
Experience in the tax inspectorate. Interview about Profession: Tax Inspector. Famous tax authorities and taxes

You probably heard the winged expression: "Only death and taxes are inevitable"? By this expression, the people accurately noticed that with a tax inspector, who actually deals with taxes, almost every conscious citizen directly or indirectly occurs regardless of whether he wants it or not.

You probably heard the winged expression: "Only death and taxes are inevitable"? This expression, the people accurately noticed that with tax inspectorwhich actually deals with taxes, almost every conscious citizen directly or indirectly occurs regardless of whether he wants it or not.

It should be noted that representatives of this profession play a huge role in the development of the state, for the tax fees, which replenish the state treasury and ensure the activities of state institutions. In turn, state institutions provide a decent and safe life of state citizens.

By the way, since no one can avoid tax inspector as a doctor, personally "leads" customers. You can say, even accompanies them in life. Therefore, they always have a job. As a result, this profession was also in demand among those who prefer stability and predictability.

However, thinking about his future and choosing this profession, not all young people really imagine what it is, what is in the profession of dignity and with what difficulties will have to be faced. Moreover, some are not even aware of the circle of the duties of the tax inspector and think that these professionals are only the same and they are sitting in the office and simply shift the papers from one stack to another. Well, so that your choice tax Inspector Professions I was conscious and correct, we suggest you today to talk about all its features.

Who is the tax inspector?

Tax inspector is a public servant, a tax inspection officer, which controls the timeliness and completeness of tax and other revenues to the state budget from all categories of taxpayers (legal entities and individuals).

In a sense, the profession of the tax inspector is unique. Not only is this one of the most ancient professions on Earth, the first mentions of which can be found already in biblical plots (in those days, taxes were charged in the form of a decade), it is also considered to be given to none concepts.

The origin of the name of the profession has a fairly interesting story. Since ancient times, the Tax Inspector called "Mytar" (from the word "soot" - duty, fee, reward). It follows from this that initially representatives of this profession were engaged solely by collecting all sorts of taxes and filters. Since the XVIII century, tax inspectors began to be called fiscals (from the word "confiscate"). In Russian, this name came from Polish, and in Polish - from Latin, where, in fact, "tax collector, which follows the financial activities of state bodies."

In Russia, Piscal's post introduced Peter I, strictly followed by the payment of taxes. He entered even the rank "Ober-Fiscal". The Russian language reacts to the connection of the meaning of the word and its shape, and very soon the word has the meaning of the "Yabednik", the "Donoschik", although for the sake of the sake of the sake, which is only in Russian. Subsequently, in order to avoid any assessments, the profession began to be called the "Tax Inspector", thereby emphasizing the direct job responsibilities of the specialist.

  • monitor compliance with tax legislation and, if necessary, attract taxpayers to justice. Therefore, the specialist should know constitutional and tax law.
  • check all financial documents of the enterprise for paying or hiding tax payments. Consequently, the tax inspector should be well aware of the economy of enterprises and firms that provide a variety of services.
  • exercise field checks, selective checks. Analysis of the results and conclusions on the inspections carried out may cause impositions (or withdrawal) penalties.
  • tax reporting, collecting, studying and analyzing huge amounts of information is basically a financial nature - an integral part of the work of the Tax Inspector.
  • consultation of citizens who applied to the tax inspector on taxation, also within the competence of people of this profession.

What qualities should the tax inspector have?

What personal qualities should have a person who wants to tie his life with work in the tax inspection? The uniqueness of the profession lies in the fact that a person who chosen her must combine and the ability to work with the iconic systems (and those are all documents), and the ability to work with people. Therefore, any tax inspector, first of all, should have such personal qualities as:

  • analytic skills,
  • frostingness
  • attentiveness
  • observation,
  • communicability,
  • meticulousness,
  • pedanticity (in the good sense of the word).

Since the tax inspector works with people, one part of which honestly pays taxes, understanding their responsibility to the state, and others are not very, trying to deceive the state, the specialist should know the subtleties of psychology, and in accordance with the psychological peculiarities of the taxpayer to choose communication tactics with him.

Another quality that is needed by a tax specialist is a high threshold of "non-conflict." The tax inspector is as a diplomat, should achieve its goals not military means, but through peace negotiations. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that it is not always a consensus will be achieved without offended and insults.

Advantages of the Tax Inspector Profession

Basic advantage of the Tax Inspector Profession It is that its representatives are civil servants. Consequently, the tax service employees will never lose their significance and will always be protected by the state.

In addition, it is impossible to discount and such advantages as:

  • this is one of their most sought-after professions, and never tax inspector will not be left without work.
  • a tax collection man can help not only its customers, but also for himself. Knowledge of rights and finance is one of the most sought-after in the life of any person.
  • knowledge of all taxation nuances is developing a person: a specialist must "keep his intellect all the time.

Of course, the merit of profession also includes the amount of remuneration, which, by the way, is one of the highest among budget professions.

Disadvantages of the Tax Inspector Profession

Deficiencies Profession Tax Inspector Not much, as it may seem at first glance. Since the tax inspection worker should always be aware of the latest changes in tax legislation and apply it in practice, therefore, the thesis that you don't need to learn more, you can forget. Tax inspector is always studying.

If you remember the etymology of the name of the profession, then you can make sure that the wise language simply allocated the most important problem in the profession: the tax inspectors do not like to define. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the person will meet who came to withdraw blood earned, at least his part, Nelskovo. You need to be prepared for such situations, and this implies a certain psychological stress.

And one more thing: the profession is quite monotonne, so it is not necessary to talk about any diversity.

Where can I get the profession of the tax inspector?

A long time to prepare experts on taxes in Russia, the only institution was involved in the country - All-Russian Tax Academy. Today get a tax inspectorate profession It is possible in any economic university where there is a specialty "Taxes and Taxation" or "Economic Security".

The only "but". If you chose the profession of the Tax Inspector at the destruction of the soul, and dream of achieving significant career success, then when choosing a university, it is necessary to take into account the availability of a higher educational institution of scientific school, the history of its existence, as well as the experience of practical communication with the tax authorities.

Based on the foregoing, we can recommend young people such the best economic universities of Russia, as:

  • (and its branches).

Interview Taken by Shorina Elena Evgenievna

- Tell us about yourself: who do you work and how long do you work for this profession?

My name is Shorin Elena Evgenievna. My profession is related to finance. I work in the tax inspectorate of the city of Arzamas, ranking the post of deputy chief. After the institute, I chose this profession and I have been working for 20 years.

- Why did you choose this profession?

The main task of an employee of the tax service is to collect taxes from enterprises and citizens. The conscientious fulfillment of their duties brings income to the budget of the country, areas and cities. It is subsequently a salary of teachers, doctors, good roads, playgrounds and much more.

- Are you satisfied with your choice?

I am very pleased with my choice, because it is socially significant responsibility, interesting work, requiring a variety of knowledge in the financial, accounting and legal fields of activity.

- Was it difficult to master your profession? What kind of education should be obtained for this?

The development of the profession was not one year. It was required to thoroughly study the laws, codes, instructions, as well as modern software. As everywhere, it was accompanied by advanced training courses, passing exams and tests. For work in the tax inspection, a higher economic education is necessary.

- Are there any special qualities and skills to a person who decided to become a specialist in this area?

Main qualities and skills necessary for work in the tax service: honesty, responsibility, professionalism, sociability, wide range.

- What difficulties do you encounter at work?

It makes pay for unscrupulous taxpayers.

- What is the most interesting in your work?

Checks of financial and economic activities of the enterprise, analysis of the demonstration work of all taxpayers of the city, budget formation.

- Does your profession be able to disclose creative abilities, show yourself?

My profession allows you to reveal creativity when communicating with citizens and individual enterprises. It is necessary to express yourself so that people understand that it is necessary to pay in good faith in the tax budget.

- Did the children's dream come true about the future profession?

In childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher, but the work as a deputy head of the inspection she came true. My position obliges to hold meetings, commissions, seminars and this is similar to the profession of the teacher.

- How useful is your profession and important for our country?

Replenishing the revenue of the country's budget is the most important thing in our profession and is of great importance for the prosperous life of the population.

- Does your profession bring big income?

My work is well paid, and when performing and over-fulfillment of scheduled tasks, experts receive award.

- What would you like to warn those who are going to get the same profession like you?

I wanted to warn you that you have to read a lot of laws and keep track of all changes in legislation and be able to apply them in business.

- How do you see your profession in the future?

Well-paid. Young, qualified personnel work for the benefit of their country.

- What do you dislike about your profession?

Everything suits me.

- Do you want to change the profession?

No, I like my profession.

- What do you think your profession is complicated?

- How much did you achieve in your profession?

A lot of enough, I was adopted to work as an ordinary inspector, and now, I am Deputy Head of the Tax Inspectorate of the city of Arzamas.

- What do you like to do in your free time?

Interview held Kalinin Danil,

Student 8 class MBOU "Gymnasium"

Arzamas Nizhny Novgorod Region.

77 city Moscow

Publication date: 06/20/2014

Edition: Consultant Plus
Subject: Tax in persons
A source:& NBSP http://www.consultant.ru/edu/interview/view/haneev/

The correspondent of the site "ConsultantPlus - Student and the teacher" in the framework of the Interview cycle on legal professions met with the head of the department of field inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 2 in Moscow Andrei Alexandrovich Khaneev and found out who such a tax inspector, what qualities and skills he should possess, and What is needed in order to achieve success and build a career in the tax authorities.

Consultant Plus: Andrei Aleksandrovich, please tell me how you have become a tax specialist? Where did you study how professional career was built? You initially wanted to work as a tax inspector?

Khaniev Andrei Aleksandrovich: I came to the tax service in 1998 on the distribution of a commercial college. At first, there was a production practice in the department of test work of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Moscow. At the end of the college began working in the territorial inspection No. 9 in Moscow in the department of field checks. I was then 18 years old.

At the same time, already working in the inspection, I graduated from the All-Russian State Tax Academy (Rotna) in the specialty "Accounting and Audit", and then the Moscow Financial and Law Academy (MFU) in the specialty "Jurisprudence". I note that knowledge in these areas is of particular importance when carrying out exit tax inspections.

Although initially, I did not want to work in the tax authorities, I wanted to try myself in the banking sector, but now I do not regret anything that everything happened. I consider my job not only interesting, but also necessary to our society.

Consultant Plus: How does your working day usually go? What is included in your duties? What do you particularly like in your work and what causes not very pleasant emotions?

Andrei Aleksandrovich: Every day passes in different ways: participating in meetings, in meetings of working groups. In case of tax disputes on the results of exit tax checks, participate in trials.

Directly in my responsibilities also includes coordination and organization of the work of the department of field tax audits and control over the work of its employees. As a head of department, I try to organize regular training for my employees, I will introduce them with new internal regulations, orders, explanations, changes in legislation, with a new judicial practice, etc.

Most of all in my work I like its diversity. I have to face with the most different cases. And in order to figure out this or that situation, you must have extensive knowledge in various branches of law, not only tax, but also civil, and administrative, and criminal and many others. It is necessary to constantly increase its level of education and follow the current changes in legislation. As a result - constantly developing and getting a new experience.

Not very pleasant emotions, as probably, on any other work, causes routine, reports, control, timing. But believe me, positive moments are much more. We have an interesting job and a wonderful team.

Andrei Aleksandrovich: Interesting cases in practice are very much, but I feel particularly pride when young novice employees, for whom I am a mentor, seek to receive new skills, knowledge, professional experience. Subsequently, they grow in highly qualified competent specialists in the field of taxes, and, in turn, themselves become a reliable support for the next generation of young employees.

Consultant Plus: Please describe in general: who is such a tax inspector, what is its main purpose?

Andrei Aleksandrovich: The branch of tax legislation compared to other branches of law is sufficiently voluminous. In addition, as I have already noted, the work of the Tax Inspector requires knowledge and in other branches of law. This is due to the fact that the taxation permeates all areas of relations of economic entities. The tax inspector carries out inspections in various fields of activity: in trade, production, construction, in banking activities, printing, design, etc. And the main purpose of the tax inspector is the observance and protection of the rights of both the state and the taxpayer. That is, providing balance and public, and private interests.

Consultant Plus: What do you think, what qualities should the tax specialist have to take place in the profession? Tell us what is the selection procedure for this position? What experience should have the applicant?

Andrei Aleksandrovich: Replacement of such public civil service posts, as a specialist expert, state tax inspector, Senior State Tax Inspector, is carried out on a competitive basis several times a year. At the same time, one of the basic requirements is the presence of a higher profile education: economic or legal.

In my opinion, in order to take place in the profession of the tax inspector, the applicant must be initiative, executive, ready to constantly increase its professional level. At the same time, he must be able to communicate with people, because in our work we communicate every day with the General Directors, and the main accountants of organizations, and with other officials. We have an internal regulation of communicating with taxpayers, which obliges a civil servant to always be polite and correct.

Consultant Plus: We see that modern technologies are very dynamically developing. This requires specialists from various levels of new skills and skills. What changes occur in your profession? With what knowledge expert will not be able to achieve success in his work today?

Andrei Aleksandrovich: Indeed, in the tax system over the past few years there has been introduced many information resources that help both tax inspectors and taxpayers. Everyone knows about such an online service as the "personal account of the taxpayer", or such an interactive service as "find out your Inn." In addition, taxpayers use telecommunication channels for sending reports to the inspection. Interactive information exchange of data is carried out between tax inspections, as well as between inspections and other bodies, such as the customs service, Rosrester, as well as credit institutions.

In addition, there are many other information resources, without which at the current current pace it is already impossible to submit work in the tax authorities. For example, all inspectors work in the "Automated Information System of Taxation of Legal and Individuals" (AIS-Tax). It has a wide range of use, including intended for input, processing and storing all tax documents entering the tax inspection on paper or electronic media, as well as to provide automated exchange with external information systems. Obviously, the tax inspector is obliged to be able to enjoy modern information technology.

Consultant Plus: How do you feel about the use of reference legal systems in the work of tax specialists?

Andrei Aleksandrovich: Since tax legislation and judicial practice are constantly developing, then in the course of checks, and directly in the workplace we constantly appeal for help from reference and legal systems. Today it is already difficult to imagine the work of the tax inspector without this convenient and useful tool.

Consultant Plus: What you will advise students who seek to work by tax expenses: what do they pay special attention during the period of study, what to be ready and how to build a successful career?

Andrei Aleksandrovich: My advice to all young professionals - do not be afraid to go to the tax inspection. Yes, this is a difficult profession, with a serious load. But work in the tax authorities gives great opportunities for the development of professional skills. The experience gained in the field of field tax checks will further allow you to build a career in any field of activity, since you will have extensive practical knowledge.

Consultant Plus: Andrei Aleksandrovich, we thank you for an interesting conversation and detailed answers.

Interview prepared by the correspondent of the company "ConsultalPlus" A. Epifanova
Photo - T. Retsevsky

Probably, almost all conscious citizens, regardless of their desire, sooner or later are found with a person who wears the title of a tax inspector. Representatives of this profession are essential in the state, as their activities contribute to the replenishment of its treasury and the functioning of state institutions, and the latter, in turn, allow their citizens to live decent and safe. Consider the main duties of the tax inspector.

About profession

The tax inspector always has a job because he accompanies his customers all his life. However, few know the subtleties, difficulties and terms of responsibilities of this profession. But in reality, the activities of its representatives are not limited to the seat in the office and shifting from place to place of papers, as some people believe. Tax inspector duties are very extensive.

The tax inspector is an employee of the tax inspection, a public servant who controls the fullness and timeliness of the receipts of various types to the state budget from taxpayers of all categories.

The profession of the tax inspector can be called unique, since it is one of the most ancient and mentioned for the first time in the scenes of the Bible. In addition, she has a none sense associated with the name of the position introduced by Peter I, Fiscal. In Russian, the figurative meaning of this word appeared very quickly - the diaminder. In order to avoid such estimated judgments, the profession was named "Tax Inspector", the duties will consider it below.

Responsibilities of tax inspector

The list of responsibilities of the Tax Inspector is determined by the content of its activities and includes the following tasks:

  • control the widespread compliance with tax legislation and attract taxpayers responsible if necessary;
  • thoroughly study all documents of various types of organizations for tax payments or their concealment;
  • conduct sample and field checks, as a result of which penalties may be imposed or removed;
  • to conduct tax reporting, collect, analyze, explore large-scale information of information predominantly financially;
  • advise citizens who applied for help in tax issues.

This is not all the duties of the State Tax Inspector.

Height of loads

It is characterized by a qualitative and quantitative increase in loads, having permanent character. Quantitative growth is justified all the time the increasing number of taxpayers in comparison with the increase in the number of employees of the tax inspectorate. The qualitative is caused by the appearance of completely new areas of work recently, which include: control over tax payments with the help of banks, turnover of alcoholic beverages, monetary appeal, drawing up reporting on inspection activities, etc.

Some sites have changed and began to demand much more resource spending, for example, when recovering arrears, the imposition of various sanctions, providing evidence during verification. And although the collection of taxes is provided by the collective work of employees, still on each employee there is a personal responsibility for the timely execution of the tax inspector's duties.

Determination of control methods

First of all, the tax inspector must determine the category of taxpayers and control methods that bring the greatest benefit to the state budget and work in particular in these directions. The inspector is obliged to know how things are in the most significant taxpayers at its site, to solve their issues in the field of taxation, as well as see the prospects for the growth of revenues that revenue budget. At the same time, it is necessary not only on the declarations and reports provided to the inspection, but also on the results of conversations with officials, analysis of payers' issues.

Also, the inspector must think not only about the plot entrusted to him, but also about the neighboring. If he owns information that can be a useful other department or inspection, he must tell his chief about it so that the necessary measures have been taken.

Monitoring the deadlines

In addition, the duties of the State Tax Inspectorate include continuous monitoring of the timing of certain works on the site entrusted to him and contribute to compliance. Typically, such deadlines are quite rigid.

Some of them are determined by tax legislation, some are relevant orders of higher authorities or managers themselves. Failure to comply with the prescribed deadlines often serves as the cause of state losses. What else is included in the duties of the tax inspector?

Faithful documentation

Large importance is also the right design of the documentation. If the current rules of its preparation are violated, state interests are infringed, the results of the work of several tax inspectorates are crossed. So, for example, the failure to comply with any requirement for documenting documents during the field check may not be reduced to the entire evidence base.

We also give some of the responsibilities of the tax inspector cameras.

Responsibility for exceeding authority

Also, the tax worker can be held accountable for the excess of its powers, since his duty is the exact knowledge of the procedure for drawing up official documents, their registration, transfer to payers. The amount of work with the documents of the latter, in principle, very large, their deadlines and the form will differ. However, the inspector must prepare and carefully stored all the information in a timely manner, since it lies personal responsibility for the safety and confidentiality of information contained in the documentation.

Documents should be kept in such a manner so that open access to unauthorized people is prohibited. The duties of the senior state tax inspector are somewhat different.

Information transfer

Specialist in taxes should also constantly transfer various information to management and related units. He is responsible for its accuracy and should include only such data into the documents, in the truth of which it is 100% sure and can prove their calculations, figures, regulatory acts. Therefore, you need to constantly recheck information without hoping for your memory.

Currently, the activities of the Tax Inspector are conjugate with the use of various computing equipment. This contributes to improving productivity, reduces turnover of papers, improves the quality of analytical labor. At the same time, non-competent ownership of software reducing the effectiveness of their application. The tax inspector is obliged to carefully study them and use technical capabilities to the maximum. Working with computing equipment, you need to carefully protect information in the tax inspection database from hacker attacks and computer viruses.

The duties of the Senior Tax Inspector are indicated in the Regulations.

Mandatory qualities of the tax inspectorator

A person who wants to tie his fate with the work in the tax inspection must have special characteristics. The specifics of the profession lies in the fact that it combines the requirement of working with iconic systems and the ability to successfully contact people. That is why each tax inspector must have the following personal qualities:

  • analytical skills;
  • attentiveness;
  • painstability, preferabity;
  • subsidism and pedantry;
  • communicability;
  • observation.

Difficulties in work

Since the tax inspector is constantly in contact with people, some of which honestly pay taxes, aware of the responsibility to the country, while others are trying to deceive the state, the specialist is obliged to understand the psychological nuances, and depending on the characteristics received, choose communication tactics with each taxpayer. The duties of the State Tax Inspectorate of the Cameral Checkered Division, many seem simple.

The tax sphere specialist should have a high level of non-conflict. Like a diplomat, he should use non-military methods, but peace negotiations, understanding that the consent is not always able to achieve without insults and offenses.

It should be noted that the tax inspection makes it possible to increase the level of professionalism of its employees. In her departments at least once every two weeks, classes are undergoing a continuously working seminar, where new regulations are analyzed, answers to the questions accumulated between seminars.

Where can I work?

The very first step in the career stairs is the position of a specialist-clerk, which performs mainly the stationery work, records in the journal the turnover of documents, etc. For its execution, even a person with an unfinished higher education in the economic field or the field of taxation can take it. Therefore, such a job can be a good beginning of a student career. After a couple of years, it is possible to take the position of specialist of the department, inspector, then a senior inspector, head of the department, deputy chief of the tax inspectorate.

It is worth considering that any increase is made on a competitive basis. The painstaking work in this area teaches its employee to the main - ability to work with large volumes of information, multitasking, organization of their activities and order. You can also link the necessary dating and communications that can come in handy and benefit.

Tax inspectors who have proper experience often work in the field of consulting, quite successfully engaged in tax consulting or providing legal assistance. The duties of the tax inspectorator department of cameral checks we have considered. What are the advantages of such work?

Advantages of the Tax Inspector post

The main advantage of the Tax Inspector profession can be called that representatives are considered civil servants. This means that they will never lose their prestige and significance, will always be defended and guarded by the state. In addition, this is one of the most popular professions in the labor market: the tax inspector is unlikely to remain without work. A person collecting taxes helps not only to its customers, but also to itself.

The possession of knowledge in the field of finance and the right helps in everyday life any citizen, and the knowledge of all the subtleties of taxation improves a specialist, since he must develop his intellect all the time.

The undoubted advantage of the profession is also a decent salary size, which, by the way, one of the highest in a number of budget professions. In addition to the main wage, various surcharges are accrued, monthly premiums, compensation and benefits are provided.

Disadvantages of profession

In fact, the shortcomings in the profession of the Tax Inspector are not very much. One of them can become an undoubted advantage, namely the requirement to always be aware of changes in legislation in its field, which causes the employee to learn all the time.

In addition, a significant problem is also the fact that the tax inspector a priori do not like, may not be unknown, as it comes to withdraw earned, even if it is only part of it. Therefore, it is always necessary to be ready for such cases, which means that the psychological voltage cannot be avoided.

In addition, the profession is quite monotonous, monotonne. Responsibilities of the Inspector of Exit Tax Checks not by all forces.

Where can I learn from the tax inspector?

For a long time, in our country, tax specialists were prepared only in one educational institution - All-Russian Academy of Taxation. However, today, receiving the Tax Inspector Profession is possible in any economic university, where there is a specialty "Taxes and Taxation", as well as "Economic Security".

True, choosing this profession and seeking to achieve heights in the career ladder, it is necessary to take into account when entering the existence of a strong scientific school in a higher educational institution, its history, practical ties with the tax authorities.

So, we reviewed the rights and obligations of the Tax Inspector.

The work of the Tax Inspectorate is to control the timely payment of taxes by legal entities and individuals. Depending on the management and department, the tax employee will perform functions assigned to it.

The duties of the tax inspector include: verification of reporting data, analysis of fees, conducting documentary planning and unscheduled inspections, the imposition of fines in case of detecting the facts of violation of tax legislation, consulting payers according to issues that have arisen, prepare reports to higher authorities. All of the above duties are not assigned to one employee. Depending on the number of payers, the relevant units that perform their functions are created in the tax inspectorate.

Specificity of work in the tax inspection

If you want to work in the tax, you need to be prepared for work with a large amount of information. The responsible tax inspector must constantly monitor changes in tax legislation. If a vacancy is open to the departure department, long-term business trips are possible.

Modern activity involves the presence of basic knowledge of the Microsoft Office software package. If the vacancy implies work with databases, an additional plus will be experience in Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Access.

The work in the tax inspectorate implies prigidity and stress resistance. Often, employees face a large stream of people, which can exhaust, and makes nervous. That is why for employment it is necessary to have a medical conclusion about the absence of neurological and mental disorders. Profile education is a higher economic or legal.

Do not miss:

Pros and cons of work in the tax inspection


  • a young specialist without work experience can get a job. Especially important in modern realities when finding a job without experience is quite difficult. Tax Service - A good option for the start of the career of specialists of economic and legal specialties;
  • social Protection: Paid Hospital, Vacation, Supplement For Sailing Years;
  • white wage, allowing to claim loans and loans;


  • non-normalized working day, which the authorities often abuse. Depending on the amount of work, the tax inspector may be late for the service, work on weekends;
  • low salary;
  • difficulties with search for work after tax. The narrow specification of activities is often the cause of problems with the employment of people who stayed exclusively in public service for a long time;
  • in most cases, negative attitude towards employees of the tax inspectorate by entrepreneurs. Features and reviews about work in the tax created a negative-neutral image of this activity.

Salary and career growth

Without work experience in state bodies, you should not count on a high wage. The salary of a young specialist fluctuates around 200-400 dollars, depending on the region. In the future, the salary size depends on the length of service, premiums and premiums. There is an opinion that without a "hairy hand" to climb the career ladder in state institutions is almost impossible. To check this fact, personal experience is needed in this matter.

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