
Personal Account Taxpayer Login. Tax - Personal Cabinet Taxpayer. The process of registration of his own profile for an individual

Personal Account Taxpayer for individuals - This is the service of the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which allows you to receive up-to-date information about debt, about objects of property and vehicles, about the amounts of accrued and paid tax payments, about the presence of overpayments; Payment for taxes on taxes, fill out a 3-NDFL form declaration and monitor the status of its desk check; Contact tax authorities without a personal visit to the tax inspection.

After registering the personal account of the taxpayer of an individual allows you to:

Receive up-to-date information about property and vehicle facilities, the amounts of accrued and paid tax payments, the presence of overpayments, on tax debt to the budget;

Monitor the state of calculation with the budget;

Receive and print tax notifications and receipts to pay tax payments;

Pay tax debt and tax payments;

Download programs for filling the declaration on the income tax on individuals in form No. 3-NDFL, fill out a declaration on form No. 3-NDFL online, to send a declaration to the tax inspectorate in form No. 3-NDFL in in electronic formatsigned by an electronic signature of the taxpayer;

To track the status of a challenge verification of tax returns in form No. 3-NDFL;

Contact tax authorities without a personal visit to the tax inspection.

Access to the Nalog.ru service "Personal Account of the Taxpayer for Individuals" is carried out in one of two ways:

1. Using the login and password specified in the registration card. You can receive a registration card personally in any inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, regardless of the place of registration. When contacting the inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the place of residence, it is necessary to have a document certifying the person. When contacting other inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, with him, it is necessary to have a document certifying the identity, and the original or a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual (certificate of assignment of the INN) / notice of registration.

2. Via electronic signature. A qualified certificate of the electronic signature check key must be issued by the certifying center accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia and can be stored on any media: hard disk, USB key, universal electronic map or smart card. This requires the use of a special cryptoproider software: CRYPTOPRO CSP version 3.6 and above. Full information about connecting with an electronic signature and a list of certifying centers accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia can be found on the FTS website by reference.

You can familiarize yourself with the functional features of the Nalog.ru service "Personal Cabinet of the Taxpayer for Individuals" you can on the test example. To do this, go to the entry page to the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals and enter: login - 000000000000 (twelve zeros), password - any.

Due to the fact that the Personal Account contains information that make up the tax secrecy in accordance with Art. 102 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, login and password to the personal account of the taxpayer get e-mail It is impossible. In order to provide the user in online information about the property and transport of the taxpayer, it is necessary to pre-establish its identity. Login and password to a personal account is issued only to the taxpayer or a taxpayer representative for notarial power of attorney.

Obtaining access (login and password) to the service by another person (authorized representative of an individual) is possible only under the condition of the presentation of a notarized power of attorney and a document certifying the person of the authorized representative.

If you have not changed the primary password for a month, forgotten or lost previously received login and password, then for the restoration of access to the personal account of the taxpayer, you should contact any inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia with a person certifying the person. When contacting the inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, other than the inspection at the place of residence, it is also necessary to provide the original or a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual (certificate of assigning the INN) / notice of registration. Password will be generated again.

In the personal account of the taxpayer contains information that make up the tax secrecy in accordance with Article 102 Tax Code. Despite the fact that the generated password has a high degree of protection, it is fixed on paper, so you need to change the password within the prescribed period.

Maybe, but as an ordinary individual - the same information will be available for it as for other individuals. Displaying information on calculations with the budget according to USN, UNVD, etc. It is not the subject of the Service FTS "Personal Cabinet of the Taxpayer for Individuals".

Nalog.ru "Personal Account Personal Cabinet for Individuals" operates on the basis of the HTTPS protocol, providing authentication and a secure connection through the use of data encryption technology.

You have the opportunity to either change the password on your own, or temporarily block access to the "Personal Account" and apply for the generation of a new password to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (optional to the inspection, where you received the primary password) with a certification document and evidence of Accounting in the tax authority (copy). If you do not have the opportunity to go to the "Personal Account" with the same password, you need to contact the inspection.

Personal Cabinet Taxpayer Legal Party

Personal account of the taxpayer of a legal entity - this is an intrins-service service of the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, an anological personal account of the taxpayer of an individual, which is intended for legal entities - russian organizations. The service allows you to receive up-to-date information on tax debt to the budget, about the amounts of accrued and paid tax payments, the presence of overpayments, unexplained payments; monitor the state of calculation with the budget; to make and send to the tax authorities a statement to clarify the payment, statements about the standings / refund; Receive references about the status of settlements with the budget, on the performance of the obligation to pay taxes and other mandatory payments, the acts of reconciliation.

Personal account of the taxpayer of a legal entity allows you to:

Receive up-to-date information on tax debt to the budget, the amount of accrued and paid tax payments, the presence of overpayments, unexplained payments, tax authority decisions on the credit and refund of overlaid (excessive recovered) amounts, about the decisions made decisions about the referring, about the settlement debt, on the taxpayer, the requirements for the payment of tax and other mandatory payments, on the measures forced recovery of debt;

Receive an extract from the register in relation to himself;

Receive an extract from EGRN to itself;

Send requests and receive a certificate about the status of calculations for taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest, act joint reconciliation calculations for taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest;

Send a request for reference to the performance of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest;

To make and send to the tax authorities a statement to clarify the unexplained payment, an application for refinement of payment documents in which the taxpayer independently found errors in registration, statements about the competition / refund, statements for initiating the reconciliation of settlements with the budget;

Send to the tax authority reports in the form of the C-09-2 on participation in Russian and foreign organizations;

Receive services for the formulation and deregistration of the organization at the location of a separate division, amending the information about separed division Based on the formalized electronic reports of the taxpayer in forms No. C-09-3-1, C-09-3-2, 1-6-account, 3-account, as a taxpayer of UTII on the basis of applications for forms No. ENVD-1, UNVD -3, 3 account;

Direct documents for state registration legal entities or amendments to the information contained in the register into the tax authority for the implementation of state registration or amendments to the EGRUL;

Receive information on the implementation of its applications and requests to independently monitor the timing of the provision of services to the tax authority, to obtain decisions of the tax authority in the direction of applications;

To gain access to the FTS Service "Personal Cabinet of the Taxpayer of a Legal Party" it is necessary to ensure a number of technical conditions. You can read the conditions and check their execution on the FTS website

Cabinet taxpayer FNS. (Federal Tax Service) This is an Internet account that allows you to learn all the taxpayer's debt before the budget, track the amount of paid and accrued tax payments, as well as monitor all budget calculations.

The entrance to the personal account of the taxpayer for an individual is carried out by three possible options:

  1. Using the login and password that you can take on the registration card
  2. Using electronic signature
  3. Using registration in Yesia ( Unified system Identification and authentication)

Cabinet of an individual

The taxpayer's office consists of several sections that allow you to manage and monitor all tax charges of an individual.

Cabinet sections:

Tax objects

Work in the office begins with objects of taxation, which include:

  • Real estate;
  • Vehicles;
  • Land.

At the first entry, the taxpayer needs to check all the data for their correctness. If the data in the office is not correct to notify the FTS on a special link (refine information about taxation objects). In case of not specifying the missing data, the taxpayer is administrative responsibility with the payment of the fine.

Section "Accrued"

This section contains all tax notifications that must be paid. For payment you can print payment document Directly from the cabinet and pay in any bank or online without additional commissions. During 10 days, this payment should be displayed in the section "Completed"

Section "Completed"

The section indicates all amounts of payments that were paid. Here you can see all tax obligations which were paid for the specified period. The "Enchangeed" section displays all amounts that came to the federal account. tax Service. Here you can control the completeness of the credentials and payment time on all payments. The section has a custom filter on which you can display all payments by taxes, types of payment and PD index, payment amount, payment date, date of enrollment, IFX name.

Section "Overpayment and Debt"

In this section, all taxpayer's debt is indicated, as well as the amount of penalties come out for the period of delay. The amount of debt is divided by taxes and is displayed at a specific date. If there is a overpayment for some payments, it is displayed in green, and the debt is red.

Section "Tax Revenues FL"

In this section, the taxpayer can fill in an individual online declaration and monitor the status of a tax cameras. After a positive solution in the office, you can form an application for refund.

Section "Documents"

This section hosts all the necessary documents for the taxpayer with the type of document, the dates of sending, describing the document. The electronic document work will allow using the filter to display any necessary document for a certain period.

Overview of the Personal Account Personal Cabinet for Individual

Cabinet Overview

Entrance to the Cabinet of Taxpayer

To begin work, to enter your personal account, the taxpayer must once visit the tax inspectorate with a passport and test report. After contacting the inspection, the taxpayer will receive a registration card in which the login and password for entering the office and other information are indicated. According to these data, you can enter the cabinet on the site LKFL.nalog.ru.

Video about how to gain access to the tax office.

Personal account was created first for the convenience of taxpayers. Now they are without statements, long-term expectations and queues can get all the information you are interested in. Among the service features:
- Obtaining relevant information on registered property and transport objects, about accrued and paid on them;
- control over the state of settlements with the budget, the presence of debts and;

In order to get an idea of functional features Systems, you need to enter login - 0000000000 (12 zeros) and an arbitrary password in the authorization form.

- Getting and downloading tax notifications and receipts;
- payment of tax payments;
- Tracking the tax check in form No. 3-NDFL.

The service can also directly contact the tax authorities without a personal visit.

How to access the personal account of the taxpayer

To access the personal account, you must contact any FTS, not only at the place of registration. To do this, you need to write a statement and present a passport and INN.

Get access to K. personal document One can only personally have a passport. In other ways it is impossible to do this, since the information in the Personal Account is a tax secrecy.
If the application is filed through a trustee, it is necessary to provide a notarized power of attorney.

It will only be possible to receive a registration card with a login and temporary password to access the "Personal Account". During the month, the password must be changed to any convenient and memorable. If the taxpayer misses this time, it will need to contact the FTS again to receive the connection. If the password is loss, you will need to do the same, in other ways it cannot be restored. This is done in order to ensure the safety and preventing access to the information contained by third parties, since the initial password is issued on a paper carrier.

You can access the personal account without a visit to the FTS only using an electronic signature (EP) or a universal electronic map (UEC). Citizens who have EP / UECs can write an application for connection in electronic form on main page. In this case, you will need to enter only the phone number and email address. The rest of the details will be read automatically. After receiving access to the personal account, you will enter a login and password. But it will be possible to enter the service when using EP or UEC.

Legislation in our country constantly undergoing many changes, but it must be remembered that ignorance of the law does not relieve responsibility. Modern manTo be aware of the latest events, you do not need to study thick volumes of codes and legislation, it is enough to be a user of the Internet.

With the changes occurring with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, one can be found at www .nalog .ru, on the website of the Federal tax Inspection (FTS),

Timely mastering this information, avoids many problems, as the payment of taxes is a mandatory norm for all citizens of the Russian Federation.

www. Nalog. RU Personal Cabinet taxpayer for individuals and for individual entrepreneurs

On its website, the FNS presented a new unique service, which allows you to control the state of payments to the directional budget, according to tax accruals, in almost real time - the personal account of the taxpayer. This proposal can use all authorized taxpayers registered on the territory of our country.

Individuals, using the service will be able to track information about the debts available in front of the budget accrued payments that have happened. There is a possibility to fill and send to the tax authorities of the NDFL-3 form, as well as track the status of their cameral checks. Users will receive information about them in relation to them. executive industries. It is also possible to clarify information on a taxpayer registered vehicles and other objects of property rights.

Individual entrepreneurs enjoying various appeals and complaints to the inspection to check out the inspection, to verify the payments to implement information about the changes that occurred at the IP and make appropriate changes, in electronic form to receive topical statements of the EGRIP.

Services similar to those described above are available for legal entities registered in the system, as well as in the Personal Account.

However, one of the main advantages of using the service is the possibility of paying tax without getting up because of the computer.

How to create or register in the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals

Login to your personal account is provided after authorization on the FNS website registered in the system users. Consider the question of how to open, start or make an account on this service.

The first thing that you should attract is, everything can be done independently and no application of the application, where you need to specify various information is not needed. Connection and filling - everything you need to go further and pay the presence of debts but taxation.

Registration of the user in the Personal Account is possible in the following ways:

  • With a personal visit to the FTS and receiving a registration card, indicating the password to access the Internet service, it is possible to get it in any inspection separation, presenting a passport (or a document replacement), as well as the evidence in which the Inn is specified (or a copy of it). This password is primary and requires replacement. Note that you can contact any branch of the tax service;
  • Through authorization on the public service website. This method of registration is possible only for citizens confirmed by their identity when visiting in the maintenance centers.

Having done this procedure the ability to connect and go to learn the readings online, pay the calculation and income,

How to login or entrance to the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals, the official website

Entrance to your personal account in Russian Federation carried out in one of the following ways:

  • as a login, the individual number of the taxpayer (INN) is used, the password is taken from the registration card.
  • taking advantage of an electronic signature (key or electronic card). An electronic signature is checked by a certified key, it is possible to arrange it in the certifying center accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia, the issuance is made free of charge. Universal electronic mapThe citizen can also get in an authorized organization.

The primary password, after receiving, needs to be replaced within 1 month, otherwise there will be blocked account.

What if not working or forgot your password?

If access to the service, the program has become not possible due to the password loss, the procedure for obtaining a new password is similar to a registration procedure and requires personal appeal to the IFTS. Similar actions should be taken, if the password from your account seased.

This instruction is drawn up for those who decided to save their personal time and arrange their social (treatment, training) or property deduction (For the purchase of an apartment, rooms or at home) via the Internet.
For these purposes, the tax was created by a personal account in which you online you can submit your declaration, confirming the data specified in it by scan copies necessary documents. Where and how to do it? Read about this and read a lot below.

Step by step instructions for sending a declaration and a refund money

1 step

First of all, you need to go to the personal account of the tax service: https://lkfl.nalog.ru/lkfl/login

  1. It is necessary to contact any FTS. With you, you need to have a passport and your INN (you can copy or original). In case you appeal to the tax at the place of registration, it is enough to have only a passport with you.
  2. If you have an account on the Gosuluga service: https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/, which is confirmed in an authorized center, you can use it for the entrance (№3 button in the picture). True, if you confirmed the account through the Russian Post (that is, the login and password sent by mail), then this may not be enough, since your account may not be full. To receive you need to full access It is enough to contact the center where you can make a repeated "confirmation of a person", you can find such a link on the official website: https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/public/ra. This will require the original SNILS and passport. After "confirmation of the person" you can enter your personal account using an account.

2 step

Entering the personal account first that you need to do, for the possibility of registration tax deduction Through a personal account: Get a certificate of an electronic signature key certificate. You will sign a set of documents that attach on.

To do this, in the upper right corner click on: your profile.

3 Step

4 Step

On the key creation page, you choose one of three ways, their differences can be seen by clicking on the question mark on the appropriate option:

  • The electronic signature key is stored in the protected system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (recommended);
  • The electronic signature is stored on your workstation;
  • Registration of the existing qualified signature

5 step

6 step

Check the completed data (certificate details). If everything is correct, then we form a password in accordance with the requirements and click send request.

7 step

Within 10-15 minutes, the signature will be generated.

Try refresh the page after some time. As a result, you should have a green daw and inscription: E-Signature Certificate successfully released.

This attribute is a confirmation that the signature is formed and can be used to work. In some situations, the creation of a signature takes 24 hours, if this time has passed and you still have the formation process, it means you need to contact the support service ().

8 step

Next, go to the section: Life situations.

9 Step

Choose a section: Subscribe 3-NDFL.

10 Step

Now we hit the filling and presentation page. tax Declaration 3-NDFL. Next we are provided 2 options:
- fill new declaration Online (button number 1).
- send a formed declaration (button # 2).
Since in our case the file has been prepared in the program Declaration 2017 in XML format, then we choose: send a declaration filled in the program.Also on this page you can go to the page where you can download the program Declaration (button # 3).

11 Step

Choose the year we need. Next, click Select the file, on the computer, go to the section where we have preserved a previously prepared file declaration in XML format (NO_NDFL _ *** starts). Next Zhmem. open and OK.

12 Step

Now our declaration is loaded to the site and the personal account has determined it.

13 Step

All our declaration is downloaded, now we need to add the necessary confirmation documents. List of documents for each deduction of your own (list for each type of reference, or). IN this case We make out the deduction of the apartment, so you will need to load the relevant documents. For each document, we need to press the button: Attract b Document.

14 step

    1. The total amount of attached documents should not exceed 20 megabytes,
    1. The size of one document should not be more than 10 megabytes (if you need to reduce the size of the document, let's say PDF, you can use this service https://smallpdf.com/ru/compress-pdf or any other).
    1. Allowed formats: .jpg, .tiff, .png, .pdf
  1. For each document, you need to write a description, from the category: TIN, Treaty, Treaty Purchase of Apartment Sales, etc. Attachping the file by adding a description, click: save.

15 Step

After we added all the documents. At the bottom of the country we introduce a password from our signature, which we formed together with the signature on (see). We enter the password, click the button: confirm and send.

16 Step

When you go to the 2 posts tab, you can see the entire history of your document management, including the latest sent messages - a declaration of 3 ndfl. You can click on it.

Crossing into it, you can see:

  1. Status: Immediately after sending, it becomes: created \u003d\u003e accepted \u003d\u003e registered \u003d\u003e on consideration;
  2. Tax authority that carried out registration;
  3. Date and registration time
  4. Investments in the shipped package.
  5. Processing history.
  6. The number and date of registration of the declaration (usually all of these data appear within 15 minutes, but may occupy 24 hours).

In case your registration process is not moving, I recommend calling the tax. Provided that 3 working days have passed since the shipment.

17 Step

If you want to monitor what happens to your declaration, in what form it reached the IFTS, then you need to go to the section: Subscribe 3-NDFL (We look). Below you see the section: my declarationswhere you can see all the declarations you sent. You can click on the number of the declaration and see its details.

Clicking on the number you can see:

  1. A unique number of registration of your declaration;
  2. Date of her registration;
  3. And also add additional documents (in case you have forgotten something, or called you from the tax and asked to add).

Example of a successfully completed cameral check

How to understand what check is passed and can you count on deduction? In the Messages section on the end of the verification, you will receive a message from the Tax Authority: Challenge information tax audit on Declaration number *******.

By clicking on the verification you need, we fall in the menu where it is indicated detailed information by check:

  1. Registration number of your declaration
  2. Camera check status
  3. The amount of tax to be returned from the budget (confirmed by the tax authority) - this amount Must correspond to the one that was listed in your declaration. In cases where this amount does not correspond to the stated in 3-NDFL, before sending a statement with details, I recommend contacting your tax at the place of registration.

So we sent our declaration, not going to the tax and not losing time in the queue.
Also in the Personal Account you can send a statement with the details for which the tax will list your funds.

Submission of applications with details for the return of tax along with the Declaration.

From June 1, 2019, a personal account was updated, which allows you to immediately apply with the details, through the personal account. Now there is no need to wait 3 months before the end of the desk check for its feed.

This feature is provided during the implementation of the 16 step. After submitting the declaration, you have a message: Declaration of poisonNow you can click on the tab: applyor Apply for a refund of overlaid tax.

The sent statement can be viewed through the message section (by pressing the envelope in the upper right corner).

Application with details for the return of tax through the form "To dispose of overpayment"

This method was main in the first version of the cabinet, but today remains relevant. First, for those who submitted declarations until June 1, 2019 and did not have the opportunity to immediately apply with the details. Secondly, you could accidentally miss new opportunity And to submit an application you have one way, it's next.

After yours cameral check Completed, you can: form a refund. To do this, you need to go to the section: My taxes \u003d\u003e In the "Overpayment" section, click the button: Dispose.

Go to section: Life situations =>Order overpay.

Since to dispose of "overpayment", we can not dispose of debt on other types of tax, to start forming a statement. We will begin with this section, further to continue filling our document to click: "Confirm". ( Attention! This "overpayment" on a vehicle or any other type of tax is not related to your deduction, and in case you have debt for the tax on the car, it will not be covered from the amount of your deduction ).

Fill out a statement. Your task Fill the section: Return funds to the bank account. Pay attention to the amount.

To fill it, you will need:

  • Bika bank;
  • Complete name of the bank;
  • Your account number (this is not a card number, but the number of P / sch. Maps or Sberbanks. Points).

After filling out the details and check the amount, click: Confirm.

In this section, you can view the documents you just formed. To view you need to click: Save as PDF.. In this particular case, we have several applications, since there is a statement about the standings transport tax And 2 applications for return on income tax (our deduction was broken by 2 amounts, since we had 2 sources of OKTMO for the previously formed declarations where we paid NDFL).

After you viewed the document, you need to enter the password of your key certificate that we have formed in (see 5-7 step)) and click to send.

After sending the application, you will drop the notification window: "Application sent". There will be a link to the section: Messageswhere all information about your statements will be. ( Attention! Processing of applications occurs within 30 days from the date of its registration).

This section finds all your messages, below you can see what your statements look like electronic document flow tax. By clicking on any application, you can see its status.

In this case, there must be status: Posted. And also you can see the sent document again. In this message, the status will change (then it will be: Registered, and after the transfer of funds: Executed)

Everything. Your declaration and application are ready and sent. In accordance with Article 78 of the Tax Code since the application of the application within 10 working days, the tax makes a decision on your application after registration. After making a decision, you will see your application in the list (information on refund solutions), for 30 working days from the date of decision on your details will receive cash. →

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