
Vertical layout of the site: subtleties and features. Vertical layout of the land plot Vertical layout of the site with a bias

Vertical layout is one of the main elements of engineering training of territories of settlements and is a process of artificial change in natural relief to adapt it to the requirements of urban planning.

The task of the vertical layout is to give the projected surface of the slopes, providing: removal of rain and melting waters in open trays into the drainage network and further into natural reservoirs; favorable and safe conditions of transport and pedestrians; preparation of the developed territory for building, laying underground networks and improvement; Organization of relief in the presence of unfavorable physico-geological processes on the ground (flooding of the territory, the flooding of its groundwater, ravage formation, etc.); Giving the relief of the greatest architectural and composite expressiveness.

An important condition for the design of the vertical layout is to achieve the smallest volume of earthworks and the possible balance of moved masses, i.e. Equality of bulk and recesses, in order to reduce shipping costs for delivery or soil removal.

When developing vertical layout projects, it is necessary to strive for the maximum possible conservation of the current natural relief of the terrain, existing green plantings and vegetable soil covers. In this regard, the vertical layout should be envisaged, as a rule, on land plots engaged in buildings, structures, streets, roads and squares. The solid vertical layout is allowed to be applied in the territories of public centers during the density of the development of more than 25%, as well as with large saturation of their roads and engineering networks.

A naturally established vegetable layer of the Earth is a gold foundation for its further use when gardening. Therefore, the SNIVA obliges in the projects of the vertical planning of the territories to provide places of removal and temporary storage of the fertile layer of the soil and measures to protect it from pollution in production construction work For subsequent use in the landscaping of the territory.

In difficult conditions to prepare the territory, there may be a radical change in the existing relief by a continuous subtype of areas exposed to flooding flood waters, backfilling of ravines or cutting of elevations that impede the placement of development, streets, travel, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to envisage such a placement of earth masses, which could not cause landslide and sedimental phenomena, impairment of surface runoff, groundwater regimens and rooting the territories. These circumstances acquire special importance in the backfilling of ravines and excessive moistening of the territories.

The development of design solutions of vertical planning is preceded by a thorough study of the terrain and other natural factors listed. Vertical layout work is desirable to carry out before the construction of buildings and structures.

Learning relief, its use and change

When developing master plans in populated places, projects of detailed planning and building their territories important Acquires the nature of the terrain. Inappropriate or incorrect use of relief features leads to a complication of project decisions, the cost of construction work and the creation of unfavorable conditions for the placement of buildings and structures, the organization of traffic and pedestrians, sanitary and hygienic conditions of residence and improvement. The terrain often defines the appearance of the city and the conditions for its territorial development.

According to the accepted planning practice of terminology relief location of the city ( settlement) divided into the following types:

1) the plain is a low-heated gentle surface of the earth without hills and ravines (for example, St. Petersburg);
2) Middle - with hills, small valleys and pitchers (for example, Moscow);
3) Complex - with sharply pronounced steep rods and hills (for example, Kiev).

The terrain relief is determined by geodesic surveillance and are depicted on the plan in horizontals, which are the conditional lines of the projection of the surface intersection with horizontal planes, located at a height at equal distances from one another. Since each horizontal is separately a line connecting points with the same marks, different horizontal heights cannot intersect with each other in terms of.

On horizontals, their high-altitude - absolute marks counted from the absolute zero (the Baltic Sea) are prescribed. In the absence of such data, the surface is leveled from the conditionally accepted level and the marks are called relative. The difference between adjacent horizontals is called the height of the cross section of the relief, or the step of horizontals, and the distance between them in terms of the embedding. On the surface with the same angle of falling the terrain of the distance between horizontals will be equal. With a canopy relief of the distance between horizontals, they will be large, and as the steepness increases the slope they decrease.

Depending on the staging of the design and appropriate increase in the scale, the details of the relief image varies. When developing detailed projects for planning and building cities, it is more expedient to use topographic plans with a 1: 2000 scale and horizontal increments of 0.5 or 1 m, etc. (M 1: 500) (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 shows the area of \u200b\u200bthe area that displays different relief conditions in horizontals. From the plan it can be seen that the horizontal marks are laid with a drop in height, or step, 1 m. The arrows are shown the direction of the surface of the surface, the largest of which is determined by the shortest distance between horizontals (according to normal). Consequently, the areas of terrain are characterized mainly by slopes and their directions.

Fig.1. Terrain Plan Displays Relief Terms

V - Top; S - saddle; P - peak; B - Bergshtri, indicating the direction of the slope; P is the equiliboon; To - production site (pit); Telveg; L - hollow; G - comb (arrows show the direction of surface drain)

The bias is their ratio of height difference between two separate points to the distance between them (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. The bias are expressed by decimal fractions as a percentage and in PRM (% O) (thousands of stakes). For example: i \u003d 0.01 corresponds to i \u003d 1% or i \u003d 10% of. Most often in practice -% of.

In nature, the endless surfaces of the Earth are rare, with the exception of wetlands. In Figure 1, the area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain is characterized by the presence of dell, hills, ravines, equilibin sites.

The highest lines of the ridges are watershed, and at the lowest areas of ravines and hollow, called Talwegians, the flow of surface waters concentrates. The ridges, or watersheds, are characterized by the convexity of the following one behind the other horizontals (in the direction of the slope), and the dell, or talvegi, are concluded. The character of watersheds and talshegov is determined by the difference in the highest and low marks, the frequency of horizontals in the individual sections and the degree of bulge or concave, characterizing the longitudinal bias and the steepness of the slopes and slopes. Horizontal care, i.e. Reducing the distances between them in terms of increasing the inclination of the slopes in these areas, and the discharge of horizontals - on their decrease. To facilitate the study of the relief on the horizontals on the perpendicular, Bergshtrichri is applied to them - small invasses indicating the direction of the slope towards lowering the relief.

Categories of unfavorable and especially unfavorable conditions of relief require special measures to vertical layout with a significant change in relief, a device of retaining walls, slopes, stairs, etc.

The relief of the territory largely predetermines the planning composition of the street network, and therefore the plan of the city. For the laying of the streets of the streets, the most favorable relief with slopes 5-60% o, for trunk streets - 5-80% O, for residential streets and travel - depending on their classification.

In the context of the complex relief, the tracing of streets and roads can be designed for three schemes.

For the greatest slope - across horizontals, which is sometimes necessary to create shortest distance between individual locations in the settlement. According to such a scheme, longitudinal biases become the largest and can only be applied on residential streets and local roads. At the same time, the bias should not exceed 80% o, and in the mountain conditions -100% o.

By the smallest slope - along the horizontals. Such a scheme is most acceptable for trunk streets and roads with a rich movement of transport. At the same time, the production of earthworks to equalize the transverse profile is required so that the buildings laid down on the opposite sides of the street are not located at different heights. Sometimes there is a need for a device of retaining walls or slopes.

Diagonally to horizontal, i.e. Combination of the first and second schemes. In this case, due to an increase in the distance between the relief marks drop, the necessary slope is ensured.

With significant lounges of the terrain (in mountain conditions), it is necessary to build on terraces, and a road-outline network tracing for serpents (Fig. 3). Vertical layout has a noticeable impact on the improvement of the territory, while one of the most important events is to ensure the flow of surface waters and the convenience of laying the drain and sewer pipelines.

It should be borne in mind that the closed (underground) network of drainage and fecal sewage is related to the category of non-pressure, samotane structures that require appropriate slopes for normal operation. The abuse of these obligations leads to the need for additional complex and expensive artificial structures (duckers, aqueducts, pumping stations). Since underground pipelines in settlements are usually paved along the streets and roads, the design of the vertical planning of the road-outline network should, along with transport requirements to provide the necessary conditions For their complex facilities.

The conditions for ensuring the surface drain of water predetermine the need to create a minimum longitudinal slope of the streets of 5% o and in exceptional cases in the monolithic road surface (asphalt concrete, cement concrete) - at least 4% of. The maximum longitudinal bias is established taking into account the categories of streets and roads, so that the convenience and safety of traffic on them is provided with the calculated speeds.

Fig.3. Plot serpentine expensive

L - air line; L 1 -L 4 - Plots of the developed roadway; O is the top of the angle of rotation; K is the main curve on the site of serpentine; K - reverse curves; R-radius curve; C - inserts between curves

As a rule, the development of vertical layout of the territory of cities, individual areas and plots is preceded by the vertical layout of the network of streets and roads, at which design (red) marks on lines that limit on both sides in terms of the area occupied by the street or expensive, called "red lines" . The vertical layout of the adjacent "to red lines" of the territory for its development and improvement is developed with the mandatory reference to the design (red) marks that are guidelines.

Stages and design methods

Vertical layout projects are developing in accordance with the architectural and planning task, which is the architectural and planning management or department of the chief architect of the city.

Depending on the design staging, the development of vertical layout is made by three methods:

1) method of design ("red") marks;
2) method of longitudinal and transverse profiles;
3) method of design (red) horizontals.

The design method ("red") marks are used in the development of a vertical planning scheme, which is the first stage of the high-altitude solution to the territory of the settlement or its separate area. The essence of it lies in the fact that the scheme of the general plan, made on the geodesic base, reflecting the existing terrain of the territory in marks or horizontals, the design ("red") marks are applied at the characteristic points.

Design marks and planned slopes in areas between them characterize the planned relief and determine the organization of surface drain and melt water.

In the vertical layout scheme, the project marks are applied along the axes of streets and roads at points of their mutual intersections, as well as in the places of the outlined fractures (changes of the slopes) of longitudinal profiles. Determine the design marks at the intersections of streets and roads, in artificial structures, in places of the planned significant subftings or cutting and at other characteristic points. The difference between the design and existing marks is called working marks (+ or -), which characterize the size of the intake or cutting, as well as the altitude position of the surface of the projected artificial structures. In areas between points of the specified design marks, the surfaces in the profile are rectilinear outlines. At the same time, the average design slopes of surfaces determine the ratio of the difference in the design marks of the boundary points of the sections of the sections to the distance between these points.

Fig.4. Scheme for determining intermediate marks between horizontals (interpolation method)

The method of design (red) marks is used at the first stages of urban design - when developing a feasibility study and master plan.

The method of longitudinal and transverse profiles is used mainly when designing linear structures automotive and railways, tramway, underground engineering communications, etc. The project profile system (more often than longitudinal) gives a fairly complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe planned design solutions and the possibility of accurate implementation of them in kind.

Profiles are conventional sections of existing and projected surfaces in the sections under consideration. The convention is as follows:

a) it is envisaged that between points with known marks, the relief is expressed by rectilinear sites;
b) For a more visual image of the relief, the scope of the cuts are distorted. For longitudinal profiles, distortion is usually taken 1:10, i.e. Vertical scale is 10 times large horizontal; For transverse street profiles and roads, the ratio of 1: 2.

The project method ("red") horizontals is favorably different from the profile method of greater visibility, the clarity of the combination of the designed relief with the placement of structures, the possibility of coverage of the entire projected territory. Due to this, the project horizontal method received preferential distribution in the development of vertical planning projects, microdistrics, green arrays. The essence of this method lies in the fact that horizontals are applied to the plan with geodesic basement, reflecting the designed terrain. Fig. 5 shows the compaable examples of designing vertical layouts listed above by methods.

Fig.5. Fragments of vertical layout projects made by various methods

and - design ("red") marks; B - profiles, in - design ("red") horizontals. The arrow shows the direction of the slope; above the arrow - a bias,% Oh, under it - the distance between the marks, m. The existing surface on the profile and in horizontals is shown by a thin line, and the projected - thick

The basis for vertical layout of the territory of the projected objects is the general scheme of vertical planning of settlements or individual districts, which is based on the development of master plans. During the design of these schemes, issues of high-altitude orientation of the territory, and also adjust the runways of streets and roads under the terms of the relief, taking into account the provision of surface drainage, the convenience and safety of movement, the cost-effective conditions of the area and the minimum volumes of earthworks related to relief reproduction

Vertical layout of territories of settlements and their areas

Based on the general project of the location of the settlement as a whole (General Plan), developed on the geodetic basement (M 1: 5000), to determine the most appropriate and economically acquitted solution to the relief device to the conditions of development are the scheme of vertical layout. Depending on the size of the projected territory (city, district) and the complexity of the relief, the scale and the degree of their details may be different. The basis for their solution is the plans of the road-outline network.

The vertical layout scheme should define changes to the relief of the territory, the conditions for organizing the surface drain and sewage. To do this, place the discharge places of storm and fecal waters and outlines the network of the main drainage collectors. Based on the predominant location of the water-receiving structures and drainage networks of storm and fecal sewage along the streets, the latters are usually traced at low places in relation to the adjacent territory, which ensures the flow of surface water from the adjacent territory and the convenience of the sewage sections of their separate sections.

Depending on the terrain relief, the planned territories give a single-table, two-tie or four-sheet surface (Fig. 6). The best are two and four-tight surfaces, as they provide a rapid flow of surface waters in the direction of the waterproofs passing through the streets and contribute to the reduction of the drainage of the waterproofs on intravadal territories.

The least convenient areas of the territory with a closed contour, i.e. With a reduced arrangement of them in relation to the adjacent streets. In such territories, it is necessary to organize a developed drainage network with accommodation in all reduced places of water trimmed wells. However, this does not eliminate the possibilities of flooding the territory, especially in the period of severe rainfall, as well as in the case of clogging storm sewage. Therefore, the road-outline network, as well as adjacent territories, should be planned if possible in such a way as to ensure the surface stock in the direction of the drainage networks laid along the streets.

Fig.6. Schemes for the organization of surface runoff on microdistan territories

a, b - with a single-sided surface; B - with a double surface; g - with a four-piece surface; d - on the reduced site

As it was already noted, when designing a vertical layout, strive to achieve the zero balance of earthworks, i.e. By equality of bulk volumes and recesses in adjacent areas of planned territories. Sometimes the need for a subtype to the territories can be caused by the presence of reduced areas of the area with a difficult drainage, wetlands, amplified territories, etc., but large volumes of earthworks are associated with significant costs a change in natural conditions, and in some cases with the need to reorganize existing ground or underground structures. . Therefore, the outlined work on the rise in the surface level of the territories should be compared with other possible engineering solutions: a decrease in the level of groundwater, the device on the planned territories of the drainage network, waterproof structures (from flooding), etc.

With the designed cutting of the soil, it is necessary to take into account the presence of areas with a high level of groundwater, hard-developed rocky rocks, the possibility of damage or the need to reorganize underground structures and road surfaces. Sometimes a change in the relief may be due to the implementation of a peculiar architectural and composite plan.

The conditions for changing the relief are characterized by the volume of submetocks and cutting on separate surface sections. Subscriptions or cuts are determined by working stamps representing the difference in the design and existing marks at selected points (Fig. 7).

The arrow indicated on the vertical layout diagrams along the axes of the streets and roads characterize the directions of longitudinal slopes on the plots between the support points. The numbers above the arrows show the project longitudinal slopes of streets and roads (% of the promilla), and under the arrows - the distances between adjacent support points (in m). The lower numbers at the support points show the existing surfaces of the surface at these points, the top - design marks and medium - working marks. Positive working marks (+) characterize the planned volume of subflowings, and negative - (-) cut.

Design biases are determined by the formula

i \u003d (H 1 - H 2) / L

H 1 and H 2 - design marks in the points under consideration; L - Distance between them.

Fig.7. Fragment of the vertical layout of the site of urban territory

The value I is usually rounded up to thousandths with appropriate adjustment of the marks of the points under consideration.

City streets and roads

Longitudinal and transverse biases of streets, roads and individual elements should be within the limits of the values \u200b\u200ballowed by the bottom. Permissible longitudinal biases depend on the calculated speeds of motion. They are installed in accordance with categories of designed streets or roads (Table 2).

Values \u200b\u200bof maximum allowable slopes

Street categories and roads Settlement speeds, km / h Most allowable longitudinal biases,% of
High-speed expensive 120 40
Topical streets and roads of the citywide
continuous motion 100 50
adjustable Movement 80 50
district importance 80 60
traffic roads 80 40
Streets and roads of local importance
residential streets 60 80
industrial and Warehouse Roads 60 60
Pedestrian streets and roads - 40
Drive 30 80

In places of mutual intersections of streets and roads, it is recommended that the longitudinal biases are not exceeded 20-30% of. For bridges, the inclination of 30% o is extremely permissible. The places of intersection with the iron "roads of the road of roads should be arranged by reference for at least 10 m in each direction from the railway tracks (and when moving in the excavations - at least 20 m).

Plots of passage parts of streets and roads with various longitudinal slopes mate with the help of curvilinear inserts. The radii of vertical curves is set to ensure the smoothness of movement and its safety (Table 3).

The smallest radii of vertical curves, m

Street categories and roads convex concave
High-speed expensive 10000 2000
Trunk streets and roads 6000 1500
citywide value
district importance 4000 1000
traffic roads 6000 1500
Local streets 2000 500

Radius of convex curves take more concaves, taking into account the provision of the visibility of the road, as well as ahead of the walking cars at distances, are needed under the conditions of traffic safety at the estimated speeds.

The transverse slopes of the surfaces of the passage parts and roads are set depending on the types of road surfaces and are taken on average for asphalt and cement concrete coatings from 20% oh plates for bridges, as well as coatings from rubble and gravel treated with knitting materials - 25%; For rubbed and gravel coatings - 30% about.

Longitudinal profiles are design mainly on the axes of passage parts of streets and roads (Fig. 8).

Fig.8. Longitudinal urban street profile (roads) combined with geological cut

Most often, in detailed layout, used for longitudinal profiles M 1: 1000 and for vertical - M 1: 100. For the convenience of accounting for hydrogeological conditions and reduce the number of drawings, the longitudinal profiles of streets and roads are usually combined with geological profiles (cuts). When building a project longitudinal profile (design line) is guided by the following conditions:

1. Conducted longitudinal slopes should be created with the minimum possible volume of earthworks over the entire width of the street within the "red lines". To do this, designing a longitudinal profile on the street axis (roads), you should simultaneously take into account how longitudinal biases on the volume of earthworks on the creation of a designed transverse street profile will be.

Fig.9. Examples of transverse street profiles in a variety of relief

a - on the flat plot; B, B - on the scoring sites, H P is the steering mark

The turning point of the longitudinal profile is set with such a calculation so that while maintaining the type elements of the transverse profile and their normative transverse slopes, if possible, maintain the existing surfaces of the earth's surface along the "red lines", which eliminates the need to redevelop the relief of adjacent territories (Fig.8, 9). With limited transverse blocks of terrain, the specified conditions can be achieved by changing the transverse bias of lawns (decrease in them from the steak side and increase with Nagorno). With significant transverse slopes (streets on Kosoyrats), it is often necessary to design individual elements of streets at different levels with pairing of terrace sections with slopes or retaining walls.

2. With local relief irregularities, the longitudinal profiles of streets and roads should be designed by the method of sectional lines with a cutting of individual protruding sites and a filling of the reduced places (microplating of the relief).

3. If you need to change the longitudinal slopes of streets and roads, the project lines of longitudinal profiles should also be applied in the form of sequential lines relative to the existing surface. Providing the smallest subfins and cuts of the soil and the possible equality of bulk and recesses in neighboring areas.

4. The number of turning points of the longitudinal profile should be limited, striving for an increase in the distance between them, especially on the streets and roads intended for the movement of cars with increased speeds.

5. The lowest places of streets should be positioned, as a rule, in areas of intersections with other streets, in the direction of which the surface waters can be carried out, or in other places of possible water supply. If such a solution is impossible to achieve, it is necessary to equip the streets with underground storm sewage at all of them with accommodation in all reduced places of water trimmed wells to ensure removal of surface water.

6. With the reconstruction of existing streets and roads, it is necessary to maintain capital structures, road surfaces and other elements of the streets. If the road surfaces are in good condition, then working marks in separate areas can be zero or with a minor elevation of project lines. In this case, the profile is corrected by increasing coatings by laying on their surface of the asphalt layer.

7. The end points of the projected longitudinal profiles must have zero working marks, i.e. The design line should be conjugate with the marks of the existing surface. As a result, in some cases, the boundaries of the design profiles must be output beyond the limits of the projected areas for a sufficient distance required for interface with the existing surface.

The position of the project line of the longitudinal profile is characterized by design stampets, slopes and long sites between the dots of the longitudinal profile fracture. At points changes, the corners forming convex and concave fractures of the longitudinal profile arise. The convex profile fractures worsen the visibility of the road and cause the car strikes when moving it through the comb. On concave fractures under the action of centrifugal force, an impetus and an overload of the springs arise. To ensure the smoothness of the movement of transport and visibility of the surface of the roadway at a sufficient distance in places of fractures of the longitudinal profile, the plots should be fraught with radial inserts in the profile (convex and concave vertical curves).

The radius of vertical curves depends on the estimated speed of movement. The greater the accepted speed of movement, the larger there should be a radius of vertical curves (see Table 3).

The transverse profiles of streets and roads are designed in accordance with the established elements included in and: the composition, including the roadway, central times with a dividing strip, landscaping stripes (lawns), sidewalks, cycles, and roads and cuvettes for roads with open system water supply. The transverse profile, reflecting all its components, is called typical constructive, and profiles that establish high-rise marks of all its turning points, working profiles.

The sidewalks and lawns give a single-table surface with a transverse bias towards the carriageway. Passage parts give a single-table or twin surface, while the single-table surface is given by parts with one-sided movement of up to 10.5 m wide. We pass the two-sided parts of the two-sided profile, and with a significant width - polygonal. Pedestrian tracks Usually have parabolic outlines.

Designing by project (red) horizontals gives a visual understanding of the designed relief and the possibility of accurate implementation of the project in kind, especially in areas with small slopes and complex relief.

In the direction of the resulting slope I, the flow of surface waters occurs (perpendicular to horizontals). All horizontal throughout the streets or roads with the same longitudinal and transverse slopes are parallel to each other. With a change in longitudinal or transverse slopes, the angles of deviation of horizontals from the direction of the road axis are changed. Since sidewalks and lawns are usually towering over the roadway of the streets, the horizontals are shifted to the same horizontals on the carriageway. In most cases, they have another direction, since the surfaces of the roadway and the sidewalk give counter transverse slopes - towards trays. An example of a vertical layout of a portion of the street made by project horizontals.

Crossing streets and roads in the same level

Solutions of vertical planning of the intersections of streets and roads can be the most varying depending on the configuration of the intersection, the conditions for the organization of movement on them, relief, and in some cases from the presence of any structures at the intersection, the location and high-altitude marks of which may affect design solutions. Examples of vertical layout of simple intersections are shown in Fig. 10

Fig.10. Examples of vertical planning of simple intersections

The best conditions for drainage are achieved at the location of intersections on water-seated areas (Fig. 17, 1, 2), however, in cities such cases are relatively rare, as the streets are usually designed at low policies of the territories. Often the intersection is placed in Talweg (Fig. 17, 3) or on single areas of the territories (Fig. 17, 4). When the outdoor intersection is located in Talvega, water with the above part of the site on the lying below is usually reparced by small trays to the surface of the carriageway. These intersections are designed with such a calculation so that the smallest interference is created for the movement and the locations of pedestrian crossings are not flooded. To intercept the water from the rigid areas of the streets before pedestrian transitions, the hydrodged wells of an underground drainage network are installed. With open drainage, under the roads lay bypass pipes connecting the carriers located at the upper and lower sections of the territory. Transverse profile of the roadway of the street and road passing in the transverse tal

the direction of the direction, in the presence of underground drainage, it may not change, and the pairing of the passage of intersecting streets at the top section of the crossroad is carried out as shown in Fig.17, 5.

At the location of the crossroad on Kozochor (Fig.17, 4), the roadway is usually left a single one, etc., solutions can be the most diverse.

The least desirable location of intersections in the face (Fig.17, 5). In this case, a closed circuit is formed, from which the drainage can be carried out only with the help of a closed drainage network. However, in the presence of drainage, it is not completely eliminated by the possibility of sweeping intersections. It is advisable to avoid this situation.

Crossing streets and roads at different levels

On the streets with intense traffic, where the crossroads do not provide the transmission of the entire transport stream, build intersections at different levels.

Transport intersections at different levels are designed primarily on the highways of the continuous movement of transport and high-speed roads; At the intersections of the intensity of the motion of more than 4000-6000 cars in the clock of maximum movement in all directions; In the case when all possible other bandwidth measures do not provide traffic flow through the construction of bridges across rivers and overpasses through railway tracks with an additional space device under them for passing transport.

Transport intersections at different levels are an engineering structure that provides in places intersection of streets and in nodal clauses the gasket of passage parts in various planes. A variety of local conditions in cities predetermines a wide variety of transport intersections at different levels. In the practice of design and construction, intersections are used in two, three and four levels. In this case, based on the topographic conditions of the structure engineering facilities In transport intersections, the following types are divided into the following types: Tunnel-type overpass with retaining walls or earth slopes on approaches to them (Ramps) (Fig.20); overpass-type overpass with ramps located on reinforced concrete supports either on the ground canvase (mound) with slopes; half-mononey and semi-estabades (half-widespread, semi-suction); Combination of tunnels and overpass. The latter are used in the design of transport intersections in three or more levels.

Halfonnels and semi-estabades are designing in order to reduce the depth of the attachment of the tunnel and the height of the embankment, as well as the length of the ramps, which in some cases due to the insufficient width of the street can be placed only within the transportation site area. This type of intersection often has to be used in order to avoid smokery of a large underground pipeline.

In the practice of designing and road construction in the cities, transport intersections were most common in two and three levels of various outlines in the plan. Types of transport intersections at different levels are established when developing a project for detailed planning and building a city or a separate area. According to the projected transport and planning solution of the intersection node in the project "Red lines", made in M \u200b\u200b1: 2000, reserve the territory for its placement.

When choosing the type of intersection, it is necessary to have the following materials: the classification of the streets included in the assembly assembly in the area, the intensity of the intensity and the nature of the movement on the area or the crossroads, the planning territory on the geodetic basement, the hydrogeological conditions adjacent to the territory adjacent to the node, the location and depth of the underground communications, the drawings of the longitudinal and typical transverse profiles included in the street assembly, the type of road surface. When designing the intersection at different levels, it is necessary to take into account the geological composition of the soils and the level of groundwater standing, which determine the conditions for the production of work on the construction of artificial structures, the depth of the foundations of supports and retaining walls and the design of the overpass.

Longitudinal street profiles determine the choice of an overpass type and, taking into account all other factors, placing it in the plan. Depending on the nature of the longitudinal profiles included in the streets, the direction of the slopes and their values \u200b\u200balso solves the vertical layout of the node with intersection at different levels. The longitudinal slopes of the streets, along which the overpass is placed, determine the length of its ramps, and consequently, the total length of artificial structures (tunnel, overpass).

Urban Square

Urban areas can be divided into public and transport. Public areas are the center of public life of the city's population, where the main administrative centers, spectacular enterprises, commercial and other are concentrated. public buildings. Transport areas are designed to join the movement of complex transport streams. The connection on one area of \u200b\u200bpublic and transport functions is undesirable, which sometimes occurs (vocation areas). The main space of public space can be released from transit traffic.

The vertical layout of the area is carried out in accordance with their appointment in the city system. The shapes and dimensions of the areas are determined by transport and pedestrian flows, their direction, throughput and the number of streets fasten into the area. On the shape of the surface of the area affect the relief and the high-altitude position of the streets of the streets, the drainage system, as well as the architecture of the construction of the square as a whole. It is especially important for the surface of the square so that the other one on the opposite side is visible from one sidewalk. This allows you to provide visually perception of the area as a whole. To comply with this condition, the surface of the area is designed for a complex curve with the following alternation of transverse slopes: from the tray - 30% O, more - 20, closer to the axis - 15 and directly at the axis 10-5% of. Longitudinal biases of the surface of urban areas should not exceed 30% o, and car parks - 20% of. The longitudinal slope of the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangular shape must be no more than 15% of.

The condition for organizing the relief in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area should be determined in each particular case, taking into account local natural factors, architectural and planning solutions, ensuring the unimpeded and fast drainage and removal of surface water (Fig. 11)

Fig.11. Examples of the organization of the surface of urban areas

Microdistrict territories

The principle of planning the territory of residential areas in the form of enlarged quarters and microdistrict allows you to securely isolate residential buildings from street noise, satisfy the needs of the population in vacation and abandon the solid perimeter development and facilities corner houses, applying the principle of free build. With this layout, the costs of the structure of streets, travel and vertical layout are reduced, as well as more economically, issues of engineering equipment, landscaping of quarters and operation of territory and buildings than in the construction of minor size quarters are solved.

The main tasks of the vertical layout of the neighborhoods of the city are high-altitude placement of paths for intramicro-earth transport and pedestrian motion, as well as in the correct and economical placement of excess grounds of the soil obtained from the pit under the buildings and from the installation of underground networks. The vertical layout of the microdistrict has a noticeable impact on the architectural and planning solution, on the appropriate high-rise placement of buildings inside the area.

The initial data for vertical microdistan layouts are the design marks of the surrounding streets and their intersections, as well as (in the event of a reconstruction) of the marking of the existing support building, the depth of the mortgage networks and equipment. Inside the neighborhood there should be a network of pedestrian tracks with access to places of vehicles.

The vertical layout of microdistrict territories should be kept in binding to the reference marks on the "red lines", obtained by designing the streets in accordance with the General Scheme and the schemes of the vertical layout of individual sections of urban areas. Marks at intermediate points, including entry into microdistrict territories, it is necessary to determine on the defined reference marks and design slots along the streets. In accordance with these marks, relief of the territory planned by architectural and spatial solutions, types of buildings and conditions of development design vertical planning of the territory.

When designing the vertical layout of microdistrict territories, rainwater flows are provided in the direction of adjacent streets with the placement of water-driven veys in front of them. When the disposal of microdistrict areas at low sections in relation to trays of the passage parts of the surrounding streets, in particular, on the engineering sites, decisions should be made that exclude surface water from the streets to microdistrict territories. For this, adjacent to the streets of microdistrict travels are lifted towards the streets of the streets, establishing entry boards, and the flights for 20-25 m give a slope (10-20% in the direction of the streets).

The sidewalks are also towering over the passage parts of the streets (15 cm) and give them a transverse bias towards the carriageway. In places of the adjoining of microdistrict passages to the streets, longitudinal biases of passages should not exceed 20-30% of.

When designing microdistrict territories, optimal solutions can only be achieved as a result of a compromise solution of horizontal and vertical layouts, as well as the improvement of these territories.

Low-use areas of the territory can be reserved for landscaping. In large areas of the plots are organized by intramicro-earth gardens or gardens and public parks.

With crossed terrain and large green arrays, much attention should be paid to the architectural and spatial solution and preservation or giving the designed sections of the pictorial species. In areas with a complex relief, a surface terracement is sometimes designing with pairing of individual terraced sections using slopes or retaining walls and a device for pedestrians.

Considerable attention should be paid to the location of buildings on the relief. In addition to solving architectural and planning tasks and composite problems, it is necessary to ensure the convenience of approach and entry to buildings, as well as drainage from them. The slopes of the surface from buildings are designed towards travel, especially from buildings with basement floors. When you delete travel from the building for 3 m, the building of the building of the building should be above the mark of travel tray not less than 18 cm at the calculation of the height of the side of the passage of 15 cm and the transverse slope of the sidewalk at least 10% of. When buildings arranged with base floors with a long side across horizontal, the vertical layout conditions are usually significantly complicated (Fig. 12). From which it is clear that such a location of the building leads to the need for terraceing of the relief, to the complication of the entrance to it and the attachment to individual drives and sidewalks of elevated slopes, which creates a noticeable inconvenience and danger to movement.

Fig.12. Vertical layout of the site of the microdistrict territory

The biases of microdistrict travel and sidewalks should be within acceptable. With large blocks of terrain, the reduction in the longitudinal slopes of intra-ordinary trading is created by the corresponding terracement or device of the recesses and embankments. When designing at the microdistan areas of sites, lawns and other well-maintained sites, they give the biases that ensure the unobstructed flow of rain and melting water into the drainage devices on the territory of the microdistricts or the streets adjacent to them.

The platforms of various purposes in the territories of the microdistrict are design with different surface shape. Economic or playgrounds are arranged mainly single or twin with a slope of 5-30% o, sports - usually with a double-tide surface (less often with four-tie) with longitudinal and transverse slots 4-5% of. Given the small slopes, the surface of the sports grounds is particularly careful and provide for an increase in them above the adjacent territory by 0.5 m or more to ensure the flow of surface waters and the rapid drying of the surface after the rain.

Special conditions of vertical layout. Counting of earthworks

Sophisticated relief. The area with a complex relief can be mastered with minor changes or radical redevelopment of the surface. The last solution is associated with large expenditures, especially in the presence of rock or other hard-developed soils, so it must be substantiated by technical and economic calculations.

Indigenous relief changes in most cases are not necessitated. Sometimes it is advisable to cut only individual hills or frustration of ravines and kotlovin. Practice shows that with proper planning of the territories, the location of buildings, the lap by intra-ordinary roads and sidewalks, the placement of green plantings the most difficult territories can be developed without significant relief changes. If possible, when planning should be fully saved natural conditions And to reduce to a minimum costs associated with reconstructive activities.

The conditions for placement of buildings depend on their type, planning of travel, pedestrian tracks or sidewalks, placement of sports, economic and other sites, orientation of buildings in light countries and other factors. The smallest costs associated with the layout of the relief are achieved at the location of most buildings with a long side at a low angle in relation to horizontals. Since such a solution can not always be implemented, it is advisable to build plots with a complex relief, with free orientation with respect to the parties of light, which makes it possible to place them in terms of various relief.

The buildings that have ground floors and a particularly significant extent, it is advisable to place under such an angle to horizontals so that the relief difference during the buildings with the same floor marks of the first floor did not exceed 1-1.5 m, and the longitudinal slope located along the building of the sidewalks - 10- 15% about. Apply typical buildings, intended mainly for the conditions of flat terrain, it is possible at the slopes of no more than 100-120% of. At large slopes, it includes buildings intended for the conditions of complex relief, or a building that can be adapted to these conditions.

At the crossed relief it is recommended to build single-section buildings of a tower type, as well as buildings on the pillars. When the buildings are located on the pillars along the plots with a significant longitudinal bias, you can save the same floor marks of the first floor, as well as ensure the passage or passage under these buildings. The placement of such buildings in the direction of horizontals makes it possible to use space under them for parking cars or other purposes.

On the steep slopes of the building can be placed with terracement or without terraceing of the territories (Fig. 13). Territory terracement is associated with large volumes of earthworks and considerable costs, especially in the presence of rock soils, however, this option allows you to place on the terraces different kinds Typical buildings and creates favorable conditions for travel, sidewalks, accommodation of car parking, etc. Single-sectioned houses of the tower type can be placed in a complex relief of both terraced and in irrelevant buildings.

Fig.13. Examples of placement of buildings on steep slopes

During construction multisective buildings On steep slopes, it is advisable to shift their separate sections to vertical or use step-type houses.

The planning of intramicro-barriers should ensure the convenience of entry to all buildings, as well as traffic safety. Pedestrian tracks and sidewalks are designing with the provision of the convenience and security of the pedestrian movement within the neighborhood, as well as the approach to the nearest streets and public transport stops. If the slopes of tracks and sidewalks exceed the allowable (60-80% O), stairways should be arranged.

Separate terraced sections are mounted by device of slopes or retaining walls. The slopes fall on grass or overlook, which ensures their strengthening and creates a decorative design. To eliminate the erosion along the slopes from the Nagorn side, trays are arranged for taking surface waters and removing them into the drainage network.

Plots with small slopes. To ensure the unobstructed flow of water, the surface is given a slope (at least 4%) towards drainage structures. The exclusion is the landscaped sections of the territories in the conditions of hot climate, as well as areas with waterproof (hydrophilic) soils capable of absorbing water. If the bias are not sufficient, it is necessary to plan the territory with a subtype and cutting of the soil.

When the streets are paved and roads, they have to give a sawdust profile with an accommodation in low places of water-dried water sewage. At large distances between the dots of the profile, there is a need for significant bulk and notches that cause a large amount of earthworks. With partial changes in the direction of the slopes, adverse conditions are created for the movement of transport. Therefore, in areas with insignificant slopes or on horizontal sites (embankments), the sawdress profile is design only along the drainage trays, and the profile bias along the axis of the roadway retains equal to the existing slope of the area or even horizontal. At the same time, the surfaces of the roadway give variable transverse slopes on an area of \u200b\u200bup to 1.5 m wide, approximate to trays of the carriageway, where the transport during stops moves at low speeds.

State educational institution Higher professional education

Drawing up a vertical layout project

Construction site

Educational and methodical manual for students of specialties

PG; PS; BB; BPG; MT; st; gt; pv; ar; ES, DS

This methodical manual is drawn up for the purpose of methodical independent work Student when performing a design and graphic task to compile a project of vertical layout.

Compilers:, Art. teacher



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. .... .................. .2

2 Source data for assignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .... .2.

3 Processing surface leveling results in squares.

Calculation of vertex vertices of squares ................................................ .4

4 Building a surface plan in horizontals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …….five

4.1 Composition of the Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………….… five

4.2 Plan design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .……......................... five

5 Drawing up a vertical layout project. . . . . . . …………………….. five

5.1 Design of the horizontal platform in compliance

other samotone collectors. The design drawing indicates the marks of the intersection of streets, their fractures, design longitudinal slopes, limited by red lines (lines separating the built-up territory from the street), is called a vertical layout scheme. The vertical layout diagram is compiled on topographic plans of 1: 2000 or 1: 5000 with a cross section of a 1-2 meter relief. When designing an inclined site, the source is the data taken from the level of surface leveling along squares with a set point specified by the option. To design the inclined site, the source data are: a project mark of one of the vertices of squares; The slopes of the IX and IY platform from the initial vertex on the X and Y axes.

For example, for the data shown in Figure 7, adopted

and the slopes of the vertex A1 along the X and Y axes, respectively

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image050_0.png "width \u003d" 164 "height \u003d" 30 "\u003e

where D is the length of the side of the square of the grid, equal in example 20 m.

For example,

Determine the design marks of all vertices of the squares taking into account the slope and write them on the square scheme drawn up on the scale of 1: 500.

In the scheme, the design stamps are recorded under the actual tops of the vertices of squares in red. After that, it is determined by working marks that are recorded under the design stamps in blue. Line is conducted

zero work in blue, and is determined by the volume of earthworks similarly

previous task. The results of calculations are recorded in the statement of calculating the volume of earthworks (Table 1). Next, actions are performed similar to the case of designing a horizontal platform, that is, Δ is determined.

6 Drawing and design task

1 The area of \u200b\u200bterrain in horizontals is on the Watman A4 format according to the sample in Figure 2 and draw in black, the horizontal is drawn by brown. The plan signs only thickened horizontally in the breakdown places with the corresponding stamps in the direction of the skate. When writing, the horizontal marks are broken by 1 cm. In some places of the plan, but not more than 2 - 3 times, they show the direction of the area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain by Bergshiths. Horizontals are signed by brown, the base numbers must be drawn down the direction of the skate. The situation is applied to the plan with conventional signs in the respective colors in accordance with the requirements of drawing the conditional signs.

2 Requirements for the design of the vertical layout: The actual tops of the squares are signed by black, design - red, and working - blue. The height of the numbers is 4 mm. The mound for clarity is painted yellow, and the recess is red. Sample design of the whole task is given

figures 1-3 and table 1. Design title leaf given B.


3 To the delivery of this task are subject to:

Title leaf (according to Appendix);

Scheme of leveling on the surface in squares and abis (similar to Figure 1);

Plan in horizontals (similar to Figure 2);

Cartographer movement of earth masses (similar to Figure 3);

Table of calculation of the volume of earthworks (according to Table 1).

7 Options for tasks

Variants of marks Select from the table by number from the teacher's log.

7.1 Horizontal site options

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image058_3.jpg "width \u003d" 457 "height \u003d" 412 src \u003d "\u003e

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image060.png "width \u003d" 488 "height \u003d" 455 src \u003d "\u003e

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image062.png "width \u003d" 466 "height \u003d" 469 src \u003d "\u003e

7.2 Options for the inclined site

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image064.png "width \u003d" 497 "height \u003d" 456 src \u003d "\u003e

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image066.png "width \u003d" 481 "height \u003d" 455 src \u003d "\u003e

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image068.png "width \u003d" 467 "height \u003d" 456 src \u003d "\u003e

Table 2 - Top Mark A1 (B1)

Option number

Marker at1, m




8 Check questions for self-test

1 What is surface leveling in squares?

2 Field documents, purpose and purpose of surface leveling in squares.

3 What is the vertical layout?

4 What are the targets of vertical layout and basic requirements when drawing up a vertical layout project?

5 How does the project mark turn out when designing a horizontal platform? Write a formula.

6 How are the working marks, definition? Write a formula.

7 How is the accuracy of the calculation of working marks? Write a formula.

8 How determines the position of the points of zero work on the sides of the square? Write a formula.

9 How is the volume of the four-headed prism? Write a formula.

10 How is the volume of the triangled prism calculated? Write a formula.

11 How appropriate to calculate the volume of earthworks in a transitional square?

12 Types of center work during vertical layout?

13 How is the project mark transferred to the terrain?

14 How is the project line with a given slope?

15 How to control the digging kitty to the project mark?

16 How to dig trenches to project depth?

17 How to proceed a horizontal platform subject to the balance of earthworks?

List of sources used

1, Smirnov and topography. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009.- 176 p.

2, Micheleys Engineer Geodesy. - M.: Higher School, 2001.- 314 p.

3 Fedotov Geodesy. - M.: Higher School, 2007.- 463 p.

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image070.png "height \u003d" 1079 src \u003d "\u003e Appendix A

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Ufa State Oil Technical University"

Department " Car roads and the technology of construction production "

30 mm 35 mm 30 mm 15 mm 75 mm

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image071.png "width \u003d" 703 "\u003e scale c . ...- ... - Signature Date 15 mm Task number ...

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image075.png "width \u003d" 703 "\u003e performed ............... ................... 15 mm Project vertical


https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image077.png "width \u003d" 12 "height \u003d" 65 "\u003e construction site

Checked ............... .......... ... .. 15 mm

Lecture on the topic: Engineering organization of the territory of settlements.
Part 2: Methods for designing vertical layouts.

Vertical Planning Design Methods

Vertical planning of the territory can be performed by various methods. The choice of the vertical layout method depends on the characteristics of the existing relief and the project development stages. In practice, methods of design (red) marks, design profiles, design (red) horizontals, etc. are used. They are used both independently and in combination with each other (combined method).
Project (red) marks.
It is applied at the preliminary design stages when they define the fundamental high-altitude solution of the street network, as well as with a detailed vertical layout. This method makes it possible to determine excess, bias, high-rise position of the designed relief. Practically, the method of design marks is used in designing vertical layouts in design work on general Plan Cities or for the project of detailed planning and development of the city district.

Designing a vertical layout scheme

The design process of the vertical layout scheme consists of two consecutive steps. At first preliminary stage, the relief of the terrain and materials of engineering surveys are carefully studied. At the second stage, the final scheme of the vertical layout is being developed.
When developing a vertical layout scheme, it is necessary to avoid the formation of lowered places at the intersections and on the road of the streets, that is, the sleeves, where the slopes on the streets are sent and where, accordingly, surface waters will be gathered. In the vertical planning scheme at the crossroads, in places intersection of the streets and at points of change, existing (black) and projected (red) marks, as well as working marks with their sign (the difference between the red and black mark) is applied; The arrow shows the direction of the longitudinal street slope from higher marks to the reduced, above the arrow notes a longitudinal slope, under it - the distance between points that limit the Street section with this slope. Design longitudinal slopes are desirable not to change on small areas in length, since the fractures of the longitudinal profile (segments with different bias) are conjugated by vertical convex or concave curves that have certain smallest allowable radii.
An example of constructing a vertical layout scheme by the method of design marks is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Vertical layout scheme made by project (red) marks .

Profile method.
The design of the vertical layout according to the profile method is to conduct consecutive operations: broken down the grid of profiles on the plan of the projected territory, drawing up profiles in both directions of the grid, design profiles in their mutual linkage in the crossing places, count the volume of earthworks (recesses and embankments).
The profile method is quite laborious, as a large number of significant lengths are designed at the same time. Special difficulty causes the project marks at the point of crossing profiles. Errors in inconsistency of slopes on neighboring profiles, the retreat from the planned or specified surface forms is always difficult to correct and sometimes recalculate many profiles.
A special occasion of vertical planning by profiles is the design of urban streets and roads, in which profile method is most convenient and visual. The longitudinal profile, when designing highways and roads, passes along the street axis, and the transverse profiles are prepared on each peak.
Project (red) horizontal method.
This method is widely used in the development of projects of vertical layout of microdistrict, green arrays, transport paths.
The project horizontal method is sufficiently visual and allows you to determine not only the design marks of any point of the territory, but also workmarks, and therefore the sections of the cutting and subtletips of the soil.
Building horizontals start from streets and travel, and then link the project horizontally to the adjacent built-in territory.
Red horizontals, in contrast to horizontals of an existing relief, show the designer relief of the territory, i.e. Surface converted for planning, building and improvement. Design horizontals are usually shown in red drawings, from where they got their name "red horizontals", unlike the "black horizontals", which determine the existing terrain area. Red horizontals are designed by sections through 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5m, which are called the step of horizontals.
During the design, elementary rules of the image of the relief in horizontals are taken into account: within the plan of the territory of the horizontal should not change the adopted section; The horizontal uniforms are not intersecting (excluding the crossing of the area with a steep wall); Horizontal do not break off within the plan.
Working out the project of vertical layout in design horizontals, it should be borne in mind that to reduce the volumes of earthworks, red horizontals should be located as close as possible to black, having the same mark. The coincidence shows that in this place there is neither a subfolder, nor the cutting of the soil.
Horizontal is shown on the plan with solid lines. For better relief perception, the whole horizontal is shown more thickened.

Continued lectures on the topic: Engineering organization of the territory of settlements.
Part 1:
Vertical layout of urban areas.
Part 2: Methods for designing vertical layouts.
Part 3: Vertical layout of streets, roads, travel and sidewalks.
Part 4: Vertical intersection planning.
Part 5: Vertical layout of pedestrian tract, parks alley and tracks.
Part 6:

So intended nature that the surface of our planet has a different relief throughout its area. A person in the desire for comfort on the oblivions of the territories is trying to create conditions for the maximum convenience of their stay. It is necessary to correctly plan your site.

Geodesic shooting

The vertical layout plan includes the direct conduct of the geodesic shooting, clearing the development and the beginning of the work itself.

If you intend to cope with this on your own, you must take into account several factors:

  • type and condition of the soil;
  • the degree of groundwater;
  • the possibility of launching the Earth at low temperatures.

This data you need to know to further erect the foundation, as well as when planning wells and basements. For this work requires special devices (for example, hydraulic level).

Construction of the structure

When building an object, it is necessary to choose its location, accurately determine the height of the floor covering of the lower floor, to find out the degree of sorting of soil. Using the planning, a number of questions are solved. For example, the foundation should be higher than the level of groundwater. Buildings above the foundation should be placed slightly above the level of snow rainfall (in accordance with climatic conditions). During the construction of the home it is better to choose a plot at a higher level (from all accessible territory). The construction of an object begins after a carefully selected place under construction. Often, the point for the start of the work serves next to the standing house or the road.

After determining the desired point, it is processed to calculate the depth of the object. There are several types of house construction on the site at an angle. Usually there is a change in the landscape, in which all irregularities on the surface smoothed. This project implies that construction will be carried out on a flat site. The house, erected on the terrain with a conventional bias, needs to process the ground side. In this case, the dwelling will have some features and smoothly join the landscape.

Divide the landscape according to the following signs:

  • plain bias - no more than 3%;
  • small slope - up to 8%;
  • middle bias - up to 20%;
  • steep slope - over 20%.

Change relief

With a vertical layout of the area, a number of advantages appear (for example, the creation of a drainage system, a number of tracks for a walk, which are located at an angle). It becomes possible to create a system of drains of rainflows at a certain slope into the lower part of the site. Almost always to the owners of uneven plots of land quite difficult to plan. To solve such tasks, there are specialists who are planning and changing the landscape of the Earth with a vertical inclination.


In such a situation, the basement project must be made. On the ground floor (in the walls of the lower floor) you need to install drainage. Examples of redevelopment of such an area there are many, but not every owner by virtue of their forces and opportunities can with great confidence take up the implementation of housing in such non-standard conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to contact the specialists for accurate diagnostics of the terrain, the composition of its soil, the depth of groundwater and soil structures. Professionals of their business will help to make a landline scheme.

Model vertical planning

When considering the structure with a bias in the southern side, it is recommended as close as possible to the house towards the eastern side. The lower part serves to build economic buildings (due to its low suitability for arrangement in the form of a zone of a comfortable rest). It is desirable on the top of the area to make the placement of the area, putting several lanes of flower beds, send several decorative trees around the perimeter of the entire recreation area, shifting them to the south side.

The planning of the drainage network should reasonably agree with the relief of this locality. And have a drain into the lower part of the site. If you are a commitment to the eastern philosophy Feng Shui, you must take care that the doors are located to the north, or looked east.

Planning at home

The main structure should be located about 10 meters from the border of your site. From the house of the neighbors you should separate the minimum of 3 meters. Buildings should stand at right angles with respect to each other. All measurements can be made independently (without any skills in construction or experience in design). For measuring the distance is enough roulette.

Economic structures

Economic buildings are built simultaneously with the housing, although it is best to do this after the end of the main building. Economic buildings should be erected at a certain distance from neighbors buildings. Experts give recommendations that best barns, sheds and restrooms build in 3 meters from neighbors buildings.

During construction, the same rules must be observed as during the construction of the house.Following the recommendations of specialists and compliance with the rules for the construction of facilities on Earth with a large bias, the durability, durability of housing and other buildings (arows, greenhouses, barns, cellars, homemade ponds for decorating a plot, baths, saunas) are achieved.

On the square up to 5 acres it is impossible to carry out ambitious projects. In such a plot it is possible to build a house, restroom and bath. On an area of \u200b\u200b10-11 acres, you can add a gazebo, a pond and several flower beds. On the square from 15 acres and above everything will be limited to your fantasy.

A huge space will give greater motivation for the developer. It is important to remember that all the plans for the construction of grand buildings should fit into GOST.

Everything should be advanced in advance, documents are decorated, the material has been purchased, experts should be hired. Only then with a relaxed soul you can be taken for business and equip your favorite area in your tastes and views.


Proper layout will provide you with good, warm and reliable housing. It is advisable to refer to the specialists. Compelate with them, check all the subtleties of the construction site: it will provide your home durability, and will also save from trouble in the future. By changing the difficult relief, it is worth remembering that sometimes such a state of affairs can play your hand.

Each situation should have an individual approach to solving the task, because any surface is made up of different planes. This affects the different composition of the soil on fairly small sites, the imposition of different layers of the Earth causes the perimeter curvilinearity. All this makes enough difficult to find this site. Specialists in the construction of facilities at such locations are studying a thoroughly relief of the surface, meteorological data of the region, recognize the depth of groundwater deposites, the probability of soil sewage under the severity of the construction and many other key factors.

More often, construction on such a surface occurs in recreation areas or resorts. The view from the window of the structure at the height will not leave anyone indifferent, but the main factor remains the improvement of the terrain, equipping it with all the benefits of civilization, without which it is difficult to submit our daily life. The lack of such a terrain can be attributed to the fact that the embezzlement of the budget for improvement will be significantly higher than for a plot with an equal terrain. Therefore, to implement your ideas will have to fork out on a round sum. The positive side follows from its lack - an uneven surface creates a feeling of exotic, which cannot but attract attention. With the right approach to the layout of the non-standard surface, a plot with a small area can be turned into a paradise corner.

For the subtleties of the vertical layout of the site, see the following video.

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