
Planning at home 8 per 12-year-old. Convenient layout of the house for life. What else should be considered

Construction with their own hands has gained popularity thanks to the availability of information through the Internet system. Various construction sites, forums allow you to get qualified knowledge and build a house with minimal attraction of hired strength. One of the most difficult areas of construction is design. It is in the project documents of the future houses a building materials are negotiated, the location scheme of the rooms, the ways of laying engineering communications and the organization of heating. Let's look at the options for laying rooms in projects for buildings with dimensions 12 to 8 (1 or 2 floors).

Internal planning

The area of \u200b\u200bthe house 8 x 12 m 2 is almost 100 squares (for the structure of one floor) and almost 200 squares (for a two-storey cottage). This is quite a spacious room in which a family of five-eight people can live on state housing standards for each person should have at least 20 square meters. m of the total area.

The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe interior, the more your expenses for winter heating. Therefore, huge houses of houses have limited popularity. Even in the presence of funds, cottage with dimensions of 8 at 12 m is rarely built in a three- and more floors. More often limited to two floors of the structure or one.

In this project, all interior facilities are organically arranged around the inner hall. Almost all rooms are separate. There are only an input veranda and a common hall.

The house has an ideal rectangular shape, the inlet veranda is located inside the outer walls. It has the appearance of an unlocked indoor terrace that precesses the entrance to one-story room.

House project number 2: Comfort and convenience

In this one-story project, there are three bedrooms, a kitchen-living room with a lounge with a lounge, a boiler room. This project is an upgraded version of the previous plan. The number of bedrooms is preserved here, and the size of the living room is increased due to its combination with the kitchen and the hall.

Sleeping rooms and bathrooms occupy the right side of the house. The left side is an active area. There are time to wake, they are going after work, prepare food, take guests.

The cuisine has a second output. He can lead to a glazed veranda (if desired, it is attached to the house) or go out directly to the household plot through the porch or an open terrace. In the warm season on the street next to the second exit, a gazebo, a dining table and a place for a shared rest are placed.

Two-storey project of the house

An exclusively home zone will be placed on the second attic floor: three bedrooms, storage room for clothing storage, bathroom and toilet. Entrance to the interior on the second floor - from the hall. Here, in the hall, the staircase from the first floor rises.

The first floor itself is a guest and the working area. There was a separate kitchen, a living room and a working office and household premises (furnace and combined bathroom). The first floor of the house crosses a large spacious hall. The rear wall of the hall is equipped with a light window. Entrance to the house - through a small corridor, which separates internal heated premises from the street.

What else should be considered

The presence of a high porch and stages at the entrance to the house is determined by the height of the base. The high base provides thermal insulation of the floor of the first floor and requires the construction of a high porch and steps. Low base requires mandatory floor insulation and is limited to a low porch with one or two stages at the entrance to the house.

The convenient design of interior facilities is focused on the sides of the world, takes into account the wind rose and the roset of the owners. If the family mode coincides with natural biorhythms (early rise), then the bedroom windows are located on the southeast (for early lighting of rooms with natural light). If people behave a night lifestyle, they sleep for a long time, then their bedrooms are located along the northwestern wall of the house (so that the bright sunlight does not disturb their morning sleep).

Porch at home 12 On 8 - design with love.

House project plans 8 at 12 are quite popular in 2018 and are in great demand. Therefore, we regularly replenish our projects catalog of houses 8 on 12 new projects with functional, original and comfortable planning.

Typical planning of projects of houses 8 to 12: What you need to pay attention before buying a finished project

Before proceeding to the construction of the house, a scheme of the house 8 to 12 should be correctly selected. To facilitate and systematize the process of choice, it is necessary to take into account a number of important issues.

So, choosing house planning 8 to 12, it is important to consider:

1. Features of land put on.

To seize the choice of a residential cottage project is necessary when a plot is already defined. It is desirable to adhere to this rule, since the features of the land plot often limit some of the opportunities at home and lifestyle in it. How to choose a good area for individual construction. We described.

However, the opposite version is not excluded when the project of the private house is first selected, and then a plot is selected that meets all the conditions of construction.

The project of the house 8x12 is suitable for a plot of any form, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than 4 acres.

2. The cost of construction and materials.

How much will it cost the construction of a private house under key to say initially it is impossible, since many factors affect the value of this indicator. So, the construction region can increase costs several times. Also, expenses depend on the materials chosen construction technology, etc. Therefore, the estimate can be compiled when the project and a plot for construction is selected.

3. What cottage 8 to 12 is better: with an attic, one- or two-story?

Defined with the storeinity of the future at home, you must first get acquainted with the advantages of each of their solutions:

One-storey house allows residents to move without any obstacles to all rooms, since there is no staircase. Life in such a house passes in the same plane. However, the construction of such a house is more costly than the construction of an attic with the same area. This is due to the fact that the one-storey house requires a larger amount of roofing and foundation.

The best solution for small sites is home 8 to 12 with an attic. In this house, the room can be divided into the day zone and recreation area (indoor room). Mansard houses are good in terms of energy saving. We include the presence of low attic walls and bevelled roofing rods, which somewhat reduce the space and require considerable work on arrangement. The thoughtful design of houses of houses 8 to 12 gives you the opportunity to level these shortcomings and make the room cozy for living. Also, the attic house requires insulation of a fairly large roof area.

The construction of a two-story house is much more expensive at home with an attic, but it allows you to use two full-fledged floors.

The house, whose attic one can be converted to the residential attic in several stages, is an intermediate solution. At the same time, work on improvement can be carried out when the homeowner has time and means for it.

4. Planning at home 8 to 12 with a forecast for the future.

When the developer chooses the project, he needs to think good how much the premises in the house and what purpose should be. It is not necessary to rest in this regard not to the needs of this, but also take into account the possible needs of the future. So, the cabinet or living room, which so grabs now, in a few years it can serve as a room for living in his parents or matured children who have decided to stay in the house.

5. The ability to change in the project of the house 8 to 12

Our designers simply make changes to any complexity in projects of houses 8 at 12, photos, sketches, drawings and video of which are located in this section without affecting the reliability and strength of the house. Therefore, there is no need to refuse the project you like, just because there are some nuances, because they are easily corrected.

All architectural projects, the company sells at average market prices. Each project is accompanied by a detailed project documentation, which consists of five sections: constructive, architectural and engineering, consisting of 3 parts (ventilation layout circuit and heating system, power supply scheme, water supply). Engineering project sections are available at an additional cost.

Below we placed the project at home as an example.

Each Z500 project guarantees legal security during the construction of the house, since copyright is protected. The certificate posted on the site indicates that the Z500 company is a representative of the International Architectural Bureau Z500 Ltd.

For comfortable accommodation in a private house requires significantly more square than in the apartment. If 50 square meters are a standard dville in urban environments - seem quite sufficient for a family of 3-4 people, then the layout of a single-storey house of such dimensions will be extremely difficult. Such small-sized options are advisable to use for country construction or as a permanent housing for one person, a couple without children or pensioners.

The project of one-story house 11 × 11 with layout

One floor will be preferable to a two-storey analog. Horizontal development Although it will take more space on the land plot, but will allow all rooms on the same level. The biggest minus of two-story buildings - the staircase will simply be absent in one-story building.

Pluses of a one-story house before two- and three-storey analogs are obvious.

Options for planning one-story house 9 × 9

To build a classic home in one floor, you can choose any material that has been in the market, use almost any kind of foundation based on the features of the soil on which the house will be erected. As well as the location of all rooms in one plane and the lack of a staircase is one of the main advantages of low-rise buildings.

Due to the lack of need to equip an inter-storey message, you can refuse to use spacious entrance hall or hall, and the released place to use for other needs. A single-storey house will also be taken to be built with the ground floor and. Despite three full-fledged levels, in fact the house remains one-story. But the useful area, which can be effectively used, turns out to be more than more.

The house in one floor can be combined with a garage, combining them with a common roof. This option is suitable for spacious one-story buildings and for small-sized projects.

The project and layout of a small cottage size of 6 × 6

In this case, they are a single stylistic ensemble, use such a garage is much more convenient and more comfortable, since the room can be done heated, and you can get inside directly from the house.

Materials for the construction of single-storey houses

For single-storey houses, environmentally friendly materials are increasingly choosing. , blocks, or long ago have become a classic. Relatively new and modern technology - frame construction. One of the most budget options and the most speeds.

However, more harmonious fit into the interior of the country houses of the house from the log and timber. Docylidation is more solid and representative. Hence the high cost. Houses from the bar are simpler and available. However, they are not inferior to log fires in quality and operational characteristics. In addition, the glued profiled bar is more simple and easy to work, than a solid tree.

Planning a modern one-storey cottage measuring 8.8 × 10.8

The exterior of the private house should not only correspond to the tastes of the owners, but also fit into the surrounding landscape. If the houses from the brick or stone may look a little heavy and unnecessarily pathetic, then one-story houses from the bar will become an excellent decoration of any site: from an abandoned wild garden, to well-kept possession in any style. Rustic simplicity and minimalism The basis of most interior and exterior styles: rustic, pharmaceutical, country, retro.

Additional elements of one-story house

One-storey house itself is a fairly boring and uninteresting building. To revive the appearance of the building and internal layout, you can add a project somewhat optional, but very functional elements. The drawings will be complicated only by a bit, but the one-storey house will look fresh and interesting.

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Ground floor

The basement is not considered a full-fledged floor, which means it will not change the nominal floors of the building.

Project and planning of one-story private house 8 × 8

However, with the arrangement and development of the underground part of the house, it is possible to add substantial area to their possessions. Residential premises in the base are difficult enough due to the lack of normal ventilation and natural lighting. However, it is quite realistic to pull down all the economic and utility rooms. Even in a small house, an area of \u200b\u200b8x8, there will be plenty of things and techniques that will feel great in the basement.

Heating boiler, water supply system, laundry, dryer, ironing board, vegetable storage area and homemade preservation will free a lot of useful areas on the first floor of the house if they eat in the base.

And finally, storage rooms and chulans can also be equipped in the underground floor. The drawings of large projects provide for the location in the ground floor of the living rooms. There are a billiard table, equip the cinema and gym. Often accommodation inside and sauna with a small pool.

Mansard Floor

House with an attic on the construction costs is a little different from ordinary. Materials for the arrangement of the upper room requires almost as much as the attic zone. Plus, this will additionally have to spend money on the insulation and finishing, and later the heating of the room. That is why attic is often found in projects of single-storey houses.

Also cannot be considered a full-fledged floor. Its useful area will be less than the first floor. But but the layout of a one-story house with an attic can be much more interesting and more diverse than an ordinary one-story building.

Attic is used as an analogue of the second floor. And if it is present in the house, then you try to organize bedrooms and a small bathroom. Depending on the size, the number of bedrooms will be different.

Original Planning Cottage with Mansard 10 × 10

For example, in the house of 10x10, three small bedrooms, a small lounge and even a small pantry very comfortable will be very comfortable on the attic.

One-storey house with a garage

One floor in the house is not a hindrance to arrange a garage under one roof. Maybe as a symmetrical, so have a very free layout. In the first case, the garage is placed under one roof with residential premises separated by capital walls. Visually, such a house seems symmetrical, it can be divided into part of the part with the garage and the living half. In the second case, the garage can adjust home to any party and in any way. The main thing is that in the end it turned out the capital indoor, heated premises, to get into which is not only from the street, but also directly from the house. The size of the house is unimportant. It can be both a more solid one-storey cottage 15x15.

You can use the garage together with other elements - the ground floor and the attic. Such a one-storey house will be not only more functional compared to simple buildings without architectural additions, but also looks much more interesting.

Decorative elements

Such additions can be attributed to the terrace, a terrace and balcony. With the exception of Erker, everyone else is external annexes that can be used in the warm season, in good weather. On the veranda or terrace in the summer you can organize a dining area, and in the evenings to meet friends. The balcony is quite suitable for the arrangement of the relaxation zone.

Erker will help not only externally make a one-story house more interesting, but also diversifies internal design. Further differ from boring right boxes. Erker can become an element of a wooden house or stone. Just from the selection of the material will depend on the form of this decorative element.

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Interesting layout of the house with the Erker

Premises accommodation options

From the area of \u200b\u200bone-story house, as well as the presence of certain additional elements will depend on how the premises and functional zones inside the construction will be located.

Detailed planning of one-story cottage 7 × 8

Planning at home 8x8.

This is a very compact house, it is perfect for living one person or as used seasonally or on weekends. One of the planning options involves the arrangement of two rooms - a living room in 16 square meters and a bedroom at 10 square meters. m. Also in the house there is a place for spacious kitchen (12 square meters. m.). All the rest of the space occupies a corridor, a bathroom, an entrance hall and pantry. Maximum space with a minimum required.

Another option is suitable for staying a couple without children or with one child. Such changes have become possible due to the appearance of the attic. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall with a built-in dressing room, a spacious lounge, a separate bathroom and a kitchen combined with a living room.

Object planning one-story house 8 × 8

And on the second floor there are two spacious bedrooms and a small bathroom.

House layout 8 × 10

Planning options becomes more, but it is really convenient and appropriate, the task is not from the lungs. Nevertheless, in the wave really place 4 bedrooms, living room and kitchen. And this is not counting the utility rooms and bathrooms. This project has a small veranda with which the entrance door leads inside. The house begins with a tambura in 3 square meters. m., and then the hallway, turning into the living room. The living room in this variant is the breakfast.

Thanks to this decision, it was possible to avoid using corridors and turn the entire existing area to useful.

A small living room in 12 squares does not seem small due to what is the passing room. There are 4 bedrooms with sizes from 13 to 6 square meters in the circle of 13 to 6 square meters, and the kitchen is 8 square meters.

8 × 10 cottage layout with veranda

If desired, the kitchen can be combined with the living room, removing the partition between them.

House layout 10 × 10

No longer is a small structure. This is a full-fledged country cottage in one floor. If it is added to the basement or attic, then the options for arranging such a house will be calculated with dozens.
It is difficult to give specific recommendations for internal planning. Focusing the specific needs of the owners and the number of residents. And to be convenient, just listen to the basic principles of the design:

The optimal size of a single-storey house for a family of 4-5 people is the structure of 120 square meters.

Sample planning of a cottage 12 × 12

The entire area that is over this indicator is used to improve housing conditions, comfortable stay of all family members, expansion and increase available premises.

And of course, when choosing a project and planning a single-storey building, you should not forget that the final area will directly affect the formation of the cost of maintenance. In particular, the heating and lighting of the Big House will be extended much more expensive than a small one-story cottage. Annual tax will also accrue on the basis of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe structure.

Two variations of single-storey houses with terraces designed to accommodate a family of four (three) people. The total area of \u200b\u200binternal and external premises is 117.5 m2 and 113.5 m2, the overall dimensions of the foundation, respectively8 × 12 and 8 × 14 meters.

Description of planning

The building intended for living four people consists of the following zones:

  • The three bedrooms are single, each of the 12 m2 and double area, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 13 m2. Single rooms are equipped with convenient home / work sites.
  • Combined kitchen-living room. The area of \u200b\u200bthis room is 35 m2. The living room has access to the outer indoor terrace.
  • Two separate baths located in the input zone. One of them is combined with a minor and is adjacent to the sauna room.
  • Boiler room with a separate entrance, which allows the comfort operation of solid fuel heating equipment.

frame One-storey House 8 × 12

frame single-storey house 8 × 14

The second option of laying a residential building for three people consists of such premises:

  • Two bedrooms are a double and single-sided table for training sessions or work.
  • A combined kitchen / dining area / seating area with an area of \u200b\u200b35 m2 and a separate access to the courtyard on the covered terrace.
  • Hozblok, consisting of two bathrooms, post room, sauna and boiler room. Such a layout simplifies the layout of plumbing communications.

Scheme planning

Option at home for four people

planning frame house 8 × 12

Object planning at home for three people

planning frame house 8 × 14

Characteristics of planning

  • floors - one floor;
  • the overall dimensions of the foundation - 8 × 12 for a four-seater building and 8 × 14 for a triple;
  • the total area of \u200b\u200bbuildings facilities together with terraces - 117.5 m2 for a quadruple house and 113 m2 for a triple;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (bedrooms, living rooms, canteens and kitchens) is 72 m2 and 60.5 m2, respectively.
  • number of sanitary nodes - 2 (for both layout options);
  • the number of bedrooms is three for the first variation of the planning and two for the second;
  • both houses are equipped with sauna;
  • in the second layout, a separate entrance to the boiler house is provided;

Starting to design your own housing, many homeowners are thinking over its size and room location. And if the building area depends largely on the territory of the site and its landscape, the layout of the rooms can be selected independently. Moreover, even for a small building, various options are possible - especially if you add a single-storey building plan or the ground floor. Although, before starting to develop a project (independently or with the help of specialists), you should familiarize yourself with the benefits and disadvantages of low-rise buildings.

Read in the article

Plan of a single-storey house: pros and cons of housing

Most often, the selection for construction has a lot of advantages over multi-storey cottages and giving. These include:

  • minimum construction time - on the building with one floor will be spent less time compared to similar in general and living space;
  • simple construction technology - For one-storey buildings, too thick bearing walls are not required;
  • absencerepresenting the danger, first of all, for children and the elderly. There are no benefits from this advantage - but for them it is possible to place the placement of children's rooms and for senior family members on the first floor;
  • relatively small load onThrough which less and money is spent on the construction of the base. For the same reason, such buildings are especially more lung single-storey houses from the bar - can be built on any soil;
  • increased heating efficiency - both air and water;
  • simplified repair of repair work - especially, outdoor.

Among the shortcomings of such a building, it is worth noting its large size in terms of a high-rise housing. The house with one floor will be longer and wider than two or three-story option. As a result, the area area will seriously decrease. In addition, the dimensions of a single-storey building are often limited to the terrain of the territory - for example, a ravine or beam.

Photo of projects of single-storey houses and an increase in space

One of the main tasks of the owners of a single-storey building is the layout of the premises on the available area. Large building sizes or a small amount of tenants allows you to simplify the design, placing the rooms is approximately the same as in the urban apartment. However, the plan of one-story house 6 x 6 or even 8 x 8 if there are 4-6 people in the family, it requires providing extension:

  • the basement on which the economic premises are most often satisfied;

  • the construction of an attic, which is at the cost of time and funds, is among the second floor between the second floor and the conventional roof, but by 50 to 90% of the additional space for bedrooms, a cabinet or children's;

  • a single-piece roof device that allows you to use a piece of attic for storing things or working zone. In fact, it will be the same attic, but with a smaller percentage of an increase in space and reduced construction costs;

  • flat roofing, which, as you show photos and plans of single-storey houses, can be a place for games (naturally, with the installation of reliable fences around the perimeter) and summer holidays - up to location there is a barbecue area there.

Another option for expanding the area is the plans of one-storey houses with a garage - although it does not become more space for housing, but there is a place to accommodate a household basis. As a result, the building may have large sizes for a similar area. At the same time, the garage can be made heated or simply equip it with an additional entrance directly from the house, improving the comfort from using the car during the cold season.

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Plan of one-story house 8 on 8 with basement floor: expansion down

The main feature, which distinguishes the plan of one-story house 8 on 8 m with the ground floor from the same buildings without base - expansion of the area downwards, towards the foundation. Because of this, the process of building a base requires more time and expenses. However, the result becomes obtaining an additional space that can be used:

  • to increase the economic zone using the placement on the ground floor of the room, boiler room or gym;
  • for the expansion of the living space, the bedrooms located in the basement are distinguished by cooling in the summer and increased compared to the first floor.

Sometimes the plan of the seat of the one-story house 8 on 8 includes even a small pool, for which there would be no place for the place even in the building area. And the only serious disadvantage of such a design solution is increased waterproofing requirements. If the basement is waterproofing incorrectly, it is impossible to place residential premises on its territory.

One-storey house 10 10 meters with an attic: layout with expansion up

For a relatively large area of \u200b\u200bone-story house 10x10, the layout of the rooms involves quite a few options. To the premises for which there is enough space in such a house can be attributed from 2 to 4 bedrooms, spacious cuisine, most often combined with living room, bathroom and storage room. But, even if this area is not enough, the building can be expanded - this time up. The attic floor is the perfect option for a homeowner who cannot afford to build two-story housing.

The advantages of choosing an attic floor include:

  • the rational use of the underwear space on which a residential or economic zone will now be located, and not an ordinary attic;
  • a small load that the layout of a single-storey building is provided 10 by 10 m with an attic on the foundation and soil;
  • saving construction materials compared to two-storey buildings.

In this case, the expansion of space may be essential. Even a house with a two-tie roof, which is equipped with attic, increases the area by 50-67% compared with the first floor. For a broken roof, an increase will be from 80 to 90 percent, although it will also require high costs for the rafal system and roofing materials.

Properly developed layout of one-storey house 10x10 will allow you to comfortably accommodate the family from 5-6 people. At the same time, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building will be at least 140-150 square meters. m, even taking into account the staircase. And the maximum size can reach 170-180 kV. M - even enough for two medium families from 3-4 people.

Plan of one-story house 8 10 meters with garage: expansion to the side

Even in a building with one floor, you can provide a small heated garage. The result will be the appearance of the following advantages:

  • lack of necessity in the construction of a separate building for the car;
  • additional convenience of using the car. Having made the project of one-story house 8x10 with a garage and an entrance inside the building, it is not necessary to dress, sitting in the car during the cold season;
  • improving the safety of the vehicle;
  • increasing the likelihood that the vehicle will start in any weather.

If there is not enough places in the house without a garage, this room can be discussed outside - leaving under the same roof, but placing 8 x 10 meters outside the territory. As a result, savings are saved compared to separately standing for the car. Place the garage separately and in the presence of two or more machines in the family. In such a small house, there is not enough space for them, even if you make a attic.

The main feature of the building with a built-in or nearby garage is the ability to place a car under one roof with residential premises. It is easy to do for a flat or duplex roof. A certain problem represents only a broken roof, the angles of the rods of which do not allow them to extend them to the garage. And in order to figure out how the building with a garage will look like, it is worth considering the 3D-project of a single-storey house 8 to 10 m, visualized using a computer program.

Expand space in a single-storey house of any size is not necessarily using only one method. An excellent option will be to use several methods at once. For example, the construction of a building in which there will be a basement, and attic, and a garage attached to the main premises.

Terms of design of single-storey houses

In order for the layout of a one-story cottage to be completed correctly, and live in such a building was comfortable, you should be guided by certain recommendations for the location of the premises and other elements. For example, it is desirable to divide the space into two parts - the economic zone and the living. The first one consists of a kitchen pantry, boiler room and, if such rooms are in the house, laundry, workshop and garage. The residential area includes an entrance hall, a living room, a dining room, a veranda and a bathroom - the so-called "daylight". The "evening" premises include bedrooms and a sanitary unit located in the attic.

To reduce the cost of the residential part of the building, reduce the area of \u200b\u200bcorridors and. To do this, they can be combined with a living room or even a kitchen. And the kitchen will be convenient to use if it will be located near the dining room and living room. Or, again, unites with them into one common room. Combined kitchen, dining room, living room and hallway are located in one space, not separated, and saved the area of \u200b\u200bthe building.

If several married couples live in the house (for example, three generations at once) for each of them their bedroom should be provided. And on the attic floor there should be a second bathroom, which allows you to simplify the implementation of hygienic procedures. In this case, it is recommended to make two or three separate entrances to the house located closer to that part of the house, which is intended for its part of the family.

A natural light should be used for a staircase - for this is placed next to the windows. When designing a design for moving between the first floor and the attic one should determine its location. Most often, the staircase is arranged in the lobby or corridor. Less often for it is provided for a separate part of the room. And sometimes the passage to the attic floor is arranged from the living room or dining room.

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Conducting engineering networks and communications in the building

To maintain comfortable conditions for accommodation in a private single-storey building, communications must be carried out. First of all, water supply provided by a centralized water supply, its own well or. For the latter option, the pump, filters and a reservoir for storing fluid reserve are required. And the pipes of cold and hot water (with centralized water supply) have each other - the first under the second one. Thus, the condensate from the cold water supply will not fall on the DHW pipeline,

Sewerage for a country house involves the presence of local treatment plants -. Such systems are characterized by security and do not require a permanent call for cleaning asserenimizers. The location of the wastewater is not closer to 4-6 m from the residential building.

As a heating system of a private single-storey building, a boiler and a closed loop from water pipelines or other are most often used. The heating equipment can operate on gas (in the presence of a centralized supply of this resource), on solid, liquid fuel or electricity. The first option is the most profitable, the last is the safest. A use, fuel oil or coal, although complicates the use of the heating system, but ensures maximum non-volatility - no communications are required for such equipment.

To ensure the house of electricity, you must first fulfill the calculation of consumption, enter into an energy supply contract, conduct wiring in the building and connect to the network. This can use one of two types of connection - air and underground. Cables under the Earth - the option is less profitable, but more secure. Air wires are held to the house faster, but they can spoil the appearance of the building, and are practically not protected from the cliff.

Plan of one-story house up to 100 square meters. M - solution for a small family

Projects of single-storey buildings up to 100 square meters. m are designed to accommodate small families from 3-4 people. They are the best option and, if necessary, put housing in a limited territory. In this case, the total area can be increased by conventional methods - with the help of attic and basement floors. Such a one-storey house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 square meters will ensure comfortable accommodation already up to 6 people.

Despite the compact dimensions, inside such a building can be placed from 2 to 4 bedrooms (two on the first floor, two on the attic). And a standard brick, and aerated concrete or foam concrete blocks can be used as materials for the construction of the house. Buildings from glued timber are able to serve their owners for several decades.

Plan of one-story house 6 on 6: organization of space

The use of brusade construction technologies is one of the most popular options for incarnation of a plan of a small house 6x6 m with one floor. A small building will practically do not occupy space on the plot. And with the presence of the attic to provide a medium-sized family vacation.

The advantage of this option can be called:

  • minimum construction costs due to savings on materials;
  • the rapid construction of an object that can be commissioned after 30-50 days;
  • the aesthetic characteristics of the tree, allowing to do even without.

However, the plan of the house 6x6 m with the attic floor does not necessarily provide for the use of wood. The building can be made from any other suitable materials. A good option is also providing high speed of work and high thermal insulation characteristics of the walls.

Due to the small size of the house, almost the entire residential part is located in the attic. The first floor is designed for kitchen, bathroom, dining room and living room. Sometimes there is enough space for a small bedroom. If the family consists of just two people, it is allowed not to do the attic - although the total area of \u200b\u200bsuch a house will not exceed the size of the middle one-room apartment.

Plan of one-story house 9 on 9 and planning opportunities

Popular to date, the planning of a single-storey house 9 on 9 m provides for the placement of rooms, also designed for a relatively small family. So, on the first floor of the building, no more than 4 people are provided for living. If there is an attic here, you can place at least six.

The standard location of the rooms in such a building is approximately the following:

  • at the bottom there is a kitchen, a bathroom, a boiler room, an entrance hall and dining room. If necessary, there is a cabinet;
  • on top there are 2 large or 3 small bedrooms, children's and;
  • the second bathroom can also be located in the attic.

Thanks to a fairly large area of \u200b\u200bthe lower part, a compact bath and pantry is easily furnished here. On the side you can arrange a closed veranda, even more increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe building. Although it is possible to put it on the territory of the house, as well as a small garage on one car.

Planning one-story house 8 to 10: Room accommodation features

Dimensions 8 10 meters provide approximately the same opportunities for planning as the house 9 to 9. The only serious difference is when placed inside the garage building it will occupy a smaller area - not 3 x 9 m, but only 3 on 8 m. Territory of the house , like any other single-storey building, is divided into two functional parts - residential and economic. At the same time, 2-4 people will be enough for the first floor. Although most often the building is performed with an attic. In the absence of the need to use it as a living area, inside simply do not conduct the heating system, using the attic floor only in the warm season.

The layout features are largely dependent on the number of tenants. For four, it is enough to place two bedrooms in the attic. For six, you will need three. One of the bedrooms can be left on the first floor, although there is enough space on the attic space for the entire residential area, except the living room or dining room. The standard plan of a single-storey house 8x10 with an attic can also provide for the presence of a children's room. And if the building of this size is used as a cottage, the attic floor may not be divided into partitions at the partitions of the country house 10 x 8

Much attention when planning at home or cottage 10 to 10 with an attic should be given a living room. It is often united with dining room and kitchen. And the result becomes the opportunity to place a significant number of relatives or friends in the communion.

Projects of single-storey houses up to 150 m 2: Photo and features

Almost any planning of a single-storey house of 150 sq. M will allow you to place the following types of rooms:

  • not less than 3 bedrooms (sometimes 4 or 5, if the house with the attic);
  • large living room, dining room and spacious kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b8 to 15 square meters. m. The same premises can be combined into one general;
  • two bathrooms are the first at the bottom, the second in the attic.

Accommodation of other rooms is strictly individual. If there is a person working at home in the family, the cabinet may be included in their composition. On the first floor there are a bath, boiler and, sometimes, garage. Although in the building with a total area of \u200b\u200b120 to 150 square meters. m at all may not be attic.

Plans of one-story house 10 for 12 and 12 to 12: good choice for big families

In most cases, on the plan of one-story house with three bedrooms, 10x12 marked a spacious living room, a bathroom, a dining room and an office. Part of the rooms can be combined. For example, a kitchen and dining room will provide more space in the absence of partitions between them. And for an additional increase in space, it is worth providing the location of the residential zone in the attic. It will also be appropriate to look at another sanitary unit and for storing things that are not suitable for the season.

When planning buildings of this size - at the same time, the parameters of the house can be slightly changed into a large or smaller side (10 x 12 meters are planned about the same) are guided by such factors:

  • the location of the rooms along the parties to the light. It is desirable that the walls of children's and bedrooms looked south, and most of their windows - to the west, so that the morning sun would not be wiped the tenants too early;
  • rooms "Day zone" (living room and dining room) can be placed closer to the output or to the veranda, if it is included in the plan;
  • the form of residential premises should be rectangular.

It is undesirable to do any of the bedrooms or living room throughout. And the calculation of the optimal area is performed in accordance with the norm of 8 square meters. m per child. For marital couples, enough bedroom is about 15 square meters. If 2 families live in the building, it is possible to provide a separate entrance to it.

Anyone chosen by a typical or individually designed project layout of a single-storey house 12x12 m is an excellent opportunity to arrange rooms in accordance with the requirements of residents and recommendations of specialists. Features of this building:

  • comfortable accommodation from 2 to 6 people even without an attic floor;
  • the convenient location of the residential area in the upper (mansard) part and economic premises below;
  • the possibility of the temporary use of the attic only in the summer, and, with an increase in the size of the family, the transfer of its premises in the fully residential zone.

The dimensions of the one-storey house 12x12 m allow you to place inside and the veranda, and the garage for one car, and the workshop, and the boiler room. The bathrooms for such a building can be two, and even three - if the number of couples living here is also three of themselves. At the same time, a separate entrance can be made for each family. Indeed, with a broken roof device, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house may exceed 200 square meters. m, that is, to be approximately equal to three 2 or 3-room apartments.

Plan of one-story house 11 on 11 and a variety of options

A spacious one-storey house 11 on 11 m with an attic will be easily replaced by no less than two full-length urban three-room apartments. If you also add the ground floor to the attic, the construction will allow the family to live in it from 6-8 people with comfort. At the same time, each pair will have their own bedroom, and the child has a children's. The average size of the living room of this house is from 20 to 30 square meters. m, the kitchen is at least 10 square meters. m. due to the fact that the presence of attic allows not to save on space, in the economic zone you can provide a small and even built into the house garage. A complement to the residential part will be the cabinet and a spacious veranda.

Design projects are rarely used for country construction. But if the cottage 11 at 11 will still be built, it is not necessary to provide a attic. For a large private house, the attic floor is practically necessary, as it makes it possible to use the cerilent space more efficiently. Most of the projects involve the creation of a attic that makes the house of almost two-story.


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