
From the card to the map as a purchase. Translation between maps of different banks. How to make a transfer from the card to the map

Plastic debit card Yandex.Money refers to the category of gold payment cards Mastercard Gold. And possesses all their capabilities and advantages.

It is a physical carrier for an electronic wallet in the Yandex.Money system.

Map and wallet have a common balance: When receiving a transfer to a wallet or replenishment, money immediately become available and ready for use on plastic balance.

Debit card MasterCard Yandex.Money

It gives the opportunity:

  • Pay for goods and services in any stores in the world and through the Internet.
  • Cash the funds through ATMs.
  • Translate money from the account to the account by the map number and receive translations.

Its validity period is 3 years.

Starting from 12/15/15, cards are produced in Yandex.Money MasterCard World. (this category is considered higher than Gold). Rooms are starting with 5106.

Gold Cards Mastercard Gold continue to be published by a partner of an electronic system - Tinkoff Bank. Their numbers begin with 5189.

Online money.yandex.ru. can be ordered name mapsthat will be shipped by mail. Those who live in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod, have the opportunity to get instant map through the office. It acts in the same way as the usual, simply is not nominal.

Benefits and Card Features

Main advantages plastic card Yandex.Money consist in the following:

  1. This is full payment tool is accepted for payment anywhere in the world.
  2. Released in the category GOLDMastercardallows its owner to access the highest level service. The holder has the opportunity to use the services of a concierge service, receive discounts in certain stores, participate in special promotions. Being in foreign countries, you can use the services of a lawyer and medical help. In addition, in case of loss or theft of plastic, a certain amount of money can be urgently issued in cash.
  3. PayPass technology. On some terminals, you can pay a contactless way. To do this, simply to bring a bank card to a special reading device, after which the purchase will immediately be paid. Moreover, if the purchase amount is less than a thousand rubles (in the territory of Russia), it will not be necessary to even enter the PIN code or put its signature in the check.
  4. Common balance sheet with an electronic wallet. To take advantage electronic means from the account of the Yandex.Money wallet, no longer need to translate cash On accounts of cards of other banks, as they are already on the plastic Yandex.
  5. Release and get a card easily - This can be done without leaving the house, online through your PC.

How to order and get a map?

You can arrange the mastercard registered plastic card on the site. It will be necessary to immediately pay the cost of service (it is paid once for all 3 years of use): 249 rubles (if delivery to any region of Russia) and 349 rubles (delivery outside the Russian Federation).

  1. Fill out the application form. In order not to have problems with obtaining, it is important to write a name and surname in the same way as indicated in the passport.
  2. Confirm the release of plastic password. Next, the service will write off the cash for service from the wallet.

How much will the card be going?

It will be sent by mail within 5 working days, where it will be later and will need to pick up. You can watch for delivery on the site www.pochta.ru.

In time it comes in about 7-14 days (How long she will go, depends on the remoteness of your region from Moscow).

After receiving, you need to activate the map on the site and get a PIN code:

  1. Click on the Wallet Balance and go to the Activation link.
  2. Specify the last figures specified on the front side of the card, as well as its validity.
  3. Click on the "Activate" button.

It is worth noting that the PIN code is issued only once. If you forget it, you will have to create a new plastic (no reissue is possible).

How to use the card?

At any time on the Yandex.Money website you can:

  • View details of the desired payment.
  • Find out how much money remains in the account.
  • Configure information about perfect operations (email or SMS message).
  • Close the map and release a new one.
  • Find out the service conditions and ask a question in support service.

You can also ask your questions in a call center by number 8 800 250-66-99.

Limits and Commissions for Removing Money

  1. When paying the card, the Commission is not charged. The maximum possible amounts:
  • For anonymous users - 40 000 r. per month and 15 000 r. One-time payment.
  • For nominal wallets - 200 000 r. per month and 60 000 r. One-time payment.
  • For identified users - 6 million rubles. per month and 250 000 r. At the same time.
  1. For cash cash withdrawal, 3% of the amount plus 15 rubles is charged, but not less than 100 rubles.

Cash Removal Limits:

  • For anonymous users and registered wallets: 40 thousand per month and 5 thousand per day;
  • For identified users - 250 thousand rubles with one-time removal.
  1. When transferring to other cards, 3% of the amount plus 15 rubles is charged, but not less than 100 rubles. Only identified users can make such transfers. Restriction on the translation - 600 thousand rubles per month and 250 thousand rubles with a one-time translation.

FAQ on payment card

  1. What to do when the card is over?

You just need to order a new one. If it was tied to any services, you will need to update the data.

  1. How to make card reissue?

In the case when the PIN code was forgotten, the card was lost or it does not work, first it is necessary to close it (block), then open a new one.

If the card ends the validity period, you can order a new one in advance: It is only necessary to confirm the shipping address and pay for its service.

Those. As such, the reissue will not be - you just come a new card with other details (number and validity period).

  1. What commission for receiving cash through an ATM?

The Yandex.Money Commission is 3% of the amount + 15 rubles, but the amount cannot be less than 100 rubles. So, when removing 500 rubles, the Commission will be 100 rubles. When removing 5000 rubles, the commission will be 165 rubles.

Sometimes banks take a percentage for the use of an ATM, it will be written on the screen before the money is written off.

  1. What bank is the issuer?

Until December 15, 2015, all maps were issued through the Tinkoff Bank. Starting from December 15, Yandex.Money began to produce part of the cards alone. If the plastic number begins with 5106, it was released in Yandex, and if 5189, then a Tinkoff Bank released it.

You probably heard about the possibility of transferring money from the card to the card (Card2Card), and most likely they themselves translated money in this way, for example, paid the service or reckoned funds to their relatives or acquaintances. This is a very convenient modern way of translation, as the money reach the recipient, as a rule, almost instantly (even with a small commission), and do not know full details Bank account is enough to know the recipient's card number. In addition, such an operation can be made on the site of almost any known bank (and not only), and not to turn the legs to the bank branch and spend time to drive off the details into the appropriate application form for the implementation of the interbank translation (it, by the way, can be made from the Internet -Bank, which goes much cheaper).

In fact, this technology can also be used much more often, for example, when replenishing deposits, card accounts, or to repay loans, and do this without commission. We will tell, as in which banks you can transfer money from the card to the card for free, at what moments you need to pay attention to everything go smoothly.

What is Card2Card?

Card2Card (consonant with Card-to-Card) is a technology (service) of the transfer of funds from the card to a card of any bank for its number (not to be confused with the card account number!), Available around the clock and without days off. Translation does not go directly between banks, he is in obligatory carried out through the MPS (international payment system), for example, Visa, MasterCard, domestic, etc. Payment system is not just an intermediary, but a key link that combines all banks in unified system All over the world, in fact, thanks to this, we can pay through our map at any store of the world (where the MPS card is supported) and including translating money between cards of various banks.

  • internet bank - IB;
  • mobile app - MP;
  • interbank - Interbank Translation;
  • technological overdraft;
  • map donor - which transfer money;
  • recipient card(recipient from the English. "recipient") - to which they translate;
  • mediator Map - used as an intermediate link between the donor and the recipient in order to implement the fully free translation (or with the minimum commission);
  • pushing (from English. "Push" - push) - Transfer from a donor card to a recipient card, affordable in IB (or in MP), ATM, on the official banking website or in any Card2Card service;
  • tightening (from the English "Pull" - pull) - the peculiarity of this operation is that it can be done only on the site, in IB (or in MP) of the bank, the recipient map of which you replenish from the donor card of any other bank (more correctly Will say: replenish your card account). You can also meet the name of this operation, as "pulling out" or "tightening against yourself."

How to make a translation from the card to the card?

So, you need to transfer money from one card to another thing to do for this to do with the steps.

Step 1. We are looking for on the Internet a site with the Card2Card service. It is better if it is the site of the famous bank, payment system or financial portal (for example, banki.ru). We use for example a Tinkoff Bank service.

Step 2. Fill the details of the donor map(number, validity and CVC code) and the card number. In our case, the means can be translated by the contract number (for a card account, which in this contract appears). After the introduction of the required amount immediately calculates the Translation Commission.

Before continuing, it will not hurt to get acquainted with the limits, tariffs and conditions of public offer.

You will learn the cost of the service, the deadlines for crediting funds and other limitations. Also, the service will notify you about the possibility of charging an additional commission by the Issuer Bank (released a donor card).

Keep in mind that the bank-issuer of the donor card may have their limitations, for example, on the Sberbank card used in the example, the maximum amount of translation is 30 thousand rubles.

Step 3. The Issuer Bank will send to your cellular (which is "tied" to the donor card) SMS message with a disposable passwordwhich must be entered in the proposed field. This is the result of the work that is an additional step of authenticating the card holder (user authentication).

Step 4. If the Issuer bank or payment system did not respond with refusal and everything went well, then on the screen you will see the appropriate notification.

But the operation could not go, and there are many reasons for the issuer, MPS and the service itself, for example:

How it works? Features of technology

To understand the features of technology, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it functions. When we see a message about a successful translation on the service site, it does not mean that the money appeared on the recipient's card account. This only says that authorization has successfully passed, that is, the payment system and the Issuer bank gave permission to conduct an operation, as a result of which the balance of the donor's card decreases to the transcendent amount and the balance of the recipient's card increases.

In this case, the state of the card accounts themselves does not change. The money on the recipient card is redundant (in temporary) until the transfer occurs accounting documentation Between the banks participating in the translation (via MPS). And only after that the money is "disposed" and real replenishment is carried out on the account of the recipient and write-off from the sender's account. A real transfer of money can take several days (and in some cases he can delay longer).

As you can see, the Card2Card technology does not mean that your funds will immediately be on the account of the recipient's card (it is also called pseudo-native), despite the fact that you will see them on the card balance, but the balance of the account does not change (this will happen only through A few days, unless you do an intrabank translation between your card accounts - there is an instant enrollment on the score).

Technical Overdraft after C2C

The feature of the C2C, described above, can play with you a cruel joke. Suppose you transferred to the "empty" debit card 5000 rubles, on your account still 0 rubles, and you immediately make a purchase on the same amount in the store. Accounting wiring on payment for the goods (transfer of funds from your card account at the expense of the Equiler Bank, which provides the store service) can form earlier than the real replenishment on the Card2Card operation will occur, that is, your bank is forced to lend you to the amount of purchase (in other words, money, Disabled for the purchase, are faster than the funds intended to replenish the account).

Thus, you climb into, and the bank in accordance with your tariffs may well require pay interest with you for the use of credit funds.

Fortunately, the famous banks judging by the reviews, such jokes with customers do not do, but warned - it means armed!

What does the transfer rate depend on?

In most cases, the transferred tools appear on the recipient's card balance in minutes after the translation is the merit of MoneySend and Visa Direct technologies, however, the money appears on a card account much later - after 1-5 days (sometimes before - for several hours, Judging by the reviews). Sometimes it happens that they do not reach him at all. Why does this happen?

Cash enrollment lines depend on payment system and the speed of processing such payments by recipient banks. When we get a notice of the arrival of money in a couple of minutes after replenishing from another card - this is just the result of the authorization of the transformation operation by the MPS (if the recipient banks support the above technologies, the balance of your card will be replenished quickly). In principle, you can pay this card in the store, but better money In the ATM, do not take off - just get to the technove (on the account there is no money yet).

If you throw money between the cards of one payment system, then the money will come much faster than when translating between cards of different payment systems. Transfers inside the bank pass almost instantly, as IPUs do not participate here, but some banks can process payments in a strictly defined time (for various reasons), so enrollment on the score can occur only on the next business day. As a rule, banks indicate the time of the receipt of funds on the account for each method of replenishment, but the exact speed of translation can be found in the experienced way.

How to translate from the card to the card for free. Available transaction methods without commission

Now let's talk about the application of the above-described technology with the benefits for yourself. There are a lot of ways to translate from the card to the card for free. We are obliged not only to banks and relevant services, but enthusiastic people who collect information and publish it on the forums of well-known financial sites (the most famous, of course, banki.ru) and on the pages of own blogs. We will consider below how to pull over and push money without commission.

Free translated C2C to other cards. Poverty

So, if you need to roll off (push out) money from your card to another, it is better to find the relevant bank (service) that allows you to do without a commission. The following services are available (methods):

1. Bank Tinkoff allows you to translate free money to any card up to 20,000 rubles for settlement period (per month). The operation is available in IB, MP and on the official website of the bank.

2. RocketBank on the tariff plan "All Inclusive" It makes it possible from his debit card "Opening - Rocky" to make a transfer to another bank card for free up to 100 thousand rubles per month.

3. On the website of the payment system MasterCard https://card2card.mastercard.ru/ Available without commission between MasterCard cards up to 75,000 rubles.

4. On the MasterCard MPS website by reference https://loanrepayment.mastercard.ru/ At holders masterCard cards It is possible to pay a loan with a 0% commission. This service is provided by NPO Rapid LLC (proposal for this moment Not really).

Despite the fact that this service is intended for online payments for a loan (in the appointment of payment it is written: "Repayment" of the loan), with its help you can make a free translation to any amount of the amount up to 15 thousand rubles (verified, works!). The only nuance! In most cases, you will need to indicate the recipient's account details, such as the Bank's bik and the account number (you can learn these details in IB, MP or in the bank branch), although when choosing a specific bank (for example, Tinkoff or Russian standard), translation to the number is possible Maps or contract number. You will also need to specify the sender map number and its details such as validity, CVC code.

5. Social network "VKontakte" makes it possible to transfer money between cards. With MasterCard and Maestro cards, you can push no more than 75 thousand rubles per month (minimum translation of 100 rubles). In reality, you translate funds from your card to your "friend's account", the owner of which can send money received to him on any MPS world map, Visa or MasterCard at its number (the offer is valid until 03/31/2019 - it has repeatedly extended, and most likely will be extended).

6. Any users of SAMSUNG smartphones, sAMSUNG PAY connected to payment service, can now translate money between maps directly from this system.. You can send a translation from any card added to Samsung Pay (just select the recipient's phone number from the contact list on your smartphone or enter it manually). The recipient itself decides on which card to receive a translation.

See more about technology.

7. From July 1 to October 31, 2018, transfers from the MasterCard® card of any bank in Russia and abroad through the Binbank Online Translation Service using the MasterPass service - without commission! MasterPass® service will save card data - and you will not need to enter them every time manually.

8. On the website of the Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB) (https://www.atb.su/discounts-and-promotions/free-transfers/) From December 18, 2017 to February 18, 2018, within the framework of the action for individuals - holders visa cards, MasterCard or World russian bank. During this period, all translations from the card on a map of any Russian bank made through the ATB website, Mobile Bank or Internet ATB Bank, pass without commission (Offer at the moment is not really).

Any card holder will be able to carry out free translations worth up to 20,000 rubles. In the calendar month between each of the participants in the transfer of payment cards. To transfer to ATB cards from bank cards of other Russian banks in the framework of the action, a higher limit is installed - up to 150,000 rubles. per month.

The maximum size of one translation between the maps of individuals is limited to the amount of 50,000 rubles, the minimum translation can be carried out by 100 rubles. Calculation of funds occurs instantly.

Free replenishment from the card of any bank. Tightening

Tightening funds from another card - this is the same Card2Card, with the difference that it must be performed by any time in IB or MP (sometimes on the official website) of your bank (if there is such an opportunity, of course, since not every bank has such a functionality And from having - not everyone can boast the lack of commission). Take, for example, Internet Bank Tinkoff, and replenish the billboard's debit card from Sberbank C2C cards. Tinkoff tariff Bank allows you to pull free from other cards up to 300 thousand rubles for the estimated period.

It is enough to fill in the fields from where and where (in our case, the sampling card was remembered in IB, therefore it is enough to choose it from the list, and not clog its number completely). After entering the password from the SMS message, the map will be replenished for the desired amount.

Reverse operation from Sberbank (i.e. pushing) would have already been taxed by the Commission, since the Sber does not allow for free to push money from his cards.

Note! A number of banks will take for outgoing translation (from the donor) commission, and some will not allow it at all. In this case, the size of the commission you will only learn after the operation - in the SMS message from the bank issuer bank-donor (if the SMS-informing service is connected) or in the IB of this bank.

If the Commission for tightening other credit institutions is clearly stipulated in the tariffs, then focus on the commission for removing cash in ATMs of other banks or for the outgoing translation of C2C. If you are not sure that the Commission is absent, then this can be checked by trying to pull from the donor card the entire amount on its account. In the presence of the commission, the donor will refuse to operation.

Keep in mind that when tagging with credit card The Commission will be quite significant (banks specifically establish a barrier commissions so that the credit cards are used for their intended purpose, and not for cashing), and be prepared for departure from preferential period - on the transferred money will immediately begin to accrue interest rate on the loan provided for by the tariff.

Also, a number of banks take a commission for the incoming translation (if the limit is exceeded by the amount of replenishment).

Binding cards

In some cases, it is necessary to "bind" (register) a donor card, in other words, the bank must make sure that this is your card. You need to bind cards, for example, when replenished from other cards in the personal cabinets of corn cards or Beeline (Issuers of these cards is the RNO "Payment Center"). The binding procedure goes quickly and simply - with the card you specified will be written off small sum (As a rule, up to 10 rubles), which will be needed in a special field. It will take into the appropriate fields to enter all the details of the card and a one-time password from the SMS message received from the bank. When sums coincides, the card is considered attached. The responsible money will return to the account in a few days.

Subsequently, to replenish from the attached plastic, it will be necessary to introduce the desired amount secret code (CVC2 / CVV2) and a disposable password (all other details of the service "Remember").

The binding operation in many banks is not required - replenishment to the required amount occurs immediately after the introduction of the record details and passing the identification procedure with the introduction of a one-time password.

Why do I need a mediator card (gasket)?

Suppose you have Sberbank salary cardAnd you brought a new bank card that can not be filled with other cards or takes for this commission. Of course, you can make money in the ATMs of Sberbank and replenish the score new card In terminals (ATM with the Cash-in function) or at the bank's office, but it is not always convenient.

The problem is solved by the institution of an intermediary card (with free annual service, of course), which will be able to pull money from the salary savings card for free, and without a commission, push them off their account on your new recipient card (or by the map number or interbank). Such cards are also called transit or gaskets.

An excellent applicant for a transit card is debit black map Tinkoff Bank (it can be fully free, by connecting after receiving the tariff 6.2). It is well suited to this role, as it can be filled with free and free to push out technology according to C2C technology, and also allows you to carry out free interbank for details bank account Any cards.

Sometimes it is required to pull money from cards that does not support the 3D-Secure function (this is found, but very rarely). In this case, you can use corn or beeline-gaskets or Beeline, which can be filled with such cards that do not support this protocol for additional identification.

1. Use the services of famous banks and banking portals. The use of third-party services is fraught with the loss of all money on the score. In addition, third-party services can take an impressive commission for their services.

2. Learn in advance the limits and commissions for transfers, be it tightening or pushing.

3. If the donor card bank refused to you once, then do not try to once again perform a similar operation (even through another service). The bank can decide what card account They want to lead money and blocks the card. It is better to repeat the same operation after 24 hours.

4. Do not translate money from credit cards not to get to the big commission and do not fly out of the grace period.

5. Always look for ways to translate (replenish) funds without commission. At your service banking forums, financial blogs and, in fact, the site finances for people.

Finally, I want to wish you to make translations conveniently and free, and raise your level financial literacy - This will allow you to significantly save on banking operations!

To transfer money from one Sberbank card to another by phone number or card, you must use one of the available instructions shown in the article. Translation can be performed through Mobile Bank at 900, in personal Cabinet or through any self-service device (ATM or terminal).

Send money through the phone 900

To transfer money to another Sberbank client by phone number, you must use the following instructions:

  • For a short number 900 send a command: 9xx1234567 500 translation.
  • After the word "translation" sequentially enter the recipient's phone number and the amount of the transaction.
  • Wait for response SMS with payment data and a combination of numbers you want to use to confirm the operation.

Sometimes there is more than one Sberbank card available, in this case, for convenience it is possible to select a preferred translation card. To do this, send the following command to service number 900: 1234 9xx1234567 500 Translationwhere 1234 last four digits of the desired card.

The procedure for sending money by the map number is simple, denote the actions algorithm:

  • Need to dial a text message in format Translation 1234567891234567 5000. And send it to the number 900.
  • After the word "translation", you must specify the recipient's card number and the transaction amount.
  • SMS will come with payment details and a unique code to confirm the operation.

Sometimes you need to specify which card will be transferred to another Sberbank client. To do this, you need to write SMS in your mobile device in the format 1234 4321 5000 and send it to a short number 900.

The command from the example can be transferred to the amount of 5 thousand rubles between the cards with numbers ending at 1234 and 4321. We note that the first is required to specify the card with which the translation is carried out, and the second one comes to which the payment comes.

USSD commands for quick money sending

For Bilayne, Megaphone and Tele2 subscribers, the translation service is available via USSD request.

To list the means between Sberbank maps, type:
* 900 * 11 * X * Y * Z #, where X is the last 4 digits of the sender plastic number, Y is the last 4 digits of the recipient card number, and Z is the amount of the operation.

If you need to translate funds by phone number Dial USSD request:
* 900 * 12 * x * y #, where X is the phone number to which the recipient map is tied (without 8), and y is the amount of payment.

Restrictions and tariffs

From the Sberbank, the following limitations are superimposed on such operations: you can make no more than 10 transactions per day, while the total amount of payments for the sender and the recipient should not exceed 8 thousand rubles.

The Commission is not charged under the condition that the translation goes to the customer's debit card within one city, otherwise the commission is 1% (maximum 1000 rubles). Actual rates are available on the link.

Translate funds to Sberbank online

Sberbank allows you to send cash from one user to another without leaving home or office. To do this, it is enough to have access to the Internet and be registered in Sberbank online.

Shift to the Sberbank card of another client

To quickly make the translation to another person enough to do the following steps:

  1. Go to Sberbank online on the link Online.sberbank.ru and go to the section "Translations and payments".
  2. Since the translation is carried out by another user, you need to press the "Translation of Sberbank to the Client".
  3. Now you need to drive the card number or the recipient's phone. Then to specify an account for writing off and the amount of payment. Then click the "Translate" button.
  4. In a new window, you need to check the payment data and click the "Confirm SMS" button.
  5. It remains to enter the code obtained by SMS and click on the "Confirm" button to complete the transaction.
  6. The operation is executed, the sender and the recipient will come to the SMS with a notification of a successful transaction.

  • Step 1
  • Step 2.
  • Step 3.
  • Step 4.
  • Step 5.
  • Step 6.

You can transfer any amounts, Sberbank does not set restrictions for its users, moreover - sending funds to debit cards opened in the same branch of Sberbank, passes without a commission, but if the recipient's card is open in another branch of the bank, the Commission will still be 1% (maximum 1000 rubles).

Transfer of balance between your cards

Considering the fact that the operation occurs between personal cards The same user, the commission for the operation will not be charged, and the time of its implementation is reduced to a few seconds. Transaction execution occurs as follows:

  1. The user should go to the personal account of the system and then open the "Translations and Payments" page.
  2. After that, give preference to the "Translation between your accounts and cards" button.
  3. In the window that appears, specify a map with which the funds will be removed and the card to which they will arrive as well as the amount of money. Then you need to click the "Translate" button.
  4. After performing all the steps, you need to check the details and click on the "Confirm" button.
  5. The operation will be executed instantly, if necessary, you can print a check.

Updated 04/05/2019.

In today's article, we will analyze in detail one of the most necessary techniques for any, allowing you to more quickly manage your savings - transfer of money from the card to the card.

Transfer from a map to a map by map number has many different names: Card2Card, Card-to-Card, Moneysend, Visa Transfer, Visa Direct, C2C, Manisend, Cy-Tu-Cy, etc. However, the essence of such translations, naturally, is the same: you need to enter the card number, its validity period and CVC2 (CVV2) Card code from which you send money (donor card), as well as the card number where you want to send money, and the sum of the transfer amount .

It is important not to confuse interbank transfers (you need to specify the account number, bik of the bank, the purpose of payment) with Card2Card translations. The mechanism is absolutely different. If you simplify a little, then interbank transfers are performed using the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the C2C can be compared with conventional shopping on the map, which occur due to international payment systems (MPS: MasterCard, Visa) and. In detail about interbank translations you can read.

Card-to-Card Services can be found on the sites of many banks, payment services, various financial portals, even on the Banki.com website there is a card transfer service to a map provided by Alpha Bank:

However, usually for such translations, operators want a commission, 1.5-2% of the amount. Usually, but not always. Professional depositors use C2C service exclusively for free.

The fact is that some banks allow you to replenish your cards from cards from third-party credit institutions using Card2Card. In the language of professional depositors, this operation is called "tightening".

It is also important to remember that some banks are forbidden to make free donors from their cards, i.e. Enter the commission for tightening from your cards, but they are still not so much. About everything in order.

Free card replenishment using Card2Sard translations. Tightening

In order to take free money on the cards of the following banks, you need to use the Card2Card service of these banks. Those. For replenishment, for example, Tinkoff Black cards from the Sberbank card, you need to go to Tinkoff Internet Bank and initiate translation from there (so that there is no commission from " Tinkoff Bank"Nor from Sberbank). If you enjoy C2C Sberbank's service, then the Commission from Sberbank cannot be avoided.

So, you can pull money for the following cards through the relevant services:


The new debit card "Renaissance Credit" knows how to speed 50,000 rubles for free / month (calendar):


The maximum amount of one operation is 85,000 rubles. The monthly limit of the replenishment of the "Bina" card with the help of a C-Tu-si translation is 599,000 rubles.


A month for the Tinkoff Black card, you can get 300,000 rubles without a commission. The limit of one operation is 75,000 rubles.

Upd: 05.12.2017
Cards "Tinkoff Bank" are able to pull funds including with cards.


From 01.12.2018, the "Rocket" card has a total limit of 300,000 rubles / month. By the magnitude of the infrequisite replenishment with the help of C2C, CASS and ATMs "Opening", as well as the Terminals "MKB". Minimum amount for free tightening 5000 rub., Maximum 100,000 rubles.


Limit of 125,000 rubles for one replenishment. The maximum amount per month is 550,000 rubles.

Upd: 08.02.2017
From 06.02.2017 the minimum amount that can be filled to the Beeline Card without a commission is 3000 rubles, if the amount of tightening is less, then the system will write 50 rubles.


The limit of 125,000 rubles for one replenishment, 550,000 rubles per month.

Upd: 02/19/2017
From 20.02.2017 the minimum amount that can be filled with a "corn" card without commission is 3000 rubles, if the amount of tightening is less, then the system will write 30 rubles.

7 Maps of "Moscow Credit Bank"

On the ICD card, you can pull 100,000 rubles for free, 150,000 per day, 1,000,000 per month.


Raft allows without the commission to turn on their cards through the R-Connect mobile application. The amount of one operation is no more than 150,000 rubles, the daily limit is 300,000 rubles, a monthly limit of 600,000 rubles.

Upd: 01/22/2017
Through the new Internet bank, it is also possible to pull money on the map "Rife".

Upd: 01.10.2016


Sovcombank maps can be filled with other banks from cards using Card2Card translations, using its own service in the Sovkombank Internet Bank (for one card, you can replenish at 75,000 rubles, the monthly limit is 500,000 rubles).


On the MTS Smart Money card you can pull out for free money from 5,000 rubles from other cards, if you initiate a translation through your own service "MTS". The maximum amount of one translation is 75,000 rubles, a month limit 850,000 rubles.

Upd: 06/14/2017
When sending translations from MasterCard and Maestro cards through the social network "VKontakte", the Commission is not charged with translations common amount Up to 75,000 rubles per month from one user and / or from one card. If the amount of translations from one user and / or from one card exceeds 75,000 rubles per month, then a commission of 1% is charged with the amount of exceeding the transmission.

Transfers through "Odnoklassniki" became paid.

Upd: 12/19/2018
Promotion for free translations from MasterCard and Maestro cards through the service social network "VKontakte" is constantly extended since 2017. At the moment it is valid until April 30, 2019.

Upd: 05.10.2017


From Talkbank card, you can make free outgoing transfers by map number. General limit on transfers from cards and cash removal - 60 000 rubles per month.

Upd: 04/08/2018

5 Map "Your Cashback" from "PSB"

Your cachek card is one of the few cards from which free outgoing C2C transfers by the map number, this Map Promsvyazbank can push funds for free (as a Tinkoff Black Map). Monthly limit (calendar) 20 000 rub. / Month, the sum of one translation must be from 3000 rubles.

Upd: 08/02/2018


Commission for outgoing translations from "multicarts" on cards of other banks (outgoing MoneySend, pushing) returns next month, if the reporting was purchases worth from 5000 rubles. and higher:

Upd: 12/19/2018
The limit on free outgoing C2S was reduced to 20,000 rubles / month.

7 Samsung Pay.

Until December 31, 2018, using Samsung Pay, you can send money to other cards without a commission from the MasterCard payment system cards added to the service. To send the translation, it is enough to specify the phone number of the addressee. The recipient will decide what card to enroll the translation, while the recipient map does not have to be added to Samsung Pay:

Limit for one translation 75 000 rub., Daily - 150,000 rubles., Monthly 600,000 rubles. Translation operator - VTB Bank.

Upd: 12/19/2018
Free transfers from MasterCard cards using Samsung Pay technology were extended until March 31, 2019:

Upd: 04/05/2019
Users write that transfers via Samsung Pay became paid, although the Commission of 0 rubles is still on the advertising page. For such operations.


From the OpenCard card you can make free outgoing transfers to other cards in the amount of 20,000 rubles / month.

Upd: 04/05/2019


Since November 2018, the ICB has an action on which outgoing transfers can be made by the map number ("Pushing") with a monthly limit of 30,000 rubles. Initially, the action was planned until January 30, 2019, but then it was extended until the end of April 2019.

Upd: 04/05/2019


Since March 2019, Halva has the opportunity to make free outgoing translations by the map number through its own services "Sovcombank", a day limit of 40,000 rubles.


It may seem that Card2Card translations are complex, and in all these tightenings and pusions are very easy to get confused. Too much need to take into account to make translations from the card to the card without commission. However, there is nothing difficult in this, everyone can figure out if he wants, of course :)

C2C Translations significantly save time, because Allow to increase the number of operations that can be made without a visit to the bank branch.

Especially make out these translations in small citieswhere the choice of credit institutions is limited. If there is nothing in your city, except for Sberbank, this does not mean that you need to use only its services.

Deposits and cards can be opened in others. credit organizationsoffering more attractive conditions when you will be in major cities. And the native "Sberbank" leave only for transit. It is enough to replenish the card "Sale", then throw money on some "corn" or "Beeline" with PoO, and then send them to the interbank to any other credit institution.

Thanks to the translation from the card to the card (free, naturally), you can get rid of the need to go to the bank's office (if the Bank has no free outgoing interbank transfers) when the deposit period is completed and then dragged in the city with cash.

Therefore, you need to have several, with the possibility of free tightening from other cards, as well as with a convenient replenishment (donor cards) and alternate them periodically.

I hope my article was useful to you, write about all clarifications and add-ons in the comments.

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In December, I received an offer to get a debit card Yandex Money, paying for this one ruble.

"You are actively using the wallet, we decided to give you a map of Yandex.Money. This is MasterCard S. contactless payment And the bonuses on the status of WORLD. The card and wallet have a common balance: remove the cash or pay directly in stores.

Until December 31, the card will go to you for the symbolic 1 ruble (instead of the usual 499 rubles). The best way to spend the ruble we can not even imagine

I use my wallet rarely. Nevertheless, I liked the thought about best way spend one ruble and I decided to book a map.

How to order a map of Yandex.Money

Most importantly, what should be understood:

This card works along with the wallet on Yandex: they have a common balance.

Therefore, before ordering a debit card Yandex.Money, you already have to be the order in the next check list:

  1. There is, that is, email Yandex is available.
  2. On the same account must be. You need to know your wallet account number.
  3. Few people remember about. However, due to the lack of identification, problems may arise at the most inactive moment. Therefore, it is better to go through it and then it's calmly use Yandex. Cool.

If these items are performed, you can safely

When ordering a plastic map of Yandex.Money you need:

1) Specify the full name (surname, name, patronymic), as in the passport.

2) Enter the home address. You can specify the wrong address that in the passport, according to registration, but to specify your actual address of living, which in fact can be in another area or in another city. The main thing is that the map will come to the email address entered by the post office, which is enshrined at this address. Errors are extremely undesirable.

3) Immediately pay 199 rubles - Card service for 3 years. Map with pluses from a connected club costs 499 rubles. In my case, it was 1 ruble. This amount should be on Yandex. Shooter, it will immediately be written off when ordering a map.

How much is the map of Yandex.Money

After the name is introduced, mailing address And the card is paid, a message will appear:

Fig. 1. Message to the mail that data for the release of the card received

The official website is written that the card will go to the maximum 5 business days after its order, and then everything is in the hands of Russian Post.

I ordered a map of Yandex.Money on Sunday 11.12.16, and the notice in the mailbox came on 12/31/16.

More precisely, the next 12.12.2016 in the mail associated with Yandex.kolkolk, I received a letter "Yandex.Money card" goes to you:

Watch for delivery
Today we sent your card by Russian Post. A few days later, the mail site can be seen how the delivery is promoted. Track number: 14570306204042
When the letter comes, take it in your post office. Then activate the map on the Yandex.Money website.

How to track the letter on the Russian post office wrote

I immediately introduced the specified track on the post office of Russia, but nothing was found. Then he introduced a couple more times the track number with the same negative result and, after all, decided to return to it after the new year. However, on December 29, 2016, a letter came with the topic "The map is delayed. What's happening?"

Everything will be fine (soon!)
Looks like a letter with your Yandex.Money card delayed in the post office and is still waiting for processing. This can be understood - in December, the load in the mail is always high.
From myself as a reward for your patience, we give a whole year of free SMS informing. Sms will start coming as soon as you get and activate the map. We hope this will happen very soon: follow the updates along the track number.
Team Yandex.Money

And exactly December 31, 2016, a notice came to the mailbox, and a letter came to the post office, who had the topic "Map Yandex.Money awaits on the mail":

Take a card in hand
Bank card Yandex.Money is waiting for you by mail. You can go, take and rejoice!
If you do not know where your post office, specify the home address on the Mail site. And do not forget to take a notice and passport with you so that the letter is given without problems.
As soon as you take, activate.

The site says that the map in the mail must issue on the passport, even without notice. A visit to the mail should not be postponed in a long box: if you don't pick up a map in 30 days, she will go back.

I received an email in the mail with a notice card and passport. On the reverse side of the notice in the mail, you need to write data of your passport: the number you and when issued. By the way, I found my letter instantly, the people in the queue in the mail even surprised that I was served so quickly.

And even for information, SMS about alerts on the map Yandex Money comes from the subscriber with the number 1960.

Activation of the map of Yandex.Money

I received a map of Yandex.Money in a letter with the following instructions:

  1. Open Money.yandex.ru/plus.
  2. Enter data from the card, come up with your PIN code.
  3. Register a map on SClub.ru.

Immediately after that, you can pay, save the pros and change them for discounts from the partners of the connected club.

To activate a card with bonuses from a connected club, follow the link


Click on the yellow button "Activate":

Fig. 2. Activate the Yandex Money Card button

We get to the "Access Confirmation" page:

Fig. 3. Access confirmation to the Yandex.Money page

Click on the "Get Password" button. We are looking for a phone, we find SMS-ku and enter a password from SMS:

Fig. 4. Enter the password from SMS to confirm access

When activated, you need to specify 4 last numbers from the card number. In the figure, this is four zero, but in fact the real 4 digits will stand in the real map, which you need to specify. If the number of the Yandex Money Money number, for example, 5106,1100,9999,4342, then when activated, you will need to enter the latter numbers: 4342.

Yandex.Money card number and card validity:

Fig. 5. Yandex Money Money Number and Card Duration

The card validity period is written on the map below its number. Above in the figure, this period is 12/20, that is, December 2020. So, you need to enter the numbers 12 and 20 in the "Map Duration" field.

Fig. 6. Enter data from the card to activate it.

Next you need to come up with a PIN code. It is impossible to restore it later, it will be necessary to release new map. If the PIN code is incorrectly entered 3 times in a row, the card is automatically blocked and need to contact the support service.

PIN-code is needed to remove cash in an ATM and pay at the checkout. You can change the PIN at any time: there is a button in the "Bank cards" section. You cannot use a PIN code:

  • part of the card number,
  • date of birth
  • simple combinations 0000 and 1234.

Fig. 7. PIN code to activate the map of Yandex Money

Next you need to come up with a code word. For any bank card, it is usually forced to come up with a code word. It is necessary in order to call support service. The code word confirms that the card is really yours.

The code word can always be checked on the Yandex.Money website, in its settings.

Fig. 8. Code word for Yandex Money Card

We enter the code word in Russian or English, click the "Save Code War" button. We receive a message that your card is ready:

Fig. 9. The card is activated. You can still activate the advantages of the connected

I can't say anything about the advantages of connected, I registered a map in a connected club just in case. To do this, click the "Register a Card in the Club" button.

There is a standard registration procedure. We must enter

  • yandex.Money card number, which is located on the back of the map under the barcode,
  • e-mail of your mailbox.

Then, in your mail, you should find a letter "Confirm your email to register a map", in which you need to click on a long link to confirm that Email belongs to you.

Where to see the code word and how to change PIN code Yandex.Money card

You can see the code word and change the PIN code. This can be done on the Yandex.Money website, in your personal account, in the section "Bank cards".

Fig. 10. View code word Map Yandex.Money. Change PIN.

You can change the PIN code once more often than once a day.

The code word is stored under the protection of the password, that is, to see it, it will be necessary to enter a password from the SMS.

How to make money with Yandex.Maps

Yandex.Money card can be paid on the Internet, in stores, cafes, etc.

You can withdraw cash in an ATM, information from the official site

You will suit any ATM in any country.

Insert the map, enter your PIN code and get cash.
Money is written off from the wallet.

The Commission is always the same and does not depend on the bank: 3% + 15 rubles, minimum of 100 rubles. That is, if you are removing any amount up to 2800 rubles, the Commission will be 100 rubles. Starting from 2850 rubles, the Commission is considered at a rate of 3% of the amount + 15 rubles. For example, a commission for five thousand - 165 rubles.

Bank Yandex.Money card

Bank Yandex.Money card is Sberbank, who in 2012 bought Yandex.Money from Yandex. This is easy to make sure if, for example, put money on Yandex.Map.

How to put money on Yandex.Cart through Sberbank online

To put money on Yandex.Cart, you need to replenish the account of Yandex.Money, they have a common account, they are inextricably connected with each other. You can replenish your account in Yandex.Money through Sberbank online.

We go to Sberbank online and click on the menu by the "Translations and Payments" option:

Fig. 11. Sberbank Online: Transfer to the account in Yandex.Money

Click on the button "Transfer to the account in Yandex.Money", the "Payment: Yandex.Money" window opens:

Fig. 12. Replenishment of the account Yandex.Money through Sberbank

Payment is possible only from the Sberbank card. You need to specify the number of Yandex money account number. Instead of the account number, you can specify the phone number that is tied to the Yandex Money wallet.

How to find out the number of the Yandex.Money account number, more.

The amount of payment should not exceed 10.000 rubles.

Well, now you can start using bank cardtied to the Yandex.Money wallet, use as an ordinary debit bank card with a magnetic strip, with a chip and with Pay Pass technology.

Where to contact?

You can get answers to your questions by writing a comment at the end of the article.
Another option is

In order to contact Yandex.Money, you need to go to the reference above, after which fill the proposed form. Describe your problem in the field "What happened:" It is necessary as in detail as possible, because from one sentence it is difficult to understand what is meant.

Voting "What electronic money do you use or don't use them at all?"

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