
Probusinessbank Personal Cabinet Register. JSC "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank" Probusinessbank. Download Mobile Application Probusinessbank

The bank was established in 1993 in the form of AOZT, then transformed into LLC. By the beginning of 1998, the Bank occupied the leading positions in the car loan market, at the same time it was affected. Since 1999, the Bank has begun intensive development of factoring and leasing units. In 2001, the Bank attracted a subordinated loan in the amount of $ 5 million from the International Finance Corporation. In January 2003, the formation of a holding structure was laid with the participation of regional banks (later transformed into the financial group "Life" * ) - Acquired a controlling stake in the Ekaterinburg University Bank (94.5%). In August 2003, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development provided a bank with a credit line by 10 million dollars to finance export-import operations. In 2004, Banks "Express Volga" and "National Savings Bank" were acquired.

In 2006, FG Life was formed on the basis of Probusinessbank, the whole more strong focus was made by the bank on servicing small and medium-sized businesses. In December 2006, the Bank acquired "Ivanovo Regional Bank" (100%). In March 2007, the Bank issued notes on the London Stock Exchange, the failed to attract more than 750 million dollars. In 2008, the emission of ordinary shares was raised by another 375 million rubles from East Capital Financial Institutions Fund AB. At the same time, East Capital provided a subordinated loan to the bank in the amount of 625 million rubles for five years. In January 2009, the Bank was acquired Gazenergobank (99.99%), then the share in Bank24.ru was brought to 99.5%. In May 2009, the Bank conducted an additional issue of shares with an accommodation on a closed subscription in favor of the East Capital Foundation. During the additional issue, the share of the Fund in the authorized capital of the Bank increased from 12.52% to 19.93%. In December 2009, the Bank was acquired by the "Investment City Bank", subsequently renamed the bank "Let's go!".

Since 2010, the Bank has actively expanded the presence zone. In September 2011, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation registered the issue of bank bonds by 3 billion rubles. In December 2013, the Bank became a sanator of the Samara Bank Solidarity, which entered the group by February 2014. In January 2015, the shareholders of the Life Financial Group adopted a strategic decision on combining the business of the Samara Bank Solidarity and the Ivanovo National Bank of Savings on the basis of "Solidarity".

For March 2015, the Life Group is represented in 75 regions of the Russian Federation, in addition to the head Probusinessbank, the university bank includes 100% of its shares), the Bank "Express Volga" (Probusinessbank is 98.8%), Ivanovsky National Bank of Savings (100%), Gazenergobank (99.9%), Bank "Let's go!" (100%), CB "Solidarity" (100%). It is worth noting that the Yekaterinburg Bank24.Ru was also included in the Life group until recently, the license from which was withdrawn on September 16, 2014. Probusinessbank also belongs to: Life factoring company (100%), Developing Company "Soldness-Development" (100%), Life collection agency, Cypriotskaya "Let's go Holdings Limited" (100%).

For March 2015, the main beneficiaries of the Bank are the Banking Bank through the Cypriot "Alivikt Holdings" Sergey Leontiev (41.50%), which is the president and chairman of the Board of Directors of Probusinessbank, and Chairman of the Board of the Bank Alexander Zheleznyak (11.44%). The senior vice-president of Probusinessbank Edward Paletev through LLC "Motherland" owns a share of 5.43% of the shares. UK Citizen Blake Klyin belongs to 7.22%. Through the East Capital Foundation, a citizen of Sweden Petré Elam Khakasson belongs to 7.17%, Lithuanian Citizen Kestutis Sasnauskasas - 3.14%. Shareholders-Mineritarians owning the Bank through the Blue Crest Emerging Markets Master Fund and Argo Special Situations Fund registered on the Cayman Islands are 14.44% of the bank's shares.

The Probusinessbank network is represented by the head office in Moscow, 230 additional offices and one operating cash register outside the cash node. The number of employees of the Organization as of January 1, 2015 amounted to 5,057 people.

It is proposed to legal entities, deposits, lending (including tender and project), overdrafts, leasing and factoring, currency control, collection, acquiring, tokens, sending, letters of credit and guarantees, repo operations. For small and medium-sized businesses, in addition to standard services, the Money Back option is available, which is a financial guarantee of the quality of service (with incompetent maintenance and indication by the Client, the Bank offers compensation in the amount of the value of the tariff plan).

Among the clussesbank's clients at different times, organizations such as CJSC "Moscow Coffee Shop on Pai", OAO Izhora Plants, PJSC "Bogorodskie Delicates", OJSC "United Aircraft Building Company", OJSC "Volga Shipyard", OJSC "Metallservice " and etc.

Individuals, the Bank offers consumer loans, deposit ruler, remote maintenance, credit and debit bank cards (Visa and MasterCard) and so on.

Since the beginning of 2014, the bank's balance sheet increased by 39.3%, to Mart 2015 reaching a value of 146.3 billion rubles. The main point of growth in liabilities was the interbank attraction, which increased over a period of 2.6 times, or by 21 billion rubles. Due to the active attraction of medium-term and long-term funds to deposits and deposits also grew funds in deposits: + 29%, or +6.5 billion rubles, and means of corporate persons: + 10.7%, or +2.7 billion rubles.

The newly attracted funds were for the most part aimed at calculations on securities, calculations on conversion operations, as well as in calculations on letters of credit, due to which the article of other assets of the bank increased almost five times, or by 37.9 billion rubles. There was also an increase in the portfolio of securities (+ 10.9%, or +4.6 billion rubles) at the expense of investments in bonds. 1 billion rubles, or one and a half times, the fixed assets and intangible assets of the bank increased. 1.1 billion rubles, or by 41.5%, increased investments in the capital of other organizations. The activity of the Bank in the MBC market as a net lender also increased by 11.2%, or 874.3 million rubles.

Bank liabilities are distinguished by high diversification. Loro accounts - 27.6% of net liabilities, the share of interbank attraction - 23.2%, in deposits of the population - 19.7%, the means of corporate persons - 18.8%, equity - 8.7%. Dynamics of revolutions for current funds of the Bank at the ultra-high level: from 132.4 to 207.9 billion rubles per month, which indicates the high quality of the client base.

In the structure of assets, 32.2% falls on the securities portfolio, presented by almost completely bonds. 32.6% of net assets constitute other assets (mainly calculations on securities, as well as derivatives-requirements; the share of calculations on conversion operations, as well as calculations for letters of credit). The Bank's loan portfolio is 17.8% of net assets. Highly liquid assets - 6.7%. MBC issued - 5.9%.

The bank exhibits high activity in the securities market. It has a weighty portfolio of papers (47.1 billion rubles for March 2015), consisting almost completely from bonds. At 54.4%, these bonds of a federal loan, by 19.9% \u200b\u200b- corporate bonds of non-residents, by 16.9% - bonds of foreign states. The dynamics of turns on the portfolio in the range from 35 to 165 billion rubles per month. Also, the bank actively emits its own securities, in particular bills - in the amount of 1.7 billion rubles for March 2015. Props are mostly produced for a period of half a year. By March 2015, the Bonds issued earlier were almost completely repaid (on the balance sheet - 28.6 million rubles).

The Bank's credit policy is aimed at lending to individuals, as well as small and medium-sized businesses. By March 2015, the share of retail loans in the portfolio at the level of 58.8%. The loan portfolio is diversified by timing. According to the bank's reporting (RAS), the level of delay in loans is high (19% for March 2015), grows in dynamics (10.5% at the beginning of 2014). The level of delay in loans to corporate persons is especially high: 21.5% reaches 21.5% for March 2015. The rate of redundancy on issued loans is also growing on March 1, 2015 is 22.3%. Loans are provided with mortgage property in the amount of 23.7 billion rubles (90.7% of the loan portfolio), which is somewhat lower than a sufficient level. The Bank's loan portfolio tends to reduce due to tightening the bank's policy on issuing loans to new customers.

The bank during the analyzed period showed high activity in the MBC market, speaking mainly in the role of a net borrower and attracting liquidity mainly from residents, presumably controlled banks. The amount of attraction for March 2015 is 33.9 billion rubles. The Bank's liquidity supply is carried out in a highly smaller volume of approximately equally equally to the Bank of Russia, controlled banks and non-residents. In the Forex market, the Bank is one of the marketers, showing ultrahigh turns from 460 billion to 1 trillion rubles per month.

At the end of 2014, the Bank received a net profit of 1.8 billion rubles (mainly due to operations with foreign currency). In 2013, the bank's net profit amounted to 826.7 million rubles. In 2012, the Bank received a net profit of 1 billion rubles (due to the main activity).

Board of Directors: Sergey Leontiev (President), Alexander Zheleznyak, Eldar Bikmayev, Eduard Panteleev, Alexander Turbanov, Sergey Zozul, Sofia Bianchi, Hannah-leyen Loyacann, Mogens Schmidt.

Governing body: Dmitry Melnov (Chairman), Andrei Litvinov, Alexander Lomov, Sergey Letunov, Sergey Shilov, Alexey Pirogov, Elena Tsybin, Vladislav Solodsky.

* Financial Group "Life" - banking holding, created on the basis of Moscow "Handsainbank". Now unites 7 banks: Probusinessbank (Moscow), "Let's go!" (Moscow), University Bank (Ekaterinburg), Express Volga (Saratov), \u200b\u200bNational Bank of Savings (Ivanovo), Gazenergobank (Kaluga), Solidarity (Samara), as well as factoring company "Life", and "Probusiness-Development ", As well as a number of related business structures. The group has over 800 compartments in more than 75 regions, 4 million clients of physical and 200 thousand legal entities, 17 thousand personnel.

The consolidated assets of the Group, according to the interim financial statements under IFRS, in the first half of 2014 amounted to 177.9 billion rubles, Capital - 21.4 billion, profit for six months - 952.6 million rubles.

JSC "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank" Probusinessbank "" (OJSC AKB "Probusinessbank") - Russian Commercial Bank, who operated on the financial and credit services market in the Russian Federation in 1993-2015. The bank was established in 1993. In 2004, they were acquired by the banks of Express Volga and the National Savings Bank. In December 2006, the Bank acquired the Ivanovo Regional Bank (100% of shares). In 2003, on the basis of JSCB Probusinessbank, it was created, which united 8 banks and several companies: Probusinessbank (Moscow), Bank "" (Moscow), (Yekaterinburg), (Saratov), \u200b\u200bNational Bank of savings (Ivanovo), (Kaluga ), Bank "" (Samara), factoring company "Life" and "Probusiness-Development", and in 2014-2015 - OJSC KB "Solidarity".

By March 2015, the main beneficiaries of the Bank were controlling banks through the Cypriot company Alivikt Holdings Sergey Leontiev (41.5%), which is the president and chairman of the Board of Directors of Probusinessbank, and Chairman of the Board of the Bank (11.44%). Senior Vice-President of OJSC Probusinessbank OJSC Eduard Panteleev through LLC "Rodina" owned a share of 5.43% of the shares. British Citizen Blake Klein belonged to 7.22%. Through the East Capital Foundation, a citizen of Sweden Petru Elam Khakasson belonged 7.17%, Lithuanian Citizen Kestutis Sasnauskasu - 3.14% of the shares. Shareholders-Mineritarians who own the Bank through the Blue Crest Emerging Markets Master Fund and Argo Special Situations Fund registered on the Cayman Islands, accounted for 14.44% of the bank's shares.

The Probusinessbank network was represented by the head office in Moscow, 230 additional offices and one operating cash register outside the cash node. The number of employees of the Organization as of January 1, 2015 amounted to 5,057 people. According to the results of 2014, the Bank received a net profit of 1.8 billion rubles (mainly due to foreign currency operations). In 2013, the bank's net profit amounted to 826.7 million rubles. In 2012, the Bank received a net profit of 1 billion rubles. For 2014, the Life's financial group on the aggregate assets was included in the Top-30 Russian banking groups, in the top 20 of Russian banks in terms of the contributions of individuals and in the top 5 largest small business lenders, as well as ten "card" Russian banks.

On August 12, 2015, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation withdrew the license at JSCB Probusinessbank. According to the regulator, " in connection with the failure to fulfill the credit institution of federal laws regulating banking, as well as regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia, the value of all regulations for the adequacy of own funds (capital) below 2 percent". The remaining banks of the group were transferred to a sanation under the guidance of the DIA, which led to the collapse of the Life Financial Group.

When making a loan in the bank, few people are thinking over difficulties that may arise as it matters. For example, one of the most common problems is a review of the license from the lender. As a result, many simply are lost in guessing, to whom and how to pay a loan. This is exactly what happened with such an organization as "Probusinessbank". In order to reduce the passions of passions among panic borrowers, we decided to tell in detail where the loans were "Probusinessbank" after its liquidation. We will tell you more about this.

Short Information Summary of the Bank

Skusinessbank was founded in early 1993. From the moment of its creation, this course took a course at later, it introduced into his universal portfolio of services for car loans and began to issue loans to individuals. It was these innovations that helped the bank to take a leading position in this niche for 1998.

At the end of 2006, JSCB Probusinessbank joined the Life Holding, continuing to focus on clients rotating in various business structures. Closer to 2015, other banks joined the Life group in addition to this financial organization. And the credit institution itself has acquired an enviable retail network, which has 230 offices and departments, and a full-fledged operating cashier.

What services offered to its customers a bank?

During the operation of JSCB Probusinessbank, it offered its customers the following types of services:

  • deposit programs;
  • project and;
  • overdrafts;
  • factoring and leasing;
  • acquiring;
  • currency operations;
  • rent safes and cells;
  • repo operations;
  • letters of credit;
  • remote service and many others.

At that time, companies as the "Moscow Coffee Shop on Paid", "Bogorodskie Delicatesses", "Izhora Plants", "VOLGA", and others were noticed among the regulars of this financial organization.

License deprivation: What are the reasons

Despite the high ratings and great popularity among business representatives, the bank still lost its license. It happened in early August 2015. The main reason for this decision of the regulator was the systematic violation of the "Probusinessbank" of federal legislation. And of course, there was no high-adjustable credit policy with the financial institution with the financial institution with the subsequent investment of money in low-quality assets. In a word, "Finding a Comedy". This is how the activities of the Life Credit Policy Credit Policy Player has been completed, better known as Probusinessbank. How to pay a loan after the license is revoked from this Financial Institute, then speak further.

Where to find details of credit institutions for payment?

A license review from the beloved lender has become a real shock for customers. Most of the borrowers, as we have already spoken, were quite large entrepreneurs, because none of them fell into despair. However, among them were individuals who were interested in, where now to contact them, in order to repay the glood loan. Many of them were even gathered near the Moscow office of the bank and picked up the entrance to the building. They demanded from the management of the company of clarification and, of course, the return of money on deposits.

After warning folk unrest in advance, the Agency for reported Probusinessbank details to pay a loan. This information is published this information on two days after the review of the Bank's license on its official website. At the same time, information was indicated separately for individuals and legal entities, as well as for borrowers, previously issued loans in national and foreign currency (US dollars and euro).

Attention! The agency's website has a reminder for all non-payers. According to this message, penalties will be applied for non-payment on the loan to legal entities and individuals.

How to find out the necessary details for paying a loan?

To find out the "Probusinessbank" details for paying a loan, you must perform the following simple actions:

  • go to the main page of ASV.org.ru;
  • from the list of the menu (located in the upper left corner of the site) choose "Liquidation of banks";
  • from the alphabetical reference book under the letter "P" choose "Probusinessbank";
  • go to the page with requisites.

Similar information about details and partner banks can be found on the website PRBB.ru.

In which banks can you pay a loan without commission?

Despite the fact that the Deposit Insurance Agency has already appointed several financial organizations ready to accept bankrupt bank loans payments, many borrowers prefer to pay a loan in the nearest financial institutions, most of which are clearly not ready to work for "thanks." Taking this opportunity, they set their commission for servicing third-party customers. And this is how-no additional costs. In order to avoid them, you must first find where to pay "Probusinessbank" loans without commissions.

In order to facilitate your task, we call the most basic from the agent banks:

  • PJSC "Russian Capital".
  • PJSC "TranscapitalBank".
  • OAO Tatfondbank.
  • PJSC "Sovcombank".
  • LLC Payments Center (using the Golden Crown Service).

This is where the loans "Probusinessbank" can make additional commission fees.

How to find the address of banking agents to pay?

In order to find out where the nearest branch of the Bank Agent is located, you should enter the main page of the ASV, choose "Liquidation of banks", go to the "Banks participating" tab, open the alphabetical list and find a relevant organization on it. For example, one of the offices of PJSC "Russian Capital" is located in Moscow on the street Bolshaya Molchanovka, d. 21 / a.

The representative office of PJSC "TranscapitalBank" can be found, for example, in Bryansk (Soviet district), on Proletarian Street, d. 1. Department of OJSC Tatfondbank, where to pay Lubnesbank loans, located in Kazan, on the street of the uprising, 31/26.

Offices and branches of PJSC "Sovcombank" can be visited, for example, in the city of Alexandrov. There is a representative office of the bank located on Lenin Street, d. 24, Building 1. The second department of the financial organization is located on Tereshkova Street, D.6.

In turn, the Payments Center LLC is another agent representing "Probusinessbank". How to pay a loan in this organization (cash or on the map), to solve you. The main thing is to contact network partner salons. Among them should be highlighted by such intermediaries:

  • "Euroset".
  • Beeline.
  • "Friesby."
  • MTS.
  • "Maximus".
  • "Kari".
  • "Age.ru.
  • "Digure".
  • "Sangi Style".
  • "Division" and others.

The date of application of the operator in the registry: 10.11.2010

The basis of the application of the operator in the registry (Order number): 780

The location of the operator: 125195, Moscow, ul. Belomorskaya, d. 6a

Date of commencement of personal data processing: 07.07.1993

The subjects of the Russian Federation, in the territory of which the personal data is processed:

Purpose of personal data processing: carrying out banking activities, maintaining the register of clients, personal affairs of employees, processing, storage and disclosure of the Bureau of credit stories of information characterizing the timeliness of the borrowers of their obligations under loan agreements (loan), as well as in order to maintain the Bank's corporate activities: maintaining the shareholders register, Conducting general meetings of participants, meetings of the Board of Directors, etc.

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: Local acts on personal data processing were developed: personal data processing policy in the Probusinessbank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank (Open Joint Stock Company), the Regulation on Processing and Safety of Personal Data in Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Probusinessbank" (Open Joint Stock Company). Internal control of compliance with the processing of personal data by Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and adopted in accordance with it regulatory legal acts, requirements for protecting personal data. Employees who directly carry out personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including with the requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the policy of the organization regarding personal data processing, local acts on personal data processing. Conducts accounting of machine carriers of personal data. The restoration of personal data, modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to them is ensured. Developed rules for access to personal data processed in personal data information systems, as well as the registration and accounting of all actions committed with personal data in personal data information systems. Personal data are available for a strictly defined circle of employees, the building has security and fire alarms, the information on paper carriers is stored in safes or lockable cabinets, the storage locations of personal data are identified, the physical protection of information systems (technical means and information carriers), which provides access to access in The premises of information systems of unauthorized persons, the presence of reliable obstacles to unauthorized entry into the premises of information systems and storage of information carriers, accounting for all protected media using their marking and record credentials in the account of accounting on their issuance (reception).

Personal data categories: surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property situation, education, profession, income, information about military registration, phone numbers, passport details, information about the room and Series of the Insurance Certificate of State Pension Insurance, information about the taxpayer identification issue, the tablet number of bank employees

Subject categories whose personal data are processed: Residents of the Russian Federation and non-residents of the Russian Federation, including workers consisting with a bank in labor relations, individuals (depositors, borrowers, clients), consisting with a bank in civil law relations

List of actions with personal data: Collection, Systematization, Accumulation, Storage, Clarification (Update, Change), Use, Transmission, Definition, Blocking, Destruction of Personal Data

Personal data processing: Mixed, with transmission on the internal network of a legal entity, with transfer over the Internet

Legal foundation of personal data processing: Art. 85-90 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 30, 2004 No. 218 - FZ "On Credit Stories", Federal Law of 26.12.1995 N 208-FZ "On Joint-Stock Companies", Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ " About personal data ", Federal law of 02.12.1990 N 395-1" On banks and banking activities "

The presence of transboundary transmission: not

Information about the location of the database: Russia

JSCB OJSC Probusinessbank is a participant in the financial group Life. The bank was founded in July 7, 1993 to serve production companies (industrial enterprises of chemical, food, processing industries, high technology, communications, housing, transport and wholesale) and stimulating the development of enterprises of the market sector of the economy.

The management of the Bank elected development directions as a traditional commercial bank - independent of political parties and movements, state and management structures. Thanks to the stable and professional work, Probusinessbank is well known in the international financial community. Traditional for the Bank are credit programs aimed at developing business.

Probusinessbank is a reliable and long-term partner for our customers. In addition to the general license of the Bank of Russia to carry out banking operations and licenses for attracting and placement of precious metals, Probusinessbank owns licenses for the implementation of brokerage, dealer, depository activities and securities management activities. Probusinessbank also has the right to act as a guarantor to customs authorities.

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