
Scheme of the panel house 75 series. Three-bedroom apartment planning nuances

Among modern housing is a very popular real estate is a 3-bedroom apartment. Depending on when the building was erected and what a series of apartments depends on him.

It can be said that each apartment is unique, the planning of someone is arranged in it, and there is no one. Then the question arises about redevelopment of the living space. It is necessary to understand in detail in this matter.

Typical 3-room layout

In a typical 3-room apartment, residential space is distributed in various ways, and some options are very convenient, others can deliver discomfort.

There is an option with two small and one large room, with one insulated type room and two adjacent rooms. There is a so-called "plane" scheme when the windows of the rooms go to different directions of the house.

Optimal are apartments with isolated rooms. In the standard type of apartment with three rooms there is a storage room, which, according to many designers, can be converted to the wardrobe.

If there are children in the family, then the distribution of the premises makes sense to make the following: one room to take off under the nursery, leave one for the bedroom, and give a big living room. In many 3-room apartments there are separate bathrooms, they are maximally removed from the staircase and elevator, the area ranges from 56 to 80 square meters. m.

Variety of planning

Several types of planning in accordance with the types of houses are distinguished: "Stalinki", "Khrushchevki", "Brezhnevka" and modern options.


"Stalinki" was built in the early 50s. Planning in brick houses of this type showed almost the best accommodation in the Union.

High ceilings, reaching three meters, isolated rooms with a convenient location, separate bathroom - evidence of the wellness of residential space.

Private citizens and nomenclature workers could settle in the apartments, and the layout of the premises for the latter was ambiguous. The internal decoration of the apartment of civil servants could boast a spacious hall and arched openings, there were premises for servants in the houses.


"Khrushchev" was built from the late 50s to the mid-80s (taking into account the improvements and the emergence of new modifications). Early versions of houses had a not very good location of the rooms, the thickness of the panel walls did not provide high-quality thermal insulation, the ceilings were low, the bathroom was aligned. The kitchen, as a rule, was a small area.

From about 1970, large-scale construction of 9-storey from bricks or panels unfolded. The ceilings in new apartments were located at 2.64 m., And the inner partitions did not carry a common load. That is why in such houses redevelopment of the 3-room apartment was the usual phenomenon.


"Brezhnevka" was considered an improved version of "Khrushchev". Apartments were medium in size, there were separate bathrooms. Under the kitchen window, a niche for storing products was placed, mezzanine had. The kitchen was more - from 7 to 9 square meters. m.

Modern options can boast of improved layout, the presence of several bathrooms. The location of the room under the "Airplane" scheme or grouping the so-called "trailer" is common planning.

Luxury apartments are the most comfortable living space designed in such a way as to satisfy all human needs.

The location of the rooms is determined by the preferences of the customer, the number of bathrooms is equal to the number of rooms, there are separate wardrobe, spacious kitchens, studios, etc.

Three-bedroom apartment planning nuances

There may be several types of planning. Apartments studio possess the open. They can be obtained by rework, removing the inner partitions and gaining more space. Then it is divided into the appropriate zones, which are inherent in their own design. The closed layout implies the isolation of all rooms, the door will be separated from the corridor.

Partially closed type planning is an open space tandem, such as living room and closed with isolated rooms. They are connected small in the size of the hall.

When adjoint layout, the exit to the corridor is available at one of the rooms, others are connected to it with the help of doors or left a free passage. Finally, the combination of adjacent and insulated types gives a mixed layout.

Separately, it is worth identifying a serious architectural problem of modern construction. We are talking about the need to "enter" the layout of the premises in sometimes too exquisite outdoor design of buildings.

For example, in the photo planning of 3-room apartments in the eyes, not optimal home improvement, when stupid or sharp corners interfere with the installation of furniture, curved walls create difficulties of playing them in the interior.

Housing Choice: How to rate the layout

Deciding to purchase a 3-room apartment, it is necessary to learn what the criteria for evaluating the area of \u200b\u200bthe area exist. First, it is worth focusing on the planning, for what to take into account the total area, the ways are located, the shape and size of the kitchen.

It is also important to know the number of windows in the apartment. Another important point will be the presence or absence of a balcony (loggia), their number and size.

It is necessary to take into account which rooms are isolated which walls are loaded, what is the thickness of the wall panel, reinforced concrete design or brickwork and the height of the ceilings.

In addition, an important factor is the distance from the apartment to elevator (in the case of its presence), stairs and garbage disposal. It is also worth calculating the ratio of common and living space, inquire about infrastructure in the area.

Pluses of a three-room apartment of modern type

To understand the significant differences in the planning of apartments in modern monolithic reinforced concrete houses from planning in the panel house, compare the first with the Khrushchev-type apartments. It is indisputable that the rapidly developing housing construction influenced the quality of the premises.

Today, the passing rooms can hardly be detected in new buildings. Where the wall of the room is the corner of the house, high-quality insulation is made, which prevents the formation of dampness.

Square significantly increases the kitchen and the bathroom. The height of the ceilings is 3 m. In addition, there is always a free space in which you can create a functional zone.

All of the above speaks about the convenience and rational layout of modern housing. It is perfect for any family, including with children.

When the apartment with the desired layout does not come across in sight, should not be desirable. It is necessary to try to do all the necessary work, the benefit of the ideas of modern planning of apartments on the Internet, you can find a mass.

There are generally accepted layout rules. First, the room is selected and its further function is determined - it can be a bedroom, a living room with a sleeping place, a combination with a working office. After that, the remaining space to share on the zones, which are somehow designated.

Photo planning 3 room apartment

Apartments with four rooms are designed for large families, where it is especially important to have a comfortable and multifunctional layout.

Each room should reflect the taste, character and scope of the host (hobbies).

Important! There are two main rules: to isolate all the rooms (as far as possible), the feeling of free space should remain at the same time.

We will analyze what can affect the choice of residential premises. How to adjust the "wrong" layout so that the whole family is most comfortable to live in a shared apartment.


The 4-room apartment layout is more often a long entrance hall that needs to be adjusted.

Space should be divided into entrance and corridor hall. The door needs a hanger or built-in wardrobe, a large mirror.

And in the hall-corridor - Ideally put the ottoman (chair), where you can relax and talk on the phone.

To highlight zoning, it is possible to place walls, gender and ceiling in different ways. For example, Mezol will help split the space.

For standard layout of 4-room apartments, built-in wardrobes, or cabinets for the outerwear of various configurations.

With a large width of the corridor, you can make cabinets-section with a small depth, they will easily assemble or move as a constructor.


For a large family, there are always many dishes (saucepan, pan, etc.). In the layouts of the 4-room apartment "Khrushchev" there is always lacking places.

Designers are offered to locate the kitchen set in the form P, it will provide more space for storing kitchen utensils.

Tip! To save space, a folding countertop is practical as a dining table to continue the wide window sill. But such a convenient option is only suitable for planning 4-room apartments in brick houses.

Living room - kitchen

Redevelopment is popular to enlarge the area for the convenience of all family members. But if there is a gas stove in the kitchen, it is better to refuse this ventiy.

An excellent alternative instead of demolishing the wall to put a sliding partition on roller supports, it will not interfere, even if the wall is removed between the kitchen and the common room.

Living room

The most spacious room for all cases: meeting guests, celebrations, family dinner, communication of the whole family.

Space doors that have 2 sash will be successful. Then the living room will seem spacious.

When planning a 4-room apartment of improved layout, the living room is spacious and requires competent zoning.

It is divided into a dining room and traditional recreation area. This technique will be especially successful in long halls (living rooms).

Adult bedroom

Standard layout of a 4-room apartment in a panel house highlights a small room under the parents bedroom. Therefore, there is not enough unnecessary room under the office or extensive library.

An excellent way out will be the placement of mounted structures in small bedrooms. They will add a useful area, which will fit a lot of trifles (books, folders, stationery).

You can be beautifully divided by racks (cabinet) working and sleeping areas.

To conveniently work at a computer (laptop), you can choose an angular computer table with bedside tables or mounted shelves.

It often has a place for the system unit, which forever takes a lot of space under the legs. The working area is better to arrange by the window to use the table lamps or mounted lamps.

Children bedroom

Children's also requires zoning, at least conditional. For the baby, a preschooler need a small bed and a spacious place for games, it is desirable with a large floor carpet with a big soft pile.

He should be warm on the floor sit and comfortably play with a mass of toys. Therefore, you need to foresee a large box for toys.

Schoolboy needs a table for classes and performing school tasks. Therefore, the zone is already needed. It is better to arrange it by the window to preserve vision, but for the evening or when there is a shortage of sunlight, a bright bench lamp with a warm glow is required. For textbooks and books, you need a wardrobe or racks.

Designers offer a lot of zoning methods, redevelopment to solve any household problems.

Each room can be made in your own style, take into account the requests of each family member in his room. If there are questions, you can always contact professionals.

We offer ready-made designer solutions in the photo planning of a 4-room apartment.

Photo of 4-room planning ideas

Apartment design 75 sq.m requires a competent approach. A large space should be rationally used and comfortable. Interior design requires special attention.

The project of a 3-bedroom apartment must contain a large living room, cozy bedroom, children's and multifunctional kitchen. Here it is necessary to properly combine the color shades and furniture attribute items.

As for the style, the interior will be performed in the US direction. The layout is obtained quite universal for each generation. There will be contrasting details here, which harmoniously fit into the design of residential space.

In addition, the room will be as spacious as possible. A large number of beautiful materials and tissues help create a concise design.

Finishing work

In the interior of the apartment there are natural materials - a wooden array and pastel shades. In the zone of reception of guests and loved ones, olive tones are dominated on the surface of the walls. This color perfectly harmonizes with terracotta paints of the floor covering. For the design of the window space, a saturated burgundy shade of curtains was chosen.

On the central wall there is an abstract 3d fresco. It contains a combination of smooth lines made of natural wood.

In the food reception zone, it is customary to choose darker paints. The fact is that daily cooking leaves a large number of pollution of various complexity. Fix it helps texture tile gray shade.

Recently, this palette is in great demand among professional designers. It is considered classic, which allows it to remain fashionable for several seasons.

The bathroom will be decorated with muffled brown. He adds a premises a peculiar highlight and a feeling of complete harmony. The shade contributes to maximum relaxation after labor everyday life. The surface of the floor tile contains a thin texture of smooth lines. On the walls there are glossy elements in the form of an accent group.

You can add solemnity to the overall composition using moldings from drywall. They can have a smooth surface or the effect of stucco. The main task of this direction is to create a luxurious atmosphere that will ask an emotional attitude in a large apartment.

Furniture for the American interior must correspond to the selected stylistic direction. In addition to the functionality, it must be perfectly harmonized with the overall composition. The design should contain smooth lines that add soft to the strict setting.

The basis took natural painted flax. Modern technologies offer a huge selection of color pigments. This allows you to combine various shades.

As for the storage system, for this, spacious cabinets and floor stands were used. This allowed the easiest to unload the interior space.

The coffee table in the living room is made according to the type of transformer. During reception, it turns into a full-fledged dining group.

In the interior there is a large number of vintage items (vintage chests, a spacious chest with elements of leather inserts). Cozy deputies are located in the angular part of the room.

For design of kitchen space used high-quality furniture heads of German production. The original fittings adds luxury into the surrounding space. The combination of glossy and matte surfaces create an exquisite atmosphere.

In the sleep zone and tranquility there is a pastel palette on the walls. Furniture attributes are made of high-quality woody array. Storage system is represented from the Console cabinet. From above there is a plasma panel. Experienced designers prefer to use hinged brackets. They help securely fix the TV on the wall surface.

Add conciseness can be abstract painting. It can be performed in contrasting paints. These interior items can act as an accent component. On the bedside snacks, there are exquisite lamps. The design has smooth lines and a minimum of details. The lampshades are made of monophonic tissue of dark color.

The children's room must contain multifunctional furniture. Basically, there is a full-fledged bed, which is transformed into a neat sofa. For books and toys, a spacious wardrobe is intended for books.

Bedding and small things can be placed in the corner dresser. For homework and lessons there is a cozy workplace. It is located near the window opening, thereby compensating for an insufficient amount of sunlight.

Lighting space

The main distinguishing feature of the American style is an excessive amount of artificial light sources. These are mainly suspended lamps and lamps. In the process of repairing the apartment, it is recommended to pay special attention to the floor and ceiling light.

For kitchen zone apply dot light. It is intended to highlight certain areas of dining space.

The living room is located a large chandelier in the form of lampshar. The design should not contain excessive amounts of different trifles. As for the color solution, it is made in the light beige shade. Add coziness, help floor lamps and beautiful sconces located on the walls.

For children's lighting, more than 10 light sources were chosen. Mostly these ceiling lamps. In different parts of the room installed lamps of night light. For the working area used desktop designs of lamps.


American-style decorative accents, an excessive amount of luxurious details is considered. This is mainly: velvet upholstery on chairs, woolen flooring and abundance of shiny surfaces.

In the reception area, window openings are decorated with natural materials. Snow white monophonic tulle perfectly harmonizes with rude dark flanges. He is able to protect against the annoying sun. As you can see, some details allow you to make a beautiful apartment.

In the children's room there is a bright textile. The upholstery of the sofa is made of velvet material. There are saturated curtains on the windows. Outdoor coating consists of woolen material. Add comfort, help model with a long pile. In the photo of the apartment design of 75 square meters. M depicted accent components of this project.

Photo of apartments of 75 square meters. m.

Few our compatriots today can boast that the housing area fully satisfies them. Even people who were lucky enough to buy or get into the inheritance spacious three-room apartments of Moscow layouts, often think about that much could be optimized. For example, a kitchen can be too small, the corridor is too long and dark, and at all it would not hurt to get another room, which could be allocated under the office or an additional children's room.

Functional planning of 3-room apartment

Well, you can just sit, regret and sometimes complain to friends and acquaintances that the apartment does not satisfy you for a number of reasons. And you can just try to do something. And in this case, the redevelopment of a three-room apartment is the only way to turn the standard room in your dream accommodation.

Of course, before starting drawing drawings on your own or resort to the help of specialists, it is worth declaring what you want to get as a result.

Expand the kitchen? Change the appearance of the corridor? Get an extra bedroom, which could be highlighted by the younger child or older parents who decided to move to you? Carefully think over, or do you need to start repairs in your apartment? After all, starting, it is no longer possible to quit the case. And work can stretch for many weeks and even months; It will be a truly heavy test for your nerves, and for family budget.

When the decision is finally accepted, you can begin to make a plan. Of course, if you can afford it, it is better to entrust work to specialists. Indeed, often redevelopment of the apartment is accompanied by transfer or even demolition of walls.

Initial 3-room apartment plan
Operate option of a three-bedroom apartment with the demolition of the halls of the corridor

Only experienced specialists will be able to take into account all the nuances, ensuring that as a result, you will get completely safe and cozy accommodation. They will take into account which walls in the apartment are carriers (and therefore it is worth working with them only as a last resort), and which are self-supporting. Courage and the material from which the house was built.

Of course, they have plans of various houses with all the characteristics: wall thickness, permanent loads, carrying structures, and so on. Therefore, they will be able to fulfill all the work as high quality, regardless of which house is your apartment - 83 series or 137 series.

Planning a three-room apartment in houses 137 series

Transfer or demolition of capital walls is a very important process. And it is possible only after receiving permission in the relevant authorities.

This work is exactly better to entrust specialists. Yes, you will have to pay for their help. But as a result, the necessary documents will be collected in a matter of days. Otherwise, the process of their collection may well delay for several weeks or even months. Employees will send you from one office to another, demanding all new and new references and permissions. Those who passed this procedure, it is remembered only in terrible dreams.

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Planning a two-room apartment

You can choose the project suitable for you:

  1. Standard project. It has a relatively low price. But it can not always fully satisfy the demands of the apartment owner, as it was designed at the request of another customer.
  2. Unique project. It will be quite expensive to you, but here you will be free in your fantasies. Your apartment can be transformed to complete unrecognizability. A standard 3-bedroom apartment in a five-story building can turn into luxury apartments that meet all your requirements.

What option to choose? Decide yourself!

How to demolish the wall in the apartment.

We start with the kitchen

So, the schemes are drawn and plans are ready. You can proceed to work. Most often in three-room apartments subjected to redevelopment of the room reserved under the kitchen. Indeed, it simply cannot meet the requirements of many people. But it is here who has to work diligently to prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family. And during dinner, especially if 5-6 people are going at the table, it becomes especially close in the kitchen. So you need to expand the room.

If the access to the balcony is in the kitchen, as it usually happens in the houses of 121 series, you can assume that you are lucky. It is at the expense of the balcony that can significantly expand the kitchen.

Yes, you will have to warm it up high quality, insulate, spend heating and dismantle the door with the window frame, connecting the balcony with the kitchen.

In addition, it will be not so convenient to use the balcony, because it is quite difficult to reach the distant ropes, getting ready. However, an additional 2-3 square meters to the kitchen area (the standard area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen is about 6-7 square meters) completely pay off any cost and easy discomfort.

Now you have received a fairly spacious room. Plate, refrigerator and cabinets can be moved to the balcony: there will be the main working area. But in the kitchen itself you can install a large table or even a kitchen soft corner, because the place for this will now be quite enough.

By the way, if there was a wide, massive window sill with concrete, which is often found in the houses of 75 series, does not always make sense to dismantle it. Dismantling is associated with big challenges: this difficult work can leave all day.

Standard Planning Apartment in Houses 75 Series

Take the construction garbage and carefully align and disguise the walls - additional troubles. Therefore, many people take a very successful solution: use the windowsill as a kitchen table. You can install a small worktop on it and decorated it accordingly, and you can simply enclose washing wallpaper or liner so that the new table is harmoniously looked in the interior of the room.

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Planning apartments in Khrushchev

But it is worth considering that in most cases this wall is carrier. In some cases, for example, in large-poinner nine-storey houses 90 series, you can generally not get permission for any actions aimed at changing and weakening this wall. Therefore, you can only make a small cosmetic alteration of premises under your needs, it is shown in more detail in the drawing.

Small redevelopment of a three-room apartment without a significant change in the location of the premises

It is enough to break this design, carrying a load of hundreds of tons so that the whole house just collapsed. True, the higher the apartment is, the smaller there will be a load on the wall.

Therefore, for redevelopment of the apartment on the 7-9 floor, the permission to get the easiest way. In other cases will have to be seriously drunk.

In any case, if you demolish the bearing wall or simply make an interroom window in it, you will have to compensate for the carrying ability of the structure using a metal profile.

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