
How to get a loan or mortgage on the apartment. Mortgage or consumer loan: more profitable when buying an apartment. Mortgage or credit - what to choose

Housing loan has become one of the ways to solve a housing issue. Lately I thought the mortgage is the only possible option Loan on housing. I have a mortgage itself, and I cry regularly annuity payments. However, I recently met a man who did not take a mortgage when buying a housing, and took consumer credit For the maximum amount in Raffaisenbank. In this jar of my employer salary projectand loan turned out reduced rate 15 percent. In principle, this is not a big bet, taking into account the fact that I have a rate of 12.75 now (it was 14.75 before obtaining property rights.

However, the question is different - what is more profitable and easier? Take a mortgage or arrange and get a cash loan, which can be spent on buying housing.
There are as estimated moments - it is necessary to calculate the overpaid on the loan and additional costs when buying housing, which do not depend on whether you take a mortgage or loan in cash.

Main optional costs when buying housing

Such costs include the costs of realtor, registration of documents in the registration chamber - payment of state duty. These costs will be in any case. The price in different regions will be different if it will be done for you another person - these are additional costs. You will also need to assign a sales contract, it is possible to draw up - the costs of notary and a lawyer. Check by legal purity The purchase object also leads to additional costs.
Preparation for the deal may take extra time due to the seller's fault - you may need to pay for utility payments. Always when buying an apartment you need an initial fee. For mortgages, he is important - a percentage rate depends on it very often. Now the minimum contribution is 10 percent and higher.

The main differences of mortgages from the consumer loan.

The main difference between the mortgage - the rate. It is less than the mortgage than the consumer loan. But the mortgage has a number of additional expenses that can make a loan cash more profitable from a financial point of view.
The first is a mortgage insurance. You must insure the purchased property from loss as a result of an accident (gas explosion, flood). Moreover, insurance is made in favor of the bank - when an accident occurs, the Bank receives money. You also insure your life and health in case you cannot pay a mortgage due to illness. In addition, the loss of ownership is insured. Without insurance, you may not give a mortgage at all or give at the rate above 2-5 percent, which is very unprofitable for you. The second important point is the obligation to lay an apartment to the bank.

The bank requires a mortgage on the apartment is required condition By loan at housing. When registering your property right, you have evidence with the burden. The apartment is actually owned by the bank until the mortgage is full. In the event of a non-payment, the bank will take the apartment, sell it and pay from the urgent means of your debt. The residue will return to you. Thanks to the annuity of interest accrual, you first pay big percentAs a result, the residue is very small.

When loan in cash, insurance is an optional condition. But get such a loan on great amount very hard. But the plus of such a loan is the lack of collateral. The apartment immediately belongs to you. The only risk is the risk of non-payment - in the event of this case, it will lead in the worst case to communicate with collectors. But the bank will not pick up the bank. However, the risk of losing the title due to black realtors and sellers. To do this, you need to carefully approach the selection of purchase. Pluses of mortgages are that the bank checks the apartment for cleanliness. In the case of new buildings, this question can be removed.
In addition, the apartment under the mortgage is harder to sell.

Mortgage buns.

Mortgages have some additional benefits.
The first is quite a long time. You can take money for 5 -30 years, choosing a convenient for you annuity payment. In addition, a differentiated loan repayment scheme is possible, which is generally more profitable annuity.
See also:
In the case of loan in cash, it is up to 5 years, which makes monthly payment Higher and unbearable many.

However, the question arises early repayment - It will be more profitable for a small loan period.

The second important mortgage bun is the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction. It can be obtained once in life and only in the amount of 13 percent of the loan amount.
Maximum 13% of 3 million or 390 thousand plus 13 percent of the amount paid. Plus 13 percent of the amount of costs for finishing materials in the case of buying an apartment in a new building
This is a fairly significant argument. But it is necessary to assemble the necessary set of documents for receiving a deduction from the tax. The deduction can be obtained directly in the tax and from your employer in the presence of a white salary.

What to choose?

As can be seen, each option of obtaining money on housing has a lot of advantages and disadvantages.
For example, we want to take a loan of 507500 p. For a period of 5 years.
Here is an example of a real bank loan Eastern Express

As can be seen, from the schedule every month, the user besides the next payment pays insurance - 2030 rubles
Calculate how much insurance payments

2030 * 60 = 121800

We will take the final overpayment from the bank - 233316.66
The mortgage loan can be taken at a rate of not 18 percent, but 13%. (For example in Deltacredit)
To compare both loans to make a sign. Possible commissions in the plate will not take into account, we take into account only what we pay the bank and the insurance.

If you see, you can see the following diagram

What is more profitable - mortgage or credit? The scope of banking services is intensively developing, offering all new and new financial products that we actively use daily. This is I. credit cards, and debit, different mortgage sentencesAs well as online services. Perhaps the greatest popularity of our fellow citizens, puzzled by the apartment issue, received loans for the purchase of real estate of various kinds. However, you need to figure out what is better - mortgage or credit?

What is a mortgage?

From the point of view of any economist, the mortgage is credit Product with security in the form real Estate borrower. Most customers draw up a mortgage, send data to the purchase of residential real estate. It may be an apartment, a land plot or cottage. The borrower cannot take advantage of these money, at its discretion. What is the difference in the mortgage from the loan?

The mortgage property will serve for a bank organization with the guarantor of the fulfillment of obligations by the borrower. In the event that the loan obligations are not executed, the Bank has the right to sell protection property. Despite the fact that the mortgage, in fact, is the same loan, many customers of banks continue to consider it a special type of banking services, and under loans they understand the loans of the non-target orientation issued as consumer. Mortgage is two species: commercial and housing.

So the mortgage and consumer loan differ significantly.

What amounts can count the client

The amount of mortgage loans depends on what program will the bank offer you. For example, a mortgage loan with state support in the regions of our country is issued in the amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles, and for residents of the capital and St. Petersburg to 8,000,000 rubles. If there is a social program in your social program, the local administration can establish the magnitude of the mortgage loan. According to other proposals of banks, the amount of the amount issued varies in the range from 300,000 to 25,000,000 rubles. According to credit proposals, the amount usually does not exceed 8,000,000 rubles. Banks, as a rule, require to provide a deposit under sums exceeding 500,000 rubles. Housing loan They give off the departure of the apartment, which is already in the property, the amount of the amount at the same time equals 70% of the price of the laid real estate. The loan period in this case is no more than 10 years, and the interest rate is slightly higher.

What is better - mortgage or credit, is not yet clear.

What is the difference between mortgages from a loan?

To begin, it is necessary to understand that the mortgage is some amount of funds that the Bank has issued under the established percentage to buy real estate. Spend money for something else can not. In addition, when making mortgage money, the borrower does not receive, they are listed at once to the seller. Issuance mortgage loans It is carried out by bank institutions in accordance with FZ No. 102. A loan is a loan of misuse, which is also issued under the percentage established by the bank. In this case, you can spend the means as the client wants.

What percentage of mortgage, learn below.

Main difference

Determining the difference of mortgages from credit loan In that for mortgage programs Mandatory provision of mortgage property. Get a mortgage loan without deposit can not be in any bank. In this case, you can not only be the property that already exists, but also that the client is going to buy at the expense of borrowed funds. Upon receipt of a regular loan under standard conditions for ensuring the collateral is not required. The next difference is in sums that are issued under the mortgage and as credit funds. Mortgage amounts can tenh times higher than the size of standard loans for misuse. The third difference of mortgages and consumer loan in terms.


The standard duration of the usual consumer loan almost never exceeds five years, while the mortgage can be taken for a period that sometimes reaches 30 years. A significant difference is also the amount of interest rates for the use of borrowed funds. Since the risks of the bank in the event of mortgage lending are minimized, there is a significant reduction in rates here.


And the last difference of mortgage and loan conditions is a goal for which the client turns into a bank for funds. The mortgage is taken to acquire housing, and the loan can be used for various purposes (from buying a refrigerator before purchasing land plot). It is clear that credit funds can also be used to buy residential real estate, and this is more profitable: a loan or mortgage, it is necessary to solve in each particular case individually. Credit institutions of our country offer a variety of mortgage lending options.

Benefits of mortgages

The advantage of mortgage loans can be considered the possibility of selecting favorable loan conditions. There is always the opportunity to choose financial product With a reduced interest rate or a small initial contribution. When contacting the bank for an inappropriate loan, such an opportunity is unlikely to provide you. The mortgage can be taken secured by the acquired real estate, in general this is a convenient option: there is no need to search for collateral property as security. But at the same time, it is not necessary to forget that, buying a living space in a mortgage, you will not become its full-fledged owner until you pay the entire amount of debt, until now real estate is the property of the bank.

What is the difference in the mortgage from the loan, not everyone is known.

Bank consent for sale

In this situation, it is very difficult to sell property, since the consent of the Bank is necessary for this operation. The loan is issued to the customer in cash, if you have your own real estate, it will not allow the initial fee. Such a scheme is convenient if there are no funds for making an initial contribution. In case of issuing a consumer loan in cash and without collateral support, the Bank may set a condition for the presence of one or more guarantors. If the loan is issued on the guarantee of the existing real estate, then more than one person cannot be registered in the apartment, and it cannot be the property of more than two citizens.

Lending terms

The long term of payments on the mortgage allows you to break the payment into small parts, and its introduction does not hit family budget. The main condition here is the age of the client. The borrower should not be under the age of 21 and over 65 years old on the date when the last payment will be made. When making a loan, the age almost does not play any role, since the usual consumer loan is issued, as a rule, for five years. In the case when you take a housing long-term loan (if your own living space is laid), then the bank is likely to approve the loan for ten years.

An initial fee

Mortgage lending implies the introduction of a minimum initial contribution that makes up 15% of the cost of purchased real estate. It should be understood that the mortgage loan is never granted to general conditions without the initial contribution. Means are very often used here maternal capital.

People often ask if you can take a mortgage if there is a loan. The answer is yes, it is possible, but only if the income allows.

Interest rate

When analyzing the terms of credit and mortgage programs, it is impossible not to note that they are very different in the magnitude of interest rates. Housing loans issued under different interest, depending on the bank and your solvency. What percentage of mortgage is interesting to many.

The decline in interest rate is possible in the presence of such factors: admission wages At the map of this bank, a positive credit history, sometimes the impact is provided by the place of work, for example, state employees often provide benefits in credit institutions. The interest rate can also be reduced in the presence of a special program, making a minimum contribution, with personal and title insurance.

According to programs for young families, the interest rate is usually 12.5% \u200b\u200bannually. Benefits are also put on both servicemen, they can count on the same 12.5%. All other categories of borrowers, with other things being equal, most likely, will be able to issue a loan for a percentage rate constituting from 13% to 18%. IN long-term credit The rate is higher and can be from 20% to 35% in different banking institutions. However, when decorated with a deposit, the rate may decrease to 13%. When issuing mortgages or housing loans, the Bank conducts an assessment of collateral real estate.

What is more profitable - mortgage or credit? Consider more.

Client risks

Of course, the presence of debt obligations to the bank always represents a certain risk. When mortgage risks can be as follows: the bank may request property if you have not paid a debt on time, it can also sell it in order to cover its losses. The borrower in this case remains without housing, without money and spoiled credit history. With standard lending, there are also risks too: with mortgage loans there is also a risk of loss of living spaces by the same scheme. The bank simply confiscates a mortgage property in the formation of debts from the borrower. With the non-payment of consumer loan, the Bank has the right to apply to the court to claim the debt.

What to take - a mortgage or credit, the borrower must solve himself.

Advantages of credit

  1. It is quite simple to arrange. Bank requirements are not so tough.
  2. It is drawn up in the shortest possible time.
  3. The package of documents is not too big. Sometimes enough passports.
  4. For customers who have contributions, the Bank offers special discount proposals for interest rates.
  5. A short time at the treaty - usually three years, a maximum of five years. In this regard, the overpayment amount will be ten times lower than the mortgage loan.



Thus, the mortgage differs from the loan by the fact that it is given under a lower percentage, the amount will be significantly larger and the credit period will also be longer than with a standard loan. But the resulting mortgage is impossible without securing collateral.

We looked at what is better - mortgage or credit.

Mortgage as a variety of loan

Many people do not know that there were times when the apartment was received for free, now it is almost impossible to the civilian person who has no relation to power and some budget organizations.

Therefore, the citizens arise a question of improvement housing conditions To yourself, children or grandchildren. Buy an apartment, without resorting to, can afford not all, then reflections begin, as it is better to solve the issue with the lowest costs, which is more profitable to take.

Mortgage is a type of loan, the Bank allocates money for some time on the acquisition of real estate with a limitation by order by this property by the owner, is issued without collateral. Banks try to ensure the refund of debugged money with interest, the security deposit is the best guarantee, so mortgage loan The percentage is lower than other loans.

Features of the mortgage

The positive sides of the mortgage design are as follows:

  1. The loan rate is lower than other types of borrowing.
  2. The duration of the contract reduces the amount of the monthly payment.
  3. Mandatory insurance of the borrower and real estate will allow in the event of unforeseen circumstances to pay off the loan due to insurance.
  4. The debtor gets the opportunity to reduce the taxable base for the amount of payments.
  5. For the initial contribution or reduction of the principal debt, the maternity capital can be used.
  6. When making a mortgage insurance company and the Bank, the legal purity of the apartment will be confirmed, the inability to challenge the purchase by third parties.
  7. The opportunity to act coaches family members, which makes it possible to increase the loan amount.
  8. The possibility of entering the program with preferential conditions.

In addition to the advantages of the design of the contract, there are cons:

  1. Conclusion mortgage contract It will require a lot of time to collect and check the bank package by the bank.
  2. The cost of insurance of the client and the acquired property will be required to assess real estate.
  3. If the client is needed small sumThe bank may not be interested in issuing a loan.
  4. To dispose of the purchased apartment, to give, sell, exchange it is possible at the end of the contract.
  5. Not every apartment will suit the Bank as a loan, real estate is needed from accredited developers.
  6. The initial contribution is required, from 10 percent of the loan.
  7. If the loan wants to take people aged or co-coaches, it will be older people, it can lead to a decrease in the terms of the contract and, accordingly, an increase in monthly payments.
  8. After performing the terms of the contract, the borrower will need to remove restrictions on the disposal of the apartment, it will require some time.

What is a consumer loan

Consumer loan is provided by the Bank by the Borrower for money for a certain period, is usually short-term, it is possible to use it for any purpose, depending on the amount does not require property in pledge.

The advantages of making a consumer loan:

The application is considered quickly, a small package of documents.

  1. Mandatory insurance is not required.
  2. Pledge is required with a significant amount of the loan.
  3. The type of housing purchased does not need to be coordinated with the bank.

Even with good income, if there are children, mortgage looks preferable in case of change of circumstances. Reducing the interest rate, the possibility of issuing a contract for up to 30 years, make it possible to pay for the purchase of an apartment without much damage to the budget.

Decide on the choice of a loan type needed after a serious thinking of all the possibilities and the consequences of this step. What is better, mortgage or credit, in every specific circumstances the choice may be different, depending on what purpose the apartment is bought. If there are accumulations and need a small amount and rapid design, the ability to dispose of the apartment immediately after the purchase, it is better to consider getting a misuse.

If there are no savings, removable and rental is comparable with loan payments, then it is necessary to look at the possibility of making a mortgage, it is better to pay your property to pay anyone else than to pay the owner of someone else's housing.

The profitability of this or that type of lending depends on the specific circumstances and capabilities of a separate person.

What to choose a mortgage, or consumer loan when buying a housing, see next video:

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With the development of the banking sector, the borrowed funds have become the usual attribute modern life. Over the past few years, certain prerequisites for stability have emerged: real estate has fallen in price, and interest rates credit organizations Steel below. That is, in front of potential customers financial institutions new prospects opened to solve their housing problems via borrowed money. A dilemma arises in front of them: consumer credit or mortgage - what is better to choose to purchase real estate? Each type of loan has its advantages and negative aspects that you need to know to prevent irreparable errors.

Distinctive features of mortgages

As a rule, both types of lending are used in the case when the purchase of real estate lacks the full amount. Assessing that it is more profitable: everyone will be a mortgage or a loan for an apartment itself, knowing both borrowed features and "pitfalls" of both loans and their financial potential. A distinctive feature of the mortgage is the fact that the real estate purchased before the end of the debt repayment will be pledged at the lender. Thanks to this condition, the risks of the bank are reduced, and it can reduce the interest rate. In addition, real estate can not ingress, extend, hide from collectors, so it is the best collateral of all existing ones.

Among the borrowers there is always some percentage of customers who does not return a loan, and the bank compensates for the risks and the percentage of non-return by increasing interest rate. The non-tarcher's non-tarcher is much more at risk, therefore it has higher rates.

Negative Mortgage Loan Sides

Considering S. of different sideIt is more profitable - mortgage or consumer loan, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Long processing of mortgage. Preparation of a large documentation package is required, which the bank carefully checks and may refuse to issue the required amount.
  2. Registration of real estate insurance - a prerequisite. In addition, the borrower for both loans draws up insurance of life and health.
  3. As a rule, credit institutions have their own minimal limitAnd the loan less than 500 thousand rubles get more difficult.
  4. As the apartment is in pledge, then to full repayment You can not make any transactions.
  5. Payment for the assessment of real estate value is mandatory. Depending on the duration of the mortgage period of such estimates, there may be several.
  6. The Bank establishes certain restrictions on acquired apartments, often imposing objects from a particular developer.
  7. When recruiting disabled people or minor children, the Bank may refuse a loan, since in case of delay in payments, the implementation of such an object is greatly complicated.

See also: Documents for removing burdens from the apartment

In some cases, these negative factors are determining to refuse such a type of loan.

Positive traits

Mortgage lending has undoubted advantages. But they cannot be viewed separately from other factors. The following points are prioritized:

  1. Low interest rate.
  2. Long repayment period that allows you to reduce monthly payments. In this case, the degree of encumbrance decreases.
  3. Paid insurance at the occurrence insurance case Can guarantee repayment of mortgages and protect other family members.
  4. There is a right to tax deduction.
  5. The possibility of using maternal capital, military mortgageThat ultimately reduces the credit load or can be applied as an initial contribution.

Important! Before confirming the mortgage apartment, the apartment will be tested for legal "purity" by the Bank's specialists and an insurance company. This significantly reduces the risks to invest in a suspicious object.

In this case, the lender is a guarantor of real estate transactions. Reduce the cost of the loan is called upon state programs. In this case, favorable conditions for mortgage from accredited developers are provided, but the choice is minimal. In practice, the borrower will pay several times less at the duration of the loan for such a housing.

The feasibility of consumer credit

Consumer credit is beneficial only if there is not enough for the purchase of real estate, about 10-15% or the advent of the missing amount is expected. Because of the short term, the overpayment will not be ultra-high. The optimal mortgage option is not enough to 30-40% of the cost of the apartment. In this case, it can be issued with a minimum of documents and insurance of the mortgage for 4-5 years at very favorable rates.

Attention! For mortgage lending Both spouses carry solidarity, so they are equal owners of property. With a consumer loan it is possible to use moneyaccumulated before marriage, one spouse. In this case, he will be the only owner.

Despite high interest rates from 18 to 30%, the borrower is completely free to choose an apartment or cottage. In addition, it manages the object of real estate at its discretion. Lending period does not exceed 7 years, although many banks restrict up to 5 years. Cares loan is issued according to the passport and payroll certificate, as well as when providing a copy labor book. It can be decorated for one person.

The situation when the family lacks its own funds to acquire their own housing, it arises quite often. In such cases, people make a decision on the loan of money in financial organization. However, to buy real estate, at the moment you can use either mortgage or consumer loan.

Everyone who decided to attract borrowed capital, wonders that more advantageous mortgage Or a loan for an apartment. To make it easier to answer this difficult question, to begin with, it is necessary to deal with the peculiarities of each of the types of lending.

What is a mortgage?

To figure out that it is more profitable for a mortgage or a loan for the purchase of an apartment, you should first distinguish these concepts. The mortgage means a cash loan, which is issued by a financial organization. The purpose of the loan is the purchase of housing. The feature of the mortgage is that, according to the contract, the housing becomes mortgaged property, that is, it will be able to belong to his owner only after the entire loan is paid. Up to this point, housing will be owned by the Bank.

This fact is largely affected by the fact that better mortgage Or a loan, because if a person needs to become the owner immediately after purchase, for example, for the sale of an object, this type of loan is not suitable.

What is a consumer loan for the purchase of housing?

Under the consumer loan also means issued by the Bank money amountHowever, in this version, for a financial organization, it does not matter what goals will be spent money. Also, the borrower immediately becomes the owner of the purchased apartment, accordingly, to do with it, it can any operations.

To get a loan for buying real estate, as a rule, the borrower must be found guarantors. Another condition is the provision of collateral, which in terms of cost will be equivalent to the loan amount. Such a deposit does not have to be housing that a person acquires. As a mortgage property, the yachts, expensive cars, securities etc. The main thing is that the cost corresponds to the loan amount.

What requires a bank?

The choice is more profitable - mortgage or credit, also affects the list of requirements of the bank, which are presented to the borrower. After all, the number of paper required for paperwork and the term of their consideration is different.

When a person makes a consumer loan for the purchase of an apartment, then the bank is only interested in the personality of the borrower. In other words, it is of particular interest to documents that confirm the "white" income, as well as the presence of a solvent guarantor.

If to buy housing: apartments or at home, mortgage loan is drawn up, the bank checks and the property itself. This procedure affects the increase in the period of consideration of lending, but also gives the guarantee of the borrower in the fact that the transaction will not be able to be challenged by the supporters of the organization in the future. If a banking organization I will suspect any problems with the "cleanliness" of the object, then in the mortgage will be denied.

Term of consideration credit application The purchase of living space will also be varied. If a person has all the hands are collected required documents, then the decision on the requirement. The loan is issued during the day. While the mortgage solution takes about 5-7 days.

What is the interest rate?

Everyone wishes to buy an apartment and at the same time not to overpay huge interest on loan. Therefore, before taking a mortgage loan or credit, you should familiarize yourself with the interest rate.

Mortgage lending is developing and every year becomes more accessible. To date, the rate of this kind Loan varies from 10.5 to 15% per annum. However, consumer programs are also not lagging behind, and the rate on them varies in the range of 20-21%. The numbers are different and, it seems, the conclusion suggests itself by itself, but still, to solve a loan or mortgage, it is necessary to fully calculate.

One number of annual bet is little to make the correct output. The amount of overpayment is important here. Mortgage is a long-term loan, and accordingly, the overpayment here reaches 150-200%. Mortgage loan for the purchase of housing is usually issued for only 6-8 years, and therefore overpayment here is significantly less than 50%.

In addition, the mortgage is insured and additional spending in the form of insurance, which is a mandatory requirement of the Bank. Insurance can life and health of the borrower, his property or ownership.

Compare mortgage and cons. credit

To make a choice and decide, take a mortgage or loan for the purchase of an apartment, we give a table comparing the main criteria for these types of lending.

Table 1

Criterion Mortgage Cons. credit
Interest rate,% From 10, 5 to 15 From 20 to 21
Overpayment,% 150-200% No more than 50%
Loan period, years

(varies depending on the financial organization)

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state