
Report on the assessment of the house. Evaluation reports. List of materials used in the assessment

Real Estate Assessment Report It is a mandatory written part of the work of a specialist and this document is issued to the hands of the client.

But the relationship between a specialist and another person who requested about the service is also fixed in the report and in a special agreement.

Anyway, but the work carried out and the report compiled by it indicate that the service was obtained. Conclusion is a document that possesses legal force.

If a professional has been a professional, the report may be attached to judicial documents, and can also be used in litigation and litigation, attached to the case of inheritance and participate in other transactions stipulated by the total trade in our country.

Task for assessing real estate

Task for inspection of real estate - This is the action that precedes the evaluation procedure. Getting an order for work, a specialist, so let's say, gets the appropriate tasks. As part of this task, it must establish a number of facts. These include:

  • learning object
  • legal feature of real estate
  • accurate location
  • characteristic boundaries.

In addition, getting acquainted with the task, a professional in real estate should:

  • explore all the nuances of the object,
  • get acquainted with the records in it in the relevant registry,
  • find out the data from the owner,
  • raise archive documents if necessary.

These actions are obliged to do each specialist appraiser in order for the report compiled by the result of the report only reliable information corresponding to reality.

It is very important to pay attention to the one for the report.

The report has the right to an appraiser who has an appropriate education. Neither the assistant nor the secretary has the right to draw up this document. Upon the compilation of the report, the date of its compilation, the signature of the appraiser, as well as the seal, if the client dealt with the firm.

But often, in practice it happens that a specialist forces an appraiser's assistant to write a conclusion with all its complex nuances and rules, and the pros himself only puts his signature.

This behavior is fraught with the consequences in the form of an illiterate description of the process of assessing and withdrawal on the analysis of real estate value due to the insufficient experience of the assistant or secretary.

Who is a report on the assessment of the acquired real estate?

The conclusion of the acquired real estate, or rather, its assessment is also it has the right to make only a specialist appraiser.

The fact is that, before purchasing real estate, future owners ask the professional to check the state of the object. Only a person with special knowledge can accurately describe the condition. So, it is to them that the report must be drawn up in order to most competently reflect the current state of affairs.

Report price

Talking about the cost of the report on the analysis of the cost of real estate is not definitely. The cost of the report on the assessment of the value of the property is depends not only from the region where the citizen lives, as well as from the object itself. If we are talking about commercial real estate, and we take into account the central strip of Russia, the cost of the assessment will start from 15.000 rubles, Accordingly, this is the cost of the report.

If we talk about such real estate as a house, a built cottage or a land plot, then the cost of the work of a narrow-profile specialist and the subsequent compilation of the relevant document will vary from six to 8000 rubles.

If we are talking about a regular apartment or room, then the cost of the assessment of the apartment will cost you in the amount not exceeding 5000 rubles.

In the regions of the Far North, the magnitude of this amount is lightly overestimated, but in the depths of the central strip of Russia, the opposite is significantly lower. Yes, and do not worry that the cost of the predetermination of the conclusion is too high. In any city, you can find alternative options, because a lot depends on the experience of a particular specialist.

Conclusion about the market value of the property

Report on the estimation of the value of the property (The sample of the real estate evaluation report can be downloaded above) is a document that is compiled in accordance with the current law of our country, and contains all the results of the assessment of the market value of the object, as well as the transfer of all expertise.

This act may include the following information:

  • basic information about the object,
  • description,
  • the basis for carrying out a specialist actions,
  • overview of the existing real estate market
  • information about which techniques were used in evaluating,
  • the possibility of transmitting real estate as a collateral,
  • calculation of the value of the assessment object,
  • and also, what documents were used by the appraiser as a source of information to compile a report.

Provide them should be both the owner and some serving real estate organs, such as the management organization.

Report on the estimation of the redemption cost of the apartment

Apartment assessment report (An example of an apartment evaluation report We offer to be viewed above) - this is a document that is compiled on the basis of the law, and aims to determine how much the redemption cost is the actual state of housing.

In this case, an independent assessment of real estate should impose a ransom procedure. It is necessary to determine the fair price.

It takes into account its location, layout, ecological condition, neighbors, and so on. The cost analysis procedure passes on general reasons, however, in the report the emphasis is being made that the apartment is preparing for a redemption.

Conclusion on the assessment of the foundation of a residential building

Report on the assessment of the foundation of a residential building It is a document in which there is an expert opinion, which describes the foundation of a residential building, talks about its strength, the expected service life, as well as various problems that may arise in connection with the operation of the construction.

In this situation, the emphasis is placed on the state of the object. It is also not superfluous to provide its width, height, materials used, as well as the year of fill.

Fire estimation report from a residential building

Report on the assessment of damage from the happening fire contains the following data.

  1. First, the analysis of all presented documents, as well as indications. Also this is the consideration of photos and their subsequent analyzing and conducting examinations.
  2. A description of all the necessary techniques that specialists use. An approximate justification for each of the methods used, the implementation of the necessary calculations, drawing up an estimate plan, which includes restoration work after a fire, an exemplary calculation of the building wear, a list of the available package of documents, as well as an inspection plan.

Review of the report

Review of the Apartment leak assessment reportit is drawn up in the case when real estate was initiated for one or another reasons.

In this situation, it is necessary to evaluate not only the damage that was caused to apartments below, but also the damage to the real estate that became the culprit of the Flood.

This situation also causes a specialist appraiser who is obliged to bring all the necessary work and expertise in order to establish the cause of the leakage and damage, as well as to establish how much has lost real estate due to this incident.

Coordination of real estate assessment results

Real estate inspection results - This is a procedure at which two reports that were compiled on the fact of circulation of the same owner are compared with each other in order to accurately establish the estimated value of a particular real estate.

In this case, the opinion of two experts can either come together, or disperse, but not significantly.

In this case, an additional assessment is made, and the result is applied to the owner of the object selected for examination. A distinctive feature of this report is that it is compiled in the form of a table.

Now you know, in what situation, what specifically the report on the assessment of the real estate object can be needed, and independently, without the help of specialists, you can choose the necessary one.

However, only a competent professional, which you can find on the relevant announcement in the city itself can help you make this document.

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And why is it needed

You are going to buy an apartment in a mortgage.

The bank approved a loan application, the agent found a suitable apartment. The next step is to collect a complete set of documents for the bank. It will necessarily have a real estate assessment.

Elena Evstratova

sold and bought real estate with an assessment

When the bank gives a borrower a mortgage loan, it automatically takes on the pledge of the property that is buying on this loan: "Here is money, but until you all right, the apartment is mine." If the borrower does not return money, the bank has the right to pick up the apartment and sell it at the auction.

The power of the mortgage loan is precisely that the apartment is easy to sell from trading - in the language of banks this is liquid deposit. Banks are confident in loans issued, so they can reduce rates.

The bank is important to what exactly it gives 3,000,000 rubles: on the hut or on the apartment. Will he be able to sell this apartment for the same 3 million? To this question he should answer the assessment.

For the buyer, the estimate is an additional guarantee that the object is worth the money for which sold.

Who makes an assessment

Real estate assessment are evaluated. Their activities are regulated by the Federal Law "On Assessment in the Russian Federation". It can be a company or an individual entrepreneur.

What must be from the appraiser:

Profile education, membership in self-regulating organization and insured acclacent

Profile education

Membership in SRO

Insured responsible

By law, banks are obliged to take an assessment of any appraiser. But in reality, the banks themselves accredct companies, whose assessment is trusted. What exactly appraisers are quoted from a particular bank, usually written on the site. Sberbank collaborates with 256 appraisers, Bank "Revival" - from 90.

How to choose a company to evaluate

Call the list of appraisal companies proposed in the bank. That's what you need to find out in a conversation.

How quickly the appraiser goes. Normal term - 1-2 days.

How long is the report prepare. Usually for 3-5 days.

How much is the assessment cost. The average cost in St. Petersburg is 3000 rubles. In Moscow, prices begin from 2500 rubles.

How much is the second copy of the report. Evaluation companies by default make one copy of the report. Second copy in the normal company will print free. In some companies, the second copy will cost 500 rubles.

What does the report look like

An assessment of the apartment is drawn up in the form of a report. The report is stored in printed form along with the mortgage on the apartment.

The report must necessarily be spelled out:

  • who ordered and who fulfilled the assessment, in which method;
  • what is this apartment, in what condition, how do she use;
  • how are things on the market on which this apartment will be sold;
  • for how much it can be sold usually or from trading;
  • what are the apps to evaluate in the form of photos and copies of documents.

Without printing and signature appraiser, the report is invalid. A single-page document with a summary of the report is applied to the report. He is given to the bank with the report.

What is the cost

Market value - Apartment price, if selling it without a rush and force majeure.

Liquidation value - The minimum price for which the bank will sell an apartment in a short time.

What affects the market value

The area in which the property is located. It affects the cost of a square meter: in St. Petersburg, a square meter in the Moscow region on average by 20,000 rubles more expensive than in Nevsky. Therefore, the apartment in a new house, which built among old panel houses, will cost cheaper analogues in a good area.

Appraisers use research and data from real estate portals. This is a page of research from the site "Real Estate Bulletin"

Technical characteristics of the building: In which year, the house was built when they did overhaul and how many floors in the house. Everything is taken into account: the presence of garbage disposal, the organization of parking, the state of the parade.

Status of the apartment. Which floor, how many rooms is there any repair. The appraiser even looks at that, linoleum or laminate is sleeping on the floor, is there a tile in the bathroom and how lighting in the apartment is done.

The state of the apartment matters: if the wallpaper is dirty, the report put the mark "requires repair".

Repair with wallpaper and for 70 thousand rubles, and for 5 thousand equal to the "renovation". Therefore, it is not worth waiting for the appraiser to include the appraiser. At best, it will put an increase in the coefficient for repairs.

The real estate market is currently. The expert looks at similar objects on the market. For odnushki in a monolithic house analogs will be the same on the apartment area in monolithic or brick houses. Panel houses are usually not compared with bricks or introduced coefficients. Five similar objects are used to evaluate the apartment. Comparison of analogs is a good way to see where the price is overestimated.

The last floor reduces the estimated cost of the apartment by 2-3%, the first floor - by 5-10%

How to calculate the liquidation value

The liquidation value is calculated by the formulas. Here are the elasticity of the demand and the cost of money in time.

An example of the elasticity of demand. On a three-room apartment in a new house on the first floor, demand is small, because a big female and low floor scare buyers. Sell \u200b\u200bsuch an apartment in a short time can only be at a low price. The difference between the market and liquidation price is up to 3 million rubles.

For one-room apartment on the middle floor of a panel house, a 5-minute walk from the subway, high demand, because such apartments are always in demand by the market. The liquidation cost of such an apartment is close to the market.

An example of the cost of money in time. When it comes to big dates and big money, often say that money is cheaper over time. That is, the ruble is now more valuable than the ruble in a year. If the apartment can be cheaper and now, then it is better than a little more and then. This principle has a lot of justifications: inflation, political risks, human mortality and world progress.

When the apartment is sold under the liquidation price, it is repaid primarily a loan. Remains receive a borrower. Therefore, the higher the liquidation price, the more money will remain in his hands.

The liquidation value of the budget apartment is slightly different from the market. It is easiest to sell on the market, because they have demand. Luxury apartment in a new building will be sold for a long time even with a discount.

Larction of prices for three-room apartments in St. Petersburg

We chose apartments within the same area according to the real estate portal EMLS

Under market value Apartments are understood by her real price for which the buyer ready to purchase Such real estate in the conditions of a free market and ordinary competition. In addition to market value, there is also a somewhat less and is used as a tax base to determine the amount of property tax. The market price of this property can be determined as aloneand with a realtor or appraiser.

In the case of market value it is necessary to prepare a number for the appraiser. According to the results of its activities will be prepared detailed. Also do not forget that in some real estate transactions are necessary from the technical inventory bureau (BTI), in which the inventory value indicates (in practice she is still lessthan cadastral).

What is the market value of the apartment?

The market value of the apartment is real pricefor which the buyer is ready to purchase such property on the free market in the conditions of ordinary competition. That is, other factors should not affect the market price, except for competitive. In this case, the price is formed on the basis of large number of nuances. The number of these includes:

  • object layout;
  • useful area of \u200b\u200breal estate implemented;
  • physical condition of communications (heating, water supply, etc.).

It is worth a separately note such a factor as location of apartment. The area is taken into account, remoteness from schools, hospitals, transport junctions, large shopping centers and so on. All these conditions can significantly affect the real market price of real estate. It is also worth considering that good redecorating It does not always increase the cost of such property. Can face such buyers who are looking for an apartment with finished interior decoration. But more often buyers who intend to repair on their own ways.

In this way, market value Apartments are the price for which the buyer is able to acquire property in market (competitive) conditions. The market price is influenced by many different factors that need to be considered.

Cadastral and market value of the apartment: how they relate

The cadastral value of the apartment is the price of a real estate object that is determined. Federal Cadastral Chamber During the assessment carried out in accordance with Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation".

Mostly the cadastral value of this property is necessary to pay for real estate tax. It is from cadastral value and is calculated to pay tax. Relatively recently cadastral cost was significantly increased in an attempt to bring it into a market, but two indicators did not compare, price market and cadastral still differ.

The ratio of the above price indicators is produced at the level evaluation criteriaThat is, what is taken as the basis for the assessment and factors affecting the total price. As is known, many factors are influenced by the market value, while it is much smaller on the cadastral. On the cadastral value of the apartment affect the following nuances:

  • the average price of one square meter (taking into account the index of the region);
  • the construction of the house in which the estimated property is located.

The difference in the estimated price calculation approaches between themselves and the difference between the market and cadastral value. Market value significantly higher Cadastral.

In practice, the market price is more cadastral half or one third. The above value coincide mainly in the old residential foundation, the market price of apartments is small.

In order to realize the apartment first, it is necessary to know its real (market) cost. As is known, the cadastral value for which the tax is paid, often does not reflect Real dwelling prices. Therefore, the price estimate is necessary in other ways. Such the property owner has several:

  • independent evaluation;
  • evaluation of the realtor;
  • assessment of an independent appraiser.

The first of these options implies minimum cash costsHowever, the maximum of your own efforts of a person who wants to determine. The two remaining options mean some financial costsSince the realtor services and appraiser are not free. The modern market for the sale and purchase of real estate in its larger part is occupied by realtors, that is, when selling or buying such property, citizens often appeal to them.

However, the realtor can be hired for simple estimate of the cost of the apartment, without further services for its implementation.

In this case, the person who wants to know the price will not have to think about its independently determination, but to proceed from pricing suggested by realtor.

How to evaluate the cost of the apartment yourself

An independent assessment of the cost of the apartment implies monitoring similar proposals for the implementation of such property. To do this, you can use popular sites in the Internet "Internet" or appropriate thematic newspaper products. You should focus on similar parameters:

  • district;
  • area;
  • number of rooms;
  • other factors that somehow affect the price of this property.

Having found similar offers to pay attention to the fact that persons selling their housing can input the price at their own discretion.

In addition, if the apartment is implemented in Moscow or the Moscow region, then you can use online calculator Apartment prices. In this case, you need to fill all graphs and get the result. In the case of other regions of the country, it will have to monitor proposals alone. However, on various sites exist convenient search serviceswhere you can specify data similar to the property being implemented to search for similar options.

Dergunov V.I. Scheduled to sell a one-room apartment. Considering inappropriate to spend money on realtor services or an independent appraiser. After reviewing several sites, such as Avito and "from hand to hand" and comparing similar offers for the sale of apartments, Dergunov was able to determine the approximate market value of his home.

Cadastral value of the apartment at

On the official website of Rosreestra there are some comfortable services. For example, by turning to the "Services" tab, and then on "Background Information on Real Estate Objects in Online", you can determine the cadastral value Property object.

To do this, specify the cadastral number or correctly define the address of the apartment. If the cadastral assessment was carried out, then such information will be indicated by the query results.

However, such information will be useful only if the realization of the apartment will occur exactly in cadastral value. If the sale of such real estate is scheduled for market, then the best service is best do not use and refer to other ways to determine the price of property.

Independent assessment of the apartment

Independent assessment of the apartment is one of the price determination methods such property. To date, there are many companies engaged in estimated activities. Conducting an independent assessment procedure may be needed in case of the impossibility of determining the value of the property. In addition, experts in this area are well aware of all the intricacies of the apartment purchase and sale of apartments, have special skills and knowledge, which contributes to the establishment objective market price on the accommodated housing.

When conducting an independent assessment of the person, its carrying out, use a number of methods, the choice of which depends on the assessment object. Thus, there are following methods Evaluation:

  • comparative;
  • profitable;
  • cost.

The most common method is comparison method. It applies only if there is a real opportunity to compare the object of evaluation (apartment) with analog. For example, a number of apartments are compared in one area, with similar years of construction of the whole house, housing area and other factors that affect the market price.

This approach is enough objectively reflects the market value Specified property, and also takes into account various manifestations of current trends in the market for the sale and sale of real estate.

Profitable method Mainly applies when the property receives a profit. For example, if the apartment is used to make a business (the first floors of houses, dwelling for daily rent, etc.), then when evaluating will be taken into account estimated income (based on income already received). Minus such an approach It is a small range of applications, as well as the fact that the income taken into account in the assessment is only projected.

Cost method Used in the event that the estimated property does not exist analogues. We are talking about exclusive real estate objects, compare which is impossible with other objects at the moment. In such cases, the appraiser is calculated estimated funds To build such an object. This method may not always reflect the real market price, but this method is universalSince it can be used absolutely any object of real estate, including the apartment.

Thus, an independent estimate is used to determine most adequate market value Apartments.

Documents for evaluation

As with most processes related to implementation or other real estate actions for assessing an apartment need to prepare a number of documents:

  • certificate of state registration of the right to property (from July 2016 - an extract from the USRP);
  • information (if available) about (mortgage, pledge, rent and so on);
  • passport details of the policy requested;
  • in the presence of redevelopments - information about those;
  • object;
  • explication to plan.

The listed documents must be provided with an appraiser for the most objective assessment procedure The cost of the apartment.

Report on the estimation of the market value of the apartment

A report on the assessment of the market value of the apartment is an official document that is drawn up by the appraiser. Its necessity is determined by the fact that such a document can submit to the courtas proof, use as justification price property. Like any other official documents, the report must contain certain information. In this way, the evaluation report includes:

  • information about the customer and appraiser;
  • description of the assessment method;
  • description of the assessment object (apartment);
  • analysis of the market for the sale and sale of such property;
  • calculation of the market price of such a property;
  • photographic materials of the assessment object;
  • information about the guidelines.

The report signs, stitches and numbered, articles are approved Appraiser companies.

Also, with the report, documents are attached to the registration of the company, conducting an assessment, certificate and other necessary documents.

Help BTI about the cost of the apartment

For registration of some transactions, the owner of the apartment may be needed help from BTI. It can be obtained by contacting the appropriate territorial body of the specified organization. Get such a certificate can only the owner of the residential premiseson which the certificate is drawn up. For obtaining it is necessary to prevent the following documentation:

  • passport of the owner;
  • certificate of state registration of ownership of an apartment or an extract from the USRP.

This certificate contains in itself inventory information Apartments, object plan and explication. This inventory value consists of the following factors:

  • housing area;
  • list of communications;
  • the construction of the house in which the property is located.

Inventory value much lower Cadastral and market prices. In essence, it includes only costs for building Apartments (building materials, internal communications) less real wear.


With any deal with the apartment, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to meet with various types of real estate such as market, cadastral and inventory costs. The real price of the specified ownership is its market price, It is for it that it is necessary to navigate when making deals. You can determine this price by different ways, as alone (without financial costs) so with the help of a realtor or appraiser (with payment of their services).

Cadastral value is mainly used for tax purposes, and inventory for issuing necessary in some cases help BTI.


How to determine the market value of the apartment?

I plan to sell my apartment, but I can not decide on its real price. I have information about cadastral value. Is such a market value equal? If not, how to determine the market price of my real estate?

Cadastral value is equal to a market only in exceptional cases. In most cases, the market value is more cadastral at half or third.

To determine the market price there are several ways. You can conduct an independent assessment of the apartment, comparing your accommodation with similar proposals in the real estate market. If this option does not suit you, you can contact realtors or appraisers who will evaluate your property for remuneration and determine the relevant market value.

  1. Report on the assessment of the market and liquidation value of the property of the property, located at the address: St. Petersburg, Kalininsky district, civilian pr-t, d. 41, Liter A
    The work performed Colliers International. St. Petersburg, 2004.
    All calculations were carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation", the evaluation standards, binding on the subjects of appraisal activities approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2001 No. 519, as well as standards of professional activities in the field of real estate assessment Property of the Russian Society of Appraisers and International Evaluation Standards, developed by the International Committee on Property Evaluation Standards (MKSO).
    2016-01-24 | Popularity: 20065.
  2. Report on determining the amount of damage from damage to the Toyota Cresta car (calculation of suitable residues)
    The appointment of this assessment is to determine the market value of the amount of damage to the estimated property at the evaluation date. The assessment was made in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2001 No. 519 "On Approval of Evaluation Standards", "Methodological Guidance to determine the cost of vehicles, taking into account the natural wear and technical condition at the time of presentation," developed by the State Scientific Center with us together with Employees of the federal judicial examination center approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.
    Artist: Denis Pashnin, LLC "Agency of Professional Evaluation of Property"
    2015-04-17 | Popularity: 21536.
  3. Report on the identification of the market value of a one-room apartment located at: Novosibirsk, Soviet district, ul. Lenina
    The subject of this assessment is one-room apartment located in Novosibirsk. The purpose of the assessment is to determine the market value of the assessment object.
    According to the "Standards of Assessment, Mandatory For Application Subjects of Appraisal Activities" of 06.07.01 №519, under the term "market value" in this report refers to the following: The most likely price in which the assessment object can be alienated in the open market in the context of competition When the sides of the transaction act intelligently, having all the necessary information, and on the magnitude of the transaction does not reflect any extraordinary circumstances.
    The determination of the market value is built on the background that the property is implemented on the market under the observance of certain conditions listed above. As a result of the sale of sale, from the buyer to the seller, a set of property rights. These are the rights and act as an assessment. In this paper, the right to the right of evaluation is the right of ownership.
    After analysis, the appraiser concluded that the best and most efficient use of an assessment object is to use it for its intended purpose. Further calculations to determine the market value of the assessment object were carried out on the basis of this conclusion.
    The evaluation procedure included: 1) collect the necessary documentation and information about the object of assessment; 2) the use of a comparative approach to the assessment of the market value; 3) Writing this report.
    2015-03-24 | Popularity: 17550
  4. Report on the definition of the market value of one ordinary shares of Kostromskaya GRES OJSC
    Within the framework of this task, an assessment of the market value of one share of Kostroma GRES OJSC. The results of the assessment were used to goal the shares of Kostromskaya GRES OJSC in the payment of additional shares of OGK-3. The assessment was carried out as of April 1, 2005.
    In the process of evaluation, various methods and approaches are used that are most suitable for this case. This assessment was carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation", "Evaluation Standards, binding on the use of assessment activities", methodology and guidance on business assessment and (or) assets of RAO UES of Russia and its DZO developed by The company "Deloit and Tuch".
    According to the results of the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the results of the results obtained by the framework of various approaches, after consulting with representatives of investment companies, representatives of Deloit and Tsush, the appraiser decided to consider, along with the first embodiment of the weights, the option of giving greater weight by the results of the income approach. This choice is justified by the fact that upon the sale of an asset, a rational investor is focused primarily not on the retrospective of the company's activities, but on promising income flows that it can get from the purchased asset.
    Artist: Consortium "Expert - Russian Assessment", as of April 01, 2005
    2015-03-07 | Popularity: 16242.
  5. Report on the identification of the market value of the object "Administrative room"
    Report on the assessment of the market value of the real estate object - the premises of the administrative, with an area of \u200b\u200b336.1 square meters. m. belonging to the municipal education "City of Kirov".

    The objective of this assessment is to identify the characteristics of the pricing of the object of the assessment in relation to the characteristics of the corresponding segment of the market, the legal title, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the assessment object, as well as the specifics of law enforcement practices for the execution of the proposed transaction. This will unambiguously identify the object of evaluation in the system of real and mandatory rights, give a proper rationale for the specified value. The analysis of the documentation will allow to identify the main components of the risks associated with the assessment, and calculate the amount of their coverage.
    The evaluation report was drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation" of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ; Federal standards for evaluating, the consolidation of the evaluation standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers (SSO ROO 2010).
    Analysis of the results obtained for compliance with market data showed that the market value of the estimated object of real estate has a value correlated with market indicators. The cost of objects is in the range of average values \u200b\u200bfor objects located in a similar part of the city of Kirov, having a similar purpose and technical condition.
    The appraiser did not conduct an audit and other financial verification of the information provided by you used in this report, therefore it does not assume responsibility for the reliability of this information.
    In accordance with the appointment of the assessment, the market value of the assessment object was determined on the basis of Federal Law No. 135-FZ "On Assessment Activities in the Russian Federation" from 29.07.98 and the Vault of Standards Evaluating the Russian Society Appraisers of the SSO ROO 2010, harmonized with international assessment standards (2007 ) and obligatory to apply members of the self-regulating organization of appraisers.
    The use of SSO ROO 2010, binding on the use of subjects of appraisal activities is due to the fact that the assessment object is located in the territory of the Russian Federation, and also by the fact that the appraiser operates in the territory of the Russian Federation. These standards were used in determining the approaches to the assessment, the procedure for conducting work, when drawing up an assessment report.
    The use of the Code of Standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers (ROO) is due to the fact that the RHU assessment standards are most fully described by the terms, definitions, concepts and methods of assessment used in carrying out work on the assessment of various types of property.

    2015-03-07 | Popularity: 18620.
  6. Report on the identification of the market value of the object "Store Room"
    Report on the assessment of the market value of the real estate facility - the premises of the store with an area of \u200b\u200b30.2 square meters. m., at: Kirov, ul. Lenin, d. 86, belonging to the municipal education "City of Kirov".

    The purpose of the assessment is to determine the market value of the property. The result of the assessment is the total value of the value of the assessment object. The result of the assessment can be used to alienate municipal property.
    The results of the work on the assessment of the described object are planned to be used to alienate municipal property.
    This assessment applies the following evaluation standards: Code of Standards Assessment of the Russian Society of Estimates of the SSO ROO 2010, harmonized with international assessment standards (2007) and compulsory approval by members of the self-regulating organization of appraisers.
    The assessment standards (CSO 2010) of the Russian Society of Appraisers (ROO) is intended to assess the value of property in the Russian Federation and in other CIS countries - in full compliance with the adopted documents.
    Artist LLC "Analyt" Kirov, 2010
    2015-03-07 | Popularity: 14557.
  7. Report on the assessment of the market value of registered ordinary shares of OJSC

    Objective and appointment of evaluation: Determination of the market value of registered ordinary shares (100% of the authorized capital) of JSC (type of activity - production of printing products) in order to introduce into share capital.
    The property complex of the enterprise does not reflect the real ability of the enterprise to generate income, but reflects the current state of the enterprise, expressed through the state of its assets and obligations. In this case, the need to determine the liquidation value at the time of the estimate should not be due to the lack of factors of urgent elimination or business implementation. For the purposes of this assessment, the most optimal, according to our appraiser, is the method of the adjusted book value of net assets of the enterprise.
    As a result of the study of information provided on enterprises in this industry in various sources, and including in the national quotation system (www.nqs.ru) as of 01.10.2004, information applicable to the purposes of this assessment, the price of stock data of enterprises on Outstanding market is absent. Therefore, the methods of analog enterprises are the method of capital market, the method of transactions cannot be used.
    In order to assess the market value of ordinary shares of OJSC KKK, this report uses:
    1. Method of discounting cash flows;
    2. The method of corrected balance sheet net assets.
    Artist: LLC "Art Expert". Kazan, 2004.
    2015-02-23 | Popularity: 11763.

  8. Report on the definition of the market value of the "Room Communication Room"

    The objective of this assessment is to identify the characteristics of the pricing of the object of the assessment in relation to the characteristics of the corresponding segment of the market, the legal title, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the assessment object, as well as the specifics of law enforcement practices for the execution of the proposed transaction. This will unambiguously identify the object of evaluation in the system of real and mandatory rights, give a proper rationale for the specified value. The analysis of the documentation will allow to identify the main components of the risks associated with the assessment, and calculate the amount of their coverage. As a result, the proper economic and legal substantiation of the final assessment of the object should be carried out for the specified destination.
    The result of the assessment is intended to be used in order to alienate property on the basis of the contract of sale, restrictions are determined by the appraiser on their own.
    Room compartment room. Area 108.1 sq.m. Floor first. Address: Kirov region, Oktyabrsky pr-t. The owner of the object of the assessment is the municipal formation "City of Kirov".
    The purpose of the assessment: Determining the market value of the rights to the Evaluation Object
    The purpose of the information of all the approaches used is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and thereby developing a single valuation. The advantages of each approach in the assessment of the object under consideration are determined by the following criteria:
    Type, quality and extensity of information based on the analysis.
    The ability to take into account the specific features of the object affecting its cost, such as use, potential yield.
    SPORT: FSUE "ROSTEKHINVENTARIZATION - Federal BTI", Kirov branch, 2010
    2015-02-23 | Popularity: 8620.

  9. Report on the determination of the market value of the real estate object "Posted by a cafe"
    Report on the identification of the market value of the object of 33.2 square meters. m. at the address Kirov region, Kirov, ul. Moscow, d. 181
    The purpose of the assessment is to determine the market value of the property. The result of the assessment is the total value of the value of the assessment object. The result of the assessment can be used to alienate municipal property. The results of the work on the assessment of the described object are planned to be used to alienate municipal property.
    The objective of this work is to identify the characteristics of the pricing object of the assessment in relation to the characteristics of the corresponding segment of the market, the legal title, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the assessment object, as well as the specifics of law enforcement practices for the executive transaction. This will unambiguously identify the object of evaluation in the system of real and mandatory rights, give a proper rationale for the specified value. The analysis of the documentation will allow to identify the main components of the risks associated with the assessment, and calculate the amount of their coverage. As a result, the proper economic and legal substantiation of the final assessment of the object should be carried out for the specified destination.
    Artist LLC "Analyt" Kirov, 2010
    2014-11-08 | Popularity: 11628.
  10. Report on the identification of the market value of the real estate object "Store Room"
    Report on the determination of the market value of an area of \u200b\u200broom of 14.2 square meters. m. sq. m. at the address Kirov region, Kirov, ul. Nekrasov, d. 1
    The purpose of the assessment is to determine the market value of the property. The result of the assessment is the total value of the value of the assessment object. The result of the assessment can be used to alienate municipal property.
    This report was drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation" of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ; Federal standards for evaluating, the consolidation of the evaluation standards of the Russian Society of Appraisers (SSO ROO 2010).
    The objective of this work is to identify the characteristics of the pricing object of the assessment in relation to the characteristics of the corresponding segment of the market, the legal title, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the assessment object, as well as the specifics of law enforcement practices for the executive transaction. This will unambiguously identify the object of evaluation in the system of real and mandatory rights, give a proper rationale for the specified value. The analysis of the documentation will allow to identify the main components of the risks associated with the assessment, and calculate the amount of their coverage.
    In general, the value recommended for the transaction is a market value. This term implies legitimate use, which, in turn, imposes responsibility on the typical seller the responsibility for the performance of the objectivity of the object. In this case, the seller is not interested in warranty service and service is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, in the calculations of value parameters, it is necessary to take into account the lack of warranty obligations on health and implement the implementation on the condition "as is".
    Want to post a report on our website? Write to us about it.

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