. Tightly take a stick to the car's tire. This interesting modernization will allow a simple cabinet not only to get out of the mud, but also to drive where even a powerful SUV can grow.

More video how to leave the dirt with a stick and a tape, be sure to look.

Sixth way: taking a car on a tug

If the car is stuck, and all your attempts to get out of the dirt ended with failure, then everything you can have to go behind the tractor. However, it should be remembered that if your vehicle rests on the belly, then when trying to pull it out with a truck or tractor, you can seriously damage the chassis, the engine pallet or elements of the exhaust system.

Therefore, in this case, before challenges the car from the mud trap, lift it with a jack and put something hard under the wheels: branches, stones, boards. And if possible, lay them out all the way.

Attach towing cable only in the right places (such attachment points are described in the car manual). The force required to pull out the car from the dirt should be much more than the strength that is used in normal towing. Therefore, the cable should be attached to very strong body elements, such as the front / rear axle, hitch, etc.

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