
Bank Soviet in contact. JSC Bank "Soviet

The history of the brand "Soviet" in the banking community begins on November 15, 1976, when the Soviet branch of the State Bank of the USSR was opened in Vologda. The name of the department gave the city district of the same name. On January 1, 1988, the Department of Gosbank in Vologda was transformed into the Soviet branch of Promstroybank of the USSR. In 2001, at the General Meeting of Shareholders, it was decided to transfer the Bank's Head Office in St. Petersburg. In 2004, the Bank opened two branches - in Moscow and Arkhangelsk. Among the clients of this department were industrial, construction, transport, telecommunication enterprises and organizations. In November 2004, the Bank joined the Deposit Insurance System.

At the moment, the share is distributed as follows: Andrei Karpov (24.16%), Alexander Teplyakov (17.39%), Chairman of the Board of Directors Vladimir Mitrushin (17.39%), member of the Board of Directors of Kirill Laskin (10.67%), Oleg Nikolaev (10.67%), Egor Babyev (10.52%), member of the Board Gleb Shakhov (6.10%), Nataliya Gracheva (2.75%), minority shareholders (0.36%).

For individuals, the institution offers cash loans for any purpose, car loans, credit cards, mortgages, bank deposits (deposits), as well as Internet banking. The Bank offers to its corporate clients: RKO, deposits, lending, salary projects, SENEP, remote banking services, operations with bills, as well as operations in the Forex foreign exchange market. Private individuals are offered consumer and car loans, bank cards (VISA), deposits, Internet bank, operations in the Forex market, Sein. Currently, the Bank's branch works in the cities of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Great Luki, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Murmansk, Eagle, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Rybinsk, Sevodvinsk, Syktyvin, Tver, Cherepovets , Yaroslavl.

The Bank of Russia decided to resolve the obligations of the joint-stock company Sovetsky Bank JSC Bank "Soviet" (Reg. No. 558, the city of St. Petersburg). The procedure for resolving the obligations of the credit institution is aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of creditors and bank depositors.

The Bank of Russia approved the plan for the participation of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (hereinafter referred to as agency) in resolving the obligations of JSC Sovetsky Bank, providing for the agency of the competitive selection of the acquirer on time, which will allow to start servicing creditors whose requirements are subject to satisfaction as part of the first stage , In the regions of the presence of JSC, the Soviet bank no later than 14 days after the approval of the Agency's Participation Plan in the settlement of the Bank's obligations. Events to resolve the obligations of the Bank are carried out after the license to carry out banking operations.

The credit institution, which will be transferred to the obligations of the JSC Bank Soviet, will continue to maintain depositors on previous conditions, including interest rates on deposits and the timing of their placement. The implementation of the procedure for resolving the obligations of the JSC Bank Soviet will allow fully satisfying the requirements of the lenders of the first stage (including, if the contribution exceeds the insurance amount - 1.4 million rubles), without incurred depositors of the Bank of Financial Losses.

The obligations of the Bank to creditors whose requirements are subject to satisfaction in the second stage (requirements for the payment of weekend benefits, on the remuneration of people working or working on an employment contract and others), it is planned to pay off in full. Obligations to creditors (with the exception of the Agency) whose requirements are subject to satisfaction with the third stage, about 0.1 billion rubles are currently estimated, including the balances of bank accounts - legal entities are estimated by about 0.01 billion rubles, the remaining volume obligations are mainly calculations with other creditors, unfinished calculations and translations. With clients of the Bank - legal entities carried out work to clarify the reasons for the service in the bank "Soviet" bank, according to the results of which it was established that the possibility of closing accounts in these customers is missing.

Order of the Bank of Russia from 03.07.2018 No. OD-1654 from 03/07/2018 License is revoked On the implementation of banking operations at the Credit Organization of AO Bank Soviet. The decision of the Bank of Russia is made in connection with the importance of all standards for the adequacy of own funds (capital) below two percent, decrease in the size of own funds (capital) below the minimum value of the authorized capital established at the date of state registration of the credit institution.

In connection with the review of the license to carry out banking operations, a license was revoked by the implementation of JSC "Soviet" professional activity in the securities market, as well as the order of the Bank of Russia dated 03.07.2018 No. OD-1655, the activities of the Interim Administration on the Management of the Credit Organization appointed by the Bank's order was terminated Russia from 21.02.2018 No. OD-455.

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia from 03.07.2018 No. OD-1655 in connection with the review of the JSC Bank "Soviet" licenses for banking operations and adoption of a decision on participation in the settlement of the Bank's obligations, the function of the provisional administration for the management of a credit institution is entrusted with the agency Actions until the appointment in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" of the Competition Manager, or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" of the liquidator. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit institution in accordance with federal laws are suspended.

No separation found

The Soviet bank was founded in 1990 on the basis of the Promstroybank Unified Division of the USSR. The main clients were employees of construction, transport and industrial companies. The location of the head office - in St. Petersburg. The banking institution carried out lending and car loans of individuals and legal entities. Starting from July 2018, the Bank stopped its activities.

On July 3, 2018, the Bank of Russia recalled the license from the joint stock company Soviet Bank. According to the order, the credit organization is obliged to terminate professional activities on the provision of banking services and the implementation of banking operations in the securities market.

The main capabilities of the Personal Cabinet of the Soviet Bank are:

The Soviet bank offers its customers to use a convenient Internet bank. There are two versions of a personal account for individuals and legal entities. In order to take advantage of all options, you must follow the link: www.sovbank.ru/internet-banking/. The entrance is carried out by login and password. The Internet Bank allows you to quickly manage your financial resources.

  • various deposit and current account operations;
  • provision of information on exchange rates;
  • transfers to customers banks;
  • payment of various services, such as: cellular communication, Internet, utilities;
  • track income and expenses for a certain period;
  • transfers between your accounts;
  • search and payment of traffic police fines, FTS debt, FMS duties;
  • performing locking or unlocking cards;
  • repayment of loans and tracking operations.

Restoration of access to the Personal Account of the Soviet bank is carried out by phone: 8-800-555-25-25 . An information center employee will tell you how to properly restore the information necessary for the entry. It is important to remember that the authentication data cannot be informed by anyone, including bank employees. This is strictly confidential customer information.

Login and password restoration of the Soviet bank

In case of loss of data, a person must necessarily contact the Bank's division.

For security purposes, the client must use modern anti-virus software, to go to the Internet bank office only from the official website of the Soviet bank. If a person has suspicion of using the Cabinet with other persons, then you need to seek help from a banking institution in a short time.

At the moment, the Bank offers customers to use a convenient application for the smartphone. It works on the basis of IOS and Android operating systems. Mobile Bank allows you to perform the following operations:

  • take advantage of detailed information on the status of current accounts, debit, credit cards, exchange rate;
  • track costs and revenues for a certain period;
  • transfers to bank cards and other banking institutions;
  • manage deposits, credit products, accounts;
  • create templates;
  • make payment of services;
  • carry out payment of fines, debts;
  • also, the client can independently manage the application settings for ease of use of the application.

For security reasons, the Bank draws attention to that the application can be installed only from official apps for the operating system of your smartphone. In order to fully use all the options of the Mobile Bank, the client must be connected to the Internet Bank. Perform connection procedures only in the departments of the bank. After filling out the statement, a person receives a login and temporary password that is necessary for the entry. You can download the official application by links further:

  • order Callback - For this, the client must fill in a special form in which you want to specify your contact details. After some time, a bank specialist should call back, which will try to provide additional information;
  • the feedback form - on the official website, each person can ask the question of interest. To this end, it is also necessary to fill out the form with contact details;
  • send a letter to the email address - your question can be sent by mail [Email Protected]
  • Thanks to the above methods of communication, each person can receive additional information regarding banking services and products. All this allows you to quickly allow various issues that concern the use of the Soviet bank's proposals.

    The Bank was established in October 1990 on the basis of the Soviet branch of Promstroybank of the USSR in Vologda. Until the mid-2001, when it was decided to move to St. Petersburg, he worked within the borders of the Vologda region. In November 2004, the Bank joined the Deposit Insurance System.

    From May to August 2015, Alexander Teplyakov (19.16%), Vladimir Mitrushin (19.07%), Andrei Karpov (15.00%), Oleg Nekrasov (9.20%), Kirill Laskin (9, 20%), Oleg Nikolaev (3.07%), Egor Babyev (3.02%), Gleb Shakhov (1.75%), Alexander Starovatov (9.65% of Spetstrejding LLC, Anatoly Nesterov (6.93 % Through CJSC "Law Firm of the Unified Energy System"), Charitable Foundation "Tree of Life" (2.98%), Minority shareholders (0.93%). The Board of Directors of the Bank was headed by the son of Vladimir Mitrushin, the former top manager of Krasbank Stanislav Mitrushin.

    In August 2015, there were changes as part of the shareholders, and until March 2016, the share were distributed as follows: Andrei Karpov (24.16%), Alexander Teplyakov (17.39%), Chairman of the Board of Directors Vladimir Mitrushin (17.39%) , member of the Board of Directors of Kirill Laskin (10.67%), Oleg Nikolaev (10.67%), Egor Babyev (10.52%), member of the Board of Gleb Shakhov (6.10%), Natalia Gracheva (2.75%) , Minority shareholders (0.36%).

    On October 23, 2015, the Bank of Russia introduced a temporary administration to Soviet administration, explaining his decision to identify signs of an unstable financial situation. The temporary administration functions were assigned to deposit insurance agency. The powers of shareholders associated with participation in the authorized capital of the bank were suspended. Later in October, it was announced that at the initial stage, the financial recovery of the bank "Soviet" will be engaged in the "Russian Capital" bank. 4.9 billion rubles allocated on maintaining the liquidity of the Bank's bank. At the same time, a contest was announced on the selection of a permanent investor until November 27. Later, the media repeatedly passed the information that the bank Renaissance Credit was chosen by the sanator, but the official announcement did not follow (according to the media, the candidacy of the Renaissance Credit Bank did not approve the Central Bank).

    The re-competition for the Sovetsky bank's reservation was held on February 17, at the end of the month of the ASV summed up its results. Only in March (March 9, 2016), the Central Bank approved changes in the prevention of the bankruptcy of Soviet, by choosing the Sanator Tatfondbank. In the same month, Tatfondbank received 99.999% of the authorized capital of Soviet, bought the appropriate number of its ordinary shares from Roskap at the price of their acquisition last - 10 million rubles (on the eve of Roskap bought the additional issue of "Soviet" in the amount of 10 million rubles, which It was carried out after reducing capital to 1 ruble). Thus, the procedure for selecting a sanator for the bank "Soviet" has become the longest in the history of the QU. Soviet remained under the direction of the primary investor - "Russian Capital" - longer than three months.

    In March 2016, Soviet "fully passed under the control of PJSC Tatfondbank (99.999%). However, in December 2016, a temporary administration was introduced in the Tatfondbank in the face of the DRT, and at the beginning of March the bank was withdrawn by a license. As a result, the function of the temporary administration for the management of the bank "Soviet" was again assigned to the DR. In August 2017, the timing of the execution of the function of the temporary administration in the face of the ASV was extended by the Bank of Russia for another six months.

    The head office of the Soviet bank is located in St. Petersburg, the network of units includes 47 branches, while the Bank planned a number of departments to close. Bank offices work in 27 cities of Russia, mainly in the Central and North-West Federal Districts. Branches of the bank are located in the following cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Great Luke, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Murmansk, Eagle, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Syktyvkar, Tver, Cherepovets, Yaroslavl, etc.

    Currently, among the services, organizations on the Bank's website are marked: RKO, placement of funds for deposits, salary projects, services for foreign economic activity, currency control and documentary operations. Private individuals are offered cash and car loans, deposits in rubles and currency, debit and credit cards, account maintenance, money transfers ("Golden Crown", Western Union), rental of safes.

    Among the corporate clients of the bank were previously seen CJSC ABZ-Dorrystroy, LLC Arkada, CJSC Irtysh, EURO-ART LLC, LLC Global-Stroy, Gazenergoservis, OOO, Gazenergonekaya LLC, ZAO "Computer World", Group of Companies "Dorport", LLC "KVS", OJSC "Sevzapmebel", Tsvettorg Group of Companies, CJSC Iram, Ginza Project Group (more than a hundred restaurants, including Ginza, Terrace etc.), Group of Companies Globalpoint (restaurants "Happiness", Barbaresco, "Favorite Place 22.13"), Forest Restaurant.

    Currently, the Bank's current reporting is available in the form of a published form on the website of the Central Bank as of July 1, 2017. In the first half of 2017, the Bank's assets, according to the published form, decreased by 17.6% - to 28.0 billion rubles. The reduction in business volumes occurred due to an increase in the negative value of the bank's own funds (C-9.4 to -17.5 billion rubles). At the same time, in obligations for this period, a small increase in customer funds was noted (+ 4.9%). In assets, the volume of pure loan debt decreased by 19.5%.

    The Bank is traditionally characterized by a high dependence on the funds of the population, which are a key source of funding and the reporting date accounted for 74.5% of the total commitments. The contributions and means of physicals increased by 2.8 billion rubles for the first half of 2017, or by 9%. The remainder of the obligations was represented by the funds of corporate clients, the volume of which decreased by 6.0% (-0.7 billion rubles) in the first half of the year). Own funds show a negative value in -17.5 billion rubles against -9.4 billion rubles at the beginning of 2017 (at the same time, negative capital was "only" -1.8 billion rubles). Wholesale sources of funding (issued debt securities attracted by the MBC) at the reporting date the bank on the balance sheet did not have.

    In the structure of assets, 73.9% falls on pure loan debt. Cash and funds in the Central Bank almost in equal shares were in a totality of 8.9% of assets. Securities on the balance sheet did not exceed 4%, the funds in other banks accounted for 1.8%. The share of fixed assets and intangible assets - 8.6%, other assets - 2.9%.

    According to the latest available data at the beginning of December 2016, the share of overdue debt in the loan portfolio was 22.5%, the reservation level is 34.8%, while the property of the portfolio was provided by 122.1%. In his reporting, for the first half of 2016, the Bank noted that loan debt on the credit portfolio of the Jurlitz in the amount of 93.2% was recognized as hopeless.

    Previously, the bank performed a net lender in the MBC market, demonstrated moderate activity in the Forex market. According to the latest available data at the beginning of December 2016, bonds transferred to securities in the Bank's balance sheet on the bank's balance sheet.

    According to the reporting Published on the website, for the first half of 2017, the Bank carried a net loss of 8.0 billion rubles (against a loss of 1.2 billion rubles for the same period of 2016). Net loss in 2016 amounted to 13.2 billion rubles.

    For the period of the temporary administration, shareholders' powers associated with participation in the authorized capital, as well as the powers of the Bank's management authorities suspended. Before laying up in February 2017, the functions of the Temporary Administration on the DCA, the composition of the bank's management looked as follows:

    Board of Directors:Marat Zagidullin (Chairman), Robert Musin, Airat Kamalov, Rustam Bakirov, Alexander Fedoseev.

    Governing body:Renat Dolobin (Chairman), Lyudmila Dyachuk, Victoria Vashkulat, Dmitry Hlybov.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state