
According to the year. Inflation rate in Russia (by year). Russia and Ukraine stopped direct flights

TV channel "360" remembered the most memorable events of the year.

2015 comes to an end: a lot of events occurred for 365 days. Some of them were forgotten immediately, others are discussed months. TV channel "360" decided to remember the most memorable and important events of the year.


Agreement on the creation of EAEU entered into force

On January 1, 2015, an agreement was entered into force on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). His members became Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. The EAEU provides a single policy in the sectors of the economy, and the freedom of movement of capital, goods and services is ensured. The Union was created to modernize and increasing the competitiveness of the economies of member countries and creating conditions for raising the living standards of their population.

"Leviathan" remained without "Oscar"

The focus of the public in January was the film director Andrei Zvyagintseva "Leviathan". The painting on corruption and the problems of the Russian depths could not notice, but the tape was nominated for Oscar. They were silent about "Leviathan" only lazy and dumb. Oscar eventually got the Polish "idea". But on January 12, the film Zvyagintseva won the Golden Globe in the nomination "The best film in a foreign language".

On January 28, at the Winter Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution on the suspension of the RF delegation to vote and be presented in the PACE Bureau and Committees until April 2015. Russian representatives immediately responded to this step. The head of the Russian delegation, Alexey Pushkov, stated that the country ceases to participate in the activities of the Assembly until the end of 2015, explaining that the interaction with European countries is impossible in the conditions of sanctions. At the end of this year, restrictive measures against the Russian Federation revealed again, therefore it remains unknown, whether Russia will return to the PACE in the coming year.

The Russian Federation was presented in the Parliamentary Assembly since 1996: then the country became a member of the Council of Europe. Russia ratified more than 50 conventions of the International Organization, including human rights, to combat terrorism and crime, legal cooperation, and pledged to bring its political system and legislation in line with European standards.


Minsk agreements are concluded

On February 12, the negotiations "Norman Four" ended. Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and head of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko discussed ways to solve armed conflict in Donetsk and Lugansk republics for 16 hours. As a result of the negotiations, the second Minsk agreements were signed.

According to the document that everyone agreed to comply with, at 00:00 on February 15 in the DPR and LNR, the cease-fire mode was to act. Both sides promised to remove heavy weapons in 14 days. And Ukraine was supposed to hold a constitutional reform and to legally recognize the special status of individual regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions until the end of 2015.

Boris Nemtsova shot at the center of Moscow

February 27, at about 23:31, a famous politician Boris Nemtsov was killed. He was attacked in the very center of Moscow: killers shot their back politics on a large Moskvoretsky bridge at Vasilyevsky descent. The organizer of the murder, according to the testimony of detained performers, was the North Battalion officer Ruslan Muhudinov. The investigation suspects that Muhudinov promised 25 million rubles accused of a crime for death. The murder motives remained unknown.


Russians were forbidden to go to Ukraine on internal passports

From March 1, the Russians were forbidden to go to Ukraine on internal passports. Now citizens of the Russian Federation may fall into the country in the presence of a passport, a service passport, a diplomatic passport, a flight certificate of a member of the aircraft crew or a sailor passport. Ukraine decided to new rules in unilaterally. According to the Prime Minister of the country of Arseny Yatsenyuk, they were introduced to enhance control on the border between countries and "the introduction of European rules for the intersection of the state border, including citizens of the Russian Federation."

Russia came out of CFES

From March 11, the Russian Federation emerged from the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) and suspended participation in the meetings of the Joint Advisory Group (SCG). Russia asked Belorussia to represent her interests in SCG. According to the head of the Russian delegation at the negotiations in Vienna on military safety and control over the arms of Anton Mazura, this step did not mean that the Russian Federation refuses the dialogue on the control over ordinary weapons in Europe (Cove).

The dialogue about the future of Cove was stopped back in 2011 on the initiative of NATO countries. According to Mazura, participation in infinite SCG meetings has become meaningless from a political point of view and costly with economic.

CFES signed in 1990, the document entered into force in 1992. Initially, the contract was signed by 16 NATO countries and six States parties to the Warsaw Treaty. CFES limited the size of the armed forces and determined the number of arms, which countries could deploy in Europe.

"Union" for a year taking cosmonauts on the ISS

March 27 from the Baikonur cosmodrome to the International Space Station (ISS) sent a piloted ship "Union". He delivered three cosmonauts on the ISS: Russians Gennady Padalka and Mikhail Kornienko and Astronaut Nasa Scott Kelly. The crew will spend about 50 experiments in orbit.

Kelly and Kornienko will live in orbit year. Special role The mission is given to the American astronaut: on his example, scientists will explore negative impact Cosmos on human genes. Kelly's twin brother Kelly will help control the changes, which remained on Earth.


The trawler "Far East" sank in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk

April 2 in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk 250 kilometers south of Magadan suffered a crash "Far East". As a result of the catastrophe killed 56 people, fate 13 is still unknown, 63 people managed to escape. The ship went under water in 30 minutes. According to the survivors, the wreck resembled the tragedy of sunken over 100 years ago "Titanic".

"Seen" Titanic "? That's how everything happened. The people pulled down. The captain shouted, called the help. I shouted everything. I also shouted that I wanted to my wife," said the sailor Evgeny Vytrusus.

For the first time in two years launched a large andron collider

On April 5, for the first time in two years, a large hadron collider (tank) was launched. He was closed for repairs due to troubleshooting. Scientists are confident that in the near future the tank will allow them to solve the existence of "dark matter."

A large adronle collider is an accelerator of charged particles, which is intended for overclocking heavy ions and protons and studying the results of their collisions. The tank was built in an underground tunnel 27 kilometers long on the border of France and Switzerland. On July 4, 2012, physics stated that they were discovered with the help of a Boson Higgs. His existence confirmed the correctness of the standard model of the physics of elementary particles.

Russians found in Egypt "White Walls" Memphis

Russian archaeologists worked in the vicinity of Cairo, discovered during the excavation fragments of the White Wall. Finds turned out to be part of the fence of the city of Memphis, who was the capital of ancient Egypt at the beginning of the third millennium BC. In addition to fragments of walls, archaeologists have found bronze products and residues of furnaces.

Russians decided not to stop at the achieved and continue excavations to find other historical artifacts.

The European Parliament Committee approved the tightening of anti-Russian sanctions

May 5 it became known that the European Parliament Committee on foreign affairs Approved a resolution on tightening sanctions against Russia and providing defensive weapons to Ukraine. The restrictive measures were to be stricter if the Russian Federation would not return to Crimea to Ukraine and will not follow Minsk arrangements on the cease-fire in the Donbas.

According to deputies, the return of the Crimea "is vital" for cooperation between Russia and the European Union. According to the document, the EU countries had to intensify defense opportunities due to military preparations of the Russian Federation on the Black Sea and in the "Annexed" Crimea.

The parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory was held in Moscow

In 2015, Russia celebrated the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. In Moscow, large-scale events were held in honor of the anniversary. On May 9, about 200 units of military equipment and more than 15 thousand people took part in the parade on Red Square. The event was one of the most ambitious in modern Russian history.

In the parade took part newest samples Techniques - Tank on the Platform "Armat", "Boomerang", "Kurgan" and self-propelled artillery Gaubitz "Coalition-SV". The air part of the event was opened by the Tu-160 rocket bomber. Most 140 helicopters and aircraft flew over the capital on the festive day.

The national team of Canada defeated Russia at the World Hockey Championship

On May 17, the Canadian national team defeated Russia and won the World Hockey Champion title. The final match in the Czech Republic ended with a score of 6: 1. Canada became the world hockey champion 25 times.

After the match of the semi-finals of the United States, many Russians had hope for the victory of the Patriotic War: The game was completed with the score of 4: 0 largely due to the skill of the goalkeeper Sergey Bobrovsky. In the final, Russians could not keep the champion title, which was conquered in Minsk at the 2014 World Cup.

High-ranking FIFA employees arrested

In late May, in the International Football Federation (FIFA) there was a major corruption scandal. On May 27, on the eve of the FIFA Congress, the Police of Switzerland arrested high-ranking members of the Association: Jeffrey Webb's vice-president, the former chapter of the South American Football Confederation of Eugenio Figiredo, Head of the Venezuela Football Federation Rafael Eskivel, former President of Brazil Football Confederation President Jose Maria Marina. A total of 14 people were detained. At the same time, American police searched the headquarters of the Football Confederation of North and Central America and the Caribbean Countries (Concacaph) in the United States.

FIFA officials are suspected of laundering money and criminal negligence. The number of corrupt actions includes the distribution of the championships of the World Cup, as well as rights to place advertising and broadcast matches. According to the indictment, members of the Association are suspected of bribes in the amount of more than 150 million dollars.


The election in the State Duma was postponed by September 2016

On July 3, State Duma deputies in the second and third readings adopted a bill on postpone parliamentary elections on December 4 for the third Sunday of September 2016. The "against" solutions voted 102 deputies, "For" 339 people spoke. To transfer the date of the election was offered the leaders of the United Russia, "Fair Russia", LDPR and the Speaker of the State Duma Sergey Naryshkin. If amendments to Articles federal Law They will be approved in the Federation Council and will sign Vladimir Putin's president of Russia, the elections will be held in September and after 2016.

Members of the IOC chose the capital of the Winter Olympic Games of 2022

Beijing (PRC) became the capital of the Wine Paralympic and Olympic Games of 2022. The corresponding decision was made by members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The main rival of Beijing was Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan). According to the results of the voting, the capital of the PRC received 44 votes, 40 people spoke for Alma-Ata, one member of the IOC refrained. Earlier, Stockholm (Sweden), Oslo (Norway), Lviv (Ukraine) and Krakow (Poland) dropped out of the struggle for the title of the capital of the Olympic Games.


Russia and France broke out a contract for "Mistrahm"

On the evening of August 5, the Kremlin's press service was reported that France had listed Russia funds paid by the Russian Federation under the contract for the supply of two Mistral-type helicopter vehicles in 2011. The decision to terminate the contract for their construction was adopted by the head of France Francois Holland and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The French state defense company DCNS engaged in the construction of warships, and Rosoboronexport signed a contract for the construction of "Mistrals" in June 2011. In 2014, when the EU decided to impose sanctions against Russia, Paris froze the supply of helicopter monasters. The cost of a contract for the construction of "Mistrals" was 1.2 billion euros.

Sanction products in the Russian Federation began to put pressure tractors

On August 6, the law on the liquidation of sanctions products "by anyia available methods"On the very first day, the spokesman for Rosselkhoznadzor, Julia Melano, reported that in Belgorod, 10 tons of cheese will first hand out the rollers, and then bury. The Internet appeared rollers, on which chickens, geese, cheeses, tomatoes, peaches and other products are pressured by huge tractors . In Moscow and the Moscow Region, a little more rationally came to the case: the sanction meat decided to process in flour on animal feed.

Against destruction fresh products Over 250 thousand Russians made. They signed a petition with a request to pass the food in need. However, in response, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that the decree is obligatory for execution. Only for nine days in Russia destroyed 900 tons of products that fell under sanctions.


Metro Station "Kotelniki" opened in Moscow

On September 21, the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobiev and the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin opened a new metro station "Kelniki" Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line. The object will improve transport accessibility: according to preliminary data, about 140 thousand people will be used a new station per day.

"Kotelniki" began to build in 2012. One of the station's lobby is located on the territory of the capital and goes to the Novoryazanskoye highway, the streets of Marshal Poluboyarov and the suspension. Through the second yield, you can get on the territory of the Moscow Region Kotelnikov. The station should unload the "Zhulebino" and "Vykhino" Tagasnko-Krasnopresnensky line.

Russia began to strike at the positions of the IG in Syria

On September 30, the Federation Council authorized the President of the Russian Federation to apply Russian troops abroad. On the same day, the country's air forces began to participate in a military operation in Syria. The first aircraft was applied at the positions of militants near the town of Holmes, which is located in the west of the country. Russian CSC bombed warehouses of ammunition and weapons, combat equipment, vehicles, Department of Management and the nodes of communication of the militants of the "Islamic state" (the activities of the terrorist organization are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation). Video new air strikes regularly appeared in the official Facebook and Instagram of the Russian Defense Ministry.


Russia and Ukraine stopped direct flights

October 25, Russia and Ukraine suspended direct flights between countries. This happened after September 16, the authorities of Ukraine imposed sanctions on 25 carriers of the Russian Federation, who flew to Crimea. Also the authorities of the country banned transit for russian companies. In response, the Russian Federation adopted mirror measures, closing the sky for Ukrainian carriers.

Transaero's airline stopped existence

On October 26, there stopped the existence of Transaero airline, offering international and internal flights at low prices. Rosaviatsius canceled the certificate of Transaero operator. 56 airline routes for the year handed over Aeroflot.

The company's debts amounted to more than 250 billion rubles. In September, Aeroflot was going to buy "Transaero" for a symbolic amount, one ruble, but the deal was broken. Later it became known that 51% of the company's shares can buy a group S7. However, the co-owner of the company Vladislav Filelev was out of the transaction due to unresolved judicial claims against Transaero: a substantial part of the company's shares is pledged at VTB and other creditors banks.

Businessman shot four in the suburbs

On October 19, a series of loud killings took place in the suburbs. Businessman Amiran Georgadze carried a weapon in the building of the administration of the Krasnogorsk district, where he shot the head of the administration of the municipality of Yuri Karaulov and the chapter of the "Krasnogorsk electric power grid" Georgy Kotlyarenko. Also Georgadze killed his partner on business and an employee of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper, who wanted to help the entrepreneur, thinking that he became bad.

The reasons for the act of Georgadze remained unknown: the versions that he broke down due to debts, or that he demanded 20 million dollars from killed officials for leaving the business. Son Georgadze told that he did not know that a man had someone to take a business. He did not hear about 20 million dollars, which allegedly demanded a father from officials.

The body of the businessman was discovered on October 23 in the house near the place of residence of the head of the administration of the Krasnogorsky district of Boris Ratchezov. According to the investigative committee, two Makarov pistols were in the hands of the killer. The weapon from which the murder was committed was stolen in the 90s from the Izhevian Plant. According to preliminary data, a man shot himself on the murder day - October 19.

PlaneAirbus.A.321 crashed over Sinai: 224 people died

On the morning of October 31, the Russian aircraft A321 "", who flew on the route Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg, crashed on Sinai. The SC of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under Article 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Violation of the Security Rules of Movement and Operation of Air Transport"). As a result, the aircraft crash died all 224 people who were on board.

Deciphering the data "Black box" of the aircraft did not help establish the cause of the crash. His data suggest that throughout all 20 minutes the flight system worked properly, and the liner almost scored the specified height. However, then a certain event occurred, after which the work of all aircraft systems suddenly interrupted.

November 17, director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov, that the A321 aircraft was crashed because of the bomb explosion on board. The power of the improvised explosive device was to one kilogram in TNT equivalent.


130 people died due to terrorist attacks in Paris

On the evening of November 13, several groups of terrorists committed six attacks in various parts of Paris (France). Visitors of several cafes and restaurants were shot almost simultaneously, the explosions thundered near the Stad De France stadium, where a friendly match between the national teams of Germany and France was held, a suicide bombed from the Voltaire boulevard and several terrorists took 100 people hostage in the Concert Hall "Bataklan" . As of November 20, 130 people were killed due to attacks, more than 350 were injured, about 100 of them were in critical condition.

By the number of victims, these terrorist attacks became one of the largest in the entire history of France. In the country, for the first time after 2005, a state of emergency was introduced. The attacks were not committed in tourist sites, but in the usual district of Paris, when people rested after the work week. Most of the dead are young people aged 20 to 30 years.

Turkish Air Force shot down the Russian bomber Su-24M

On November 24, the Turkish Air Force fighter knocked the SU-24M bombarder. Ankara stated that the Russian aircraft broke the country's airspace near the border with Syria. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that SU-24M did not fly to the territory of Turkey. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that this attack was a "blow back" of the Russian Federation. The crew of the aircraft was able to catapult, but his commander Oleg Peshkov was killed from the ground.

On November 28, Putin signed a decree prohibiting employees who are citizens of Turkey. It will come into force on January 1, 2016. From next year, a visa-free agreement will cease to operate with the country. A ban on the import of some goods from Turkey will also be introduced.


EU extended sanctions against Russia

On December 21, the European Union Council officially extended for six months, until July 31, 2016, the action of sanctions against Russia. The duration of restrictive measures increased, since Minsk agreements will not be fully fulfilled by December 31, 2015. The composition of the sanctions list will not be changed: restrictive measures are directed against about 200 companies and people who represent Donbass and Russia.

Metro Station "Technopark" opened in Moscow

On December 28, a new station "Technopark" of the Zamoskvoretsky line of the metropolitan subway opened in Moscow. Now in the Moscow metro there are 198 stations, 22 of them are located on the "green" branch. "Technopark" built between the working stations "Kolomna" and "Avtozavodskaya". The object was erected on the current line, without stopping the trains, the work began at the end of 2013. In the hour "Technopark" will serve about 20 thousand people. On the basis of this station are going to create a transport and transplant node (TPU).

The dollar has updated the maximum of 2015

On December 28, the dollar updated the maximum of 2015. According to 13:15, on the Moscow Stock Exchange, the American currency has risen in price by 1 ruble 66 kopecks and traded at 72 rubles 35 kopecks. Euro grew in price by 1 ruble 90 kopecks up to 79 rubles 44 kopecks. The dollar exceeded the mark of 72 rubles for the first time in the year. The euro updated the maxima over the past four months.

Nina Pogorelova

Inflation in Russia by year

Annual inflation in Russia at the end of 2019 was 3.0%, with a key rate at the end of the year by 6.25%. It should be noted that inflation in Russia against 2018 decreased by 43%. Through history Russian Federation more low level Inflation than in 2019 (3.0%) was scheduled only in 2017 (2.5%).

The target for inflation for 2020 by the Bank of Russia is adjusted at a meeting of the Board of Directors on February 07, 2020, which was made on the basis of the analysis of the market situation, namely:

The slowdown of inflation occurs faster than predicted. Annual growth rate consumer prices In January, it decreased to 2.4% (from 3.0% in December 2019), both through the exit to calculate the effect of increasing VAT and due to a moderate rate of price increase in January. Annual basic inflation for January decreased to 2.7% after 3.1% in December. Inflation indicators reflecting the most sustainable processes of price dynamics, according to the Bank of Russia estimates, are near or below 3%.

According to the forecast of the Bank of Russia, taking into account the conducted monetary policy Annual inflation will be 3.5-4.0% for the results of 2020 and will remain near 4% later.

At a press conference, which took place on the basis of a meeting of the Board of Directors on September 15, 2017, Chairman of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina clarified inflation target description:

Inflation reached 4%, and we would like to additionally clarify the description of the target.
Our goal is inflation near or about 4%. Why "nearby"? Because it can hesitate up and down around 4%.
Previously, we talked about the horizon of achieving the goal, that is, defined the point, set a specific period (for example, the end of 2017), when we reach the target value. Now we have this the goal becomes constant.

And the initial statement, which touches the forecast for inflation 2018 - 2020 Chairman of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina made following a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2018:
... Inflationary risks were realized by external conditions. As a result, the inflation forecast is raised even taking into account the decisions taken today. We expect inflation in the range of 3.8-4.2% for the results of 2018, 5-5.5% in 2019, with the return to 4% in 2020.

Below in the tables present the annual inflation data in Russia for the period from 1991 to 2019 and for 2020. In the material are driven within annual (monthly) inflation data for the current 2020.

For greater clarity, in addition to the level of inflation, the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia and the key rate acting at the end of the relevant year is also included in the Comparative Table.

The dynamics of the inflation rate in Russia for 1991 - 2019 looks like this:

YearsAnnual inflation in Russia *Refinancing rate, at the end of the year ** (%)Key rate at the end of the year (%) **
2019 3,0 - 6,25
2018 4,3 - 7,75
2017 2,5 - 7,75
2016 5,4 - 10,00
2015 12,90 8,25 11,0
2014 11,36 8,25 17,0
2013 6,45 8,25 5,50
2012 6,58 8,25 -
2011 6,10 8,00 -
2010 8,78 7,75 -
2009 8,80 8,75 -
2008 13,28 13,0 -
2007 11,87 10,0 -
2006 9,00 11,0 -
2005 10,91 12,0 -
2004 11,74 13,0 -
2003 11,99 16,0
2002 15,06 21,0 -
2001 18,8 25,0 -
2000 20,1 25,0 -
1999 36,6 55,0 -
1998 84,5 60,0 -
1997 11,0 28,0 -
1996 21,8 48,0 -
1995 131,6 160 -
1994 214,8 180 -
1993 840,0 210 -
1992 2508,8 80,0 -
1991 160,4 25,0 -
* Inflation is calculated on the basis of consumer price indices published by the Federal State Statistics Service.
** The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated December 11, 2015, it was found that since January 1, 2016:
  • the value of the refinancing rate is equal to the value of the key rate of the Bank of Russia defined on the appropriate date and its independent value is not yet established. Changing the refinancing rate will occur simultaneously with the change in the key rate of the Bank of Russia on the same value.
  • from January 1, 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation will use the Key Bank of Russia's key rate in all regulatory acts Instead of refinancing rate

And for the current months of 2020, according to Statorgans and the Bank of Russia, inflation in the annual dimension looks like this:
* Consumer price dynamics for groups of goods and services (month to the relevant month of the previous year,%
** Consumer price dynamics for groups of goods and services (month to previous month,%)

Annual inflation for 2019 decreased in relation to 2018 by 2.0 percentage points. and amounted to 3.0%, which is lower than the forecast of the Bank of Russia adjusted in October. Thus, according to the forecast of the Bank of Russia, which is voiced at the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia on October 25, 2019, taking into account the monetary policy, the forecast of annual inflation for 2019 was reduced from 4.0-4.5% reduced to 3.2-3 , 7%. According to this forecast in the first quarter of 2020, annual inflation should be somewhat lower than 3%.

The consumer price index on Rosstat information for January 2020 looks like this:

In January 2020 compared with December 2019, the consumer price index was 100.4% (in January 2019, compared with December 2018 was 101.0%).

In 34 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, consumer prices amounted to 0.5% or more. The most in the Republic of Komi - by 1.9%, as a result of increasing prices for services by 4.6%, and the Republic of Buryatia - by 0.9%, due to the rise in the cost of food products by 1.6%.

In Moscow, prices rose for a month by 0.4%, in St. Petersburg - by 0.7%.

In January among the food products, the price of millet was obtained, by 3.3%. The decline in prices by 5.0% or more was noted in 19 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Nicely all millet fell in the Belgorod and Ivanovo regions - by 9.6% and 9.2%, respectively.

Among the remaining observed food products, the meat of chickens fell by 1.1%, by 1.0% - rice, by 0.8% - pork, 0.5% - olive oil.

Among vegetables and fruits, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes are 23.3% and 14.1%, respectively, and grapes - by 11.3%, continued to grow. At the same time, oranges fell by 5.1%.

The tables provide inflation and key rates data taken from the Bank of Russia and Federal Service State statistics.

Russian GDP for 2016 amounted to current prices 85 880.6 billion rubles. The index of the physical volume of GDP was 99.8%, that is, the economy decreased by 0.2% last year.

She also noted that the Office is working on the development of basic tables "Costs - Release" and that GDP will be adjusted.

"I think that GDP will be adjusted in the entire number and give a new figure after the completion of works on the" costs - release "tables in order to accumulate all changes at once, and this is 2015," she said, noting that all this will lead to GDP growth In nominal terms.

In November last year, Rosstat revised the improvement and dynamics of industrial production.

All this gives an increase in the figure during the fourth and fifth assessment. As long as Rosstat did not give a breakdown in quarters for 2014-2016, therefore it is difficult to conclude that the dynamics of GDP has sharply improved in the past year - evenly distributed raising for all quarters or it has accounted for the fourth quarter.

The Ministry of Economic Development estimated the results of the end of last year very restrained. According to their calculations, seasonally purified GDP in December 2016 decreased by 0.5% in a monthly expression and 1% in annual terms.

The Bank of Russia at the end of December predicted GDP growth in the fourth quarter.

"The growth rate of GDP with a seasonality correction in the fourth quarter is estimated to be in a positive area. The growth rate of GDP in relation to the relevant period of the previous year will remain negative in the conditions of consumer and investment demand during the 2016 year. At the same time, GDP support continues to accumulate material reserves. current means And pure exports, "- noted in the materials of the Central Bank.

It is not clear how exactly the revision of the static will affect the dynamics macroeconomic indicators In 2017. Most likely, the effect will be insignificant and GDP growth will not exceed 1.5-2%.

Minister economic Development He said that growth may be higher than the basic forecast of his departments in 0.6%. Most analysts suggest that GDP in Russia will grow by 1.4-2%.

Analysts Sberbank CIB expect for most of 2017 economic dynamics Russia will be sluggish, although in the second half of the year there is a certain recovery after the next reduction in the key rate of the Central Bank.

The first decline in the rate, according to their assessment, should occur at a meeting of the board of directors of the regulator on March 24.

Without reducing the rate, growth will be less, since interest on loans to business and the population remains high, and lending volumes do not grow.

According to the Central Bank, the economy loans in 2016 decreased by 6.9% (excluding currency course 2.4%), loans to non-financial organizations - by 9.5% (-3.6%).

Lending individuals increased by 1.1% (+ 1.4%). This growth is associated with mortgage loansThe demand for which increased on the eve of the completion of the work program of the mortgage, explains the managing partner of JSC "2K". Excluding mortgage in the first 11 months of last year, the volume of lending to individuals decreased by 7.7%.

Lending factor is very important because the real disposable incomes of the population continue to decline (-5.9% in 2016), causing a decrease in turnover retail (5.2%). If there will be no investment (and there are few hopes for this), then no revision of the methodology for the calculation of statistical Russia will not help out of stagnation.

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