
How to make a certificate of 2 ndfl servicemen. This statement may look something like that

Each officially employed citizen, at least once in his life, appealed to the accounting department of the organization in which he works for the 2ndfl income certificate. It contains all information about payroll taxes and lists. Currently, it is not necessary to go to the accountant, you can get this document through your personal account in tax Inspection, through the Internet.

What is a certificate of 2 ndfl

IN Russian Federation For the transfer of the income tax of individuals is responsible tax agent. They are an organization where the employee works, it is it that is responsible for the calculation and listing of personal income tax.

The concept of NDFL is decoded as a tax on the income of individuals, which the company is obliged to list almost from all income received by an individual. For the untimely listed NDFL, the enterprise threatens serious penalties, namely 20% of the amount required to pay, mandatory conditions For the application of this measure is the absence of an obstacle to transfer the tax in time.

Important! In a situation where tax agent NDFL from the income of employees kept, but did not list set timeThe amount that arose as a result of arrears is charged by the penalty for each day of delay. The sizes of the penalty are 1/300 from the refinancing rate of the Central Bank, which is currently valid.

Help 2ndfl consists of:

  • From above indicates the code of the territorial tax authority
  • Then the main part: what income is obtained, how much tax is listed, for what period
  • Personal data responsible for issuing a document, signature and printing organization
  • information about the enterprise in which you work: its name, details;
  • employee data;
  • income that is taxed at 13%;
  • deductions for codes, namely: property, tax;
  • the total amount of income, deductions and retained taxes.

Important!! Help must necessarily contain printing and signature!

Step-by-step instructions for registration of reference 2ndfl online

For individuals in 2020. There are several possibilities for issuing certificate of income tax, only two options.

1. Add to accounting at work

2.- Order through the tax way online

The portal of public services does not make it possible to do this through their services.

In order to get a certificate of 2 NDFLs in the Personal Account, it is necessary:

What needs to doDetailed description
1 Register on the website of the IFNS www.nalog.ru.To do this, you need to contact tax service with a passport and identification code for a login and password, one-time, re-appeal will be required if you forget the data, but now the system is improved and you can also restore the password to the IFTS, indicating your code word and email to which the link will come to And it needs to restore the password
2. Go to the section "Tax on FL income and insurance premiums"Here you see, information about certificates in form 2 NDFL, in all organizations where you were employed up to last year
3. Click the mouse cursor to the "Unload with electronic signature", Specify the folder where you want to unload the documentAs a result, a certificate of two types is provided: in XML and PDF format, it has been signed with a reinforced qualified signature

Here we see certificates for all years of work. It can also be printed, unload with an electronic signature and send it to the address where its provision is required.

Important! Visually seen the amount calculated and retained by the tax agent, as well as the tax rate.

Pros and cons of e-service

1. Productivity of information provided1. Possibility to get a certificate only for last year and previous
2. No need to contact accounting and distracting an accountant2. Despite the fact that printing is strengthened, for individual organizations anyway, a script with wet seal of the organization
3. In case the organization has been eliminated, and there is nowhere to contact, then the electronic version of the reference is just suitable3. If you get a certificate in the workplace, you can immediately ask questions you are interested in, when designing online, ask no one, in any case you have to go to the accountant
4. Help software on the website of the IFNS only legitimate wayIn addition to appeal to the accountant, no site provides more such a service

Where the reference 2ndfl can be useful

1. How the rule is the most common place where there may be a certificate of income is the bank. It is there that will need to confirm your financial condition In order to take a mortgage or credit for any other goals. When contacting B. credit Unions or so-called fast money institutions do not need a certificate, there is enough passport, but do not forget that you will pay very big percent For the use of credit funds.

2. Having employment to a new place of work, the accountant will require your help from the previous place.

  1. For registration of tax deductions that can be obtained for learning a child, mortgage lending You can also return part of the money.

4. Required 2-NDFLs and in other cases: to calculate the pension, when making a manual of various types, for example, by low-income, where confirmation of your income is required.

5. In the exit abroad and the design of the visa, also can use the help of the 2ndfl, in addition to help from work and discharge on the current account.

The most common mistakes when making a certificate 2 NDFL

We often have to deal with such cases when errors occur even in the references. We are all people and can always be forgotten about the presence of the human factor and the right to error.

The most common are:

  • authorized employee, as a rule, is an accountant, forgot to sign in a place
  • scribed, but not blue ink and put the stamp so that she closed the painting
  • date is not in the format
  • did not take into account the deduction of the child, a distortion went on accrued and ensented

Important! Corrections in the 2-NDFL Blanc are not allowed, if an error is detected, it is necessary to place a new help.

In some situations, a citizen cannot do without a 2-NDFL certificate. We'll figure it out what this document is for what is needed and where it can be obtained in 2020 in the Russian Federation.

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Each individual, which is able-bodied, ever faced with the need to obtain 2-NDFLs. And then there was a completely natural question - where to ask for a certificate?


Not so long ago there was a standard form. Up to the same time, in accounting and tax authority of Russia simply kept information about each profit.

At the same time, the certificate of 2-NDFL is proof of what can be calm - taxes are paid, and the reporting is provided.

But where do such a certificate, which is the main document reflecting the income of a person? When is it necessary? Let's talk about this further.

What it is

The document has such components:

IN new form Blanca reflects such data:

Document's name The period for which income is prescribed
Tax Agents Information Employers (name, OCTMO code, contacts)
Data on citizen FULL NAME, INN, information from identification certificate, citizenship, place of residence
Profit data That was obtained by a citizen during the reporting period, as well as the deductions of the tax in the state treasury
Information about the deductions used
Final information The amount of profit, which is taxed, the tax, which should be listed in the state structure listed amounts

Purpose of the document

This is a report for the tax authority. The employer acting as a tax agent () provides this form to authorized structures in order to report on the profit received by the citizen and the tax paid.

Usually, the Help 2-NDFL is necessary when contacting the banking institution to receive.

Documents is a confirmation that the face can well cope with debt repayment.

May need a reference and in this case:

  • when designing - subsidies, benefits;
  • upon receipt as proof of the solvency of travelers;
  • in case of employment in a new company.

In the new job, the certificate is a source when calculating the tax deduction (childish, status in accordance with CO), social insurance benefit ( , ).

Legal base

Human profits for a certain period, as well as the listed taxes are reflected in the form, which is approved by the Government in 2010, and changed in 2015.

Where to get a working Help 2-NDFL

Help 2-NDFL may be issued at work or accounting. The enterprise management is simply required when applying for an appropriate statement by an employee to submit a document within 3 days ().

The request may have a free form. The main thing is that it reflects the information about the citizen, the company, the person's personal account number, contacts, etc.

Appeal to the organization

At the place of work, the certificate is easiest to take. If a citizen is dismissed, a certificate for this form will automatically fall into the list of documents that the employee will be issued when terminating the contract on the last day (on the day of the calculation).

If you are refused to satisfy the request, you can go to employees of the Labor Inspectorate with the requirement to compensate for moral damage (Art. 237 of the Labor Code).

To begin with, threatening the bosses - usually after mentioning the Labor Body, the leadership is ready to cooperate.

Usually refuse to issue a reference when the person has not been employed. Accordingly, there is nowhere to take official information about.

There is also a refusal due to accounting disorders. If the company leads "clean" activity, then such reasons simply cannot arise.

The request can be served repeatedly - as many times as you need a certificate. It should also not take any fee with you.

Through the portal of public service

There is also such an opportunity - get information via the Internet. But it is worth noting that the state service can not receive a certificate that it will be similar to the one that the employer will be issued.

This service is not a tax agent, and therefore will not be able to take a document, bypassing the tax agent.

Correctly talk about receiving data on profits and paid taxes through the Internet portal.

It is necessary to register and go to the personal account of the tax payer. There is a service where you can get a certificate of the installed format.

His work is aimed at providing information about taxpayers to banks. You can access you not through public services, but through the FTS site.

For the information to be provided, the borrower must accept the Bank. The requested information will be formed in the necessary form and shipped by the physician.

The document will be an extract from the FIU. Procedure:

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Find an "income tax on income".
  3. Select with data on Help 2-NDFL.
  4. Get the necessary information.

The advantage of using the Internet resource - saves time.

Is it possible through the tax inspection

Gives a certificate tax agent, which is an employer. If the company refuses to submit a document, then it will be about violating the rights of workers.

In such a situation there are no grounds for circulation in tax authority. The tax authorities are not required to issue this kind of documents ().

But there is one case when a citizen can get data on profits precisely in the tax service.

If the taxpayer wants to take a certificate of profits, which was obtained from the former employer (and there is no longer this company), then the data of the FTS officers are provided.

A citizen must go to the office at the place of registration of the enterprise and submit a written request.

The authorized person to provide information on income based on data that is available in the structure (in accordance with).

How to take from the previous job

In accordance with Labor Code, former worker Companies have the right to contact the company with a request to provide form 2-NDFL.

Accounting should not refuse. The document is presented in both the current period and the past. But usually references are issued for the period that does not exceed 4 years

Is it possible to make an inoperative (unemployed)

A non-working citizen who registered at the Employment Center submits in the accounting department of such agency.

If a citizen quit and is temporarily unemployed, and not registered in the SZ, then you can ask for a certificate of 2-NDFL for a former employer or in the tax service (if the organization has been eliminated).

At the place of the previous work, it is possible to obtain a document when providing an appropriate application. But this option is possible if the face was.

If after termination labor relationship Enterprises with a citizen passed a lot of time, then the form of 2-NDFL will be irrelevant, as it will contain outdated information.

An employee of the employment center can give a certificate that it will confirm the receipt of unemployment benefits. But only this certificate will be useful when designing is hardly.

The person that has never worked and has not arranged to the service, has no official opportunity to get a document at all.

The non-working student receives a certificate by submitting an application to the decanted educational institution. Where to get a certificate 2-NDFL pensioner?

If a person receives a retirement benefit in non-state funds and pays taxes in the country's treasury, he may apply for a certificate in the Fund's Office.

Application is possible in electronic or paper format. Pensioners that receive a pension from the state should not count on receiving a document, since the tax is not paid from the state pension.

The component of the form of 3-NDFL should be signed in the tax service. If there is no FNS mark on the declaration, it will not be able to replace 2-ndfl.

Working on a simplified, an entrepreneur instead of form 2-NDFL may make a photocopy of the income declaration. Such a document is systematically submitted to the tax service.

Possessed legal force And, where it is written that the tax authority accepted reporting.

Only there is a disadvantage - not all bodies agree to accept such documents, and require 2-NDFL to prepare in accordance with the established rules.

IP is entitled to give himself a certificate - to act as an employer and an employee at the same time.

Confirmation of solvency is possible when providing copied pages from the profit and cost accounting book.

Working on the shift, the IP should not provide reporting in authorized bodies What income is received.

If the institution fails to make such evidence, it will also have to draw up a 2-NDFL help independently.

The order of registration for a military personnel

Military persecutes as well as ordinary citizens sometimes should provide in different state structures form 2-NDFL.

Such a document is needed at, when calculating the hospital, child manual, when receiving deduction, etc.

Unlike the rest of the citizens, to obtain a certificate, military personnel must submit an application to Russia. The process will be more complex and prolonged from the specifics of military service.

The Ministry of Defense is an employer of such a category of persons, therefore it is worth dealing with the features of reference.

No need to follow the document in your military unit. They write a statement and send it to a single settlement center of MO of Russia or in the management of financial support of MO.

The application is applied to the name of the head. The statement necessarily reflects:

  • his personal number;
  • data from identity card;
  • addresses of registration;
  • names of the military unit.

They write how many instances of the requested document are needed. Point the period. If the answer should be sent by mail, then reflect the address to deliver it.

You can apply:

  • sending it to a registered letter by applying inventory;
  • sending by fax;
  • independently authorized face;
  • by sending via the Internet.

The certificate cannot be taken longer than three days from the moment the application was registered.

The document will send a registered letter to the address that is registered in the application. When ordering references, take into account the time during which the letter will go.

The serviceman can get a certificate of income through the personal account on the ERC website.

On the page of the site of the Ministry of Defense www.mil.ru, the person can review all the accruals and retained funds since 2012.

To go to the portal, you need a reflection of the personal number and password. After you click "Personal Account", a table will be displayed, where all the management of the MO of Russia is listed.

Addresses and contacts, opening hours of departments. The filled announcement blank is sent to email or otherwise. Get Help 2-NDFL is not so difficult if you work.

The servicemen, as well as civilians, have to provide in various instances a certificate of their income in the form of 2-NDFL. The certificate may be needed to obtain a loan in the bank, to calculate hospital, charges of children's benefits, receiving tax deductions and in other cases.

If a simple citizen is enough to obtain a statement to obtain a certificate about income, or even an oral request, in the accounting department of his employer, then the statement for the 2-NDFL serviceman will have to be submitted to the Russian Ministry of Defense (MO RF). This is often a rather long and complex procedure associated with the specifics of military service. As a serviceman to get required document, Consider in this article.

How to order a certificate of a 2-NDFL military personnel

Servicemen are passing military service On the territory of Russia, or beyond, presenting Russian interests. It is our state that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is an employer for contract servicemen, it means that it should be applied for Help 2-NDFL. How to do it?

Do not apply for certificate of income into your military unit. It is necessary to write a statement and send it to a single settlement center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (EPC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), or in one of the financial security departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (UFO MO RF).

The application is addressed to the head of the ERC or UFO, must contain the name, first name and patronymic of a serviceman, his personal number, Passport details, Inn, registration address and name of the military unit. It is also indicated by the required number of certificate instances of the 2-NDFL and the required period. If the answer should be sent by mail, then the shipping address is written if you have to receive a certificate personally, or through a representative, then this is also reflected in the statement.

Send an application to ERC or UFO in the following ways:

  • mail (with description and notification),
  • by fax,
  • bring personally
  • send through " Personal Area serviceman. "

2-NDFL should not be issued longer than three working days from the date of registration of the statement (the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 21.06.2016 No. 03-04-05 / 36096). Help is sent by a serviceman by mail to the address that he pointed out in a statement is either issued in hand to him personally, or his representative. By ordering a certificate, you should take into account the time it will go to the addressee by mail, especially if the service passes in remote areas of the country, therefore a statement of a 2-NDFL serviceman is better to send in advance.

Order Help 2-NDFL through ERC RF MO

Today, all contract servicemen has access to information about the size of their money allowance and other payments produced through ERC. To do this, go to the "Personal Cabinet of the Serviceive" on the website of the Ministry of Defense]]\u003e www.mil.ru]]\u003e where you can see all the accruals and retention, starting from May 2012. You must specify the personal number of the serviceman and password.

In the same place, on the site of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, you can order a Help 2-NDFL serviceman via the Internet. By clicking on the "Personal Account" menu button, you will immediately see the table, with a list of all managers of financial security of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, distributed through the military districts and regions, which, along with ERC, issues 2-NDFL references. All addresses, phone numbers and opening hours are shown here, and you can also download a sample application form for income certificate for each UFO. The completed statement can be sent to the email address that is specified in the sample (note that for each UFO has its own address), or direct any of the methods.

The application may also be directed to the general electronic address of the EPC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Help 2-NDFL order can also be ordered in ERC or UFO with a statement personally. Statement B. paper It should be filled in two copies: one of which is transmitted to the ERC, and the second, with a marking of the adoption, remains at the serviceman.

You do not know how to make an application to the employer about issuing information on the income received for the work? This will help a sample of such petitions addressed to the head of the registration of 2-NDFL certificate.

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The applicant must be taken into account important nuances in its compilation, before sending it to the administration of the organization. About this next.

In which cases do you need a certificate?

The demand of the document under the code 2-NDFL is quite high, because He confirms the receipt of official income by an individual.

Most often, the help is asked to provide in such cases:

  • upon receipt credit finance in bank institutions;
  • for mortgage (when issuing a bid agreement for the purchase of residential premises);
  • during employment to a new enterprise;
  • when handling tax deduction subject to the following circumstances: payment for study; Acquisition of housing; obtaining paid treatment; other expenses.

For all organizations there are such grounds for issuing such a certificate for the taxpayer:

Where is it served? Legal rationale The procedure for providing reference
In the tax inspection authorities for each citizen who has gained profit during the past tax period Reporting standards are set out in paragraph 2 The maximum deadline for March 31 (inclusive) next year for the completed reporting period
The tax service is provided for those persons from the income of which NDFL was not held According to the text set out in paragraph 5. For a month from the moment of obligations
Taxpayer at his request Personal written or oral request of an employee (including former employees) Document must be issued within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application

Do you always need a written appeal for the document?

Each working Russian may request and receive a document under the code 2-NDFL, without specifying the reasons why it is necessary.

It is provided according to the first requirement of the taxpayer, regardless of whether he turned to the employer in oral or writing.

However, the applicant must take into account that the advantages of written appeal are as follows:

  • the date of submission of an application is indicated, which is the starting point for the three-day certificate design period;
  • avoids many unpleasant moments, because The employer may deny the fact of contacting the employee;
  • simplifies the actions of the employee when appealing the refusal to make a certificate through other instances.

You need to force yourself with a written requirement. Although most employers make out a certificate without creating problems to employees on their first demand.

And in the case of the dismissal of the employee, the managing administration is obliged to issue such a document on the day of the calculation of the worker even without his personal circulation.

Application for Help 2-NDFL (Sample 2020)

We immediately point out that there is no unified application form. Therefore, everyone can write it independently. A document is drawn up by analogy with other similar papers.

Any employee will easily write a statement on Help 2 NDFL, the sample of which is published further in the text. However, for each individual taxpayer, there are nuances.

How to write correctly?

Usually, the organization establishes its own procedure for personnel and accounting office.

If the company does not have an approved application form, then write it in arbitrary form.

General rules for paperwork:

  • You can create an application on any sheet, but the A4 office paper is used more often.
  • Write text can be handled or using digital technology. After printing, the statement must be signed. Do not forget to pre-clarify whether the employer will take a printed document or better write it manually.
  • In the word statement should be written by a broken handwriting, a handle of blue, without errors, corrections and blots.
  • If the application for issuing this certificate will be submitted personally or through a representative, then 2 identical instances should be made. One will take the leadership, and the second will remain the applicant with a company mark on obtaining the first sample.

Now let's talk about how the form of the application should be.

Form and example of a form

You should begin with the writing of the "caps", usually placed on the right in the upper corner of the document.

It indicates:

  • Position of the company's head and F.O. Or that person who gives an order to design a certificate.
  • Individual data on the applicant: position; FULL NAME.; Passport details (if required); Contact phone number.

In the middle of the sheet under the cap, encounter a document with a capital letter in the word "statement". Under the name of the document, set out your petition.

It must be specified in it:

  • For what time the income and deductions for personal income tax were received.
  • Link on legislative actwhich entails the employers responsibility in providing such a document.

It is advisable to specify where the certificate will be filed, but it is not a mandatory point for the applicant, because The employer must, in any case, arrange it and issue worker on hand.

Under the main text, you must specify the date of writing the application and then put your painting.

This is how the application for issuing a reference 2 NDFL:

How to send an employer?

In order for the application to be paid to the management of the enterprise, you need:

  • Transfer personally through the Office Office.
  • Fill in the mail inventory to a custom letter with the delivery notification, to invest in the envelope and pay for the delivery of its delivery to the addressee.
  • Send to appoints to the management administration of the organization of its legal representative with a notarized power of attorney for the right to transfer to the petition of reference.

Most often, the application is immediately transferred to the company's head. In such cases, to avoid trouble, it is necessary to insist on receiving a copy of the document with the head resolution.

This will help prove the fact of circulation if you suddenly have problems receiving reference. Or for this, you can get the number of incoming correspondence at the office of the Office or at the head of the head.


You can request a certificate not only by the employer, but also in other structures. Let's look at how to do it right.


If the reference of the 2ndFL is necessary for a person who is a serviceman, then addresses the appeal needs to manage the financial support of the relevant military district.

You can make a request by sending it to a letter through post office units if the applicant does not have the opportunity to visit the institution personally.

For Bank

How to write a statement for the bank in which the individual received dividends on shares? For this holder valuable papers You must submit a request to the place of accounting of securities.

It can be clarified in a bank on a special form or write an application for a certificate of 2 NDFL, the sample of which is later provided.

But in any case, first refer to employees financial institution For advice on this issue.

Such a statement may look something like this:

In FSS and tax

To receive a certificate for the controlling bodies on the payment of taxes, it is necessary to make a statement for this example:

When dismissal

If the employee is dismissed from the enterprise, then the employer is obliged to issue such documents on the day of the calculation:

  • Labor book with all relevant entries.
  • Diplomas and certificates that were on stored in the personnel service of the organization.
  • Document of income in form 2-NDFL.

Accounting certificate who resigned the employee can get and later in his time of work at the enterprise, however last period Its cooperation may not exceed the shelf life of reporting documentation approved by regulatory acts.

An example of writing an application for a certificate when dismissing an employee:

Where to submit, if the organization is liquidated?

There are situations where the certificate is needed by a former employee, and the organization has already been eliminated.

Then he needs to request a request to the territorial separation of tax authorities, where there are information about the contributions paid by them by NFFL.

Tax inspections will accept a statement and give the necessary document.

Duration of certificate

For each enterprise there are such norms of issuing such a reference:

  • no later than 3 working days when a written request is received from individual - Payer income tax on providing such a document;
  • every year to March 31 (inclusive) next year for the past tax period When submitting reports for the FSIN for each citizen, with the income of which the NDFL was retained;
  • during the termination of the employment contract with the working leadership, it is obliged to give it all relevant documents on the last day of his work, including this certificate.

IN tax legislation There is no clear standards for the provision of this accounting document.

However, labor legislation in Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the administration of the institution is obliged to issue any documentation relating to its labor labor activity, in a period of no more than 3 working days.

The provision of the document in the same time confirmed the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, publishing clarification in.

Employer's responsibility for non-verbal

Legislative acts oblige employers to issue a certificate at the first requirement of workers who receive payments for their work. It is necessary to make it in any case, regardless of whether an employee is asked in oral or writing.

For refusal to design a document, the head faces administrative penalty With an impressive amount:

  • for responsible persons from 1-5 thousand rubles;
  • if IP refuses, its fine will be equal to the first item;
  • in a relationship legal entity The amount of recovery will be from 30-50 thousand rubles.

Violation by the Administration of the Organization of the Development Decision of Certificate or the refusal to provide it to the document may entail a sentence.

The responsibility of the enterprise administration for such actions is indicated in.

IN this case The basis of punishment will be outlined as a violation of the legitimate interests and rights of workers.

Note! If the employee is asking for a certificate for past year, which exceed the storage period tax documents, the employer has the right to refuse and will not be punished for it.

In other cases, refusal can be appealed in such instances:

  • labor inspectorate;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • judicial bodies.

It is not difficult to get a certificate. To do this, select the appropriate sample application from the above examples, place a document on your own behalf and submit it to the employer.

The administration of the enterprise has no right to refuse to provide such information.

In this case, the law is on the side of the workers and if the management evade the fulfillment of their duties, it can be applied strict punishment due to appealing such actions.

Therefore, a certificate is often provided within 3 working days, as indicated in the order of their issuance.

Applications and calls are accepted around the clock and seven days a week..

One of the standard forms accounting reports Any enterprise on which the work of workers is used is the form of 2 NDFLs. This document reflects all human revenues for reporting period, the amount of taxes paid during this period and the amount of tax benefits.

This certificate may be written in two cases and provided in various institutions.

Help 2 NDFL for an individual entrepreneur

If, in the case of a hired employee, the issuance of form 2 NDFL is the responsibility of the employer, then in the case of an individual entrepreneur, this procedure has its own characteristics. The fact is that myself cannot issue this certificate. The exception is the situation when individual entrepreneur At the same time, it is a hired employee and a certificate of 2 NDFLs it gives him an employer.

In most cases, for the IP full-fledged replacement of the usual form 2 NDFL is the form of 3 ndfl. That is, instead of reference confirming its income must be represented tax Declaration. For what system the entrepreneur pays taxes, the values \u200b\u200bin this case have no.

Any working person get a certificate of 2 NDFLs maybe without any problems. For the unemployed, in most cases it also does not represent any difficulties.

Any serviceman consists on public service, the official contract is concluded with him, and he is quite officially getting wages. Therefore, it is quite natural that he can submit a document confirming its income.

The only complexity (though, quite overcome) is the remoteness of the settlement center of the Ministry of Defense from most servicemen.

If necessary, to submit a certificate of form 2 NDFLs, for example, to a bank to obtain a loan, a soldier must write a statement to the FCU "ERC of the RF RF." No later than five days after receiving the application required certificate will be framed and sent to the address specified in the application.

Application for registration of income certificates is best sent by e-mail or by registered mail. The farther military unit Located from Moscow, the more the expectation of the answer from the settlement center will occupy.

Pensioner receiving pension in non-state fund and paying taxes to the budget of the Russian Federation may request a certificate of form 2 NDFLs in the relevant division of the Fund. The application can be sent to the fund either in electronic or in paper.

For a pensioner receiving a state retirement, the formation of form 2 NDFL is not provided. The fact is that state pensions Not taxed.

In the department pension Fund A pensioner may be issued a certificate of all payments, but it will not be similar to form 2 ndfl.

This situation is the most difficult from the cost of time and effort to receive income certificates. Since the official enterprise no longer exists, then at first glance and get the form of 2 NDFLs will not work.

However, the tax inspectorate contains data for the reporting period by all organizations at that time. Even in the case of the liquidation of the company, the reporting for the last full-time year is stored in the tax inspection. Therefore, you should contact the tax authority at the place of registration of the enterprise with a request to submit a certificate.

Certificate of form 2 NDFL is a popular document that is often asked to submit in various organizations. Most people have any difficulty getting this reference. But even in cases where the formation of 2 NDFL will require certain costs of time and forces, the correct procedure will help get it.

In difficult situations, you can consult the lawyers. They will tell what steps you need to take to get the necessary document.

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