
Payment order form. Filling a new form (form) of the payment order. Rules for filling out bills if tax payments are listed by another person

At the present stage of the development of commodity-monetary relations in Russia, the leading first place in the commission of non-cash cash settlements, translations and payments occupies a payment order. At the same time, development modern technologies Allows you to download and print the blank components in any convenient format, including Microsoft Word format.

Form of the form of payment order

Credit organizations can apply various forms of non-cash payments. The most common forms of non-cash settlements are calculations:

  • payment orders;
  • checks;
  • using the letter of credit;
  • collection orders;
  • electronic translations.

The basis for the implementation by the Bank of the cash payment in one form or another is a payer for translating money.

The Bank, taking on the execution of the payment order, assumes the obligation to translate from the cash on the payer's account specified in the payment sum at the expense of the recipient specified in the same place in the payment order (paragraph 1 of Art. 863 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The payer, choosing the form of non-cash payment by payment orders, is obliged to strictly comply with all regulatory requirements imposed in 2017 to the form and the procedure for filling the details of this document. Failure to comply with the requirements for the calculated document entails the payer's risk of leaving the payment order without execution (Art. 864 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The payment order form is officially approved.

Directly, the Blank Blank itself is given by the Bank of Russia in Approved 19.06.2012 No. 383-P Regulations on the rules for the transfer of funds for the transfer of funds (see Appendix 2 to the Regulation). This document establishes the values \u200b\u200bof all details, including their list and description, form (for payment order on paper), as well as requirements for the minimum number of characters (symbols) in each details of the payment order (see Appendices No. 1 - 3 to the Regulation).

Payment order 0401060: Sample

In Appendix No. 2 to Regulation No. 383-P dated 19.06.2012, a formal form of a payment order is given, or the so-called "F. 0401060.

Fp. 0401060 is a document on the basis of which the cash bank is enrolled in the corresponding account of the recipient.

This form is given as part of the document that the payer can also download in Microsoft Word format.

Sample of the payment order form (F. 0401060) in Word format is below.

Print payment order

Payment order can be drawn up as in in electronic format (and signed electronic digital signature), and in paper.

Regulation No. 383-P of 19.06.2012 contains requirements for a payment order printed on paper:

  • the format of A4 should not be a format;
  • the number of copies is set by the Bank (as a rule, it is at least three copies, one of which remains at the payer, the second copy is presented to the bank, and the third instance is transmitted to the recipient bank);
  • at the first copy of the payer, the payer is obliged to put the signature of the authorized person and the seal;
  • at the time of admission to the execution of the Order, the Bank carries out the availability and compliance of signature on the payment of the bank card available in the Bank with sample signatures.

The printed payment order cannot contain corrections and have any clearing. Control over the integrity of the payment is carried out by the bank.

The Bank will take on the execution only the payment order, which is made on the officially approved form and subject to the fill in all details.

Payment order form (f. 0401060) in Word format

The written order of the payer's organization to the Bank serving its current account, about the transfer of a certain amount from its own current account to the recipient's account is called a payment order (payment).

The provision of the Bank of Russia of October 3, 2002 No. 2-P "On non-cash settlements in Russian Federation"For the document installed unified form For the number 0401060. The instructions of the Bank of Russia dated March 3, 2003 No. 1256-y, this provision made amendment, therefore, from June 1, 2003, the form and procedure for filling out a payment order blank changed somewhat.

The duration of the document is 10 days, while the day of its extract is not taken into account. So, if the commission is dated June 2, 2009, then it is valid until June 12, 2009

The payment order is discharged, as a rule, on a typewriter or using computer equipment in several copies.

The number of bills of payments that must be submitted to the bank depends on how payment is carried out. If the payment is carried out via email, then there are enough two instances of the payment. In other cases, four copies are presented (one copy for the payer, the payer, the recipient and the recipient bank). If the payment is made in favor of an organization that has a settlement account in the same bank, then there are enough three copies (payer, recipient I serving a bank). In some cases, when the payment scheme is complicated, may have to be submitted to the bank five or more instances.

Filling out a payment order

When filling out the payment order, no corrections, cleaning or blots, as well as the use of corrective fluid is not allowed.

The form is filled and drawn up in accordance with the requirements, established position Bank of Russia dated October 3, 2002 No. 2-P "On non-cash settlements in the Russian Federation" in the editors of the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2008 No. 1964-y.

Consider only some features of filling out a payment document.

The field 101, located in the upper right corner of the form, and the fields 104 - 110, located in front of the "purpose of payment", are filled only in the case of transfer of taxes, fees and other mandatory payments to the budget of the Russian Federation.

In the field 24 "Purpose of payment", in addition to the content of the operation, carried out by the payment order, the VAT is necessarily indicated in total amount Payment. If there is a calculation of non-universal operations or goods (work, services), non-taxable VAT, then indicate "without VAT".

The first copy of the payment is signed by the head of the enterprise and chief Accountant (or other persons with the right of the first and second signature). Signatures are put in the field 44 "Signatures" one above the second, not nearby. Signatures on the calculated documents are affixed with a handle with pasta or ink in black, blue or purple. Deciphering signatures in the payment order is not given.

After that, this copy of the payment is assigned to the organization of the organization in the 43 "MP field." Printing should be strictly strictly in a designated place and not to fall on text or signatures. In some banks may require printing and signatures not only on the first instance (for example, on the first and second or on the first and third). Such requirements are based solely on the internal rules of the serving bank or its partners in direct interbank settlements.

All instances of completed and signed payment orders are submitted to the bank.

When granting payment orders to the Bank should be borne in mind that they will be executed "Day per day" they will only if submitted to the bank until the end operating day. Until that time when the Bank closes its payments of the current day and transmits documents for their payment from its correspondent account. All documents taken by the Bank after this time will actually be executed only the next day.

Enterprises should keep records of payment orders in a special registration journal, the form of which can be developed. You can divide one journal into two parts to account for your own payments and third-party earnings, and you can immediately lead two journals.

Here you will find a payment order form (sample) and a detailed description of the fields for error-free filling, on which the crediting of funds depends.

Sample of the Blanca of the payment order and the description of filling the fields

Payment order form (sample) and detailed description of the fields for error-free fill

Decryption of value and description to fill each of the fields of the payment order

room Name Value
1 2 3
1 Payment order Title of the document
2 0401060 OKUD OK 011-93 form number, class "Unified Banking Documentation System"
3 Payment order number. Specifies the payment order number with numbers. In the event that the number consists of more than three digits, payment orders in the implementation of payments through the calculated network of the Bank of Russia are identified by the three last categories of the room, which should be different from "000"
4 date Date of drawing up payment order. Point numbers, month, year - numbers (in DD.mm.gygg format) or number - numbers, month - in words, year - numbers (fully)
5 Payment type In the payment orders submitted to the Bank of Russia institutions to make the payment by postal or telegraph method, is affixed by "Mail" or "Telegraph", respectively. In the payment orders submitted to the implementation of electronic calculations, the "electron" is affixed in this field according to regulatory acts Bank of Russia, regulating electronic calculations. In other cases, the field is not filled
6 Suma in cuirsive It is indicated from the beginning of the line from the capital letter the amount of payment in words in rubles, while the word "ruble" ("rubles", "ruble") is not reduced, a penny is indicated by numbers, the word "kopeck" ("kopecks", "kopecks") also not Reduced. If the payment amount is expressed in the entire rubles, then the penny can not specify, while in the field "sum" indicates the amount of payment and the sign of the equality "\u003d"
7 Sum It is indicated by the amount of payment by numbers, rubles are separated from kopecks by the dash "-". If the amount of payment figures is expressed in the whole rubles, then the penny can not specify, in this case, the amount of payment and the sign of the equality "\u003d" are indicated, while the amount of payment in the amount of payment is indicated in the field
8 Payer Indicates the name of the payer of funds. Additionally indicate the client's personal account number, the name and location (abbreviated) service credit organization, a branch of a credit institution in case the customer's payment is carried out through open in another credit institution, another branch of the credit organization correspondent account, the account of the settlement participant, the account between the branch calculations affixed in the SC field. № »Payer, or indicate the name and location (abbreviated) branch of a credit institution serving the client if the number of the client's personal account is put in the" SC. No. »The payer and the payment of the client is carried out through the account between branch settlements, while the account number between branch calculations is not affordable
9 Sch. No. Payer account number. The number of the personal account of the payer in the credit institution, the branch of the credit institution or in the establishment of the Bank of Russia (with the exception of a correspondent account (subaccount) of the credit institution, a branch office of the credit institution opened in the establishment of the Bank of Russia), formed in accordance with the rules of reference accounting In the bank of Russia or accounting rules in the credit institutions located in the Russian Federation. The number of the personal account in the credit institution, the branch of the credit institution may not be affixed if the payer is a credit institution, a branch of a credit institution
10 Payer Bank The name and location of the credit institution, the branch of the credit institution or the establishment of the Bank of Russia, whose bick is listed in the Beach field of the payer's bank, if the payer of funds is a credit institution, a branch of a credit institution, whose name is indicated in the Panel's field, then the name of this credit organization The branch of the credit institution is indicated re-in the field of the Pateurian Bank
11 Bik Bank identification code (bik) of the payer's bank. The bik of the credit institution, a branch of a credit institution or the establishment of the Bank of Russia in accordance with the "Directory of the BIC RF"
12 Sch. No. Payer's bank account number. The correspondent account number (subaccount), an open credit institution, a branch of a credit institution in the establishment of the Bank of Russia, or not filled, if the payer is a client who is not a credit institution, a branch of a credit institution, is served in the Bank of Russia, or the establishment of the Bank of Russia
13 payee's bank The name and location of the credit institution, the branch of the credit institution or the establishment of the Bank of Russia, whose bick is specified in the Beach field of the recipient's bank if the recipient is a credit institution, a branch of a credit institution, whose name is indicated in the "Recipient" field, the name of this credit organization The branch of the credit institution is indicated re-in the "Bank of the Recipient"
14 Bik Bank identification code (bik) of the recipient's bank. The bik of the credit institution, a branch of a credit institution or the establishment of the Bank of Russia in accordance with the "Directory of the BIC RF"
15 Sch. No. Recipient bank account number. The correspondent account number (subaccount), an open credit institution, a branch of a credit institution in the establishment of the Bank of Russia, or not being filled, if the recipient is a client who is not a credit institution, a branch of a credit institution, is serviced in the Bank of Russia, or the establishment of the Bank of Russia, and Also, when listing funds with a credit institution, a branch of a credit institution to the establishment of a bank of Russia to issue cash a branch of a credit institution that does not have a correspondent subaccount
16 Recipient The name of the recipient is indicated. Additionally, the number of the personal account of the client, the name and location (abbreviated) service credit institution, the branch of the credit organization in the event that the customer's payment is carried out through the correspondent account, the account of the participant's account, the account between the branch calculations, the Credit Organization, Located in the "SC. No. »Recipient, or indicate the name and location (abbreviated) branch of a credit institution serving the client if the client's personal account number is put in the" SC. № »Recipient and customer payment is carried out through the account between branch calculations, while the account number between branch payments is not affixed
17 Sch. No. Recipient account number. The number of the recipient's personal account number in the credit institution, the branch of the credit institution or the number of the personal account in the establishment of the Bank of Russia (with the exception of the correspondent account (subaccount) of the credit institution, a branch office of the credit institution opened in the Bank of Russia), formed in accordance with accounting rules In the bank of Russia or accounting rules in the credit institutions located in the Russian Federation. The number of the personal account in the credit institution, the branch of the credit institution may not be affixed if the recipient is a credit institution, a branch of a credit institution
18 View of op. Type of operation. The cipher (01) is affixed according to accounting rules in the Bank of Russia or accounting rules in the credit institutions located in the territory of the Russian Federation
19 Board boards. Payment period. Not filled to instructions of the Bank of Russia
20 Naz. pl. Appointment code code. Not filled to instructions of the Bank of Russia
21 Ocher. boards. Severity of payment. The order of payment is affixed in accordance with the legislation and regulatory acts Bank of Russia, or the field is not filled in cases provided for by the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia
22 The code Not filled to instructions of the Bank of Russia
23 Cut field Backup field. Filled in cases established by the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia
24 Purpose of payment Posted by the purpose of payment, the name of goods, performed works, services rendered, rooms and dates commodity documents, contracts, tax (allocated on a separate line, or a reference is made to the fact that tax is not paid), other necessary information may also be indicated, including the term of tax or collecting, payment time under the contract
43 MP Place for printing payer. Printing prints (if available) according to the claimed credit institution, a branch of a credit institution or the establishment of the Bank of Russia.
44 Signatures Signatures of the payer. Signatures (signature) of those who have the right to sign the settlement documents, according to the stated credit institution, a branch of the credit institution or the establishment of the Bank of Russia samples
45 Bank marks Markets of the Payer Bank. The stamp (stamps) of the credit institution, a branch of a credit institution or the establishment of the Bank of Russia, the date and signature of the responsible performer
62 Degree to bank boards. Received to the payer's bank. The date of receipt of the payment order to the payer's bank is indicated by the rules set for the Date field
71 Writing off with sch. boards. He was written off from the payer's account. It is indicated by the date of writing off funds from the payer's account according to the rules established for the Date field
60 Inn Inn payer. Indicates the Inn payer if he is assigned
61 Inn Inn recipient. Indicates the Inn Recipient if he is assigned
101 — 110 The information established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, in accordance with paragraph 2.10 of Part I of this Regulation

In 2017, changes in the design and preparation of payment documents were introduced to transfer taxes and insurance premiums. Below are the rules for filling out the fields of a new payment order - bills - to transfer taxes PPFL, UNVD, USN and insurance premiums in the FTS of the Russian Federation and the FSS - Socration. As well as the use of CCT in non-cash calculations.

New payment order - payment in 2019

When paying taxes and insurance premiums to the budget, use typial blanks of payment orders. The form and field of the payment order, the numbers and names of its fields are given in Appendix 3 to the Regulation approved by the Bank of Russia of June 19, 2012 No. 383-p.

What does the estimate of the estimates need to be filled in the payment? Rules for filling out new payment orders in 2019 when transferring tax payments to the budget approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n . These rules apply to all who lists payments in budget System RF:

  • payers of taxes, fees and insurance premiums;
  • tax agents;
  • customs payers and other payments in the budget.

Kassa needed with all non-cash calculations

Changed the requirement at which methods of calculations it is necessary to apply the CCT. The law appeared the concept of "cashless settlement procedures". Before the amendments, it was necessary to apply the CCT only in cash payments and cashless payment using electronic payments (ESP). The definition of ESP is in the law of 27.06.2011 No. 161-FZ "On National payment system" This, for example:

  • bank card;
  • any electronic wallets;
  • online bank, etc.

CCC with cashless calculations: what has changed

It was

The CCP is used when receiving or paying funds using cash and (or) electronic means of payment for sold goods performed, the work performed, the services provided ...


The CCP is used when receiving (receiving) and pay cash in cash and (or) in cashless procedure for goods, work, services ...

From July 3, 2018, the law requires the use of the CCP in any way of cashless payment. For example, when paying for a receipt or payment order through a bank. But additionally, the checks will be published only from July 1, 2019. Non-cash payments other than electronic funds, freed from the CCT until July 1, 2019 (clause 4 of Art. 4 of the Law of 03.07.2018 No. 192-FZ).

Answers to frequent questions

Do I need to use the CCC now with non-cash calculations with individuals?

Yes need. From July 1, 2018, it is necessary to apply CCT, but only when calculating using electronic means of payment. For example, when paying through electronic wallets and online bank. According to new methods of non-cash payment, there is a delay before July 1, 2019. That is, when paying for receipts and payment orders, throughout the operator in the CCC Bank, it will be necessary to be applied only from July 1, 2019. This follows from paragraph 1 of Article 1.2, paragraph 21 of Article 1.1 of the Law of 22.05.2003 No. 54-FZ, paragraph 4 of Article 4 of the Law of 03.07.2018 No. 192-FZ.

Is it necessary to use a CCT with cashless calculations with organizations and IP?

No, with non-cash calculations with organizations and IP, it is not necessary to use CCC in principle. Exception - Calculations with presentation electronic means Payment. For example, when calculating the card. If the calculations pass through the client-bank system, then the CCT is not required. it cashless payment Without presenting an electronic payment tool. This is stated in the law of 05/22/2003 No. 54-FZ.

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Since June 2018, new rules of non-cash settlements

These changes concern all organizations and entrepreneurs.

From June 1, 2018, change the rules of non-cash settlements (the law of July 26, 2017 No. 212-ФЗ). Previously, the bank could ask the client to clarify the payment. The bank rejected the payment only if the client did not answer. Now, after the bank adopted a payment order, he must:

  • make sure the payer has the right to dispose of money;
  • check if the payment is responsible for the established requirements;
  • find out whether money is enough on the payment account;
  • run other banking instructions procedures.

According to the new rules, the Bank cannot ask the client to clarify the content of the payment. This means that the Bank from June 1, 2018 is formally entitled to refuse due to any error in the payment (). An error can be corrected only if there is an internal bank instruction that allows you to request a refinement from the client. For late payment due to inaccuracies in payment, counterparties will have to pay a penalty or legal interest, and the IFTS - penalties.

New rules for filling out payment orders for personal inciping NDFL from August 1, 2016

In field 110 When transferring taxes since 2015, it will not be necessary to fill in the field "110" indicate in it the type of payment (penalties, interest, fine, debt). Type of payment of tax authorities and funds can be identified by the CBC.

Payment amount in words field 6 It is indicated only in payments on paper, in the electronic version, the amount is not affected by the sum.

In field 21 "" You need to write a digit 5 , and before 3.

Note: Changes are made in. The bank should not refuse to accept a paper payment order if it is incorrectly filled with the requisition of the "Trement". Esley yours servicing bank Refused to fulfill the payment for this reason, this can be reported to the Central Bank. (Letter from the Ministry of Finance from 04.10.2017 No. 05-09-06 / 64623)

In field 22 Requisite " The code"Order of the transfer of funds is indicated unique identificator Accrued WIN.
Writing instead of Win value 0 if the payment you list yourself, and not on demand.

The requirement to fill the requisite "Code" applies to orders on the transfer of funds, the forms of which are established by the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 383-p.

Note: Clarified what the Uin value to put the code to the details in the payment order field 22.

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Payment of taxes for third parties: how to fill out the payment

Since November 30, 2016, the possibility of transfer to the tax budget for another person (both legal and physical) appeared. FTS told.

Legal entities can list taxes from their account for other organizations, and leaders have the right to repay tax obligations Companies at the expense of their funds. This is true for fees, penalties, penalties, insurance premiums and applies to payers of fees, tax agents and a responsible participant in the consolidated taxpayer group.

Note: FTS of Russia in a letter from 01/25/18 No. ZN-3-22 / [Email Protected] He told how in such cases it is necessary to fill the fields "Inn", "checkpoint" and "payer" of payment documents.

In filling out the field of payment 24 « Purpose of payment"Points additional Informationassociated with the transfer of funds to the budget and extrabudgetary funds.

For example, when paying insurance premiums in this field, you can specify a short name extrabudgetary fund (FSS, FFOMS or FFR) and organization registration number.

If tax lists, specify the name of the tax and for which period it is paid. For example: "Payment of VAT for the first quarter of 2017", "Payment of income tax for the first quarter of 2017."

At the same time, the total number of signs in the "Purpose of Payment" field should not exceed 210 characters (Appendix 11 to the Regulation approved by the Bank of Russia of June 19, 2012 No. 383-P).

For your information

When transferring insurance premiums for current periods in the "Purpose of payment" field, be sure to specify a month for which contributions are paid. Otherwise, if the organization has overdue debts, the tax will send the funds received for the repayment of this arrears.

If the payment order for the transfer of insurance premiums does not allow to determine the purpose of payment and the period for which payment is made, then, first of all, the fund credits are credited to the repayment of debt formed earlier. And only after that the remaining part of the amount will be counted at the expense of current payments.

Individual entrepreneurs (IP) When filling out the payments, new payment orders 2019 should also indicate the address of their registration or place of residence, enclosed in "//" symbols.

In field 8 The Entrepreneur's payments fill in the name, name, patronymic and in brackets - "IP", as well as the address of registration at the place of residence or address at the place of stay (if there is no place of residence). Before and after information about the address, you must put a sign "//".

Example: Petrov Ivan Petrovich (IP) //G.Moskva, Petrovka 38, Cab.35 //

Put the checkpoint and octo separed divisionfor whose employees the company lists the NDFL

Letter of the Federal Treasury Time from 01.01.2014 to 03/31/2014 appointed by the transition period, during which the Uin can indicate, but not necessarily. From April 1, 2014, the procedure for specifying identifiers will be required.

Number of characters in fields 8 and 16: "Payer" and "Recipient" should not be more than 160.

Note: See the letter of the FIU No.Ad-03-26 / 19355 of 05.12.13

Rules Registration of all other payments, except taxes, contributions and payment of municipal and public services, remain the same.

The taxpayer, who learned that because of the error made in the payment order, the tax is not reflected on the personal account, must make certain actions. Read the topic about them. "

Note: Opened section C for organizations and IP for all taxes and fees. Come at any time. Download completed examples of 2019 payments.

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Details to fill payments on the payment of taxes and contributions will change in 26 regions

From February 4, 2019, it is necessary to be more attentive when filling out payments to pay taxes, contributions, fines and other payments. The Federal Tax Service of Russia reported that the control number of the Federal Treasury will change in a number of regions. The table of conformity for the former and new bank accounts shown in the letter of FTS from 12/28/18 No. KC-4-8 / [Email Protected].

New NFC numbers will need to be indicated in the payments since February 4. At the same time, the Central Bank set the "transitional" period. So, when completing payments, two bank accounts (old and new) were functioning until April 29, 2019. After this date, payers will need only new details (a letter of the Federal Treasury of December 13, 18 No. 05-04-09 / 27053).

Additional links on the topic
  1. Examples of payment of payments to the tax
    The rules for filling out payment orders when transferring payments to the budget approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 12-11-2013 No. 107n. They apply to all who lists payments: tax payers, fees and insurance premiums.

  2. The rules for specifying information in details 104 - 110, "Code" and "Purpose of payment" in drawing up orders to transfer funds to pay taxes, insurance fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation.

  3. The rules for the indication of information identifying a person or body, who has been making a disposal to transfer funds to pay payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation. Code in the 101 payment field.

  4. the taxpayer, who learned that because of the error made in the payment order, the tax was not reflected on the personal account, should take the following actions ...

Payment order in 2017 - Blank you can download on our website. This is the most important banking estimated documentTherefore, it is necessary to choose to design a payment form that fully relevant norms of current legislation.

What is required payment order

The most popular form for making calculations between counterparties or to make payments to the budget is to transfer funds using blanca payment order in 2017 - downloadit can be on the site. It is necessary for non-cash form calculation. The subject of economic activity can send payments to the bank in paper or electronic form. Moreover, the paper version of the document is valid for 10 days after it is compiled. The payment order obliges the bank to translate a certain amount of funds from the settlement account of the owner in favor of the budget or counterparties of this company.

The preparation of a payment order requires an accountant attentiveness, as well as the knowledge of its characteristics and the latest requirements of the legislation. Otherwise, the delay in transfer of funds can be fraught with penalties.

Physicians can also transfers monetary sums For its intended purpose, but without a special opening of an account in the bank. In such cases, employees of the credit institution themselves account for a payment order.

Can I download payment order for free in 2017 - Blank and sample

In order not to be late with the current payments, it is necessary to use the latest version of the form of a document for payment corresponding to the application No. 2 given in Appendix No. 2 to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 19.06.2012 No. 383-P "On the Rules for the Translation of Cash" (this payment order blank in 2016). Payment details and other information (payment assignment) are filled in accordance with this order.

On our site is available for viewing and downloading the completed payment order form, which can be used as a sample.

If an error in the CBC is allowed when transferring a tax payment, the payment does not need to be transferred again. More about this - in the material .

Actual in 2017.year blank payment order download Free in any of the convenient formats can be on our website.

Where to download payment order format in Word format

If you need a blank form in Word, download it on our website. By entering the necessary data and details of organizations to this form, you will create an absolutely correct document for the commission of non-cash payments.

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