
Tax Personal Account Taxpayer. FTS Personal Cabinet for individuals - Login, registration. Personal Cabinet Taxpayer Legal Party

29.11.2017 0

Taxpayers of the Russian Federation proposes comfortable conditions in order to fulfill their duties and rights. To this end, the FTS of Russia was created - personal Area For individuals and legal entities. The entrance (registration) in the panel of its office is a large range of tools required for all documents and information, as well as for sending them to the tax authority.

Using the account on the official website of the FNS, you can use the information necessary for interaction with the state authorities. In advance, it will be necessary to inform the tax service about the need to create a personal tax cabinet.

FTS Personal Cabinet Taxpayer for Individuals - Login

If the registration procedure was previously executed on the web resource of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, then the maximum quick access to the cabinet will open to private users:

Enter personal Account You can use:

Russia's tax service is engaged in observing and monitoring on the execution of legislative acts of fees and taxes Russian Federation. Also, the functions of the inspection include many other responsibilities, providing services to legal, individuals and private entrepreneurs. Previously, everyone who wants to carry out certain operations and functions that controlled FTS were obliged to get directly in this institution. Now the official service site has been developed, with which customers can carry out a huge number of indispensable functions.

Official site of the FNS.

The main resource of the country's tax service will be useful to all customers, because it has the information to the following categories:


Naturally, most clients of the site belong to FL and PP, which have the ability to register on the resource and become the owner of their own account. Naturally, the personal office of the taxpayer for individuals, private entrepreneurs and Yul is presented separately on www.nalog.ru.

Everything without exception, visitors to the resource, even guests can find out all the necessary information about the procedure for the start of their business, under what conditions and the types of taxes that it will have to pay.

Also on the site inspection, the user can:

  • get or renew the Inn;
  • pay tax;
  • apply for a visit to the inspection;
  • sign up as Yul or IP;
  • view service life;
  • read S. legislative actswhat are designed and signed by the inspection;
  • contact support service.

Electronic services

The process of registration of his own profile for an individual

To allow the client to quickly and conveniently take reporting, pay taxes, receive current proposals, it needs to be obtained on the site www.nalog.ru Personal account of the taxpayer for individuals, since the possession of them will significantly simplify many procedures.

The taxpayer's personal account can be available in the implementation of one of three conditions:

  1. Thanks to the name of the user in the person of the individual and the protective password, which provides the registration card. This card can be obtained in the separation of the Russian tax inspection, while, the place where the individual has become registered, the role does not play. The client must present a document that his personality will confirm. For those who have no 14 years old, access is carried out by its representatives and in cases of availability of a document confirming the identity.
  2. In the event of a qualified electronic signaturewhich the exclusively certification center can be issued accredited by the Ministry of Communication Countries. This signature is possible to maintain any species on media, it can be used if there are specially installed programs.
  3. Due to the fact that an account was created in ESIA. The recognition process is available exclusively to those who have previously submitted an application for receiving registration data.

Personal cabin.

Accordingly, to create a personal account must be performed one of the above conditions and then the client will take data to enter its account.

To registered the taxpayer, you can go to the page in my own profile, you need to find a tab for an individual and provide the requested information. After that, the client will send a notice from the tax service to the email address. The letter will contain the address after the transition to which the client successfully activates its own profile.

How to go to your own profile?

In case of successful completion of registration actions, the user will receive the entry into account when you press the input button directly into the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals on the website www.nalog.ru and fill out such fields:

  • security code.

The client needs to verify the correctness of the information and click the "Login" button.

Entrance to the Cabinet

All subsequent attempts to enter the profile will be accompanied by the site again will request registration data. But in order to accelerate the input and authorization procedure, the user must mark the message to memorize it login.

Restoring a lost password

If there is a situation where the client has lost a protective password from the taxpayer's personal account for individuals on the portal www.nalog.ru, you must click on the button that is forgotten or lost password and present the following information:

  • Iin - login;
  • email;
  • secret word.

Password on the site FTS

The user must extortively enter all the data, because it will have only three attempts to fill them. If the input is incorrect, then the profile will be blocked for a day.

If the client wants to have another password from the entrance to the personal account of the taxpayer, he needs to visit any tax inspectorate department.

Profile functionality

When accessing the account, the new user will discover a lot of useful functions that will significantly simplify the process of appealing to inspection.

The taxpayer can carry out the following actions in its own profile:

  • monitor the calculation procedures;
  • be notified about the property, debts, existing overpayments, about the tax numbers that were presented were repaid;
  • pay taxes and repay debts;
  • monitor the status of checking the declarations;
  • receive letters and receipt checks about paid taxes and print them;
  • make letters with the wording of the problem in the support service;
  • download filling software tax Declarations About PL income.

Personal Cabinet functions

Profile interface

If the situation arose that the client wishes to preview the functionality of the taxpayer's profile for individuals, then he has the right to test the demonstrative version of the account. Accordingly, it is necessary to fill such fields:

  • login - 000000000000;
  • protective code - any combination at will.
Log in Cabinet

After that, the main tab opens before the client. own profilewhich brings familiarizing information on the possibilities of the service at www.nalog.ru. At the bottom of the same page, the taxpayer can see the example of the current state of personal calculations, where such information is indicated:

  • accrued amount, rub.;
  • paid amount, rub.;
  • overpayment for tax accrued;
  • duty tax, accrued penalty.

At the top of the site section www.nalog.ru Personal Cabinet taxpayer for individuals also provides the following functions:

  • view a list of objects on which taxes are paid;
  • accrued, rub.;
  • paid, rub.;
  • view overpayment and debt;
  • view a list of taxes for FL, insurance contributions;
  • documents of tax payer.

Information for individuals

Also, all individuals can familiarize themselves with the detailed list of necessary documents, Submit forms to register. The site provides a unique chance to see and examine all taxes in detail that will have to wague.

At the moment, Russian taxpayers have the opportunity to implement their rights and obligations through a personal account (LC) FTS (Federal Tax Service). Using a personal account or account is carried out in order to send data and documents in the FTS, as well as their receipt from the tax authority.

Getting it will be possible only after the direction to the Federal Tax Service of Notification on the Use of Personal Cabinet.

If there is already registration on the FTS website, you can enter the personal account of the taxpayer of individuals by a direct link:

The FTS system provides two other options in the personal account:

Registration of personal Cabinet FTS for individuals

Registration on the web resource of the tax service lasts a few minutes (for the full use of all the personal account features, you will have to visit the tax service to certify your personality).

To connect the online features, go to the registration page of the new user of the official website of the FTS and fill out the form.

Other options for getting access to the personal account of the taxpayer

Get access to the account on the Nalog.ru portal in two ways:

1. Via universal electronic card. The issuance of electronic signatures is carried out by the certifying center, which was accredited by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. The resulting signature can be recorded on a flash or smart card, hard disk, on a universal electronic card.

2. Through the login and password specified in the registration card. By visiting the department of the FTS, there is an opportunity to acquire this card. It may be issued in any inspection operating on the territory of the state, both in its city and in the neighboring.

The registration card in the tax authority at the place of residence is issued only if there is a passport. It is allowed to use other identity documents. Their list should be specified in the FTS. You can get this card in any other inspection of the country, by providing not only a passport, but also the testimony of the INN. Moreover, it is necessary to have, both original and a copy of the evidence of the identification number.

Personal Cabinet Features (LC) Taxpayer

1. Consider billing with the budget:

  • for land tax, car, house or apartment. Opening the Cabinet, you can see the current information on taxation objects available on the balance sheet, as well as about the accrued amounts, fines and pencils. Thanks to this information, in a short time, you can reveal inaccuracy and report it to the FNS;

  • on the income tax of individuals. It is possible that last year Employees of the FTS did not hold the amount of NDFL amounts from the income of individual. Information about this should be transferred until March 1, following the reporting tax period to the Federal Tax Service. The presence of a personal account gives you the opportunity to see whether the advertisence of NFFL is listed. It also indicates the amount of this debt and fines for the delay in payment.

2. Use the program to fill the Declaration 3-NDFL

Each Cabinet owner has the opportunity to receive a 3-NDFL declaration by downloading it to the computer's memory. It is also proposed to fill it directly in the computer and assure using an electronic card. Subscribed documents can be sent immediately to the FTS.

3. Monitoring status cameral check Tax Declarations 3-NDFL

If the tax of 3-NDFL is overpayed, you can contact the FNS for recalculation.

4. Appeal to the tax authorities without a visit to the FTS

Each appeal to the tax authority is in the Taxpayer Documents menu. In this place, the answers sent by the FTS are stored.

5. Formation of payment documents and tax payment

Personal account is synchronized with electronic service "Pay taxes." Thanks to him, as well as the service "Payment of taxes of individuals" is possible:

  • create documents for making various taxes in advance. That is, until the moment when an envelope is sent to the payment receipt;
  • create documents on pay Ndfl, as well as other documents for the payment of the fine, if the tax return is submitted;
  • display seal receipts to pay them in the nearest branch of the bank. It is also possible to make payment for taxes online;
  • formation of deposits for debt to FTS.

Entrance to the personal account (FNS) of the taxpayer - legal entity

The personal account system also provides for all necessary tools for legal entities by which the organization exchanges with the FNS documents, sending them through the Internet. In addition, tracked taxes on taxes.

How to register in a personal account for legal entities

Entrance to the FTS Personal Cabinet for legal entities is possible if:

  • acquire a qualified electronic signature (EDS);
  • register on the FTS website;
  • sign EDS Agreement on the creation of a personal account.

Read more about all the details and technical points - on the page of the official website of the FTS.

Having access to your personal account, you can send to the tax service:

  • the application for the return of the amount that was paid in the excess of the tax amount;
  • certificates about the status of settlements with the budget;
  • requests for issuing an act of reconciliation;
  • certificates about the lack of debts in front of the IFSN;
  • messages about the start of work or the elimination of separate divisions.

IFTS, in turn, can send various documents directly to the personal account. Also invaluate tax debt payment requirements.

Documents sent to your personal account have the same legal force, as well as documents on paper.

If the company received a requirement to pay tax debts, it must be executed in strictly established deadlines.

The date of receipt of the document in the personal account is the day for the day when he sent the IFTS.

Each organization is entitled to solve the need for a personal account. Its presence is not mandatory.

Personal account of the taxpayer for individuals is the service of the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which allows actual information about debt, about property objects and vehicles, about the amounts of accrued and paid tax payments, about the presence of overpayments; Payment for taxes on taxes, fill out a 3-NDFL form declaration and monitor the status of its desk check; contact the tax authorities without a personal visit to tax inspection.

After registering the personal account of the taxpayer of an individual allows you to:

Receive up-to-date information about property and vehicle facilities, the amounts of accrued and paid tax payments, the presence of overpayments, on tax debt to the budget;

Monitor the state of calculation with the budget;

Get and printed tax notifications and receipts for paying tax payments;

Pay tax debt and tax payments;

Download programs for filling the declaration on the income tax on individuals in form No. 3-NDFL, fill out a declaration on form No. 3-NDFL online, to send a declaration to the tax inspectorate in form No. 3-NDFL in in electronic formatsigned by an electronic signature of the taxpayer;

To track the status of a challenge verification of tax returns in form No. 3-NDFL;

Contact tax authorities without a personal visit to the tax inspection.

Access to the Nalog.ru service "Personal Account of the Taxpayer for Individuals" is carried out in one of two ways:

1. Using the login and password specified in the registration card. You can receive a registration card personally in any inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, regardless of the place of registration. When contacting the inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the place of residence, it is necessary to have a document certifying the person. When contacting other inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, with him, it is necessary to have a document certifying the identity, and the original or a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual (certificate of assignment of the INN) / notice of registration.

2. With electronic signature. A qualified certificate of the electronic signature check key must be issued by the certifying center accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia and can be stored on any media: hard disk, USB key, universal electronic map or smart card. This requires the use of a special cryptoproider software: CRYPTOPRO CSP version 3.6 and above. Full information about connecting with an electronic signature and a list of certifying centers accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia can be found on the FTS website by reference.

Acquainted with functionality Service Nalog.ru "Personal Cabinet Taxpayer for Individuals" You can on the test example. To do this, go to the entry page to the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals and enter: login - 000000000000 (twelve zeros), password - any.

Due to the fact that the Personal Account contains information that make up the tax secrecy in accordance with Art. 102 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, login and password to the personal account of the taxpayer get e-mail It is impossible. In order to provide the user in online information about the property and transport of the taxpayer, it is necessary to pre-establish its identity. Login and password to a personal account is issued only to the taxpayer or a taxpayer representative for notarial power of attorney.

Obtaining access (login and password) to the service by another person (authorized representative of an individual) is possible only under the condition of the presentation of a notarized power of attorney and a document certifying the person of the authorized representative.

If you have not changed the primary password for a month, forgotten or lost previously received login and password, then for the restoration of access to the personal account of the taxpayer, you should contact any inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia with a person certifying the person. When contacting the inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, other than the inspection at the place of residence, it is also necessary to provide the original or a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual (certificate of assigning the INN) / notice of registration. Password will be generated again.

In the personal account of the taxpayer contains information that make up the tax secrecy in accordance with Article 102 Tax Code. Despite the fact that the generated password has a high degree of protection, it is fixed on paper, so you need to change the password within the prescribed period.

Maybe, but as an ordinary individual - the same information will be available for it as for other individuals. Displaying information on calculations with the budget according to USN, UNVD, etc. It is not the subject of the Service FTS "Personal Cabinet of the Taxpayer for Individuals".

Nalog.ru "Personal Account Personal Cabinet for Individuals" operates on the basis of the HTTPS protocol, providing authentication and a secure connection through the use of data encryption technology.

You have the opportunity to either change the password on your own, or temporarily block access to the "Personal Account" and apply for the generation of a new password to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (optional to the inspection, where you received the primary password) with a certification document and evidence of Accounting in the tax authority (copy). If you do not have the opportunity to go to the "Personal Account" with the same password, you need to contact the inspection.

Personal Cabinet Taxpayer Legal Party

Personal Cabinet Taxpayer legal entity - This is the intrinsic service of the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, an anological personal account of the taxpayer of an individual, which is intended for legal entities - russian organizations. The service allows you to receive up-to-date information on tax debt to the budget, about the amounts of accrued and paid tax payments, the presence of overpayments, unexplained payments; monitor the state of calculation with the budget; to make and send to the tax authorities a statement to clarify the payment, statements about the standings / refund; Receive references about the status of settlements with the budget, on the performance of the obligation to pay taxes and other mandatory payments, the acts of reconciliation.

Personal account of the taxpayer of a legal entity allows you to:

Receive up-to-date information on tax debt to the budget, the amount of accrued and paid tax payments, the presence of overpayments, innocent payments, which fulfilled with the tax authority decisions on the offset and on the return of overlaid (unnecessarily recovered) amounts, about the decisions made decisions of the payment, about settlement debt, about non-taxable requirements for the payment of tax and other mandatory payments, on measures forced recovery of debt;

Receive an extract from the register in relation to himself;

Receive an extract from EGRN to itself;

Send requests and receive a certificate about the status of calculations for taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest, act joint reconciliation calculations for taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest;

Send a request for reference to the performance of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest;

To make and send to the tax authorities a statement to clarify the unexplained payment, an application for refinement of payment documents in which the taxpayer independently found errors in registration, statements about the competition / refund, statements for initiating the reconciliation of settlements with the budget;

Send to the tax authority reports in the form of the C-09-2 on participation in Russian and foreign organizations;

Receive services for the formulation and deregistration of the organization at the location of a separate division, amending the information about separed division Based on the formalized electronic reports of the taxpayer in forms No. C-09-3-1, C-09-3-2, 1-6-account, 3-account, as a taxpayer of UTII on the basis of applications for forms No. ENVD-1, UNVD -3, 3 account;

Direct documents for state registration legal entities or amendments to the information contained in the register into the tax authority for the implementation of state registration or amendments to the EGRUL;

Receive information on the implementation of its applications and requests to independently monitor the timing of the provision of services to the tax authority, to obtain decisions of the tax authority in the direction of applications;

To gain access to the FTS Service "Personal Cabinet of the Taxpayer of a Legal Party" it is necessary to ensure a number of technical conditions. You can read the conditions and check their execution on the FTS website

In 2012 federal Tax Service launched a new Internet service, " Personal Cabinet Taxpayer For individuals. " In order to pass registration, that is, connect to it and access, you need to get a "registration card".

This can be done, personally contacting any inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, regardless of the place of registration. If you contact at the place of residence, then only a personal passport will be enough with it. When contacting other inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, in addition, it will also be necessary for the original or a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual (INN).

Also possible entry into the personal account of the taxpayer with the help of a public service account, if you have confirmed the person through a special service center. Or using an electronic signature key, if any, you have. In other cases, still have to go to the tax. By the way, there this procedure is very fast, takes no more than five minutes and without any queue.

The main thing that allows you to make a personal account of the taxpayer

  • receive information about the objects of property and vehicles, about the amounts of accrued and paid taxes, the presence of overpayments or debt;
  • receive and, if necessary, print the receipts at the payment of taxes;
  • pay for tax debts and taxes online directly from the personal account of the taxpayer;
  • contact tax authorities with statements or issues via the Internet.

Registration procedure and start of work in the Personal Account

As soon as this service began to work, it was possible to apply for connecting to the personal account of the taxpayer online. After filling out all the necessary fields on that page, it was safe to go to the tax authorities for the registration card. Now this opportunity has not become. Yes since the service itself updated.

But do not be upset about this, since in any case it had to fill this application personally and re-. So you can immediately go to the tax authorities for the registration card and do not forget to grab a passport with you. There will be a login and password to enter your personal account.

To start working click on the button:

Payment and Tax Return, Application Application Online

I think you can learn how to use this Internet service without much difficulty. For example, to make a payment enough to enter your account And click the "Pay Now" button:

If you have doubts about the correctness of the specified amount, you can click on the "My Property" button. Tax objects will open, where you can check if there are no objects that have long been sold or never belonged to you. If necessary, immediately from your personal account you can write an appeal to the tax authorities.

If everything is normally returning to "My Taxes" and make payment by clicking on the "Pay" button, and in one one can manage the overpayment (Return to your account in the bank or to use the debt repayment, if you have it):

By the way, do you know that the tax on real estate from pensioners is not taken? It turns out not all bona fide taxpayers know about it. Personally, I learned about this in the second year pension randomly, when registering in the personal account of the taxpayer. But cease to take it only to achieve retirement age.

If you have retired old age ahead of schedule (for example, in harm), then it makes sense to apply online to cancel this tax and to return the already paid. And do not forget to attach the scanned pension certificate file. That is how I entered when I learned about it. And then it was nice to receive letters about the progress of consideration of my appeal to the notice of recalculation and return the taxes already paid.

The amounts of real estate tax, of course, are not yet large. But in that - it's the matter that while. And if, suddenly, will increase dramatically? Imagine what a stream of early retirement-bona fide taxpayers rushes after that to the tax. Then it's like you and you will rejoice that in time I made registration on the tax site and solved all problems online. But this is already a retreat from the topic.

So, after you click "Pay", the following window will open. By default, the payment window opens. But you can click on "pay by the receipt". Form and print payment documentsI think we will not need to "pay online".

Payment methods and appeal to the FTS without registration

So, you decided to "pay online." After that, a window will open in front of you, where partners and other payment methods are presented. Everything without commission! Choose the one that suits you and go to payment:

Of all those presented, previously only Gazprombank allowed its customers to pay taxes directly from the card by introducing its data online. If you, for example, would wish to pay from your account in Sberbank, it was necessary that it was connected to Sberbank online. Otherwise, nothing turned out. After updating the Internet service of the personal account, the taxpayer may have changed everything. I confess, did not check.

You can write online appeal and not having registration in the personal account of the taxpayer. " It is desirable that you have an electronic mailing address. If you still do not have it, then hurry to start. On my blog in the subject: "" about this in detail and, in my opinion, it is clearly written and shown. But you can do without it, then the answers will come by ordinary mail.

To take advantage of this service, click on the next phrase -\u003e "contact the Federal Tax Service of Russia", where everything is written in steps that you need to fill. There you can fit the file. For example, the same scanned pension certificate or other document required to confirm any benefits. I assure you, this method is much more efficient and more convenient to visits the inspection of the FTS - this is my personal experience.

That's all. Do not be lazy go away and make yourself a personal account of the taxpayer.You will be much easier to solve any problems with tax authorities Not to mention the payment of taxes and just control over them.

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