
Classic debit cards "Peace. In Sberbank, premium cards have been launched. World Premium Map World

In the winter of 2017, Sberbank began the release of new debit cards of the world payment system. If earlier bank clients could develop only pension or standard plastic, now there came the turn of gold, as well as premium cards. While they can only enjoy salary Sberbank customers, but in the near future, premium-class cards will become available to everyone.

Premium map The world of Sberbank has an expanded number of opportunities that it is worth learn. After all, according to statistics, the National (Russian) payment system is actively gaining momentum, and the number of plastic already released the world is steadily growing.

The premium map of the world can be issued only in the framework of the salary project.

Main features of a premium map World

The premium map of the world from Sberbank allows its owners to carry out all necessary monetary operations. Including:

  1. Connect the Mobile Bank application.
  2. Perform financial transactions through Sberbank-online.
  3. Money transfers and cash out the funds received.
  4. Activate all necessary services (autoplating, SMS informing).
  5. Acquire the necessary goods (by cashless payments and online markets).

Plastic has an increased degree of security (four gradation levels). For payment in Internet markets, the Miraccept option is provided, ensuring the safety of free (with confirmation of the transaction with one-time drill-password).

Specialists celebrate and a number of other advantages of a premium map World:

  • the possibility of contactless pamping for the purchase;
  • registration on the basis of a premium card of additional plastic;
  • increased charge of Balovka on the bonus program Thank you (up to 10%);
  • cash cash in any terminals, without commission;
  • connecting and free use by all the features of the mobile bank.

Premium card features

An important advantage of debit plastic The premium world is the ability to authorize the full package of mobile banking. Thanks to this service, the client can timely receive notifications about all financial transactions manufactured with cards, as well as make all the necessary money transactions at any time, without any additional costs. The premium card world has the following conditions:

  • currency: rubles;
  • card Action Time: 5 years;
  • there is contactless payment (in one touch);
  • takes part in the cachek program Thank you;
  • cumbling limit: 300,000 rubles. (per day), 3 million rubles. (per month);
  • service cost (per year): 3 000 rubles. Main card, 2 500 rubles. Additional.

The payment system of the world offers more than 11 different plastic products, only a few of them are executed by Sberbank

Where you can pay

Premium cards The world takes absolutely all retail chains of Russian stores, municipal / government agencies, designed by cashless payments, as well as communal service providers. It is worth knowing that not still Internet sites and major trading corporations take the world to pay. But their list is constantly growing. Among the connected major organizations that are taken to pay for the map of the Russian national system, the following:

  • cinemas Karo;
  • hypermarkets Auchan;
  • bill supermarkets;
  • aliexpress online playground
  • furniture Corporation IKEA;
  • sportsmaster sports corporation;
  • casins of small-pool trading Metro Cash & Kerry;
  • network of fast food restaurants Teremok, McDonalds.

Facial account

All customer savings are saved in bank accounts. So when replacing plastic, the money listed will continue to do freely. But, if you need to replace (reissue) the card, its number may change, so it is better to better update the details to enumerate money.

Mobile Bank

For the owners of premium plastic, the world's connection and operation of the mobile bank will be free (for the rest of the categories, monthly maintenance will be up to 60 rubles). The full banking package makes it possible to receive the following mobile notifications:

  • alerts about accrual / write-off money;
  • disposable password code to confirm the transactions carried out;
  • informing about the need to pay off debt on credit liabilities;
  • other important information and all offers from Sberbank, including participation in promotional bonus programs.

Features of plastic payment system world

Sberbank Online

This remote service allows you to manage to manage and monitor the status of personal accounts using a phone or a computer that have access to the Internet. Using Sberbank-online, the owner of premium plastic world can receive the following plan:

  • timely informing about the promotion of funds on the available accounts;
  • at any time, make money transfers to both legal and individuals;
  • fast repayment of accounts for housing and utilities services, payments for fines, taxes, loan deductions, etc.

Why not get paid

Sometimes there are situations when terminals or ATMs refuse to accept world maps. This may occur when calculating retail points. The reasons may be the following:

  • plastic damage;
  • the account does not have enough money;
  • terminal malfunction;
  • improper input of the PIN code;
  • the end of the card;
  • technical failure in the payment system;
  • its incorrect installation in the payment device.

If there are no damage on the card, the PIN is entered correctly, but the device does not accept plastic, it is necessary to seek an explanation for the bank employees. It should be borne in mind that the national financial and payment system is still new, and it can give frequent technical interruptions.

The most common cards of the world

How to order a premium card world

Now it is permitted to issue a premium card only in the framework of the salary project. Her holders become Sberbank customers who are owners of salary cards. Make an application for order-receiving premium plastic can be several ways.

In the banking department

You can apply for a personal visit to the Sberbank Office. To do this, have a salary card and passport. After consulting with a bank employee and registration of the application, you should wait for the time and come for receiving plastic, which will be ready after 2-5 banking days later.

On the Internet

As soon as the card is made, the client will receive a notification (or call from the bank). It remains only to visit the banking department and with the presentation of a passport to issue an agreement for services and get plastic.

Through the employer

The whole process of registration of salary cards The world lies on the shoulders of the employer and accounting of the organization where the client works. After the compilation and signing of the relevant contract for the design of a plastic card, the documents are transmitted to the bank along with the full list of employees. After the manufacture of plastic, Sberbank recreses them to the employer for subsequent issuance to employees.

Additional features of the premium card

According to premium plastic, there is an increased accrual of cachek-points on the bonus program. Thank you. With each cashless loan, the premium world card, the client enters a promotional account:

  • 10% when paying for gas stations and travel for a taxi;
  • 5%: When calculating visits to restaurants and cafes, fast food points;
  • 1.5%: when making transactions in supermarkets, provided that trade organizations are partners of the Sber.

Features of the Golden Map World

When making a card, the world of class premium +, all listed bonuses are doubled. With all the conditions carried out shares can be found on the Sberbank website. In Sberbank-Online, you can also explore the list of partners of the savage, which help plastic owners actively accumulate cachekki.

Advantages and disadvantages of a premium map World

The main advantage and a huge plus of plastic world is its complete independence from the political and economic situations occurring in the world. Safety of these financial products is provided by the Central Bank of Russia. Persons already using the eraser of this species respond about him as a rather convenient way of doing financial affairs.

The only minuses of plastic holders include quite a high payment and sometimes sometimes failures in transparency, which prevents contactless payment. But, given that the National Russian Monetary System only recently began to function, the failures for technical reasons are a matter of time.


Expanding the financial line of plastic products from the national payment system and a planned increase in the total volume of maps is a guarantee that the world's maps are becoming increasingly popular. And with the comprehensive and active support of the state, the National Payment System has every chance in the sooner of the future to become not just an effective and advantageous alternative to international analogues.

Dear Clients!

Communication-Bank (Vnesheconombank Group) One of the first banks in Russia began the issue of maps of the Mir National Payment System.

Payment System "Peace" - Russian National Payment System. In December 2015, the first world map was released. It is planned that the World Map will receive the maximum distribution in Russia, it is also envisaged to enter the map abroad due to co-baying programs with international payment systems. The operator of the Mir payment system is the Joint-Stock Company National Payment Card System (NSPK). NSPK's tasks - ensuring uninterrupted operations on cards of international payment systems in Russia, the construction and development of the Russian payment card system. Official site of the PS "Mir": mironline.ru.

Learn more about the map "Mir"

Map "Mir" - National Payment Card:

  • Map "Peace" is a fully Russian project
  • The guarantee of the safety and reliability of all operations provides a high-tech platform of the national payment card system and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as a settlement bank
  • In the near future, all budget payments will be listed on the World Maps: benefits, pensions, salaries of employees of budgetary organizations

Map "World" is available:

  • The cost of release and annual maintenance of the World Map is significantly lower than the cost of cards of other payment systems.

Map "Peace" is a present and future:

The national payment system is actively developing and Already today throughout Russia with the help of "Peace"you can make all daily payment operations:

  • Cash, pay for purchases and services, carry out various payments
  • Pay for purchases in online stores
  • Make payment transactions while abroad
  • Get Cashback on Loyalty Program "Hello World!"
  • Receive discounts and privileges under the program loyalty program "Recognition"

More and more features will appear at the Mir Map users: integration with transport cards and much more.

Main tariffs

Map Type

Debit cards "World"

Classic Debit Cards "Peace"

Premium debit cards "Peace"

Annual maintenance Main card accounts

Additional Commission for Annual Service The main card accounts in the event of an additional card (depending on the type of additional card). Charged for each additional card

Commission for resuming settlements Using the main / additional card terminated due to its renewal in the event of a card loss and / or pin, in case of damage to the card, including the magnetic strip is demaging, in case of changing personal data holder data

90 rubles. / 60 rubles.

450 rub. / 300 rubles.

2 000 rubles. / 1 500 rubles.

Commission for the operation of changing the PIN code In ATM Bank

Not charged

Commission for cashless payments By payment for goods and services using a card

Not charged

Commission for cash issuance In ATMs and points of issuing cash banks and ATMs of banks

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    Making the contribution, card or credit, many Alpha Bank customers do not have a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibilities and limitations of a particular product. In this article, we will tell about how to "squeeze out" the maximum of what the bank offers underwater stones.


    Where, besides insurance companies, you may impose insurance

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  • SMS informing: calm for free and for money

    When choosing a SMS service banking product, as a rule, is not among the priority factors affecting the decision-making. Nevertheless, the in-depth knowledge of this service will be unlisted. In this article, we present the results of the study of the cost and functional of the SMS informing offered by Russian banks.

  • Got money mistaken. What to do?

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  • How to take money on a journey

    In the neighboring city or at the mouth of the Amazon, the loss of a bank card can significantly ruin the rest. Instead of photographing Cayman and walk through unfamiliar forests, you will have to deal with an empty wallet. Avoid this simply, if you prepare and keep money properly.

  • Seld advice

    How to save on conversion and exchange rate abroad

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  • New program "Thank you" Sberbank: Quests with Finance

    In July 2018, Sberbank introduced a changed privilege program. She looks like a computer game. If you make tasks for three months, get elevated bonuses for the same period. If the tasks are ignored, then come back to the starting stage. There are 4 levels of participation.

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    How to check on the authenticity of the new 200 and 2000 rubles

    In 2017, Russians voted for the placement of the Crimea and Vladivostok on new bills with the dignity of 200 and 2000 rubles. Banknotes are already in circulation and noticeably differ in design from the usual money. Cash is equipped with special signs of authenticity that are checked through the banknote 2017 mobile application.


    Creative commercials of banks: Haip, Stub and 18+

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    Seld advice

    11 Tinkoffkhakov for users of the largest online bank

    Seld advice

    Eat, drink, get cachek. Top cards with bonuses in restaurants

    "Tell me what you eat, and I will say who you are," says the popular winged phrase. Our editorial staff agree with this one hundred. We will even go further. Tell us than we pay in restaurants, and we will say how much you save. We present the rating of bank cards for profitable purchases in cafes and restaurants.

    Seld advice

    Single and unique: Map with an individual design

    Each person is unique. The desire to stand out from the crowd is manifested not only in clothing and tastes, but also in the design of banking plastic. Find out how much individuality costs and how to get such a "nimble".


    Biometry in the mass: how can banks identify your personality

    The unified system of biometric identification and authentication (ESIA) of the clients is valid in Russia from July 1. According to representatives of the Bank of Russia, by the end of 2018, 20% of bank branches will be connected to it, and the process will be completed next year. We tell what it means to customers.

    Seld advice

    How to return erroneous payment

    How much money the Russians regularly translate on other people's accounts by mistake - it's hard to say. But such a situation is familiar to everyone: it is necessary to make a mistake with one digit in details or write an incorrect letter in the name of the organization, and the money will go to nowhere. But you can return lost tools. And need.

  • Discounts, bonuses and quests: Loyalty program for the owners of Troika

    Almost 90% of public transport passengers in Moscow is Troika. In early 2018, information appeared that the bonus program for the card holders would soon start. In June, the project earned. We found out what bonuses and discounts now have the Troika owners and that people think about the program.

  • Financial literacy is the right order of money, in which the risk of their loss is minimal. We decided to make a cycle of articles in which to tell how to protect yourself from errors, as well as how to use banking products. Today we will talk about what you should not do.

  • Seld advice

    "Mobile" cards from cellular operators: what better

    The company's spoiled clients offer all new services. Mobile operators are not lagging behind the fashion, and release bank cards for subscribers. As far as profitable, and what plastic is better, consider in the article.


    "Star" advertising: celebrities that are promoting banks

    Seld advice

    Buy profitable: 5 cards for saving in supermarkets

    Elite real estate buy units, but bread and milk are needed every day. We constantly leave thousands of rubles in supermarkets. With which plastic will be saved on the purchase of products, we will tell in the article.

  • Key rate: what everyone should know about it

    Today, the key rate of the Bank of Russia is 7.25% per annum. What does this mean and why buy customers and ordinary citizens to know - tell in order.

  • Seld advice

    All on the match! Maps for football fans

    The largest sports event of 2018 has ended - the World Cup. Russian fans should not be upset, because soon they will see their idols again at the Games of the Premier League. And on the eve of the opening of the new season, we decided to spend a small study to help readers buy tickets for stadiums at a bargain price.

  • What to do with torn rubles

    Banknotes with stains, fumes and painted faces may not be taken in a supermarket or bus. But it is not worth throwing it away - the bill is considered platform.

  • Seld advice

    How to save on the purchase of gasoline, paying the card

    In April 2018, gasoline prices jumped sharply. And at least now the cost of fuel stabilized, the issue of savings when purchasing it remains relevant. Selecting the right bank card, you can return up to 10% of the cost of gasoline. How to spend less, refueling on a gas station, let's tell me further.


    Tinkoff Mobile VS "Let's Talk" Sberbank

    At the end of 2017, the first virtual communication operators appeared in Russia, or MVNO - Mobile Virtual Network Operator. Patterns were Sberbank and Tinkoff. Both companies use tele2 resources. What is the features of their suggestions and whether to change your operator on the virtual, read further.

At the end of 2017, Sberbank was pleased with his customers with new debit cards of the National Payment System World. Earlier, the Bank produced only a classic and retirement card world. Now the state employees and pensioners, as well as other residents of Russia, have the opportunity to use the Maps of the Golden and Premium world.

Golden Sberbank Card World for state employees: pros and cons

A big plus of a new debit card of Sberbank The world of Golden is an opportunity to connect for free and use the full package of the Mobile Bank service. This allows you to receive SMS notifications about all operations and make payments and transfers without additional costs.

Among other advantages of the new card are remittances at any time of the day, modern and convenient services of Sberbank online and "Autoplating", the bonus program "Thank you from Sberbank", whose bonuses can be paid in the partner stores.

And thanks to the contactless technology, the client can save time and pay for goods and services to one touch - not by releasing the card from the hands.

  • See

Debit Card Sberbank World Gold for state employees: Conditions

  • Payment System: Peace
  • Currency Account Cards: Rubles
  • Card validity: 5 years
  • Service cost: 3 000 rubles Main / 2500 rubles. - Additional.
  • Cash issuance limit: per month - 3 million rubles. / per day - 300,000 rubles.
  • Contactless payment: yes
  • Bonus program "Thank you from Sberbank": yes
  • The magnitude of the bonuses: 0.5% of bonuses from each purchase, up to 20% of the program partners.

Sberbank Card for state owners World Premium

At the end of 2017, the salaries of Sberbank were also available to premium payment system cards world: a premium and premium plus.

Among the advantages of premium cards, Sberbank's world - instant payments in one touch, money transfers at any time of the day, modern and convenient services Sberbank online and "Autoplating", the program "Thank you from Sberbank" loyalty program, whose bonuses can be exchanged for discounts in partner stores programs.

Holders of premium Sberbank cards The world has the ability to issue additional cards, and also for free to connect and use the full package of the Mobile Bank service, within which the bank informs the client about all the card operations. With a Sberbank card, the world premium plus can also be filmed free of charge for cash in ATMs of other banks.

Bonus program of premium cards Sberbank World

According to the premium cards of Sberbank, the world is accrued with increased bonuses thanks. When paying the world's world, a premium client returns 10% of the cost of taxi and purchases on gas stations, 5% - in cafes and restaurants, 1.5% in supermarkets.

When paying the Sberbank card, the world is a premium plus in cafes and restaurants to the client returns 10% of purchases, in supermarkets - 5% (when performing operations in the amount of at least 150 thousand rubles per month).

"The premium cards of the world allow our clients to significantly save when purchases and provide them with a high level of comfort," said Sberbank Svetlana Kirsanova, director of the Division "Facivine and Banking Maps".

Information is presented for reference purposes and is not a public offer.

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