
Design as a type of activity and socio-cultural technologies. Design of labor activity Design as activity and process can be

See also:
  1. A) product of intellectual activity of qualified specialists of various professional groups
  2. Gt; 89. The subject and functions with as a scientific discipline and the practical area of \u200b\u200bactivity. (not before
  3. II Block 19. Social education in an educational organization. Personal, agender, gender, differentiated, individual approaches in social education
  4. III Block: 5. Features of the work of the social teacher with orphans and children left without parental care.
  5. PR in state structures and departments. PR in the financial sector. PR in the commercial organizations of the social sphere (culture, sports, education, healthcare)
  6. PR campaign as a special kind of communication activities. Signs of PR campaigns.
  7. A) constantly and independently representing the name of entrepreneurs when concluding agreements in the field of entrepreneurship

Design is a specific technology that is a constructive, creative activity, the essence of which is to analyze the problems and identify the reasons for their occurrence, the development of goals and tasks characterizing the desired state of the object (or the scope of project activities), the development of ways and means of achieving the goals.
As objecttwo subsystems protrude sociocultural design: socium and culture. Discrepancy, contradiction between the real picture and the ideal idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer of the norm - there is a problem field of formation and implementation of sociocultural projects.
The project in this case is a means of preserving or recreating social phenomena and cultural features.
leading target orientationsproblem-target design are:
- Creating conditions for development a sociocultural entity (personality, community, society as a whole), human self-realization in the main areas of its livelihoods by optimizing its relationships with a socio-cultural environment, permit or minimize problems characterizing the adverse circumstances of its livelihoods, enhancing the joint activities of people in maintaining the cultural environment in suitable for life condition, its constructive change in their own efforts;
- ensuring favorable conditions for self-development of cultural life by stimulating the mechanisms of self-organization, meaningful combination and support of historically formed and new sociocultural technologies, elements, phenomena.
Problems of project activities:
- Analysis of the situation, i.e. comprehensive diagnosis of problems and a clear definition of their source and character;
- Search and development of options for solutions of the problem under consideration, taking into account available resources and evaluation possible consequences implementing each of the options;

On the other hand, culture (cultural activity) is condition and means of solving problems and taskslocated in other planes of social and individual being. Projects of this type as their ultimate goal suggest optimizing the processes of life (person, social Groups, region, etc.), and culture acts as a means, the conditions of such optimization. Priority design areas - these are the most significant social and cultural sphere in social and personal terms. life (And the corresponding activities of the activities), characterized by the maximum concentration of problems and with the possibilities and resources of optimizing human livelihoods.
Detection priority design directions are carried out mainly by analysis of the situationcharacterizing the set of circumstances and conditions of functioning of society as a whole and the local situation recording the social, socio-demographic and socio-cultural problems of a specific territorial administrative unit.
Audience of the project - carrier of socio-cultural and personal problems, i.e. Social category or population group characterized by specific social and cultural features and differing from other groups `composition of the conditions and processes of vital activity.
In the design process, it is necessary to take into account the main parameterscharacterizing the specificity of the commonality in question:
- problems whose carrier is this community;
- socio-cultural features (values, morals, customs, traditions), regulating behavior and social interaction in community;
- knowledge, skills and skills owned by members of community and which can be used as a means of resolving the problem situation;
- Resources potentially accessible to members of generality and which can be used during the project.
Methods - These are the ways and ways to achieve goals and solve problems, funds - a set of techniques and operations to achieve the goal. In the framework of the project, the methods and means are specified by the set of planned activities.
The form- This is a certain way ordered activity, a way to organize the content, methods, funds, performers and the audience of the project.
Practical events:
Practical events can be directed directly to solving the problem, and can provide additional means of project implementation. To adjust the content of the project in the course of its implementation, public opinion polls may be planned to activate public participation.
In addition to specialists who own design technology and project activities on a professional basis, development and implementation participants The meaningful part of the projects (especially at the stage of its implementation) can and should be:
1. The decision-making authorities in the field of culture whose functions are related to the development of programs, projects, their assertion, control over their implementation.
2. State and non-state institutions and organizations, scientific and expert councils that are able to take responsibility for developing, scientific justification, qualified expertise of programs, projects, assessing public initiatives in terms of the appropriateness of their support. Creative associations, charitable organizations can conduct special events aimed at attracting the attention of the population, media to programs, projects (press conferences, exhibitions, concerts, auctions, mass shares, etc.).
3. The public grows around specific programs, projects for which participation in their implementation is a method of cultural filling lifeserves as a unifying and socializing factor. Inclusion of the public B. processdeveloping, discussing and implementing projects is also important from another point of view - it stimulates self-organization and amateurness of the population, contributes to the formation of stable residence initiative groups and social communities. To attract and effective public participation, consultations of specialists are needed, as well as relevant material and organizational support of initiatives.

Target installation of projects:
- to preserve the viable values \u200b\u200band phenomena of the culture of the past characteristic of all components of the sociocultural medium (in the subject-spatial world, the preservation, restoration and reconstruction of historical and cultural monuments, the architectural environment; in relations between people, support for adequate modernity of traditional behaviors and communication samples; In a cognitive-valued sphere - storage and introduction to the cultural turnover of the text of the humanitarian culture of the past).
- development and active use in current space of vital activity cultural heritage (elements of the objective environment of the past, viable traditional morals, customs, rituals, etc.).
Focused support for cultural innovation in the project involves:
- identification, promotion and replication best ideas and technologies of optimal existence in today's sociocultural situation (for example, environmentally safe ways of human existence in environment, forms of optimal organization of spaces in settlements, samples of architectural structures, monumental, applied art, design);

Depending on the position of the designer allocated two types of project strategies:

First type Focusing on the maximum understanding and accounting of the specifics of the culture, which becomes the object of design activities. In this case, the goal of the project is to create conditions that ensure the preservation (conservation) of the cultural range of the region - the project implementation object, and only later - the self-development of the subject of culture.
In the second type The projects of the dominant task is to export their own cultural samples (values, norms, technologies) in `stranger` Cultural context, which is modified by this,` artificially` is converted. The idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment underlying this type of projects is determined to some extent awareness and understanding of the inability to solve problems at the expense of the resources of the culture, which (or fragments of which) is an object of project activities.

The emergence and development of organizational design

Organizational design emerged as a separate direction of the scientific organization of labor of managers and specialists, which is a systemic design of the separation and cooperation of mental labor, the organization of jobs, working conditions, labor organization and other areas of its organization in the middle of the 20th century.

The change in the nature of mental labor associated with the development of information technologies, the emergence of new labor functions, specialties, professions, the emergence of international standards of quality, ecology, management caused the need to search for new methods of systemic learning of mental labor.

Understanding the organizational design has expanded. Currently, according to a single methodological scheme, methods of integrated assessment of the quality of managerial labor, design of automated jobs, automated systems Management, rational separation and cooperation of labor.

A systematic study of the management of management processes in Russia, Belarus, contributed to the formation of such new directions of organizational design as regulation of managerial labor and design management standards for organizations.

Development of organizational design in the United States and European Union He led to the emergence of organizational reengineering, the formation of structural analysis and design methodology (SADT) and the IDEF methodology system.

The development of organizational design is currently in the direction of the creation of a methodology and methodological instruments of integrated design of systems for improving the labor of management personnel. Organizational design in a modern understanding is a complex of methodological tools that allow you to arrange, lead to the system management processes.

Design As a process, depending on the design object, can be represented as:

· Strategic;

· Organizational;

· Investment;

· Design;

· Technological.

All listed design types take place in the organization of management of production and economic activities of enterprises and their associations. The design of any object is associated with the creation, transformation and representation in the adopted image form of this object, more often component parts, i.e., functionally interacting structural elements of the whole. This image can be created in the imagination of a creative person or generated according to some algorithms in the process of human interaction and PC. For strategic design, the created image can be presented in the form of a set of strategies for marketing design - in the form of a marketing program for promoting goods, marketing, etc., for organizational design - in the form of a special organization of the object under consideration, organizational solutions that increase the management efficiency and , accordingly, economic activity.

As a rule, the design begins in the presence of a task to design, reflecting the needs of society, government authorities or the administration of enterprises. The result of the design is a set of management decisions, expressed in the form complete set Documentation containing sufficient information to organize a type of activity or creating an object. Transformation of source information in design solutions It generates interim descriptions - design solutions that are a subject of further consideration in order to end the design.

From the point of view of decision-making, the design is the process of developing management, design, social, economic decisions aimed at obtaining the desired effect.

From an information point of view, the design is the process of converting input information about the design object, on the state of knowledge in the area under consideration, on the experience of designing similar appointments in the output information in the form of design and technological, economic, organizational documentation that allows the material implementation of the project.

From an organizational point of view, various approaches can be applied to the design process. First of all, the block is hierarchical. According to this approach, the designed system is dismembered by hierarchical levels. At the highest level, the least detailed view is used, reflecting only the overall features and features of the designed system. At the following levels, the degree of details of the consideration increases. In this case, the system is considered separate blocks. Any system is a totality of objects whose interaction causes new, integrative properties.

Each system has its own internal structure (structure, functions, factors that ensure the integrity of the organization). For example, the management system of management work includes: living labor itself (labor consumption), labor objects, workforce, and the measure of labor development, as well as the indicator of public relations. The functions of such a system are the manifestation of the internal content of the system in its relations with the external environment. To identify the structure of the object - it means to mention its parts and the ways with which it enters into relationships. The final assessment of the quality of the solutions obtained is usually made according to functional models.

Organizational design differs from other types of design not only the result of the result and the area of \u200b\u200bthe study, but also the need to account for the nature and mutual relations of a large number of factors affecting the construction of the object being studied, and determine its economic efficiency.

The difference in organizational design is also the need to comply with the structural and parametric optimization of the objects under consideration (using structural and functional models).

As computer equipment improves and information - software improves, an increasing number of project procedures is translated into automatic (batch) mode. When automation of the design, significant difficulties arise at the stage of formalizing the tasks of organizing investment management, technological and labor processes. In many cases, it is possible to obtain mathematical models that allow the use of approximate algorithms for solving problems. Mathematical modeling is the process of creating a model and operating it in order to obtain information about real object. The mathematical model is a set of mathematical objects (numbers, symbols, sets) and honey connections, reflecting the most important properties of the object for the designer. The model is created for the sake of cognitive, practical purposes, distracting from a variety of characteristics of the system being studied, creates some ideal, accessible study of the system. Transient modeling, statistical regimes, Private characteristics may be reduced to solving systems of differential equations.

Section 2. Organizational Design Methodology

Design as a type of activity

A.E. Roslakov

Department of Communication with the Public Relations Institute of Management and Economics Omsk State University of Runs of the message Ave. Marx, 35, Omsk, Russia, 644046

The article discusses the role of the methodology in understanding and organizing the design processes. The concepts of projects and programs are analyzed. The importance of introducing two-dimensions of programming and complexation of polydisciplinary activities during the implementation of project problems is substantiated.

Keywords: design, activity sense, methodology forming the sphere, complexation.

The distribution of computer technology and interactive forms of communication has delivered the world from many former problems in the political, economic, cultural spheres, but the new one gave rise to new ones. The growing importance of information creates fundamentally new opportunities. "The volume of rapidly transmitted information is considered as something valuable in itself, regardless of the content and goals." Not justified confidence that technological perfection can automatically solve public problems, provokes an irresponsible attitude towards acute social conflicts, carelessness leads to irreversible natural cataclysms.

Today's informational priorities arose in accordance with the general trends in social development and changing values. Since in 20-30 years. Xx in. The idea of \u200b\u200bpermanent design appears, it definitely determines the focus not on the project as such, but on the design process, which involves parallel deployment of works aimed at the immediate implementation of innovations, and any forples here is always appropriately so much as dictated by the efficiency of the project itself, its social or commercial benefit for the nearest or relatively non-smooth future.

Latin Prolicto is translated as "throwing forward", "I keep in front of you", and Projectum literally means "thrown forward." The modern concept of "project" has kept traces of an ancient value. When they talk about the project, they mean the mental design of some change that is pre-planned and in principle can be implemented. This design is capable of submitting a model, a prototype, a prototype of some materialized actions, and now the scope of the design of the design has expanded its borders already so much as it concerns the literally of all sides of human livelihoods.

Individual design practically replaces all other types of its species. And not only personal fate, perspectives of life are designed

growth, etc., but also a medium in which one or another perspective will be more fully and successfully implemented, which often removes the question of the general, collective, social feasibility.

An alternative to such projects can be the practice of the Moscow Methodological Mug (MMK), which focuses on the design and methods for the implementation of design ideas. At the meeting of this circle, the design is comprehended as a special type of activity. A plan map of scientific research was developed, which should ensure the functioning and development of project activities. The concept and program of social and sociocultural design design are proposed. Upduating the category "Thinking", which received detailed development in the works of G.P. Shdovitsky, members of the mug considered issues related to the methodology and science, based on their comparative and functional analysis.

Officially, work on fundamentally new directions in the design was launched in 1964, when the laboratory in the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIIT) on the theory and design methodology was started. The laboratories instructed the development of a methodological, theoretical and strategic basis for socio-cultural and organizational design of design in the Soviet Union. According to S.V. Naumova, "Further history of the design of the design (from the mid-60s to the present) can be considered as a result of the interaction of the three of these sufficiently autonomous channel channels." We are talking about interprofessional design, design in certain areas and methodologies.

Of course, this kind of work was carried out constantly in all countries, but they were fundamentally local in nature both in relation to the territory and regarding the disciplinary sphere. By consideration of even neighboring spaces and scientific spheres, the more global scale in the spatial-territorial sense and in the field of thinking no one occupied. Naumov states: "The design situation largely resembled a modern situation in the field of programming; Despite the massive issue of projective documentation in various professional spheres and areas ... The methodological characteristics of the content of projects and project activities were absent, the widespread invasion of design ideas, the design methods of work was not consciously as a fundamental, drastically changing means and methods of thinking and activities in various fields " . There were objective causes of lack of relevance. The time of globality then has not yet come.

The development of design problems was very fruitful for the scope of the methodology: "Analysis of the design methods of thinking made it possible to start developing a project approach as giving fundamentally new form Organization of thinking. This new form in the sociocultural plan was opposed to the form of a natural-scientific organization. " Similar thoughts can be found at A.G. Rappaport, which also noted that the methodological style of thinking began to be characterized as unifying research and design forms of thinking.

Engineering ideology has penetrated the scope of public processes, which led to attempts to artificially and technically to form public relations. The production of knowledge becomes an industrial task, and this item falls out of the usual sphere of thinking. There was a need to realize that in the general theory of activity, on the one hand, the design is considered as one of the forms of activity, on the other hand, design may offer the formation of theoretical ideas about the sphere of activity. It becomes clear that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe field of activity refers to the number of regulatory methodological directions, it is not an image of a professional sphere, for example, a professional design. It can only be used as one of the methodological means to develop a project and a program of this professional sphere.

The development of the sphere activity has made it possible to allocate the main processes of a full sphere organization, such as reproduction, production, functioning, development and organization (ie, management, management). From this it follows: that the design exists as a sphere, programs and projects must be implemented. The result should appear as a done thing that has become material power in all five sphere processes. Combining all together, Naumov concludes that such a design of the design is not organized so far, because there is no bridgehead of practical consecration, although in communicative and theoretical forms it is fully fixed. If proceed from the fact that production cannot be only in communicative and mental forms, the methodology that has formed the scope of the design and who did not have a practical bridgehead could not organize the design scope. It can be said that today the design of the design exists in the thinking and activity of the designers only as a forming sphere, it has not yet become a real practitioner.

In addition, Naumov drew attention to a very important circumstance. The concepts of the program and project, programming and design, project and programs are most often used as synonyms. However, if you have a question about the development of the funds of organizational and management activities, these concepts are specified and acquire different functions, which determines the need for special theoretical and methodological developments. The initial distinction of programs and projects is seen in the traditional project function, which necessarily sets an idea of \u200b\u200bthe final result of activity. The program is focused on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe process of activity. Hence the question: can the program be designed? It turns out maybe. The result of such a dual use of the project approach is plans unambiguously aimed at materialization of programs, which becomes a fundamental point for differences and specifications.

Software-project activities involves organizational and management, projection and methodological activity of a person. Actual

it means that the scope of the methodology is the third mandatory participant in those situations where the question of comparison of programs and projects can be raised. The need to distinguish the concepts of the program and the project occurs if they claim the same functions. Such a situation has become possible only recently, with the emergence of response expansion of the design in the field of organizational and management activities and since the establishment of organizational design. Or, in other words, against the background of transforming the design of a thing in the design of systems of activity. It was then that the term "project" emerges the second meaning, "the project is beginning to call large target systems for organizing work (in the military industry, in space developments, in health care, ecology, etc.)." Any organizational and management activities refer to the need to develop and draw up plans designed for a certain result.

This scheme undergoing serious complications, depending on how much more or less independent aspects are involved in a single organizational process. If a fixed principles, rules, orders and directives are applied to one-way organizational tasks, then in complex programs, especially if interdisciplinary trends in ambiguous situations are involved, where it is impossible to anticipate the final results, tight installations not only do not justify expectations, but also harmful from the point Social security view, as they work against a social order. In this context, the practice of the organization based on programs may be, for example, opposed to the practice of the Organization based on plans. The impossibility of using plans for the uncertainty of the management situation is obvious and, apparently, today quite realized by experts. The planned form of the organization requires not only the rigid task of the final results of activities, but also means, sequence of actions, the timing of their implementation, resource support, etc. The project aimed at implementing the future proposes the identity of the object of organizational action for design and programming.

MMK methodology unfolds the ideas of permanent design in two directions: 1) the object of the design is the system of activity, and not a specific thing; 2) the appearance of foreign species in the design process is recorded (for example, on the analysis of the situation, forecasting, the development of strategies, etc.), which are more likely as funds, ways to implement the specified goals. In this regard, MMK began to be interested in the problem of the "centers", which emphasized the need for the coordination of heterogeneous systems of activity with respect to the central design activities.

The formation of the design of the design is sharply a question of interaction with managers and methodologists. Work in this case is devoted to the most important meaning of the analysis of the situation, setting and solving the problem. They finish any projective activity, which is in the stage of

i develop only after the transition from the problem to tasks. It is in such a situation of MMK as a means of global organization of problem-oriented activities, programs offer. Organizational and activities of a specific program just mean the form of active and efficient interaction of methodologies, designers and managers. The preservation of the projective approach occurs due to the limitation of its application. Specifications are set for design, programming, forecasting, staging, and so on.

Programming provides development at the expense of artificial, technical work with a problem. It is represented as a process of a certain type, whose technology Naumov proposes to structure in the form of five units: analysis of the situation, thematization, goal-setting, setting and solving problems, the problem. It is worthy of attention and his idea that programming unfolds immediately on two axes of time: horizontal and vertical. In the horizontal direction there is a parallel movement of the five conveyor belts mentioned. The vertical axis is carried out with a stack of material from tape on a tape: goals are transferred to tasks or problems, a description of the situation - in the formulation of goals, etc. . In other words, the formation of divergent lines, which establish feedback and thereby create the ability not to linear, and a two-dimensional representation. If, on the basis of the linear principle of the organization, two technologies are obtained, then on the basis of two-dimensional you can appeal to all five directions.

It is obvious that the linear processes cannot provide so necessary feedback results with any previous ones or predicting processes. In this regard, the difference in programs and design becomes mandatory. Design is equal to target programming. Accounting for various types of reality presented in five technological units requires creating a very complex system, which can be designated as a program. When comparing design and programming, one of the disciplinary moments MMK methodology considers it particular item: Programming works with fundamentally heterogeneous validity. Everywhere, where it is possible to "homogenize" reality, we have the right to expect to apply the project approach.

Two-dimensional programming eliminates the problem of "linearization" and makes an action actively working process. Care of simplification and schematization sets the operational content of the technological unit, which allows the use of methods of a systematic approach. Hence, fundamentally new content is acquired by such concepts as "task", "purpose", "problem", "program", which appear procedural. However, there is also a danger of "bad infinity" - it is necessary to determine the question of the time of termination of the programming process, it is realistic to know how much and what exactly the goal is defined. It is believed that the situation is more dynamic, the less definite should be the means of the organization.

Thus, a serious and calculated clear result, two-dimensional programming requires accounting for the maximum number of individual characteristics, without which in modern conditions the concept of programming loses its meaning. Based on this, its main content becomes the complexation, which should provide a qualitatively new type of knowledge and a qualitatively new form of organization of interdisciplinary activities. Installation on the complexation necessarily proposes the restructuring of traditional structures of objective professional activities.

The introduction of the concept of the complexation is a sign in the art of design. It introduces the special state of the value of the value complex in the field of comprehension. This is not a simple systematization of knowledge, which, of course, does not provide the complexity of the presentation. An object and professional approach is opposed to the complexity of the approach as a polymorphic, interdisciplinary. The main reason for such opposition is seen not in the ratio of a part of the whole, but in the fact that professional consciousness does not include in the program objectives for analyzing the reality of their own activities. In this regard, it is not superfluous to remember the statement G.P. Shchedrovik about the modern professional culture, in which there are no ideas about the most professional activity. Professional and subject preparation does not provide the ability to "see" their activities, do not create funds for the implementation of adequate reflection of the activity itself, the subject content almost distracts and eliminates it.

The complexation is subject to not submission and knowledge, but those means, methods and methods with which they are purchased. The source of the actors themselves is the methodology. From here it follows that not only the fate of the design as a form of activity, but also the project depends on the integrated organization.


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Large Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Bre, 2003.

Naumov S.V. Representations of programs and programming in the context of methodological work // Methodology Yesterday, today, tomorrow. T. 2. - M., 2005.

Popov S.V. Methodology of organization of public changes // Methodology Yesterday, today, tomorrow. T. 2. - M., 2005.

Rappaport A.G. Design without prototypes // Development and implementation of automated systems in design (theory and methodology). - M., 1975.

Rats M.V., Oizerman M.T. Reflections on innovation // Methodology Yesterday, today, tomorrow. T. 2. - M., 2005.

Shchedrovitsky G.P. Pedagogy of freedom // Methodology Yesterday, today, tomorrow. T. 2. - M., 2005.

Project Planning AS A Type Of Activity

Public Relations Chair The Institute of Management and Economics Omsk State Communication Lines University

MARX AVE., 35, OMSK, Russia, 644046

The Axis of The Publication IS The Role of Methodology As A Factor Promoting The Understanding and Organization of Project Planning Processes. The Notions of Projects and Programs Are Analyzed. The Rationale for The Relevant Introduction of the TWO-Dimensional Array of Programming and Polydisciplinary Activity Complex In The Course of Project Tasks IMPLEMENTATION IS Provided.

Key Words: Project Planning, Activity-Related Meaning, Methodology, Formative Sphere, Complex Introduction.

For practical (seminars)


Course 4.

Discipline: Design of chemical-pharmaceutical production


Murzagaliyeva E.T.

Almaty, 2017

Practical lesson number 1.

Introduction to design.

Design of chemical-pharmaceutical industries - It is a thorough development of scientific, technical and economic decisions. The basis is the comprehensive analysis and forecast of the planned construction object.

Design of chemical production- this is the process of forming a plan of the object of a given industry, which begins with the definition of chemical technologies for processing targeted products or with the implementation of various studies, and is completed by the commissioning of the erected enterprise, i.e, the process of creating engineering, technical and technological design solutions meets the requirements and rules of the GMP standard.

Design chemical-pharmaceutical industries It has its own specifics and requires a designer understanding of general patterns and special knowledge in a particular chemical process. It should be understood that with the manifold of existing processing technologies in the chemical industry, they are based on basic methods and production stages. Traditionally, the main processes used in such enterprises are reaction, heat exchange, mixing and separation processes.

The creation of a chemistry production project consists of two interrelated stages:

· structural or technical;

· technological or functional.

Creating a plan for chemical production is a difficult task and requires a large investment of forces and resources.
At the stage of education of the project, we can solve a lot of issues (technical, economic, environmental, etc.), when solving which modern development and achievements of equipment and science should be taken into account.

Tasks for designing chemical plants:

· Formation of documentation of the competitive enterprise on the basis of advanced technologies;

· Technical equipment of the enterprise with the possibility of ensuring the consumption of natural raw materials in the complex;

· Development of effective production cycles, with minimal emissions of air and other contaminants, utilization of factory waste and modern sewage treatment facilities;

· For the purpose of rational operation of regional natural resources, the design of enterprises of the chemical industry;

· Provide with open, cyclical technology. Initial production of raw materials - chemical treatment (granulation, enrichment or other chemical processes) - the release of the finished range;

  • development of production technology, taking into account the options for the initial raw materials and materials, the stage of obtaining a semi-product and a finished product, taking into account the analysis of risks, as well as all requirements and restrictions;
  • compliance with the flow of the process, building all stages and operations into a single consistent technological chain, eliminating the possibility of confusion or skipping;
  • fulfillment of clean premises and the protection zones of the critical operations of the technological process, compliance with the required classes of purity and pressure drops;
  • execution of architectural and design solutions based on the requirements of GMP;
  • determination of measures to prevent cross-contamination;
  • creation of engineering systems and clean media systems according to technological needs;
  • rational device of personnel jobs.

Design Stages:

· Technical task from the customer to design a chemical and pharmaceutical plant;

· TEO (technical and economic rationale of the object);

· Perspective business plan;

· Choosing a region, district and placement sites for the construction of an enterprise, taking into account natural resources;

· Development of project documentation taking into account the basic principles, rules and standards for the design of the objects of the chemical industry.

The composition of the work

The composition of the work is due to the technical specifications of the customer: the Stage "P" and "P" or only the working stage. Design regulates the availability of special sections in the documentation:

· Instruction management;

· Labor protection, go and emergencies;

· Protection measures and an impact assessment on a spatial environment;

· Norms and calculations of maximum allowable waste and emissions with subsequent placement and disposal are required.

Modern production They are distinguished by the multi-stability of obtaining targeted products, the complexity of technological solutions, high energy saturation and material consumption, the high length and complexity of pipeline and cable communications, deep functional interdependence on material, energy and information flows of individual stages. To accommodate such complex industries, communications and all services, there is a need to create specialized buildings, underground structures and an overpass.

The architectural and spatial organization of chemical enterprises is characterized by an abundance of open technological and pipeline equipment and a developed network of railway transport.

Designing the industries of chemical and related industries with it is a complex, diverse and labor-intensive process, which must be considered as a set of a number of social and organizational and engineering stages.

Project documentation is intended for the so-called customer. An industrial enterprise, ministry and private person can act as a customer, i.e. Organizations and persons interested in producing products by future production.

Project documentation is developed by the designer. This is either an independent organization or division of design and construction association. The designer is considered to be an organization licensed for project activities.

In the development and implementation of the project, except for the project organization (general contractor), specialized enterprises are involved: construction, assembly, commissioning, etc., which are referred to as subcontractors.

The project of an industrial enterprise is composed of three main parts:

- production technologies as systems of equipment for the manufacture of products based on the latest achievements of science and technology in this and adjacent regions of Farm. production;

- a surround-planning solution providing an optimal technological process in its constant development, simplicity and universality of an economical engineering and construction solution, the creation of labor and everyday comfort workers, ideologically, the artistic expressiveness of the design of the structure as a whole;

- rational building structures and engineering equipment providing best conditions For the organization of the technological process and its development in time, meeting the conditions of mechanized construction production and are the organic basis for the volume and planning construction of the construction or complex.

The project consists of a graphic part and a settlement and explanatory note. Instead of a graphic part, a layout of a workshop (plot, apparatus, etc.) can be performed. The graphic part and explanatory note must be interconnected.

An explanatory note to the term project should include the following sections:

1. Title leaf.

2. Design task.

4. Introduction.

5. Analytical review.

6. Technological part.

7. Engineering calculations.

8. Conclusions on the project.

9. Appendix.

10. References.

In the introduction, the main tasks of the industry are formulated and the overall characteristics of the designed object in accordance with the assigned task is given. Analytical review contains an analysis of the state of technology and technology manufacturing industry related to the object being designed (both in domestic and foreign data).

The technological part contains a detailed description and justification of the selected technological scheme with its drawing, made on the tracing or millimeter.

Engineering calculations include material and thermal calculations, calculations and selection of auxiliary equipment indicating its brands and main technical characteristics, technological and technical calculations, hydraulic, mechanical calculations, etc.

The composition of the project:

1. General Plan and Transport- the brief description of the area and construction site are given; Solutions and indicators on the situational and general plan (taking into account the zoning of the territory), intra-proper and external transport, the choice of the type of transport, the main planning solutions, landscaping activities; solutions for the location of engineering networks and communications; Organization of the protection of the enterprise.

This section contains drawings:

The situational plan for the placement of the enterprise, buildings, structures indicating on it existing and designed external communications, engineering networks and utility territories, the borders of the sanitary protection zone, a specially protected area. For linear structures The plan of the tracks (intra and external-known), and, if necessary, a longitudinal profile of the highway;

cartographer of land;

The master plan on which existing and projected (recommended) and to be demolished buildings and structures, environmental protection facilities and improvement, landscaping of the territory, fundamental solutions for the location of intracable engineering lines and transport communications, planning marks of the territory are applied. Objects, networks and transport communications are allocated, which are included in the launchers.

2. Technological solutionscontain:

1) data on the production program;

2) characteristics and substantiation of solutions on production technology;

3) data on the complexity of production manufacturing, mechanization and automation of technological processes;

4) the composition and justification of the equipment used (including imported);

5) solutions for the use of low-waste and waste-free technological processes and industries, secondary use of resources;

6) proposals for the organization of product quality control;

7) solutions for the organization of repair management;

8) data on the number and composition of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water sources for individual workshops, industries, facilities;

9) technical solutions to prevent (reduce) emissions and discharges of harmful substances into the environment; assessment of emergency situations and solutions to prevent them;

10) appearance, composition and volume of production waste to be disposed of and disposal;

11) fuel and energy and material balances of technological processes;

12) the need for basic resources for technological needs.

The main drawings of this section:

principal technological schemes production;

Layout drawings (plans and cuts) on hulls (workshops);

Functional and fundamental schemes of automation of technological processes and power supply of technological equipment;

Schemes of freight traffic.

3. Architectural and construction solutions- They provide information about the engineering and geological, hydrogeological conditions of the construction site. A brief description and justification of architectural and construction solutions for the main buildings and structures are given; the rationale for the principal decisions to reduce production noise and vibration; Household, sanitary services for working. Events on electrical, explosion and fire safety are being developed; Protection of building structures, networks and corrosion structures.

The main drawings: plans, cuts and facades of the main buildings and structures with a schematic depiction of the main carriers and enclosing structures.

4. Engineering equipment, networks and systems- The section contains decisions on water supply, sewage, heat supply, gas supply, electricity supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Dano engineering equipment of buildings and structures, including: electrical equipment, electric lighting, communications and alarm system, radio and television, fire fighting devices and lightning protection; Dispatch and automation of management of engineering networks.

The main drawings of the section:

Plans and schemes of heat supply, power supply, gas supply, water supply and sewage, etc.;

Plans and profiles of engineering networks;

Drawings of the main facilities;

Plans and schemes of intracuchetic heating and ventilation devices, power supply and electrical equipment, radio and alarms, automation of engineering network management, etc.

1. General Plan and Transport

For the optimal choice of the construction area of \u200b\u200bthe new industrial facility, the following information is necessary:

1) indicative need for raw materials;

2) location of sources of raw materials;

3) placement of sales markets of the finished product;

4) the need for energy (thermal and electric);

5) the amount and quality of the process water;

6) the approximate dimensions of the construction site, taking into account the prospects for expanding the object;

7) the need for labor (according to qualifications);

8) The number and composition of waste to be removed, the methods of their neutralization.

Situational and master plan - One of the most important parts of the project of an industrial enterprise, which contains a comprehensive solution to the issues of planning and improvement of the territory, placement of buildings and structures, engineering networks, organization of business and domestic services.

The situational plan of the industrial enterprise is called part of the project, which includes a plan for a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement or the surrounding area, which indicates the location of the projected enterprise and other objects with direct technological, transport and engineering ties with it. The situational plan is developed on a scale of 1: 5000, 1:10 000, 1:25,000.

To reduce the gas supply of residential array of emissions industrial enterprises They are placed taking into account the prevailing direction of the winds, which is determined by the middle rose of the summer period winds on the basis of perennial observations (50 ... 100 years) meteorological stations.

The wind rose has on situational and master plans in the upper left corner of the drawing and are built on an appropriate scale as follows; The circle is divided into 8 or 16 equal parts and as a result, 8 or 16 rumbers are obtained: C, SV, B, Yow, Yu, YUZ, Z, SZ. From the center of the circle (the origin of the coordinate), they are postponed in the selected scale percentage of winds during the year (the result of perennial observations) on the relevant Rumbams. The obtained points are connected. The most elongated side of the resulting figure shows the direction of dominant winds.

Within the production and sanitary and protective zones of enterprises, residential buildings, hotels, hostels, building of horticultural and country partnerships, preschool and general education institutions, buildings of educational institutions, medical and preventive institutions and recreation, sports facilities, other public buildingsnot related to production service.

The enterprises of the pharmaceutical industry with a sanitary and protective zone are not allowed to be placed on the territory of industrial zones (districts) with enterprises of metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical and other industries with harmful industries, as well as within their sanitary protection zones.

Using the situational plan, the master plan for the designed enterprise is developed on the scale of 1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 200 or 1: 5000.

On the general plan of the industrial enterprise depict:

Placement of all buildings and structures;

Location of workshops in groups;

The width of fire and sanitary gaps between buildings;

Drives and entrances to the shops, highways and railway tracks;

Network engineering;

The fencing of the territory indicating the entry and passage to the territory of the plant;

Placing fire hydrants, landscaping zones, wind rose.

When developing master planFirst of all, the zoning of the territory of the projected enterprise is carried out, i.e. dividing it into four zones :

I - Pre-Zavodskaya, where auxiliary buildings are located (administrative buildings, parking lots of passenger transport);

II - production, where there are basic and auxiliary workshops;

III - a subsidiary, intended for energy facilities and for laying engineering communications;

IV - warehouse with sorting stations and depot.

Regulatory framework in the design, equipment of pharmaceutical industries and project documentation: SPDS, ECCD, GOST, ISO, technical regulations, DIN, etc.

In the development of the territory of the farm. The corridor is designed between buildings. Buildings and structures should be focused on the ends to this corridor. In the communication corridor, there are technological materials pipes, heat supply networks, current water supply and some types of industrial sewage, power supply network. The main method of laying communications should be ground, the exceptions are self-tapered pipelines or pipelines of economic and fecal sewage, fireproof water supply.

In order to improve working conditions production buildings and installations on open venues and shelfs with equipment that makes production harms should be placed in relation to other production facilities and an administrative zone from a leeward side. The position of the territory of the enterprise should be that direct solar irradiation and natural ventilation were provided.

The development of the territories of enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industry can be four types:


Semi-open and closed equipment;

Solid (pavilion);


The construction of open-equipment enterprises is the platforms and shells on which are placed of different types technological equipment (columns, reactors, heat exchangers, etc.).

Equipment and engineering facilities fill almost all the space of the plant, with the exception of the few buildings of the service destination. This type of enterprise has a developed network of overpass and communications, on which the transfer of liquid and gaseous products is carried out.

Design as a type of engineering activity.

One of the main functions of the engineer is the design of objects of a particular purpose or technological processes of their manufacture. Designing in the most general form can be defined as the process of directional designer (designer groups), necessary to develop technical solutions sufficient to implement the created object that meets the specified requirements. The final stage of the design work is the issue of a set of documentation that reflects the decisions made in the form required for the production of an object.

When implementing the project, the designer engineer is obliged to produce technological calculations of the auxiliary equipment, all transport devices (tape and screw conveyors, pneumatic transport, etc.), as well as calculate the necessary performance and select the appropriate types of feeders, dispensers, measurements, cyclones, etc.

Design is a very diverse and ambiguous field of activity, which has a lot of questions for specialists from different areas. In this article, we will look at the design, as a type of activity, taking into account copyright.

In order not to return to the previously written, we note that the design, as a type of activity, affects many process participants. To read, analyze and even explore some of our recommendations, taking the design from all sides, including from the point of view of the right aspect, in the "Encyclopedia of Construction". In addition, the site has a special rubric "Design", where all information materials are collected, ranging from the customs of business turnover in the design of the design, ending with the relationship between the Parties to the Contract Agreement, taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Design as a type of activity has a very important For builders, since the efficiency of the future construction object depends on the quality of the project. Construction can be capital when creating, reconstruction or expansion of existing industrial, industrial, office, sports, commercial, commercial and other buildings and structures. And maybe non-vacant, with less cash investments that do not provide different kinds general construction work. As a rule, the design, as a type of activity, includes a whole range of events, as well as a package of technical and economic documentation. Therefore, the design of this or that object of capital or non-capital construction is preceded by a feasibility study (TEO) and calculations.

Calculations are not only estimates, but more schemes, drawings, graphic images, on which the future construction object is displayed, in accordance with a feasibility study. In addition, the design, as a type of activity needs a documentary justification, that is, all documents will not be collected, confirming the feasibility and effectiveness of the planned construction, the project will not be approved.

In this connection, we will immediately consider design, as a type of activity, from a legal point of view. In the process of design, three components are important:

  • contracting relationships arising between the customer and the designer, the result of which will be material object (or material carrier) - that is, the fully developed project documentation;
  • the author's relationship between the customer and the author of the drawings, as a result of which an intellectual object guarded by copyright (drawing, drawing, model, etc.) appears;
  • ownership of the customer project documentation Go to a certain time and in a certain amount of rights. For example, if you do not convey the exclusive rights to the documentation, the customer will not be a legal owner of the project, and will not be able to make any actions with him.

Design as a type of activity needs competent author's supervisory services. By contacting our company, you will get accurate calculation, economic, technical, performance indicators for the construction of capital and non-capital objects. Immediately note that the design of an industrial enterprise is considered the hardest design site. In this project, in addition to all of the above, it is necessary to establish the product range, calculate the production capacity of the industrial enterprise, examine the construction site, determine the production technology, carry out the calculations of the raw materials, fuel and energy base, analyze the technical equipment of the designed enterprise, including economic indicators, conditions and terms operation of the constructed industrial facility.

About how the design of industrial enterprises can be found on this site or our specialists by phone 209-09-40! Call! We will find optimal design solutions for each of your ideas!

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