
Strogenplane Example DWG production building. Conventional designations of the buildingplane. Build linear and network graphs

Building General Plan (Stroygenplan) - technical document, which is an integral part of the project for organizing construction and project production projects.

Strogen PLAN represents the master plan for the enterprise under construction, on which, along with constant buildings under construction and structures, temporary buildings are applied: mechanized installations, warehouses, engineering communications and other devices as of a certain period of construction.

In general general plan - The project of the complex linked to all technological, economic and household buildings and structures on the surface, including all transport devices and various communications.

For the necessary completeness of the coverage of the methods of organizing construction production, the generally powerful construction plan is complemented by the construction plans of the main objects of the enterprise under construction, in which issues related to the construction of each facility are solved in detail.

The placement on the construction of permanent buildings, structures, paths, travel and communications creates the basis for making the most appropriate decisions in terms of the placement of temporary facilities adopted in the construction organization project.

Temporary buildings and structures should be placed in such a way that they do, if possible, do not interfere with the construction of permanent objects, travel transport, delivery of structures, work of construction machines. The mutual arrangement of temporary buildings and transport links between them should provide the possibility of complete mechanization of vertical transportation processes and horizontally, with the lowest distance of the movement of building structures and materials to the place of consolidation assembly, installation and styling.

Warehouses of building structures, materials and parts should be placed on the buildingplane along the driveway pathways and have a convenient motor communication with construction objects. At the sub-site warehouses and platforms, the necessary accommodations for storage and the integuctive assembly of the design (racks, boxes, etc.) should be provided. Roads must provide the possibility of driving cars and construction equipment at any time of the year. The most rational for temporary roads is the use of coatings from inventory precast concrete plates.

The construction of the plan is called the generally robust, and as part of the PPR object (their difference in the degree of detail).

Recruitment Building General Planthe composition of the village is a construction site plan with the territory adjacent to it used for the construction of the entire complex of objects and placement of temporary buildings, structures, installations, communications intended for servicing the entire construction site.

Object construction master planthe composition of the PPR covers the territory of the construction site of one object. It clarifies and details the solutions of the generally nervous construction plan.

Initial data for the development of a generally powerful SGP: the general plan of construction site; Materials of geological, hydrogeological and engineering and economic surveys; estimate; a consolidated calendar plan with an explanatory note on the methods of work production; Calculations of the need for temporary buildings and structures, warehouses, etc.

Initial data for the development of an object construction plan: a general-wide construction plan; Calendar plans and technological maps from the PPR of this object; refined calculations of resource requirements; Work drawings buildings or facilities.

The buildingpenplane is developing for various stages of the construction of an object (complex) and a different complex of work performed (zero cycle, the construction of the above-ground part of the building, finishing works).

Any SGP consists of a graphic part and a calculating and explanatory note.

The graphic part of the revolving SGP includes: the site of the site with the objects of the building deposited on it (Fig. 3.1), the explication of temporary buildings and structures, conditional notation.

The graphic part of the object SGP includes the same elements as the generally powerful SGP, with the details of the solutions taken in it.

In the process of placement (binding) of mechanized installations and assembly cranes on the buildingplane, the following main tasks are solved:

- ensuring uninterrupted delivery to the construction site of materials and semi-finished products from these installations;

- ensuring a clear rhythmic operation of placed mounting cranes and related other construction machines;

- ensuring safe working conditions;

- reduction of cost and labor complexity;

- Reducing the time for mounting cranes and device paths to them.

When designing the placement on the SSG mounting cranes and lifts, it is provided for: the choice of types of cranes; horizontal and vertical binding; Calculation of zones of cranes, taking into account restrictions.

The horizontal binding of the rail boom is shown in Fig. 3.2. When placing cranes near the dumplings and trenches, the arrangement of the axis of the subcrace paths is determined depending on the depth of the pit or trench and the characteristics of the soil (Fig. 3.3).

The minimum length of the crane paths is two levels (25 m).

In the process of binding, it is necessary to determine the zones of the operation of lifting machines, taking into account possible restrictions (Fig. 3.4).

At the same time distinguish the following zones: maintenance, assembly, movement of cargo; Hazardous areas of work, installation of structures, roads.

Mounting zonecall space, within which there is a drop in cargo when installing and fixing the elements.

The size of the zone in the plan is determined by the building parameter increased by 7 m with a building height of up to 20 m and 10 m - with a height of more than 20 m.

Storage of materials within the mounting zone is prohibited.

Crane service zone or cranecall space located within the line described by the crane hook.

The boundaries of the zone are determined by the radius corresponding to the maximum arrival departure.

Zone move cargocall space located within the possible movement of cargo suspended on the crane hook.

The boundaries of the zone are determined by the horizontal distance from the working area of \u200b\u200bthe crane to the possible place of falling the cargo in the process of its movement.

Dangerous zone of crane workcall space in which it is possible to drop the cargo when moving it with dispersion.

Dangerous road areas - These are areas of entrances and passes within dangerous areas where people can be directly directly involved in the work of the crane or the work of other machines and mechanisms.

Dangerous installation zones of individual parts of the building are shown on the construction plan with vertical tap binding.

Conditional restrictions having a visual character (flags, signal lamps, etc.) are applied to the SGP (Fig. 3.5).

Depending on the nature, volumes and duration of construction in the development of the PPR, the nomenclature, number and dimensions determine temporary buildings and structures.

By appointment, temporary buildings are divided into:

- production (workshops, objects of energy purposes, auto beliement, etc.);

- administrative and economic (pro-workers' office, passing, dispatching, etc.);

- household (wardrobe, showers, dining rooms, etc.);

- Residential and public (hostels, shops, red corners, etc.).

Depending on the design solutions, temporary buildings are insensitive (designed for one-time) and inventory. The latter, in turn, can be team-collapsible, container and mobile.

Depending on the financing procedure, temporary buildings and structures are title and nonetitular. The title includes buildings and structures, the costs of which are made at the expense of the provisions provided for in the chapter "Temporary buildings and structures" of consolidated estimates for construction.

Fig. 3.1. Example Contemporant object:

1 - Building under construction; 2 - transformer; 3 - point of connecting the electrical line; 4 - passing; 5 - office of the pro- 6 – wardrobe; 7 - road; 8 – facilities for meals; 9 – pantry; 10 – warehouse of prefabricated structures; 11 - Tower crane; 12 – shower; 13 – bathroom; I.- constant water supply networks; II.- temporary water supply networks; III- city sewer line; IV- temporary fence; V.- city network; VI- Temporary electricity

Fig. 3.2. Scheme of horizontal binding of rail mounting crane: 1 - platform for parking cars under unloading; 2 - a platform for receiving a solution; 3 - Crane power supply cabinet; 4 - platform for storing parts and materials; 5 - place of storage of shipping devices and containers; 6 – location of the control cargo; 7 - stands with sling schemes

Fig. 3.3. Scheme of placement of crane paths near the pitchers and trenches

Fig. 3.4. Scheme designation zones of lifting machines:

1 - the boundary of the zone dangerous to find people while moving the installation and fixing elements and structures; 2 - the border of the place of possible drop in cargo; 3 – border of the service zone of the crane; 4 – the boundary of the zone dangerous to find people during construction; 5 - Playground for warehousing; 6 – frame for receiving a solution

Fig. 3.5. Scheme of the arrow crane service area with limiters:

I, II - the extreme parking of cranes; α and α 1 - corners of the service area and limitations, hail; BUTand G.- dimensions of an equally braking booster adjusting the size of the cargo; B.- the size equal to the brake path plus 0.5 largest on the dimension of the mounting element, plus 1 m; IN -size from the extreme mounted element to the perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the crane; D.- Maximum crane hook departure required for this object


The construction master plan (buildinggenplane) is an important document of the project production project (PPR). It is a graphic image in an appropriate scale, a construction site plan, where, in addition to the designed and existing permanent buildings and structures, it is shown the location of temporary buildings and structures, communications, roads, mechanisms, storage sites necessary for the production of CMR. At the construction site, all building processes are rationally linked, subject to their safe execution.

The purpose of the Stroyplan is to provide the best combination of conditions for high-performance work in compliance with the technological sequence of the SMR implementation defined in the schedules at all stages of construction. All solutions of the buildingplac must comply with regulatory documents.

The buildingpenplane is developing for various stages of the construction of an object and a different complex of work performed. Separately develop the construction plan for the preparatory period of construction.

Designing Stroyenplane is the final stage of development of the project's work project.

The construction plan submitted in the project is designed to build an overhead part of the building. Construction site is tied to existing conditions. All solutions comply with the standards and requirements.

When laying a building box, installation of dismays, the installation of precast concrete structures is used tower crane CBC-100.1.

The crane service area includes platforms for storing materials and structures. For the excess and unloading, the road is 35 m wide, with a pocket for the transportation of transport and unloading materials with dimensions7.0x12.0 m.

Household rooms are placed behind a dangerous zone of the crane.

The platform fence is arranged at a distance of one meter from the dangerous zone of the crane. The height of the fence 2m.

Temporary power supply is carried out from the transformer substation connected to the constant LPP.

Construction should be carried out in the technological sequence in accordance with the calendar plan.

The main work on the construction of an object or part of it is allowed to start only after removal of the site for its construction, the device of the necessary fences of the construction site (security, protective or signal) and creating a center geodetic basis.

Before the start of the building, it is necessary to produce:

· Cutting and storage of the vegetable layer of soil used for the recultivation of land in specially reserved places;

· vertical layout the construction site with the seal of the mound to the density of the soil in the natural state;

· Device of permanent and temporary intriched roads and engineering networks (sewage, water, heat, power supply) required during construction;

· Device lighting jobs according to CH-81-80.

SGP is the most important component Construction Organization Project (POS) and Work Project (PPR) The main document regulating the organization's organization and the volume of temporary construction.

The construction master plan (SGP) is called the construction site plan, which displays the composition and intercoulation of the three main groups of objects placed on it - existing, including those who are decendible and transferred; There are erected permanent and temporary facilities of the building.

The intercommunication of all elements of the SGP is carried out from the conditions:

* full and timely implementation of the adopted technology and sequence of construction of buildings and structures;

* normalized maintenance of working;

* fulfillment of requirements for saving material and technical resources and fuel - energy resources;

* Compliance with labor safety requirements fire safety, hygienic requirements;

* Protection of the environment.

The composition of the SGP is regulated by SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of construction production"

Types of buildingpenplains

Depending on the design stage, it is developed:

* Strogenplane platform (being developed in pos), in which first of all the tasks of ensuring the construction of the entire complex, the entire construction site; Questions of organization of the entire site as a whole;

* As part of the PPR, the construction of a single object (building, structures), construction phase or type of work is being developed.

This causes differences in the degree of detailing and accuracy of calculations in the design of a general-wide and object construction grip, which depend on the degree of complexity of the object and conditions of construction.

Principles of design Stroygenplanov

The design of the SGP should be conducted on the basis of the following principles:

1) SGP solutions should be linked to other sections of PPIs and PPRs, including with the sequence and technology of building buildings and structures; The need for MTP and energy resources; the need for temporary buildings and facilities; Occupational safety and other activities;

2) temporary construction costs should be minimized by the use of existing, erected and inventory buildings and structures by variant elaboration and technical economic Analysis applied solutions;

3) transportation of goods at the construction site, especially mass, large-sized, especially, should be carried out, as a rule, without the use of intermediate loading - unloading work; The feasibility of intermediate warehouses must be thoroughly analyzed.

4) temporary buildings, structures and installations (except mobile) are located in territories that are not designed to build before the end of construction.

5) Ensuring regulatory requirements For domestic service workers at the construction site, labor protection, safety and environmental protection.

Procedure for designing STROYGENPLANOV

In view of the close relationship between various elements SGP, as well as diversity in construction conditions, does not allow to follow the strict sequence of designing a SSG.

Usually adhere to this order:

* Charge the borders of the construction site.

* Apply the erected and portable buildings and structures.

* Place the main construction machines.

* Place open storage sites, partitions of the integuctive assembly and warehouses of technological equipment.

* Develop a scheme for the transport of construction goods and technological equipment with the rationale for the parameters and designs of roads.

* Determine the placement of temporary subsidiary and service buildings and structures and installations and their complexes.

* Define the tracks of temporary engineering communications With the point of their connection to the current systems.

* Indicate temporary special structures and devices caused by natural - climatic, engineering and geological and organizational and technological features of construction.

Types, composition and content of SGP

At the stage of the village

The SGP is being developed on the preparatory and the main periods of construction.

Composition of the SGP

The grafical part

1. Permanent buildings and structures.

2. Places of placement of temporary buildings and structures.

3. Permanent and temporary roads and other ways to transport cargo.

4. Warehouses of materials, structures and equipment.

5. Paths for moving heavy loading cranes.

6. Engineering networks indicating the locations of temporary networks to valid.

7. The location of the main mounting cranes and other construction machines and installations.

8. existing and subject to demolition of buildings and structures.

9. Objects necessary in specific conditions for reconstruction and construction (linear, hydraulic, in harsh climatic conditions) .

10. List (in tabular form) of buildings, structures, installations and devices necessary for the needs of construction. With their main parameters (power, capacity, area, length) and constructive characteristics (dimensions, type, brand or short description).

11. Technical - economic indicators.

Estimated - explanatory note Contains:

1. Baseline data:

* General plan complex.

* Materials inventory surveys.

* Data on the use of water sources, electricity, etc.

* The status and ability to use existing engineering networks and communications.

* Information on ensuring construction by personnel, including the possibility of hiring the local population or temporary use of the existing enterprise.

* Information about the conditions for providing builders of sanitary and domestic service, food, housing.

* Availability of production base construction organization and its use.

* Calendar construction plan.

* Organizational technological schemes Erecting buildings, structures and their complexes.

* MTP needs.

* The need for inventory buildings indicating the accepted projects.

* Schedule need for basic building machines and vehicleoh.

* The need for personnel in the main professions and the organization, taking into account the number of employees of serving farms.

* Environmental protection requirements.

* And other.

2. Justification of decisions taken.

3. Additional data irresistible in the CSD drawing.

4. Technical - Economic Indicators

Strogenpalan at the PPR stage

Types of SGP:

1. SGP of the object.

2. on the preparatory period.

3. To the stages of the object.

4. For separate types of work.

Composition of the SGP

The graphic part contains:

1. Borders of the construction site and its types of restrictions.

2. Existing and temporary terrestrial and air networks and communications.

3. Permanent and temporary roads.

4. Transport and mechanisms movement schemes.

5. Places for installing construction and lifting machines with ways to move their moves and zones of action.

6. Placement of permanent and temporary buildings and structures.

7. Dangerous zones.

8. Ways and means of lifting (descent) workers on working tiers, as well as passes in the building.

9. Placing sources and means of energy supply and lighting indicating the location of separating contours.

10. Warehouses (open and closed).

11. Employment sites.

12. Location of construction townships, drinking fountains, recreation places.

13. And another.

Registration of SGP

The SGP is drawn up in the form of a graphic part (actually SGP) and an explanatory note.

The graphic part consists of:

BUT. SGP on the scale of PPR

B. Conditional designations in accordance with the standards of the SPDS and ECCD and especially GOST 21. 108 - 78 "Conditional graphic images and designations in the drawings of general planners and transport" and "conventional signs for topographic plans".

To designate objects, unforeseen by these documents, you can take advantage of the designations from reference books and textbooks.


1) Building facilities, such as permanent and temporary, should be displayed (bright).

2) homogeneous objects must contain a general feature and one or more distinctive features.

IN. Characteristics of buildings and structures necessary for the needs of construction (explication).

G..Thniko - Economic indicators:

1) the volume and costs in general and in individual elements and works (roads, buildings, networks, etc., transport), assigned to 1 million rubles. CMR or 1 hectare territory of construction.

2) the complexity of the organization of a temporary farm as a whole and on individual objects on 1 hectare territory of construction.

3) the cost of building economy in% to the total estimated cost.

Calculated - explanatory note contains: (1)

Construction General Plan (Buildingplane) - This is a plan of a construction site, which shows the location of the objects under construction, arrange of lifting mechanisms, as well as all other construction facilities. Such includes warehouses of building materials and structures, concrete: and mortar units, temporary roads, temporary premises of administrative, sanitary and sanitary, cultural and domestic purposes, network of temporary water supply, power supply, communications, etc.

At the construction site are applied:

  • borders of the construction site and its types of fence;
  • existing and temporary underground, overhead and air networks and communications;
  • constant and temporary roads;
  • schemes of movement of means of transport and mechanisms;
  • places of installation of construction and lifting machines, ways to move them and zone of action;
  • placement of permanent, under construction and temporary buildings and structures;
  • location of the signs of the geodesic center foundation,
  • dangerous zones;
  • ways and means of lifting working on workers tiers (floors), as well as passages in buildings and structures;
  • placement of sources and means of energy supply and coverage of the construction site;
  • location of grounding contours, location of devices for removing construction waste and household waste;
  • platforms and placing storage of materials and structures,
  • the parties of the integument assembly of structures;
  • location of premises for sanitary service builders;
  • drinking and recreation places;
  • execution zones of increased danger.

For large buildings, in addition to the buildingplains, in the village, the PPR may include a situational plan that characterizes the construction and economic conditions of the area.

An example of a situational plan:

Approximate procedure for the preparation of the construction

When designing the construction, you can allocate in five stages.

First stage There may be to apply the object under construction and existing structures (existing power lines, water supply, sewage, heat supply) on a scale.

The second stage There may be a choice of parking sites and ways to move the mounting mechanism. Such a choice can be coordinated with technical characteristics Installation mechanism with dimensions and configuration of the object under construction. The General Plan must be schematically showing the installation mechanism (on one of the parking lots), its working area. The test zone of the crane is called the space located within the line described by the hook of this crane. Show a dotted line to the mounting zone. The mounting zone is called space, where possible by the crane of cargo and structures when they are installed. The mounting area is determined by outer contours of the building plus 7 m with a building height of up to 20 m and 10 m - with a height of 20 ... 100 m. In the mounting zone, you can only place the mounting tap itself and layout the mounted structures. It is impossible to store materials here.

The dangerous zone of the crane is a space within the limits of possible movement and therefore falling cargo.

Third stage It is recommended to apply temporary roads. When tracing roads, it is necessary to take into account the following restrictions and recommendations:

At the construction site should beat at least two entries, regardless of the transportation scheme of transport and location of places of storage of building materials and structures;

The width of the time roads during double-sided movement should be ... 8m, with one-sided 3 ... 4 m;

The route of roads should be located closer to the working zones of the crane and the scheduled for its parking lots, but if possible, not to fall into its dangerous zone, on the construction plan, as noted above, should be shaded;

The radius of the roundabout of intracable roads is made depending on the type of vehicles and the dimensions of the design by the structure within 12 ... 30 m. With a diameter of 12 m, the road width in the direction of rotation should not be less than 5 m;

Roads are advisable to do ring, and if necessary, impasses should include platforms for reversal of machines (at least 12 m);

The minimum distance between expensive and 2.0 m, between the road and the warehouse area of \u200b\u200b0.5 ... 1 m, dear and crane paths (if tower or gantry cranes apply) - 6.5 ... 12.5 m.

Fourth stage Storage space placed on the construction site (open, canopies closed). If an additional crane is not used for unloading materials and the product, then all open warehouses should be placed in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe main (assembly) crane, and the semi-closed (canopies) I and closed - at the boundary of this zone.

Between expensive and warehouses with one-sided movement, it is recommended to provide platforms with a width of at least 3 m for the parking lot under unloading.

Fifth stage There are temporary administrative and economic and sanitary and household premises. Their number and dimensions must comply with the results of production calculations.

Household premises are desirable to post near the entrances to the construction site. It is forbidden to have them in the danger zone of cranes. All temporal premises should be placed in compliance with fire gaps - at least 5 m.

Sixth stage There may be placed in the plan of network temporary engineering communications - water supply, sewage, power supply, heat supply. Depending on the purpose of each temporary room, it is envisaged to connect to it or other communications. Outdoor lighting is customized on wooden supports after 30-40m around the perimeter of the construction site.

The construction site is protected around the perimeter temporary or constant fence. This fence must be removed at least than 2m from temporary building, warehouses, roadways.

The location of all construction facilities should ensure the most convenience of manufacturing work and the smallest material costs. The length of communication, roads, the area of \u200b\u200bwarehouses, sanitary and economic administrative premises and the area of \u200b\u200bthe construction site must be minimal, but it is enough to meet all operational requirements.

13. Construction General Plan as part of the PPR - project manufacturing projects and technological maps.

13.1. As part of the project manufacturing project, a construction master plan for the construction of a separate building (facilities) or to perform certain types of construction, assembly or special construction workDepending on what the project is being developed.

13.1.1. In the construction general plan, detailed solutions are given on the organization of the part of the construction site of the site, which is directly related to the construction of a given building or structure and covers the territory directly adjacent to it.

13.1.2. The construction master plan is designed to indicate:
- the boundaries of the construction site and the species of its fences;
- existing and temporary underground;
- terrestrial and air networks and communications;
- permanent and temporary roads;
- traffic circuits of transport and mechanisms;
- places for installing construction and lifting machines, indicating paths of their movement and zones of action;
- placement of permanent, under construction and temporary buildings and structures;
- dangerous zones;
- paths and means of lifting working on workers tiers (floors);
- Passops in buildings and structures;
- placement of sources and means of energy supply and coverage of the construction site, indicating the location of grounding contours;
- location of devices for removing construction garbage;
- sites and premises of storage of materials and structures;
- sites of the integuctive assembly of structures;
- location of premises for sanitary service builders;
- drinking attitudes and recreation places;
- zones of increased danger.

13.1.3. For complex buildings and structures, the construction master plan can be drawn up at various stages and stages of their construction (preparatory period, construction of underground, elevated parts of the building) and individual types of work (earthlings, installation of structures, roofing, etc.).

13.2. The source data for the development of the construction master plan is:
- Decisions of the construction master plan as part of the construction project project;
- comprehensive network schedule or calendar work plan;
- Technological maps.

13.3. The graphic part of the construction master plan in the work project is performed on the scale of 1: 200 and 1: 500 and mainly contains the same elements as the construction master plan in the construction project.

13.3.1. The construction master plan specifies the fundamental decisions made in the construction organization's project and, like every working drawing, must contain detailed and exhaustive data necessary for implementation. design solutions actually.

13.3.2. The calculation and explanatory note should contain refined calculations and substantiate the needs of construction in a temporary building on the basis of natural (physical) workshops defined according to working documentation (work project), as well as specific technical solutions for the choice of construction machines of mechanized installations, temporary buildings, structures, etc. When choosing certain devices, specific possibilities for the construction organization should be taken into account.

13.4. When developing a construction master plan in the project work project on the basis of fundamental decisions made on the construction general plan as part of the construction project project, temporary buildings and structures, warehouses, access paths, energy, water supply, gas and other temporary networks from power sources in accordance with the current specifications and norms, as well as the placement of building machines and mechanized installations.

13.4.1. At this stage, the final placement of all construction facilities needed for the needs of construction are made.

13.5. The placement of temporary building facilities should be started with the placement of assembly and lifting mechanisms, since their location is primarily determined by all other solutions, the construction master plan.

13.5.1. Questions related to the placement and reference to the object of installation cranes and lifts, as well as with the definition of hazardous zones and restrictions in the construction of construction machines at the construction site, should be designed in each particular case, in relation to the work conditions, taking into account the requirements of technical conditions and their safe operation, technological maps of work production.

13.5.2. The paths of the movement of mounting cranes must be positioned, as a rule, along the buildings, which eliminates the formation of "dead zones". Places of installation of cargo-passenger elevators are determined taking into account the places of arrangement of cranes. Machines and mechanisms used in building disassembly should be placed outside the structural collapse zone. When using the "roll" method of structures, it is necessary to provide working ropes whose length should be three times the height of the structure.

13.5.3. The construction site in the conditions of the city to avoid access to unauthorized persons should be fenced. The design of fences must meet the requirements of GOST 23407-78. Fences adjacent to the places of mass aisle of people must be equipped with a solid protective visor.

13.5.4. At the entrance to the construction site establishes the scheme of movement of the means of transport. The speed of movement of the vehicle near the work of the work should not exceed 10 km / h in direct areas and 5 km / h on turns.

13.6. The accommodation of the priest warehouses should be carried out taking into account the location of access roads and entrances from the main transport highways to the places of acceptance and unloading materials. Properties of prefabricated elements, enlarged structures, materials, semi-finished products, etc. must be in the zone of the crane.

13.6.1. The width of the mechanized subjectable warehouse is established depending on the parameters of the loading and unloading machines and usually does not exceed 10 m. The width of the warehouse of the integuctive assembly of structures serviced by the tower crane should not exceed the useful crane departure one and the other side (when placing a warehouse from two sides relative to tower crane).

13.6.2. When placing warehouses should be guided by decisions taken in technological cards and work production schemes.

13.6.3. In open warehouses when storing products, structures and semi-finished products, it is necessary to provide longitudinal and transverse passes with a width of at least 0.7 m, while the transverse passages are arranged every 25 - 30 m.

13.6.4. Open warehouses with flammable and strongly dusty materials should be placed from a leeward side with respect to other buildings and facilities (depending on the direction of the dominant winds) and not closer than 20 m from them. All warehouses must defend the edge of the road at least 0.5 m.

13.6.5. The location of products and structures (in case of impossibility of making installation from vehicles) must correspond to the technological sequence of installation.

13.7. The placement of mechanized installations should be linked to the placement of warehouses and cranes.

13.7.1. It should be borne in mind that concrete and mortar-mixing plants are such objects of building economy at a construction site, the location of which determines the bulk of intracable transport.

13.7.2. With the constriction of the territory, insufficiency of the arrows of the tower crane, as well as in the case of using the object of automotive, pneumatic or tracked crashes, the mechanized installations can be placed on the free area of \u200b\u200bthe site, and the concrete and the solution is advisable to deliver to the place of laying in removable bunkers using forklift .

13.8. Domestic roads at the construction site should ensure uninterrupted work of warehouses and mechanized installations. In the construction general plan, the general decisions on the device accepted on the construction general plan are made on the construction general plan as part of the construction project.

13.8.1. When designing temporary intraclassic roads, the carrier of the roadway and the number of traffic strips are determined depending on the type of cars and categories and are accepted when transporting transport in one direction 3.5 and two - 6 m. The width of the passage is taken for people without cargo 1 m and with Cargo - 2 m.

13.8.2. For intra-storm needs, first of all, designed permanent roads should be used. The permanent roads are calculated on the possible intensity of the skipping of construction transport and in the necessary cases are envisaged. The upper asphalt layer is stacked only after the end of the main construction work, as a rule, during the period of territory improvement in accordance with the decisions of the PPR. In the case of the use of temporary roads, the construction of intra quarterly roads, as well as marks, platforms and pedestrian tracks To buildings with access to urban highways, should end 5 days before the commissioning of the facility.

13.8.3. The width of the traffic strip and roadway is up to 2.7 m. When applying a width of up to 3.4 m (MAZ-525, MAZ-530), the width of the roadway increases, respectively, up to 4 and 8 m.

13.8.4. In the unilateral movement uniforms and design zones on the roads with one-way movement are arranged every period of 3-6 m wide and 8-18 m long. In the crossing places with the railway roadway, the roadway must be at least 4.5 m and have in Both sides at a distance of 25 m solid coating.

13.8.5. Temporary roads can be several types - natural soil profiled or with improved coated with mineral materials; transition with solid coating (gravel, crushed stone, slag); Advanced (from prefabricated inventory reinforced concrete plates, wooden shields, steel plates). The most popular are highways from reinforced concrete plates.

13.8.6. The choice of type and design, temporary roads are carried out depending on the type of motor vehicles and cargo protection.

13.8.7. The network of intra-storm roads should be flakeed. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe installation cranes, the roads should be arranged in compliance with the requirements construction norms Safety and installation of barriers and warning inscriptions on entry into dangerous and assembly zones.

13.8.8. When placing roads and travel, it is necessary that the distance to any building or construction from roads and passages does not exceed 25 m.

13.8.9. Continuous and temporary sidewalks and transitions are used as pedestrian trails and transitions. The width of temporal sidewalks and transitions is taken 1-2 m. The type and design of temporary sidewalks are selected based on the ground and hydrogeological conditions of the territory, the intensity of the motion and the duration of operation. The most appropriate are sidewalks from prefabricated inventory concrete (30x30x6, 40x40x6 cm) and reinforced concrete (320x160x12, 300x160x12, 75x75x6 cm) plates. Transitions through trenches and ditch are performed using inventory bridges with a fencing (width 0.8 - 1 m, length 3 m, weight 100 - 150 kg).

13.9. Temporary (mainly inventory) production, sanitary and household, administrative buildings and warehouse buildings should be placed in such a way that secure and convenient approaches to them for workers and the maximum blocking of buildings among themselves, which helps reduce the costs of connecting buildings to communications and operating costs. Temporary buildings need to be brought to current communications in the following order: to sewer, water supply, electricity supply; telephony and radio. Such an order reduces labor costs and reduces the timing of the work of the preparatory period.

13.9.1. Sanitary and administrative buildings, as well as approaches to them, should be located outside the hazardous areas of action of construction machines, mechanisms and transport. Domestic premises should be located at a distance of at least 50 m and from the windward side of the dominant winds in relation to objects excreasing dust, harmful gases and pairs (bunkers, solid-concrete installations, etc.). Sanitary household premises in the form of "towns" should be placed near the entrances to the construction site so that the workers can use them before and after work, bypassing the work area. Near household premises should provide a device for landscaped sites for recreation.

13.9.2. Wardrobe, washbasins, showers, room for drying clothes and dedusting, canteens can be placed in the same building (block), providing a message between them. When placing these premises in the trays or containers, they are located nearby and, if possible, blocked.

13.9.3. Wardrobe are designed for storage of street, home and working clothes. Preferably closed separate storage of clean and working clothes in double cabinets. Blocks of cabinets should be arranged with passages between rows of a width of at least 1 m, and with seats in the aisles - at least 1.5 - 1.7 m.

13.9.4. The premises for dedusting overalls are carried out at the rate of the most numerous shift only for working under the agencies of a large amount of dust (when working in solid-concrete nodes, grinding of building materials, etc.).

13.9.5. Premises for personal hygiene women are arranged with the total number of women working more than 15 people; The room should consist of receiving, changing rooms with restroom and procedural.

13.9.6. In accordance with the norms medical Services With the number of working 300 - 800 people, a paramedic point must be provided, and with the number of 800-2,000 people working - a medical point. Medical items should be positioned in one unit with household premises, while observing the maximum distance from them to the most remote jobs 600 - 800 m. The medpark must be provided with an entrance for road transport.

13.9.7. Restrooms with wash should be placed near the sewer wells. In the absence of washing sewerage, mobile restrooms with hermetic capacities are used. Restrooms with cesspools can be arranged only with the permission of sanitary supervision.

13.9.8. Fire gaps between permanent and temporary buildings and structures, as well as between warehouses and buildings (structures), should be made according to the requirements of fire safety rules.

13.9.9. In the construction general plan should be shown the dimensions of temporary buildings; their binding in the plan; Connecting communications to buildings or facilities. In the explication of temporary buildings and structures, it is necessary to indicate: the number of the temporary building; size in terms of volume in natural meters, m2, m3; Brand and constructive characteristic.

13.10. Designing a temporary water supply network after determining the need for water begins with a source selection. Sources of temporary water supply can be:
- existing water pipelines with the device in the necessary cases of additional temporary structures;
- Designed water pipes, subject to commissioning on a permanent or temporary scheme during the required dates;
- Independent temporary sources of water supply - water bodies and artesian wells.

13.10.1. Fire tanks should be arranged on sites in cases where the water supply line does not provide the calculated amount of water for fire extinguishing. Water fluids from pumping stations and a distributing network are performed from asbestos-cement or steel pipes laid in the ground or on the surface of the soil. The distribution network can also be made of rubber hoses and fabric sleeves.

13.10.2. When designing a temporary network, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of consistent buildings and soaring pipelines as construction develops. The network of temporary water supply is arranged over ring, dead-end or mixed diagrams. An annular system with a closed circuit provides uninterrupted water supply with possible damage at one of the sections and is more reliable. The deadlock system consists of the main highway, from which branches go to the water consumption points. The mixed system has an internal closed circuit from which branches are laid to consumers.

13.10.3. Linkage of the temporary water supply network consists in designation on the construction general plan of connecting the time of the time water supply to the source, structures on the track (pumping stations, wells, hydrants) and handouts in the working area or input to consumers. Wells with fire hydrants are placed taking into account the possibility of laying the sleeves from them to the place of extinguishing the fire at a distance of no more than 150 m with a high-pressure water supply line and 100 M - low pressure. The distance between the hydrants should be no more than 150 m. Hydrants should be located at a distance: to buildings - no closer than 5 m and no further 50 m; From the edge of the road - no more than 2.5 m.

13.11. Work on the device of the temporary sewer network requires significant labor costs and in this regard it is arranged in cases of construction of particularly large and complex objects. For the removal of storm and conditionally clean industrial waters in the ground, open drains are arranged. At a construction site having a fecal sewer network, the canalized inventory bathrooms of mobile or container types should be applied, having them near the sewer wells. To such a bathroom, the temporary water supply should be inserted and arrange electrical lighting. If there is no fecal sewage network on the construction site, the bathrooms should be arranged with a grazing with a significant amount of wastewater requiring cleaning, it is necessary to arrange septicities. Temporary sewage networks are performed from asbestos-cement, reinforced concrete and ceramic pipes.

13.12. Designing of the network of temporary power supply is performed in two stages. First of all, there is an optimal point of the source location that coincides with the center of electrical loads, and then trace the power supply network. The optimal placement of the source allows to reduce the length of networks, a mass of wires, their cost and loss in electrical network. Nutrition of lighting and power current applicants is carried out from general main networks.

13.12.1. Air main lines are arranged predominantly along the passages, which makes it possible to use for their laying posts of lamps of outdoor lighting of the construction site and facilitates the operating conditions.

13.12.2. Air lines should be removed from building machines and other horizontal mechanisms at distances, provided for SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements. "

13.13. Construction development general Plans It is performed on the basis of comparison of their various options in order to achieve the most rational composition and location of all elements of the building, under which the minimum transportation costs and costs for temporary buildings are provided, engineering equipment of the construction site, the device of engineering networks, permanent and temporary roads subject to existing technical conditions. and design standards.

13.13.1. A significant duration of the construction of temporary buildings and structures in the preparatory period in many cases is the main reason for the exceedment of the policy and regulatory terms of construction, which adversely affects the cost of work and efficiency. capital investments generally. The cost reduction on temporary buildings and structures is possible both due to the maximum use of permanent objects (existing and projected, erected in the first place) for the needs of construction and through the introduction of progressive innovative factory-proof buildings. Decreased costs of temporary structures is also achieved right choices An inventory building (type) of the inventory building in accordance with the term of it is on the facility.

13.13.2. It should be borne in mind that an indicator of the effectiveness of one or another temporary building is not his initial cost, and the amount of the cost of manufacturing the building, taking into account its turnover, on the installation, dismantling and transportation costs for transportation. The least economical should be considered non-inventary temporary buildings used, as a rule, once.

13.13.3. The effectiveness of the application of inventory buildings depends directly from their turnover. The higher the building turnover, the lower the actual costs associated with its use on the construction site. In this regard, we can approximately take the following deadlines for the use of inventory buildings on the same platform, ME:
- for mobile buildings - up to 6;
- for container buildings - 12 - 18;
- For collection and collapsible buildings - 18 - 36.

Reducing these terms increases the effectiveness of the use of inventory buildings, and their elongation leads to additional costs.

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