
Methods for measuring the pulsation coefficient of illumination. Buildings and constructions. Methods for measuring the pulsation coefficient of illumination of protocimation of cylindrical illumination in the premises of public buildings

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GOST 24940-96.

Interstate Standard of the SSR Union


Methods for measuring lighting

2 Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) May 15, 1996

Name of state

Name of the authority of government construction

Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Planning of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Minstroyarchitecture of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

MinStroy Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Minstroy Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Department of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

MinStroy Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Gosstroy Republic Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

Goscomarchitektroy Republic Uzbekistan

Instead of GOST 24940-81

4 was put into effect from 01.01.97 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of July 31, 1996 No. 18-56

GOST 24940-96.

Interstate standard


Methods measurementslight


Methods for Mearsuring The Illuminance

Date of administration 1997-01-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes methods for determining the minimum, medium and cylindrical illumination, the coefficient of natural illumination in the premises of buildings and structures and at workplaces, minimal illumination in the work of work outside buildings, the average lighting of streets, roads, squares and tunnels to which the action is distributed.

2 Regulatory references

Snip 23-05-95 "Natural and Artificial Lighting"

GOST 17616-82 * Electric lamps. Methods for measuring electrical and light parameters.

3 Definitions and Designations

The terms applied in this standard, their designations and definitions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Designation, Unit of Measurement



E., LK

The ratio of the light flux falling on the surface element containing this point to the area of \u200b\u200bthis element

Minimum lighting

E min, LK

The smallest difference in the room in the illuminated area, in the working area

Medium light

E cf., LK

Illumination averaged over the area of \u200b\u200billuminated premises, plot, working area

Cylindrical lighting

E C., LK

The characteristic of the saturation of the room with light, defined as the average density of the light flux on the surface of the cylinder vertically located in the room, the radius and the height of which are striving for zero

Natural Light Coefficient (CEO)

The ratio of the natural illumination created at some point of a given plane indoors with the light of the sky (immediate or after reflection), to the simultaneous value of the outer horizontal illumination, created by the light of the fully open skill

Reserve coefficient

To Z., rel. units.

Estimated coefficient, taking into account the decline in CEO and illumination during operation due to pollution and aging of translucent fills in light openings, light sources (lamps) and lamps, as well as a decrease in reflective properties of the room surfaces

Relative spectral light efficiency of monochromatic radiation

V. (? ) with wavelength l., rel. units.

The ratio of two radiation threads, respectively, with wavelengths ? M. and ? , causing the visual sensations of the same force in accurate photometric conditions; At the same time the wavelength l. M. chosen in such a way that the maximum value of this relationship is equal to one

4 equipment

4.1 To measure the illumination, the luxmeters with radiation measuring transducers, having a spectral error of no more than 10%, defined as an integral deviation of the relative curve of the spectral sensitivity of the radiation transducer from the curve of the relative spectral light efficiency of monochromatic radiation for day vision V.(? ) According to GOST 8.332.

It is allowed to be used to measure the luxury illumination, having a spectral error of more than 10%, provided that the correction coefficient is administered to the spectral composition of the sources of the light, determined according to GOST 17616. The correction coefficients to the LUXmers Yu-116 and Yu-117 in measuring the illumination from the most common light sources shown in Appendix V.

4.2 Luxmeters must have evidence of metrological certification and verification. The certification of luxmeters is carried out in accordance with GOST 8.326, verification - in accordance with GOST 8.014 and GOST 8.023.

4.3 To measure the voltage in the network, voltmeters of the accuracy class should be applied not lower than 1.5 according to GOST 8711.

5 Preparation for measurements

5.1 Before measuring the illumination from artificial lighting, it is necessary to replace all blurred lamps and cleaning the lamps. Light measurement can also be made without preliminary preparation of the lighting installation, which should be fixed when the measurement results are displayed.

5.2 The measurement of the Keo is carried out in rooms free from furniture and equipment that are not shaded with landscaping and trees, when washed and serviceable translucent fills in light guides. The measurement of the CEO can also be made in the presence of furniture, shading by trees and faulty or non-leaked translucent fillings, which should be fixed when the measurement results are cleared.

5.3 To measure the CEO, choose days with a solid uniform tenbal cloud, covering the entire sky. In areas located south of 48 ° C. Sh., Measurements of the CEO is allowed to be carried out without taking into account the ballotics in the days of continuous cloud, covering the entire sky. The electrical light in the rooms for the measurement period is turned off.

5.4 Before measurements, they choose and apply control points to measure the illumination on the room plan, structure or the illuminated area (or the actuator drawing of the lighting installation) indicating the placement of the lamps.

5.5 Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of rooms

5.5.1 Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from working lights are placed in the center of the room, under luminaires, between the lamps and their rows, at the walls at a distance of 0.15 - 0.25 l.but not less than 1 m, where l. - Distance between rows of lamps.

5.5.2 Control points for measuring lighting from emergency lighting should be placed in workplaces in accordance with emergency lighting standards.

5.5.3 Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from evacuation lighting should be placed on the floor along the path of evacuation of people from the room.

Examples of the location of control points for measuring the illumination in the premises of industrial and public buildings when used to illuminate lamps with point and linear light sources are shown in Figures A.1, A.2.

5.6 Placing control points when measuring medium lighting of premises

5.6.1 To determine the control points, the room plan is divided into equal, as square, parts. Control points are placed in the center of each square. The minimum number of control points for measurement is determined based on the size of the room and the height of the luminaires of the lamps above the working surface. For this, the index index is calculated i.? according to the formula

where but - width of the room, m;

b. - the length of the room, m;

h O. - The height of the suspension of the lamp, m.

Minimum number of checkpoints N. To measure the middle light of the square room, we are determined by table 2.

table 2

5.6.2 In non-commercial premises, the square is highlighted in the greatest area. S K.for which the number of measurement points define N 1 In accordance with 5.6.1. Minimum number of medium light measurement points N. Calculate by formula

where S N. - area of \u200b\u200bthe room, m 2;

S K. - Square area, m 2.

5.6.3 When placing control points on the plan of the room, their grid should not coincide with the lamps of the lamps. In the case of the coincidence of the grids, the number of checkpoints on the room plan is advisable to increase (Figure A.3). When locating in the room of large-sized equipment, control points should not be located on the equipment. If the control points fall on the equipment, the reference point grid should be made more frequent and eliminate the points falling on the equipment.

5.7 Placing control points when measuring cylindrical lighting of rooms

5.7.1 Control points for measuring cylindrical illumination should be placed evenly on the room under luminaires, between the lamps and on the central longitudinal axis of the room at an altitude of 1.5 m above the floor and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the wall.

5.7.2 The number of control points for measuring cylindrical illumination should be at least 5.

5.8 Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of rooms in places of production outside buildings

5.8.1 Control points are placed in the workplace, along the way of movement of working. On the illuminated area, limited supports, the control points are chosen in the centers between the supports.

With security lighting, the control points are located around the perimeter of the illuminated territory.

5.8.2 The number of checkpoints on the illuminated area or around the perimeter of the illuminated territory should be at least 5.

5.9 Placing control points when measuring medium light light, roads, squares and tunnels

5.9.1 Control points for measuring the average lighting of streets, roads and squares should be placed evenly on the site of the road surface, a limited step of lamps, at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other.

5.9.2 Control points for measuring the average illumination of tunnels should be located on the road surface at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other:

With evening and night modes - in areas limited to the step of working in these modes of lamps;

In day mode - on successive areas, limited distances from the entrance portal, on which the average light is normalized according to SNiP 23-05-95.

5.9.3 The number of checkpoints should be at least 15.

Examples of the location of control points with different location of the lamps are shown in Figures A.4 - A.10.

5.10 Placing control points when measuring the natural illumination of rooms

5.10.1 The control points are placed at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface (or the floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the outer walls and the inner partitions (or the axis of the columns).

5.10.2 The number of control points should be at least 5. The number of control points should include a point in which the illumination is normalized according to the current standards.

6 Measurements

6.1 Measurement of illumination from artificial lighting

6.1.1 Measuring the illumination during working and emergency lighting should be made in the dark, when the ratio of natural illumination to artificial is not more than 0.1, measurement of illumination during evacuation lighting - when the value of natural illumination does not exceed 0.1 LC.

6.1.2 At the beginning and at the end of the measurement, the voltage on the panel of the lighting distribution networks should be measured. Measurement results are entered into protocols, the form of which is given in Appendix B.

6.1.3 When measuring the illumination, the following requirements must be followed:

A shadow from a person should not fall on the measuring photometric sensor;

The measuring device should not be located near the strong magnetic fields.

6.1.4 The illumination in the workplace is determined by direct measurements in the plane specified in the lighting standards, or on the working plane of the equipment.

In combined illumination of jobs, the illumination is measured first from lamps of general lighting, then the lamps include local illumination in their working position and measure the total illumination from the lamps of general and local lighting.

6.1.5 To determine the cylindrical illumination in each checkpoint, four dimensions of vertical illumination in mutually perpendicular planes are carried out.

6.1.6 The results of the light measurement are made in accordance with the application B.

6.2 Measuring Natural Light Coefficient

6.2.1 When determining the coefficient of natural illumination, simultaneous measurements of illumination in the control points indoors are carried out E V. and outdoor illumination E n. On a horizontal platform illuminated by all the light of the sky (for example, outside the roof of the building or on another elevated place), taking into account the requirements 5.3.

6.2.2 Measurement results are entered into a protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix B.

7 Processing measurement results

7.1 Determination of artificial lighting parameters

7.1.1 Minimum lighting indoors and outside buildings are defined as the minimum measured illumination values \u200b\u200bfrom the sequence of their values \u200b\u200bat the control points by the formula

E min = mIN.{E I.}, (3)

where E I. - Measured illumination values \u200b\u200bat checkpoints.

7.1.2 Average indoor illumination is defined as the average alimed value of the measured illumination in the control points of the room by the formula

where E I. - measured illumination values \u200b\u200bin the control points of the room, LC;

N. - the number of measurement points.

7.1.3. The average lighting of streets, roads, areas and tunnels is defined as the medium-graded value of the measured illumination E I. In the control points of the road surface according to formula 4.

7.1.4 Cylindrical lighting E C. At the control point, it is defined as a mean-polymetic value of illumination measured in four mutually perpendicular vertical planes, according to the formula

where E VI - measured illumination values \u200b\u200bin mutually perpendicular vertical planes, LC.

7.1.5 When the network voltage is devoting from a nominal value of more than 5%, the actual illumination value is specified by the formula

, (6)

where E. - minimum, medium or cylindrical illumination, determined by 7.1.1 - 7.1.4, LC;

U Nom. - nominal network voltage, in;

TO - a coefficient equal to 4 for incandescent lamps (including halogen), 3 - for inductive ballast resistance and for lamps DRL, 1 - for fluorescent lamps when using capacitive ballast resistance;

U CP - The average voltage value determined by the formula

where U 1. - network voltage at the beginning of the measurement, in;

U 2. - network voltage at the end of the measurement, V.

7.2 Defining Natural Lighting Parameters

Natural light coefficient e.,%, are determined by the formula

where E V. - the value of natural illumination indoors, LC;

E n. - The value of natural illumination outdoors, LC.

8 Evaluation of measurement results

8.1 Assessment of the results of measurements of artificial illumination should be carried out in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3.

Type of control

The ratio between measured and normalized illumination values

Assessment of measurement results

System of general lighting

Combined lighting system

General + local

Acceptance of the Lighting Installation

E. ? 0,9K z

E. ? 0,9Kz e but

E. ? E N.

Complies with norms

E. < 0,9K z

E. < 0,9Kz e but

E. < E N.

Does not comply with the norms

Inspector control

E. ? E N.

E. ? E No.

E. ? E N.

Complies with norms

E. < E N.

E. < E No.

E. < E N.

Does not comply with the norms

Note - E N. - normalized illumination (minimum, medium, cylindrical); E No. - normalized illumination from general lighting in the system of combined lighting; To Z. - Reserve coefficient.

8.2 Natural premises lighting corresponds to the norm if at the ignition point of the coefficient of natural illumination e. ? e N.where e N. - The normalized CEO value.

Appendix A.

Location of control points during measurements

Figure A1 - The location of the control points when measuring the minimum lighting of the room from the lamps received for the point emitters

Figure A2 - Location of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of the room from lamps taken for linear emitters

Figure A3 - location of control points when measuring medium lighting indoors

Figure A4 - the location of the control points when measuring the medium lighting of the streets with a one-sided single-row layout of the lamps

Figure A5 - arrangement of control points when measuring the average illumination of the streets with double-sided rectangular location of lamps

Figure A6 - the location of the control points when measuring the middle light of the streets with double-sided chess location of the lamps

Figure A7 - Location of control points when measuring the average lighting of the streets with axial single-row arrangement of lamps

Figure A8 - the location of the control points when measuring the middle light of the streets with the axial two-row location of the lamps

Figure A9 - Location of control points when measuring the middle light of the streets at the intersection

Figure A10 - location of control points when measuring medium lighting of streets in places of rounding

Appendix B.

Measurement protocols

Protocol measurement of illumination in industrial and public spaces

Checkpoint No.

measurements, the name of the working surface

Measurement plane (horizontal, vertical, inclined) - Height from floor, m

Illumination, LK

Conclusion about the degree of compliance of illumination in the workplace current standards




Combined lighting

General lighting

Combined lighting

General lighting

Combined lighting

General lighting

general + local

general + local

general + local

Protocol measurement of cylindrical illumination in the premises of public buildings

Name (number) of the room _________________________________________.

Device number __________________. Date of measurement ______________.

Network voltage: U 1. = _______________________, U 2. = ______________________.

(at the beginning of measurements) (at the end of measurements)

Checkpoint No.

Cylindrical illumination, LC


average E cf.

actual E F.

normable E N.

Conclusion for the survey of the lighting installation __________________________


Light measurement protocol in outdoor lighting

Name of the illuminated space ___________________________________.

Device number ___________________. Date of measurement _____________.

Network voltage: U 1. = ______________________, U 2. = ________________________.

(at the beginning of measurements) (at the end of measurements)

The name of the current regulatory document ________________________.


Lighting status _______________________________________.

Conclusion on the survey of the lighting installation ________________________

Protocol measurement of natural light coefficients

The address of the subject of the object ________________________________________________.

Date of measurement __________________________. Measurement time __________________.

Name of the current regulatory document ___________________________


1 Characteristic of the room:

floor (height above the ground level) _______________________________________

2 Characteristics of light training:

translucent filling, its condition __________________________________

the presence and name of sunscreen devices __________________________.

3 finishing of the surfaces of the room __________________________________________.

4 Availability of equipment, furniture _________________________________.

5 Availability of landscaping, opposing buildings _________________________________.

6 Plan of the site indicating the floors of opposing buildings.

The results of measuring Keo

Points indoors

Measurement time

E V. (indoors), lk

E n. (outdoor), lk

for each measurement

middle for each point

Conclusion about the natural lighting of the room ______________________________


Appendix B.


Actor coefficients for luxmeters Types Yu-116 and Yu-117

Note - Depending on the light sources used, the readings of LUXmeters Yu-116 and Yu-117 must be multiplied by correction coefficients.

1 Quartz-21 luxmeter for Quartz (Russia).

2 photometer type 1105 of the company "Bruel and Kier" (Denmark).

Keywords: illumination, luxmeter, lighting installation, stock coefficient, natural light coefficient

1 area of \u200b\u200buse. 2.

3 Definitions and notation. 2.

4 equipment. 3.

5 Preparation for measurements .. 3

6 Measurements. 6.

6.1 Measurement of illumination from artificial lighting. 6.

6.2 Measuring the coefficient of natural illumination. 6.

7 Processing measurement results. 6.

8 Assessment of measurement results. 7.

Appendix A the location of control points during measurements. eight

Appendix B measurement protocols. 13

Appendix in correction coefficients for the Luxemeters of Types of Yu-116 and Yu-117. fifteen

Interstate standard GOST 24940-96 buildings and structures. Methods for measuring lighting

Interstate standard GOST 24940-96
"Buildings and facilities. Methods of measurement of illumination"
(put into effect by the Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1996 N 18-56)

BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. Methods for Mearsuring The Illuminance

Instead of GOST 24940-81


According to order Rosstandart dated July 30, 2012 N 205-ST The use of this GOST in the territory of the Russian Federation was terminated from January 1, 2013.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes methods for determining the minimum, medium and cylindrical illumination, the coefficient of natural illumination in the premises of buildings and structures and at workplaces, minimal illumination in places of production outside buildings, the average lighting of streets, roads, squares and tunnels to which the action is distributedSnip 23-05-95.

2. Regulatory references

This standard uses references to the following regulatory documents.

Snip 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting"

GOST 8.014-72 GSI. Methods and means of verification of photoelectric luxmeters

GOST 8.023-90 GSI. State calibration scheme for measuring instruments of light values \u200b\u200bof continuous and impulse emissions

GOST 8.326-89 GSI. Metrological certification of measuring instruments


According to the decree State Standard of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2001 N 394-ST Insteid GOST 8.326-89 From December 1, 2001, in the territory of the Russian Federation operatePR 50.2.009-94

GOST 8.332-78 GSI. Light measurements. The values \u200b\u200bof the relative spectral light efficiency of monochromatic radiation for day vision

GOST 8711-93 Analog appliances showing electrical metering direct action and auxiliary parts to them. Part 2. Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters

GOST 17616-82 * Electric lamps. Methods for measuring electrical and light parameters.

3. Definitions and designations

The terms applied in this standard, their designations and definitions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1


│ term │ designation, │ Definition │

│ │ unit │ │

│ │ measurements │ │

│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │


│ Activity │ E, LC │ Relating Light Flowing

│ │ │ on the surface element containing

│ │ │ Dot point, to the area of \u200b\u200bthis

│ │ │ellement │


│mimicious │ e_min, lk │named light value in│

│ Activity │ │Instation, on the illuminated area, in

│ │ │ working zone │


│ Half │ E_SR, LC │ Aversion, averaged over the area

│-creativity │ │-visited premises, plot, │

│ │ │ working zone │


│ Cylindrical │ E_Ts, LC │ Characteristics of the saturation of the room

│ Avoidance │ │Hell, defined as the average

│ │ │ The delicacy of the light flux on │

│ │ │ │ surfaces vertically│

│ │ │ distributed in the premises of the cylinder, │

│ │ │radius and the height of which are striving for

│ │ │ │ │


│Coeficiency │ e,% Natural lighting, │

│ Experience │ │ Created at some point│

│ Avoidance (CEO) │ │sed plane indoors

│ │ │ blue sky (immediate or │

│ │ │ with reflection), to simultaneous │

│ │ │ approach outdoor horizontal

│ │ │ ougument created by light

│ │ │ │ │ Open Necksery │


│Ceficiency of stock│K_Z, rel. units. │Realous coefficient taking into account

│ │ │ Defense of CEO and Illumination in

│ │ │ │ process of operation due to │

│ │ pressure and aging

│ │ │ Lower transparent fillings in light │

│ │ │proof, light sources (lamps) and

│ │ │ Soletoles, as well as a decrease

│ │ │-reducing properties of surfaces

│ │ │ presentation │


│ relevant │ V (Lambda) with the relation of two radiation threads│

│Sutral │ length │ │ with respect with wavelengths│

│ LabDa waves, │Lambda_M and Lambda, causing

│ Effectiveness │ rel. units. │ Defined photometric conditions│.

│ monochromatic │ │viving sensations of the same force; │

│ Eggings │ │ in this length of the wave of Lambda_m chosen│

│ │ │tham that the maximum

│ │ │ taking this relationship equal

│ │ │ ones


4. Equipment

4.1. To measure the illumination, the luxmeters with meter transducers have a spectral error of no more than 10%, which is determined as an integral deviation of the relative curve of the spectral sensitivity of the radiation transducer from the curve of the relative spectral light efficiency of monochromatic radiation for day vision V (Lambda) according to GOST 8.332.

It is allowed to be used to measure the luxury illumination, having a spectral error of more than 10%, provided that the correction coefficient is administered to the spectral composition of the sources of the light, determined according to GOST 17616. The correction coefficients to the LUXmers Yu-116 and Yu-117 in measuring the illumination from the most common light sources shown inappendix B.

4.2. Luxmeters should have evidence of metrological certification and verification. The certification of luxmeters is carried out in accordance with GOST 8.326, verification - in accordance with GOST 8.014 and GOST 8.023.

4.3. To measure voltage in the network, the voltmeters of the accuracy class should be applied not lower than 1.5GOST 8711.

5. Preparation for measurements

5.1. Before measuring the illumination from artificial lighting, it should be replaced by all burned lamps and cleaning the lamps. Light measurement can also be made without preliminary preparation of the lighting installation, which should be fixed when the measurement results are displayed.

5.2. The measurement of Keo is carried out in rooms free from furniture and equipment that are not shaded with landscaping and trees, when washed and serviceable translucent fills in lightning. The measurement of the CEO can also be made in the presence of furniture, shading by trees and faulty or non-leaked translucent fillings, which should be fixed when the measurement results are cleared.

5.3. To measure the Keo, choose days with a solid uniform tenbal cloud, covering all the sky. In areas located south of 48 ° C.Sh., the measurements of the CEO are allowed to be carried out without taking into account the baldness in the days of solid clouds covering the entire sky. The electrical light in the rooms for the measurement period is turned off.

5.4. Before measurements, you choose and apply control points to measure the illumination on the room plan, structure or the illuminated area (or the actuator drawing of the lighting installation) indicating the placement of the lamps.

5.5. Placing control points when measuring the minimum illumination of rooms

5.5.1. The control points for measuring the minimum illumination from the working lights are placed in the center of the room, under luminaires, between the lamps and their rows, in the walls at a distance of 0.15 - 0.25L, but not less than 1 m, where L is the distance between the rows of lamps.

5.5.2. Control points for measuring illumination from emergency lighting should be placed in workplaces in accordance with emergency lighting standards.

5.5.3. Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from evacuation lighting should be placed on the floor along the path of evacuation of people from the room.

Examples of the location of control points for measuring the illumination in the premises of industrial and public buildings when used to illuminate lamps with point and linear light sources are shown in drawingsA.1, A.2.

5.6. Placing control points when measuring medium light lighting

5.6.1. To determine the control points, the room plan is divided into equal, as square, parts. Control points are placed in the center of each square. The minimum number of control points for measurement is determined based on the size of the room and the height of the luminaires of the lamps above the working surface. For this, the index of the room I "is calculated by the formula

I "\u003d ─────, (1)

H (AB)


A - width of the room, m;

B - the length of the room, m;

H - the height of the suspension of the lamp, m.

The minimum number of control points n to measure the average light of the square room is determined by Table 2.

table 2


│ index index i "│ number of measurement points │

│ * 1 │ 4 │


│от 1 to 2 Enable. │ 9


│СВ. 2 to 3 included. │ 16 │


│СВ. 3 │ 25 │


5.6.2. In non-commercial premises, the square of the largest S_K area is isolated, for which the number of measurement points N_1 is determined in accordance with5.6.1. The minimum number of measuring points of medium light n is calculated by the formula

N \u003d n ──, (2)


S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, M2;

S - Square area, m2.

5.6.3. When placing checkpoints on the plan of the room, their grid should not coincide with the lamps of lamps. In case of matching nets, the number of checkpoints on the room plan is advisable to increase (figure A.3. ). When locating in the room of large-sized equipment, control points should not be located on the equipment. If the control points fall on the equipment, the reference point grid should be made more frequent and eliminate the points falling on the equipment.

5.7. Placing control points when measuring the cylindrical illumination of rooms

5.7.1. Control points for measuring cylindrical illumination should be placed evenly on the room under luminaires, between the lamps and on the central longitudinal axis of the room at an altitude of 1.5 m above the floor and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the wall.

5.7.2. The number of checkpoints for measuring cylindrical illumination should be at least 5.

5.8. Placing control points when measuring the minimum illumination of rooms in places of production outside of buildings

5.8.1. Control points are placed in the workplace, along the way of movement of working. On the illuminated area, limited supports, the control points are chosen in the centers between the supports.

With security lighting, the control points are located around the perimeter of the illuminated territory.

5.8.2. The number of checkpoints on the illuminated area or around the perimeter of the illuminated territory should be at least 5.

5.9. Placing control points when measuring medium light light, roads, squares and tunnels

5.9.1. Control points for measuring the average lighting of streets, roads and squares should be located evenly on the site of the road coating, a limited step of lamps, at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other.

5.9.2. Control dots for measuring the average lighting of tunnels should be located on the road surface at a distance of 3 - 5 m from each other:

With evening and night modes - in areas limited to the step of working in these modes of lamps;

In day mode - on consecutive areas, limited to distances from the entrance portal, on which according toSnip 23-05-95 The average light is normalized.

5.9.3. The number of control points should be at least 15.

Examples of the location of control points with different location of the lamps are shown onfigures A.4 - A.10.

5.10. Placing control points when measuring the natural illumination of rooms

5.10.1. Control points are placed at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface (or the floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the outer walls and the inner partitions (or the axis of the columns).

5.10.2. The number of control points should be at least 5. The number of control points should include a point in which the illumination is normalized according to the current standards.

6. Measurement

6.1. Light measurement from artificial lighting

6.1.1. Measuring lighting with working and emergency lighting should be made in the dark, when the ratio of natural illumination to artificial is not more than 0.1, measuring the illumination during evacuation lighting - when the value of natural illumination does not exceed 0.1 LC.

6.1.2. At the beginning and at the end of the measurements, the voltage on the panels of the lighting distribution networks should be measured. The measurement results are entered into protocols, the form of which is given inappendix b.

6.1.3. When measuring the illumination, the following requirements must be followed:

A shadow from a person should not fall on the measuring photometric sensor;

The measuring device should not be located near the strong magnetic fields.

6.1.4. The illumination in the workplace is determined by direct measurements in the plane indicated in the lighting standards, or on the working plane of the equipment.

In combined illumination of jobs, the illumination is measured first from lamps of general lighting, then the lamps include local illumination in their working position and measure the total illumination from the lamps of general and local lighting.

6.1.5. To determine the cylindrical illumination in each checkpoint, four dimensions of vertical illumination in mutually perpendicular planes are carried out.

6.1.6. The results of the measurement of illumination are made in accordance withappendix b.

6.2. Measurement of the natural light coefficient

6.2.1. When determining the coefficient of natural illumination, simultaneous measurements of illumination in the control points inside the indoors of E_VN and the outer illumination E_ on the horizontal platform illuminated by all the light of the sky (for example, outside the roof of the building or on another elevated place), taking into account the requirements5.3 .

6.2.2. The measurement results are recorded in the protocol, the form of which is given inappendix b.

7. Processing measurement results

7.1. Determining the parameters of artificial lighting

7.1.1. Minimal illumination in rooms and outside buildings is defined as the minimum measured illumination values \u200b\u200bfrom the sequence of their values \u200b\u200bat the control points by the formula

E \u003d MIN (E), (3)

Min I.


E - measured illumination values \u200b\u200bat checkpoints.

7.1.2. The average illumination in the room is defined as the average alimed value of the measured illumination in the control points of the room by the formula

E \u003d ─ Amount E, (4)

Cp n i \u003d 1 i


E - measured illumination values \u200b\u200bat checkpoints

I premises, LCs;

N is the number of measurement points.

7.1.3. The average illumination of streets, roads, squares and tunnels is determined as the mean largemetic value of the measured illumination E_I in the control points of the road surfaceformula 4.

7.1.4. Cylindrical illumination E_Ts at the control point is defined as the average-brimetic value of illumination measured in four mutually perpendicular vertical planes, according to the formula

1 i \u003d 4

E \u003d ─ Amount E, (5)

C 4 i \u003d 1 VI


E - measured illumination values \u200b\u200bin mutually perpendicular

VI vertical planes, LC.

7.1.5. With the deviation of the network voltage from a nominal value of more than 5%, the actual illumination value is specified by the formula


E \u003d E ──────────────────────, (6)

F U - K (U - U)

Nom Mr. Sat


E - minimal, medium or cylindrical illumination,

Defined by7.1.1-7.1.4, LC;

U - nominal network voltage, in;


K is a coefficient equal to 4 incandescent bulbs (including

Halogen), 3 - for inductive ballast resistance

And for lamps DRL, 1 - for luminescent lamps

Using capacitive ballast resistance;

U - the average voltage value defined by the formula


U + U.

U \u003d ───────────, (7)

Wed 2.


U - network voltage at the beginning of the measurement, in;

U - network voltage at the end of the measurement, V.

7.2. Determination of Natural Lighting Parameters

The coefficient of natural illumination E,% is determined by the formula


E \u003d ────────────100, (8)



E - the value of natural illumination indoors, LCs;


E - the value of natural illumination outdoors, LC.


8. Evaluation of measurement results

8.1. An assessment of the measurement results of artificial illumination should be carried out in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3.


│ Type of control │ The ratio between the measured and normalized │ Evaluation of the results │

│ │ values \u200b\u200bof illumination │ measurements │

│ ├───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┤ │

│ Systems of the general │ system of combined lighting │ │

│ │ lighting │ │ │

│ │ ├─────────────────┬────────────────┤ │

│ │ │ total │-based + local │ │

│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │


│ Acceptance │\u003e \u003d 0,9K_ZE_N │ E\u003e \u003d 0,9K_ZE_O │ E\u003e

│ Light ├─────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────┤.

│ Installations in │ e< 0,9К_зЕ_н │ Е < 0,9К_зЕ_но │ Е < Е_н │ Не соответствует нормам │

│ Operation │ │ │ │ │


│ Inspector │ E\u003e \u003d E_N │ E\u003e \u003d E_On │ E\u003e \u003d E_N │ Complies with the standards

│ Control │ │ │ │ │

│ ├───────────────┼─────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────────────┤

│ │ E.< Е_н │ Е < Е_но │ Е < Е_н │ Не соответствует нормам │


│ Note - e_n - normalized illumination (minimum, medium, cylindrical); E_ -│

Non-highlighted illumination from general lighting in the combined lighting system; K_Z -│

Inventory stock │


8.2. Natural lighting of the room corresponds to the norm if at the normalization point the coefficient of natural illumination E\u003e \u003d E_H, where E_ n is the normalized value of the CEO.

Appendix A.

Appendix B.

Measurement protocols

light measurements in industrial and public spaces

Name (number) of the room _________________________________________.

The device number ____. Date of measurement ____________________.

Network voltage: U_1 \u003d ____________, u_2 \u003d __________________________.

Name of the current regulatory document ______________________.

The state of the lighting setting ______________________________________.


│ n │ place │ plane │ illumination, lk │zlope

│Cont-│ measuring │ measurements ├───────────────────────────────────────── ┬──────────────────┤ about │

│Rol-│ Niya, │ (horizon-│ measured │ actual │ normalized │ Speps

│ │name-│ flax, ├──────────────────────────────────────── ┼──────────────────┤┤to answer-│

│ testing │Vortictive- │ Combinirov-│ Common │ Combiniro- │ General │ Combiniro-│ General │ │

│ │ working │ │ naya, │ nnno-│-│-│ bathroom │ Evidence- │ Bathroom │ Evidence- │osovened-│

│ │ Сверенненть │ананная) │ Lighting │ Nie │ Lighting │ Nee

│ │nosts │- height from │ │ │ │ │ │ working │

│ │ │ floor, m │ │ │ │ │ │ │ place │

├───────────────────────────────────────┤ ├────────. ───┤ ├──────────┤ │ Edition-│

│ │ │ │-boring │ general │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │ │ + │ │ │ + │ │ │ │ + │ │ norms │

│ │ │ │ │mis-│ │ │mis-│ │ │ │mis-│ │ │

│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │


│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │


Conclusion on the survey of the lighting installation _____________________.

measurements of cylindrical illumination in the premises of public buildings

Name (number) of the room __________________________________________.

Device number _____. Date of measurement ____________________.

Network voltage: U_1 \u003d ____________, u_2 \u003d ____________________________.

(at the beginning of measurements) (at the end of measurements)


Lighting status _______________________________________

│ N │ Cylindrical illumination, LC │

│Control ├───────────────────────────────────────────────. ───────────────────────────────────┤.

│ │ │ E_SR │ E_F │ E_N │

│ ├─────┬──────┬────┬──────┤ │ │ │

│ │ E_1 │ E_2 │E_3 │ E_4 │ │ │ │

│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │


│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │


light measurements in outdoor lighting installations

Name of the illuminated space __________________________________.

The device number ______. Date of measurement _______________________.

Network voltage: U_1 \u003d ____________, u_2 \u003d ______________________________.

(at the beginning of measurements) (at the end of measurements)

Name of the current regulatory document ________________________


Lighting status ________________________________________


│ n │ illumination, lk │

│Control ├─────────────────────────────────────────────── ─┬─────────────────────────────────┤.

│ points │ measured │ average │ actual │ normalized │

│ │ │ E_SR │ E_F │ E_N │

│ ├──────┬──────┬───────┬───────┤ │ │ │

│ │ E_1 │ E_2 │ ...... │ E_15 │ │ │ │

│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │


│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │


Conclusion on the survey of the lighting installation ______________________


measurements of natural light coefficients

The address of the subject of the object ______________________________________________.

Date of measurement ________. Measurement time ______________________________.

Name of the current regulatory document _______________________


1. Characteristics of the room:

Floor (height above ground level) _______________________________________

Premises), orientation ____________________________________________.

2. Characteristics of light training:

Translucent filling, its condition _____________________________

The presence and name of sunscreen devices _______________________.

3. Finishing of the surfaces of the room ______________________________________.

4. Availability of equipment, furniture ____________________________.

5. The presence of landscaping opposing buildings ___________________________.

6. Plan of the site indicating the floors of opposing buildings.

The results of measuring Keo


│ n points in │ time │ e_vn (inside │ e_nar (outside │ e,% │

│ room │ measurement of │ presentation), LK │Instation), LK│ │

│ │ │ │ ├─────────────────┬─────────────────┤

│ │ │ │ │ for each │ average for │

│ │ │ │ │ measurements │ each point │

│ │ │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │ │ │ │


│ │ │ │ │ │ │

│ ├────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼─────────────────┤ │

│ │ │ │ │ │ │


│ │ │ │ │ │ │

│ ├────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼─────────────────┤ │

│ │ │ │ │ │ │


│ │ │ │ │ │ │

│ ├────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼─────────────────┤ │

│ │ │ │ │ │ │


│ │ │ │ │ │ │

│ ├────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼─────────────────┤ │

│ │ │ │ │ │ │


Conclusion about the natural lighting of the room ___________________________


Appendix B.


Actor coefficients for luxmeters Types Yu-116 and Yu-117


│ Type of light source in lighting │ value correction

│ installation │ coefficients │

│ Incandescents │ 1.0 │


│Luminescent lamps Types: │ │


│LB │ 1.17 │


│ LCB │ 1.15 │


│ at │ 1.01 │


│LD │ 0.99 │


│LDS │ 0.99 │


│Lhe │ 0.98 │


│Lamp type DRL │ 1.09 │


│ Metalogeneous Lamps Types: │ │


│Ders 400 │ 1,22 │


│Ders 1000-1 │ 1.06 │


│Ders 3500-1 │ 1.03 │


│Derish 575 │ 0.93 │


│Drish 2500 │ 0.98 │


│ Data │ 1.23 │


│ Note - depending on the sources of light indications

Usmeters Yu-116 and Yu-117 must be multiplied by correction

│Ceeffers │.


Appendix G.

1. Luxmeter "Quartz-21" in "Quartz" (Russia).

2. Photo meter type 1105 of the company "Bruhl and Kier" (Denmark).

p. 1.

p. 2.

p. 3.

page 4.

p. 5.

p. 6.

p. 7.

p. 8.

page 9.

p. 10.

p. 11.

p. 12.

p. 13.

p. 14.

p. 15.

p. 16.

page 17.

p. 18.

p. 19.

p. 20.

page 21.

page 22.

Federal Agency
On technical regulation and metrology




EN 12464-1: 2002 Light and Lighting - Lighting Of Work Places - Part 1: Indoor Work Places

EN 12464-2: 2007 Light and Lighting - Lighting Of Work Places - Part 2: Outdoor Work Places

EN 13201 -3: 2003 Road Lightning - Part 3: Calculation of Performance

EN 13201-4: 2003 Road Lightning - Part 4: Methods of Measuring Lighting Performance




The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0 - 2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions "

Information about standard

1 Developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Construction Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences" (Niizf Raasn), Zeror-expert Limited Liability Company (Cerez-expert LLC) with the participation of the Limited Liability Company "All-Russian Research, Design and Design Lighting Institute. S. I. Vavilova "

2 Submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of July 30, 2012 No. 205-ST

4 This standard has been developed taking into account the basic regulations of the following European regional standards:

EN 12464-1: 2002 "Light and lighting. Lighting jobs - part 1. Workplaces inside buildings "(EN 12464-1: 2002" Light and Lighting - Part 1: Indoor Work Places ", NEQ) in terms of measurement procedure;

EH 12464-2: 2007 "Lighting of jobs - part 2. Outdoor workplaces" (EN 12464-2: 2007 "Light and Lighting - Part 2: Outdoor Work Places", NEQ) in terms of measurement procedure ;

EH 13201-3: 2003 "Road lighting - particle 3. Calculation of parameters" (EN 13201-3: 2003 "Road Lighting - Part 3: Calculation of Performance", NEQ) in terms of checking points;

EN 13201-4: 2003 "Road lighting - part 4. Methods for measuring lighting parameters" (EN 13201-4: 2003 "Road Lighting - Part 4: Methods of Measuring Lighting Performance", NEQ) in terms of light measurement methods

5 introduced for the first time

Information about the changes to this standard is published in annually published information indicator "National Standards", and the text of the changes and amendments- in the monthly issued information indicators "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards issued information indicator monthly. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in public information network- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

National Standard of the Russian Federation


Methods for measuring lighting

BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. Methods of Measuring The Illuminance

Introduction date -2013 - 01-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes methods for determining the minimum, medium and cylindrical illumination, the natural light coefficient (CEO) in the premises of buildings and structures and in the workplace, the minimum illumination of the work of the work outside buildings, the average lighting of streets, roads, areas, semi-cylindrical illumination of pedestrian zones.

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses regulatory references to the following standards:

5 Preparation for measurements

5.1 Before measuring the illumination and CEO for compliance with the requirements or GOST 12.1.046 and, choose and apply control points to measure the illumination and Keo on the plan of the room, structure or the illuminated area (or an actuator drawing of the lighting installation) indicating the placement of the lamps.

5.2 Before measuring the illumination from artificial lighting, it should be replaced by all burned lamps and cleaning the lamps. Light measurement can also be carried out without prior preparation of the lighting installation, which should be fixed when the measurement results are cleared.

5.3 Measuring the CEO for compliance with the current standards is carried out in rooms free from furniture and equipment that are not shaded with landscaping and trees, during washed and serviceable translucent fillings of lighting. At the same time, the weighted average reflection coefficient of wall, ceiling, gender and filling window openings in residential premises should be at least 0.5.

5.4 To measure the Keo, choose days with a continuous uniform decade bullic cloud that covers the entire sky. In areas located south of 48 ° C. Sh., Measurements of the CEO is allowed to be carried out without taking into account the ballotics in the days of continuous cloud, covering the entire sky. Artificial lighting in the premises for the measurement period is turned off.

5.5 Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination of rooms

5.5.1 Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from working and backup lighting are placed in the center of the room under luminaires, between the lamps and their rows, at the distances from 0.15 l.up to 0.25 l.but not more than 1 m from the wall where l.- Distance between rows of lamps.

5.5.2 Control points for measuring the minimum illumination from evacuation lighting should be placed on the floor along the path of evacuation of people from the room.

5.5.3 Examples of the location of control points of measurement of illumination in the premises of industrial and public buildings when used to illuminate lamps with point and linear light sources are shown in Figures A.1, A.2 of Annex A.

5.6 Placing control points when measuring medium lighting of premises

5.6.1 To determine the control points, the room plan is divided into equal, if possible

square parts. Control points are placed in the center of each square. The minimum number of control points for measurement is determined based on the size of the room and the height of the luminaires of the lamps above the working surface. For this, the index index is calculated i. according to the formula

where and I. b.-Tlin and width of the room, respectively, m;

h 0.- Height of the suspension of fixtures above the working surface, m.

Minimum number of checkpoints N. To measure the average illumination of the square room, are determined by Table 1.

Table 1 - Minimum number of measurement checkpoints

5.6.2 In non-commercial premises, the square is highlighted in the greatest area. S. K, for which the number of measurement points define N. 1, in accordance with 5.6.1. Minimum number of measuring points of medium light N. Calculate by formula

where S. N is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, m 2;

S. K - Square area, m 2.

5.6.3 When placing control points on the plan of the room, their grid should not coincide with the lamps of the lamps. In the case of coincidence of grids, the number of control points on the plan of the room is advisable to increase (see Figure A.3 Annex A). When locating in the room of large-sized equipment, control points should not be located on the equipment. If the control points fall on the equipment, then the mesh of the control points should be made more frequent and eliminate the points falling on the equipment.

5.7 Placing control points when measuring cylindrical lighting of rooms

5.7.1 Control points for measuring cylindrical illumination should be placed evenly on the room under the lamps, between the lamps and on the central longitudinal axis of the room at an altitude of 1.5 m above the floor and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the wall.

5.7.2 The number of test points for measuring cylindrical illumination should be at least five.

5.8 Placement of control points when measuring the minimum illumination in places of production outside buildings

5.8.1 Control points are placed in the workplace, along the way of movement of working. On the illuminated area, limited supports, the control points are chosen in the centers between the supports.

With security lighting, the control points are located around the perimeter of the illuminated territory.

5.8.2 The number of checkpoints on the illuminated area or around the perimeter of the illuminated territory should be at least five.

5.9 Placement of control points when measuring medium light illumination, roads, squares

5.9.1 On the illuminated object determine the calculated field or control area. For objects with standard geometry, the control area is part of the rectilinear horizontal canvas of the road, the width of which is equal to the width of the entire carriageway W L.(when driving one way), and the length is a step S. Between the lighting devices located on one side of the road or in the center when setting the lighting devices along the axial line. When determining the illumination for the chess scheme of the location of the lighting devices, the length of the control portion S. Determined by the projection on the longitudinal axis of the distance between two adjacent lighting devices located on the opposite sides of the carriageway. Control points for measuring the average lighting of streets, roads and squares should be placed evenly on the site of the road surface, a limited step of lamps, distances D. = S / N,where S. - Step between lighting devices.

With a step between lighting devices S. £ 30 M. N. \u003d 10, with a step between lighting devices S. \u003e 30 M. D. £ 3 m, as shown in Figure A.5 Applications A.

5.9.2 The number of checkpoints should be at least ten. Examples of the location of control points with different location of the lamps, as well as in the places of rounding and intersection, are shown in the Figures A.4 - A.7 of Annex A.

5.10 Placing control points when measuring the coefficient of natural illumination of rooms

5.10.1 The control points are placed at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface (or the floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the outer walls and the inner partitions (or the axis of the columns).

5.10.2 The number of checkpoints should be at least five. The number of control points should include a point in which the illumination is normalized.

5.11 Placement of control points when measuring the vertical illumination of windows of buildings

5.11.1 Control points are placed on the outer surface of the window.

5.11.2 The number of control points should be at least five for each window measured. An example of the location of the control points is shown in Figure A.8 Annex A.

6 Measurements

6.1 Measurement of illumination from artificial lighting

6.1.1 Measurement of illumination at work and emergency lighting, as well as vertical illumination on windows when the rooms are illuminated by outer lighting should be carried out in the dark, when the ratio of natural illumination to artificial is not more than 0.1, measuring the illumination during evacuation lighting - when The value of natural illumination does not exceed 0.1 LC.

6.1.2 At the beginning and at the end of the measurement, the voltage on the panel of the lighting distribution networks should be measured. Measurement results are entered into protocols, the form of which is given in Appendix B.

6.1.3 Measurements should be carried out after stabilizing the lighting lighting light.

6.1.4 When measuring the illumination on the measuring photometric sensor should not fall a shadow from a person, trees, foreign objects, as well as light from other light sources.

6.1.5 The illumination in the workplace is determined by direct measurements on the working surface specified in the regulatory documents.

In combined illumination of jobs, the illumination is measured first from lamps of general lighting, then the lamps include local illumination in their working position and measure the total illumination from the lamps of general and local lighting.

6.1.6 Measuring cylindrical illumination is carried out by a luxmeter equipped with a special nozzle. The measurement of cylindrical illumination in each control point may also be carried out by conducting four dimensions of vertical illumination in mutually perpendicular planes.

6.1.7 The results of the light measurement are drawn up in accordance with the application B.

6.2 Measuring Natural Light Coefficient

6.2.1 When determining the coefficient of natural illumination, simultaneous measurements of illumination in the control points indoors are carried out E. IV and outdoor illumination E. Nar on the horizontal platform illuminated by all the light of the sky (for example, outside the roof of the building or on another elevated place), taking into account the requirements 5.3.

6.2.2 Measurement results are entered into the protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix B.

6.3 Measurement of semi-cylindrical illumination

6.3.1 Measurement of semi-cylindrical illumination is performed by a luxemeter equipped with a special nozzle. Measuring the semi-cylindrical illumination in each checkpoint can also be carried out by carrying out three measurements of vertical illumination in mutually perpendicular planes: one dimension in the direction of predominant movement E. B1 and two measurements in the plane perpendicular to the plane of motion E. B2 I. E. in 3 . When measuring the half-cylindrical illumination, the centerometric head center of the luxemeter should be located at an altitude of 1.5 m above the coating level. The photosensitive surface of the photometric head must be located in the plane of the base of the vertically oriented half-cylinder.

6.4 Measurement of vertical illumination on buildings windows

6.4.1 Measurement of vertical illumination on the windows of buildings in the illumination of all kinds of outdoor lighting installations is carried out by a luxmeter, the measuring head of which is located vertically from the outside of the window on the glazing or impact windows.

Artificial lighting in the room for the time of measurements is disconnected.

7 Processing measurement results

7.1 Determination of artificial lighting parameters

7.1.1 Minimum lighting indoors and outside buildings are defined as the minimum measured illumination values \u200b\u200bfrom the sequence of their values \u200b\u200bat the control points E. Min according to the formula

where E I. - measured illumination values \u200b\u200bin the control points of the room, LC;

N.- Number of measurement points.

7.1.3 Central Lights of streets, roads, squares are defined as the average alimed meaning of the measured illumination E I. In the control points of the road surface by formula (4).

7.1.4 Cylindrical lighting E. C, LCs, at a control point are defined as the average-brimetic value of illumination measured in four mutually perpendicular vertical planes, according to the formula

where E. in 1 , E. B2 I. E. B3 - measured values \u200b\u200bof vertical illumination, LC.

7.1.6 Middle vertical illumination on the outer surface of the window when measuring the level of illumination of windows of buildings created by all types of outdoor lighting installations, including street, architectural, advertising and showcase E. In the CP, LC, define as the average alimed value of the measured vertical illumination at the control points by the formula

where E. - minimum, medium, cylindrical illumination, determined by 7.1.1 -7.1.6, LC;

U. nomes - nominal network voltage, in;

TO- a coefficient equal to 0 for LEDs with pulsed power supplies, 1-for fluorescent lamps when using capacitive ballast resistance and electronic commissioning devices, 2 - for fluorescent lamps when using inductive ballast resistance and arc mercury lamps (DRL), 3 - for Metallogenic lamps (MGL), arc mercury lamps with radiating additives (DRI), high pressure sodium lamps (DNAT), 4 - for incandescent lamps and LEDs with bridge inclusion schemes;

U. CP. - The average voltage value determined by the formula

where E. VN-sign of natural illumination indoors, LC;

E. Nar - the value of natural illumination outdoors, LC.

8 Evaluation of measurement results

8.1 Evaluation of the results of measurements of artificial illumination should be carried out in accordance with Table 2.

Table 2 - Evaluation of measurement results

Type of control

The ratio between measured and normalized illumination values

Assessment of measurement results

System of general lighting

Combined lighting system

General plus local

Accepting lighting



E. ³ 0,9 TO 3 E. N.

E.³ 0,9. TO 3 E. but

E.³ E. N.

Complies with norms

E. < 0,9 TO 3 E. N.

E.< 0,9 TO 3 E. but

E.< E. N.

Does not comply with the norms

Inspector control

E.³ E. N.

E ³ E. but

E. ³ E. N.

Complies with norms

E.< E. N.

E.< Е but

E.< E. N.

Does not comply with the norms

Note - E. n - normalized illumination (minimum, medium, cylindrical); E. but - normalized illumination from general lighting in the combined lighting system; TO 3 - Reserve coefficient.

8.2 Natural lighting of the room complies with the standards - if at the normalization point the coefficient of natural illumination e. ³ e. n, where e. N is the normalized value of the CEO.

Location of control points during measurements

Figure A.1 - Location of control points when measuring the minimum
Lights of the room from lamps taken for point emitters

Figure A.2 - Location of control points when measuring the minimum
Lights of the room from lamps taken for linear emitters

Figure A.3 - Location of control points
when measuring medium lighting indoors

Figure A.4 - the location of the control plot when measuring the average lighting of the streets

1 - the edge of the road; 2 - central road line; 3 - Control plot

Figure A.5 - the location of control points on the plot at
Measuring medium light illumination

Figure A.6 - Location of control points when measuring
Medium light light at the crossroads

Figure A.7 - Location of control points when measuring
Middle Lights of the streets in rounding places

Figure A.8 - Location of control points on
The outer surface of the window when measuring vertical
illumination (wind light)

Measurement protocols

Protocol measurement of illumination in industrial, public and residential premises

Network voltage: U. 1 = _______________________________, U. 2 =___________________

Control point numbers

Measurement location, work surface name

Measurement plane (horizontal, vertical, inclined) - Height from floor, m

Illumination, LK

Conclusion about the degree of compliance of illumination in the workplace on current standards




Combined lighting

General lighting

Combined lighting

General lighting

Combined lighting

General lighting

general and local

general and local

general and local

Protocol measurement of cylindrical illumination in the premises of public buildings

Name (number) of the room _____________________________________________

Geometric premises parameters _________________________________________

Index index _____________________________________________________________

Date of measurement ___________________________________________________

Title and instrument number for measurement _______________________________________

Number and date of certificate of verification __________________________________________

Network voltage: U. 1 = ___________________________, U 2.=________________________

(at the beginning of the measurement) (at the end of the measurement)

Name of the current regulatory document ____________________________

Status of the Lighting Settlement ________________________________________


Cylindrical illumination, LC


E. cf.

E. F.

E. N.

Conclusion for the survey of the lighting installation __________________________

Light measurement protocol in outdoor lighting

Name of the illuminated space _______________________________________

Network voltage: U. 1 = _____________________________, U. 2 =______________________

(at the beginning of the measurement) (at the end of the measurement)

Status of the Lighting Settlement ______________________________________

Control point numbers

Illumination, LK


E. cf.

E. F.

E. N.

Conclusion for the survey of the lighting installation __________________________

Protocol measurement of natural light coefficients

Address of the subject of the object __________________________________________________

Date of measurement _____________________________ Measurement time ________________

Name of the current regulatory document ___________________________

Title and instrument number for measurement _______________________________________

Number and date of certificate of verification __________________________________________

1 Characteristic of the room:

Floor (height above ground level) ______________________________________________

orientation _________________________________________________________________

2 Characteristics of light training:

Translucent filling, its condition ____________________________________

The presence and name of sunscreen devices ____________________________

3 finishing of surface surfaces _______________________________________

4 Availability of equipment, furniture ___________________________________

5 Availability of landscaping, opposing buildings __________________________________

6 Plan of the site indicating the floors of opposing buildings ____________________

The results of measuring Keo

Conclusion about the natural lighting of the room ______________________________

Protocol measurement of vertical illumination on the windows of buildings

Name of the illuminated object ____________________________________________

Address of the object under study ______________________________________________

Characteristics of the installation ____________________________________________________

Name and device number for measurement ______________________________________

Number and date of certificate of verification __________________________________________

Date of measurements __________________________________________________

Measurement time _____________________________________________

Network voltage: U. 1 = ________________________________ , U. 2 =__________________

(at the beginning of the measurement) (at the end of the measurement)

Name of the current regulatory document ____________________________

Conclusion for the survey of the lighting installation __________________________

Appendix B.

Luxmeter type Argus 01.

Luxmeter-Pulsmeter type "Argus 07".

Luxmeter type of type of suite.

Luxmeter type of Tound PCM, model 02.

Luxmeter type of Tooth-PKM, model 08.

Luxmeter type of T-PKM, model 31.

Luxmeter Testo 0500 type (Germany).

LMT (Germany) type luxmeter type "Pocket-LUX2".

Multichannel radiometer "Argus".

Luxmeter-brightness type TD-0693 (Ukraine).

LUXMETER-JACKA type, model 04/3.

Luxmeter-brightness "Argus 12".


Luxemeter-outer-02 pulsemeter.


Keywords: illumination, luxmeter, lighting installation, stock coefficient, natural light coefficient

Approved and entered into action

Resolution of the Russian State Building

Interstate standard


Methods for measuring lighting


Methods for mearsuring The Illuminance.

GOST 24940-96.

Group x25.

OX 91.040;

OKSTA 2009.

Date of administration


1. Developed by the Research Institute for Construction Physics (Niizf) with the participation of the Moscow Research Institute of Model and Experimental Design (MNIITEP) and the Limited Liability Partnership of the Russian Federation.

Made Minister of Russia.

2. Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on May 15, 1996.


│ statement of the state │ name of the state │

││ construction management│.


│ Republic of Azerbaijan│Gosstroy Azerbaijan Republic


││ Principles of Armenia│.

│Republic Belarus│. Minstroyarchitecture Republic of Bela-│

││rus │

│ Republic of Kazakhstan│Minstroy Republic of Kazakhstan

│ Kyrgyz Republic│ Minstroy Kyrgyz Republic

│ Republic of Moldova│ Department of Architecture and Builder -│

││of the Republic of Moldova

│ Russian Federation│ Minstroy Russia│

Tajikistan Register Tajikistan Register

│Republic Uzbekistan│. Goskomarchitekstroy Republic of Uzbe -│.

││kistan │.


3. Instead of GOST 24940-81.

4. Entered into force from 01/01/1997 as the State Standard of the Russian Federation by the Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 07/31/1996 N 18-56.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes the methods for determining the minimum, middle and cylindrical illumination, the coefficient of natural light in the premises of buildings and structures and in workplaces, minimal illumination in places of production outside buildings, the average lighting of streets, roads, squares and tunnels to which SNIP 23 is distributed -05-95.

This standard uses links to the following regulatory documents:

Snip 23-05-95. Natural and artificial lighting

GOST 8.014-72 GSI. Methods and means of verification of photoelectric luxmeters

GOST 8.023-90 GSI. State calibration scheme for measuring instruments of light values \u200b\u200bof continuous and impulse emissions

GOST 8.326-89 GSI. Metrological certification of measuring instruments

GOST 8.332-78 GSI. Light measurements of the values \u200b\u200bof the relative spectral light efficiency of monochromatic radiation for day vision

GOST 8711-93. Analog appliances showing electrical metering direct action and auxiliary parts to them. Part 2. Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters

GOST 17616-82 *. Electric lamps. Methods for measuring electrical and light parameters.

3. Definitions and designations

The terms applied in this standard, their designations and definitions are shown in Table 1.

Table 1


│Termin │ substantiation, │ Determination

││ feasitiff││

││ measurement│││

│1│2 │3│


│ Activity │, LC │ Relationship of the light stream, pa- │

│││giving to the surface element, │

││ "Conducting this point, to the root - │

│││ "This element"

│ mimic e.- │e, lk │named value of illumination│

schedule │ min.

│││ feast ,in Work zone│.

│ Highly lit- │e, lk │oswitness averaged by

│ │ cp │ climbing the illuminated premises, │

│││ feast, working area│

│ Cylindrical │, LC │ Schart saturation

│ Activity │ Czech the light, defined as

││ │sed density light │

│││Pot on the surface of the vertical-│

││ "Indoor located

│││ cylinder, radius and height of which

│││ryy tend to zero

│coeffer E. from- │e,% Natural Lights - │

punctured e.- ││ness created in some

(Keo) │ flux

││ offshore sky (direct-│

││ │ and after reflection), to│

│││ Undergrade outdoor value

│││Gorizonal light, │

│││Lound light completely

│││ Overcake skills│

│Coeffer fee│K, relative. │ Ready coefficient, taking into account-│

││ З│ decreased CEO and Illumination │

│││ in the process of operation after

│││contamination and aging turn - │

││││ transparent fillings in light-│

│││outmakes, light sources

│││ (lamps) and lamps, as well

│││Freatment of reflective properties│.

││ │ Road surfaces│.

│ Refrigerant │V (lambda) with a total of two radiation threads│

│Straral St. e.- │ Dlinina waves│Ipportly With wavelengths

tic effect in- │Lambda, Lambda, causing

monochromat and- │otn. E.││

│ ││ │ │ │-specific photometric-│

││ "Conditions of visual sensations│

│││ production force; At the same time length

│││ Lambdaevabrana Lambdavybrana


│││ shame that the maximum meaning

│││this relationship is equal to one-│

│││tse │


4. Equipment

4.1. To measure the illumination, the luxmeters with radiation transducers have a spectral error of no more than 10%, which is determined as an integral deviation of the relative curve of the spectral sensitivity of the radiation transducer from the curve of the relative spectral light efficiency of monochromatic radiation for the day vision V () according to GOST 8.332.

It is allowed to be used to measure the luxury illumination, having a spectral error of more than 10%, provided that the correction coefficient is administered to the spectral composition of the sources of the light, determined according to GOST 17616. The correction coefficients to the LUXmers Yu-116 and Yu-117 in measuring the illumination from the most common light sources shown in Appendix V.

4.2. Luxmeters should have evidence of metrological certification and verification. The certification of luxmeters is carried out in accordance with GOST 8.326, verification - in accordance with GOST 8.014 and GOST 8.023.

4.3. To measure voltage in the network, the accuracy class voltmeters should be applied not lower than 1.5 according to GOST 8711.

5. Preparation for measurements

5.1. Before measuring the illumination from artificial lighting, it should be replaced by all burned lamps and cleaning the lamps. Light measurement can also be made without preliminary preparation of the lighting installation, which should be fixed when the measurement results are displayed.

5.2. The measurement of Keo is carried out in rooms free from furniture and equipment that are not shaded with landscaping and trees, when washed and serviceable translucent{!LANG-25d0de44ac85eb748d08cf06df2c49bd!} translucent{!LANG-b4899c7687b916b9f2058acb6de14980!}










, (1)





table 2












, (2)






































, (3)



, (4)





, (5)


7.1.5. {!LANG-49874913898527c0f0b1fb5353594c1c!}

, (6)





, (7)





, (8)





Table 3.


{!LANG-ec86ebc8d749bfeb79ae7f9d9a0537ea!} {!LANG-8cb726a9e1c8e0c7226e7bf2b62c4bff!}{!LANG-e374d9df12e7b1aa4172a26c60c055ca!}













{!LANG-c1005a5905adab0c4b7a40b2271cd9e4!}< 0,9 К Е│Е < 0,9 К Е│Е < Е│Не соответст -│

{!LANG-285161257b9a3e5d35a5408abb1cf004!} {!LANG-a1dd88284eab99f81c6466a18dc67693!}




{!LANG-f3eb1729d7712df6cc504c605db78592!}< Е│Е < Е│Е < Е│Н е соответст -│



{!LANG-034b86df8aa0fde546f665ee5cd1b259!} {!LANG-5af119fd18a91193af9974229a322783!}








{!LANG-6e76850768b55406f0aa21bc21e5db21!} {!LANG-bb96daa326a2914ab64e3c7707310e94!}


{!LANG-008f86f7d2aec4175e411bdb6c70a1a2!} {!LANG-35eca30bf838c9897683d6c442fba565!}






{!LANG-008f86f7d2aec4175e411bdb6c70a1a2!} {!LANG-bb04f5325b16c4365163c4230aeae2d0!}







{!LANG-008f86f7d2aec4175e411bdb6c70a1a2!} {!LANG-48ece232025247cbd933500646722672!}






{!LANG-008f86f7d2aec4175e411bdb6c70a1a2!} {!LANG-3f4a1fc4749b1b6fb9ca6b51e6e54b0e!}




{!LANG-008f86f7d2aec4175e411bdb6c70a1a2!} {!LANG-0ea735efcbb1f598df10501f4f018d15!}








{!LANG-008f86f7d2aec4175e411bdb6c70a1a2!} {!LANG-3649cd3dd33dcecdd24f4479472b5154!}





{!LANG-6e76850768b55406f0aa21bc21e5db21!} {!LANG-b323d6d60072e1823fbc81b39b6b2425!}













{!LANG-d1ae8ff189a03424f38347fe9774f0ff!} {!LANG-ebd5a44101c316689aad6706ac7bdd91!}

{!LANG-4f34f0d0189f674b790baae31574724c!} {!LANG-0bae3f1bd8d0b9851b945fe428e331b0!}{!LANG-3db48112f0c841c5fa9a018df0a92e4e!}

{!LANG-83b4cf2cbc2ae3ddd49363cfee6fdc87!} {!LANG-a994e5b343d0d64df8fc62a080fe8b42!}{!LANG-4a2a32778060b9044d89d4c999f7d5d2!}

{!LANG-e96c928d2d8fcb6fe5bae14020c44e57!} e.{!LANG-c9fadf7eee2eddbcd27755462f8940c6!}

{!LANG-179cdc41b7c1ac20f7b8c66077d0a9dc!} {!LANG-5bb3784ab44a43f77acf79c0062cbadd!}


││{!LANG-b2201ac67c60209c3f9e0d721994370a!} {!LANG-d513e24970257a5069f59910a9197b70!}{!LANG-c5c28b6091fb9096c74792db13d3047f!}

{!LANG-33737250d9f56eb83b15ee5e44085fe3!} {!LANG-49ebeb703c55ce44b8ab8e4d263cf0fd!} e.{!LANG-ee32bb46a745d57682615bc3d3647239!}

{!LANG-8f5e334d1b48ddb6c737b4547b4016c5!} {!LANG-d94f0fd0ffbe1421cf43420cc8629fd0!}

{!LANG-fe0ed3af147750e0a9125dc6488a0183!} {!LANG-b1cbdc0428b7ab1e70f4c47b3d5e5c28!}



│1│2│3│ 4 │5│ 6 │ 7 │8│ 9 │10 │11 │12 │13│















{!LANG-017cece39a6f18fbca8698acbf836d82!} {!LANG-e4e41f5ea398fc387da53b3fa52ad33a!}


{!LANG-e856355d1d9f23ba56c0aafcdde1078a!}{!LANG-bc872e18496c6b79ae10ccbb590dcf3e!} {!LANG-575b4e2c748d37771bad133d61c5cc73!}{!LANG-25c8e2a38301db5b3641b131a603af24!}

{!LANG-2953d60e617f02c2da0c993bb2e170d3!} E.{!LANG-d0a1b0da940f9ea65f5c8d7048840cbb!}

{!LANG-a1a48a5478423847fe3fbbac40c4d5f9!} E.{!LANG-79bb1e778280a2fa58eac48d929ecafe!}

││1 │2 │ 3 │4 ││││

│1│2 │ 3│ 4 │ 5│6│7│8│
















{!LANG-11228696f27580eae3fdf992ccc1fd0c!} {!LANG-e4e41f5ea398fc387da53b3fa52ad33a!}


{!LANG-58c78f13caa5ad28a6f0ff007f4b7e88!} {!LANG-575b4e2c748d37771bad133d61c5cc73!}{!LANG-19236583f9f6cd103bff364ea5b2b143!}

{!LANG-8c4f64ff7feea18ef857732c20f28542!} E.{!LANG-d0a1b0da940f9ea65f5c8d7048840cbb!}

{!LANG-a1a48a5478423847fe3fbbac40c4d5f9!} E.{!LANG-708c703b9a7f17b1156c902971dda9d1!}

││1 │2 ││ 15 ││││

│1│ 2│ 3│ 4│ 15 │16│17│18│












{!LANG-2d24f4f7745a6e53cb6b0977855e8619!} {!LANG-8ffc8ae075313307ffc2b54674e0477c!}{!LANG-350e6361dac2c9959ee52cb5924b9458!}


{!LANG-d51577444fc644e45d31222ea5a1f7a9!} {!LANG-8ffc8ae075313307ffc2b54674e0477c!}:









{!LANG-98631665d66b84587f33e4bf5c928050!} {!LANG-0fea1688f391175d2ac3815bec63bf83!}{!LANG-48d3763a3270e4f4858009be5bc67abd!} {!LANG-ee506dc56d0106798b6308ec71f24bfa!}{!LANG-75fa4c7d68e037923bd5deac37ad2f92!} , %│

{!LANG-3c9ef68f34af113a8acb296d10232619!} {!LANG-76c60f780ae132c953b79016cbbfb164!} e.- {!LANG-99cb70a69edf245ecaefbbb919aa6314!}-│ {!LANG-e015ea14727ec0e0d343f6040bde87fb!}{!LANG-2fb9dadbf7354d735086c8a2ac76ba33!}

{!LANG-bee0af1d842d8691a569c21caed7d441!}{!LANG-8e805ae74861cbf70767d4d8ac6d14ce!}{!LANG-561d46dc4bc8a6f300e7744473df1bd2!} {!LANG-85a326b7071efec57157b66eb2dcc9f7!}{!LANG-5ff094ee283596d57301391a2ae7f899!}























{!LANG-d9f2b46d2f9558915fb27d7062288c18!} {!LANG-f49d411dcc598aeee67db31265fb4eff!}























{!LANG-5a8a0e61f133fc8fd6c2abf9a1c89368!} {!LANG-fd9c26bf6fbba2b7d3e0b50c09b6e2c0!}



{!LANG-84beae65da59c0da7ec1c9c90afea656!} {!LANG-8b5e6cf45afbd7469965129080ab4c6f!} and {!LANG-58ac85cfd74c08a36de479d1e2838c6a!}{!LANG-de7bbca15e84722859d941048bb45d92!}












Name of state


Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

The Republic of Moldova

the Russian Federation

The Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

Gosstroy Azerbaijan Republic

Ministry of Urban Planning of the Republic of Armenia

Minstroyarchitecture of the Republic of Belarus

MinStroy Republic of Kazakhstan

Minstroy Kyrgyz Republic

Department of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Moldova

MinStroy Russia

Gosstroy Republic Tajikistan

Goscomarchitektroy Republic Uzbekistan

Instead of GOST 24940-81


1 area of \u200b\u200buse


Snip 23-05-95 "Natural and Artificial Lighting"







3 Definitions and Designations


Table 1

Designation, Unit of Measurement














E.{!LANG-102fe08a7e55de6c19eee70f29cbec45!} , {!LANG-6b36d2118bdd82d8e09f838c4d7a8db8!}






































{!LANG-9c550b8bd74f6869443a001a3c69f038!}{!LANG-bc31b251f379b84be57f14e88db07525!} , {!LANG-48e59e921642a1f6858227b713fd5844!}

{!LANG-e5025e6d2b9717a9b90b8f45e5f30328!} {!LANG-69b64623f86def16ce17d454b8be41ae!}{!LANG-b74a06f61e61240abb90fadd5c34a99d!} , {!LANG-032ab2968ec275045e576252fec1d1e2!} {!LANG-69b64623f86def16ce17d454b8be41ae!}{!LANG-0e4b9b2ee24615ce1a90a0a174ec31de!}

4 equipment

{!LANG-73992ec743e7d357f6c434a579f6e0cb!} {!LANG-148684389cba1fd01ec5ba5332e1ba95!}() {!LANG-2607376c1cf8ea4dc9e65dc5011b47c9!}




5 Preparation for measurements






{!LANG-4f906f401c6be1d70d8110cfcb682ff1!} l.but not less than 1 m, where l.{!LANG-9b7d0fb8af46e0a6cdd85f0f9d1e17ae!}





{!LANG-f4b2e69932260f0298358d9e0a8cdd1b!} {!LANG-b955a0d740def86504969a6763311fc8!} according to the formula

where {!LANG-404fca06d9be4b0ee15236ca939277a4!}{!LANG-6cb6230c9583897da9c6be36baa51910!}



Minimum number of checkpoints N.{!LANG-cbd716ace606e30600ed2b4f5c713054!}

table 2

{!LANG-7e440ac9a256b153f5a774e728e4fd24!} {!LANG-73d659c8c9003695e9335cd9d5bbaab6!}{!LANG-3cf4777e66db1e20f1f2b5519336d867!} {!LANG-b996b2f8c8cd29d1a274deed9981077a!}{!LANG-d62a433b1914dd696591e69a36ec6cc4!} N. Calculate by formula

where S.{!LANG-7263b81fae81a1a9c06e8b1edcadbada!} - {!LANG-38f8c8e603c0b71f6de676c5b8559bc4!}



















6 Measurements










{!LANG-8b11aa8485a3ff86c240f3f97a66c068!} {!LANG-be3cdd35d98eb4321ad881fbd5263ac0!}{!LANG-dbf5fc23cfeea151e3fb836efd87bbc0!} {!LANG-152b17a84b2e34adf861750768c4874c!}{!LANG-a00493345cd8108e13e903f5bd581a7a!}




{!LANG-2bfc8aacb54e9b9da2d06997bb7b504e!} mIN.{!LANG-fb387dfcfcb079fe8d7da73ff1ef89b2!}

where {!LANG-ab3cb7156812b5def8ccf7c09af38732!}{!LANG-11e64baf0467bda51bb6a8b5115a4cfc!}


where {!LANG-23f8bd98f9f138080b279f45aa2eab08!}{!LANG-da72bd25687cdf8fe8f931db054e8655!}


{!LANG-de2822d216517a237c74ff8bc93f366f!} {!LANG-23f8bd98f9f138080b279f45aa2eab08!}{!LANG-862cbd561af477c743aea238bc1ea2a0!}

{!LANG-684798428d3c660654c2bf7b4a291ea9!} {!LANG-62abef36fbea2f1d0bcefc784dc09568!}{!LANG-d4c21605e5590c4f33086cd974afac62!}

where {!LANG-6e20d56e60ce3efd45e2a3fcd52ccff0!}{!LANG-afda7b3269de810076c29aa49fbfeba1!}


, (6)

where E.{!LANG-24276237eea008b7b63c93404376605c!}

U Nom. - nominal network voltage, in;



where {!LANG-9159db5d7161890443a09bc64ba1ffb9!}{!LANG-4a5e3b0fd9c648c1a1982ccec1146c7b!}



Natural light coefficient {!LANG-a0605622900e5d043f158aea48a50e18!}{!LANG-b1b7f9a704644a9011db38d4aa174006!}

where {!LANG-dc99234314463e072decb2d6dabc1d27!}{!LANG-8831676fd6f6389f9aba18e81fbcc93e!}



Table 3.

Type of control


Assessment of measurement results

System of general lighting

Combined lighting system

General + local

Accepting lighting


{!LANG-066673dfa24ca2c558f2bb45c444c420!} {!LANG-e1f537ca4b19e3422b80f8ec7efafefc!}

Complies with norms


E.< 0, 9К з Е н

E.< 0, 9Kz e but

Does not comply with the norms

Inspector control

Complies with norms

Does not comply with the norms

{!LANG-99d73874ef2a36bdc28d00b118dd7cbd!}{!LANG-a1b959c09c3002f69b63afab14a6e29a!} {!LANG-d7a8a11b2920032207d132f53eb1db07!}{!LANG-03d9442c27d44f250725d0351636b9d8!} To Z.{!LANG-fd269ebdd7f7c152acec4e814bcccf26!}

{!LANG-1b8e48c2cd091bdb43cb0b89a2f08d5e!} {!LANG-733c80d1b53c29edf18870b482c4397b!}where {!LANG-b2807fd563454c4e01d45d89823c67ed!}{!LANG-c813efe40d58744ed842a25576c9640f!}


{!LANG-3fb73273f49afd58afd10f5b6b82ab5c!} - {!LANG-47ca91f50c354bffac4d83ea3bbaeb2c!}


( - {!LANG-d231b78de48a815907645a2209e20094!}





( - {!LANG-4e0004f11d4f1de2ef3268028c852bd5!}


( - {!LANG-4e0004f11d4f1de2ef3268028c852bd5!}


( - {!LANG-4e0004f11d4f1de2ef3268028c852bd5!}


Measurement protocols




Network voltage: {!LANG-9159db5d7161890443a09bc64ba1ffb9!} =____________ , {!LANG-d5f2bc5def2b562e62a73a995fd57756!} _____________ .

{!LANG-03ea07589ec84da5de81053f3fd13fbf!} {!LANG-4f5a78a1631adb8421425a1ede4a7a29!}{!LANG-dd961723ce5591b76ea6202cc69a16a7!} {!LANG-ae9779f47db80e57200a54ffdbf87fe8!}




Illumination, LK










Combined lighting


Combined lighting

General lighting

Combined lighting

General lighting


general + local

general + local

general + local




Network voltage: {!LANG-9159db5d7161890443a09bc64ba1ffb9!} = ____________ , {!LANG-501bac834e394a0491c41a8af25f7fec!} = ___________

{!LANG-03ea07589ec84da5de81053f3fd13fbf!} {!LANG-a35206403a6d8f97bcd7fcf384daae75!}


Cylindrical illumination, LC



average E cf.



{!LANG-acea3b842275bca2e0e8672c30d27188!} E N.






{!LANG-46a28ecbfbee04b3b336864deb0d0ea4!} {!LANG-9159db5d7161890443a09bc64ba1ffb9!} =____________ , {!LANG-501bac834e394a0491c41a8af25f7fec!} = _____________ .

{!LANG-03ea07589ec84da5de81053f3fd13fbf!} {!LANG-4f5a78a1631adb8421425a1ede4a7a29!}{!LANG-dd961723ce5591b76ea6202cc69a16a7!} {!LANG-6d5a77687f2a4a264fa93b58e166b3d7!}




Illumination, LK











1 Characteristic of the room:


2 Characteristics of light training:






6 Plan of the site indicating the floors of opposing buildings.



E V.{!LANG-24027f6e2502f0d7129e5377ca25b6e4!}

E n.{!LANG-2fa96a5ad156db64c920caad92e50864!}





for each measurement

middle for each point


______________________________________________________ .

Appendix B.










1 Quartz-21 luxmeter for Quartz (Russia).

2 photometer type 1105 of the company "Bruel and Kier" (Denmark).

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

3 Definitions and Designations

4 equipment

5 Preparation for measurements

6 Measurements



7 Processing measurement results

8 Evaluation of measurement results






