
Educational loan for students What banks give. Is it possible to take a loan to study in Sberbank? Who can act as a borrower

The Russian government has been supporting young people who have been committed to obtaining higher education for 10 years.

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However, in wide circles, the program is not yet quite popular. Why? Or from ignorance about the existence of state support, or simply from fear to bring in borrowing? After all, it is no secret that many Russians from the word "loan" immediately appear negative associations.

But it is proposed by the government that the program can issue many who do not have a sufficient amount of money for training. Especially since it has pretty attractive conditions for receipt. So what is state support? Let's deal with.

What it is

The main advantage of the loan to state support consists in a low interest rate, which is beneficial from the conditions of other consumer loans. At the same time, to obtain an educational loan, a potential borrower does not need to confirm its income, and what can they be at 18?

In addition, such a loan can be taken not only for the entire period of study, but also for a certain period. For example, a student has already studied at the university the first course for free, but for some reason did not pass the session. Therefore, I have to translate to the contract form. Here and help this species loan.

You can repay a loan on time up to 10 years since the end of the training. The interest rate is not more than 8% per annum from the amount of education.

And this is another bonus, since the young man already has a job, experience, therefore, he has a salary, which allows him to pay a domesticately.

Now there are two types of programs for lending to obtain education:

  • which can be issued in most Russian banks under 12% or more;
  • the educational loan with state support, which is significantly different from the usual loan for education.

According to, a student or an applicant can take a loan for the entire period of study, counting on a discount, equal to ¾ refinancing rates of the Central Bank of Russia.

Moreover, for its design, the bank will not require typical of other types of documents, registration of collateral, insurance or confirming the income of documents, guarantors.

Preferential educational loan

The loan on preferential terms is provided only for certain specialties, the list of which is shown below in the number 1 file.

Registration is possible not only for applicants or students who first receive higher education in full-time education, but also for the receiving second education, or secondary special on any form of training.

Requirements for the preparation of a preferential educational loan:

  1. It is necessary to fill out the bank's questionnaire on the set form ().
  2. If the loan draws up a student, then it should provide, since in the presence of academic debt, the loans will not give.
  3. Confirmation of temporary registration if the loan is issued in the area of \u200b\u200bthe university's location.
  4. A copy of the contract contract for education in a particular university.
  5. Copy labor book (if there).
  6. Passport.

The application is considered by the bank not more than 7 days. And if all the documents are in order, you get the necessary money for learning. It is worth noting that the educational loan with state subsidy is listed by cashless payment On the personal account of the university, which will be specified in your application.

This is the target view of the loan, and it is spent it can be purely on these goals. In addition, the peculiarity of this loan is that the money to the account of the school comes in parts (tranches), usually every academic semester.

After the end of each stage of learning, the student must provide a certificate of performance to the bank. Good student academic performance is the key to the fact that its financing will continue.

The advantages of the preferential species of the educational loan are:

  • no need to confirm income
  • it is not necessary to ensure the risk of a bank pledge;
  • prolonged term of debt repayment.

Who gives an educational loan with state support and a list of universities

To date, only 2 banks in Russia are engaged in such programs - this is Sberbank and Rosinterbank. Young people who at the time of the design of the loan are not adults, it is necessary to resolve the bodies of guardianship and guardianship and writing decorated statement of legal representatives.

The acquisition of an educational loan to persons who have not reached the age of majority, which establishes a guardianship (on the basis of 24.04.2008 No. 48-ФЗ).

The conditions for the provision of educational loan banks are practically no different. The difference is only the interest rate. In Sberbank, it is more profitable to take a little bit. But the requirements for student's performance are a little tougher.

(Click to enlarge)

In order to receive from the state subsidizing your loan, it is necessary to confirm good knowledge after each session. A certificate of performance needs to be provided to the bank to obtain the next tranche to the university account or other educational institution.

Table. Comparison of the conditions for obtaining an educational loan with state support.

* - Currently, the refinancing rate of the Central Bank is equal to the key bet of the Bank of Russia, which this moment equal to 11% (indication of the key rate of the Bank of Russia dated December 11, 2015 No. 3894-y).

The list of higher educational institutions that concluded the appropriate agreement with PJSC Sberbank can be viewed in the file number 2.

Documents for registration

  1. Contract and its copy confirming consent educational institution On the provision of training services to a specific person.
  2. Document confirming the identity of the applicant for the educational loan (passport).
  3. Certificate or certificate of temporary or permanent registration in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Department of the Bank, in which the loan is taken.
  4. For military-cancer men, a military ticket is required.
  5. By the sample provided by the Body Bank.
  6. Document on payment for the provision of educational services issued by an educational institution.

In addition to these documents, a borrower who has not achieved benefits must collect the following documents to provide them with a bank:

  • certificate of birth of the applicant for a loan;
  • passports and written decorated consent of legal representatives;
  • document of guardianship authorities for permission to make a transaction.

Order of receipt

You can get any young man who has Russian citizenship, which is either an applicant, or a student of a second special or higher educational institution.

Such a loan is granted to pay for training in those. educational institutionsthat:

  • have a license to carry out their activities;
  • enclosed a special agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and PJSC Sberbank.

The loan is provided for students, students on any form of learning - full-time, correspondence or remote. The loan can be issued on the entire size of the contract amount for training, ¾ part of which is compensated or subsidized by the state.

With early payment of loans, no commissions are provided by the Bank. In addition, the deposit and guarantors for receiving money for training are not needed. Popular in all banks for this type of lending is not provided.

Throughout study, the student pays only interest for the use of loan, and, starting from 3 months after graduation, it begins to pay the body itself.

The maximum payment period is 10 years.

If a student studying on a contractual form, perfectly defended his knowledge at the next session and, as a result, translated into budget form Training, then, under the terms of the contract, the action of the educational loan is terminated from this moment. The employee will have to refund debt only during a fee on a paid basis.

And also compensate interest for use banking services. The banking contract may be extended if the student decides to continue learning, for example, on a magistracy or receive the second higher education.

For poor performance, the student can be expelled from the educational institution, in this case he loses a preferential deferment of the payment of the main part of the debt.

Under the conditions of obtaining an educational loan, it is now necessary to repay all the debt that has accumulated during his learning to compensive interest. The loan must be repayed for the next 10 years. Bank contract Provided and penalties for improper performance of debt payment obligations.

So, if the timing of the return of money on the schedule developed by the bank is disturbed, the debtor is obliged to pay 0.05% of the balance of the amount for each calendar day of delay.

To guarantee yourself a highly paid position, to provide children with a worthy future, a person needs to receive a higher education. Without a checker of the university in modern realities it is very difficult to find good work. If you failed to undergo a competitive selection for free training, there is always the opportunity to get an education on a paid department. If the cash for training is not enough, you can get a loan for education, including with state subsidy. Banks offer targeted loans at reduced rates not only to study in high school, but also on a variety of courses, retraining, internship abroad, etc.

What is a loan for education? How much is the university diploma in Russia and abroad?

Credit on education - This is target banking loanwhich is issued to pay for training in any institution, be it college, technical school, university, etc. A distinctive feature of such a loan is the low rate, the possibility of postponement of payments for several months or years, grace period Return of debt. In most cases, banks do not require confirmation of the solvency of the client, since the loan is issued not only to adult citizens of the Russian Federation, but also graduates who have just completed school. It is clear that I can not be about any work here and speech.

According to the latest research, the most "cheap" education is offered European universities, in particular, institutions of Germany and France, although the cost of food and accommodation in these countries will be higher than the training fee. The degree of undergraduate in France is an average of 30-50 thousand rubles. in year. In Germany, prices are slightly higher, the applicant will have to lay out about 40-150 thousand rubles for 2 semesters of training.
The comparable cost of studying in the Russian Federation offers only regional universities. For example, 2 semesters in PGU (Perm) will cost a student at 60-70 thousand rubles. Within 50 thousand rubles. For the year you can find specialties in Tyula.

Famous metropolitan universities (MSU, MGIMO, etc.) offer applicants to get an education for 500-1300 thousand rubles. in year. In such establishments as RGU, MSTU them. Bauman can be obtained specialty for 200-500 thousand per year.
The most expensive education in the UK and the United States. On average, learning will cost an approach of 1-1.5 million rubles per year, but the diplomas of prestigious universities provide a direct road to a highly paid position in a large company.

Education on credit with state subsidy

Not so long ago, the state began to actively promote educational credits with the support. Today, you can get a loan with subsidization in Sberbank and Rosinterbank. The interest rate on such a loan is ¼ from the refinancing rate of the Central Bank, enlarged by 5 percentage points. In terms of turning out 7.06% per annum.

The loan amount can be 100% of the training value, it means that an initial fee not required. Commissions, providing or insurance for an educational loan in Sberbank. The loan period is calculated individually and consists of the period of learning, increased for 10 years, allocated to repay the principal debt.
Also, the borrower is provided with a grace period in which only part of the accrued interest can be paid. It constitutes a whole period of training + 3 months. Nevertheless, interest will have to pay from the 1st year.

During the first year after registration, the borrower pays monthly paymentwhich consists of a part of the percent of 60%. During the second year, the monthly payment is 40%. Since the third year, the client pays 100% of accrued interest as a monthly payment.

In case of delay and debt education, loan fines from Sberbank will be severe: the accrual of a penalty in the amount of 20% per annum per sum of debt.

It is also worth noting that the credit with state support will be issued to the applicant until its exams on the exams are at least "good." If the student will close semesters with the estimates of "3-4", lending to learning collapse.

How to get a loan for education? Requirements for borrowers

The absolute majority of banks that offer targeted education loans provide them from 14 years. It is clear that a certificate of salary such a borrower cannot be physically physically, so the necessary package of documents will have to collect close relatives or parents who will perform in the role of co-coaches. In addition to the references about the salary and scakopy of the employment record, the guarantors should have a good credit history.

If the loan amount is large, then the Bank may require a collateral (car, apartment, land plot and other liquid property owned). For example, according to an educational loan with state support in Sberbank, it is not necessary to provide documents confirming the income of the guarantors, the deposit is also not required.

Before making a loan, the potential borrower must pass the entrance exams in the selected university, to provide the Bank an agreement on the provision of paid educational services with a specific educational institution. You also need to pick up from the university payment document indicating the amount of learning, details for the transfer of funds, etc.

Among other things, the borrower should have Russian citizenship and the city's presence in the city. It will also be necessary to provide a school certificate, a passport, a birth certificate, as well as permission from guardianship / guardianship bodies and parents to receive a loan, if the borrower has no 18 years. Permission should be certified by a notary.

It is worth noting that the borrowers under guardianship will not be able to receive an educational loan until an adult age.

Conditions on a loan for education

The exact conditions depend on the credit program of the chosen bank. Most credit institutions provide targeted loan to obtain higher education under the following conditions:

  • Interest rate varies from 10% to 20% per annum
  • The presence of an initial contribution of 10-40% of the training cost
  • Launch times range from 2-3 to 10 years
  • Some banks undertake a borrower to arrange life and health insurance. If there is a deposit, it is also necessary to insure

Education on credit: Sberbank VS Postalbank

Let's consider the basic conditions on the loan for education in several banks and find out where the loan getting will be more profitable.

Bank / Parameters Sberbank "Credit for Education" Schobank "Knowledge - Power"
Sum With no restrictions From 50 thousand to 2 million rubles
Time Up to 10 years after graduation Up to 150 months
Interest 7.06% per annum 29.9% per year without insurance, 19.9% \u200b\u200bper annum with insurance
Requirements for borrowers Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 14 years with registration in the city of the Bank's presence. Availability Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 14 years with registration in the city of the Bank's presence. The presence of coaches.
Documentation Treaty with a university, passport, birth certificate, certificate of guardianship bodies, from parents Treaty with a university, decorated for one of the coaches, Help 2ndfl for 6 months, passports
Additional conditions During training, the borrower must pay accrued interest on the loan at the rate: for the first year - 60%, for the second year - 40%, for the third and subsequent 100% During training, the borrower must pay accrued interest on the loan. There is a small delay in payments of the principal debt. Insurance is possible (+ 0.39% per month)

Definitely, the very profitable terms waiting for applicant in loan on education from Sberbank of Russia. The minimum rate, simplified package of documents, a long loan period, the lack of commissions and pledge speak themselves.


Modern manRegardless of the selected area of \u200b\u200bactivity, it rarely can do without a diploma of the university. Educational loan is an optimal solution for borrowers or their children who are planning to undergo training programs that offer several banks in the country. The product has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and is available to most. russian citizens. However, prior to the start of the transaction, it is necessary to study the conditions for the provision of loans and repayment of debt.

What is an educational loan

This type of lending is provided by individual financial institutions. You can get a loan. Citizens receiving average, higher professional education or taking special training courses. Student loan for training is provided within the framework of the target program. Some banks issue loans with state support, which provides significant customer savings. The educational loan is provided both for the entire period of learning and for a certain period of time.

Credit for training in the university can be in two types of programs:

  1. Consumer loan with a percentage rate from 12% per annum.
  2. A loan with state support providing a reduced interest rate and special conditions.

To study at the university of the Russian Federation

Receive cash All citizens older than 14 years old can study in Russia. There are target programs for specific banks and a preferential loan with state subsidy provided by individual institutions. It is worth noting that the applicant must be enrolled in the university so that the Issuer approves the application and provide full set documents. Credit on targeted programs is issued under standard conditions with the provision and insurance. The preferential loan with Gosussidia does not require confirmation of income, pledge and other things.

Loan on learning abroad

For the past few years, education abroad is becoming increasingly popular and affordable for Russians. The diploma of the foreign university opens up great opportunities before the graduate. However, the budget place in the educational institution of another country is almost impossible, especially Russian. Some Russian financial organizations are ready to provide a loan to pay for training in a foreign university, not only in rubles, but also in another currency.

Today, this type of loan is issued in the following banks:

  • Intea;
  • Sitibank;
  • Russian standard;
  • Rosinterbank.

Where to get a loan for students for students

To receive the target loan for payment of training Russians can in several financial institutions. The most profitable option is a loan for study in Sberbank, but it is more difficult to get it than a loan from another bank due to higher requirements of the institution. Loans as part of the target program are provided strictly to pay for training in the amount of the invoice issued by the educational institution. Detailed conditions depend on the issuer.

With state support

Only students who entered certain specialties can get money on preferential conditions. In addition, the educational institution should work with this program. The borrower may be an applicant who has achieved adulthood or a teenager over 14 years old if there is an appropriate permission from parents and guardianship. It is not provided with a loan to the trustees of minors. You can issue preferential credit For training in Sberbank or Rosinterbank, but at the moment the program is temporarily suspended.

Among the advantages of an educational loan with state support is to highlight the following:

  • the opportunity to get money without confirming income;
  • lack of requirements for ensuring;
  • prolongation of the debt payment time if necessary.

Bank loan

In addition to the preferential program, Russians can take advantage of special products of domestic banks. This option of lending is available to different categories of citizens. Conditions depend on a specific financial institution:

  1. The Soyuz Bank provides loans in rubles or US dollars the amount up to 100% of the training value.
  2. Rosselkhozbank - offers educational loans to 350 thousand rubles with the possibility of extending the debt repayment period of up to 5 years.
  3. Suck a femy agent East - issues loans in rubles, dollars or euros, the amount of 45-750 thousand rubles.
  4. Bank "URALSIB" - issues loans to 1 million rubles for guarantee of 1-2 individuals.
  5. Natsprombank - issues educational loans under the guarantee of the lawful representatives of the child or a deposit, the amount up to 90% of the training value.
  6. Baltic Bank - Ready to provide Russians over 18 years of 20-200 thousand rubles for paying training.
  7. VTB 24 - gives educational loans with a maximum amount from 250 thousand to 3 million 600 thousand rubles. A loan is provided under surety or without collateral.
  8. Post Bank - provides for an educational loan with a long maturity of the amount no longer than 2 million rubles.

Specify the options for getting a loan in the table:

Financial organization

Interest rate

The term of repayment of debt


14% per annum

17-19% per annum

Baltic Bank

Suck a female East

10% per annum


18-20% per annum


Up to 12.5 years

Terms of provision

The parameters of the loan agreement depends on the chosen bank. The maximum loan amount in all cases is limited to the cost of learning and is calculated after the invoice is submitted from the university. It is worth noting that many banks are ready to provide no more than 90% of the course of payment. The loan period is established individually, as a rule, provides for the deferment of payment of the principal debt.

Requirements for the borrower

To make an educational loan, the applicant must meet the requirements of the issuer. The criteria may differ, but the main parameters of the potential borrower are as follows:

  • applicant or student of the Russian university;
  • the minimum age is 14-18 years old, but not older than 55-60;
  • registration in the circulation region;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed for registration

An important condition for applicants planning to take an educational loan is the availability of a complete packet of papers. Absence required reference It may cause the bank to decide not to give a loan to the applicant. To obtain an educational loan, you need:

  1. Agreement on the provision of services between a potential borrower and educational institution and confirmation that the applicant entered.
  2. Passport, SNILS, Inn applicant.
  3. Documents confirming the availability of permanent or temporary registration from a potential borrower.
  4. Military-related men must submit paper from the military registration and enlistment office.
  5. Filled application application application form.
  6. Document from the accounting department of the applicant's university with an account for the payment of educational services.

In addition, applicants not reached majority provide additional documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport guarantors (parents, legal representatives);
  • written consent of the parents;
  • resolution from guardianship.

Features of educational credit

The banking Product He has a number of differences and features. First of all, the loan is issued without a certificate of income, except when the applicant receives a second education. Paying the debt borrowers can start only after passing the educational course and access to work or starting the third year of use borrowed money. Prior to this, the client contributes contributions in the amount of accrued interest. You can get a loan only to pay for learning in certain universities that are partners of banks.

Interest rate

The main plus of educational loans is in a small overpayment. According to special programs financial institutions There are relatively low percentages. However, the largest savings are available to those who make up an educational loan with states. According to the preferential program, overpayment depends on the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia.

In addition, the percentage is affected by what bank will choose the client:

  1. The overpayment of the Sberbank program is calculated by the formula ¼ of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank + 3%.
  2. In Rosinterbank, the overpayment of the educational loan is ¼ of the refinancing rates of the Central Bank + 5%.

Amount and maturity

The size of the loan in educational programs is established in accordance with the Rules of the Bank. The amount cannot exceed 100% of the training value, because financial organization Translates money directly to the university account. Some provide a loan with a mandatory initial contribution from 10% in charge of learning. The maturity date depends on the chosen bank and is 3-16 years. The preferential program with the subsidy from the state provides for a deferment and the total time of the loan agreement up to 10 years after the end of training.

Providing credit

Preferential training loans do not provide for the provision of certificates of income and ensure. If the educational loan is issued without state support, then the Issuer may require property pledge or guarantee of individuals. The provision is established individually, taking into account the loan amount, the parameters of the borrower and other terms of the transaction.

Credit for students - the order of registration

Receiving funds for paying training is different from traditional lending. The transaction is drawn up under the following chronology:

  1. Passing entrance tests, admission to University / College / Technical School.
  2. Selection of a bank from the list of university parquets with the most convenient conditions for the client.
  3. Collecting a complete package of documents for submitting an application (the list can be found on the website of the Issuer Bank).
  4. Applying an application through the Financial Institution Department.
  5. Studying the terms of the loan agreement (with a positive decision) and the signing of papers.
  6. Obtaining a university for cash for training a borrower.

How to repay a loan to study at the university

The preferential lending program allows repayment of the interest rate of the debt during the borrower's training, plus 90 days after the end of the university. The main amount is paid 10 years after receiving the borrower of the profession and the device to work. There are programs that do not provide for postponement. In all cases pay off complete value Training or part in advance the borrower has the right without additional fines and penalties.

Pros and disadvantages of educational loans

Special educational credit programs Have a large number of advantages. Among the advantages of this type of loans are worth highlighting the following:

  • low interest rates;
  • lack of commissions;
  • delated debt payment;
  • state subsidies.

However, the cons of the product is also available. Among them should be noted the following:

  • large list necessary documents;
  • limited range of universities of partners;
  • nonresident students prevents from the lack of registration in the conversion region;
  • defrett debt payments significantly increases overpayment.


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Receiving decent education is the first investment in the future of young people. Unfortunately, pay training own means It turns out not every family. is one of the priorities of the banking sector.

In which banks are special programs, lending features, the conditions for obtaining a loan, how to pay for training in foreign educational institutions. Actual proposals of banks in 2018.

Getting money to pay for training is the type of target consumer loan. Its main features are:

  1. Ability to make a deal on a student. The borrower under the contract may act as studying from 14 years (with parent guarantors) or parents of the child themselves.
  2. Getting a grace period when only interest is paid for the use of loans. The loan is paid after a definite time.
  3. The transaction is targeted. Money is listed directly to the account of the educational institution. One-time issuance or opening is allowed credit line.

Loans are provided without additional payments (no insurance, commissions, etc.). As collateral, guarantee can be issued, the guarantee of vehicles, etc. There are credit organizations providing loans without collateral.

How to get a loan for education?

The design of the transaction is made in several stages:

  1. Choosing a lender. First you should select credit organizations that implement such programs. The list of banks can be found with the help of specialized sites on the Internet.
  2. On the website of the credit institution to explore the list of required documents. Prepare them to provide to the bank.
  3. Documents are submitted at the place of registration of the client or at the location of the educational institution.
  4. Terms of consideration of the application from 3 to 5 days. At this time, the Bank has the right to request additional references, attracting guarantees (if necessary), etc.
  5. With a positive decision, a day is appointed for making a deal and transfer money.

The loan amount can be aimed at paying one semester, or, when opening a credit line, a loan will be issued to tranches to pay the entire period of semester training.

Minimum requirements for borrowers

Banks establish the following requirements for borrowers:

  • The presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation, permanent registration;
  • Age of 18-20 years, it is allowed to design for a borrower aged in 14 years in the presence of the written consent of the parents and the permission of the custody bodies.
  • The presence of a minimum work experience of 3 months;
  • Obtaining regular sufficient income for debt service;
  • Availability of mobile, home / working phones.

If the borrower or the coincider has a negative credit history, open overdue debt, will be denied in the issuance of a loan.

List of documents for obtaining educational loan

IN different banks Various additional documents are required, but the main list is standard:

  • Passport;
  • Agreement on the provision of paid educational services;
  • If the borrower lives not at the place of registration, a certificate is provided about the actual residence place;
  • Receipt for payment for training.

As an additional, the requirements for confirmation of income references 2 NDFLs (in the form of a bank), an extract from the employment record, information about receipts on the personal account in the Pension Fund.

Cookers and / or guarantors must confirm their income and employment, provide a passport and 2 document. If the transaction is issued on a minor, the consent of the guardianship bodies and legal representatives of the child is provided.

Conditions on a loan for education

Standard conditions:

  • the loan amount is determined on the basis of the cost of learning and the solvency of the borrower, in some banks the maximum value of 1500-2000 thousand rubles is determined;
  • the currency of granting depends on the currency of the invoice, most often the loan is issued in rubles;
  • loan period from 120 to 150 months;
  • interest rate 14.0-30% per annum.

The state subsidization of interest rates since 2018 will be carried out according to the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 197 of February 26, 2018:

The document is determined by the requirements for banks, as to recipients of subsidies, to borrowers, the conditions for transferring funds.

Conditions for educational lending under the program:

  • in addition to the loan for the payment of training, it is allowed to issue a concomitant loan for pay for accommodation, food, domestic needs. Its size is defined as 7 regional subsistence minimum values;
  • the loan period is calculated as follows: the grace period (training + 3 months) + 120 months;
  • the Bank has the right to increase the interest rate not at 5, (as it was before), and at 7 p. plus to ¾ refinancing rates, i.e. the interest rate today may amount to 9.5%;
  • ensure is not required;
  • the borrower for the period of training is given a delay in the payment of the principal debt, part of interest for the first 2 years of study;
  • the prolongation of the contract is allowed 1 time.

It is planned that the program will be launched in the fall of 2018, at the moment the state subsidy program is suspended.

Main difficulties in obtaining a loan for education abroad

The most prestigious and qualitative is the education obtained in foreign educational institutions. Specialists with diplomas of foreign educational institutions opens the road to best companies on managerial positions with good income and brilliant prospects.

The cost of education abroad is an order of magnitude higher than in Russian universities. Find a bank, ready to finance the transaction is difficult, tightened requirements and to the borrower can be presented, and to lending conditions.

Difficulties in making a loan for education in Europe:

  • To form a package of documents, banks are requested by an agreement with an educational institution for rendering paid services, i.e. the client will need to visit the university, arrange a contract, translate it, refer to notaries, etc. This will bring additional costs of funds and time, and the result of the application may be negative.
  • The minimum age of the borrower is 22-34 years, so it is almost impossible to issue a school graduate.
  • The borrower must have a high level of solvency in order to be able to issue a large amount of credit.
  • For such transactions, prolongation is not allowed, the service "Deposlement of payment" is impossible.
  • Often the initial contribution to its own means is required, in the amount of 10-15% of the cost of training, in addition, funds are needed for living abroad.
  • The borrower should be prepared for additional costs associated with the conversion of currency, if the loan is provided in rubles, and pay for learning is required in dollars or euros.
  • If the loan is issued in the currency of payment, then it will be other interest rates, the borrower will be depending on the course of foreign currency.

To reduce risks on the transaction, banks can request the execution of a pledge or guarantee.

A long term of lending to learning abroad puts a borrower dependent on a credit institution. Debt is subject to pay even when force majeure circumstances occur.

Comparison of banks giving a loan for education

Programs are offered not by all credit organizations. This is caused by the high risks of the transaction, as well as the fact that the decree on interest rate subsidy has not yet entered into force.

1 Sberbank

Until 2017, the "Educational Credit with State Support" program worked in the bank.

To date, the work of the program is suspended, before the entry into force of the Resolution No. 197 of February 26, 2018.

According to the program, up to 100% of the training cost was paid, the interest rate was 7.5% per annum, the loan period was determined as the time of training + 10 years, a grace period of use of borrowed funds was provided.

For registration of the loan, a deposit or guarantee was required, it was possible to issue a deal from 14 years without taking into account solvency.

2 banks bank

The company offers credit Product "Knowledge is power":

Terms of registration:

  • You can get a loan for training in those universities whose list is available on the Bank's website. In the absence of an educational institution in the list, you should leave an application for its introduction;
  • Maximum amount of provision of 2 million p.;
  • The term up to 150 months, only interest is paid during training, the principal duty begins to quench after graduation;
  • Interest rate 14.9-27.9% per annum;
  • For consideration of the application you need to provide: passport, SNLIS, income certificate;
  • Credit is granted to citizens of the Russian Federation from 18 years, which have permanent registration, the minimum experience of 3 months, a permanent job;
  • The borrower should not be open overdue;
  • If the loan makes not a student himself, he must act as a co-service team under the contract.

The application is seen within 3 days.

3 Alpha Bank

The credit institution implements the program "Credit for Training":

Terms of granting:

  • The maximum loan amount ranges from 1.5 to 3 million rubles. The maximum amount can count the owners of salary cards;
  • Loan term up to 7 years;
  • Rate from 11.99%, regardless of the availability / absence of insurance;
  • Pledge and / or guarantee are not required;
  • The borrower must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, to have a permanent registration in the region of finding the Bank's office, to be over 21 years old, have a permanent net income of at least 10 thousand rubles. per month, experience from 6 months;
  • To consider the application, it is necessary to collect a package of documents: passport, SNILS (INN, RIGHT), TCP for a car (for real estate available, polis voluntary insurance, a copy of the workbook), Help 2 NDFL.

4 Zapsibcombank

The credit institution has more than 80 departments and representative offices in many regions of the Russian Federation, including Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, etc. The Bank offers a program "Credit for Education":

Conditions for issuing:

  • The borrower gets the opportunity to pay for their studies in Russia universities up to 80% of the cost of borrowed funds, 20% contributes independently;
  • Maximum period of 5 years;
  • Rate from 12.9 to 18.9% per annum, depending on the status of the borrower, loan amounts, connecting to the Financial Protection Program;
  • Provided in the form of opening a credit line, interest are charged only on factual debt;
  • Provision may be a deposit of real estate, vehicles, deposit, guarantee individual. At good solvency, the option of designing a transaction without ensuring;
  • Application can be submitted by citizens of the Russian Federation living in the region, which is served by the Bank, with minimal experience of 6 months, having a constant sufficient income.

The loan application can be issued online, the term of consideration is up to 4 days.

Summary table for banks

For comparison, the main topical conditions of banks on the presentation of educational loans are collected in the table:

The existing programs have mainly a little time and high interest rates.


For getting profitable loan For education, it is better to wait for the entry into force of the decision on the interest rate subsidy, or to issue an ordinary consumer creditTo be able to take advantage of the preferential lending program.

The Government experiment, which began in April 2010 and aimed at supporting educational lending, demonstrated positive results and changed its experimental importance to the current, which was reflected in the government decree of November 18, 2013.

Since 2014, the educational loan has become available to almost every applicant, because the interest rate on it has become preferential. However, in January 2017, the authorities stopped maintaining young Lomonosov. The state program for the support of educational lending was optimized, Sberbank, which, after the license revocation, Rosinterbank, remained the only credit organization issuing such a loan, temporarily refused the loan.

Educational credit

Educational credit - This is a credit program that is aimed at paying educational services received in organizations that carry out educational activities.

There are loans with state support and other target credit programs for payment for education.

However, the whole essence of the educational loan is reduced to state supportwhich is the provision of banks involved in the program that they have lost themselves as a result of issuing loans to applicants on preferential conditions (under low percentage - 7.5% from Sberbank). Therefore, applicants receive a "cheap" credit in the participant bank state programAnd the state subsequently pays with this bank.

The state pays partner banks not only percentage costs, but also compensates funds for non-refundable educational loans. In Russia, the largest domestic banks - Sberbank and Rosinterbank participated in such a program.

Rules for granting a loan

From 2014 to 2017, it was possible to obtain an educational loan not only for the first higher education, but also on the second. At the same time, the educational loan was granted not only for learning in higher educational institutions, but also in other institutions dealing with educational activities.

In addition, the loan was available for needs that accompany the educational process, for example, on costs associated with paying or nutrition. To pay educational services, each semester bank listed funds to the borrower's account (student), after which they came to the account of the educational institution. To pay for a concomitant loan (accommodation or nutrition), the funds came to the borrower's account for independent control.

In addition, the Government Resolution concerning state support for the issuance of educational loans was also regulated by the issue of providing a loan. So, banks were not entitled to demand from the borrower providing a deposit in the form of movable or real Estate (credit provision).

At the same time, the total cost of the loan borrower has been obliged for 10 years after graduation. The term of study should not exceed 5 years. If the borrower took an academic leave, then he was supposed to be a postponement of the loan for the period of leave.

Upon completion of studies, the borrower was provided for two years of the grace period, when interest accrual was occurring at a reduced interest rate. Starting from the third year, interest accrual resumed in full, taking into account those percentages that were provided in the grace period, and payments were made equal to parts ().

By providing an educational loan, banks have not been entitled to charge additional payments that could lead to an increase in interest rates, for example, a commission for supporting an account. The bank should not have hampered the borrower if the latter expands the desire to redeem the loan ahead of schedule.

How to get an educational loan in 2017

Previously, it was possible to obtain an educational loan with state support. It was necessary to provide the following documents to the bank:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • if there is a certificate of temporary registration of the borrower, actually living not at the place permanent residence (registration);
  • agreement on the provision of paid educational services, concluded with an organization engaged in educational activities;
  • payment document of an organization carrying out educational activities in order to pay for educational services obtained;
  • questionnaire application.

At the same time, the recipient of the loan could be a student / asbitorient of the university, which is a citizen of Russia aged from 14 to 18 years, or an adult citizen of the country, studying on the program of higher professional education.

What now?

From January 2017, it is possible to issue a loan for education only without state support. Such loans are currently offered two banks: Post Bank and Zapsibcombank.

Postal Bank provides from 50 thousand to 2 million rubles for a period of up to 12.5 years at a rate of 14.9% per annum (taking into account insurance) to 27.9% per annum. At the same time, the entire period of training the borrower pays only interest on the loan (the amount of the monthly payment is gradually growing). For the fourth month after graduation, the borrower pays the remaining interest and the "body" of the loan.

In order to get such a loan, you must provide credit Organization Confirmation of the solvency of the borrower and the co-cooration - a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL for the last three months.

In turn, Zapsibcombank provides up to 80% of the cost of training, based on the income of the borrower and the co-serviceer for up to five years at a rate of up to 18.4% per annum. The debt repayment is equal to monthly payments (interest plus the "body" of debt). Loan is provided with equal annual tranches.

Credit may be issued under the guarantee of an individual, the deposit of property (including transport) or bank deposit. The type of guarantee affects the interest rate. In addition, the borrower and the co-machine must also confirm their solvency (2-NDFL certificate) and employment (copy of the employment record).

Important! Sberbank continues to provide "preferential" educational loans under contracts concluded until December 31, 2016. At the same time, as noted in the press service of the organization, the period of renewing the reception of new applications is directly dependent on the operationalization of the Ministry of Amendments to legislative acts. According to preliminary data, Sberbank plans to resume the provision of loans to the beginning of the new academic year.

In connection with the suspension of the state support programobviously, a loan for education due to large interest rates of banks has become actually three times more for yesterday's schoolchildren. At the same time, it became much more complicated to get such a loan due to increased requirements of credit institutions.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state