
What is CVV number. CVC and CVV code - what is it and where is it? Plastic card safety


The same code for system payment cards is called Card Validation Code 2 - CVC2. The essence is one, only the terminological combinations themselves differ.

CVV2 code: what is it and for what you need

This number (more often 3 digits, but 4) allows you to confirm the operation that the user conducts via the Internet. This is a way to confirm the authenticity of the card and the fact that the user is the owner of the card (after all, it can see the number on the real map). That is, a particular person certifies what physically owns a card.

Those who know that such a CVC2 code (CVV2) is not always used. It is requested not by all sellers. Some banks prohibit similar for individual cards. Now there are other ways of authentication (for example, via SMS to the number specified by the Bank's customer).

Where is the CVC2 code (CVV2)

CVC2 code (CVV2) is listed on the back of the map, on the magnetic strip, after signing the owner (extreme numbers on the right). It is applied to the map by stamping or Ident printing (the characters are engraved, and then painted; do not protrude above the surface of the card).

There are cases when CVV2 is not on the map. It does not indicate the entry level Visa Electron, Mastercard Cirrus Maestro, Mastercard Electronic. However, when emissions, the code is still creating the code.

Briefly about terminology

Synonyms CVC2 (CVV2):

  • CVVC (Card Verification Value Code),
  • V-Code, V Code (Verification Code),
  • CSC (Card Security Code),
  • CVD (Card Verification Data).

CVV (CVC) code is written on a magnetic strip. It is checked by the system when a person uses either a terminal.

Security Guarantee

Sellers of goods and services are prohibited from storing CVC2 codes (CVV2) even short time. They only serve for instant card user authentication.

If you want to send a photocopy or scan of a payment card (sometimes requested, for example, bookmakers), CVC2 code (CVV2) must be stuck (cover with a piece of dense material).

CVC2 code (CVV2) can not be disclosed by an outsider (as well as lay out the photo of its bank cards on the network), otherwise the attackers will be able to pay for the purchase by staging the card data.

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It is difficult to find an adult who does not have a plastic card on the hands. Bank can be released (for example, PJSC Sberbank of Russia), Other financial institution Or even the electronic payment system (Yandex.Money, Webmoney) - In any case, if the organization acted in compliance with international and local legislation, "plastic" will be suitable for non-cash calculations. And we are talking not only about ATMs and purchases in shopping centers: with development modern technologies You can or purchase goods in the online store.

To do this, the user, with rare exception, will be required, in addition to other details of the map, enter CVV2 / CVC2 code. At this stage, misunderstandings usually arise: despite the detailed explanations and graphic prompts, most bank card holders (Visa, MasterCard or any other) cannot find this sequence of numbers. Others, who managed, are afraid to use the code for Internet calculations, fearing theft of means from the card. How fair is this fear and where CVC2 / CVV2 is located, will be told later.

About the purpose of CVC and CVV

Everyone knows that the bank card, regardless of the standard (all of them is more than a dozen, although international Visa and MasterCard formats are most common), designed to optimize non-cash calculations. This could be done before, but using settlement accounts (in the Bank's office) or checkbook. This is undoubtedly progress compared to the need to constantly carry metal money or banknotes with them; But truly comfortable and financially secure such payments will not name.

Unlike its "predecessors", the plastic card is compact, practically nothing weighs and is absolutely not tied to the place: it can be taken with you to another city or abroad, paying as free as at home. People in need of money, credit companies offer - for this you do not even need to get up because of the computer. And finally, through bank card You can make purchases and pay for services online, because of what holderVisaMasterCard or any other "plastic" will need to specify in payment form (On each site it looks in its own way) the following data:

  • map number (squeezed on the front side);
  • the date of expiration (indicated ibid);
  • sometimes - the name of the owner;
  • CVC2 / CVV2.

The last item is a combination of three or four digits; It is usually located on the back of the bank card, but sometimes on the facial. It happens that CVC2 / CVV2 is not specified at all; In addition, with the advent of the "non-contact" payment system, a so-called dynamic CVV code appeared, changing with each new operation.

All these combinations of numbers are related to card security codes, otherwise called data verification codes (CSC, orCardSecurityCode;CVD, orCardVerificationDATA). They are intended to be guessing from the name, to verify the authenticity of the card when conducting various operations, including calculations and removal of cash. In most cases, CSC is automatically calculated by the system when the card is released based on its number, the expiration date and the holder name. The resulting sequence of numbers on a specific algorithm is reduced to three or four; In the future, the authenticity of the card is checked (in fact - recalculate) in the same way. Thanks to the devoted error mechanism when the code is assigned and subsequent verifications are almost excluded, unless we are talking about a large-scale system failure.

Important: Although, as mentioned above, the probability of incorrect calculation of CVC2 / CVV2 and other codes is incredibly small, the card holder faced with the problem will be strongly limited in actions. It is impossible to correct the situation on our own: it will take again to come to the office of the issuer's bank, write a statement with an indication of the difficulty and get a new, already full-featured card. Another option is to simply contact the same or other financial institution for the new "plastic" of the Visa or MasterCard standard, and non-working instance store.

The most common data verification codes are:

  • CVC and CVC2 (Card Validation Code, international Standard MasterCard);
  • CVV and CVV2 (Card Verification Value, International Visa Standard);
  • CVN and CVN2 (Card Validation Number, China UNIONPAY Chinese Standard);
  • CID (Card Identification Number, American American Express and Discover standards: Four Facial Facial Follows);
  • CSC (Card Security Code, International American Express Standard: Three Figures on the back side);
  • CVD (Card Verification Data, International Discover Standard: three digits on the back side);
  • CVE (Elo Verification Code, Brazilian ELO Standard).

IN Russian Federation, as in the rest of the world, the most common CVC2 / CVV2 formats: American maps Even for the "external" appeal are infrequent and not accepted by the majority of ATMs, and it is unlikely that someone outside China and Brazil will come to the head to translate funds to local "plastic". The domestic development called the "World", now actively implemented on state level, with extremely high probability will remain a local standard that does not give the holder to pay for goods and services abroad - except with the exception of several partner countries.

What is CVC on the map?

CVC is an international map authentication code payment system MasterCard. The Monophonic Transnational Corporation, founded in 1966, today is represented in 210 states in the world. The main areas of its activities are the implementation of transfers between the counterparties of any level, lending and investment in industry.

In Russia, MasterCard has been submitted since 2012. During this time, the company managed to establish itself from the best side and attract a lot permanent customers. Nevertheless, its popularity is still incurred with the main international competitor - Visa.

What is CVV on the map?

CVV code is the code of primary verification of the authentication of the VISA International Payment System map, founded in 1958 and currently present in more than 200 countries of the world. The first agreement on cooperation with this transnational corporation was concluded in 1988; Later, in 2012, the company was officially accredited in the Russian Federation.

According to the classification, the networkVisa is divided into six regions:

  • USA (US);
  • Canada (Canada);
  • Latin America and the Caribbean State (LAC);
  • Western Europe (EUROPE);
  • Central and Eastern Europe, including Russia, Middle and Middle East, as well as Africa (CEMEA);
  • Asia-Pacific region (AP).

The division is purely administrative in nature: bank card holders from different regions can freely carry out transactions and, if there is such an option in the service contract, pay the card anywhere in the world.

Council: For the Russian user, there is no fundamental difference between Visa and MasterCard bank cards. Consequently, he can issue any of them - or, if desired, to prepare for possible surprises, to acquire immediately by both: the bank is not entitled to refuse to the client in the registration of the card of any served standard. It is possible that the user who has entered the taste will decide to receive both the World Card, also having a threeximal protective code: the benefit from it at the international level seeks to zero, but for calculations within the country, the card is quite suitable for calculations.

CVV code, as well as the previously mentioned CVC is in the encoded form on the second line of the magnetic strip. It is used, as well as the main "competitor", for calculations that suggest the physical presence of a card holder or its trusted person: information is read by the control device and is checked for authenticity according to the adopted algorithm. If verification is completed successfully, the user will only need to confirm the action by entering the PIN code of the bank card, which must be remembered or recorded.

Council: With serious mechanical damage to the magnetic strip on the map, malfunctions in its operation are not excluded. The holder who has noticed a defect (or caused its reason) is necessary to avoid possible trouble, immediately contact the Bank's office, in which the card was obtained. The plastic product will be checked and will be replaced by "serviceable" if necessary; Operation, depending on the conditions of the bank and concrete circumstances, may be paid or validated.

CVC2 / CVV2 code - where is it?

CVV2 / CVC2 codes related to international VISA and MasterCard payment systems are intended for non-cash remote calculation through a bank card. They are also needed to verify the authenticity of data cards when its holder and the recipient of funds are not in direct contact. The most vivid examples are purchases in online stores and, depending on the MFI conditions, getting a loan on.

Typically, CVC2 / CVV2 codes are threeximalistic combinations located on the back of the bank card. Despite the widespread error, location specified code Not fixed: It can be applied to the right, on the left, slightly higher or lower. The card holder is easy to distinguish it: three digits always stand a mansion in relation to other inscriptions. Often they are in italics.

Important: To apply CVC2 / CVV2 codes, the embossing is not used; The numbers can be fairly easily made from the card, intentionally or by negligence. Therefore, it makes sense to learn or record "its" combination, like a PIN code: the data recovery procedure is too complex and requires the personal appeal of the cardholder to the bank branch. Clarify the procedure for actions Customer of any bank can by phone hot linespecified on the site of the relevant financial institution.

What is CVC / CVV differ from CVC2 / CVV2?

Although the main differencesCVV /CVC OTCVV2 /CVC2 were shown in previous paragraphs, it makes sense to once again call them:

  1. CVV / CVC. - this is invisible For a person, the code, driven in the second information band of the magnetic tape, which is on the back of the banking visa cards or MasterCard. It is used to verify the card at the physical level in the presence of the "plastic" holder: when payments at the checkout, payment of services or removing money in an ATM.
  2. CVV2 / CVC2. - this is visible The sequence of three digits applied by the laser printing method on the back of the card. The inscription is always on some distance from others, so it can be found without any problems. The code is used to perform remote payments and translations: when making purchases in online stores or receiving microcredit without leaving home.

Important: Although this probability is small, you can encounter a data confirmation code located not from behind, but in front of the card. In this case, the code will consist of four digits. To use such maps at the physical level in the Russian Federation is extremely difficult due to the lack of necessary data processing tools, but for online payments, they are not less suitable than familiar Visa and MasterCard.

What you need to know about security?

Using CVV2 / CVC2 codes is unlikely to make sense to consider outside the context common security, so below will be given basic recommendations for the application of bank cards:

  1. It is necessary to minimize the risk of loss or theft of the card. Do not put it in the outer pocket or transfer along with the purchases: a small and light piece of plastic can simply fall out when walking or slip out from the package outward.
  2. Should not be reported to anyone, including banking workers and employees of various online stores, their PIN code: it can be used by criminals, carved card, to make purchases or removing cash in an ATM.
  3. The same applies to CVC2 / CVV2 codes: they should not be known to anyone except the card holder. Using these combinations of numbers, a fraudster who also knows the map number, the date of the end of its action and the name of the owner (the latter is optional), it will be able to make purchases in online stores and transfer funds to your own account through online services. The holder can take the CVC2 / CVV2 paper, to completely erase it from the card - then, of course, it will be necessary to write or remember or remember - or just try not to show anyone. The latter, although it seems the ideal one, in fact, problematic: when paying for purchases in the supermarket and other actions in the presence of a large number of people, even the most cautious customer can hardly be able to constantly hide one side of the card.
  4. If the CVC2 / CVV2 code is lost (for example, a storm) and cannot be restored by memory, the client may apply for the restoration of the desired combination to the same branch of the bank where the card was issued. It is impossible to restore the code on your own.
  5. You can not enter your CVV2 / CVC2 code for payment or transfer of funds on not trustworthy sites. According to current standards, to prevent reuse without knowledge of the owner money The code should be deleted from the system immediately upon completion of the transaction and, of course, under no circumstances are not saved. Fraudulent sites, on the contrary, store all the data specified by the bank card holder, which will continue to use the attackers in the future - until the user blocks the map. It is unlikely that he will make it instantly - and therefore criminals will have enough time to transfer all the means available on the card. The bank will not be able to return them: in fact, the user will voluntarily provide its data to third parties, thereby consent to the transfer of money. We will have to go to law enforcement agencies, but due to the characteristics of the domestic investigation and the real complexity of the capture of cybercriminals too much to count on a positive result.

Council: Before using the services of the site, it will not be superfluous to check its reputation, searching for reviews about it on the Internet - the benefit of everything you need to do it at hand. If there are few reviews or not at all, it is better to look for more reliable service for purchases or transfer of funds: the lack of them is currently not observed. It is also important to pay attention to the coincidence of the root addresses of famous sites with real. For example, for Yandex.Money service, the main address ismoney.yandex.ru.. He must remain the same throughout the operation; the user who has noticed an unexpected change (for example, onmoney7.yandex.ru. or money.Jandex.ru.), It is best to leave the page immediately and try, now it is more accurate, enter the official website.

  1. Not bad, although not a 100% solution - Installation on a PC, laptop and mobile devices of an antivirus that prevents theft of props implemented into a system or in force in online malicious code. Alternatively, it is not necessary to rely on the software: each user knows one or two stories about the inaction of the application in extreme cases. Nevertheless, not yet invented, the antivirus will remain in demand.
  2. When making a disappearance of funds, it is necessary to immediately block the card by calling the issuer's hotline number or using online services - for example, Sberbank online provides the owner of a personal account to block the card independently.
  3. An excellent idea is to establish a daily limit on removal of funds from a bank card. In this case, the fraudster, seized CVC2 / CVV2 codes and other necessary information, simply will not be able to output more than a certain amount. Of course, the loss of money is always a shame; But manifesting the forecastement of the card holder will be able to block it on time, having tried minimal losses.
  4. No particular need to take pictures, photocopy or shoot on the video of the current side of the bank card - as, however, the facial. If it is possible to avoid this, it is still impossible to cover CVC2 / CVV2 code with paper or otherwise hide it throughout the shooting.

Important: Although chemically resistant substances are used to print CVC2 / CVV2, you need to try to shed anything to the card and do not put it in an aggressive environment: even if it does not affect the inscription code, non-standard conditions may damage the magnetic layer, which in the end will damage The need to replace the card.

What if the code on the map is not?

On some bank cards of the MasterCard standard, in particular Maestro, the CVC2 code is missing by default. In this case, they are only suitable for verification at the physical level. Simply put, the card holder can pay on the checkout shopping center Or rent money in an ATM, but pay the purchase in the online store or transfer money through the online service - no longer.

Exit an unpleasant position Only one: order in any bank a full-fledged Visa or MasterCard map with all the necessary attributes. To seek the CVC2 code to the Issuer meaningless: no one will change the map format due to several dissatisfied customers, which, in addition, could learn in advance about the features of the plastic product.

If the CVC2 / CVV2 code was, but the card holder will need to be applying to the bank to the bank, in which it was obtained. Specify the list of necessary securities and the common sequence of actions can be by calling the hotline of the bank specified on the site.

How to find out the codes for a virtual card?

It is quite logical that the virtual payment card (usually produced by electronic wallets) cannot contain physical form No information, including data authentication code. The secret combination along with the other information can be sent to the user of the service in SMS, alert inside the system or reported on the phone. Like the usual CVV2 / CVC2, to inform the virtual card code to anyone: together with other details, it can be used for unauthorized deregulation.

The user who lost the verification code of its virtual card must be applied to the issuer's support service: upon completion of all formalities, information will be provided to him by one of the following methods.

Is it possible to produce online payment without security code?

Such an opportunity exists in two cases:

  1. If the site does not request CVC2 / CVV2 code. Currently, this is exceptional rarity; In addition, the visitor will still have to introduce any additional informationallowing it to identify.
  2. If the banking or virtual card was "tied" in advance payment service. The optimal option, allowing after one-time introduction of the records of the card to pay for a simplified scheme, simply indicating the amount and purpose of payment.

Important: Most major online services give the user the ability to "link" one or more bank cards. The rules and order of operation among different portals differ greatly, so the client needs to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the system.

Let's sum up

CVC2 / CVV2 codes - an integral part of Most bank cards used to verify their authenticity, and later - to perform remote payments. Like the PIN code, this sequence of numbers should not be reported to anyone, and if it becomes known to third parties - immediately block the card.

In order to avoid making data from your physical card when paying through the Internet, it is better to make an electronic (virtual). More simplified online transfers "Binding" cards for the service: so the user will be able to save time on the payment of services and goods, and sometimes reduce the percentage of commission charged for each commission.

CVC CVV Code on the map is a bank card security code (from English. card Security Code - CSC). It is designed to verify the authenticity of a credit or debit card when paying for goods or services on the Internet. This secret code is more famous as CVC2 ( masterCard cards) or CVV2 (at Visa cards) consists of 3-digit and present on the reverse side of almost all bank cards for some exception.

In this article, we will tell you what CVC CVV code or CVC2 CVV2, which is for the code, what role plays and where it can be found on the bank card.

What is CVC and CVV code on the map. And there is CID and CVP

If you at least once made payments on the Internet (only via the Internet bank, but, for example, when paying on the website of the online store or when replenishing a cell phone account), you had to get your credit (or debit) card and fill out the form payment on its own requisites. Usually asked to enter the card number. The name of the holder, the end time and secret code.

You may come different names This code, but its purpose is always one - this is an additional protective element that ensures the safety of calculations on the Internet or in any other distance (without presence during the payment card and its owner). According to this code, the authentication of a bank card is carried out.

Among CVV and CVC codes exist CVV1 / CVC1 and CVV2 / CVC2 codes.

The first are on the black magnetic strip and are read when paying real purchases - the actual presentation of plastic is carried out with automatic decoding of information.

The second are used in the calculations in the virtual network when the application of the card is not required, but only information from it is provided. It is about them that we will talk in this article.

Each payment system has its own name. secret Code. security.

  • visa has a code CVV2. (Card Verification Value 2);
  • masterCard - CVC2. (Card Verification Code 2);
  • american Express - CID (Card Identification);
  • nPCC World - CVP2. Card Verification Parameter 2).

What difference between these codes? In essence, nothing. Only the title. Despite the difference in the abbreviation, the translation of the designation is the same - the code for authentication.

Where is CVC2 CVV2 code on the map

Three-digit CVC2 CVV2 code (MasterCard, Visa) or CVP2 code (world) is on the back of the card on a paper strip for signature. On the same strip, the entire card number or its last 4 digits can be duplicated, however, the three-digit security code in any case will be the right of them (extreme three digits).

IMPORTANT! Do not confuse the PIN or the card number (recent digits) with the security code (map authentication code).

For example, it looks like CVC2 CVV2 code on the Sberbank map:

The American Express card has a four-digit security code and is located on the front side of the right.

If CVC2 CVV2 Code is not on the map?

Not all maps provide code for checking its authenticity. For example, it is not on debit (calculated) entry-level cards: Visa Electron, Mastercard Cirrus Maestro, MasterCard Electronic.

They are not intended to calculate the Internet, but are used to remove cash in ATMs or to pay for goods and services in retail outlets. Although, for example, with the release of Visa Electron CVV2 code is still formed, although it is hidden on the map, and the possibility of payment on the Internet is determined by the bank released this map (Specify this option when making a card).

On the other hand, you have the opportunity to pay such cards only in those online stores that support the appropriate payment system (for example, Maestro) - they will take payment without entering CVV2 / CVC2 codes, but this option is very rare. Mostly on the Internet take classic, golden, platinum cards: Visa (Classic, Gold, Platinum) and MasterCard (undembossed, Standard, Gold).

How to find out CVC CVV code for a virtual card

Virtual cards (Available virtually and used for safe, usually disposable calculations, do not have a material carrier) also assign 3-digit CVC2 or CVV2 security code, which is necessarily useful for payments. It immediately after the map is reported to the client via SMS. Sometimes it is sent not to the code, but the phone number for which it can be found. Also, it can often be found in the details of the card in the personal account of his online bank.

Safety regulations

Now, knowing what CVC CVV code is on the map, you understand how important it is to keep it from scammers. After all, find the code is very simple - just look at the back side of the map.

Be careful: CVC2 and CVV2 codes are very important numbers. They should be kept secret from outsiders. Do not specify information from the card on suspicious sites and do not announce to unauthorized persons. The bank will never request this data, so do not voicate it in case of calls allegedly from the bank.

With a frequent payment of payment operations on the network, it is better to open a separate electronic virtual map, tiring it to the main one.


Now you know what such CVC CVV code on the bank map is a 3-digit number confirming the authenticity of the map. It is possible to see it right on the plastic in the owner's signature row. The code is the key to online operations - it is important not to report it to a stranger and not to introduce into suspicious forms and forms.

Good day, dear readers. In touch by the author of Blog Ruslan Miftakhov. Surely you, dear reader, have a plastic card and not even one, guess?

Yes, bank cards confidently entered our lives, therefore it is worth knowing everything about the safety of this method of storing and using funds. Otherwise, scammers arrest your money.

So let's go, now you will learn what CVC is on the bank card and what this code needs ...

CVC (from Eng. Card Verification Code) means both additional protection and increased risk. This is a three-digit code used to confirm transactions.

CVV (from English.Card Verification Value) Unlike CVC is used by VISA cards.

CVC codes or their analogues are used by all banking systems of the world. They relate to private information and are considered an advantage, since they increase the protection of both funds and personal account of the account holder.

Although it can argue with this, since the code, like the number, is applied to the card itself, which allows you to find out the combination to anyone who will post her at least for a few minutes.

Types of protective codes

CVC, like any of its analogues, is on the reverse side of the bank card in two versions: three- and seven. In the first case, this is the desired code, in the second they are interested in the last three numbers.

Modern banks are used different types Security codes that do not have fundamental differences:

  1. Visa uses CVV2.
  2. MasterCard is protected with CVC2, for example, as debit card With CashBack from Alpha Bank.
  3. American Express applies CID code
  4. Protective password of the payment system The world is called Miraccept.

Maestro does not use additional protection, in the rest of the same cases, this three-digit code can be found on the reverse side plastic card.

All of the above types of codes are used mainly when purchases on the Internet as an additional confirmation of the payment, but the difference between them lies only in the fact that everyone refers to its banking system.

Only the world's payment system can be distinguished, the protective codes of which make it possible to use a full test 3D Secure, allowing you to pay for purchases without a map.

Others banking systems Do not always provide a similar function, so it is better to clarify this question from a bank employee. It is possible to order a map with support for 3D Secure, but you need to be prepared for changing the terms of service and tariffing.

What are CVC codes for?

The main task of these codes is to increase security. bank accounts, the main area of \u200b\u200busing CVC account holders - online shopping. To pay for anything in the network, it is enough just to know the CVC or CVV code, it is not necessary to even have a card with you.

It is important to remember the safety - it is worth keeping the card away from strangers and in no way lose, or take care of immediate blocking, if it happened.

Learn more about O. virtual credit card Kviku. With such advantages:

  • free service;
  • instant card issue;
  • up to 30% cachekee;
  • up to 200,000 rubles a credit limit;
  • up to 50 days of the grace period.

Should I specify additional protection password on the Internet?

This question is most popular among account holders, often purchasing purchases in the World Wide Web. The reason is simple - all banks do not recommend reporting to someone their data, so you should know that you can only specify the CVC when paying.

A site that allows this method of payment will definitely direct the buyer to fill in a special form, where you need to enter all the required data for the purchase.

Never indicate any data of your card when filling out a questionnaire or something like that, even if the right rules are written inverse!

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the reliability of the online store or another resource. Trust is only a major online shopping with good reputation or well-known payment systems.

Leave your data on unknown sites is also not worth it, especially if the site is not too long.

It is also worth mentioning that CVC or CVV is not needed if the money must be enrolled to you. Now many fraudsters enjoy the ignorance of simple Internet users and request all the data under the pretext of the transfer of money to the account.

Just here describes a visual situation from my life, as you wanted to withdraw all the money from my card under the pretext of translating a prepayment for the house. I wonder how it all ended?

Improve protection or risk?

This can be arguing for a very long time, but it makes no sense in the discussion, because the banks have already decided for their customers. It remains to be used to accept this phenomenon, but what can be done to increase the security of your funds?

When decorated, you should order a map supporting additional authentication 3D Secure. Mandatory confirmation of each transaction using SMS can give almost absolute protection.

In this regard, RNB and Sberbank and Sberbank are most attractive among Russian banks, as they work with a world that provides dual default protection.

The payment system Miraccept is still being finalized and has its own shortcomings, but they are less and less. At the same time, most of both offline and online stores support payment from the accounts of this payment system.

If the 3D Secure function for some reason is not supported by your bank, and it is not possible to choose the other, it remains only to store the card, as far as possible from extraneous.

If the card is lost, or the suspicion arose that its data was not in those hands, you need to take care of the fast blocking that you can do through personal Area On the website of the bank or by calling the hotline number.

Be careful and vigilant with respect to your bank cards and never trust money to little-known and unverified sites. Only in this case can be confident in its financial security.

If you have found what you were looking for, then do not be lazy to recommend this article to friends, perhaps one of them is also interested in the topic of security of bank accounts.

Sincerely, Ruslan Miftakhov

To calculate the plastic card on the Internet, it is sometimes necessary to use CVV2 / CVC2 / CID, that is, a bank card code. What is the bank card code, in which case it is used, where is on the map, what does it mean?

So, depending on the technologies used by Internet stores or other service providers on the Internet, during payment, the client is invited to enter the main details of the card (card number, validity, embossed name), as well as additionally confirm its powers by one of the following ways:

  • using a bank card code - CVV2, CVC2 or CID;
  • using technology: 3-D Secure; Verified by Visa (VBV), MasterCard Secure Code (MSC)
  • using Miraccept Technology (Miraccept), which allows you to go through full-fledged 3D secure authentication (Map "World").
Attention - Payment of purchase or services on the Internet using CVV2 / CVC2 code is carried out only in cases where the Internet store or another service provider does not support 3 D-Secure technology.

Each payment system that releases bank cards has its own card code name, except Maestro cards that do not have the code. Leading payment systems operating in the Russian market have the following bank card codes:

  • at the Visa payment system - code CVV2. (full name - Card Verification Value 2);
  • at the MasterCard payment system - code CVC2. (Full name - Card Verification Code 2);
  • american Express system has a code CID (Full name - Card Identification);
  • the world's payment system has a Miraccept technology code (Miraccept).
And if there is no code on the bank card? This may mean that such a map is not initially intended for payments on the Internet. In this case, for payments on the Internet, you must arrange another card. And in general, for security reasons - to pay online shopping on the Internet, it is best to have a separate card, and only the amount on which the specific payment will be issued on it will be taken to it.

On the World Maps, Internet payments are protected by my own Miracept (Miraccept) technology, which allows you to go through full-fledged 3D secure authentication. In addition, in the Mir payment system, the technology of mobile and Internet payments will be implemented in a short time - the 3D Secure version 2.0 protocol (which will be replaced by 3D Secure 1.0) the copyright holder of the new protocol 3D Secure version 2.0 is EMVCO (International Association for standards in the field of electronic payment technologies), the partner of which since 2015 is NSPK ( National System payment cards Russia)

The list of Maestro / Maestro cards are missing, this means that this payment system does not support online payments.

What is CVV2, CVC2, CID code, myiracheste

Code CVV2, CVC2, CID is an additional digital protective code that is also called the security code printed on the map, or the card sent in details (for example, for virtual maps is transmitted via an SMS code). Code printed on the map, replace or restore without reissue map is impossible.

CVV2, CVC2 or CID is a special bank card code that is used to authenticate the card issued by the Bank. In the event that there is no such code on your map, it is impossible to carry out operations on the payment of goods and services on the Internet.

The code CVV2 / CVC2. Printed on the back of the card, on the signature band, immediately after the card number, or after the last 4 digits of the card number. It always consists of three digits, and is not a continuation of the number of the bank card, i.e. This is an independent security element.

The code CID - Means the Card Identification Code. The code on the American Express map is applied to the front side and consists of a four-digit number on the right side of the card.

The code Miraccept (Miraccept) - This is a technology that ensures the security of payments on the Internet's Internet system. It consists of three digits, and is an independent element of protecting payments.

Digital protection code, which is sore (affixed) on a bank card, unlike a PIN code, can only be changed when the card reissue.

The table shows the security codes of individual payroll systems operating on russian market Financial services:

In some online stores in the customer filled, the payment form often costs a double filling value - CSC / CVV2. CSC (Card Security Code) is also the name of the Card Security Code, which is considered as a generalized name of all applicable codes. In other words, each payment system that releases bank cards has its own name CSC code (Card Security Code), so if you need to enter CSC, the code is entered, which is specified on your card. And yet, if there is a CSC / CVV2 record, you do not need to enter a personal PIN. CSC and PIN code are different codes. PIN code, this is a secret card code that cannot be filling out in the forms of open access outside of banking systems.

As determined by the presence of CVV2 / CVC2 / CID code, etc. on the bank card

The presence of CVV2 / CVC2 / CID code (security code) is determined as follows:

  • on the classic Map - Three-digit digital code (CVV2 / CVC2, etc.) is on the back of the map, four-digit (CID) - on the front side. If there is no code on the map - it means that the operation on the Internet is impossible on this map.
  • by virtual Map which has no material carrier - the 3-digit code is transmitted to the client on it mobile phone In the form of an SMS or reported on a special phone. The client needs to be remembered and maintained in an inaccessible place for third parties.
Code accommodation on the map:

  • CVV2 / CVC2 codes on maps visa systems And MasterCard is a code set of 3 digits, which is placed on the back of the map on the signature lane or next to it. Sometimes this code is found on the front side of the card. So, for example, on the MC Virtual Alpha Bank cards, this code is placed on the front side of the card.
  • CID Code on Americanexpress System Maps is a code set of 4 digits, which is placed on the front side of the card next to the map number, and is specified with small font. It is usually located above the last or first two digits of the card number (with the displacement of the other digits to the left or right).
  • The code on the Mir payment system cards is a code set of 3 digits, which is placed on the back of the card below the magnetic strip.

About the location of the CVV2 / CVC2 code on the Visa and MasterCard bank card, very intelligibly depicted bank24.ru for its customers. (shown below). Such an explanation is acceptable for all bank cards of any bank.

The location of the secret code on the bank cards of individual payment systems:

The bank card code is used:

  • To make payments on the Internet as a protective element during CNP transactions, when neither the card nor the holder is present during the operation. The code is used as an addition to the map number and the card validity period.
  • When purchases not only on the Internet, but in other cases, when the magnetic bandwidth is not read (for example, when paying for purchases by phone, when you design an Imprintrier operation).

In addition, when working with online stores, you must remember that the field for entering this code on the site may be called differently:

  • CVV2 / CVC2 / CID codes
  • "Security code"
  • credit Card Identification Code
  • etc.
It should also be noted that in lately theft of this number increased, in connection with which, individual payment systems Began to use other technologies for the protection of CNP operations.

The procedure for payment of payment for purchases / services on the Internet using CVV2 / CVC2 code

CNP transaction using CVV2 / CVC2 code is carried out in the following order:

  • Come on the website of the online store or other service provider on the Internet, choose a purchase or service;
  • Make up payment, introducing the details of the cards that the online store requests;
  • If the store requests CVV2 or CVC2 security code - enter this code specified on your card or communicated to you SMS message. If there is no CVV2 or CVC2 code on the classic card - the operation is impossible;
  • Loading the result of the operation.
  • Possible result on operation:

    • If the code is entered correctly - the operation will be approved or rejected depending on the result of checking the rest of the conditions that are checked when performing the operation of the card (adequacy of funds on the account, status and validity of the card, available limits carrying out operations, etc.).
    • If the code is entered incorrectly, on the online store page, it is not requested or the online store does not transmit code to the bank CVV2 / CVC2, the payment will be rejected. The correctness of the information entered includes a code entry requirement, the adequacy of the card account, the status of the map and the compliance of the payment carried out by the restrictions established by the Internet store or another service provider on the Internet.

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