
The period of using the vehicle. The coefficient of the COP insurance period. COP COP of the use of TC

Each driver is obliged to have a policy of insurance of civil liability. But it does not always require registration of insurance for the entire period. How to conclude an insurance contract for several months and is it profitable for a car owner? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

The coefficients of the use of the vehicle for the OSAO - Table

To begin with, we will understand what is the term of insurance and what it differs from the concept of the "car use period".

The term of insurance is the period of the prisoner with the insurance company of the contract. Most companies prefer to issue policies for 12 months. It is advantageous not only the insurer, but also the car owner.

The period of using the car is the number of months when the owner uses its vehicle and can get insurance payment. The less time during the year the master of the car leads his own transport, the cheaper the insurance will cost him. The coefficients of the use of TCs for the CTP can be clarified in the table below. Please note: for insurance for ten or eleven months will have to pay the full amount.

The minimum service life of the car at the OSAO in 2020

How to be to those who use little use of their vehicle or plans to break up with it soon? The minimum insurance period in 2020 is three months. Please note that buying insurance for a small time, and then extending it, you are significantly overpaying. An annual policy is more profitable for another reason: you immediately pay insurance for the whole year, you do not have to pay extra, even if the tariffs will fail. In addition, you can save not only time, but cash, making the purchase of the policy through online.

How to extend the period of using OSAGO online

The small term of the policy is chosen by those who plan in the foreseeable future to sell the car. In the future, if you wish, you can prolong the contract.
How to extend the period of action insurance Polisa.? To do this, contact the company and pay the difference for the remaining months. For example, if you first issued a policy for six months, you paid 70 percent of the cost of the annual policy of autocitors. If you need to extend the action insurance contract For another six months, you need to contact the company's office and pay another 30%.

For example, the cost of insurance over time of operation of the machine 10 months is equal to the price of the classical annual policy. Thus, we simply lose two months of insurance. Conclude an agreement where there will be minimal insurance for the CTP car only if you really drive it only at a certain season. Then such savings will be justified. How to buy OSAGO in installments So, save at the cost of insurance, reducing the operation time of the machine, we will not succeed. However, using the seasonal period vehicle You can make installments of payment, not overpaying for the policy of OSAGO. The fact is that, when buying insurance with a limited operation of a vehicle, nothing will prevent a later time to increase this period.

OSAGO for the minimum term or period of use


I buy how to choose? All drivers participating in the road in the territory of the Russian Federation are obliged to have a policy of OSAGO. On the this moment The cost of auto-trap can be calculated for 3 categories of vehicles:

  1. For TS registered in the territory of foreign countries.
  2. For the vehicle, following the registration site (transformers) or on the passage of vehicle inspection.
  3. For the formulation of the CU for accounting in the gibdd and further use in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, for each category there is its minimum insurance period.

For the first it ranges from 5 to 15 days, i.e. For the OSAGO Agreement, "stacked" in this interval, the insured will pay the same amount. For drivers distilling the vehicle in Russia to the place of permanent registration or the following on peak (inspection), the insurance period is always the same - 20 days, no less and no more.

COP COP of the use of TC


Short policies were introduced by the state in order to eliminate contradictions in law. The fact is that when selling the OSAGO, the insurance agent is obliged to check from the client the presence of a valid diagnostic card on the car.

However, a person who has just bought a vehicle cannot go to it to a technical inspection point, because it is not entitled to manage the machine without insurance. To avoid this closed circle and there is a short twenty-day policy that can be bought without a diagnostic card.
The minimum term of the OSAGO for what minimum period can be issued by the OSAO, if drivers who do not use the car all year round? For this, the OSAGO policies provides for a special condition, which is called: a period of seasonal use of the vehicle.

What is the period of the policy and the term insurance period for the TC?

By general ruleThe mandatory auto insurance contract is always one year - this information is indicated in the upper right corner of the policy. If the vehicle is subject to sale, insure it for a minimum time.

For the remaining 9 months, it will be necessary to pay extra half the annual cost of the OSAGO (as much as for the first 3 months). Thus, by paying 0.7 annual OSA in the first 6 months, for the next 0.3 annual insurance.

As to save on the CTP policy, the OSAGO rules do not provide for the payment of civil aviation in installments.

The period of use of the CTP, the minimum term

Table 1. The dependence of the cost of insurance from its duration. Table Rights Insurance Period Coefficient KP 3 months 0.5 4 months 0.6 5 months 0.65 6 months 0.7 7 months 0.8 8 months 0.9 9 months 0.95 Camera CTP by 10 and 11 months will cost In annual insurance. Important:

  • Car owners, arranged OSAGO for several months a year, pay more for each month than those who buys the policy for the whole year.
  • The cost of annual insurance of the OSAGO will not change during the annual term of insurance marked in the Policy, even if the tariffs will increase during this year.

Minimum term insurance period

The latter, the main group of car owners concludes the standard CPCA agreement, the procedure for calculating which is one for all insurance companies of the Russian Federation. Let us dwell in more detail on this policy of autocitors.

The choice of TS type number of leaderscol-in drivers The insurance period and the period of use in the OSAGO policy to begin withdrawing with the terms used in the design of insurance insurance: "The term of the contract" and the "TC period". The term of insurance. In the upper right corner of the policy of Osago fits "The term of the CTP agreement", and it is always 1 year.
The period of use. It is indicated in the next line of the policy and determines the months during the term of the contract (half of the year), when the car owner will use its vehicle, and the insurer is responsible for him.
Agafonov 11:27 The period of using the vehicle. Toe, the number of months, during which you exploit your piece of iron Yaroslav 13:10 At the request of the insurer, you can declare a certain period of use of the car .. For example, from the beginning of April to the end of October, if the machine is not operated in winter. Polais with such restrictions is a little more cheaper becomes like Yahooh 22 : 11 If you ride the car for a whole year, you can choose the period of use of the machine - less than a year ... This period is from 3 months ..
You can insure first for 3 months, and then extend ... Irma 18:08 As a rule, they will insure for a period of use 1 year, but it is possible for the period of distillation, on season, or half a year. (Points time, month, year).

What is the period of use of TS OSAGO

Allocate 3 categories of vehicles: TCs registered on the territory of another state and entered into the territory of the Russian Federation; TC entering the territory of Russia transit; TS constantly operated in the territory of the Russian Federation. According to current legislation, the minimum insurance period of autocarnate responsibility in 2018 is three months.
The smaller the insurance period, the cheaper it will cost the owner of the vehicle. To calculate the cost of the policy for several months, the coefficients indicated in the table: the insurance period, the months (total per year) cost from annual insurance or terms of the term (COP) 3 0,5 4 0,6 5 0,65 6 0,7 7 0 , 8 8 0.9 9 0.95 Additional information:

What is the period of using NC in Osago

To date, the cost of such insurance can be calculated: 1. For TS, which are registered abroad. 2. For the vehicle, which are going to inspection or to the place of registration.
3. To set the vehicle, which will be further used in the territory of the Russian Federation, recorded in the traffic police. In all listed cases, their terms of insurance are provided, for example, for the first category - 5-15 days.
If the master "stacked" into the designated interval, the policyholder will need to pay the same monetary sum. For drivers who follow the inspection or distinguish the vehicle through the territory of the Russian Federation to the place of registration, the insurance period is 20 days, no more and no less.

The latter, the most numerous group of citizens concludes a standard CTP. His order of calculation is the same in all insurance companies in Russia.

What is the period of use of the vehicle in Osago

While payment is taken into account only by the total number of months in the calendar year. The OSAGO action of the vehicle owners registered in another country and temporarily located in the territory of the Russian Federation (for a period of no more than two weeks) should acquire a policy of 5 or 15 days. Cars following the place of permanent operation and cars following the technical inspection item (peak) should be insured for a period of 20 days.

If the owner of the vehicle after this period does not issue a permanent policy of the OSAGO, he will be forced to leave the territory of the Russian Federation. For the remaining cars operated in the territory of the Russian Federation, the validity of the compulsory auto insurance contract is one year. Note that the insurance year is not always equal to the calendar.

What does the period of use of the vehicle in the CTP

But no one bothers the driver to first pay for 3 months (0.5 annual insurance), then extend the policy for another 3 months (0.2 annual insurance), and then pay extra for the remaining half a year only 0.3 annual sum. In fact, it turns out the same installment. If it's not a pity, it is very profitable for certain financial difficulties and our level of inflation.
The main thing is not to forget to extend the period of use in advance. Otherwise, the insurer has the right to take over the next months, as for the first, i.e. with a raising KP coefficient. Penalty for the management of the vehicle during the period of use, not provided by the Policy OSAGO The management of the vehicle in the period not provided by the CTP policy entails a fine of 300 rubles. For more, we do not agree. Let us explain on the example.
As a rule, for the minimum term - 3 months - they insure their cars those who plan to sell it in the near future. And, as can be seen from the table, for 3 months the insured will have to pay half the annual value of the CTP.

If for some reason the sale will not take place, insurance easily can be extended until the end of the March year. At the same time, the surcharge for the remaining 9 months will be the remaining half of the annual value of the OSAGO (as much as you paid for the first 3 months).

Accordingly, as can be seen from the table, paying 0.7 annual OSA in the first six months, for the remaining 6 months it will be necessary to pay 0.3 annual insurance. As to save on the policy, it is known that the Rules of OSAGO, the payment of autocitors in installments is not provided.

OSAGO is a policy of compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners (TC). With the help of the CTP, you can compensate the damage that was caused by the car and the other participants of the accident. The minimum term insurance period is depends on the category of vehicle.

Insurance with the assistance of its own civil responsibilityYou get rid of worries to compensation for damage to victims. Compensation will take on your insurance organization.

The minimum term of OSAGO

To determine the minimum term insurance period, you need to establish a vehicle category. Each category has its own minimum autocarted insurance period. Allocate 3 categories of vehicles: TCs registered on the territory of another state and entered into the territory of the Russian Federation; TC entering the territory of Russia transit; TS constantly operated in the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to the current legislation, the minimum insurance period of autocarted liability in 2020 is three months.

The smaller the insurance period, the cheaper it will cost the owner of the vehicle. To calculate the cost of the policy for several months, the coefficients specified in the table:

Insurance period, months
(total per year)
Cost from annual insurance or term coefficient (COP)
3 0,5
4 0,6
5 0,65
6 0,7
7 0,8
8 0,9
9 0,95

Additional Information:

  • It is more profitable to purchase the policy of compulsory insurance immediately for the whole year. Registration of insurance for several months will cost more.
  • The price of annual auto insurance corresponds to the numbers marked in the policy and does not change during the year, even if the insurance price increases. When placing the policy for a short time, be sure to recognize the value of the annual insurance of the CTP. There is always the opportunity to make insurance for several months and pay attention only if necessary to extend the period of use.
  • The insurance period is divided into several parts. Thus, when placing an application, you can paint the entire insurance year ahead (two months in winter, month in the summer, three in autumn, etc.). While payment is taken into account only by the total number of months in the calendar year.

The term of action of OSAGO

The owners of a vehicle registered in another country and temporarily located in the territory of the Russian Federation (for a period of no more than two weeks) must acquire a policy of 5 or 15 days.

Cars following the place of permanent operation and cars following the technical inspection item (peak) should be insured for a period of 20 days. If the owner of the vehicle after this period does not issue a permanent policy of the OSAGO, he will be forced to leave the territory of the Russian Federation.

For the remaining cars operated in the territory of the Russian Federation, the validity of the compulsory auto insurance contract is one year. Note that the insurance year is not always equal to the calendar.

The provisions described above concern only car owners who regularly exploit their vehicle. In case the vehicle is operated less than a year, the CTP is drawn up for a shorter period.. The cost of insurance will be reduced on a commensurate amount.

The method of calculating insurance for a shorter period

Insurance companies prefer to sell insurance for a full period (1 year), which is why the "short" insurance in the year is obtained by more expensive. Thus, to arrange insurance for 3 months, the motorist will need to pay 50% of the annual cost of the CTP, and 6 months will cost 70% of the cost. The acquisition of OSAO for 10-11 months will cost the price of one "full" year.

How to extend the period of use of the CTP

The annual cost of the OSAGA policy is the permanent value. As a general rule, the mandatory auto insurance contract is always one year - this information is indicated in the upper right corner of the policy.

If the vehicle is subject to sale, insure it for a minimum time. This step allows the car owner to significantly save money.

If for certain reasons, the sale will not take place, insurance can be extended until the end of the March year. For the remaining 9 months, it will be necessary to pay extra half the annual cost of the OSAGO (as much as for the first 3 months). Thus, by paying 0.7 annual OSA in the first 6 months, for the next 0.3 annual insurance.

How to save on the policy of Osago

OSAGO rules do not provide for the payment of civil aviation in installments. But the driver can pay for insurance in stages as follows: To make a primary payment for 3 months (0.5 annual insurance), extend the policy for 3 months (0.2 annual insurance), and then pay extra for the remaining 6 months of 0.3 of the annual amount.

Do not forget to extend the insurance period in advance. Otherwise, you are waiting for a fine with a raising ratio (COP).

Penalty for the management of the vehicle during the period of use not provided for by the policy of the CTP

For managing a car in a non-policy period, you may finf by 500 rubles. More severe punishment follows non-fulfillment of the requirement to insure the CTP. For the lack of an agreement of the CTP 800 rubles.

If a traffic accident occurs in the non-tray period - insurance Company Pay the victim part of the damage to the victim, after which it will present a regressive requirement to the unscrupulous insured and will require compensation for its expenses.


So, for how long can IGAGO? The car owner may conclude an OSAGA agreement for a limited time period (the minimum term is 3 months). The insurance premium for the initial months is calculated with an increase in the coefficient, and the insured has the right to extend the period of use for any number of months - paying extra charges until the end of the policy. The total cost of autocarted insurance is always the same and does not change throughout the year.

According to the current legislation, the minimum term of the insurance policy of the OSAGO is drawn up for 3 months. That is, even if the car is used for 1-2 months a year, its owner is obliged to indicate at least 3 months as a period of use.

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It should be noted that the insurance period can be divided into several parts, that is, it is not necessary for three months at once. In this way, you can immediately determine the months of using the car for insurance year: for example, 1 month in spring, 2 months in summer and 1 month in winter.

Of course, insurance fees are more profitable to sell insurance immediately for the whole year, so the insurance policy for a shorter period in terms of the annual will cost much more expensive.

The term of insurance and the period of use in the policy of OSAGO

There are situations when a car that is constantly operated in the territory of the Russian Federation (it is about them that will be discussed in this chapter), not used for a long period.

We give examples of such situations:

  • Soon the owner plans to sell his car, but the term of his insurance has already ended, and it is forced to execute a new one for 1 year (according to the requirements of legislation);
  • The car is used only in the warm season (for example, retirees for traveling to the country);
  • The car owner plans for a long time absent in the country, while the car remains in the territory of the Russian Federation and is not used.

For such cases, there are two columns in the insurance insurance contract. In paragraph "Insurance Term" indicates the term of the insurance contract of the OSAGO, which is necessarily equal to 1 year. If the car is constantly not used, then the point of use is filled in, which indicates certain months during the term of the insurance contract, which is planned to operate the vehicle.

It was during these months that the insurance will be responsible for this contract. So the policyholder will pay insurance premium Only for the period of using the car, which will reduce the cost of insurance for the year.

If the car is used on an ongoing basis, then the term of the contract and the period of use coincide.

Calculation of the cost of insurance for a smaller period

When calculating the cost of insurance for a period of less than one year, the term coefficients apply. That is, in order to find out the cost of insurance, for example, for 4 months, it is necessary for the value of the annual insurance policy to multiply to the term coefficient. The value of the deadline depends on the number of months and is:

  • For 3 months - 0.5;
  • For 4 months - 0.6;
  • For 5 months - 0.65;
  • For 6 months - 0.7;
  • For 7 months - 0.8;
  • For 8 months - 0.9;
  • For 9 months - 0.95;
  • For 10, 11 months - 1.

As you can see, in the case of buying insurance with a period of use of a car 10-11 months, its cost will be equal to the value of the annual insurance policy.

Calculation of the cost of OSAGO

As mentioned above, the OSAGO is clearly regulated legislative standards, and insurance rates on OSAGO not exception. In April 2015, the latest adopted changes in insurance tariffs entered into force.

The changes affected the territorial coefficients, as well as the maximum and minimum sizes Basic rates.

On average, the cost of the OSAGO insurance policy for a vehicle belonging to the physical face increased by 60-70%.

  • cars of category "B" and "ve" who own individuals- from 2375 rubles. up to 3087 rubles;
  • vehicles of category "B" and "ve" legal entities - from 3432 rubles. up to 4188 rubles;
  • vehicles categories "B" and "ve", which are used as a taxi - from 5138 rubles. up to 6166 rubles.

The calculation of the cost of the OSAGA policy can be calculated, multiplying the basic insurance rate to certain increase and lower coefficients, which include:

  • the coefficient of the territory - depending on the place of registration of the car varies from 1.3 for Volgograd and up to 2.1 for Chelyabinsk;
  • the power factor of the vehicle is set depending on the maximum power of the vehicle engine, expressed in horsepower: with power up to 50 hp. The coefficient is 0.6, the maximum coefficient of 1.6 is installed for cars with a capacity of more than 150 hp;
  • the coefficient of Bonus Malus - in the insurance company, when making a contract, the driver is assigned a certain class (in the first conclusion of the contract, 3 class is automatically awarded with a value 1) and in case of trouble-free driving, with further prolongation of the insurance contract, this ratio decreases by 5%; and vice versa, in the presence of insurance cases, the value of this indicator increases with a decrease in the driver's class;
  • the coefficient of age and experience - implies the presence of increased risk of occurrence insurance case For young inexperienced drivers. If you are more than 22 years old and your driving experience for more than 3 years, then the coefficient will be 1.0. In the opposite case, the coefficient value varies from 1.6 to 1.8;
  • the limited use coefficient is, provided that only one driver is specified in the contract, the value of this coefficient is 1.0; if 2 or more (multidonev), then the value of the indicator rises to 1.8;
  • the selection coefficient of use is if the car is not used throughout the year, special coefficients are applied, which was discussed in the previous section;
  • the coefficient of violations is applied when the Insurance Policy is issued by the driver, who in the past insurance contract committed violations provided for by the legislation on the OSAGO.

Thus, multiplying the basic insurance tariff for the coefficients listed above, it is possible to calculate the cost of the insurance policy of the OSAGO.

In more detail about the values \u200b\u200bof each coefficient, you can find out in the Federal Law on the Rules of OSAGO.

Supplement under the period of use less than 1 year for insurance policy of OSAGO

As mentioned above, the period of action of the Insurance Treaty always should be equal to 1 year, indicating the appropriate periods of use if necessary. Moreover, the cost of the insurance policy of OSAGO does not change during the year, which is concluded by the contract.

Let you decide to insure a car, for example, for 5 months, because after that a long business trip is planned. For such an insurance policy, according to coefficients, it is necessary to pay 65% \u200b\u200bof the cost of annual insurance. In the event that the business trip was broken and you need to extend the insurance for the whole year, then it will be enough for you to pay extra full value Annual policy, i.e. The next 7 months of insurance will cost you in (100% -65%) \u003d 45% of the cost of the policy per year.

Savings on the policy of Osago

There are certain nuances at the design of the insurance policy of the OSAGO, and for its competent and profitable design, each driver should be studied.

As such savings on the policy state will not work, since all tariffs are approved at the level Federal Law. The legislative purchase of the insurance policy of the OSAGO in installments is impossible.

The NAS The help of the specification of the use period is this option:

  • we draw up insurance for three months - 0.5 cost of the annual insurance policy;
  • after that, we extend the insurance for another 3 months - it is necessary to pay extra 0.2 value of annual insurance;
  • now we will prolong insurance for 3 months again - during this period it is necessary to pay 0.25 the cost of the annual policy;
  • for the remaining 3 months will remain to pay 5% of the cost of insurance of the OSAGO for the year.

At the same time, the following points must be remembered:

  • in advance to extend insurance, because in case of refinery, the next three months can be accepted by the insurance company as the first three;
  • you need to be prepared for the need to visit the insurance company every three months or meet the insurance agent;
  • considering the inflation rate in last years, such a way of installments when buying an insurance policy just on hand to the insured.

The main features of insurance OSAGO are:

  • the minimum insurance period depends on the category of vehicle, which, in turn, is determined by the venue for the registration and operation of the car;
  • with a constant use of a car on the territory Russian Federation The minimum term insurance period is set, which is 1 year;
  • there is an opportunity to insure a car on CTP to 3 or more months when specifying the car's use period, but in terms of the annual tariff it will cost more;
  • insurance rate is formed on the basis of the basic insurance Tariff For 3 categories of cars and boost and lower coefficients;
  • legally, the possibility of installments is not provided, but when making insurance for a certain period of use and, with further extension, we actually obtain installments;
  • within 30 days after the expiration of the Policy, the insurance company is still responsible for the contract.

Categories of vehicles for OSAGO and their minimum time

According to the legislation, all ground vehicles are divided into three main categories on the basis of where vehicles are registered and operated:

  • cars registered on the territory of another (foreign) state and entering the territory of the Russian Federation at a certain time (no more than 2 weeks);
  • vehicles that leveled to the territory of another state and are now returning back for transit to the place of permanent operation or in order to pass the technical inspection (transformers);
  • cars that are registered and are constantly operating in the Russian Federation.
  • for cars of the first category, you can purchase an insurance policy for a period of five to fifteen days;
  • for vehicles related to the second category, the term of the insurance policy is equal to twenty days; It should be noted that after the expiration of this period, it is necessary to issue a permanent policy (for the third category of cars);
  • for vehicles, the third category is invited to purchase an insurance policy for 1 year, regardless of the desire of the insured and the insurance company; It should be noted that the effect of the insurance policy begins from the moment of signing the contract or payment of the insurance premium (depending on the contract) and lasts exactly 12 months from this moment.

As for cars belonging to the third category, if they are not used on an ongoing basis, it is possible to design an insurance policy for the period up to 1 year, but at the same time at least 3 months.

In the formation of the total cost of the OSAGA policy, several individual coefficients for each auto industry are applied. One of them is the COP (the coefficient of the insurance period). This indicator reflects the possibility / impossibility of using a specific vehicle (hereinafter - a vehicle) for a complete year due to the characteristics of its technical parameters.

The COP coefficient is determined, based on the period during which the car owner plans to use its TC. It is explained by the need for such a parameter quite simple: if cars are passenger, as a rule, are operated throughout the year, then specialized vehicles (cleaning, watering or agricultural machinery) functionally function.

At the same time, even the owner of a passenger car can make the motorway for a certain period (for example, for summer time to travel to the country) with the condition that during the remaining part of the year it will not use his car.

The definition of the COP coefficient depends on the amount of months per year, during which a specific TC is operated.

If the route, knowing the features of its vehicle movement mode, will set the use period, then it can save some amount (see table):

When the COP coefficient cannot be applied

When making a contract of auto insurance, the COP does not apply in such cases:

  • for TS, which are not registered in the Russian Federation (in the territory of other countries);
  • when making a contract of autocarter on the condition "following to the destination";
  • if the owner of the vehicle is a legal entity (exception - the vehicle according to its technical characteristics cannot be operated year-round).

Please note that at the time of registration of the OSAGO policy for the Australists of Jurlitz on the "Seasonal Use of TC", it is important to provide information about specificationsconfirming the inability to its year-round use.

Cars to which the COP is applied

The TC seasonal use includes such machines:

  • Snow removal (for example, snow loaders, etc.);
  • Agricultural (for example, self-propelled feed appliances, as well as combines of potatoes and combustion);
  • Watering and other special vehicles.

If the technical parameters of the vehicle allow it to be used year-round, but in the application for the execution of the policy, the policyholder indicates a period of less than 1 year, then the contract of autocarter on a limited period of use cannot be concluded. In his conclusion, the insured must refuse.

How is the CS taken into account when issuing the CTP?

If a period of less than 1 year is specified in the application for the conclusion of the Agreement of the Avtnitrol Treaty, then the COP coefficient will be taken into account in the formation of the price. Its value is made depending on the number of months during which the vehicle is planned.

Pay attention to this moment:

  • the period of use is a period of time within the deadline for which the auto insurance contract is concluded (the period of use is indicated in the application and is not subject to the partition - must be continuous for at least 3 months);
  • the term of the contract is 1 year (for insurance OSAGO).

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