
Are there loans for students. Educational loan: what it is, the terms of granting, pros and cons. Consumer loan without certificates of child learning from Ubrir

The Government experiment, which began in April 2010 and aimed at supporting educational lending, demonstrated positive results and changed its experimental importance to the current, which was reflected in the government decree of November 18, 2013.

Since 2014, the educational loan has become available to almost every applicant, because the interest rate on it has become preferential. However, in January 2017, the authorities stopped maintaining young Lomonosov. The state program for the support of educational lending was optimized, Sberbank, which, after the license revocation, Rosinterbank, remained the only credit organization issuing such a loan, temporarily refused the loan.

Educational credit

Educational credit - This is a credit program that is aimed at paying the educational services received in organizations that exercise educational activities.

There are loans with state support and other target credit programs for payment for education.

However, the whole essence of the educational loan is reduced to state support, which is the provision of banks involved in the program that they have lost themselves as a result of issuing loans to applicants on preferential conditions (under low percentage - 7.5% from Sberbank). Consequently, applicants receive a "cheap" credit in the State Program Bank, and the state will subsequently pay off with this bank.

The state pays partner banks not only percentage costs, but also compensates funds for non-refundable educational loans. In Russia, the largest domestic banks - Sberbank and Rosinterbank participated in such a program.

Rules for granting a loan

From 2014 to 2017, it was possible to obtain an educational loan not only for the first higher education, but also on the second. At the same time, the educational loan was granted not only for learning in higher educational institutions, but also in other institutions dealing with educational activities.

In addition, the loan was available for needs that accompany the educational process, for example, on costs associated with paying or nutrition. To pay educational services, each semester bank transferred funds to the borrower's account (student), after which they went to the account educational institution. To pay for a concomitant loan (accommodation or nutrition), the funds came to the borrower's account for independent control.

In addition, the Government Resolution concerning state support for the issuance of educational loans was also regulated by the issue of providing a loan. So, banks were not entitled to demand from the borrower providing a deposit in the form of movable or real Estate (credit provision).

At the same time repay complete value The borrower loan was obliged for 10 years after graduation. The term of study should not exceed 5 years. If the borrower took an academic leave, then he was supposed to be a postponement of the loan for the period of leave.

Upon completion of studies, the borrower was provided for two years of the grace period, when interest accrual was occurring at a reduced interest rate. Starting from the third year, interest accrual resumed in full, taking into account those percentage that were provided in grace periodAnd payments were made equal to parts ().

By providing an educational loan, banks have not been entitled to charge additional payments that could lead to an increase in interest rates, for example, a commission for supporting an account. The bank should not have hampered the borrower if the latter expands the desire to redeem the loan ahead of schedule.

How to get an educational loan in 2017

Previously, it was possible to obtain an educational loan with state support. It was necessary to provide the following documents to the bank:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • if there is a certificate of temporary registration of the borrower, actually living not at the place permanent residence (registration);
  • agreement on the provision of paid educational services, concluded with an organization engaged in educational activities;
  • payment document organizations carrying out educational activities in order to pay for educational services obtained;
  • questionnaire application.

At the same time, the recipient of the loan could be a student / asbitorient of the university, which is a citizen of Russia aged from 14 to 18 years, or an adult citizen of the country, studying on the program of higher professional education.

What now?

From January 2017, it is possible to issue a loan for education only without state support. Such loans are currently offered two banks: Post Bank and Zapsibcombank.

Postal Bank provides from 50 thousand to 2 million rubles for a period of up to 12.5 years at a rate of 14.9% per annum (taking into account insurance) to 27.9% per annum. At the same time, the entire period of training the borrower pays only interest on the loan (the amount of the monthly payment is gradually growing). For the fourth month after graduation, the borrower pays the remaining interest and the "body" of the loan.

In order to get such a loan, it is necessary to provide a credit institution to the credit institution a confirmation of the solvency of the borrower and the co-cooration - a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL for the last three months.

In turn, Zapsibcombank provides up to 80% of the cost of training, based on the income of the borrower and the co-serviceer for up to five years at a rate of up to 18.4% per annum. The debt repayment is equal to monthly payments (interest plus the "body" of debt). Loan is provided with equal annual tranches.

Credit may be issued under the guarantee of an individual, the deposit of property (including transport) or bank deposit. The type of guarantee affects the interest rate. In addition, the borrower and the co-machine must also confirm their solvency (2-NDFL certificate) and employment (copy labor book).

Important! Sberbank continues to provide "preferential" educational loans under contracts concluded until December 31, 2016. At the same time, as noted in the press service of the organization, the period of renewing the reception of new applications is directly dependent on the operationalization of the Ministry of Amendments to legislative acts. According to preliminary data, Sberbank plans to resume the provision of loans to the beginning of the new academic year.

In connection with the suspension of the state support programobviously, a loan for education due to large interest rates of banks has become actually three times more for yesterday's schoolchildren. At the same time, it became much more difficult to get such a loan due to increased requirements. credit organizations.

An annual decrease in the number of budget places and the reduction of universities leads to an increase in the cost of training, which today exceeds the possibilities of most students. To pay training, graduates of schools and applicants can make a loan for education in one of the banks of Russia. Apply for receipt credit funds Pupils of paid departments of colleges, universities or courses, including abroad, study in person, in absentia or remotely. At the same time, the chosen educational institution should be included in the list of approved banks.

How to take a loan for training for students

To make payment for the entire period of study or for several semesters, you can take a loan to study under the state subsidization program or take advantage of the usual consumer loan. Employed citizens S. good level income can claim enough large sums and low rates - from 7.9% per annum.

The target loan for training is issued for up to 10 years. The grace period is provided for several years or the entire period of training. The student can start repaying the loan after graduation. The deferment of the payment of the principal debt can be obtained at the time of academic leave and the time of finding a job after graduation.

The maximum term of the educational loan with state support is 15 years. The interest rate on the loan can reach 32%. Part of the payments is reimbursed by the bank at the expense of the state. In addition to learning funds, you can get money for payment for food, accommodation and other needs.

Conditions and requirements

To make a loan to students on education in Russia or abroad can customers that meet the requirements of the Bank can:

  • age from 18 years (in the presence of a written permission of legitimate representatives - from 14 years);
  • russian citizenship;
  • the presence of a stable, officially confirmed income of a sufficient level.

The list of documents required for registration includes:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • contract with a university or other educational institution;
  • receipt for payment for services.
Additionally, the Bank can request a certificate of income, a copy of the employment record, TIN or SNILS.

Credit for education with state support in 2019

Educational loan with state support in 2019 provides the following banks:

Conditions of loans on education in the Russian Federation


Bank mail

500,000-2000000 rubles

russian passport, 2 documents

without confirmation of income, guarantee and pledge, experience from 3 months

Credit Europe Bank

passport of the Russian Federation

without confirmation of income, guarantee and pledge


passport of the Russian Federation, 6 documents

with confirmation of income and pledge, without surety, experience from 6 months

In some banks to approve a loan to study, it is necessary to further issue insurance. Banks, ready to lend students, a bit due to the high level of risk of non-return.

How to get a loan for education?

Calculate the preliminary conditions and the main parameters of the loan for education, familiarize yourself with the proposals of Russian banks and submit an online application on credit on our website.

  1. Select the amount and credit period. If necessary, specify additional conditions.
  2. Browse the list of presented offers and select Optimal by clicking on the "Apply" button.
  3. Fill in the required questionnaires, specify reliable contact details.
  4. According to the results of the inspection, the representative of the bank will contact you and tell about further actions.

Widget repayment methods

The target loan for education is not issued in cash. Funds are listed at the expense of an educational institution. You can make mandatory payments in various ways.

Specialized loans on education are only in two Russian banks. "RBC money" was understood under what conditions it is possible to get a preferential loan rate and what alternatives exist among students

Student while passing the exam (photo: TASS)

Muscovite Anna Zulunova in 2012 did not have enough points on the exam in order to enroll in the budget place of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration at the Higher School of Economics (HSE). In 2012, the crisis was waited only by Pessimists, and the parents of Anna, who had their own business, agreed to pay her education. But two years later, money was missing for the payment of training.

In the academic part, the student was told about educational loans on preferential terms, on the advice of employees of HSE Anna appealed to Sberbank. Two months later, most of which went to the collection of documents, Zulunova received a loan of 640 thousand rubles. With a delay at the time of training. She is pleased with the terms of the loan. "Now I pay only interest, 7.06% per annum is about 800 rubles. per month. After graduating from the university, it will be necessary to pay about 8 thousand rubles for 10 years. per month".

Zulunova became one of the few Russian female students who received a classic student loan. main feature Loans for students - a low rate and delay in the payment of debt body during training. This type of lending is very common in developed countriesBut still poorly developed in Russia. According to the Ministry of Education, 60% of Russian students - 5.5 million people - is studying for money. At the same time, targeted education loans are issued about 300 per year.

The main reason for such a deplorable state of affairs, says director of the program "Master of Finance" Rash Alexei Golov, is that 90% of students receive the first higher no more for the sake of real knowledge, but to have a "crust." And if education is not appreciated, why take a loan for it. "If we look at the results of sociological surveys of students, then a very large proportion of them is not going to work in the specialty. Such education is hardly worth it to seriously invest in it and even more so to bring in debt for him, "explains the burning.

In addition, banks are reluctant to lend students: this is not the most reliable category of borrowers, and low rates, the absence of collaterals and postponement of payments for all the time of study make such programs.

Subsidies from the government

As commercial banks It is unprofitable to lend students, part of the loan rates subsidizes the state. Russian government Begin to look for ways to stimulate banks for issuing student loans in 2007. For seven years, officials conducted experiments on subsidizing student loans and as a result in 2013 approved a special state program.

Under its terms, credit can be taught in any university. With the help of a loan, it is allowed to pay not only higher education in state universities (including graduate school), but also training in PTU, colleges and any private educational institutions. Young people from 14 years old may apply for a loan. There is no requirements for academic performance.

Loan term is a period of study, increased for 10 years. It is necessary to repay the principal duty to start only three months after graduation. No guarantors are required. Government Decree The preferential loan rate is defined as ¼ refinancing rates (8.25% per annum), increased by 5 percentage points. Thus, the bid rate for the borrower is 7.06% per annum (like Zulunova). The state reimburses the bank ¾ Retinance Rates to the Bank: In 2013, the budget spent 17 million rubles for these purposes. However, there can be a loan on such preferential conditions.

Simple difficulties

To make it happen, too many coincidences. The Ministry of Education must conclude agreements with the university and the bank. And those in turn must conclude agreements among themselves. Only after that the bank can get subsidy. So far, the Ministry of Education and Science managed to conclude contracts for subsidizing educational loans only with two credit institutions - Sberbank and Rosinterbank. Of the 10 largest retailers in which RBC addressed, only Rosbank is thinking about joining the state program. But at first, the Bank obsesses its effectiveness, clarifies the director of the development of segments and client marketing Rosbank Natalia Khmelevskaya.

At the same time, not all Russian universities managed to conclude contracts with two banks participating in the program. Of the 10 leading (according to Expert RA)) of Russian universities, there are only three agreements with banks, MGIMO and St. Petersburg state University. MSTU them. AD Bauman is in the process of paperwork. However, even the applicants of these universities there are no special choice. For example, MGIMO works only with one bank - Sberbank.

As a result, from the beginning of the action new program Until the end of March 2015, only 300 loans were issued. Why don't banks want to participate in the state program?

The main reason is not profitable terms. The subsidy scheme proposed by the government does not reflect market realities, the head of the Bank Anton Pavlov is said to be the head of the Bank Anton Pavlov. The subsidy is tied to the refinancing rate, which in our country there is little means, the main landmark for Russian banks is the key bet, he says. "Now it is 14%, you can rate the difference." If the state subsidized at exactly this bet, then the Student rate would be 8.5% per annum.

So that student loans be beneficial to banks, the rate on them should be at least 20%, says Pavlov. "In the current economic situation, most students simply cannot afford to repay such a loan," says Banker. For example, if we take 1 million rubles in the bank. At this rate, during the training of payments on interest will amount to 15 thousand rubles. Then for 10 years, a graduate will have to pay about 25 thousand rubles. monthly.

Alternative loans

What to do students who still want to get a loan for training? Often education is paid with the help of ordinary consumer creditswho, as a rule, receive the parents of the student, tells the president collector agency "Sequoia Credit Consolidashn" Elena Dokuchaeva. "According to our assessment, no more than 5% of consumer loans are taken to pay for education. And all the loans for education occupy no more than 2% of the total loan portfolio individuals"," Dokuchaeva says.

For example, the usual consumer loan, which is true, advertised as an educational, offers Citibank. "Credit for education" is issued for up to five years under 21% per annum.

In Rosinterbank, in addition to the loan with state subsidies, which is called "Carental", there is its own program "Affordable Education". Loans under this program are issued not only in rubles, but also in currency, since the Bank considers statements to pay for training abroad. Russian universities should have a license for the right to conduct educational activities. Overseas educational organizations Must participate in Russian ratings recognized in Russia. Interest rate ranges from 13% to 25% per annum in rubles and from 8.9% to 20.9% in currency. It depends on the term of the loan and the number of paid semesters.

Bank "Education" provides loans only for training in state universities. The borrower must have a permanent place of work, so if the student itself does not work, the loan can give it to parents. The interest rate is 25%, the deferment of the bank does not provide. Funds are listed immediately at the expense of an educational institution.

"Credit Europe Bank" issues loans to study in Russian universities, language schools and advanced training courses. Credit worth from 10 to 400 thousand rubles. You can only get for one year or one semester of training. The rate depends on the university: for some educational institutions it is 22%, for others - up to 60%. For a loan, a certificate of official employment is needed, the borrower's age is from 21 years, because of such conditions, the student's parents are most often obtained.

In addition, students can get a 1% per annum discount in the Center-Invest Bank. Procedure Such: You take the usual consumer loan, provide a certificate of paid learningAnd you reduce the bet.

Personal experience: how to take an educational loan in Russia and the USA

Maxim Faldin, Wikimar founder

Country - USA
Credit rate - 5%
Sum - $150 000
Payment - $900

In 2007, I went to Stanford for a two-year MBA program. After I successfully passed the exams, I was sent a questionnaire. One of the questions concerned the method of payment for learning. I noted the item "Credit". After that, I was sent a contract with the terms of financing my loan.

All design passed through the Financial Department of the University, I'm not even sure that I remember correctly, what bank I betrayed a loan. Once a month at the university, I was simply issued to me a check, which I paid for in any separation of Wells Fargo - the company was a settlement bank on a loan.

The loan amount was $ 150,000, of which $ 110,000 went to pay for the training itself, and the remaining $ 40,000 is the so-called Living Cost. It was possible to buy any things necessary for education, even a laptop.

Credit Conditions Wonderful: Term - 25 years at a rate of 5% per annum. It was necessary to pay only 6 months after graduation. Before that time, neither the main debt, nor the percentages were not necessary. I still pay a little more than $ 900 per month through your online account in Wells Fargo. The payment for me is small, and the devaluation of the ruble does not bother me at all. If I were offered to take once again on such conditions, I would gladly do it.

Sonya Savelyev, Project Manager of the Arrow Institute (Photo: Artem Holochapov for RBC)

Country- Russia
Credit rate - 10%
Sum - $45 000
Payment - $1121

In 2006, I arrived from St. Petersburg to the Moscow State University to Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Regional Studies and could not enter free places. When I took the documents from the study part, the managers of the "Credo" program from the bank "Soyuz" were waiting for me, their office was located in the first humanitarian MSU corps. I was offered to take a loan for the payment of training - $ 45,000 at a rate of 10% with a postponement for five years.

After graduation, it was necessary to pay a little more than $ 1,000 for five years. No special demands, except for guarantee from parents, has not been presented. Loans in rubles Bank did not offer. At that moment I knew anything about loans - no one ever took them in my family.

After the devaluation of the ruble, payments began to eat up to 80% of my income. The Bank refuses to transfer a loan to rubles. Sometimes parents have to help me. I have stayed on a loan for two years. If I can not do this, the only thing that can offer the bank is to prolong the loan until 2021. The payment has to decrease about $ 500.

Now I have a bad regret that I took a loan in dollars. But, by and large, I did not have a choice. My parents could not pay for education, and the only bank, where at that moment it was possible to get an educational loan with a deferment was "Union".

To guarantee yourself a highly paid position, to provide children with a worthy future, a person needs to receive a higher education. Without a checker of the university in modern realities it is very difficult to find good work. If you failed to undergo a competitive selection for free training, there is always the opportunity to get an education on a paid department. If money There is not enough training, you can get a loan for education, including with state subsidy. Banks offer targeted loans at reduced rates not only to study in high school, but also on a variety of courses, retraining, internship abroad, etc.

What is a loan for education? How much is the university diploma in Russia and abroad?

Credit on education - This is target banking loanwhich is issued to pay for training in any institution, be it college, technical school, university, etc. A distinctive feature of such a loan is the low rate, the possibility of postponement of payments for several months or years, the preferential period of return of debt. In most cases, banks do not require confirmation of the solvency of the client, since the loan is issued not only to adult citizens of the Russian Federation, but also graduates who have just completed school. It is clear that I can not be about any work here and speech.

According to the latest research, the most "cheap" education is offered European universities, in particular, institutions of Germany and France, although the cost of food and accommodation in these countries will be higher than the training fee. The degree of undergraduate in France is an average of 30-50 thousand rubles. in year. In Germany, prices are slightly higher, the applicant will have to lay out about 40-150 thousand rubles for 2 semesters of training.
The comparable cost of studying in the Russian Federation offers only regional universities. For example, 2 semesters in PGU (Perm) will cost a student at 60-70 thousand rubles. Within 50 thousand rubles. For the year you can find specialties in Tyula.

Famous metropolitan universities (MSU, MGIMO, etc.) offer applicants to get an education for 500-1300 thousand rubles. in year. In such establishments as RGU, MSTU them. Bauman can be obtained specialty for 200-500 thousand per year.
The most expensive education in the UK and the United States. On average, learning will cost an approach of 1-1.5 million rubles per year, but the diplomas of prestigious universities provide a direct road to a highly paid position in a large company.

Education on credit with state subsidy

Not so long ago, the state began to actively promote educational loans with support. Today, you can get a loan with subsidization in Sberbank and Rosinterbank. The interest rate on such a loan is ¼ from the refinancing rate of the Central Bank, enlarged by 5 percentage points. In terms of turning out 7.06% per annum.

The loan amount can be 100% of the training value, it means that the initial contribution is not required. Commissions, providing or insurance for an educational loan in Sberbank. The loan period is calculated individually and consists of the period of learning, increased for 10 years, allocated to repay the principal debt.
Also, the borrower is provided with a grace period in which only part of the accrued interest can be paid. It constitutes a whole period of training + 3 months. Nevertheless, interest will have to pay from the 1st year.

During the first year after registration, the borrower pays monthly paymentwhich consists of a part of the percent of 60%. During the second year, the monthly payment is 40%. Since the third year, the client pays 100% of accrued interest as a monthly payment.

In case of delay and debt education, loan fines from Sberbank will be severe: the accrual of a penalty in the amount of 20% per annum per sum of debt.

It is also worth noting that the credit with state support will be issued to the applicant until its exams on the exams are at least "good." If the student will close semesters with the estimates of "3-4", lending to learning collapse.

How to get a loan for education? Requirements for borrowers

The absolute majority of banks that offer targeted education loans provide them from 14 years. It is clear that the reference of the salary such a borrower cannot be physically, therefore required package Documents will have to gather close relatives or parents who will perform in the role of coaches. In addition to the references about the salary and scakopy of the employment record, the guarantors should have a good credit history.

If the loan amount is large, then the Bank may require a collateral (car, apartment, land plot and other liquid property owned). For example, according to an educational loan with state support in Sberbank, it is not necessary to provide documents confirming the income of the guarantors, the deposit is also not required.

Before making a loan, the potential borrower must pass the entrance exams in the selected university, to provide the Bank an agreement on the provision of paid educational services with a specific educational institution. You also need to pick up a payment document from the university, indicating the amount of training, details for the transfer of funds, etc.

Among other things, the borrower should have russian citizenship and registration in the city's presence of the bank. It will also be necessary to provide a school certificate, a passport, a birth certificate, as well as permission from guardianship / guardianship bodies and parents to receive a loan, if the borrower has no 18 years. Permission should be certified by a notary.

It is worth noting that the borrowers under guardianship will not be able to receive an educational loan until an adult age.

Conditions on a loan for education

The exact conditions depend on credit Program Selected bank. Most credit institutions provide targeted loan to obtain higher education under the following conditions:

  • Interest rate varies from 10% to 20% per annum
  • Availability initial contribution in the amount of 10-40% of the cost of training
  • Launch times range from 2-3 to 10 years
  • Some banks undertake a borrower to arrange life and health insurance. If there is a deposit, it is also necessary to insure

Education on credit: Sberbank VS Postalbank

Let's consider the basic conditions on the loan for education in several banks and find out where the loan getting will be more profitable.

Bank / Parameters Sberbank "Credit for Education" Schobank "Knowledge - Power"
Sum With no restrictions From 50 thousand to 2 million rubles
Time Up to 10 years after graduation Up to 150 months
Interest 7.06% per annum 29.9% per year without insurance, 19.9% \u200b\u200bper annum with insurance
Requirements for borrowers Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 14 years with registration in the city of the Bank's presence. Availability Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 14 years with registration in the city of the Bank's presence. The presence of coaches.
Documentation Treaty with a university, passport, birth certificate, certificate of guardianship bodies, from parents Treaty with a university, decorated for one of the coaches, Help 2ndfl for 6 months, passports
Additional conditions During training, the borrower must pay accrued interest on the loan at the rate: for the first year - 60%, for the second year - 40%, for the third and subsequent 100% During training, the borrower must pay accrued interest on the loan. There is a small delay in payments of the principal debt. Insurance is possible (+ 0.39% per month)

Definitely, the most favorable conditions are waiting for applicant loan on education from Sberbank of Russia. Minimum bid, Simplified package of documents, a long loan period, the lack of commissions and pledge speak for themselves.

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