
Promsvyazbank Opening an account for legal entities Documents. Promsvyazbank: Log in to your personal account. What you need to open an account in the PSB

The ability to streamline the funds of the company or IP, providing the speed and reliability of non-cash payments. Today, the credit institution is in the top ten institutions in terms of capital and is included in the 500 largest financial and credit organizations of the world. Direction of activity:

  • Services to corporate persons - factoring, brokerage services, settlement and documentary operations.
  • Business service (middle and small) - receiving deposits, loan design, RTO, financial transfers.
  • Retail services to individuals - loans, deposits and translations
  • Investment and other types of transactions


The pros of Promsvyazbank should include:

  • Operational. To open an account in Promsvyazbank, it is enough to submit an online application, after which it is to provide papers to consideration and sign an agreement.
  • Informing online. Data on the movement of funds come to the mobile phone.
  • Transaction speed. Customer payment orders are performed quickly and with accuracy, which makes the computational account of Promsvyazbank to a convenient tool for LLC and IP.
  • Availability of Internet banking. Through the global network, it is possible to track payments, carry out transactions and control the balance of funds.

Read also -

  • Favorable tariffs. Open an account in Promsvyazbank - a chance for novice businessmen to get reliable banking services without additional expenses.
  • Wide selection of offers. The bank offers six service programs for IP and LLC, which simplifies the selection of a profitable and convenient option.

Settlement account Promsvyazbank: Tariffs

Before , It is worth examining the bank's proposals (The cost of services is per month):

  1. Business Light - The tariff plan for beginners, whose feature is favorable conditions for opening and maintaining P / s. Suitable for IP, which work with cash. Conditions:
  • The cost of maintaining P / C - 1050 p.
  • Cash shall (commission) - 0.15% or more.
  • Payment order price - 45 p. and more.
  • Card design - 0 p.
  1. Business 24x7. - A package that is distinguished by the possibility of making payments any day and time, cost savings on payment orders and conduct non-cash payments. Suitable for growing business. Conditions:
  • Expenses for maintenance - 1600 p.
  • Payment order price - from 18 p.
  • Free receipt of the card.
  1. Business Cheto - option for organizations that have a large share of profits receive cash. The main feature of the package is the minor costs of making money to the current account. Great for legal entities working in the field of trade and services. Characteristics:
  • Expenses for maintenance - 2290 p.
  • Calculation (commission) - from 0.1%.
  • Payment order price - from 0 p.
  • Free decoration of "plastic".
  • Expenses for maintenance - 1250 r.
  • Calculation (commission) - from 0.15%.
  • Payment order price - from 45 p.
  • Free design p / s.
  1. Business without borders - a tariff plan that is more suitable for companies leading to organizations from other countries. Within the plan, the credit institution helps in the design of the transaction passport, and provide favorable conditions. Opening such an account in Promsvyazbank, it is possible to get the best conditions for international calculations. Characteristics:
  • Opening P / C (in Currency) - free.
  • Opening P / C (in rubles) - 990 p.
  • Commission for translations - 0.15%.
  • Free connection notifications.
  1. Business online - For people who save time and need remote operations.
  • Costs for maintenance - 1290 p.
  • Cash (commission) - from 0.25%.
  • Opening the current account - 0 p.
  • The ability to remote control.

Settlement account promsvyazbank
- One of the best options for IP and Ltd., dreaming of a reliable bank, rapid transaction and favorable tariffs.

But it is harder to work with non-cash payments.

For example, to work the online store with an online cash register, he needs an account. The bank does not give loans to business development if IP has no account.

How to open an account for IP online in Promsvyazbank

Open the current account in Promsvyazbank can online. To do this, an individual entrepreneur comes to the Bank's website to the "Online Services" section. In the tab "Business" selects the item "Reservation of the current account online".

After the entrepreneur draws up an application, he meets with the manager and provides documents that need to open an account and get cards.

Promsvyazbank: Documents on account for IP

The entrepreneur brings documents to meet with the bank manager. The manager checks the documents, and if they are in order, then the parties sign an agreement. When the contract is signed, the client receives a bank card.

Documents that need to sign an agreement with the bank:

  • original and copies of documents certifying the identity of the PI, as well as its proxies that can use the seal and electronic signature;
  • head of the entry of EGRIP, if the enterprise is registered less than a month ago, and there is no information about the enterprise in the enterprise;
  • if the discovery documents applies to the trustee of the IP, then notarized power of attorney and signature card signatures and printing are needed. It is important that if the bank opens an account, only an individual entrepreneur can sign all documents.

In the bank, the manager issues an IP questionnaire, a bank client and a tax resident. The tax resident questionnaire confirms that the client pays taxes in Russia. The entrepreneur fills the application for the bank service.

Tariffs for opening and maintaining a current account in the PSB

Tariff "PSB Business Start" For new entrepreneurs, with experience less than six months:

  • reserve and open an account - free of charge;
  • monthly service payment - 399 rubles;
  • it is possible to spend five payments in Internet banking without a commission, make up to 30,000 rubles to the account and pay budget payments.

This tariff is suitable for freelancers who cooperate not more than five clients.

Tariff "Business without unnecessary commissions" Designed for entrepreneurs who work from six months to two years:

  • free discovery and maintenance;
  • free translation of money on facial accounts in the amount of up to 300,000 per month;
  • payment without commissions in PSB on-line;
  • free notification by SMS.

The Bank has additional tariffs for entrepreneurs who work for more than two years.

Benefits of the current account in Promsvyazbank for IP

In addition to low tariffs for banking services and operations, the PSB opens accounts to a non-resident of Russia.

About the bank and its services

According to the independent financial portal Banki.ru, Promsvyazbank is consistently among the top ten banks, and the expert RA rating agency noted him as a developing bank. Capital Bank is 1.33 million rubles.

The Central Bank recognized the PSB one of the 11 significant institutions. Promsvyazbank also receives support from the Central Bank. The Central Bank allocates funds for maintaining liquidity and increasing financial stability. The plans to develop the credit capabilities of Promsvyazbank.

Promsvyazbank branches are not only in Russia, but still in China and Cyprus. In Moscow, there are 39 bank offices, in St. Petersburg - 24 branches, eight offices open in Yekaterinburg.

Promsvyazbank offers computational cash services on favorable terms. Among the advantages should be noted the minimum cost of opening the current account and its subsequent service. Bank customers can choose for themselves a suitable view of the map and the optimal version of the calculations.

Types of RTO from PSB

Members of the Small Business, Ltd., IP have the opportunity to choose the appropriate case of doing business in Finachery, for this it is worth carefully studying tariffs for legal entities and familiarize themselves with the conditions in Promsvyazbank. You are offered to your attention:

  • "Business Start" is a free discovery of the account and its support, interest on the residue is not credited.
  • Business 24x7 "- there is a fee for the opening and support of the account. A legal entity can carry out free intrabank payments around the clock on any day, in addition to the opening of a business card for free.
  • "Business SRO in construction", RKO "Business Caparem" - opening and maintenance - 0 rubles per year, while the bank provides the possibility of free assurance of signatures, print printing and copies of documents.
  • RKO "Business Caparem" - there is a fee for opening and maintenance, interest on the residue is not accrued, 30 free external payments are provided as a bonus.
  • RKO "Business Caparem" - discovery free, Commission for making funds (0-3%) and their issuance (0-13%), free control of export-import operations is provided, there is a collection service, etc.
  • RKO "My Business" - there is a payment service fee, the minimum commission for the removal and funds, is given the possibility of maintaining Internet accounting. This is the optimal tariff for entrepreneurs who have just started their job.
  • "Opening and maintenance of accounts" is a paid discovery and service, among the advantages - round-the-clock collection, safe deposit boxes.

You can issue an RTC from Promsvyazbank with the help of the Internet, for this it is necessary to visit the official website of the financial institution, where you can get acquainted in detail with the conditions and tariffs for IP. For legal registration means the signing of the relevant treaty. Not depending on the location of the client, Moscow, or any other city, you can always get advice with a bank employee by phone or with Internet banking help.

Promsvyazbank is one of the largest private banks in Russia. Currently, he occupies a ninth place among the largest credit institutions in Europe. The main activity of the banking organization is to provide services to legal entities.

Promsvyazbank assists entrepreneurs in their affairs. For this, the bank has developed special service programs:

  1. Without unnecessary commissions. The main advantage of this program is that the subscription fee was completely canceled for entrepreneurs. In addition, all transfer of funds to the accounts of individuals will be free.
  2. Business Start (Promsvyazbank). The program is perfect for enterprises with small financial activity. The main advantages of the program are that the lowest business tariff is presented here, in addition, it is possible to exercise up to 5 payments for free.
  3. Business Light. The main advantages of the program: low payments for payments, commit up to 5 free payments, Free intrabank transfers.
  4. Business 24 × 7. The main advantages of the program: the extremely low cost of the payment order, completing 15 free payments, external payments can be carried out up to 23:00.
  5. Business check. This tariff is perfect for those entrepreneurs whose business is directly related to large cash. The main advantages of the program: the most favorable conditions for cash withdrawal, up to 25 payments are free.
  6. My business. The program includes both bank services and an accountant. With the help of the program, you can conduct calculations and maintain accounting.
  7. Business without borders. Such a program is perfect for entrepreneurs who carry out international calculations. Connecting the program, you will get the most convenient conditions for opening a score in any currency.

Promsvyazbank RTO tariffs for legal entities offer affordable, as well as. You can familiarize yourself with them on the official website of the bank, as well as in the department of their organization.

"Promsvyazbank" tariffs of RKO main species:

  • opening an account for servicing the enterprise is carried out for a fee in size - from 590 to 890 rubles.In the tariff "My case", the opening of the account is free.
  • urgent opening of the account will cost - 3000 rubles for all tariff plans.
  • the Account Services Commission is - from 1050 to 1800 rubles per month.
  • account closure is free for all tariffs.

Basic tariffs for cash transactions and non-cash funds:

  1. Replenishment in cash is carried out without commissions for all tariffs.
  2. Replenishment through cashless payments is made without commissions for all tariffs.

Tariffs of the current account in Promsvyazbank are also available.

The opening of the settlement account for entrepreneurs is carried out in two ways: through an online application on the Bank's website and through the usual application in the banking organization's department. When making an application in a bank, an employee of the organization will report all the nuances of the questionnaire.

Promsvyazbank Open Settlement account for IP also offers online:

  1. First you need to go to the official website of the bank.
  2. On the main page of the site you need to go over the tab "Business".
  3. On the page that opens, select "Cooling Service".
  4. Here you can choose any of the proposed tariff plans. To the right of the tariff will be the "Open Account" button. After clicking on this button, the application fill form will open.
  5. By filling out all the necessary fields, the application will be transferred to the bank employee. Open an account in Promsvyazbank for IP, you can only after approval by the Bank's employees.
  6. At the end of consideration on the submitted application, an employee of the organization will contact the client on the specified phone and report further actions.

Many entrepreneurs are interested in business without unnecessary commissions. Promsvyazbank goes towards the IP, offering accessible rates for servicing the current account.

Lending and Overdraft for IP

Overdraft lending line in Promsvyazbank has the best conditions in the Russian market. Currently, the Bank has the following types of business overdraft lending:

  1. Overdraft with a designated amount of cash payments. In this case, the Tranche is initially paid with the earliest possible amount of extradition. The advantage of this method is that the client does not need to fully pay the entire amount of debt.
  2. Overdraft with continuous debt period. In this case, all issued cash debts should be repaid during the appointed period. Such an overdraft is suitable for those customers who wish to keep paying discipline and want to pay all debts in one day.
  3. Admondraft advance. Such an overdraft is determined depending on which turns and in what quantity are from the client in other banking organizations.
  4. Fixed overdraft. In this case, the overdraft size will have a certain limit.
  5. Overdraft with floating limit. In this case, the size of the limit will vary depending on the revolutions on the client's account.

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