
A participant in the accident no insurance what to do. I got into an accident without insurance, I am not guilty. Will the damage arise if there is no OSAGA policy. Lack of insurance for the victim in an accident

Loans and loans - this is what lately Very much you need to many citizens. True, this process is accompanied by collecting a rather large list of various securities. Some wonder: Is it possible to take a loan on a copy of the passport or in the presence of photocopy of other documents? And if there is such an opportunity, how and where to embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife? All this will have to talk further. In fact, this question is playing important role For many borrowers.

What do you need

First you have to find out which documents in principle are needed to obtain a loan. After all, only then has (or not) the meaning to make copies. Paper red tier with this process is more than enough. So if you think about whether you can take a loan by copy of the passport, to start, find out which list of papers will be needed to be submitted to the bank for accessing services.

Nothing hard for memorization here. First, you must present any usually a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If it is not, not trouble, but many banks refuse to issue a loan. Secondly, a written application for the issuance of a loan, as well as certificates of your income (2-NDFL, employment history, 3-NDFL, account statements, contracts for the provision of services). Thirdly, you will ask the Inn, SNILS and a military ID (for men under 27). Additionally requires a marriage / divorce certificate, children's birth, (if any). As soon as you collect a complete package of documents, contact them to get a loan.


Now what? Often, people are wondering: Is it possible to take a loan on a copy of the passport and the INN? This is quite normal interest that is manifested by the majority of citizens. After all, it is not always possible to present the original document.

In principle, it is not difficult to guess that by itself a copy of any document does not even have any legal force. Maybe this is a fake. Just a piece of paper on which something is written. Therefore, if you are interested, is it possible to take a loan on copy of the passport and SNILS, it is necessary to answer completely unambiguously: no, it is impossible. After all, it is not excluded that you are a fraudster. Main role It plays the fact that copies of documents themselves do not have any legal force. So, using these or other transactions they will not work. Is that a bank employee himself remove a copy from the original, and then attract it to a complete package of documents. But at the same time the script is still used!


But on this decision of our question does not end. It's no secret that any copy can be notarized. And then it will have at least some power. Very often they do when they cannot or do not want to impose the original documents when contacting certain instances.

Is it possible to take a loan by copy of the passport, which was certified by a notary? Honestly confess, the question is controversial. If you act within the law, you can answer again completely unambiguously: no. With or loan you are in obligatory We must show only the originals of your documents. Moreover, passports, TIN and reduced, and also this concerns income certificates.

Thus, even if you have a certified photocopy, the chances of receiving the service from the bank are almost equal to zero. And it is right. After all, in fact, the notary simply confirms that the copy is valid. He cannot verify the instance in the fact that in front of him was originally the original document. So do not be surprised.


But we all live in modern world. And in Russia, everything is not always done by law. Therefore, sometimes, wondering if you can take a loan on copy of the passport, you will be able to get a positive answer. By law, as already mentioned, there is no such possibility and will not. In any case, no amendments to legislation that give copies of legal force are not being developed.

But in practice there are exceptions. Yes, in large banks with copies of any documents there is nothing to do - no conscientious company will take such greater responsibility. Therefore, here already as lucky - someone goes on concessions and works with photocopies, and someone is not. Most often, of course, you risk getting a failure, but you can also hope for approval of your application. After all, not just so many without originals manage to get a loan or loan.

Where to go

What to do to have more chances of success in our today? Is it possible to take a loan on a copy of the passport? We have already found out that, in principle, such a prospect is available. Although not on a permanent basis and not in all cases. Nevertheless, there is a advice that will help you in solving the task.

If you want to get a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to take a loan on copy of the passport and other documents, do not contact large organizations and banks. It is suitable for this purpose or private companies, or financial associations of the type of microloans (for example, "fast-moving"). Such communities most often do not sharpen attention on the documents. True, there is a chance of problems in the future, for example, when paying. This will have to take into account.

Remember: there is nothing to do in large banks with copies of documents. You can apply them to the application, but the originals still will be required from you without fail. If you need to replace one or another paper, first do it. But only then make a loan.


Most often, our today is interested fraudsters. They constantly think whether it is possible to take a loan on copy of the passport of another person. In general, as we have already been convinced, it will not be possible to answer. In principle, it is possible, but it is very difficult to embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife.

Nevertheless, if you contact the right organization, you will give money over the copy. Hence the new method of fraud. Increasingly and more often, citizens find that they are "hanging" loans, which then need to return. In practice, it is usually or a microzhem or simply not too large sums. If you have noticed that they have become a victim of such fraud, it is worth immediately seeking help in the police. Try to remember where you went with the photocopies of your passport, it will help you catch the criminals.

The answer to the question of how you can take a loan for someone else's passport or its photocopy, excitement of the minds of many Russians. And the point here is not at wanting to quickly enriched.

I wines the whole fear of the fact that one day you will call from the bank and say "Citizen Ivanov, and the debts are not time to pay?!". And a citizen of Ivanov and do not know what he has debts there. He did not take loans at all.

And someone took for him. In this article, we will talk about how you can take money on the photocopy of someone else's passport, and whether it is possible to do this in principle.

Myths and legends about evil fraudsters

Often you can meet and messages on the forums, and simply articles on the Internet on how one or another man has become a victim of harsh fraudsters, and found himself in the credit pit. And scammers, infection, did not even sympathize.

Only here ... The logic of things suggests that not everything is so simple. In order to debunk these myths, let's consider the standard procedure for submitting an application for an express loan.

  • The client (fraudster) comes to the bank branch with a photocopy of a passport of an alien person, on whom he is remotely similar in photography.
  • In addition to the copy, he has nothing, but about where the original, he prepared the legend "on the exchange in the passport desk."
  • I am going to the manager, the applicant appears and reports the purpose of the visit. Manager nods and asks documents.

Client: - Sorry, I have only a photocopy with me, the exchange document is now.

Manager: "Sorry, we can't accept your application, because the bank does not consider loans without it.

It turned out not good. Why didn't the manager accepted the application?

  1. Because after the exchange, a person will have a blowing with new data - this is once.
  2. Because if the exchange document is old data is invalid. These are two.
  3. Banks do not issue money on invalid documents. These are three.
  4. And they perfectly know the tricks of "Maimageers", because no longer such a case happened. These are four.

Bank managers in special trainings are taught to recognize fraudsters, and in the rules of their work it is strictly: the applicant is not taken without the original (document certifying person) to work.

Read more about how fraudsters still manage to get a copy of a photocopy, read in this article.

Where do loans are taken, decorated on other people's passports?

On the photocopy of someone else's blow to arrange a loan can only one who has access to banking system. That is, one who directly sends an application to the bank. And this is a manager.

Moreover, it is easier to arrange a loan in the car dealership, or at the point of issuing commodity loans, where the managers are unclean on the hand, they often sin. Credit cards of instant issuance and express loans are also often decorated under this scheme.

And photocopies of passports managers supply or scammers with whom they work in a bundle, or they buy them on the forums.

Check credit history client They are also not difficult. Small frauds, and a few months later, the manager leaves his own desire, leaving work with very decent amounts in accounts. Those for the first few months he even contributes to the borrower payments not to cause suspicion.

As soon as this situation is exacerbated - that is, the borrower "stops paying," the banks begin to be proceeding. And often find the guilty if he did not have time to check the traces. But the problem with the client remains unresolved for a long time.

On the man hung the loan, which he did not see the eyes, and credit contract did not sign. There is only one thing left - to go to court. More information about what to do if your passport was issued a loan, you will receive on this link.

Alone, getting a photocopy of someone else's passport, Place an agreement with a fraudster simply will not work. First, in addition, there are also other documents, and secondly, it may be so that a person whose data is used is already a bank client.

And the manager can contact him by phone number available in the database. Then the fraudster immediately from the departments of the bank will go to the police station, where it will explain that he has forgotten the passport. "

But to protect yourself From such situations to a person who does not want to be a victim of fraudsters or unscrupulous managers, still worth it. For this, it is important to comply with a number of non-hard rules:

  • Do not leave personal documents unattended;
  • If the chief document of a citizen of the Russian Federation is lost - on the same day to handle the statement about his loss in the passport table and the police;
  • Do not send scalkopy personal documents by email, especially unfamiliar persons;
  • Do not store this data on your computer or flash drive.

And then it will be possible not to worry about that someone will issue a loan for client data without his knowledge. If your passport was stolen, and then took a loan on it, then you need to know how to act correctly. We tell about it here.

How to make a loan on photocopy passport

To obtain a loan in any bank of Russia from the borrower, it will be necessary to provide a certain package of documents (it is approved individually in each bank). From this list, the main identity of the client is a passport, so its presence is always necessary. Moreover, this document must be in the original, the photocopy of the passport is not suitable.

Is it possible to take a loan on a photocopy of passport

A photocopy of the passport (like any other document) does not have the legal force itself. IN financial institution It is necessary to present the original passport in order to get a loan. Even if you bring a notarized copy, you will still be asked to show the original document.

Of course, if we consider a separate situation when a bank employee enters into collusion with a fraudster or independently performs unlawful actions, theoretically make a loan on photocopy of the passport possible. But it will be, first, illegally (what can be confirmed in judicial order In the presence of evidence). Secondly, such actions entail the criminal liability of all persons involved in the fraud.

Nevertheless, do not "distribute" copies of your passport. Then the intruders will not have any opportunity to make unlawful actions in your respect.

How can I make a loan for someone else's passport

Legitimate ways To make a loan on photocopy of the passport or by the original of someone else's passport. But scammers find loopholes everywhere and invent different variantshow to circumvent the law.

  1. The most common scheme for registration of a loan for someone else's passport is to issue yourself for another person. This can be done if the owner of the document lost it and did not have time to declare the police. People do not always look as well as in the photo in the passport, so quite light similarity: hairstyle, hair color, face form. The only thing will have to answer the questions of the Bank's employee about the work, family composition, address of residence. But experienced fraudsters can find a way out of any situation. Such a scheme will be suitable if the loan is made on a simplified program, that is, there is no need to provide other documents other than the passport. If a copy of the labor for a loan or a driver's license is required, a certificate of income is to get a loan for someone else's data becomes quite difficult.
  2. The second scheme that theoretically can be implemented is a conspiracy of the fraudster and bank employees. In this case, the submarine person gives himself for the owner of the passport so that everything looks like on the cells as it should be (a client came, signed documents, received money). The original passport may not be required - only a photocopy, which is enclosed in a loan case. All persons involved (manager, cashier, etc.) receive a certain remuneration from the amount issued. It should be noted that such frauds are quite rare, because the units are risking their position, freedom, the units are solved by reputation. And to prove in court a deception when making a deal is quite accessible.
  3. A third option for issuing a loan for foreign documents (on the photocopy of the passport) can be called illegal receipt of a loan by a bank employee without the involvement of third parties from the side. The client does not at all attend the Bank at all, all actions are committed by the manager for someone's documents. This scheme is quite difficult to implement and can easily be detected by the security service. The fact is that often banks make the client photos at the time of the application. Then the photo is checked with a photo in a passport. Yes, and cameras can confirm that the client was not at all, and the boss may wanted to communicate with the new borrower, which is not in the department.

Credit on copy of a third party passport: who is criminal pricing

If the loan design was conducted with a violation of current legislation, namely a loan on photocopy of a third party passport was issued, all involved participants in this process are criminalized. Such actions are interpreted as fraud. "Borrower", that is, the owner of the passport, which was issued a loan, has full law To apply to the court and require the recognition of the contract invalid. In parallel with the actions of the Court, the Bank's security service will hold their own investigation, because the reputation of the institution will affect.

If we consider the situation when the loan was issued for a dashboard, and the bank's worker was aware of this, then such employees can be attracted to justice:

  • a credit specialist (he communicates directly with the client, it lays its main responsibility);
  • cashier (money at the checkout should be issued personally by the borrower on the origin of the passport);
  • the head of the department or director - signed at the conclusion of the contract (it carries a solidarity responsibility, because confirms the legality of the operation of a personal signature);
  • security officers (before issuing a loan, the security service must check the borrower for fraud, phoned with relatives, employer, other contact persons, if necessary, make sure that the passport belongs to the person who presented it).

All persons, one way or another those involved in the process of issuing a loan, are responsible for the legality of the transaction. Moreover, if an ordinary employee and cashier can be poured on illegal earnings for an explicit violation, then persons occupying more significant positions are unlikely. Usually their level of patch and premiums are many times more than it can offer a fraudster for providing dubious services.

What to do if you have been issued a credit card

Is it possible to take a loan on photocopy of a passport?

good day, Elena! This is not allowed by law, but there is a way out of the situation. We will tell you where you can take a loan on a photocopy of a passport.

In which organizations can I make a loan on a photocopy of a passport?

For identity card, financial institutions necessarily require a passport. Without this document it is impossible to conduct important operations. It will be needed even when taking a small loan.

A bank employee will check the information specified in the application, with the data of passport, check the registration, etc. When a citizen comes in financial organization For a loan, he must have a passport with him, otherwise the bank will refuse him to receive a loan.

But such a scrupulousness "suffer" only large banks and serious financial structures.

In small banks and MFIs (micro-financial organizations) for the absence of a passport. Here can make a loan on photocopy of passports online. We recommend using a special service to quickly reach the goal:

Credit on photocopy passport via MFI

In the Russian Federation there are many MFIs providing physical / legal entities loans without requiring a borrower's presence office. Enough to send an online application. If the lender requires a scan of a passport, it can be easily arranged with photocopies.

In most cases, checking takes a few minutes, and the client receives electronic signature. This speaks about approval of the application. As soon as it appears on the Blancher of the Agreement, the loan transaction will be completed.

The option is quite convenient if you temporarily miss the passport or he is lost. True, interest rates will be high money sums - small.

The borrower can get a loan:

To map;
On the electronic wallet;
Postal transfer;
Cash. The courier will bring the amount issued to the specified place.

Credit on copier passport through the bank

Standard loan without a passport Even in a small bank not get, but you can make a credit card. Establishment will be required. banking Product in online mode.

If, after sending an application, your credit card will come to your home, it means that it approved. But with her there will be a contract. While the borrower does not sign it and not send to the bank, the credit card will be unactivated.

Rates on cards are relatively low. They are more profitable interest rates With a rapid loan. First on the map there will be a small limit, but with proper and regular use it may increase.

In the end, we note that in the case of Elena, it will be a good way out of the situation.

However, a credit card loan can take both scammers. If you receive a letter from the credit institution that you have debt, and you did not buy a loan, we advise you not to ignore the notification. You should contact the organization to find out the issue of loan. Then contact the police.

To obtain a loan in any bank of Russia from the borrower, it will be necessary to provide a certain package of documents (it is approved individually in each bank). From this list, the main identity of the client is a passport, so its presence is always necessary. Moreover, this document must be in the original, the photocopy of the passport is not suitable.

Is it possible to take a loan on a photocopy of passport

A photocopy of the passport (like any other document) does not have the legal force itself. In a financial institution, it is necessary to present the original passport in order to get a loan. Even if you bring a notarized copy, you will still be asked to show the original document.

Of course, if we consider a separate situation when a bank employee enters into collusion with a fraudster or independently performs unlawful actions, theoretically make a loan on photocopy of the passport possible. But it will be, firstly, illegal (which can be confirmed in court in the presence of evidence). Secondly, such actions entail the criminal liability of all persons involved in the fraud.

Nevertheless, do not "distribute" copies of your passport. Then the intruders will not have any opportunity to make unlawful actions in your respect.

Legal ways to make a loan on photocopy of a passport or on the origin of someone else's passport cannot be. But scammers find loopholes everywhere and invent different options, how to circumvent the law.

  1. The most common scheme for registration of a loan for someone else's passport is to issue yourself for another person. This can be done if the owner of the document lost it and did not have time to declare the police. People do not always look as well as in the photo in the passport, so quite light similarity: hairstyle, hair color, face form. The only thing will have to answer the questions of the Bank's employee about the work, family composition, address of residence. But experienced fraudsters can find a way out of any situation. Such a scheme will be suitable if the loan is made on a simplified program, that is, there is no need to provide other documents other than the passport. If a copy of the labor for a loan or a driver's license is required, a certificate of income is to get a loan for someone else's data becomes quite difficult.
  2. The second scheme that theoretically can be implemented is a conspiracy of the fraudster and bank employees. In this case, the submarine person gives himself for the owner of the passport so that everything looks like on the cells as it should be (a client came, signed documents, received money). The original passport may not be required - only a photocopy, which is enclosed in a loan case. All persons involved (manager, cashier, etc.) receive a certain remuneration from the amount issued. It should be noted that such frauds are quite rare, because the units are risking their position, freedom, the units are solved by reputation. And to prove in court a deception when making a deal is quite accessible.
  3. A third option for issuing a loan for foreign documents (on the photocopy of the passport) can be called illegal receipt of a loan by a bank employee without the involvement of third parties from the side. The client does not at all attend the Bank at all, all actions are committed by the manager for someone's documents. This scheme is quite difficult to implement and can easily be detected by the security service. The fact is that often banks make the client photos at the time of the application. Then the photo is checked with a photo in a passport. Yes, and cameras can confirm that the client was not at all, and the boss may wanted to communicate with the new borrower, which is not in the department.

If the loan design was conducted with a violation of current legislation, namely a loan on photocopy of a third party passport was issued, all involved participants in this process are criminalized. Such actions are interpreted as fraud. "Borrower", that is, the owner of the passport, which was issued a loan, has the full right to apply to the court and demand the recognition of the contract invalid. In parallel with the actions of the Court, the Bank's security service will hold their own investigation, because the reputation of the institution will affect.

If we consider the situation when the loan was issued for a dashboard, and the bank's worker was aware of this, then such employees can be attracted to justice:

  • a credit specialist (he communicates directly with the client, it lays its main responsibility);
  • cashier (money at the checkout should be issued personally by the borrower on the origin of the passport);
  • the head of the department or director - signed at the conclusion of the contract (it carries a solidarity responsibility, because confirms the legality of the operation of a personal signature);
  • security officers (before issuing a loan, the security service must check the borrower for fraud, phoned with relatives, employer, other contact persons, if necessary, make sure that the passport belongs to the person who presented it).

All persons, one way or another those involved in the process of issuing a loan, are responsible for the legality of the transaction. Moreover, if an ordinary employee and cashier can be poured on illegal earnings for an explicit violation, then persons occupying more significant positions are unlikely. Usually their level of patch and premiums are many times more than it can offer a fraudster for providing dubious services.

If the documents are lost, then the question arises, is it possible to take a loan on the photocopy of the passport. For example, we urgently need money, but as long as the new identity card will be restored, there will be quite a long time. Also, many fear to leave in unauthorized people a copy of their passports (dul), because they think that they can be issued a loan.

What documents are needed to take a loan

The most important is a certificate of personality. Most often for citizens of Russia, this is a passport, in other cases:

  • certificate of the sailor;
  • military ID (for servicemen);
  • residence permit (for foreigners). About receiving a loan with such a document we tell.

Also in banks can ask additional papers that will confirm the personality of the borrower and will help the security service to collect more information on it:

  • Reduss;
  • driver's license;
  • military ID (for men under 27).

In addition, they will need papers confirming the marital status of the borrower:

  • marriage certificate;
  • marriage contract;
  • certificate of termination of marriage;
  • paper on children.

The borrower will have to confirm its solvency using the following papers:

  • copies of the employment record;
  • help 2-NDFL;
  • filled and confirmed in fiscal bodies tax Declaration (Help 3-NDFL);
  • map statements;
  • contracts for the provision of services and receiving fees for their fulfillment, etc.

The approximate list of papers required to take a loan in the bank is presented in this article.

All papers must be delivered in the script.

Only after the Bank's employee is convinced that they are not forged, he will remove them a copy and his signature will make authenticity. Often scammers offer to buy 2-NDFL, more information About what it threatens, you will get.

Passport is an essential document with the identity. It is unacceptable to appear with a copy. None loan will not be issued to this borrower, moreover, they will not even accept an application for pre-approval.

If photocopy is certified by a notary

But what if the original is lost? Is it possible to provide a copy certified by a notary? Even if such was at hand, then get on it borrowed funds will not work.

The notary's signature does only that the copy is correct. But it is not a certification of the Personality. So even on the certified loan document will not be able to get.

Also, the loan will not be given according to a temporary testimony, which is sometimes issued in the migration service instead of a lost blow. The only thing remains: wait for the restoration and already to make a loan as it should be. The best banking programs are discussed in this article.

Can make a copier on photocopy?

In this regard, it is naive to assume that someone managed to issue a loan. It is impossible without the participation of the credit inspector.

But none bank employee It will not be so risking his reputation and its freedom - the benefit of such actions is small, and the responsibility is serious, up to 10 years in prison.

So it is possible to leave the photocopies of your documents without rest in various bodies and government instances, including in the jar itself. Without the knowledge of the borrower, no one will arrange a loan, especially since the copy.

What if you were issued a foreign loan?

However, if it happened that it was "hung" a foreign loan on you, then it is necessary to figure out why it happened. The most particular reasons are the following:

  • you lost your passport, and on it, found a loan;
  • your blowing is specially stolen to get money in a bank;
  • someone used your data for a loan to attract a bank employee. On the design of loans only on passport data we are talking.

Most often, small consumer loans are made to the sacrifice, for example, in stores where managers do not have much time to thoroughly deal with documents or credit cards. It happens that fraudsters get access to mobile phone Customer or to its Internet bank, and make a loan (or credit card) on his behalf.

You need to know what to do if you call on the loan that you did not take, you can read about this by reference.

Here you should follow the following action plan:

  • find out who exactly calls, from which bank and separation;
  • go to the office, request the details of the loan and explain that you did not take a loan;
  • if the Bank persists, then it is necessary to arrange explanatory and ensure that it is accepted;
  • if the bank does not take explanatory, then it must be sent by registered letter with the notice;
  • if the bank still requires payment or appealed to collectors, then the evidence should be selected that you could not take a loan: for example, you were not in the city or you were at this moment in the workplace, and if you witnessed, ready to confirm this. Often collector agencies, trying to knock off debts, use illegal methods. Read through this

"A million credit hung on a pensioner", "collectors are pursued due to someone else's loan" - such headlines are often found on the Internet forums and even in the media.

It is not surprising that in the mass consciousness there is a stereotype, as if to make a loan can anyone and anyone. There would be only a copy of the passport or at least a series and number. Let's figure out if it really is.


Any credit and microfinance organization has a list of documents required for loan design (loan). One rules are strict and long-term: a passport with a marking of registration, 2-NDFL, SNILS, INN, marriage certificate. Others do not even require help from the place of work, just needed. But necessarily original!

Obtaining a loan or loan along a copy of the passport contradicts the norms of the Federal Law "On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of Revenues ...". According to him, the presenter of copies of the passport is considered not identified. None of the lenders working within the framework of the legal field, be it a bank or microfinance company, will not take a copy of the passport without reconciliation with the original.

Anastasia Lokationova, RusmikroFinance Group of Companies

Schemes of fraud

However, occasionally unpleasant incidents are still happening.

  • Credit with bank employees. To turn the scope, scammers need at least to agree with a credit specialist, which issues documents. It may be possible to share with a cashier who gives cash through a passport, and the security service that checks the borrower. Example: An employee of a bank for passport data issued a loan on a friend of his beloved, which has never seen.
  • Abuse of authority. Sometimes bank employees consider themselves smarter credit system And spend a little longer than asked the borrower. The difference is put in his pocket. Example: a person came over the car loan, and the employee also issued a microloan on him.

In all these cases, the human factor plays a key role.

Without the promotion of an unfair employee of a credit or microfinance organization, it is impossible to place a loan on a copy of the passport.

And find such an employee is not easy. After all, such actions threaten not only the loss of work, but also criminal prosecution.

According to Anastasia Locyonova, if a citizen attempts to receive a loan or a loan using a copy of the passport, it will be qualified as a fraud under Article 159.1 Lending fraud. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


To protect yourself from fraud:

  • Do not post your passport data in the social network (including "Documents" in "VKontakte") and do not forward them by e-mail (or immediately after receiving the addressee, delete).
  • Do not store copies of documents in the clouds and flash drives. If you still upload a passport scan to "Google Disk", follow the access settings when shaking any files.
  • If you lose passport, please contact not only in the passport desk, but also to the police.
  • Check your regularly.

If you have come to the payment on the loan or loan that you did not take, do not panic. Take your hand passport and find out the situation in the credit or microfinance organization. Make an explanatory, talk to an employee who approved a loan, request entries from camera surveillance on the day of its design. Remember that the law is on your side.

If a bank or microfinance organization violate the law "On consumer credit (loan) "or" On the protection of rights and legitimate interests individuals In carrying out overdue debt refund activities ... ", you can complain to Roskomnadzor or the prosecutor's office. If the law is broken, you should write a complaint Federal Service bailiffs. At the same time, it is important to prove the fact of exceeding the organization of its powers.

Anastasia Lokationova, RusmikroFinance Group of Companies

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