
How long is the certificate of tax pay. How long is the certificate of the absence of tax debt. The application can be submitted in several ways.

As a rule, such references are requested when contacting the bank for obtaining a loan, to participate in competitions, auctions and in other cases. The certificate is formed by the tax authority on the basis of a taxpayer's written request, which can be filed in the inspection personally or sent by mail. The recommended form of request is given in Appendix No. 8 to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 02.07.2012 No. 99n. The request is submitted at the location of the organization or the place of residence of an individual. Taxpayers attributed to the category of the largest should apply to the inspection at their place of accounting as the largest taxpayers. Since December 2012, in the federal tax service system operates new order Forming certificates.

The certificate of the absence of tax debt will be issued on a new form


It is attached to him:

  • passport certifying the personality of the taxpayer;
  • certificate INN;
  • help on the change of personal data, if the fact happened to be.

What to pay attention to the taxpayer is endowed with the possibility of sending a request for information about the absence of debt across the official website of the FNS inspection site. It hosts the service service - "Personal Account", which can open to each taxpayer.

To open it, you need to register on the site by introducing personal data and the Inn. On the Site page that opens, in the Taxpayer menu, should specify the type of information medium, the method of obtaining.
Help on the absence of debt is issued on paper signed by the head of the District Office of the Federal Tax Service Federal District. It should be mastered the coat of arms.

We get a certificate about the absence of debt from the tax


And it is impossible without receiving information on the debt fully repaid before budget. To the content of the certificate of the absence of debt, a document concerning debt to the budget cannot be maintained for a long period of time. The fact is that the population and legal entities pay monthly taxes and fees.

Accordingly, the balance of debt will change regularly. For this reason, the certificate will last only 10 days.

If necessary to admit to the state. Bidding, or you plan to get a loan, order it is necessary at the very last moment, given the terms of drawing up. The main task of a certificate confirming timely repayment tax debtIt is to prove your financial spending and reliability in the eyes of the state, business partners, banks and other organizations.

Confirmation of the lack of arrears in taxes and fees in 2018

Certificate of the absence of debt (about the performance of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest) you can get in your IFSN, only if your organization has no arrears, debts on foam, fines and percentages of paragraph 166, 167 of the Regulations FTS, a letter of the Ministry of Finance from 07.06.2017 No. 03-02-07 / 1/35450. If the date you specified in the request for a certificate is issued for the organization arrears, penalties, penalties or unpaid interest, the inspection will issue a certificate with a record on the presence of debt of the email of the Ministry of Finance of 06/17/2016 No. 03-02-08 / 35413, from 02.02. 2015 N 03-02-07 / 1/3959.
The annex to such a certificate will indicate the code (codes) of the IFNS, according to the calculations with which there are debts of paragraph 172 of the Rules of the Federal Tax Service, the letter of the Ministry of Finance of June 17, 2016 No. 03-02-08 / 35413. If the debt information specified in the help does not comply with your data, it is necessary to carry out the accumulation of calculations with IFTS.

Did the deadlines for the absence of tax debt determined?

It should be borne in mind that it is about working days, that is, weekend and holidays are not counted, which are official weekends. Tax authorities recommend taxpayers to request such a certificate at least once every six months to companies and individual entrepreneurs, for the physical persons the recommended frequency - at least once every 12 months.

Under these terms, the payer of taxes will be able to identify the presence of arrears in a timely manner or specify the tax service for a valid error by providing documents that will confirm the taxes. In addition, the receipt of such a document will give confidence that all obligations to the budget are fulfilled and there is no reason to fear accruals of any penalties.

Certificate of lack of tax arrears

To prepare a certificate, such a number of time is needed due to the fact that information about the tax payer is tested in a single federal base. Based on this data, a document is formed. Maximum after 10 days the applicant must receive a certificate to one of these ways:

  • issuance of a document personally in hand;
  • sending by registered letter at the place of registration;
  • sending to the applicant's email address.

There are situations when instead of reference, a citizen receives a letter with refusal in its provision. One of the reasons for this is the presence of substantial debt in humans. Most often, such debt size is indicated in the letter.

The certificate issued by the tax has its own "shelf life." This is due to the fact that the attitude of the taxpayer with tax Service Dynamic and the situation may vary from month to month.

What does a sample certificate look like about the lack of arrears of taxes and fees

You can solve this question in the following basic ways:

  • contact the territorial office of the IFTS and set the size of the duty that will have to pay for the design of the document in 1-3 days;
  • use the services of private law firms that will take on the entire process of obtaining reference.

When considering both options, it is important to remember that the services of law firms will cost 2-3 times more expensive to directly appeal to the IFTS. However, the document will be in the arms of the applicant without unnecessary trouble.

In second case, it is also important to seriously approach the issue of choosing a legal office, since it will be about the transfer of confidential information.

  1. Where to get a certificate about the absence of debt
  2. What documents will need to receive
  3. In what form will be provided information (sample)
  4. Terms of issuance of certificate of absence of debt
  5. In what cases may require a certificate of debt
  6. Physical lick
  7. Legal entity
  8. Duration of certificate of absence of debt

Help on the absence of debt is a document confirming that taxes are a physical or legal entity paid to the fullest. It is an integral part of most civil transactions, speaking as a guarantor financial reliability His owner.

Each responsible businessman must have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich information is part of this document, and what is the procedure for obtaining it.
IFTS should issue a certificate within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the request (PP. 10 of paragraph 1 of Art. 32 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 163 of the regulations of the FTS). This date depends on the method of filing a query. Request for issuing a certificate on paper can be sent to IFTS using the service " Personal Area taxpayer - legal entity "(LC) posted on the website of the FTS (http://lkul.nalog.ru/) (p.


Appendices N 3 to the order of the FTS dated January 14, 2014 N MMB-7-6 /). If you specify in the query through the LV, you want to receive a certificate personally, IFTS will send you a notice of the date of its readiness. Print this notice and take with you when you go to the IFTS for your help. If you have received a receipt in the query through the LC, then in the notification of the receipt of the IFTS request, will inform the date that the help will be sent to your address.

In that case, the certificate of the absence of tax arrears may be needed Organization or IP:

  • If you have a request about the provision of reference, which came from the buyer or supplier. Such a certificate is simply necessary when conducting financial economic activity, in particular, if a large deal is concluded or we are talking about participation in tender bidding.
  • When the organization is in the process of liquidation, and the individual entrepreneur terminates its activities.
  • When it comes to obtaining any subsidies from the state.
  • Such information may request bank institutions when issuing a loan to an individual entrepreneur or JUR.

The certificate from the lack of debt is a document that may be needed both to companies or individuals that are individual entrepreneurs (IP) and those citizens who have nothing to do with entrepreneurial activities. Such a certificate is a state document, which is issued by the tax authority after receiving the relevant written statement.

When is needed for what is needed this certificate? Causes of reference request may be the most different: LLC collects documentation to participate in the tender or the physical plans to buy real estate in a mortgage. Debt can be different: on contributions to extrabudgetary authorities, tax and fees, etc.

This normative act Defines the responsibility of submission by participants of reference transactions from IFTS, as a key selection condition.

  • Order of the FTS N MMB-7-8 / 2014

Warming Act, which was formed for approval new form Document on the absence of debts from IFTS. As already established above, the tax department forms a certificate of repaying all obligations of a person or organization to budget solely on their request.

Consequently, to obtain a document, it is necessary to visit the territorial department of the IFSN and write there an appropriate application or send an electronic application.

  1. Where to get a certificate about the absence of debt
  2. What documents will need to receive
  3. In what form will be provided information (sample)
  4. Terms of issuance of certificate of absence of debt
  5. In what cases may require a certificate of debt
  6. Physical lick
  7. Legal entity
  8. Duration of certificate of absence of debt

Help on the absence of debt is a document confirming that taxes are a physical or legal entity paid to the fullest. It is an integral part of most civil transactions, speaking the guarantor of the financial reliability of its owner. Each responsible businessman must have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich information is part of this document, and what is the procedure for obtaining it.

The certificate of the absence of tax debt will be issued on a new form

After signing, the request for receipt will be filed with your territorial tax inspection. When a certificate of the absence of debt will be ready, you will receive a message to an e-mail, as well as a specialist for issuing certificates to call you to refine the delivery time.
The cost of the service for obtaining a certificate of the absence of debt CBD 1120101 is 2000 rubles. On average, the amount of information is issued ten days from the date of delivery.

Tax authorities do not include on this period weekend, as well as dates officially recognized by non-working. Delays and refusals in the issuance of references are not uncommon, however, they can be excluded by contacting a law firm.

From 10 working days Cost from 200 rubles. Providing information on the presence or absence of debts to budget and funds, usually required for registration credit lines, loans, as well as the conclusion of other contracts with banks.

Confirmation of the lack of arrears in taxes and fees in 2018


The Russian Federation, which relate to taxes and fees, it means that there is no arreed, with the exception of certain amounts, namely the amounts to which the delay or investment tax loan is given.

  • If there is an arrears of data from at least one of the inspections of the FTS, in the certificate it is indicated that the empires has fallen obligations to pay taxes, fees, fines or other payments that must be paid in accordance with the legislative standards.

Types are only two types of references, which confirm or refute the availability of tax debts: KND 1120101 certificate for execution of tax payers for payments, taxes, penalties, penalties, interest. KND 1160080 Certificate about the status of calculations on the foam, taxes, interest, fines of companies and IP.

So in the form of the CBD form 1160080 reflects the state of calculations on all paid taxes, fines and interest.

We get a certificate about the absence of debt from the tax

Together with him a copy of the document that certifies the personality. The taxpayer is better to submit a similar request to the authority where it passed the registration procedure.

This will significantly reduce the period during which this document will be prepared. That is, the taxpayer can count on the fact that the certificate will be issued if not urgently, then in the shortest possible time.


The tax payer has the ability to receive information about the lack of tax debt and harmless fees. But some people who want to avoid wires, wrong decoration Applications and other problems are addressed to obtain legal advice to the appropriate specialist.

Such a paid service, but it implies that the document will be obtained without unreasonable requirements from the tax service.

Help on the absence of arrears in taxes and fees

The tax was told that I came for a certificate of a term defined period, that is, in 10 days. When I came for a certificate, I was answered that I have tax debt. I have to pay it and when funds go into their system only then they will give me a certificate, but again in 10 days. Help I need to put in the bank, you need to urgently take a loan.

And with this reference it turns out a red tire for almost a month. Do tax inspectors have the right to tighten with the issuance of a certificate of absence of debt? certificate of lack of debts, tax debts of individuals, tax debt, tax debt, tax debts, a complaint against the tax inspectorate, tax inspectorate, Help from the tax Collapse Answers of Lawyers (6)

  • All services of lawyers in Moscow Arbitration tax disputes Moscow from 50,000 rubles.

Help on the absence or availability of debt CBD 1120101

In that case, the certificate of the absence of tax arrears may be needed Organization or IP:

  • If you have a request about the provision of reference, which came from the buyer or supplier. Such a certificate is simply necessary when conducting financial business activities, especially if a large deal is concluded or we are talking about participation in tender trading.
  • When the organization is in the process of liquidation, and the individual entrepreneur terminates its activities.
  • When it comes to obtaining any subsidies from the state.
  • Such information may request bank institutions when issuing a loan to an individual entrepreneur or JUR.

Certificate of lack of debt - Tax delays

And it is impossible without receiving information on the debt fully repaid before budget. To the content of the certificate of the absence of debt, a document concerning debt to the budget cannot be maintained for a long period of time. The fact is that the population and legal entities pay monthly taxes and fees. Accordingly, the balance of debt will change regularly. For this reason, the certificate will last only 10 days.
If necessary to admit to the state. Bidding, or you plan to get a loan, order it is necessary at the very last moment, given the terms of drawing up. The main task of the certificate confirming the timely repayment of tax debt is to prove your financial spending and reliability in the eyes of the state, business partners, banks and other organizations.

Duration of certificate of the absence of tax arrears and fees

The deadline for granting the taxpayer is regulated by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 02.07.2012 N 99N "On Approval administrative regulations Federal Tax Service for the provision of public services for free informs (including in writing) taxpayers, fees fees and tax agents existing taxes and fees, legislation on taxes and fees and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, the procedure for calculating taxes and fees, rights and obligations of taxpayers, fees of fees and tax agents, tax authorities and their officialsas well as by reception tax Declarations (calculations) "and amounts to 10 working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding written request to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Help on the absence of arrears of taxes and fees

Application can be submitted in one of these ways:

  • by personally bypassing the tax office;
  • by sending a registered letter with the description of all sent documents;
  • by filling out an electronic form on the official website of the FTS.

The person who plans to make a request to the tax on the provision of such a certificate should prepare the duplicates of all checks and receipts about the payment of all taxes so that in the event of misunderstandings it was possible to immediately present confirmations to the representative of the tax service, according to the letter of the Federal Tax Service Russian Federation Under №99 dated July 2, 2012, the certificate is issued to the applicant after 10 working days from the moment the statement was filed, the urgent issuance of the certificate is not provided.

The deadline for issuing a certificate of the absence of tax arrears and fees

The NKI on the lack of tax arrears The Federal Tax Service in connection with the multiple contactments of taxpayers who have an extensive branch network, about the problems associated with the taxpayers of a reliable certificate of execution by the taxpayer (payer of the collection, tax Agent) Responsibilities for paying taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest (hereinafter referred to as the help) reports the following. The form of certificate of execution by the taxpayer Responsibilities for the payment of taxes, fees, penalties, fines and the procedure for its formation was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of July 21, 2014 N MMB-7-8 / "On approval of the recommended form of certificate of execution by the taxpayer (payer of fees, tax agent) Responsibilities for paying taxes, fees, penalties, fines, the order of its filling and recommended format of its presentation in in electronic format According to telecommunication channels of communication. "
Help KND 1120101 is provided in response to a request for a certificate of certificate for execution of responsibilities for fees for fees, taxes, interest, penalties, and in it, instead of certain figures, the tax service of one phrase is notified of the presence or absence of tax debt. It follows from this that the certificate in the form of the CBD 1160080 allows you to evaluate the amount of existing tax debt and timely resolve the issue with incorrect accruals or repay the existing arreax.

To refer to the help of the CBD form 1120101 to the tax service follows the debts are paid. Similar certificate will contain the wording that is suitable for participation in tender trading.

The deadline for issuing a certificate of the absence of tax arrears and fees 2016

When planning to request paper in tax authorities, find all receipts of payment in advance and remove their copies. Documents confirming payment will help to quickly resolve possible disagreements with FTS employees about unexpectedly discovered debts.

When creating an online request to send an online query through TKS implies the implementation of certain conditions. Help is provided to the applicant only in this case:

  1. The application contains the full name of the company or FUL individual entrepreneur.
  2. Indicated by the applicant;
  3. The electronic form of the application is confirmed by the reinforced qualified electronic signature, And the verification data of its certificate complies with the applicant information.

Under compliance with all required conditionsThe taxpayer receives a certificate of a legislatively established sample.

As a rule, such references are requested when contacting the bank for obtaining a loan, to participate in competitions, auctions and in other cases. The certificate is formed by the tax authority on the basis of a taxpayer's written request, which can be filed in the inspection personally or sent by mail. The recommended form of request is given in Appendix No. 8 to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 02.07.2012 No. 99n. The request is submitted at the location of the organization or the place of residence of an individual. Taxpayers attributed to the category of the largest should apply to the inspection at their place of accounting as the largest taxpayers. Since December 2012, a new reference formation procedure has been operating in the federal tax service system.

The certificate of the absence of tax debt will be issued on a new form

Certificate of the absence of debt (about the performance of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest) you can get in your IFSN, only if your organization has no arrears, debts on foam, fines and percentages of paragraph 166, 167 of the Regulations FTS, a letter of the Ministry of Finance from 07.06.2017 No. 03-02-07 / 1/35450. If the date you specified in the request for a certificate is issued for the organization arrears, penalties, penalties or unpaid interest, the inspection will issue a certificate with a record on the presence of debt of the email of the Ministry of Finance of 06/17/2016 No. 03-02-08 / 35413, from 02.02. 2015 N 03-02-07 / 1/3959.

The annex to such a certificate will indicate the code (codes) of the IFNS, according to the calculations with which there are debts of paragraph 172 of the Rules of the Federal Tax Service, the letter of the Ministry of Finance of June 17, 2016 No. 03-02-08 / 35413. If the debt information specified in the help does not comply with your data, it is necessary to carry out the accumulation of calculations with IFTS.

We get a certificate about the absence of debt from the tax

The legally established form, mandatory for use, does not exist. It is only important for the following elements in the statement:

  • passport details of a citizen or company details;
  • the full name of the territorial body of the tax service;
  • the goal with which the paper is requested.

If you doubt that you can independently fill out a statement, you can use the form of Appendix No. 8 to the administrative regulations of the FTS. Specify the sample of the form of application No. 8 to the administrative regulations of the FTS This sample implies a choice of two types of certificates:

  1. On the status of tax payments.
  2. On the performance of the obligation to pay taxes.

The difference between these two types of papers is that the first gives an extract for each tax listed by you, as well as information about the delayed penalty and fines accrued.

Help on the absence of debt from the tax (IFTS)

In what form information will be provided (sample) the form of the form approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of January 20, 2017 N MMB-7-8 / 20. Download a sample form of a form approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of January 20, 2017 n MMB-7-8 / 20.
The certificate provided by the inspection should contain the following information:

  1. An indication of an approving regulatory document.
  2. Name (word certificate).
  3. Details of the District Office of the FTS, which it is issued.
  4. Recipient information.
  5. Information about the absence of debts in front of the state or their availability.
  6. Date issue.

In the paper version there must be a signature of the head (persons replaced by the inspection) inspection and the printing of the IFNS with the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Size Standard sheet A4.

Certificate of lack of tax arrears

To prepare a certificate, such a number of time is needed due to the fact that information about the tax payer is tested in a single federal base. Based on this data, a document is formed. Maximum after 10 days the applicant must receive a certificate to one of these ways:

  • issuance of a document personally in hand;
  • sending by registered letter at the place of registration;
  • sending to the applicant's email address.

There are situations when instead of reference, a citizen receives a letter with refusal in its provision.

One of the reasons for this is the presence of substantial debt in humans. Most often, such debt size is indicated in the letter.

The certificate issued by the tax has its own "shelf life." This is due to the fact that the taxpayer's attitude with the tax service is dynamic and the situation may vary from month to month.

Confirmation of the lack of arrears in taxes and fees in 2018


In the absence of tax arrears The Federal Tax Service in connection with the multiple contactments of taxpayers who have an extensive branch network, about problems related to taxpayers a reliable certificate of execution by the taxpayer (payer of the collection, tax agent) obligations for paying taxes, fees, penalties, penalties , percent (hereinafter referred to as Help), reports the following. The form of certificate of execution by the taxpayer Responsibilities for the payment of taxes, fees, penalties, fines and the procedure for its formation was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of July 21, 2014 N MMB-7-8 / "On approval of the recommended form of certificate of execution by the taxpayer (payer of fees, tax agent) Responsibilities for paying taxes, fees, penalties, fines, the order of its completion and the recommended format of its presentation in electronic form in telecommunication channels.

  • With the termination of the activities of the individual entrepreneur, or in the liquidation process of the organization.
  • When receiving any state subsidies.
  • Some banks, when making a loan legal entity Or IP, ask for such information.
  • When changing the director or chief accountant.
  • When expanding the enterprise or when preparing a business plan.
  • May ask counterparties.
  • When switching a taxpayer from one tax authority to another, when changing the place of residence or registration in tax authority.
  • Availability of a certificate of fulfillment of obligations to the budget from the tax authority, a company or an individual serves as additional evidence of reliability and financial consistency.

However, the application should indicate some mandatory information, among them:

  • the name of the taxpayer, if we are talking about JUR. Face, or his last name, if it is an individual entrepreneur or fiz. face;
  • identification and registration number;
  • the address in which the taxpayer and telephone for contacts is registered;
  • be sure to specify the name of the document - a statement;
  • register the desire to get information about the presence of debt for fees, taxes, social and insurance premiums or its absence;
  • put a date when the appeal is prepared;
  • test the document signature and seal if it is.

Download certificate about the absence of debt from tax statement Served in the territorial tax authority, and specifically in the Tax Payers Department.

How much is the certificate of lack of arrears of taxes and fees

The unified form of application will help the physical person to specify all the data that may be needed to be tax authorities in the process of preparing the document. When writing a statement in an arbitrary form, you must specify the following data:

  • name of the organization, FI.
  • legal address, address of the possession of an individual;
  • the name of the tax authority, where the application is submitted;
  • INN / CAT Organization, TIN and Passport Personal Persons;
  • where to send a document, or to whom to issue it in the presence of a power of attorney;
  • what date requires information about debt.

The application can be submitted in several ways:

  1. Tax (for organizations and IP).
  2. Send by mail.
  3. Personally write in the tax authority and to go to the office.

How much do the certificate of the lack of arrears on taxes and fees

To do this, you need to send the corresponding request. In response, you will be informed about the readiness date of the document or the date, which it comes by mail if you have been specified this option. Often, conscientious taxpayers discover in the provided paper minor debts on the penalties, which they were not in the course. Such accruals are formed in the case when there is a slight deviation from the established laws of taxation of taxes. In the event of such a situation, it is necessary to repay debt as soon as possible, and re-request a document. When planning the time to receive a certificate, it is worth considering this option for the development of events. It also happens that instead of the long-awaited document, the applicant comes a refusal to provide it. The reason for such a refusal is the presence of large arrears for taxes and fees.

Help on the absence of tax arrears and fees

The appearance of a certificate of the absence of debt issued by the tax authority is an additional confirmation of the financial impetence and reliability of both an individual and the company FIZ. Persons a certificate may be needed in such situations:

  • especially registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • there is a change of citizenship;
  • a citizen wants to issue a large loan and the bank requests such a certificate;
  • when a citizen submits an application to be able to use tax benefits;
  • when a major transaction is planned: the sale of property (auto, land, apartment), etc.

An independent request for reference request for the lack of debts on taxes and fees is done in an arbitrary form, since there is no clearly installed request.

Such accruals are formed in the case when there is a slight deviation from the established laws of taxation of taxes. In the event of such a situation, it is necessary to repay debt as soon as possible, and re-request a document. When planning the time to receive a certificate, it is worth considering this option for the development of events. It also happens that instead of the long-awaited document, the applicant comes a refusal to provide it. The reason for such a refusal is the presence of large arrears for taxes and fees. When there is a risk of overdue the provision of reference to the authority or company, you can order a document urgently.

Help on open settlement accounts from IFTS

When carrying out complex audit checks tax authorities issues of timeliness and completeness of reflecting information about the accrued and paid taxes in the Cards "RSB" taxpayers, charges of penalties in arrears in the manner defined Tax Code Of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Code), as well as issues of compliance with the closing procedure of the RSB cards in connection with the change in the place of accounting for taxpayers or the closure of them separate divisions and the transmission of information contained in them to the tax authority in a new accounting place, the place of accounting of the head organization will be the subject of special control. In the presence of the facts of violation of the provisions of the Code, as well as internalized regulatory documentsRegulating the organization of the work of tax authorities will adopt administrative measures regarding officials of tax authorities that allowed violations.

Help on the absence of debt from the tax (IFTS)


The grade of paper is about 5 working days, but in certain cases it can be several weeks. To gain reference, you will need to send a request to the public service.

If information is planned to be obtained in a banking institution, it is worth considering that such services may be paid. First of all, you will need to find a certificate form of open settlement accounts from IFTS.
The request must be made on the branded form.

The certificate of the absence of tax debt will be issued on a new form

The certificate provided by the inspection should contain the following information:

  1. An indication of an approving regulatory document.
  2. Name (word certificate).
  3. Details of the District Office of the FTS, which it is issued.
  4. Recipient information.
  5. Information about the absence of debts in front of the state or their availability.
  6. Date issue.

In the paper version there must be a signature of the head (persons replaced by the inspection) inspection and the printing of the IFNS with the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Size Standard sheet A4. Electronic versionprovided through TKS must be signed by a qualified electronic signature identifying the outstanding authority.
Help is drawn up as of that date, which is written in a statement. If a specific date is not specified, the inspection staff form data on the date of receipt of the request.

Terms of the provision of taxpayers of certificates of settlements

Federal Tax Service Letter dated June 16, 2016 N GD-4-8 / 10746 on obtaining a certificate of the absence of tax arrears The Federal Tax Service in connection with the multiple appeals of taxpayers who have an extensive branch network about the problems associated with taxpayers of reliable reference On the execution by the taxpayer (payer of the collection, tax agent) obligations on the payment of taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest (hereinafter referred to as the help) reports the following.

Help on the absence of debt on the payment of taxes and fees

To do this, select one of two ways:

  • appeal to the tax service department with the payment of the duty provided for the accelerated drawing up of the document within three days;
  • services of a commercial law firm.

The second way will cost more, but its advantage is that you will not need to spend your personal time for receiving paper. It is necessary to approach the choice of firms to provide legal services, as confidential data on your company will be addressed during the work.
To the content in what cases may require a certificate of the absence of debt. Official paper that confirms the timeliness of payments to the budget, it is useful for both individuals and legal entities.
The deadlines for issuing a certificate about the absence of debt to a certificate with information about the absence of debt to the budget of the IFSS are required to provide up to 10 days. The costs do not take holidays and weekends. If the request was sent by registered mail, this period will begin to counted from the date of its registration by the tax service officer.
You can check this fact using the service tracking service on the Internet resource of Russia. Learn the date of issuing the paper allows the personal account of the taxpayer on the FTS portal. To do this, you need to send the corresponding request. In response, you will be informed about the readiness date of the document or the date, which it comes by mail if you have been specified this option.
Often, conscientious taxpayers discover in the provided paper minor debts on the penalties, which they were not in the course.


The deadline for the taxpayer's certificate is regulated by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 02.07.2012 N 99n "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service for the provision of public services for free informs (including in writing) taxpayers, payers of fees and tax agents on existing taxes and fees, legislation on taxes and fees and adopted in accordance with it regulatory legal acts, the procedure for calculating and paying taxes and fees, rights and obligations of taxpayers, payers of fees and tax agents, authority of tax authorities and their officials, as well as on receiving tax declarations (calculations ) "And amounts to 10 working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding written request to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.


The second is limited to the general conclusion that the duty for taxes and fees in the requested person is absent, or, on the contrary, is available. To the content, what documents will be required to obtain paper can be issued by the tax service only after the provision of a properly completed application, as well as documents confirming the identity of the recipient. Their list depends on the status of the taxpayer (citizen or legal entity), as well as the embodiment of the request.

The term of making certificates from the tax on the absence of debt

Get a certificate about the lack of debt on paying taxes to obtain advice on receipt of the taxpayer's performance charges for paying taxes, penalties, penalties, you can call us by calling 903-09-94 or fill out online form Order on our website and with you will be contacted within 30 minutes. Sample references on the absence of debt sometimes there is an opportunity to receive a certificate of the absence of debts, check the deadlines from the operator. Type of service Execution term Cost of work A duty All Included Place an order Obtaining a certificate for the organization in St. Petersburg 6-10 working days 2000 rubles is not subject to 2000 rubles. Order Getting certificate to the organization in Vsevolozhsk, Kolpino, Peterhof, Lomonosov.
8-12 working days 2800 rubles is not subject to 2800 rubles.

IN everyday life The certificate of the lack of debt from the tax (IFTS) may be needed not only to companies or individual entrepreneurs, but also to those categories of citizens who have never been engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

reference - This is a state-owned document issued by the tax authority on a written statement from organizations and individuals.

Certificates from tax

For what and in what situations you need a document

For organizations and IP, the document may be needed in such cases:

  1. At the request of buyers or supplier. In financial business, especially when concluding a large transaction, or with the participation of tenders and trading, such a certificate will be very necessary.
  2. With the termination of the activities of the individual entrepreneur, or in the liquidation process of the organization.
  3. When receiving any state subsidies.
  4. Some banks, when making a loan to a legal entity or IP, ask such information.
  5. When changing the director or chief accountant.
  6. When expanding the enterprise or when preparing a business plan.
  7. May ask counterparties.
  8. When switching the taxpayer from one tax authority to another, when changing the place of residence or registration in the tax authority.

Availability of a certificate of fulfillment of obligations to the budget from the tax authority, a company or an individual serves as additional evidence of reliability and financial consistency.

For individuals, the certificate may be needed in several cases:

  1. Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Change of citizenship.
  3. When making a large loan (such as a mortgage), a credit institution may ask for a certificate.
  4. When applying for use of tax benefits. For example, on land.
  5. When making large transactions. For example, sale of apartments, car, land and so on.

What time is the certificate

The document, according to a written application, is provided after 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application ( term is regulated by letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 02.07.2012 No. 99). Weekends and holidays are not included in this period.

How to make a statement and application procedure

The application for issuing a certificate can be made in both arbitrary form and the recommended. In any separation of the tax authority there are samples of applications that can be seen on the stands.

The unified form of application will help the physical person to specify all the data that may be needed to be tax authorities in the process of preparing the document.

When writing a statement in an arbitrary form, you must specify the following data:

  • name of the organization, FI. individual;
  • legal address, address of the possession of an individual;
  • the name of the tax authority, where the application is submitted;
  • INN / CAT Organization, TIN and Passport Personal Persons;
  • where to send a document, or to whom to issue it in the presence of a power of attorney;
  • what date requires information about debt.

The application can be submitted in several ways:

  1. Tax (for organizations and IP).
  2. Send by mail.
  3. Personally write in the tax authority and to go to the office. In this case, on the second instance, a statement is made on obtaining an application. From the date of this mark and there is a countdown of 10 business days to make a reference.

Is there a form of reference to tax debt

there is unified form certificates.
(Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 21, 2014 n MMB-7-8 / [Email Protected] "On approval of the form of certificate of execution by the taxpayer (payer of the collection, tax agent) obligations on the payment of taxes, fees, penalties, penalties, interest, the procedure for its filling and format of its presentation in electronic form By telecommunication channels of communication »).

Sample references about the absence of debt looks like this:

How often it is necessary to make a request for reference to the absence of tax debt

Tax authorities advise to receive documents on the absence of tax debts organizations and IP - less than 1 time in six months, individuals - Not less than 1 time per year.

Obtaining information about the performance of the duty before the budget will help the taxpayer to identify arrears in time or point out an error by presenting the relevant documents on the payment of taxes. In addition, the possession of information on the state of settlements from the budgets is imposing confidence of the full performance of obligations to the budget.

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