
Money Credit Banks Practical tasks with decision. Tasks with the decision on DKB. Tasks for independent work

Task 1. The average price level has increased by 9% over the year, the production volume is 6%, the rate of money turnover decreased from 4 to 3.5 turns. Determine the amount of money supply at the end of the year, if at the beginning of the year it was 5 trillion. rub.
P \u003d 100% + 9% \u003d 109%
Q \u003d 100% + 6%
VN. \u003d 4; VK.G. \u003d 3.5;
x \u003d 3.5 * 100% /3,5\u003d87,5%\u003dvk.
M \u003d P * Q / V \u003d \u200b\u200b109 * 106 / 87.5 \u003d 132.05%
MN.G. \u003d 5 \u003d 100%
MK.G. \u003d X \u003d 132.05%
x \u003d 132.05 * 5/100 \u003d 6.6 trillion rubles. \u003d MK.
Answer: Volume of money mass at the end of the year was 6.6 trillion rubles.

Task 2. Production volume increased by 7% per year, average level prices - by 8%, the money mass rose from 4 to 6 trillion. rub. Determine the speed of money turnover in this yearIf it is known that last year it accounted for 3.5 turns.
Q \u003d 100% + 7%
P \u003d 100% + 8%
MP.G. \u003d 4 \u003d 100%
MD.G. \u003d 6 \u003d 150%
Vd.g. \u003d p * q / m \u003d 107 * 108/150 \u003d 77.04%
Vd.g. \u003d 3.5 * 77.04 / 100 \u003d 2.7 turns
Answer: The speed of money turnover in this year amounted to 2.7 turnover.

Task 3. To determine whether the established target target of growth in the money supply was determined within 20-30% if the GDP volume rose from 23 to 28 trillion. rub., And the rate of circulation of money decreased by 10%.
VPN \u003d 23 \u003d 100%
GDPK. \u003d 28 \u003d 28 * 100% / 23 \u003d 121.7%
V \u003d 100% -10% \u003d 90%
M \u003d GDP / V \u003d \u200b\u200b121.7 / 90 \u003d 1.35%
The money mass increased by 35%, and 35% is not included within 20-30%.
Answer: The established target target of growth in the money supply in the range of 20-30% was failed, because The monetary mass increased by 35%.

Task 4. Monetary base - 3,400 billion rubles., Cash out of banks (Aggregate M0) - 2,300 billion rubles, demand deposits and urgent - 5,500 billion rubles, deposits in foreign currency - 1100 billion. rub. Calculate
a) the amount of money supply in the national definition (Aggregate M2);
b) the amount of money supply on the methodology of the monetary review (M2X unit);
c) the magnitude of the money multiplier.
a) M2 \u003d M0 + demand deposits + urgent deposits \u003d 2300 + 5500 \u003d 7800 billion rubles.
b) m2x \u003d m2 + currency deposits \u003d 7800 + 1100 \u003d 8900 billion rubles.
c) dm \u003d m2 / den.baz \u003d 7800/3400 \u003d 2,29
Answer: M2 \u003d 7800 billion rubles, m2x \u003d 8900 billion rubles, dm \u003d 2.29.

Task 5. The volume of GDP is 40 trillion. rub., And the money supply is 8 trillion. rub. Determine:
a) the coefficient of monetization of the economy,
b) Money turnover rate.
a) km \u003d m / GDP \u003d 8/40 \u003d 0.2 \u003d 20%
b) v \u003d GDP / m \u003d 40/8 \u003d 5 (once a year)
Answer: km \u003d 20%, V \u003d 5 times a year.

Task 6. Bank multiplier is 10, the maximum possible amount of money that can create banking system - 60 million rubles. Take:
a) the norm of mandatory reserves,
b) the sum of the initial deposit.
a) r \u003d 1 / bm \u003d 0.1 \u003d 10%
b) d \u003d m / bm \u003d 60/10 \u003d 6 million rubles.
Answer: R \u003d 10%, d \u003d 6 million rubles.

Task 7. The norm of mandatory reserves is 5%. Coefficient of deposit (Cash / deposit ratio) - 60% of deposits. The amount of mandatory reserves is 90 billion rubles. Determine the amount of money supply in circulation (the amount of deposits and cash).
R \u003d 5%, R \u003d 90 billion rubles, kD \u003d 60%
R \u003d d * r, d \u003d r / r \u003d 90 / 0.05 \u003d 1800
M0 \u003d d * kd \u003d 1800 * 0,6 \u003d 1080
M2 \u003d m0 + d \u003d 1080 + 1800 \u003d 2880 billion rubles.
Answer: The amount of money supply in circulation of 2880 billion rubles.

Task 8. GDP is 15 000 billion rubles, and a money supply - 3,000 billion rubles. Calculate money outflow indicators:
a) speed of turnover (number of revolutions) of the money supply;
b) the duration of one turn (in days).
a) v \u003d GDP / m \u003d 15000/3000 \u003d 5 times a year
b) t \u003d d (number of days per year) / v \u003d 360/5 \u003d 72 days
Answer: V \u003d 5 times per year, T \u003d 72 days.

Task 9. Nominal exchange rate of the ruble to the US dollar - 24 rubles, the level of inflation in the USA - 3%, in Russia - 12%. Requires:
a) determine the real ruble exchange rate to the dollar,
b) Compare a real course with nominal,
c) explain than caused by the difference in the levels of nominal and real courses.
a) i \u003d 1 + r, r-inflation
I (USA) \u003d 1 + 0.03 \u003d 1.03 I (RF) \u003d 1 + 0.12 \u003d 1.12
Real course \u003d 24 * 1.03 / 1,12 \u003d 24 * 0,919 \u003d 22,07 rub.
b) the real ruble rate to the dollar amounted to $ 22.07 rubles., And the nominal exchange rate of the ruble to the dollar amounted to 24 rubles, therefore the real ruble rate above nominal;
c) the difference in the levels of real and nominal courses is caused by the fact that in Russia the inflation rate is higher than in the United States.
Answer: The real ruble exchange rate to the dollar is 22,07 rubles.

Task 10. The bank has closed currency positions. During the day he bought: 500 pounds sterling for japanese yen. At the rate of 200 yen per pound and $ 500 per pounds of sterling at a rate of $ 1.9000 per pound. Determine the magnitude of currency positions on pounds, yen and dollars by the end of the working day.
After the purchase of 500 pounds for Yen at the course 200 yen, a short position on the yen 200 * 500 \u003d 100,000 was opened for a pound sterling.
A long position of $ 500 has opened on dollars.
On pounds long position +500 F.St., K-I decreased by 500/19 \u003d 263.16 f.st. And it became 500-263.16 \u003d 236.84 f.st.

Task 11. As the real euro rate has changed to the ruble, if the nominal course rose from 34.20 to 34.80 rubles. For the euro, and prices increased in euro zones by 2%, in Russia - by 10%?
IP1 (price index in euro countries) \u003d 1 + 0.02 \u003d 1.02
IP2 (price index in Russia) \u003d 1 + 0.1 \u003d 1.1
ISC Euro \u003d 34.80 / 34,20 \u003d 1,0175
Euro IP \u003d 1,0175 * 1.02 / 1,1 \u003d 0.9435
The real exchange rate of the euro to the ruble decreased by 100% -94.35% \u003d 5.65%.
Answer: The real euro rate to the ruble dropped by 5.65%.

Task 12. How the nominal and real ruble courses have changed to the euro, if the nominal euro rate to the ruble rose from 34.70 to 35.10 rubles. For the euro, and prices increased in euro zones by 1.9%, in the Russian Federation - by 9%?
IP1 (price index in euro countries) \u003d 1 + 0,019 \u003d 1,019
IP2 (price index in Russia) \u003d 1 + 0.09 \u003d 1.09
ISC Euro \u003d 35.10 / 34.70 \u003d 1,011
Euro IP \u003d 1.011 * 1,019 / 1.09 \u003d 0.9451
The real euro rate to the ruble decreased by 100% -94.51% \u003d 5.49%.
The nominal exchange rate of the ruble to the euro dropped at 101.1% -100% \u003d 1.1%
The real exchange rate of the ruble to the euro rose by 5.49%.
Answer: The nominal exchange rate of the ruble to the euro dropped by 1.1%, the real exchange rate of the ruble to the euro rose by 5.49%.

Task 13. On November 1, 2006, the Bank of Russia provided commercial bank Credit for 10. calendar days under 7.5% per annum in the amount of 30 million rubles. Determine:
a) the amount of accrued interest for the use of the loan,
b) extensive amount of credit debt.
a) i \u003d pni \u003d 30 000 000 * 9/365 * 0.075 \u003d 55 479,45
b) s \u003d p + i \u003d 30 000 000 + 55 479,45 \u003d 30 055 479,45
Answer: The extensive amount of debt on the loan amounted to 30,055,479,45 rubles, and the amount of accrued interest for the use of the loan was 55,479,45 rubles.

Task 14. In the first month, the inflation rate was 14%, in the second - 9%, in the third - 7%. What is the level of inflation for the quarter?
In-index inflation for the quarter
In \u003d (1 + R1) * (1 + R2) * (1 + R3) \u003d (1 + 0.14) * (1 + 0.09) * (1 + 0.07) \u003d 1.33
R-level inflation for the quarter
R \u003d in-1 \u003d 1.33-1 \u003d 0.33 \u003d 33%
Answer: The level of inflation for the quarter is 33%.

Task 15. The amount of money supply on the methodology of the monetary review (M2X unit) increased from 8 to 11 trillion for the year. rub., Money mass in the national definition (M2 unit) - from 7 to 10 trillion. rub. Requires:
a) determine the dynamics of the share of deposits in foreign currency in the structure of the money supply,
b) characterize the influence of the dynamics of the share of deposits on the process of dedollarization of the Russian economy.
a) currency deposits \u003d M2x-M2
We will find the share of currency deposits D in the structure of the money supply M2X:
D \u003d (m2x-m2) / m2x
DN. \u003d (8-7) / 8 \u003d 1/8 \u003d 0.125 \u003d 12.5%
DK.G. \u003d (11-10) / 11 \u003d 0.09 \u003d 9%
The share of deposits in foreign currency decreased by 12.5% \u200b\u200b-9% \u003d 3.5%
b) The share of deposits in foreign currency decreased. It accelerated the process of dedollarization of the Russian economy.
Answer: The share of deposits in foreign currency in the structure of the money supply decreased by 3.5%, which accelerated the process of dedollarization in Russia.

Task 16. The volume of production increased by 5%, money supply - by 25%, the rate of money turnover decreased by 4%. Determine:
a) change the average price level,
b) change purchasing power ruble.
a) IP \u003d (IM * IV) / IQ \u003d (1.25 * 0.96) / 1.05 \u003d 1,143.
Prices rose by 14.3%
b) Ips \u003d 1 / ip \u003d 1 / 1,143 \u003d 0.875. The purchasing power of the ruble decreased by 12.5%.
Answer: The average price level increased by 14%, therefore, the purchasing power of the ruble decreased by 12.5%.

Task 17. Determine the cross-year euro in pounds sterling, if 1 pound \u003d 1.7664 dollars. US, 1 euro \u003d 1,2318 dollars. USA.
$ 1 \u003d 1 pound / 1,7664
1 euro \u003d 1,2318 * 1 pound / 1.7664 \u003d 0.6973 pounds sterling
Answer: Euro Cross Course - 0,6973 f.st.

Task 18. central bank I bought treasury bills from commercial banks 15 days before maturity in the amount of $ 75 million at a rate of 5%. How can the amount of money supply be changed if the norm of mandatory reserves is 4% equal to?
75 000 000-75 000 000 * 15/360 * 0.05 \u003d 74 843 751 rub.
M \u003d d * bm \u003d d * (1 / r) \u003d 74 843 751 * (1 / 0.04) \u003d 1871.1 million rubles.
Answer: The amount of money supply may increase by 1871.1 million rubles.

Task 19. The investment portfolio contains 1,500 ordinary shares with a par value of 100 rubles, 600 privileged shares with a par value of 1000 rubles, 700 bonds with a par value of 1000 rubles. To determine the most profitable paper of the investment portfolio, if the amount of dividends on ordinary shares amounted to 30 thousand rubles, on privileged - 60 thousand rubles, and the amount of interest on bonds - 56 thousand rubles.
The amount of dividends on 1 is a simple share \u003d 30 000/1500 \u003d 20 rubles.
The yield of 1 simple stock \u003d 20/100 \u003d 0.2, or 20%.
The amount of dividends per 1 privileged share \u003d 60,000 / 600 \u003d 100 rubles.
The yield of 1 privileged action \u003d 100/1000 \u003d 0.1, or 10%.
The amount of interest on 1 bond \u003d 56,000 / 700 \u003d 80 rubles.
yield 1 bond \u003d 80/1000 \u003d 0.08, or 8%.
Answer: The most profitable paper of the investment portfolio is a simple promotion.

Task 20. Bill in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. It was brought to account in the bank 3 months before the repayment and was taken into account at the rate of 5%. Calculate
a) the amount of income (discount) of the bank;
b) the amount paid to the owner of the bill.
D \u003d 500 000 * 3/12 * 0.05 \u003d 6 250 rubles.
P \u003d 500 000 - 6250 \u003d 493 750 rub.
Answer: The amount of the discount was 6250 rubles, and the amount paid to the owner of the bill of exchange 493,750 rubles.
Task 21. Determine the minimum investment period if the Commission for Entry into Office was 2%, the commission for exit from the office is equal to 2.5%, the amount of remuneration of the Manager is estimated at 1.5%, and the Fund's yield per year amounted to 24%.
The amount of expenses in percent \u003d 2% + 2.5% + 1.5% \u003d 6%
Min. Investment values \u200b\u200b\u003d 6% / 24% \u003d 0.25 \u003d 3 months.
Answer: The minimum investment period is 3 months.

Task 22. When creating a bank, 1,500 ordinary shares were issued with a par value of 1,000 rubles, which were sold at the rate of 1300 rubles. In addition, in two years of activity retained earnings Bank amounted to 60,000 rubles. and 80,000 rubles. respectively. Preferred shares Bank did not release. Determine the amount of capital of the bank two years after the start of its activities.
Capital amount \u003d (1500 * 1000) + (1300-1000) * 1500 + 60,000 + 80,000 \u003d 2 090 000 rub.
Answer: Capital size of Bank 2 090 000 rub.

Task 23. The Bank accepts deposits for 4 months at a rate of 5% per annum, for 5 months at a rate of 6% per annum and for a year at a rate of 7% per annum. The amount of the deposit is 100 thousand rubles. Identify the extensive amount of the deposit for the period:
a) 4 months,
b) 5 months,
in year.
a) 0.05 * 4/12 * 100 000 + 100 000 \u003d 1666 + 100 000 \u003d 101 666 rub.
b) 0.06 * 5/12 * 100 000 + 100 000 \u003d 2500 + 100 000 \u003d 102500 rub.
c) 0.07 * 1 * 100 000 + 100 000 \u003d 7000 + 100 000 \u003d 107 000 rub.
Answer: The extensive amount of the deposit was for a period of 4 months - 101 666rub., For a period of 5 months - 102 500 rubles, for a period of 1 year - 107,000 rubles.

Task 24. The Bank issued a loan in the amount of 600,000 rubles. For the three quarters of a simple interest rate, which in the first quarter was 12% per annum, and in each subsequent quarter increased by 1 percentage point. Determine:
a) extensive amount of debt,
b) the amount of interest for the use of the loan.
a) S \u003d 600 000 * (1 + 0.12 / 4 + 0.13 / 4 + 0.14 / 4) \u003d 658 500 rubles.
b) the amount of interest \u003d 658,500-600 000 \u003d 58 500 rubles.
Answer: Explosive amount of debt 658 500 rubles, the amount of interest for the use of a loan 58 500 rubles.

Task 25. The Bank issued a loan in the amount of 6,000,000 rubles. for 2 years at the annual rate complex interest 15% per annum. The loan must be represented by a one-time payment with interest at the end of the term. Determine:
a) extensive amount of debt,
b) the amount of interest received by the Bank.
a) s \u003d p * (1 + i) ⁿ \u003d 6 000 000 * (1 + 0.15) * (1 + 0.15) \u003d 7 935 000 rubles.
b) d \u003d 7 935 000-6 000 000 \u003d 1 935 000 rub.
Answer: Explosive amount of debt 7 935,000 rubles, the amount of interest received by the Bank 1 935,000 rubles.

Task 26. The borrower takes a loan in the amount of 120,000 rubles. For a period of 3 months. After 3 months, the borrower reaches a loan and pays 3,000 rubles. percent on it. Determine the annual rate of simple interest on the loan.
I \u003d pni
3000 \u003d 120 000 * 3/12 * i
i \u003d 0.1 \u003d 10%
Answer: Annual interest rate on a loan 10%

Task 27. The Bank issued a loan in the amount of 150,000 rubles to the first borrower. For a period of 2 months at a rate of 15% per annum and second borrower - in the amount of 250,000 rubles. For a period of 3 months at a rate of 20% per annum. Determine the amount of interest received by the Bank for loans.
I \u003d pni \u003d 150 000 * 2/12 * 0.15 + 250 000 * 3/12 * 0.2 \u003d 3750 + 12500 \u003d 16250 rub.
Answer: The amount of interest received by the Bank is 16,250 rubles.

Task 28. The Bank's Balance data is given, thousand rubles.

a) calculate instant liquidity ratio (H2), compare with regulatory value;
b) calculate the indicator current liquidity (H3), compare with the regulatory value.
a) H2 \u003d Lam / OVM * 100% \u003d 150 000/1 700 000 * 100% \u003d 8.8%
The minimum allowable value of the N2 standard is set in the amount of 15%. H2.<20%, это означает, что банк не способен выплатить свои обязательства перед вкладчиками на текущий момент времени.
b) H3 \u003d LAT / OVT * 100% \u003d 2 500 000/4 500 000 * 100% \u003d 55.55%
The minimum allowable value of the N3 standard is set in the amount of 50%. H3\u003e 50%, this means that the bank can fully ensure the conformity of the deadlines to which depositors, terms and amounts are involved moneyTo which these attracted funds in the form of demand before demand are stationed by the Bank through its active operations, services, transactions.

Task 1 A combination of payments made by goods and services for cash \u003d 6 billion p. Determine the amount of cash in cash in circulation, if the average number of revolutions of den. units. - 3. m \u003d 6 billion r. / 3 \u003d 2 billion p. Task 2 Determine the coefficient of monetization eq. (Km) and speed of money, if the volume of GDP \u003d 25 trillion. R. from money supply, which \u003d 6 trillion. R. Km \u003d m2 / GDP * 100%; Km \u003d 6 trln.r. / 25 trin.r. * 100% \u003d 24% speed \u003d GDP / m2; Speed \u200b\u200b\u003d 25tln r. / 6 trillion p. \u003d 4,2tln p. Task 3.The norm of mandatory reserves \u003d 3% The amount of mandatory reserves \u003d 270 billion p. What \u003d the amount of deposits 3% - 270 billion p. 100% x billion r. Deposit amount \u003d 27000/3 \u003d 9000 billion p. Task 4 index consumer prices (CPI) in January 2006 \u003d 1.01, and in February 1.03 Identify the infl level. in February. Ur. Infl. \u003d 1.03 / 1.01 * 100% \u003d 101.9 or 1.9% Task 5 in 2005.The consumer prices in Russia rose by 9%. How has the purchasing power of the ruble changed. Stubuses. SPOS. RUBNE \u003d 1 / DEPEND \u003d 1 / 1.09 \u003d 0.92 (100% + 9% \u003d 109% or 1.09) 1-0.92 \u003d 0.08 or 8% purchasing power decreased by 8%. Task 6 Determine the UR. infl., if the consumer price index \u003d 1.15 base was 1, and became 1.15 yi \u003d 1.15-1 \u003d 0.15 or 15% task 7 Nominal interest rate on credit \u003d 4%. Ur. infl. \u003d 2%. Determine the real rate of interest (p) p \u003d 4/2 \u003d 2 Task 8 Central Bank bought from commercial banks states. Securities by 60 billion p. and set the rate of mandatory reserves (LF) 4%. How will the volume of den change. Mass (m)? M \u003d 1 / LF \u003d 60/4 \u003d 15 Task 9 What income will receive the investor if he put in the bank 90 thousand. Under 9% per annum, for 3 months. 90 thousand r. * 0.09 / 12 * 3 \u003d 2025 rub. Task 10 bills in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. It was brought to account in the bank for 20 days. Before the repayment and was taken into account at the discount rate of 15% per annum. Determine the amount of the income (discount) of the bank and the amount paid to the owner of the bill. The amount, the owner's payment \u003d 60ts.r.-0.5 thousand.. \u003d 59,5 thousand.

Rental block

Tasks on the discipline "Money. Credit. Banks »

1. Theme "Money: Money Mass, Money Radiation Speed, Banking Multiplier, Currency Courses, Required Reserves"

Formulas for solving problems:

1) Formulas for calculating the amount of money supply, money turnover rate in the economy

where m is the amount of money supply

V - money turnover rate

P - average price level

Q - production volume

Km \u003d mp * q GDP volume * 100%,(2)

where km is the coefficient of monetization of the economy

M - Money Volume

Q - production volume

P - average price level

2) Calculation of cash aggregates

M0 - Cash amount in circulation

M1 \u003d m0 + funds on current accounts in banks + demand deposits

M2 \u003d m1 + urgent and savings deposits in banks (the amount of money supply in national definition)

M2x \u003d m1 + amounts in foreign currency accounts (the amount of money supply on the monetary review methodology)

M3 \u003d M2 + Savings deposits in specialized financial and credit institutions

M4 \u003d m3 + securities, incl. Promotions, bonds, deposit certificates of banks, notes

M5 \u003d M4 + Funds in foreign currency in the appeal of legal entities and individuals.

M3, M4, M5 aggregates - "wide" money.

The level of monetization of the economy is an indicator characterizing the share of payment facilities in GDP \u003d M2 / GDP or M2X / GDP,

3) Calculation of a bank multiplier

Bm \u003d 1R,(3)

Bm - bank multiplier

4) Calculation of reservation standards

R - the amount of mandatory reserves

r - the norm of mandatory reserves

M \u003d D * Kd(5)

M - volume of money supply in circulation (amount of cash and deposits, aggregate M0)

D - Maximum deposit amount in the economy

KD - deposit coefficient (cash ratio to deposits)

5) Calculation exchange rates

Monetary base \u003d M0 + cash in mandatory reserves (in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) + Cashs of commercial banks on correspondent accounts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Money mass (m2) \u003d monetary base * cash multiplier

Monetary multiplier \u003d m2 (money supply) / cash base.

1) The volume of production increased by 7% over the year, the average price level is 8%, the monetary mass has increased from 5 to 7 trillion. rub. Determine the speed of money in this year, if it is known that last year it accounted for 4 turns.

Decision: one). 5 * 4 \u003d 20 trillion. rub. 2). 20 * 1.07 * 1,08 / 7 \u003d 3.3 revolutions

2) The average price level has grown for 1 g by 9%, the production volume is 5%, the rate of money turnover decreased from 4 to 3.5%. Determine the amount of money supply at the end of the year, if at the beginning it was 5 trillion. rubles.


Jm \u003d jp * jq / jv \u003d 1.09 * 1.06 / (3.5 / 4) \u003d 1.32

V den mass \u003d 5 * 1.32 \u003d 6.6 trillion. Rub.

3) Monetary base - 3,484 billion rubles, cash out of banks (aggregate M0) - 2,352 billion rubles, demand deposits and urgent - 5,357 billion rubles, deposits in foreign currency - 1130 billion rubles .

a) the amount of money supply in the national definition (Aggregate M2);

b) the amount of money supply on the methodology of the monetary review (M2X unit);

c) the magnitude of the money multiplier.


a) m2 \u003d m0 + m1 \u003d 2352 + 5357 \u003d 7709 billion rubles.

b) m2x \u003d m2 + deposits in in. Currency \u003d 7709+ 1130 \u003d 8839 billion rubles.

c) Money multiplier DM \u003d 7709/3484 \u003d 2, 213.

4) GDP volume is 30 trillion. rub., And the money supply is 7 trillion. rub. Determine:

a) the coefficient of monetization of the economy,

b) Money turnover rate.


a) km \u003d 7/30 \u003d 0, 233 or 23.3%.

b) V \u003d 30/7 \u003d 4.29 turns per year.

5) The banking multiplier is 20, the maximum possible amount of money that the banking system can create - 80 billion rubles. Determine:

a) the norm of mandatory reserves,

b) the sum of the initial deposit.


a) but \u003d 1/20 \u003d 0.05 or 5%.

b) 80/20 \u003d 4 million rubles.

6) The norm of mandatory reserves is 4%. Coefficient of deposit (Cash / deposit ratio) - 56% of deposits. The amount of mandatory reserves is 80 billion rubles. Determine the amount of money supply in circulation (the amount of deposits and cash).


one). Deposit amount d \u003d 80 / 0.04 \u003d 2000 billion rubles.

2). Cash amount H \u003d 2000 * 0.56 \u003d 1120 billion rubles.

3). Volume of money supply in turnover M \u003d D + H \u003d 2000 + 1120 \u003d 3120 billion rubles.

7) GDP is 13,243 billion rubles, and the money supply is 2674 billion rubles. Calculate money outflow indicators:


a) V \u003d 13243/2674 \u003d 4, 952 revolutions.

b) t \u003d 360/4, 952 \u003d 72.7 days.

8) Nominal ruble exchange rate to the US dollar - 25 rubles, the level of inflation in the USA - 3%, in Russia - 10%. Requires:

a) determine the real ruble exchange rate to the dollar,

b) Compare a real course with nominal,

c) explain than caused by the difference in the levels of nominal and real courses.


a) RK \u003d 25 * 1.03 / 1,10 \u003d 23,41 rub.

b) and c) the real course above nominal

since inflation rate in Russia is higher than in the United States.

9) How the real euro rate has changed to the ruble, if the nominal course rose from 34.16 to 34.73 rubles. For the euro, and prices increased in euro zones by 1.9%, in Russia - by 9%?


1) The nominal number of the euro to the ruble rose by 1.35% - (34.73 - 34,16) * 100 / 34.73 \u003d 1.35%

2) The real euro rate to the ruble rose by 0.052 or 5.2%

a) 1.0135 * 1.019 / 1.09 \u003d 0.948. b) 1.0 - 0.948 \u003d 0.052.

10) How the nominal and real ruble courses have changed to the euro, if the nominal euro rate to the ruble rose from 34.85 to 35.00 rubles. For the euro, and prices increased in euro zones by 2%, in the Russian Federation - by 10%?


1) Reduction of NK \u003d 1 / 34.85-1 / 35 \u003d 0.0287-0.0286 \u003d 0.0001EVRO for 1 rub.

2) Reduced RK \u003d 0.0287 * 1,10 / 1.02-0.0286 * 1,10 / 1.02 \u003d 0.0309-0.0307 \u003d 0.0002

12) The norm of mandatory reserves is 5%. Coefficient of deposit (Cash / deposit ratio) - 60% of deposits. The amount of mandatory reserves is 90 billion rubles. Determine the amount of money supply in circulation (the amount of deposits and cash).


r \u003d 5%, R \u003d 90 billion rubles, kD \u003d 60%

R \u003d d * r, d \u003d r / r \u003d 90 / 0.05 \u003d 1800

M0 \u003d d * kd \u003d 1800 * 0,6 \u003d 1080

M2 \u003d m0 + d \u003d 1080 + 1800 \u003d 2880 billion rubles.

Answer: The amount of money supply in circulation of 2880 billion rubles.

13) GDP is 15 000 billion rubles, and a money supply is 3,000 billion rubles. Calculate money outflow indicators:

a) speed of turnover (number of revolutions) of the money supply;

b) the duration of one turn (in days).


a) v \u003d GDP / m \u003d 15000/3000 \u003d 5 times a year

b) t \u003d d (number of days per year) / v \u003d 360/5 \u003d 72 days

Answer: V \u003d 5 times per year, t \u003d 72 days.

14) The bank issued a loan in the amount of 600,000 rubles. For the three quarters of a simple interest rate, which in the first quarter was 12% per annum, and in each subsequent quarter increased by 1 percentage point. Determine:

a) extensive amount of debt,

b) the amount of interest for the use of the loan.


a) S \u003d 600 000 * (1 + 0.12 / 4 + 0.13 / 4 + 0.14 / 4) \u003d 658 500 rubles.

b) the amount of interest \u003d 658,500-600 000 \u003d 58 500 rubles.

16) The bank issued a loan in the amount of 150,000 rubles to the first borrower. For a period of 2 months at a rate of 15% per annum and second borrower - in the amount of 250,000 rubles. For a period of 3 months at a rate of 20% per annum. Determine the amount of interest received by the Bank for loans.


150000 * 0.15 * 2/12 + 250000 * 0.2 * 3/12 \u003d 16250 rub.

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1. Money in the function of the accumulation, savings, treasure formation

Money is an asset with absolute liquidity. Liquidity is the ability to freely act as a purchasing means or turning into it. Only real full-fledged money, which have their own value, can act as treasures.

With metal circulation systems, the money in this feature was performed by the role of a spontaneous regulator (the amount of money required for circulation).

Today, when you contact the undinal on the gold signs of value, the money cannot move automatically from the field of treasure formation in the sphere of circulation and vice versa. Modern money is not a treasure. Today, treasures exist in two forms: - government main stocks. - Gold, accumulated in the order of private thesorration.

2. Credit money: their evolution and types

Credit money is the marks of the cost on paper issues based on the loan. There were from the money function as a means of payment; The evolution of their types: Veksel ® Banknote ® Check ® Banknote, manufactured by the Central Bank.

A bill of exchange is a written debt obligation that gives it to the owner (bill holder) by the undisputed right after the expiration of the period specified in the bill, to demand from the debtor (billboard) of the amount indicated in the bill. The cost of the bill is determined by the value of the goods, the sales of which they are served. The boundary of the use of bills: 1. Wholesale of wholesale.2. Functioning a certain period of 3.. The reason for those where everything is aware of the solvency of each other.

The banknote is a special type of bill, has an universal factor. This is a bill on a banker, that is, the opportunity to get valid money at any time. The banknote is an indefinite debt obligation. Modern banknote does not have gold collateral; It happened from the money function as a means of payment and it releases the Central Bank. At the same time, it acts as a product of splicing paper and credit money. Modern banknote due to the lack of gold collateral and free reproduction on gold is subject to impairment.

The check is a type of bill that the investor issues to the bank in order to pay in cash or transfer to another person's account of a certain amount of banknotes. Types of checks: -Irennoy, -pore, -Art.

A check has a certain form and details, is a private obligation, its appeal is limited. There are new methods of transmission of perfect payments using electronic money. The advantages of electronic money. 1. The extension of the rate of transmission of payment instructions.2. The publication of the processing of banking correspondence.3.Clideration of the cost of processing of payment arguments.

3. Money circulation: concept, string and land indicators

Money circulation is the movement of money in the field of treatment when performing its functions as a means of circulation and means of payment in cash and non-cash form. Cashless turnover inseparable from circulation of cash, together they form a single cash turnover of the country, in which there are uniform money and names. In the conditions of the domination of uniform money, the spontaneous regulator of the amount of money is absent. Excessive issue of money in appeal entails their depreciation. Hence the role of the state in regulating the money circulation. The law of the amount of money necessary for the appeal was formulated by Marx. Its essence: the amount of money necessary to perform functions as a means of circulation and means of payment should be equal to the sum of all sold goods divided by the number of money revolutions., Where: PQ is the sum of the prices of the goods being implemented. K is the amount of goods sold in Credit.a - the coming plates. B - mutually extinguishing payments. V is the speed of money circulation. In order to analyze the quantitative change in the money circulation to a specific date and for a certain period, monetary aggregates use financial statistics. With their help, liquid assets serve to measure the money supply are grouped.

Units: - Cash in circulation. \u003d + Funds in demand accounts. \u003d + Means on term deposits. Thus, the monetary aggregates group cash in the degree of decrease in their liquidity.

4. Evolution of valuation forms. The role of money in the modern economy

In the process of its evolution, the money takes place 4 stages corresponding to 4 forms of value:

1. Easy or random. Corresponds to an early degree of exchange of exchange; peculiar to the low level of production forces; The exchange was random; Vividly distinguished 2 poles of the expression:

2. Full or deployed. Associated with the development of commodity exchange; arises against the background of deepening the division of labor and production growth; Each product is in the relative form of value, opposes the set of goods-equivalents, at the same time due to the multiplicity of equivalent goods, the cost of each product does not receive a complete expression.

3. Support: - The goods become the main purpose of production. - There is a need for a universal product-equivalent, which is needed to all. The role of the main subjects of exchange at different times was performed by different goods (salt, fur, cattle, etc.). In this role, such goods detained for a short time.

4. Monetary. Allocation of one product for the role of universal equivalent. With the development of exchange and the creation of the global market, this role entrenched for noble metals, and from that moment on, the commodity world is divided into 2 parts: - All goods. - Special goods playing the role of universal equivalent.

Money is a special product, in particular, because their consumer value is doubled (on the one hand, they remain raw materials for the manufacture of luxury goods and home utensils, on the other, they perform the role of Merila all commodity costs).

The role of money in the economy.

1. Doney - a binder of the commodity producers.2. Then the role of money - they became capital.3. The way of monetary regulation is money.3.Money serve as a weapon of value accounting, the result of economic activity. 5. Doney - Economy Regulatory Tool. With the help of money, the internally contradiction of goods is solved. 6. With the help of money there is an education and redistribution of national income, the formation of prices for goods and services, the formation of an effective production structure, creating incentives for improving labor productivity. Redistribution of newly created value and cash flows, the development of economic integration between countries, etc.

5. MONOMETALLISM: its types. Deleting Gold

With the development of commodity and money relations and strengthening the role of the state, bimetallism ceases its existence. After cheating, the production and production of silver and its impairment, gold coins began to go from treasure treatment. This was manifested by the action of the Copernicus Sin "when the worst money displaces the best".

Monometallism is a monetary system at which one metal (or gold, or silver) serves as a universal equivalent and the basis of money circulation. 1. GOLDOMONE STANDARD. This is a period of free competition; free circulation; free chasing of gold coins; Unhindered exchange of banknotes for gold; The law of money circulation acts automatically. 2. Zitron standard. There are no gold coins and their free chasing. Banknotes exchange only on gold bars.

3. GOLDEN SUPPLY (ZOLOTOVYUND) STANDARD. There is no treatment of gold coins and their free chasing. The exchange of full-fledged money on gold is made by sharing on the currency of countries that have retained the gold standard. Thus, the connection of monetary units of the countries of the gold-based standard with gold will continue.

6. Money: Essence, Functions, Role in Economics

Money is a special product, performing the role of the Universal Equivalent.

The essence of money as any economic category is expressed in functions.

5 F-I: 1. Cost. 2. Tool of circulation. 3. Means of payment.4. The accumulation, savings and formation of treasures 5. World money.

1. Measure value. The value of the goods is determined as a result of equating them to a certain amount of money. Those. Money advocates universal incarnation and measure of commodity costs. Feature: Money performs not only as real, but also ideal, i.e. mentally presented money. At the same time, only full-fledged money can be performed this feature, and not the signs of value, as it is impossible to measure the cost of the goods, it is impossible for anything.

2. Creating a handling. Sale of goods for money gives the opportunity to purchase other goods. Money in this case is an intermediary in the exchange of goods. The process of commercial exchange is expressed by the formula: T - D - T. Feature: The function can only be performed by real money, both full and values.

3. Payment tool. The movement of money and the movement of goods do not always coincide. Payment tool money only when the goods buys without payment at the moment or when the payment is carried out using an intermediary. This function determines the occurrence of credit money, in this function the money is widely functioned both in the field of commercial circulation and outside it. In this case, the means of appeal is not the money themselves, but debt liabilities laid in them. In this function, the money has a specific movement: the goods are a debt obligation - money.

4. Means of accumulation, savings and treasure formation. Money can leave the sphere of circulation and accumulate in commodity producers as such. Money is an asset with absolute liquidity. Liquidity is the ability to freely act as a purchasing means or turning into it. Only real full-fledged money, which have their own value, can act as treasures. Modern money is not a treasure. Today, treasures exist in two forms: - government main stocks. - Gold, accumulated in the order of private thesorration.

Modern money can accumulate and save. The term "accumulation" is related to legal entities that accumulate money in order to extend reproduction. Reliable money by private and households.

5. World money. In the global turnover, money is functioning in the 3rd forms: - Universally, the purchasing agent. - Universally, the payment agent. - means of materialization of public wealth.

Initially, global money is in the form of ingots of noble metals, then in the form of gold coins, but with an increase in international turnover of gold reserves, it began to miss and as world money began to use solid currencies of leading countries of the world. To date, new functional forms of global money have been created - special rights borrowing ECU and euro - a collective currency of highly developed European countries seeking to unify national, economic and legal regimes. In modern conditions, gold is fully ousted from the circulation of cost signs. This means that gold has completely lost money functions (the process of decoying gold).

The role of money in the economy.1.Dengi - a binder of commodity producers.2. Then the role of money - they became capital.3. The way of monetary regulation is money. Money.3.Money serve as a weapon of value accounting, the result of economic activity.4.Money - tool Economy regulation.5. With the help of money, the internal contradiction of goods is solved. 6. With the help of money, the formation and redistribution of national income occurs, the formation of prices for goods and services, the formation of an effective production structure, creating incentives for improving labor productivity. Redistribution of newly created value and cash flows, the development of economic integration between countries, etc.

7. Characteristics of the monetary system of modern Russia

Al-You: 1. Definition of the city ruble.2. Price scale - no. 3. Wides of money - credit money produced by the Central Bank. 4. Emiss. The device is the Central Bank. 5.Gos and credit apparatus - Gos-CB regulation-t DEN processed, payment system of the Russian Federation. The contestation of the Kyrgyz Republic is a reduction of the mass in turning. The expansion of the Kyrgyz Republic is an increase in the mass in turning.

8. Types of monetary systems. Osn El-You, features and trends in the development of SCUD DEN Systems

The monetary system is a form of organization of money circulation by virtue of the above historically and enshrined national legislation.

The type of monetary system depends on what form money is functioning: a) as a product of universal equivalence. b) as a value sign

In this connection, 2 types are isolated: 1. The metallic circulation system at which the money product directly appeals and performs all 5 functions of money, and credit money is subject to metals. The system of circulation of credit and paper money, in which gold is displaced from circulation. Depending on the metals in which in the given country, the universal equivalent was accepted as a product: bimetallism - a monetary system, in which the role of the universal equivalent is fixed for noble metals (gold and silver), provides free chasing coins from both metals and their unlimited appeal. . 3 varieties of bimetallism: 1. The system of parallel currency (the ratio is established by spontaneously in the process of circulation in accordance with the market value of the metal price) .2. Double currency system (the state establishes a solid ratio) .3. The system of "chromium currency". Coins from both metals were a legitimate payment facility. Different conditions for their emission. Gold coins minted freely, and the chasing of silver coins was carried out privately and was limited. As a result, silver coins began to become gold coins signs. Monometallism is a monetary system at which one metal (or gold, or silver) serves as a universal equivalent and the basis of money circulation.

1. GOLDOMONE STANDARD. This is a period of free competition; free circulation; free chasing of gold coins; Unhindered exchange of banknotes for gold; The law of money circulation acts automatically. 2. Zitron standard. There are no gold coins and their free chasing. Banknotes exchange only on gold bars. 3. GOLDEN SUPPLY (ZOLOTOVYUND) STANDARD. There is no treatment of gold coins and their free chasing. The exchange of full-fledged money on gold is made by sharing on the currency of countries that have retained the gold standard.

The monetary system will include the following elements: 1. Monetary unit.2. The scale of prices (lost economic significance) .3. Types of money. 4. Emisy apparatus.5. The state and credit apparatus (in terms of the organization of monetary turnover and methods for regulating the monetary circulation). The consistent part of the monetary system is also a national currency system, which at the same time maintains its relative independence.

Characteristic features and trends in the development of modern monetary systems.

1. Cancel official gold content, ensuring and reproduction of banknotes for gold.

2. Transition to non-discrepable gold mines that are reborn into paper money.

3. The issue of money in appeal takes place not only in the order of bank lending to the economy, but also in the order of bank lending to the state.

4. In a single monetary turnover of the country, cashless money is dominated.

5. Strengthens the state monopolistic regulation of the monetary circulation.

6. The gold is fully repulsed from the money circulation, that is, the process of deleting gold has ended.

7. Quasi-money (almost money) are played increasingly played in monetary circulation: notes, credit cards.

8. With further internationalization of economic life, national money is supplanted from the money circulation by collective currencies (eku, euro).

9. In the monetary circulation of countries, the whole major role is given to electronic money. Causes of this:

a) saving resources (excluding the printing of money, their transportation, etc.).

b) Decriminalization of cash relations (electronic money always registered).

c) their use creates the possibility of total control over all monetary operations (for example, in order to prevent tax evasion).

9. Tools and Methods Den-Credit Regulatory CBR

DKP is the main part of the state economic policy. It is an event for state management of monetary circulation and a loan carried out by the Central Bank in certain combinations and aimed at restraining inflation and sustainable development of the economy.

Basic tools and DCP methods:

1. Interest rates on the operations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

2. Standards of mandatory reserves deposited in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Reserve Requirements).

3. Operations on the open market.

4. Refinancing of credit institutions.

5. Currency interventions.

6. Establishment of target growth.

7. Direct quantitative restrictions.

8. Emissions of bonds on their own behalf.

Direct methods are the nature of administrative measures in the form of various CB directives relating to the amount of money supply and prices in the financial market. Indirect methods of regulation affect the conduct of economic entities using market mechanisms.

All DCT tools are used in a single system and are divided into:

a) General: affect the market of loan capital as a whole; are predominantly indirect (operations on the open market, changing the norms of mandatory reserves, etc.).

b) selective (regulate specific types of loan, are mainly carried out, their use is associated with solving private tasks).

10. Comparison characteristic of types of money

Credit money is the marks of the cost on paper issues based on the loan.

A bill of charge is a written debt obligation that gives it to the owner (bill holder) by the undisputed right after the expiration of the period specified in the bill, to demand from the debtor (billboard) of the payment of the amount marked in the bill. The boundary of the use of bills: 1. Wholesale of wholesale. 2. Functioning a certain period. 3. A narrow circle of persons.

The banknote is a special type of bill, has an universal factor. This is a bill on a banker. Modern banknote does not have gold collateral; The emission is carried out not only in the order of lending to trade, but also in the order of bank lending to the state. It acts as a product of splicing paper and credit money (i.e. paper money in the broad sense of the word). Modern banknote due to the lack of gold collateral and free reproduction on gold is subject to impairment.

Types of checks: Named, Orders., Calculated. A check has a certain form and details, is a private obligation, its appeal is limited.

Electronic money. The advantages of electronic money.

Increasing the speed of transferring payment instructions.

Simplify banking correspondence processing.

Reducing the cost of processing payment arguments.

11.Money in the function of value measure

Money is a special product, performing the role of the Universal Equivalent.

The value of the goods is determined as a result of equating them to a certain amount of money. Those. Money advocates universal incarnation and measure of commodity costs. Feature: Money performs not only as real, but also ideal, i.e. mentally presented money. At the same time, only full-fledged money can be performed this feature, and not the signs of value, as it is impossible to measure the cost of the goods, it is impossible for anything.

The cost of goods received in the form of price, but since various goods have different costs, it is necessary to make a certain amount of metal per unit of measurement to compare them. Price scale is a weighing amount of metal adopted in the country for a monetary unit and serving for measuring prices.

12. Inflation as a multifactorine process. Its essence, types and types

Views: Open inflation is manifested directly in price increases and is measured by the consumer price growth index. Hidden (depressed) inflation - prices are artificially held or freezed, a deficit appears; It is impossible to freely buy goods in the frozen price, "black markets" appear. The inflation of demand is to exceed demand over the proposal, leads to price increases, and, consequently, to the depreciation of the money. May be caused by the following reasons: 1. Rising income occurs at higher rates than the increase in labor productivity and production. Militarization of the economy and the growth of military expenses (the military does not create products, and the market makes the demand for services of services). 3. The deficit of the state budget and the growth of public debt (the state covers the budget deficit with the help of emission or state loans.). 4. Credit expansion is the expansion of credit guns of circulation, also creates additional demand.5. The inflow of foreign currency into the country, which after the exchange or by direct walking as money increases the amount of money in the country. Conclusion: Thus, demand inflation arises against the background of price increases caused by the expansion of total demand in the market and an increase in the money supply. It is typical, as a rule, for the stages of revival and lifting production. Cost inflation: 1. The increase in production costs is associated with a sharp increase in salary, deterioration of fuel and raw materials production. 2.The delivery of labor productivity rate caused by cyclic fluctuations in production leading to an increase in production costs per unit of products. Production and as a result - an increase in the total production costs per unit of products produced.3.Rost production costs, under the influence of price increases by monopolist enterprises, especially in the field of mining industry, transport, Tek.4. The extension of taxes, especially indirect, which lead to taxes Growth of prices.5. Sewing services, where a higher share of salary and lower labor productivity. Imported inflation - characterized by high prices for imported goods (raw materials, cars, consumer goods), i.e, in other words, the cost inflation mechanism is caused. Excess exports over import and inflow into the country of foreign currency (increase in the amount of money supply in the country) .2. The influx into the country of foreign capital.3. Reducing the course of national currency and, therefore, a sharp increase in prices first on imported, then export goods.

Inflation assessment:

Taking into account the growth of this index, inflation is divided into types: 1. Creeping (moderate) inflation. Annual growth rates are 3-5-10% .2. Galoping inflation. Annual growth rates range from 50 to 100%. 3. Hyperinflation. Price increase over 100% per year.

13. Bill. Regularities and boundaries of his appeal

Evolution of their species: bill ® banknote ® Check ® Banknote, manufactured by the Central Bank

A bill of exchange is a written debt obligation that gives it to the owner (bill holder) by the undisputed right after the expiration of the period specified in the bill, to demand from the debtor (billboard) of the amount indicated in the bill. The cost of the bill is determined by the value of the goods, the sales of which they are served.

The border of the use of bills:

1) Wholesale maintenance.

2) a certain period is functioning.

3) Bill, as a private debt obligation, used by payments among the narrow circle of persons, where everything is aware of each other's solvency.

14. Banknote as one of the types of credit money. Difference Classic Banknotes from Sovr

The banknote is a special type of bill, has an universal factor. In the era of the golden standard - this is a bill on a banker, I, the opportunity to receive valid money at any time.

The banknote is an indefinite debt obligation.

The traditional sphere of their distribution is the area of \u200b\u200bpayment by cash.

The classical banknote was produced by the issuing bank instead of commercial bills, by law having gold support and was divided into gold had two collaters: gold and bill and commodity.

Modern banknote does not have gold collateral; The emission is carried out not only in the order of lending to trade, but also in the order of bank lending to the state. Modern banknote partly preserves its credit nature, as it originated from the function of money as a means of payment and produces it to the Central Bank. At the same time, it acts as a product of splicing of paper and credit money (that is, paper money in the broad sense of the word). Modern banknote due to the lack of gold collateral and free reproduction on gold is subject to impairment.

15. Money: Essence and F-Ii. Evolutionary theory of the origin of money

Evolutionary. Karl Marx is considered the main representative. According to the Marx Theory: Money - a historical category, the essence of which is that they solve the main contradiction of commodity production (goods, between the consumer value of goods and the cost), due to the fact that they are a specific product with a natural form of which the universal function fits universal equivalent. They stood out at a certain historical stage of the total commodity mass and they are inherent in all properties as other goods (cost and consumer value).

The evolution of money is closely related to the evolution of commodity exchange, in particular, with the first major division of labor (branch of cattle breeding from farming) and the second (selection of crafts).

The role of money at various times was performed by various goods, gradually this function was fixed for noble metals (gold, silver) due to their physicochemical properties: rarely found in nature. Qualitatively homogeneous. Quantitatively divisible. Save. Portability. Transportable.

16. Law of Den Action and its action with Metolich and Bum-Cred

Money circulation is the movement of money in the field of treatment when performing its functions as a means of circulation and means of payment in cash and non-cash form. Cashless turnover inseparable from circulation of cash, together they form a single cash turnover of the country, in which there are uniform money and names.

The law of the amount of money necessary for the appeal was formulated by Marx on the basis of studies, trade patterns; The law is valid for all types of money. Its essence: the amount of money necessary to perform functions as a means of circulation and means of payment must be equal to the sum of all sold goods divided by the number of money revolutions.

Where: PQ is the sum of the prices of the goods being implemented. K is the amount of goods sold on credit. A - Consistent payments. B - mutually redeemed payments. V is the speed of money circulation.

When making money, Ie banknotes, exchanged for metals, cash make a circuit in accordance with the law of paper handling: "The release of credit money should be limited to them by their number, in which there really would be symbolically represented by them gold (silver). In order to analyze the quantitative change in the money circulation to a specific date and for a certain period, monetary aggregates use financial statistics. With their help, liquid assets serve to measure the money supply are grouped.

Units: - Cash in circulation \u003d + Tools in demand accounts \u003d + Means on term deposits. In order, the monetary aggregates group cash in the degree of decrease of their liquidity.

The monetary system is a form of organization of money circulation due to the current historically and enshrined national legislation. The monetary system depends on the form of money: a) as a product of universal equivalence) as a value sign

In this regard, 2 types are isolated

1. The metallic circulation system at which the money product directly appeals and performs all 5 functions of money, and credit money is subject to metals.

2. The management system of credit and paper money, in which gold is displaced from circulation.

17. Central Bank as a credit system link: its tasks, functions, operations

Central Bank is a legally independent organization. The degree of independence in different countries is different. A greater degree of independence has central banks accountable to parliament, less - the Ministry of Finance. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is accountable to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The authorized capital and other property of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is federal property, while the Bank of Russia is endowed with financial and property independence.

The goal of the activities of the Central Bank can be formulated on the triune task:

1. Ensuring the stability of the purchasing power and currency stability of the National Monetary Unit. 2. Ensuring the stability and liquidity of the banking system. Ensuring the stability and reliability of the national payment system.

Functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

In the course of its activities, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation performs 5 basic functions (in the law 19):

1. Monopoly emission banknotes. The function allocates the Central Bank among other banks, but is not the main one. For the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the function is enshrined in law.2. External economic. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is an organ of gross regulation, conductor of state currency policy.3. Monetary regulation. The main and main function of the Central Bank. The regulation of the economy is carried out through the impact on the state of the loan and money circulation. Bank banks. The Central Bank is not dealing with the population and enterprises directly. Its main clientele - commercial banks; The Central Bank provides them with credit support and acts for them by the creditor of the last instance. The Central Bank is kept free cash and commercial banks. The Central Bank is the main regulatory body of the Russian payment system, it also licensing, supervision and control over the banks, checks and analyzes from financial statements. 5. Government bank. In this function, the Central Bank is a cashier and the lender of the government, it has been opened by the accounts of government agencies, it carries out the cash execution of the state budget. The Central Bank conducts public debt management operations, that is, places and extinguish loans.

The Central Bank exercises its own functions through banking operations - passive and active.

18. Loading operations of commercial banks. Classification of loans

A commercial bank is an enterprise that organizes the movement of loan capital in order to receive profits. The basis of active operations make up loan operations. They are the most profitable, but also the most risky.

Loan operations are classified:

1) on borrowers: -ssouds to individuals. -ssouds to legal entities

2) on the areas of the capital application: -stuts the real sector of the economy. - Lands of financial sector

3) in terms: - neighboring. -The submern. - Domestic

4) According to the method of issuing: - a discussion credit (issued by one sum of the agreed in the loan agreement).

The credit line is a legally executed obligation of the Bank or another credit institution, to the borrower, to provide him within a certain period, loans within the agreed limit.

Overdraft: lending over account balance, a loan is represented as a need for funds occur; In the absence of money at the customer's current account, the provision of overdraft is carried out by writing off the Bank's customer's funds over the residue on his account, as a result of which the debit balance is formed. The maximum loan amount, the conditions for its provision and repayment is established by the Agreement between the Bank and the Client, the terms of overdraft are recorded there, but not more than 10-15 days.

5) by industry affiliation: - Transport. -Selvo economy, etc.

6) on the presence of collateral: -cured. - Blancs

The loan account is the bank accounting document on which the issuance of issuance and return of the loans are conducted: 1) a constant (on this account, the operations are recorded both on the calculated and on loan accounts, i.e. when issuing a loan on a contract debit balance is formed, And when repaying credit.

Thus, at the expense of the loan, there is an advantage of the missing amount of payment tools that ensure the continuity of capital circuit. To such borrowers, the Bank places strict requirements: stable financial indicators; a steady amount of net profit or income; Sustainable position on the market; The presence of a consistent circle of counterparties.

19. Commerce Banks: their essence, F-AI. RRINTSIPS OF THE COUNTRY AND ROLE IN EKK

A commercial bank is an enterprise that organizes the movement of loan capital in order to receive profits. The main purpose of the commercial bank is the mediation in moving funds between creditors and borrowers, and between sellers and buyers.

Basic principles of commercial bank: 1. Work within the limits of actually available resources (providing quantitative compliance and conformity in terms between resources and investments in the bank) "Golden Banking Rule". 2. Full economic independence, implying the bank's economic responsibility for the results of its activities. According to its obligations, the commercial bank meets all the means and property belonging to him, which may be imposed. The relationship of a commercial bank with clients is being built as common market relations (profit - risk - liquidity) .4. The state regulates the activities of a commercial bank only by indirect methods without interference in its operational activities. The main goal of the activities of the commercial bank is to obtain maximum profits.

Banks can be classified: 1. By volume and variety of operations and services provided: (universal. Specialized) 2. According to the availability of a branch network: (Banks that have branches. Banks that do not have branches) .3 According to the territorial characteristics of the action (regional. Exterritorial).

4. In size: (large. Middle. Small).

Functions of commercial banks: 1. Mediation in credit. Paid mediation.3. Mobilization of cash income and savings and transformation into capital.4. Creating credit guns.

20. Essence, function and role of credit

The need and the possibility of a loan is due to the pattern of capital circulation in the process of reproduction in some areas of released funds serving as a source of a loan, and on others there is a need for them.

Principles of credit relations are: repayment. Urgency. Parity. Security.

Differentiated approach when lending. The target nature of the use of the loan.

The essence of the loan is like eq. Categories are manifested in functions performed by them, which equally inherent in all forms of loan

Redistribution. Credit relations arise not at the production stage, and in the process of sharing and redistribution of value, therefore, a loan redistributes cash and material values \u200b\u200bthrough the credit system, taking into account the principles of lending at various levels.

Replacement of valid funds by credit money and credit operations. In the process of functioning a loan, the credit guns of the appeal occurs, i.e. replacing real cash by credit money.

Control and emission


Centralized capital

Saving costs

Concentration and accumulation of capital.

Role of the loan:

Credit - a state of monetary policy, which allows to reduce / increase the aggregate monetary massserving economy.

Using a loan reduces the amount of money required for circulation.

Credit reduces circulation costs

The loan contributes: the growth of macroeconomic indicators. Proportional development of the economy as a whole and its individual industries. Reduced production costs. Acceleration of technical re-equipment of enterprises. Creating the continuity of reproduction processes. Acceleration and smoothness of calculations

20. Active operations of commercial banks: the concept, strict

Active operations (operations for placement of resources). Active operations of a commercial bank:

For economic content, divided by: 1) loan operations 2) Investment operations.3) Calculated and cash operations.4) Other.

The basis of active operations make up loan operations. They are the most profitable, but also the most risky. Loading operations are classified: 1) on borrowers: loans to individuals. loans to legal entities. 2) on the areas of the capital application: loans to the real sector of the economy, loans to the financial sector3) by terms: short-term, medium-term, long-term

4) According to the method of issuing: - a discussion credit (issued by one sum of the agreed in the loan agreement), the credit line- (legally executed obligation of the Bank or another credit institution, to the borrower, to provide him within a certain period, loans within the agreed limit), overdraft : (Lending over the account balance, the loan is represented as the need for funds occurred; in the absence of money on the Customer's current account, the provision of overdraft is carried out by writing off the Bank's customer's funds over the residue on his account, as a result of which a debit balance is formed. Maximum loan amount The conditions for its provision and repayment is established by the Agreement between the Bank and the Client, there are also recorded terms of overdraft, but not more than 10-15 days), 5) by industry affiliation: transport, agriculture, etc.

6) by presence: secured, blank.

The provision of bank loans is carried out by means of loan accounts. Enterprises have the right to open several loan accounts in different banks. The loan account is a bank accounting document on which the issuance of issuance and return of the loan is conducted: 1) a contract (on this account, the operations are recorded both on the calculated and on loan accounts, i.e. when issuing a loan on a constorate debit balance , And when repaying the loan. T. about. due to the loan, there is an advantage of the missing amount of payment tools that ensure the continuity of the capital circuit.

Before concluding the contract, the Bank conducts a credit analysis. Sets the debt limit for each client differentiate. The Bank is forced to reserve part of the funds for granting a loan, on the first request, a maximum allowable repayment period is established. There is no material support of the loan.

22. Credit system. Har-ka of its links, features of development

The credit system is the main element of the loan capital market, it can be viewed in two directions: 1. Functional form (a set of credit relations, forms and lending methods). 2.Institutional form (a set of credit and financial institutions, accumulation of free funds and granting them on credit).

Links (tiers) of the credit system of the Russian Federation: I. Central Bank of the Russian Federation.II. Commercial banks. 1. Savings 2. Investment 3. Mortgage. 4. Specialized trading banks and banker houses, etc. III. Insurance sector. 1. Insurance companies. 2. Pension funds IV. Specialized non-bank credit and financial institutions / Institutions: 1. Investment companies. 2. Financial companies. 3. Charity funds. 4. Trust departments of commercial banks. 5. Loans of savings organizations. 6. Lombard. Sometimes III and IV sectors are combined under the general name of the IV sector.

The trends in the development of the credit system: 1. There is a process of interlacing and rapprochement of national economies (integration in the credit sphere) .2. The boundaries between credit and financial institutions are being built. There is a process of consolidating credit and financial institutions, the universalization of their activities and the unification of banking law.4. Credit business, in general, is aimed at developing new services and products, which is due to competition between credit and financial institutions. 5. Economic integration in the field of credit relations, Either provides favorable conditions for the interaction of the parties or to debt dependence.

Prospects for the development of the credit system of the Russian Federation: 1. The dependence of the country's economy and the credit system from the conjuncture of world raw materials market increases. In Russia, there was one of the high gaps between savings and investments. Russia is the largest lender from the "old world" while the country itself lacks investment in particular to carry out technological modernization of the economy.

23. Bank loan. His classification

Bank credit is the main form of credit relations, has a wide scope of application. Subjects of credit relations are: a bank as a lender, and a borrower - legal entities and individuals. A network is provided in cash by a network of specialized credit institutions.

Classification of a bank loan: a) in terms: (short-term, medium-term, long-term) b) to ensure (secured loans (pledge, guarantee, guarantee, insurance against non-payment of the principal amount of debt and non-payment on it); forms (unsecured loans)). In ) In the maturity (urgent (loans, the maturity of which has not yet come); overdue (loans outstanding in a predetermined period, represent an increased risk to the bank); prolonged (loans, the repayment period of which is postponed by the Bank at the request of the client due to the that the client is experiencing temporary financial difficulties on reasons independent of it)). d) under the lending mechanism: (procedure for issuing a loan repayment procedure).

Credit - eq. Category expressing eq. Relationship between the lender and the borrower about the provision and use of temporarily free cash on the terms of repayment, urgency, payability. The need and the possibility of a loan is due to the pattern of capital circulation in the process of reproduction in some areas of released funds serving as a source of a loan, and on others there is a need for them.

Principles of credit relations are: repayment, urgency, payability, security, differentiated approach during lending, target nature of the loan.

The essence of the loan is like eq. The categories are manifested in the functions performed by them, which are equally inherent to all forms of credit. Unanimously allocate the following credit functions: 1) redistribution. Credit relations arise not at the production stage, and in the process of sharing and redistribution of value, therefore, a loan redistributes cash and material values \u200b\u200bthrough the credit system, taking into account the principles of lending at various levels. 2) Replacement of valid funds by credit money and credit operations. In the process of functioning a loan, valid funds are replaced by credit money. 3) Control and emission. 4) Em session. 5) centralized capital. 6) cost savings. 7) concentration and accumulation of capital.

Role of credit: 1. Credit is a tool for a state of monetary policy, which allows to reduce / increase the aggregate money supply serving economy.2. Using a loan reduces the amount of money required for circulation. Credit reduces circulation costs4. The loan contributes: the growth of macroeconomic indicators. Proportional development of the economy as a whole and its individual industries. Reduced production costs. Acceleration of technical re-equipment of enterprises. Creating the continuity of reproduction processes. Acceleration and smoothing of calculations.

25. Har-ka OSN methods for assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower

The main method of reduction (minimization) of the risk - analyze the creditworthiness of the borrower, i.e. Analysis of the ability to return borrowed funds on time and in full. Creditability is such a financial and economic condition of the enterprise, which gives confidence in efficient use. borrowed money; This ability and readiness of the borrower return the loan in accordance with the terms of the contract. In different countries and banks there are significant differences in the approaches and methods for assessing creditworthiness.

In the Russian Federation, banks most often use the following 4 methods for assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower:

1. Section of creditworthiness based on a system of financial coefficients, characteristics, the ratio of various types of balance and their dynamics. Most often, 7 groups of coefficients are used: indicators: solvency, liquidity, turning. Capital, debt, debt service, business activity, profitability

2. Evaluation of creditworthiness based on cash flow analysis (in contrast to the previous method, the calculation is based on the Salda reporting indicators, but on the basis of actual indicators characterizing the turnover of funds from the client in the reporting period). Analysis of the cash flow consists in comparison of outflow and inflow of funds from the borrower, for the period usually the corresponding loan term. The cash flow analysis model is built on the group of elements of the influx and outflow of funds, in the field of enterprise management. Main spheres: Company profit management, reserves and calculations, financial obligations, taxes and investments, the ratio of own and borrowed capital. If the client has a steady excess of the inflow on the outflow of funds, this indicates its financial stability and its creditworthiness in general.

3. Sending creditworthiness based on business risk analysis. Business risk is the risk associated with the fact that the circuit of the borrower Foundation may not be completed on time and with the estimated effect. Analysis of such risk allows you to predict the sufficiency of the loan repayment source.

4. Nightness of creditworthiness on the linear model of Altman is the so-called "z" analysis, i.e. Ranking of the objects studied in 2 groups: 1.Groups of potential bankrupts.2. Safety firms. Model include the following estimates: - ratio of working capital to aggregate assets. - The ratio of retained earnings to total assets. -The attitude of the income group to aggregate assets. - Market capital assessment to the balance sheet assessment of total debt. - The ratio of sales to the book estimate of total debt.

Variable indicators with weight coefficients are included in the calculation of the general indicator:. If the enterprise is the value of "z" less than this number, then it relates to a group of enterprises -Potential banks.

Disadvantages of the methodology: 1. Inveternally, you can know the indicators of a market assessment of capital (quotes of the company's shares) .2. There is a "z" value when the model does not work.

26. Passive operations of commercial banks: concept, page

Passive (aimed at the formation of resources of commercial banks; primary to active operations; are the basis for their development). This is the use of own and borrowed funds. Own: a) authorized capital. b) Reserve Fund. c) various specialized funds. d) redistributed, by the end of the year, the profit remaining after: - Budget. -Tellifications in reserve, special funds. -After payment of dividends.

Attracted: 1. Deposit sources (deposits, deposits, deposit and savings certificates) 2. Subposted sources (these are interbank loans, loans of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, their own bonds and bills).

27. Basic types of risks in the bank of the Department. Risk

Banking risks: From the point of view of the areas of the occurrence of budget risks are divided into: 1. Encouraging to their own banking activities. 2. Non-permanent not related to the Bank's activities (internal, external)

Main internal: 1. Credit risk. The risk of non-return of debt is inability, in the unwillingness of the client to pay the amount of debt and% on it caused by the agreement. Its degree depends on: (a) providing large loans to one or group of related borrowers. b) a concentration of credit action in a separate sector of the economy, industries or regions. c) the financial situation of the borrower. d) lending to objects with a significant share of borrowed funds. % risk of reduction of% rates and reduced banking walrus. 3. Risk of deposit operations: manifests itself in the inability of the Bank to provide resources to active operations and fulfill their obligations to depositors and creditors.4.Risk loss of liquidity and bankruptcy bankruptcy: closely associated with previous risks. It arises due to changes in the quality of the assets and liabilities of the bank. The lack of liquidity may entail insolvency (bankruptcy) of the Bank.5. Operational risk: associated with a violation of the electronic processing process. .7 Risk of individual banking operations.

Major external risks: 1.Number -Risk losses due to changes in the dynamics of market prices.2. Specific risk-specific risk, subspecies of the market. Associated with a change in currency exchange rates.3.Inflying occurs at a high rate of inflation, when the impairment of money occurs in a rapid pace. 4. The Right of adverse changes in the legislation on the organization of individual operations and banking in general. 5.Strakhova and the risk This risks are characterized by international loans associated with the economic, social, political conditions of the country of the borrower.

There are other bank risks classifiers: 1. on time.2. According to degree 3. According to the accounting characteristic, etc.

Minimizing the risk - the choice of the correct structure of credit investments, their diversification, the creation of a reserve for covering losses on loans, determination of risk standards per borrower. The main method of reduction (minimization) of the risk - analyze the creditworthiness of the borrower, i.e. Analysis of the ability to return borrowed funds on time and in full. Determining the conditions for issuing a loan and its repayment is the most popular form of risk management.

Management methods: Changes in conditions of% by rates in contracts, using urgent transactions, restructuring assets (liabilities) with fixed and floating rates.

28. Osn directions of a single DKP. Results 2007 and Waiting for 2008.

29. Strategic Development Directions Bank of the Sector of the Russian Federation, Specific Business Bank in R.

The banking system is a key link of the credit system. In conditions market economy The advantages have a two-level banking system, which includes the upper and lower levels; The system is based on building a relationship between vertical banks and horizontally.

Vertical: the relationship of submission between the Central Bank, as the head of the control center and lower links (commercial and specialized banks). Horizontally: relations of the equal partnership between the lower links.

The current legislation enshrines the basic principles, the organization of the banking system of the Russian Federation: 1. Principle of the two-level organization of the banking system. Defended by the contradictory nature of market relations, which on the one hand require freedom of development of entrepreneurship and order by private cash (for example, the elements of the lower level, commercial banks), and on the other hand, the need for certain state regulation, which implies the existence of a special institution. Thus, the Central Bank is a mediator between the state and the economy.2. Principle of the universality of banks.

30. Money in the F-AI means of circulation. Boom and loan money

Sale of goods for money gives the opportunity to purchase other goods. Money in this case is an intermediary in the exchange of goods. The process of commercial exchange is expressed by the formula: T - D - T, where the sale (T-D) is carried out for the sake of subsequent purchase (DD). In the early stages of the development of commodity, the function of money as a measure of value and means of payment coincided, as any product could perform the role of universal equivalent. Feature: The function can only be performed by real money, both full and cost signs. The passage of money participation in servicing the purchase and sale of goods, creates an objective need to circulate defective money, i.e. Signs of value.

Infectious money - nominal value\u003e Real value. Representatives: 1. Metal signs of value (eating coins). 2. Cost signs on paper: a) paper money (occurred from the money function as a means of circulation, produced by treasury) b) credit money (derived from the money function as a means of payment; the evolution of their species: bill --- banknote --- Banknote, manufactured by the Central Bank). Credit money is the marks of the cost on paper issues based on the loan. A bill of exchange is a written debt obligation, who gives it to the owner (bill holder) the undisputed right after the expiration of the period specified in the bill, to demand from the debtor (bill of charge) the amount marked in the bill. The banknote is a special type of bill, has an universal factor. In the era of the golden standard - this is a bill on a banker, I, the opportunity to receive valid money at any time. The classical banknote was produced by the issuing bank instead of commercial bills, by law having gold support and was divided into gold had two collaters: gold and bill and commodity. Modern banknote does not have gold collateral; The emission is carried out not only in the order of lending to trade, but also in the order of bank lending to the state. Modern banknote partly preserves its credit nature, as it originated from the function of money as a means of payment and produces it to the Central Bank. At the same time, it acts as a product of splicing of paper and credit money (that is, paper money in the broad sense of the word). Modern banknote due to the lack of gold collateral and free reproduction on gold is subject to impairment.

The check is a type of bill that the depositor writes to the bank in order to pay in cash or transfer to another person a certain amount of banknotes (at the heart of the check lies bank support).

31. Money in the F-AI means of payment. Electronic Wash Payment

The movement of money and the movement of goods do not always coincide. Payment tool money only when the goods are bought without payment at the moment or when the payment is carried out using an intermediary.

This function determines the occurrence of credit money, in this function the money is widely functioned both in the field of commercial circulation and outside it. By the time of the appearance of goods in the market, a potential buyer may not have cash for various reasons. Therefore, there is a need to purchase goods on credit, i.e. With a delay of payment. In this case, the means of appeal is not the money themselves, but debt liabilities laid in them.

In this function, the money has a specific movement: the goods are a debt obligation - money.

With this exchange, there is no counter movement of commodity and cash value, and the repayment of the debt is the final link in the purchase and sale process.

32. World money

With the development of international, economic and political relations, the functioning of money in world markets is determined. The main prerequisite for the development of the function is an international division of labor. In the global circulation, money is functioning in the 3rd forms: - Universally purchasing means. - Universally, the payment agent. - means of materialization of public wealth.

Initially, global money is in the form of ingots of noble metals, then in the form of gold coins, but with an increase in international turnover of gold reserves, it began to miss and as world money began to use solid currencies of leading countries of the world. To date, new functional forms of world money (supranational money) have been created - special borrowing rights (special depositary receipts); ECU and Euro - a collective currency of highly developed European countries seeking to unify national, economic and legal regimes.

In modern conditions, gold is fully ousted from the circulation of cost signs. This means that gold has completely lost money functions (the process of decoying gold).

33. Inflation in Russia: Causes, Specifications

Inflation - impairment of money against the background of total prices. Inflation - an increase in the overall level of prices, accompanied by a corresponding reduction in the purchasing power of money and leading to the redistribution of national income; This is the crisis state of the economy.

Caused by increasing oil prices. Because P depends on raw materials and prices for it, then the whole economy has a dependence. So Prices for daily demand products increase, the cat is consumed to consume the basket of the country's average resident. The main reasons for inflation in Russia is the monopolism of the Russian economy, an increase in world prices for goods, as well as an increase in budget expenditures, relatively high wage growth rates that pass without increasing productivity, low savings activity of the population, as well as an unfavorable entrepreneurial and investment climate. In the current year, inflation may be higher than the projected 8%, but further a downward trend will be observed. By 2010 it is expected that inflation will be about 6%.

34. Evaluation of inflation. Her social econ consequences. Inflation and production

Evitation growth index consumes prices. Calculate for the group TOV-B and services included in consumers a basket of an average of a resident of the country.

Taking into account the growth of this index, inflation is divided into types: 1. Creeping (moderate) inflation. (Temp 3-5-10%). 2 Galoping inflation. (50% and above) .3. Hyperinflation. (More100%).

Stagflation - state of the economy, when stagnation, i.e. Stagnation, or decline in production combined with increasing unemployment and inflation.

Socio-economic consequences of inflation: 1. Submission of the purchasing powerfulness of money.2. Taxation of monetary savings and savings of the population of enterprises.3. Support to reduce the income of the majority of the population (cash revenues grow slower in conditions of inflation), the revenue of income between the debtors of creditors The general economic situation in the country deteriorates, because The production volumes in the country are reduced, credit operations are limited, the financial resources of the state are limited, the speculation is expanding, the capital overflows from the production sector to trade, intermediary operations appear, etc.

35. Inflation as a multifactorine process. Its essence, types and types

Inflation - impairment of money against the background of total prices. Inflation - an increase in the overall level of prices, accompanied by a corresponding reduction in the purchasing power of money and leading to the redistribution of national income; This is the crisis state of the economy.

Open inflation is manifested directly in price increases and is measured by the consumer price increase index. Hidden (depressed) inflation - prices are artificially held or freezed, a deficit appears; It is impossible to freely buy goods in the frozen price, "black markets" appear. The inflation of demand is to exceed demand over the proposal, leads to price increases, and, consequently, to the depreciation of the money. May be caused by the following reasons: 1. Rising income occurs at higher rates than the increase in labor productivity and production. Militarization of the economy and the growth of military expenses (the military does not create products, and the market makes the demand for services of services). 3. The deficit of the state budget and the growth of public debt (the state covers the budget deficit with the help of emission or state loans.). 4. Credit expansion is the expansion of credit guns of circulation, also creates additional demand.5. The inflow of foreign currency into the country, which after the exchange or by direct walking as money increases the amount of money in the country. Conclusion: Thus, demand inflation arises against the background of price increases caused by the expansion of total demand in the market and an increase in the money supply. It is typical, as a rule, for the stages of revival and lifting production. Cost inflation: 1. The increase in production costs is associated with a sharp increase in salary, deterioration of fuel and raw materials production. 2.The delivery of labor productivity rate caused by cyclic fluctuations in production leading to an increase in production costs per unit of products. Production and as a result - an increase in the total production costs per unit of products produced.3.Rost production costs, under the influence of price increases by monopolist enterprises, especially in the field of mining industry, transport, Tek.4. The extension of taxes, especially indirect, which lead to taxes Growth of prices.5. Sewing services, where a higher share of salary and lower labor productivity. Imported inflation - characterized by high prices for imported goods (raw materials, cars, consumer goods), i.e, in other words, the cost inflation mechanism is caused. Excess exports over import and inflow into the country of foreign currency (increase in the amount of money supply in the country) .2. The influx into the country of foreign capital.3. Reducing the course of national currency and, therefore, a sharp increase in prices first on imported, then export goods.

Inflation assessment:

Taking into account the growth of this index, inflation is divided into types: 1. Creeping (moderate) inflation. Annual growth rates are 3-5-10% .2. Galoping inflation. Annual growth rates range from 50 to 100% .3. Hyperinflation. The pace is more than 100%.

36. Bimetallism. Copernicus-Sin

Bimetallism is a monetary system in which the role of the universal equivalent is fixed behind noble metals (gold and silver), there is a free coinage of coins from both metals and their unlimited appeal. Depending on how much the state intervened in the process of establishing the value ratio between gold and silver, there are 3 varieties of bimetallism: 1. The system of parallel currency (the ratio is established by spontaneously in the process of circulation in accordance with the market value of the metal price) .2. Double currency system (the state establishes a solid ratio) .3. The system of "chromium currency". Coins from both metals were a legitimate payment facility. Different conditions for their emission. Gold coins minted freely, and the chasing of silver coins was carried out privately and was limited. As a result, silver coins began to become gold coins signs.

With the development of commodity-monetary relations and strengthening the role of the state, bimetallism ceases its existence, since the state-established solid relations between gold and silver do not correspond to their market value. After cheating, the production and production of silver and its impairment, gold coins began to go from treasure treatment. This was manifested by the law of the Sin-Copernicus "when the worst money is supplanted from the appeal the best.

37. Commercial loan as one of the forms of Kred del-Ii. Prince is different from the loan bank

Commercial loan is economic relations between two enterprises, as a rule, about the sale of goods with a delay of payment. The delay is issued by a debt obligation in the form of a commercial bill. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a commercial loan can be provided in the form of an advance, preliminary payment, deferred and installment payment. Commercial loan contributes to the sale of goods and profits embedded in their value. As a result, the level of loan interest on a commercial loan is lower than banking.

The borders of the application of a commercial loan: 1) loan size. Each manufacturer can provide a loan only within its commodity capital. The sale with installments is entrusted with the capital entrepreneur. 2) The loan is short-term in nature. 3) most often provided in the commodity form.4) depends on the condition of the inverse influx (during the decline in the production of loans are not returned, and the credit relationship chain is violated, and, consequently The loan dimensions are reduced) .5) has a strictly defined orientation. Users can be enterprises associated with a single technological chain.

The fundamental differences of a commercial loan from banking.

1) The loan is granted not to specialized banking institutions, but any physical and legal entities associated with the production and sale of products.2) are more often provided in the product form. 3) The average interest rate for a commercial loan is always below the average bank bid for a specific period of time. 4) When making a transaction between the lender and the borrower, the fee for a commercial loan is included in the price of goods, Ana is determined specifically through a fixed rate of interest from the baseline. 5) The subjects of credit relations are operating entrepreneurs. 6) The volume of bank loan is significantly larger than commercial loan.

38. State loan as one of the forms of loan

A distinctive feature of the state loan is that the state is obligatory as a subject of credit relations or by the lender or a borrower. In connection with these distinguished: 1) the state loan - the state performs the functions of the lender.2) the state loan - the state acts as a borrower. The state acts as a borrower. As an economic category, the national loan is at the junction of two types of cash relations - finance and loan, and therefore it is inherent in the function of both finance and loan.

Features of the state loan: 1) If providing a bank loan acts, as a rule, specific values, then, when borrowing loans by the state, the provision of a loan serves all the property in its ownership) at the government level, state loans do not have a specific target, and for more Low levels have a clearly pronounced target orientation.

The state of the lender acts through the Central Bank or the Treasury System, when lending, for example, priority sectors of the national economy, experiencing the need for additional resources at the impossibility of budget financing or lending from commercial banks due to a factors of a conjunctural nature.

In world practice, the national loan is used not only as a tool for attracting resources, but also as an effective tool for attracting credit regulatory financial resources.

39. International loan as one of the forms of loan

International Credit - a loan provided by states, banks, legal entities and individuals of some countries of a loan to states, banks, legal entities and individuals from other countries. Currently, the concept is also treated wider. Initially, the concept of international loan included only the concept of an interstate loan. The movement of loan capital between countries can be carried out both with intermediaries and without it. Mediators are large national and transnational banks, currency and financial organizations. International loan is divided into: private, state and mixed. Today, mixed loans provided by international credit institutions with private banks and corporations received widespread. Their goal is to access the borrower on the global market of loan capital.

Classification of the International Credit.1) by types: Commodity and Monetary 2) For the purpose: Commercial and Financials.3) According to the loan currency: in the currency of the debtor's country, in the currency of the lender Country currency, in the currency of the third country or in the International Accounts Monetary Unit .4) By security: protected and forms (for the obligations of the debtor without collateral).

International loan contributes to the development of international economic relations, can contribute to the development of entire countries and regions, stimulate foreign trade, etc., but can also be used as a tool for economic and political pressure from the creditor.

40. Consumer loan as one of the forms of loan

Consumer credit is economic relations between the lender and the borrower about the lending of the final consumer, that is the population. Borrowers here are private individuals, and the loan percentage is paid from the incomes of the population. A classic example of a consumer loan is the provision of installments of payment when buying a long-term product. Trading firms and specialized financial companies are lenders here. In this case, the loan is provided in the commercial form. Consumer credit is closely related to banking, as buyers' debt obligations are used by trading firms and financial companies to obtain bank loans. Thanks to these connections, an expanded interpretation of the concept of "consumer loan" arose. Today, under consumer loan, a combination of commodity and cash loans provided to the population to meet personal needs is understood. Some banks (Sberbank) exercise lending to the population in cash.

Types of consumer loan: 1) in the form of provision: commodity and monetary. 2) By the maturity date: loans redeemable by one-time payment or gradually.3) on targeted orientation: investment, loans for the purchase of goods and services, loans for urgent needs.

Consumer loan is not long-term. Its period fluctuates usually within up to two years.

41. The OSR of the Commercial Banking Operations. Org Stro Ros Commermer

In the process of implementing its functions, banks perform operations: 1. Attracting funds of individuals and legal entities into deposits (up to demand for a certain period); 2. Place the specified attracted funds from your own behalf and at your own account; 3. Opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities; 4. The implementation of settlements on behalf of individuals and legal entities, including corresponding banks, according to their bank accounts; 5. Collection of cash, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash maintenance of individuals and legal entities; 6. Purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forma; 7. Attracting into deposits and placement of precious metals; 8. Issuance of bank guarantees; 9. The implementation of cash transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (with the exception of postal transfers).

All commercial bank operations can be divided into passive (aimed at the formation of the resources of a commercial bank; primarily in relation to active operations; are the basis for their development), active (their structure and quality determine the structure of liabilities and a variety of deposit tools) and other operations (usually related to the satisfaction of customer needs in certain services).

Commercial Bank resources can be formed at the expense of own and attracted funds.

The organizational structure of the commercial bank: comply with the generally accepted scheme of management of the joint-stock company. The supreme body of the joint-stock commercial bank is the general meeting of shareholders, takes place at least once every year. The competence of the meeting includes the following questions: 1. Changes in the Charter. Determination of the quantitative composition of directors.3. Increasing the authorized capital, etc. The Council of the Bank carries out the general management of the Bank's activities, determines the priority areas of activity, approves the plans of the Bank, makes decisions on the opening of closed branches, forms the composition of the Bank's Board, control, its work, etc. The Bank provides guidance The current activities of the commercial bank is responsible to the Bank Council. The decisions of the Board are issued in the form of the order Chairmen of the Board. The Board creates a loan committee.

A commercial bank can organize branches and representative offices. Branches are a separate division of a credit institution located outside its location and is carried out on behalf of all or part of banking operations. Representation is a separate division of a credit institution located outside its location, represents its interests and protects.

42. Composition and ECON ROLE OF CR-TV COMMER

Own: a) authorized capital. b) Reserve Fund. c) various specialized funds. d) redistributed, by the end of the year, the profit remaining after: - Budget. -Tellifications in reserve, special funds. -After payment of dividends.

The ratio of own and borrowed funds of state funds, amount to about 10 to 90, respectively. In general, the importance of own funds of the bank is to maintain its sustainability and liquidity.

Functions of own funds: 1. Protection (in the case of a bank crash, these funds are used to repay obligations to depositors and creditors) .2. Regulatory (from the value of equity, the scale of all major active and passive banking operations depends. Since most economic standards are calculated on Founding of own funds (capital capital)). 3. Equipment (creating a material base for the Bank's activities) .4. The bank bales risks on the obligations and term transactions of the Bank in accordance with the requirements of the capital adequacy ratio. 5.register (when creating a credit organization) .6.Essing (sharing equity).

43. Attracted by the CR commerce banks: Classical I and Economics

All attracted banking agents can be classified: 1. Deposit sources (deposits, deposits, deposit and savings certificates) 2. Subposted sources (these are interbank loans, loans of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, their own bonds and bills).

Deposit operations is the Bank's operations to attract funds of legal entities and individuals into deposits for a certain period, or to demand. In the structure of deposits, the greatest share is deposits to demand, and in deposits to demand, the balance of accounts (more than 80%).

Economic content deposits are divided: 1) Urgent: up to 3 months; 3-6 months; 6-9 months; 9-12 months; More than 12 months.2) Deposits to demand (depending on the nature and belonging of funds stored in accounts): - Funds of local budgets; -spections intended for capital investments; -Fasters on special accounts for storing, various on economic content, funds.3) Savings deposits of the population, depending on the characteristics of their storage, are divided: a) urgent. b) Urgent with additional contributions. c) winnings.g) monetary. e) youth-premium, etc.

Task 1. The bank multiplier (BM) is 40, the maximum possible amount of money that can create a banking system (M) - 75 billion rubles. Determine:

a) the norm of mandatory reserves (R),

b) the sum of the initial deposit (D).


r \u003d 1/40 \u003d 0.025 \u003d 2.5%

b) d \u003d m / bm

D \u003d 75/40 \u003d 1.875 billion rubles.

Answer. a) r \u003d 2.5%; b) d \u003d 1.875 billion rubles.

Task 2. The monetary base (DB) at the end of 2008 amounted to 5,578.7 billion rubles, cash out of banks (M0) - 3,794.8 billion rubles, ruble deposits (demand, urgent, savings) - 9,698, 3 billion rubles, deposits in foreign currency - 3,281.5 billion rubles. Screen:

a) the amount of money supply in national definition (M2);

b) the volume of widespread money supply (M2X);

c) the amount of money multiplier (DM).


a) m2 \u003d m0 + deposits (demand, urgent, savings)

M2 \u003d 3 794.8 + 9 698.3 \u003d 13,493.1 billion rubles.

b) m2x \u003d m2 + deposits in foreign currency

M2x \u003d 13 493,1 + 3 281.5 \u003d 16,774.6 billion rubles.

c) dm \u003d m2 / dB

DM \u003d 13 493.1 / 5 578.7 \u003d 2.419

Answer. a) m2 \u003d 13,493.1 billion rubles; b) M2x \u003d 16 774.6 billion rubles;

c) dm \u003d 2,419.

Task 3.The volume of widespread money supply (M2X) increased from 14.64 to 16.77 trillion. rub., Money mass in national definition (m2) - from 13.27 to 13.49 trillion. rub. It is required to determine the dynamics of the share of deposits in foreign currency (DDIN.V).


dDIN.V \u003d DIN.V / M2X * 100%

DIN.V \u003d M2X - M2

Dean.V (beginning) \u003d 14.64 - 13,27 \u003d 1.37

Dean.V (Kon.) \u003d 16.77 - 13.49 \u003d 3,28

dDIN.V (beginning) \u003d 1.37 / 14.64 \u003d 0.093 \u003d 9.3%

dDIN.V (Kon.) \u003d 3.28 / 16.77 \u003d 0.195 \u003d 19.5%

Answer. The share of deposits in foreign currency increased from 9.3% to 19.5%.

Task 4.The volume of broad money supply (M2X) increased in 2008 from 14.64 trillion. rub. Up to 16.77 trillion, cash (M0) - from 3.70 to 3.79 trillion, ruble deposits (up to demand, urgent, savings) - from 9.57 to 9.70 trillion. rub. Determine:

a) the dynamics of the money supply in the national definition (M2),

b) Dynamics of cash share in M2 (DM0).


a) m2 (beginning) \u003d 3.7 + 9,57 \u003d 13,27

M2 (con.) \u003d 3.79 + 9.70 \u003d 13.49

The monetary mass in national definition (M2) increased from 13.27 to 13.49 trillion. rub.

b) dm0 \u003d m0 / m2

dM0 (beginning) \u003d 3.70 / 13.27 \u003d 0.279 \u003d 27.9%

dM0 (Kon.) \u003d 3.79 / 13.49 \u003d 0.281 \u003d 28.1%

The share of cash in M2 (DM0) increased from 27.9% to 28.1%.

Task 5.GDP volume is 41.1 trillion. rub., And the money supply (M) -13.5 trillion. rub. Determine:

a) coefficient of monetization of the economy (km),

b) Money turnover rate (V).


a) km \u003d m / GDP * 100%

Km \u003d 13.5 / 41.1 * 100% \u003d 32.85%

b) v \u003d GDP / m

V \u003d 41.1 / 13.5 \u003d 3.04

Answer. a) K.m. \u003d 32.85%; V \u003d 3.04.

Task 6. GDP is 41.1 trillion. rub., And the money supply (M) is 13.5 trillion. rub. Calculate money outflow indicators:

a) speed of turnover (number of revolutions) of the money supply (V);

b) the duration of one turn in days (t).


a) v \u003d GDP / m

V \u003d 41.1 / 13.5 \u003d 3.04

b) t \u003d d / v, where d - number of calendar days

t \u003d 360 / 3.04 \u003d 120 days.

Answer. a) v \u003d 3.04; b) T \u003d 120 days.

Task 7. The average price level (P) increased by a year by 13.3%, the production volume (Q) decreased by 12%, the rate of money turnover (V) decreased from 3.1 to 3.04 turns. Determine the amount of money supply (M) at the end of the year, if at the beginning of the year it was 13.3 trillion. rub.


IM \u003d (IP * IQ) / IV, where

IP - price index;

IV \u003d 3.04 / 3.1 \u003d 0.98

IP \u003d 1 + 0.133 \u003d 1,133

IQ \u003d 1 - 0.12 \u003d 0.88

Im \u003d (1,133 * 0.88) / 0.98 \u003d 1,0174

The amount of money supply (M) increased by 0.0174, so on. (1.0174 - 1) or 1.74%.

M \u003d 13.3 + (13.3 * 1.74% / 100%) \u003d 13.53 trillion. rub.


Search results

The amount of money supply (M) at the end of the year will be equal to 13.53 trillion. rub.

Task 8.The norm of mandatory reserves (R) is 0.5%. The deposit coefficient (CD), defined as the ratio of cash (M0) / deposits (D), - 39.1% of the volume of deposits. The amount of mandatory reserves (R) is 48.5 billion rubles. Determine the amount of money supply (M) in circulation (amount of deposits and cash).


D \u003d r / r, where d - amount of deposits

D \u003d 48.5 / 0.005 \u003d 9700 billion rubles.

H \u003d D * (M0 / D), where H is the amount of cash

N \u003d 9700 * 0.391 \u003d 3,792.7 billion rubles.

Answer. D \u003d 9700 billion rubles; H \u003d 3,792.7 billion rubles.

Task 9.It was possible to determine whether the target target of the growth of the money supply (m) was obtained within 18-27% if the volume of GDP rose from 23 to 28 trillion. rub., and the rate of money circulation (V) decreased by 12%.


IM \u003d (IP * IQ) / IV, where

IP - price index;

IM - money supply index;

IV - the turnover index (the number of revolutions) of the money supply;

IQ is the production volume index (goods and services).

IV \u003d 1 - 0.12 \u003d 0.88

IQ \u003d 28/23 \u003d 1,22

Im \u003d (1 * 1,22) / 0.88 \u003d 1.386

The amount of money supply has changed to 0, 386 tons. (1.386 - 1) or 38.6%.

Answer. Perform a target target of money growth (M) in the range of 18-27% failed.

Task 10. The volume of production (Q) increased by 19.4% over the year, the average price level (P) is 9%, the monetary mass (M) increased from 6 to 9 trillion. rub. Determine the speed of money (V) in this year, if it is known that last year it accounted for 4.4 turns.


IV \u003d (IP * IQ) / IM, where

IP - price index;

IM - money supply index;

IV - the turnover index (the number of revolutions) of the money supply;

IQ is the production volume index (goods and services).

IP \u003d 1 + 0.09 \u003d 1.09

IQ \u003d 1 + 0.194 \u003d 1,194

IV \u003d (1.094 * 1,194) / 1,5 \u003d 0,868

The rate of money turnover decreased by 0.132, so on. (0.868 - 1) or 13.2%.

V \u003d 4.4 - (4.4 * 13.2% / 100%) \u003d 3.8.

Answer. Money turnover rate (V) in this year \u003d 3.8.

Task 11.Determine the tempo of inflation in the current year if the price index last year (IPTSB) amounted to 111.9%, and in the current (IPTC) - 113.3%.


Inflation rate in the current year \u003d ((IPTST - IPTSB) / IPTS) * 100%

Inflation rate in the current year \u003d ((113.3 - 111.9) / 113.3) * 100% \u003d 1.24%

Answer. Inflation rate in the current year \u003d 1.24%.

Task 12. Production volume (q) increased by 7%, the money mass (M) is 47.8%, the rate of money turnover (V) decreased by 19%. Determine:

a) change the average price level (IR),

b) Changing the purchasing power of the ruble (IIPS).


a) ip \u003d (im * iv) / IQ, where

IP - price index;

IM - money supply index;

IV - the turnover index (the number of revolutions) of the money supply;

IQ is the production volume index (goods and services).

IV \u003d 1 - 0.19 \u003d 0.81

Im \u003d 1 + 0.478 \u003d 1,478

IQ \u003d 1 + 0.07 \u003d 1.07

IP \u003d (1,478 * 0.81) / 1.07 \u003d 1,119

The average price level (IP) increased by 0.119, so on. (1,119 - 1) or 11.9%.

b) ips \u003d 1 / ip

Ips \u003d 1 / 1,119 \u003d 0,894

Purchasing power ruble (IpS.) decreased by 0.106, because (0.894 -1) or 10.6%.

Task 13. The investment portfolio contains 1500 ordinary shares with a par value of 100 rubles., 800 preferred shares with a par value of 1000 rubles., 800 bonds with a par value of 1000 rubles. To determine the most profitable paper of the investment portfolio, if the amount of dividends on ordinary shares amounted to 30 thousand rubles, according to a privileged - 80 thousand, and the amount of interest on bonds - 50 thousand rubles.


P \u003d n * q - d, where

P is the profitability of the paper,

N - Papers,

Q - the number of paper in the investment portfolio,

D - dividends.

P (ordinary shares) \u003d 100 * 1500 - 30 000 \u003d 120,000 rubles.

R ( preference shares) \u003d 1000 * 800 - 80,000 \u003d 720,000 rubles.

P (bonds) \u003d 1000 * 800 - 50 000 \u003d 750,000 rubles.

Answer. The most profitable paper investment portfolio - bonds, their yield is 750,000 rubles.

Task 14. Nominal exchange rate of the ruble to the US dollar (NK $) - 34 rubles, the level of inflation in the United States - 2.5%, in Russia - 13%. Requires:

a) determine the real ruble exchange rate to the dollar (RK $),

b) Compare a real course with nominal,

c) explain than caused by the difference in the levels of nominal and real courses.


a) RK $ \u003d NK $ * IP1 / IP2, where

RK $ - a real ruble exchange rate to the dollar,

NK $ - nominal ruble rate to the dollar,

IP1 \u003d 1 + 0.025 \u003d 1,025

IP2 \u003d 1 + 0.13 \u003d 1,13

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Task number 54 (calculation of the GNP, CHDP, the volume of consumption and investment) - Macroeconomics

National production includes two products: x (consumer-Sky product) and y (manufacturing means). This year, 500 units x were produced (the price per unit is 2 den. Units) and 20 units y (the price per unit is 10 den. Units). By the end of this year, five machines used (y) must be replaced with new ones.

1. The magnitude of the GNP.

2. The magnitude of the NGP.

3. Consumption.

4. Volume of gross investment.

5. Volume net investment.

The magnitude of the gross national product is:

GNP \u003d 500 × 2 + 20 × 100 \u003d 1200 den. units.

The amount of pure national product is:

Pp \u003d 1200-5 × 10 \u003d 1150 den. units.


N \u003d 500 × 2 \u003d 1000 den. units.

Gross investment volume is:

V \u003d 20 × 10 \u003d 200 den.

Workshop on discipline "Money, loan, banks"

The volume of net investment is:

Chi \u003d 200-5 × 10 \u003d 150 den. units.

Task number 55 (calculation macroeconomic indicators) - Macroeconomy

1. The volume of GNP in the flow of income;

2. The volume of the GNP in flow of expenses;

3. Volume of CNP;

4. National income volume.

Initial data:

1. Percentage of credit - 12 den. units.

2. Gross private investment - 55 den. units.

3. Salary and salary - 218 den. units.

4. Corporate profits - 113 den. units.

5. Indirect taxes, non-tax obligations and transfer payments paid by private entrepreneurs - 22 den. units.

6. Rentate payments to owners of leased property - 20 den. units.

7. Taxes on corporate profits - 50 den. units.

8. Pure exports of goods and services - 9 den. units.

9. Public procurement of goods and services - 90 den. units.

10.Bextant private investments - 45 den. units.

11.Odizes from the property - 21 den. units.

12.Bextant subsidies to state enterprises - 2 den. units.

13.Transfer payments to the population - 23 den. units.

14.The consumption costs - 260 den. units.

The solution of the problem:

The calculation of the GNP for income is as follows:

Salary and salary (218 den. Units) + revenues from the property (21 den. Units) + rental payments (20 den. Units) + corporate profits (113 den.) + Percentage of credit (12 den. .) - Subsidies to state enterprises (2 den. Units) + indirect taxes, non-tax obligations and transfer plants paid by private entrepreneurs (22 den.) + Capital consumption fee ( gross investments - Pure Inve-styles) (10 den. Units) \u003d 414 den. units.

The calculation of the GNP in costs is as follows:

Consumer spending (260 den. Units) + gross private investment (55 den. Units) + government procurement of goods and services (90 den. Units) + net export of goods and services (9 den. Units) \u003d 414 den. units.

CHG \u003d GNP - fee for capital consumption \u003d 414-10 \u003d 404 den. units.

National income \u003d CHDP (404 den. Units) - indirect taxes, non-tax obligations and transfer payments paid by private entrepreneurs (22 den. Units) + subsidies to state enterprises (2 den. Units) \u003d 384 den. units.

1) the pace of annual growth:

a) monetary base;

b) cash in circulation (aggregate MO);

c) monetary mass (aggregate m2);

d) widespread money (M2x \u200b\u200baggregate);

2) the amount of money multiplier;

3) The proportion of cash in the money supply (M2 unit), in%.



1a. The annual increase in the monetary base was

In 2006 27, 6% (210.4: 164.9);

in 2007 - 28.2% (269.7: 210.4).

16. Annual cash increase in circulation (MO aggregate) amounted to

in 2006 25.6% (130.4: 103.8);

in 2007 - 44.1% (187.8: 130.4).

1B. To calculate the annual increase in money supply (M2 unit), it is necessary to determine the amount of money.

As of January 1, 2000, the M2 aggregate amounted to 288.3 billion tenge. (103.8 + 87.3 + 97.2);

On 01.01.07 - 374.1 billion tenge (130.4 + 162.5 + 81.2);

as of 01.01.08

Money, credit, banks Tasks with solution, calculations, formulas

- 448.3 billion tenge. (187.8 + 149.5 + 111.0).

in 2006 amounted to 29.8% (374.1: 288.3);

in 2007 - 19.8% (448.3: 374,1).

1g. To calculate the annual increase in widespread money (aggregates2x), it is necessary to determine the amount of widespread money. As of January 1, 2000, the M2X aggregate amounted to 357.7 billion tenge (288.3 + 69.4);

as of 01.01.98 G. -454.6 billion tenge. (374,1 + 80.5);

as of 01.01.99, 639.2 billion tenge (448.3 + 190.9).

It follows that the rate of increment of the M2X aggregate

in 2006 amounted to 27.1% (454.6: 357.7);

for 2007 - 40.6% 639.2: 454.6).

2. Changing multiplier

as of January 1, 2000 amounted to 1.75 (288.3: 164.9);

as of 01.01.07 - 1.77 (374.1: 210.4);

as of 01.01.08 - 1.66 (448.3: 269.7).

3. The proportion of cash in the money supply (Aggregate M2) was

as of January 1, 2006 - 36% (103.8: 288.3);

as of 01.01.07, 34.9% (130.4: 374,1);

as of January 1, 2000 - 41.9% (187.8: 448.3).

01.01.2006 01.01.2007 01.01.2008
Reserve money (billion tenge) 164,90 210,40 269,70
including money outside banks 103,80 130,40 187,80
Deposits to demand 87,30 162,50 149,50
Urgent and savings deposits 97,20 81,20 111,00
Deposits in foreign currency 69,40 80,50 190,90
Annual increase in monetary base 27,6% 28,2%
Annual cash increase in circulation 25,6% 44,0%
Money mass 288,30 374,10 448,30
Annual increase in money 29,8% 19,8%
Volume of broad money 357,70 454,60 639,20
Annual increase of the M2X unit 27,1% 40,6%
Cash multiplier 1,75 1,78 1,66
Specifying cash 36,0% 34,9% 41,9%

1) the growth rate or reduction of the money supply (M2 unit) relative to the previous period;

2) The proportion of cash (aggregate M0) in the overall money supply (M2 unit) and identify the dynamics in this process.

1. To calculate the annual increase in the money supply (M2 unit), it is necessary to determine the amount of money.

As of 01.01.07, the M2 aggregate was 374,1 billion tenge. ( 374,10 +243,70 );

As of July 01, 2007 - 360.40 billion tenge ( 119,10 +241,30 );

as of January 1, 2000 - 448.30 billion tenge. ( 187,80 +260,50 );

as of 01.07.08 - 473.80 billion tenge. ( 174,10 +473,80 ).

It follows that the rate of increment of the M2 aggregate

for 01.2007 - 07.2007 (decline) amounted to -3.7% (360.40: 374,1);

for 07.2007 - 01.2008 amounted to 24.4% (360.40: 448.3);

for 01.2008 - 07.2008 amounted to 5.7% (473.80: 448.3).

2. The proportion of cash in the money supply (aggregate M2) amounted to

as of 01.01.07 - 34.9% (130.4: 374,1);

as of July 01, 2003 - 33.0% (119.1: 360.4);

as of 01.01.08 - 41.9% (187.8: 448.3);

as of 01.07.08 - 36.7% (174.1: 473.8).

Money mass and methods of its calculation.

Den-Aya Mass - It is defined as a mass of cash in the hands of the population and at the cash desks of the subjects of the host entities, as well as deposits on bank accounts.

Quantitatively OPR-Den-Moscow Mass and its individual components can be built by various indicators using. Such a show, as the Den-E aggregates.

In the NB of the Republic of Belarus to determine the day of mass, the next day-th aggregates:

1. M0 massive money in National currency.

2. m1 \u003d m0 + demand deposits in Nats. shaft.

3. m2 \u003d M1 + Urgent deposits in Nats. Currency.

4. m3 \u003d m2 + other deposits in nat. Currency.

5. M4 \u003d M3 + Deposits in foreign currency.

Den-th aggregates M0, M1, M2 The most highly liquid part of the money supply.

These are such a cf. that without pre-sale I am in the calculations. Currently, M0, M1, M2 occupy the highest weight in the structure of the day of the mass. The remaining Den is the aggregates of Nah-Xia in the development stage.

Monetary base - Cash in circulation and deposits of banks in the Central Bank.

There is a direct connection between the monetary database and the volume of den. In the developed market economy, the regime scoop is the mass, and not separate items.

Money mass, na-smiling in circulation, obliged by the law of the den account, open Marx.

According to this law, number of money, optional for circulation, ORD-Xia next formula:

D \u003d p / s,

where D is the amount of money, p - the sum of the price, C is the rate of turnover of den-k units.

With the development of credit relations and implementation money F-and of the payment of payment, the amount of money required for the appeal, determined by the following formula (as the price amount tOV-in subject implementing r, - amount prices of TOV-in Produce on credit to C + payments for which the payment period of P - the sum of mutual payments of the VP and all of this is the number of revolutions of the same dance of the Altitz C): D \u003d (P-K + P-VP) / s

Exchanging ul fisher Ur), close to the Marx equation, looks in effect: MV \u003d QP.

The product of the value of NAC-XI in circulation of the den's mass m on the CP_YE rate of the circulation of den-th units V \u003d the product of the UR-NA price p per real volume of the National Product Q.

This Fisher equation allows you to explain such a phenomenon as inflation with m. Disorders in the field of paper-dong-go.

F-La Fisher shows the dependence of the price level from the money supply.

10. The concept and structure of den revolution. In the process of the workshop. Calculations and payments for the supply of products, services, connection arise. With relationships, fin.-loan. Systems. The subjects of the host and the population are accustomed to payments to the budget, extrabudgetary funds, repayment of loans and% on them. Scoop - all of these den. revenues and payments and form den. Turnover.

Den. Turnover - Money money, C-e mediate den. Relations of m / d Prepr-MI, Pred, and State-Vom, M / D public and state, M / D separate citizens.

Den. Turnover is possible classical in the heads from editing signs:

1. In the head of har-Ra payments: Commercial and Non-Universal;

2. In the head of fashion payment: non-cash and cash and den.

Part of den. Turnover can be considered as payment. Turnover, in K-M Money Funkts-T in QU. Payment.

Payment turnover. The part of the tax.-den. and moneyless turnover.

Scoop-den. Funds, k-e are available at their disposal and physical jurid. Persons are called. den. Weighing in circulation. Regulations-E Den. Mass - Osn. The task of the NB RB.

Methods regulated den. Turnover:

1. I define the norms of reserves.

2. Conditions of loans provided;

3. Established a% credit rates;

4. Regulated investment operations with prices. Papers and in the foreign exchange market.

Non-cash. Turnover

non-cash. Turnover - Scoop-pay payments. without using cash. money. It is closely connected with non-cash. calculations.

Non-cash Calculations - Den. Calculations made by recording on bill accounts and receive-la.

Non-cash den. The turnover prevails in all countries of the world and serviced the trail. Tools: boards. Order, boards. Requirement-order, checks of letters of credit, plastic. Cards.

Non-cash Calculations are accustomed to M / D:

state-B and the subjects of host

state and population,

state and Commerch. banks,

banks and entities of the host

centre. And Comerch. Banks.

M / D NAL.-DEN. and non-cash. I turn a close relationship, i.e. Money is moving from cash to non-cash.

12.EK-E Called Den

In countries with developed market. economy under in cash Punch that the amount of money, K-I am available from payers. It is not done with the division, in what form is this money. In the RB, by virtue of the Psycho Soc.-ek. Development Save-Xia delimitation-E M / D Cash. and non-cash. money.

The term "cash" is advanced as the remains of den.

Tasks with decisions on discipline: "Money. Credit. Banks »

signs having legal force In the hands of the population, in the cash desks and at the cash desks of the subjects of the host.

Cash - Banknotes, coins, released Center. Em session center, located. At the bank office and turning out the bank. spheres.

Nashin.-den. Turnover - Part of the Soviet. den. The turnover, which is accustomed to cash with cash. He is less than no turnover. However, its proper organization is very important in social .-ec. Plan, because This turn is maintained by the service, connected. with a personal consumption.

Cash treatment of Yavl-Sia region of Ekki, Kroom Sauphorus with all the rest of its parties. Sphere den. Appeals sensitively reacts to occur. Change in den. The income of the population, on the possibility of making money into the real mater-e-е, on the distribution of money. Revenues of the M / D Soc Magruppa.

Cash turnover basic on principles :

1. The prepro-E of all forms of their own qualities are obliged to keep their money on bank accounts.

2. Cash for paying s / n and other payments Prep-E receives from Cass Bank.

3. Banks annually tired-smiling den. Cash at the box office Predr-I and all at. The revenue of the hosts must transfer to banks. Over the amount of Hoz. The Argan should also take to the bank.

Payment. Ma, her el-you. Types of payment. M.

Payment. C-Ma. - This is a set of fur men, rules, norms and tools, which are used for the exchange of Finn. The values \u200b\u200bof the M / d sides in the PR-CE will issue all obligations.

Within the framework The state is applied. Payment. With Ma, Kot.Naz. national With inherent in it death: legislation. Base, business practice, communitz. S-Mami, infrastructure.

Ur-ny development of boards. C-we acc. Ur-ny development of the state.

Effectively working payrolls. Ma of the facility. Gos-Va, because It is reduced by mines. Calculation reports, cuts. Russia and possible risks.

Al-You Plan.s-We:

participants (Kom.Bank, National Bank, Nephin.

communicate. Miles inside C-We (C-Ma Biss, Clearing C-MA)

monetary and DR.Instruments (PL / assignments, pl / requirement, plastics cards, letters of credit)

laws. base


To boards. C-Mom brought out. requirements:

1. Payment rate


3. Reliability and security of payments

4. Convenience and wagon. I.

5. Acceptable value.

B / n calculations, the PR-Py of their organization.

B / n calculations - This is den. Paints, committed. By recording payers and beneficiaries (beneficiaries) accounts.

The state is constantly expanded by the scope of b / n settlements. The calculation of the Calculation of M / D Calculation and Organizing, M / D Organizations and their higher authorities, M / D, and Fin-Kred, si my.

In the present time reducing the base is cash.

Advantages of payments :

  • reduce trot in cash den signs
  • reduction costs of circulation
  • acceleration den turn

Principles of org settlements of settlements:

  • the storage of Den CP-in host entities in banks in banks is obliged, by the village of Den CP-B, the expense of the cat is authorized by the Bank.
  • payments from accounts should be drained by banks by order of their owners in the order set by the order of payments and within the balance of CP-in on the account.
  • freedom to choose the subjects of the host forms of b / n settlements.
  • defense payment, i.e. The calculations of the calculations combined the deadline, the cat is set by the contract.

Forms of b / n settlements, their classification.

The form of b / n calculations of the OPR-Xia species is calculated. Dock, SP-Sob of payment and org documencing.

In accordance with the Action, the laws of the host entities in the B / N manner can calculate the PL / OFF, PL / Require, checks, PL / Requires / assignment, Bar Card , letters of credit.

In the b / n denulusion, it is spinning forms of calculation:

Credit translation - this is a bank. Perepevoda on the initiative of the payer at the foundations of the PL / OFF-YE or PL / Request / Leshai;

Debit translation - This is a bank. Perpetode on the initiative of the beneficiary on the foundations of the PL / Request or Check. Bank.Plast. Karta - These are CP-W-forms for settlements with the Spirit of Tech of Tech.

Accreditative - This is the agreement of the payer and the payer's bank, Sogl. Bank payments of the supplier's dock, confirm shipment of prcription, according to the terms of the letter of credit.

Task 18.
The cost of factoring services is 2500 rubles., The percentage of the loan is 150% per annum. The average term of turnover of funds in the calculations of 10 days. Determine the loan amount of factoring.
Rate \u003d 150 * 10/365 \u003d 4%
The loan amount for factoring \u003d 2500 * 4% \u003d 100 rubles.

Task 25.
LLC Zarya decided to take a loan in the amount of 10,000 rubles. for 6 months. The Alpha Bank offers a loan with a monthly repayment of equal shares at a rate of 0.05 (60% per annum). Bank "Omega" offers the same loan, but with a one-time repayment at the end of the loan period, the rate for using a loan of 55% per annum. Determine what loan will cost LLC "Zarya" more expensive?
Bank "Alpha" \u003d 10,000 * 0.05 / (1- (1 + 0.05) -6 \u003d 1970rub.
Full amount for credit \u003d 1970 * 6 months. \u003d 11821.
Cost for credit \u003d 11821-10000 \u003d 1821 rub.
Bank "Omega" \u003d 10,000 * 0.55 * 6/12 \u003d 2750
Full amount for credit \u003d 10,000 + 2750 \u003d 12750
Cost for credit \u003d 12750-10000 \u003d 2750 rubles.
Bank "Omega" will be more expensive.

Task number 1.
Given: Individual entered in the bank currency contribution In the amount of $ 800 at 20% per annum for a period of February 1 to August 1 of the same year. Course dollars US -28.5 rub. What will be the amount of tax paid on this contribution?
Solution: Determine the deposit amount under 20%.
S \u003d 800 * 0.2 * 6/12 \u003d 80 dollars.
1. Determine the contribution tax amount (9%)
S \u003d 800 * 0.09 * 6/12 \u003d $ 36.
2. Determine the taxable income
80-36 \u003d $ 44.
3. Taxable income Translate into ruble equivalent
44 * 28.5 \u003d 1254 rub.
4. Determine the value of the tax
1254 * 13% \u003d 163 rubles.
Answer: The value of the tax paid, on this contribution will be equal to 163 rubles.

Task number 2.
Danar: Calculate the sum of overdraft and interest payment on it. Cash balance in the account of a bank 270 million rubles. The Bank received documents for payment by the Customer of the transaction in the amount of 315 million rubles. The percentage of overdraft is 35% per annum. The receipt of money at the expense of the client occurs every 10 days after the payment of this transaction.
Solution: Determine the sum of overdraft. Overdraft-negative balance on the current account, often acquiring a loan status.
315-270 \u003d 45 million rubles.
1. Determine the interest payment on the amount of overdraft
45 * 0.35 * 10/365 \u003d 0.431 million rubles.
Answer: The amount of overdraft is equal to 45 million rubles, interest payment on it - 0.431 million rubles.

Task 1.
With an increase in the rate of mandatory reserves of the Bank from 20 to 30%, it turned out that the banking system is lacking for reserves in the amount of 60 million rubles. If it is impossible to increase the amount of reserves, then how much should the money supply be reduced?

Task 2.
The rate of mandatory reserves is 30% of the magnitude of perpetual contributions. The banking system has redundant reserves in the amount of 15 million rubles. Calculate what magnitude the banking system can increase the amount of indefinite contributions?
1-30*15=0,45=45% 15=45%

Task 3.
At the beginning of the operational day, the balance of cash in the banking office of the Bank - 32 million rubles. From enterprises and entrepreneurs serviced by the branch during the operating day, 197.5 million r. Cash. On the same day, the Bank issued 184.9 million rubles. Cash. The limit of the flow of the current bank of this bank is 40 million rubles. Calculate the reverse cash register at the end of the operating day. What measures will the bank take?
32 + 197.5-184.9 \u003d 44.6-40 \u003d 4.6 will return to the cashier's reserve

Task 4.
The automotive enterprise on April 5 appealed to the district branch of the bank with a statement for the opening of the letter of credit for settlements under the contract with the automotive factory in Nizhny Novgorod for spare parts for the repair of cars. The term of the letter of credit is established under the contract in 15 days. Its amount is 525 million rubles. At the current account of the Bank - 637 million rubles. Calculations are carried out without acceptance. From the bank of the petrifer, debit advice and paid at the expense of this letter of credit estimated documents: April 10 - 170 million rubles., April 13 - 230 million rubles., April 20 - 125 million rubles. The automotive enterprise on April 25 submitted an application to the bank about the abandonment of the acceptance of the automotive factory accounts paid from the letter of credit on April 20 by 125 million rubles. Determine the position of the bank in this case.
Task 8.
On 2.07.1999, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation provided the Commercial Bank of Lombard Credit for 10 calendar days under 36% per annum in the amount of 10 million rubles. Determine the amount of accrued interest for the use of a loan, an increasing amount of debt.
FV \u003d PV (1 + R * N) 10 * 0.36 * 10/360 \u003d 98630 rub. 98630 + 10000000 \u003d 10098630 rub.

Task 5.
Create a Balance Report of the Central Bank based on the following data in billion rubles: Gold Certificates - 10; Other obligations and own capital -5; securities - 100; Banknotes issued in circulation 90; Reserves of commercial banks - 30; Other assets - 10; Deposits of the Ministry of Finance - 5; Loans of commercial banks - 10.
Active Passive
Gold Certificates - 10 Other Obligations -5
Securities -100 Banknotes - 90
Other assets - 10 reserves of commercial banks 30
Loans of commercial banks - 10 Deposits of the Ministry - 5
TOTAL: 130 130

Task 6.
Based on indicators (thousand rubles), which are below, to build a bank balance.
1. Statutory fund - 2 227 305. - Passive
2. Profit - 8 154 894. -P 3. Cashier - 2 695 503. -Ative
4. Accounts in other banks (corresponding accounts) - 8 625 924. -A
5. Funds in the Bank of the Russian Federation - 7 681 650. -A 6. Credits issued by the Bank - 59 908 900. -A
7. Funds on bank accounts of other banks - 1 523 683. -P
8. Other liabilities - 7855415. -P 9. Other funds - 4 575 298. -P
10. Deposits and deposits - 6 293 671. -P
11. Foreign currency and calculations on the shaft. Opera, (Passive) - 2991709. -P
12. Acquisition valuable papers - 1 262 603. -A 13. Other assets - 14 649 731. -A
14. Foreign currency and calculations for currency operations (Active) - 3691699. -A
15. Buildings and fixed assets - 768 121. -A
16. Participation in joint activities - 110458. -A
17. Credits received from other banks - 30 013 078. -P
18. Remains on settlement and current accounts - 35 759 631. -P

Task 9.
The Bank of Russia 12.03.1999 was provided with a lombard loan to a commercial bank for 10 calendar days under 40% of the year in the amount of 720 million rubles. The date of repayment of the loan 03/22/1999. Factively loan was repaid on 03.26.1999. Calculate the amount of the penny and the incredible amount of debt.
J \u003d 720000000 * 0.4 * 10/365 \u003d 7890410
SDOLDA \u003d 720000000 + 7890410 \u003d 727890411
SPENA \u003d 727890411 * 0.01 * 4 \u003d 29115616
SDOLDA \u003d 727890411 * (1 + 0.01 * 4) \u003d 757ml.

Task 11.
Vympel JSC took $ 300,000 from Saturn Bank for 3 months at 90% per annum. Interest is paid forward. How much does the Vympel JSC semi?
Sprots. \u003d 300000 * 0.9 * 90/65Ili (3/12 \u003d 67500
SVMPEL \u003d 300000-67500 \u003d 232500

Task 12.
The credit rate is 180% per annum. The average term of turnover of funds in the calculations with buyers 14 days. The seller presents invoices in the amount of 300,000 rubles. Determine the bid and the amount of factoring fees.
Rate \u003d 180 * 14/365 \u003d 7%
SHA factoring \u003d 300000 * 7% \u003d 21000

Task 13.
Nominal price of the bill of exchange 1.2 million rubles. The bank buys it, paying 1 million rubles. 6 months before the date of payment on the bill. Determine the accounting percentage and discount rate on the bill loan.
Accounting% \u003d 1.2-1 \u003d 0.2 million rubles.
Accounting rate \u003d 0.2 / 1,2 (nomin.stim.Vexel) * 6/12 * 100% \u003d 8%

Task 15.
The borrower receives a loan from the lender in the amount of 1 million rubles. Under 3% per annum, while inflation was 2%. Determine the income of the chisdom for the year.
The income of the creditor \u003d 1 * (1 + 0.03) \u003d 1.03 million.
Inflation \u003d 1.03 / (1 + 0.02 (2% Inflation)) 1 \u003d 1.009
The income of the creditor \u003d 1.009-1 \u003d 0.009ml.

Task 16.
Determine the size of equal amount of payments by months for credit 50 000 rubles. for interest rate 0.05 for a period of 6 months.
Size equal amount of payments
P \u003d\u003d 50000 * 0.05 / 1- (1 + 0.05) -6 \u003d 1068,38

Task 17.
The FORFUITOR bought a party from four bills from the client, each of which has a denomination of $ 750,000. The payment on promissory bills produces twice a year, i.e. every 180 days. At the same time, the forfeitian provides three clients preferential days for calculation. Accounting post on bills of 10% per annum. Calculate the amount of discount and sum of the payment of the forpefyauth to the client for bills purchased from him using: a) discount formula; b) interest numbers; c) average fortification period.
1 way
D1 \u003d 750000 * 180 + 3 (preferential) / 360 * 0.1 \u003d 38125
D2 \u003d 750 * 360 + 3/360 / * 0.1 \u003d 75625
D3 \u003d 750 * 540 + 3/360 * 0.1 \u003d 113125
D4 \u003d 750 * 720 + 3/360 * 0.1 \u003d 150625
Total payment amount \u003d 4 * 750- (D1 + D2 + D3 + D4) \u003d 3000000-377500 \u003d 2622500
2 way
1 = 750*(180+3)=137250000
2= 750*(360+3)=272250000
3 = 750*(540+3)=407250000
4 = 750*(720+3)=542250000
Total payment amount \u003d 1359000000
D \u003d 1359000000 * 10% / 360 \u003d 377500
Total payment amount \u003d 4 * 750000-377500 \u003d 2622500
3 way
D \u003d 4 * 750000 * (450 + 3) / 360 * 0.1 \u003d 377500
Amount \u003d 4 * 750000-377500 \u003d 2622500

Task 23.
Calculate mortgage debt ratio. Investor acquired an enterprise worth 15 billion rubles. In the structure of cases, the investor's own funds make up 3 billion rubles, the remaining means are obtained by a mortgage loan.
The sum of the mortgage loan \u003d 15-3 \u003d 12mld.
Mortgage coefficient \u003d 12/15 * 100% \u003d 80%

Task 19.
The basic annual amount of payment of training in the university is equal to 2000 rubles. and increases with inflation (10%). Lifetime for 5 years. The university proposes to pay 10,000 rubles at once, paying all the term of learning. Is this a proposal for the trainee? The banking procedure is 12% for the contribution, the deposit amount of 12,000 rubles.
1 year \u003d 12000-10000 \u003d 2000 + 12% \u003d 2240
2 year \u003d 2240 + 12% \u003d 2508,80
3 year \u003d 2508,8 + 12% \u003d 2809,85
4 year \u003d 2809.85 + 12% \u003d 3147.04
5 year \u003d 3147.04 + 12% \u003d 3524,68
Deposit size Contribution residue 12% Deposit size at the end of the year
1 year 12000 2000 10000 1200 11200
2 year 11200 2200 (10% inf.) 9000 1080 10080
3 year 10080 2420 7660 919.2 8579.2
4 year 8579.2 2662 5917 710 6627
5 year 6627 2928 3699 443 4142
Profitably pay every year

Task 21.
As a result of investing in the amount of 2.25 million rubles. Performed profit in the amount of 450 thousand rubles. The income tax rate is 30%, the rate of bank credit For the flow of investments is 15%. Determine the expected profitability own funds For the following options for investment sources: 1) when using only own funds;
2) when using borrowed funds in the amount of 750 thousand rubles.
Economic return on investment \u003d pi \u003d 450/2250 * 100% \u003d 20%
Profitability of own funds \u003d RCC \u003d (1-30%) * 0.2 \u003d 14%
Profitability of own funds when using borrowed \u003d RSZs \u003d 0.14- (1-0.3) * (20% -15% \u003d 5% \u003d 0.05) * 75000/2250000 \u003d 15%
RSSZ \u003d (1-SNP) * (ER-SRSP) * ZS / SS

Task 24.
Determine the time of appealing of funds in the calculations on the factory operation. The loan size amounted to 20,000 rubles, the annual rate is 180%, the fee for a loan is 1500 rubles.
Treatment \u003d 7.5 / 180 * 365days \u003d 15 days

Task 30.
Determine the value of the diamond in the world market. The mass of the diamond crystal is 20 carats. The cost of one carat is $ 600.

Task 26.
As a result of investing funds of 1.5 million rubles. Performed profit in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. The income rate on profits is 30%, the rate on bank loans during the investment period is 12%. Calculate economic profitability, differential of the financial lever, the finishes of the finishes and the effect of the financial lever, if the amount of borrowed funds is 500 thousand rubles.
Economic return on investment \u003d 300/1500 * 100% \u003d 20%
Differential of the financial lever \u003d economic profitability of investment (ER-SRSP) - rate% on a bank loan
The shoulder of the financial lever \u003d zs / ss
The effectiveness of the financial lever \u003d (1-SNP) * (ER-SRSP) * CP / SS

Task 27.
Determine the amount of the amount going on to repay the loan, the amount of payments and the amount of the monthly repayment of the loan in the received loan in 75,000 rubles, percentage of 0.06 per month, if the repayment is carried out equal amounts of payments.
P \u003d 75000 * 0.06 / 1- (1 + 0.06) -6 \u003d 9574
9574 * 6 \u003d x
X-75000 \u003d

Task 28.
Determine the magnitude of the mortgage constant and give it an assessment. Annual amount Debt service payments are 180 thousand rubles. With the sum of the mortgage loan of 1800 thousand rubles. Mortgage It was taken for a period of 10 years at an interest rate of 8% per annum.
Mortgage constant \u003d 180/1800 * 100% \u003d 10%
10% more than 8%
Credit will be fully repaid

Task 31.
Calculate the price of one troy oz of the gold ingot of sample 999.5. The market price of gold on the London market of precious metals is $ 390 per three-troy ounce.
999,5*390 =

Task 32.
Determine the cost of the Gold party in rubles. The gold party in standard ingots has a mass in a 22 kg ligature. Sample 999.9. The price of gold in the international market, calculated on the morning "golden" fixing in London, is $ 404 for one triple ounce. One Troyan Once is 31,1034807. The results are determined with an accuracy of 0.001 share of the Troyan ounce with the applied rounding rule. US dollar exchange rate to the ruble on the price of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is equal to 31.6 rubles.
The amount of gold in the party \u003d 22000gr. * 0,9999 \u003d 21978.
The number of troy ounces in the party \u003d 21978 / 31,1034807 \u003d 706.6g.
Cost of the Gold Party \u003d 706.6 * 404 * 31,6 \u003d

Task 34.
Calculate the value of the Diamond Party in rubles. When weighing a batch of diamonds, the testimony of weights is 410,076 carats. The determination of the mass of precious stones is carried out without taking into account smaller shares of carats in the testimony of weights. The cost of 1 carat is $ 800. The US dollar rate to the ruble on the CB CB of the Russian Federation is 32.6 rubles.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state