
A series of houses 1 528kp 41. Modifications of this series

Building 1963-1978
Series 131:
1978-1979 Using House Height Roof 30 M. Top floor 27 M. Technical specifications Number of floors 9 Number of elevators 1 Architect Lennyiproekt

1-528kp-41, -42, −43 - Soviet typical series of brick residential buildings, sometimes united due to constructive similarity.

Description [ | ]

1-528kp-41, -43 [ | ]

Nine-story houses of the 1-528kp-41 series - the type of multisective house is widespread in St. Petersburg. They were designated taking into account the norms established in 1963. The project developer is LensNIEP (LenProekt). The series was erected in 1963-1970, often for the HST.

Apartments in such houses 1-, 2-, 3-room, rooms from 10.2 to 21, 6 m 2; Kitchens - from 5.7 m 2 in ordinary three-bedroom apartments up to 8.3 m 2 in single and two-room. In one-room apartments, the bathroom combined, in the rest - separate. In three-room apartments, one of the rooms are passing. The houses are equipped with a passenger elevator and garbage chute. The elevator is located on an intestine platform. Atypical for nine-story houses A feature is the existence of houses without central hot water supply equipped with gas speakers. The columns are predominantly placed in the bathrooms, less often in kitchens.

There is a similarity with panel houses of the 606th series: the facade from the entry side to the parade on each section forms rizalit, the staircase of the corridor type. However, dimensions of sections and layouts in 606 and 1-528kp-41 differ.

The advantages of the series include good heat and sound insulation compared to panel houses of the same period, to minuses - close "M-shaped" hallways, long and narrow rooms in 3-room apartments.

Typical projects [ | ]

  • 1-528kp-41-231 - 4 sections, 231 apartments. On the staircase of 6 apartments, in the extreme sections 7 apartments;
  • 1-528kp-41-287 - 4 sections, 247 apartments. On the staircase 8 apartments.

It is a single 3-section and 8-section buildings (which are, in fact, two built-in 4-section ends built by the ejectors), there are buildings with turning sections.

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The series of the series was built from 1963 to 1978. The buildings were built in Angarsk (one house), Omsk (four houses), Kazan (four houses) and St. Petersburg (including the Red Selo (five houses) and Kolpino (six houses), only 160 buildings). Total built 169 buildings.

1-528kp-42 [ | ]

1-528kp-42 in Kazan

Series 1-528kp-42 is identical with 1-528kp-41 construction materials, dimensions and similar planning of the central sections (the difference is that the elevator is located on the floor in the center, less often to the right of the stairs). The main difference is that the first floor of such a building is initially adapted for commerce, has a significant height and showcases. The second floor is technical (it does not indicate, considering the building for 9-storey), 3-10 - residential. The extreme sections in 1-528kp-42 are shortened, going to the end with its wide part, have 5 apartments on the landing and balconies on the corners of the facade. In the rest of the sections on the floor of 7 apartments.

Typical projects [ | ]

  • 1-528kp-42-248. - 5 sections, 248 apartments;
  • 1-528kp-43. - 6 sections, 304 apartments.

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The houses of the series were built from 1963 to 1978. The buildings were built in Nizhny Novgorod (three houses -42 and two houses -43), Kazan (eighteen houses -42), Tula (one house -42) and St. Petersburg (including Kolpino (two houses) and pontoon village (one House), only 36 buildings -42, as well as ten houses -43).

131 [ | ]

On the basis of 1-528kp-42, the so-called series 131 was developed with shortened sections and 1-, 3-room apartments.

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The houses of the series were built in 1978-1979. The buildings were built in St. Petersburg (including one house in the village of Pontoon, only six houses).

see also [ | ]

Links [ | ]

  • Typical planning of apartments, series 1-528kp-41, end section of modification for 231 apartments

1-528kp-41 / -42 / -43 series

A fairly common series of nine-story brick houses is massively represented in the southern, south-western quarters and, less often, the northern part of the city. It has a sufficiently large number of apartments in the parade (from 40 to 63). The 1-528kp-41 series was usually built in a 231-apartment configuration, and 1-528kp-42 in 248 apartments.
The houses of this series refer to the Brezhnev period were designed taking into account the norms adopted in 1963 (built in the 60s). The project developer is LensNIEP (LenProekt). There is similarities with panel houses of the 606th series: the facade from the entrance side to the parade on each section forms the protrusion, the ladder of the corridor type, which allows the neighbors to allocate a common tambour on two or three apartments. However, dimensions of sections and layouts in 606 and 1-528kp-41 differ.
Layout: rooms from 10.2 to 21.6 m2; Kitchens - from 5.7 to 8.3 m2, close hallways. In one-bedroom apartments there are adjacent bathrooms, in the rest, as a rule, separate. There are rooms only in three-bedroom apartments, but the rooms are narrow. That is, the meter mainly corresponds to the panel 5-storey of the same time. Balconies in all apartments. The shortcomings of the series include long narrow rooms in 3-room apartments and small M-shaped hallways. These pluses include good heat and sound insulation (compared to panel houses of the same period). In total, 151 houses of the 1-528kp-41 series and 58 beds of the 1-528kp-42 series were built in Leningrad.

Characteristics of the 1-528kp-41/42 series:
House type - brick
Floors - 9.10.
Residential height - 248 cm
Apartments - 1,2,3 bedrooms
Manufacturer - Local Building Materials
Year of construction - 1963-1970.
Distribution Cities - St. Petersburg, Kolpino, Pskov, Nizhny Novgorod.

Modifications in this series:

The most common configuration of brick nine-storey houses. Massively presented in the southern, southwestern quarters and, less often, the northern part of the city. It has a sufficiently large number of apartments in the parade (from 52 to 63). Usually built in a 231-apartment configuration.

Serial configurations:

o 4 Parade and 231 Apartments;

o 4 Parade and 287 apartments;

o 8 parade and 462 apartments;

  • 1-528kp-42 / -43

Series 1-528kp-42 / -43-Series of brick nine-storeyes with the first non-residential floor is identical with 1-528kp-41 materials construction, dimensions and similar planning of the central sections. The main difference is that the first floor of such a building is initially adapted to accommodate social objects (for example, library or large store), has a significant height and showcases. The second floor is technical (it is often not indicated, considering the building for 9-storey), 3-10 - residential.
It was built in the mid-1960s - early 1970s mainly along major highways. Going on them with showcases of their rear facades. It has several external views that differ significantly from each other and layout, modifications, but only in 248- and 304-apartment configurations. The extreme sections in 1-528kp-42 are often shortened, going to the end with its wide part, have 6 apartments on the staircase and balconies on the corners of the facade. In the rest of the sections on the floor of 5 apartments. On the basis of 1-528kp-42, a series was developed

Order Repair of apartments in the homes of the 1-528kp-41 series at competitive prices and excellent quality you can at Novaya Moscow. We have extensive experience in repair and finishing works of any complexity, we use only high-quality materials and strictly observe the terms of the contract.

Professionals of SK Novaya Moscow offer software services. This is an impressive complex of work, requiring serious costs. However, in each specific situation, customer budget adjustments are possible without loss of quality. At the same time, all the wishes will be implemented at the highest level in such a way that after the end of the work, the owner may immediately move to his apartment.

Prices for repairs of apartments in the houses of the 1-528kp-41 series

Apartments in the houses of the 1-528kp-41

Regions of construction
City of St. Petersburg

Construction technology

Under the construction period

Years of construction

Perspective demolition
not planned

Number of sections / entrances

Number of floors

Ceiling height
2.7 m.

Balconies / Loggia
Balconies and loggias in all apartments

Related into one-room, separate in two- and three-bedroom apartments

Corridian style staircase

Garbage chute
is available on each interface

1 passenger

Number of apartments on the floor

Square of apartments

Natural exhaust

Walls and facing
There is an external similarity with panel houses of the 606th series, the facade from the side of the entrance to the parade forms a kind of protrusion

Type of roof

Local building materials


There are separate bathrooms in two- and three-bedroom apartments, excellent sound and thermal insulation.

Current hallways "g"-shaped, in three-bedroom apartments Narrow rooms

Planning apartments at home Typical series 1-528kp-41

Selected (Current) Region - St. Petersburg (SPB) City

The most qualitative are houses with outer walls of bricks (series 1-528). Brick series 1-528kp, actively was built in the suburbs of Leningrad and in Leningrad himself. In the nomenclature of more than two dozen modifications of different floors from two to five, as well as the number of parade from two to eight. Features: High-quality parquet, pulley doors and well-fitted window frames. But although there are higher ceilings (2.7 m) area and planning issues their origin. Small kitchens and hallways, the presence of several adjacent rooms.

Characteristics of the 1-528kp series:
House type - brick
Floors - 2-5
Residential height - 250 cm
Apartments - 1,2,3 bedrooms
Manufacturer - Local Building Materials
Year of construction - 1959-1975
Distribution Cities - St. Petersburg and the region, Veliki Novgorod.

Modifications in this series:

  • 1-528kp10

"The main modification of the 1-528kp series". Most houses at home have balconies, but sometimes, in five-storey houses instead there are erkers. In each parade on the floor of 4 apartments. Serial configurations are a lot. Color - usually gray with red splashes.

Serial configurations:

  • 1-528kp: 2 floors, 2 main and 16 apartments;
  • 1-528knp-21: 3 floors, 2 front and 24 apartments;
  • 1-528kNP: 3.3-1.3 floors, 3 front and 28 apartments with non-residential first floor in extreme sections;
  • 1-528knp-22: 3 floors, 3 main and 36 apartments;
  • 1-528knp-22: 3 floors, 3 main and 36 apartments with one end without balconies;
  • 1-528knp-22: 3 floors, 3 front and 36 apartments with one deaf end;
  • 1-528kp-11: 4 floors, 2 front and 32 apartments;
  • 1-528kp: 4-1 floor, 3 main and 40 apartments; With no residential premises on the first floor;
  • 1-528kp-12t: 4-1 floor, 3 main and 44 apartments; With no residential premises on the first floor;
  • 1-528kp-12: 4 floors, 3 parade and 48 apartments;
  • 1-528kp-12: 4 floors, 3 front and 48 apartments with one end without balconies;
  • 1-528kp-13: 4 floors, 4 front and 64 apartments;
  • 1-528kp: 4 floors, 6 front and 96 apartments;
  • 1-528kp-1: 5 floors, 2 front and 40 apartments;
  • 1-528kp-2m: 5 floors, 3 main and 56 apartments with non-residential premises on the first floor in extreme front papers;
  • 1-528kp-2: 5 floors, 3 main and 60 apartments with balconies;
  • 1-528kp-2E: 5 floors, 3 main and 60 apartments with erkers;
  • 1-528kp-3y: 5-1 floor, 4 front and 64 apartments with non-residential premises on the first floor;
  • 1-528kp-3y: 5-1 floor, 4 front and 64 apartments with non-residential premises on the first floor and large windows of the parade;
  • 1-528kp: 5.5-1 floor, 4 main and 72 apartments with non-residential premises on the first floor in the middle of the building;
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 4 front and 60 apartments with changed facades and ends;
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 4 mains and 76 apartments with non-residential premises on the first floor in extreme parade;
  • 1-528kp-3: 5 floors, 4 front and 80 apartments with balconies;
  • 1-528kp-3: 5 floors, 4 front and 80 apartments with large windows of the parade with balconies;
  • 1-528kp-3E: 5 floors, 4 front and 80 apartments with erkers;
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 4 front and 80 apartments with small-sized apartments (with erkers and balconies);
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 4 front and 80 apartments with small-sized apartments (with balconies);
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 4 front and 80 apartments with balconies on the entire facade and window frames without forctions (after 1972. Buildings);
  • 1-528kp-5E: 5 floors, 5 front and 100 apartments;
  • 1-528kp-5: 5 floors, 5 front and 100 apartments (with balconies);
  • 1-528kp-5: 5 floors, 5 main and 100 apartments with large windows of the parade (with balconies);
  • 1-528kp-59: 5 floors, 5 front and 100 apartments with balconies on the entire facade and window frames without forctions (after 1972. Buildings);
  • 1-528kp-4: 5 floors, 5 parade and 100 apartments with a reduced 3rd parade;
  • 1-528kp-4: 5 floors, 5 parade and 100 apartments with a reduced 3rd front (with balconies);
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 5 front and 100 apartments with reduced 3rd front (with balconies into two rooms and with different ends);
  • 1-528kp-10E: 5 floors, 5 front and 100 apartments with small-sized apartments (with erkers and balconies);
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 5 main and 100 apartments with small-sized apartments (with balconies);
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 5 front and 100 apartments with small-sized apartments, modified;
  • 1-528kp: 5.5-1.5 floors, 6 parade and 112 apartments;
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 6 front and 120 apartments;
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 6 front and 120 apartments (with balconies);
  • 1-528kp-6E: 5 floors, 7 front and 139 apartments with small apartments;
  • 1-528kp: 5-1 floor, 8 front and 128 apartments with no residential premises on the first floor;
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, 8 front and 159 apartments;
  • 1300: 5 floors, hostels;
  • 1-528kp: 5 floors, not serial configurations;
  • 1-528kp: 6 floors, 3 or 4 parade;
  • 1-528kp (parade) "Parade" Modification of the 1-528kp series. Floors - always 5-1 (the first floor is given to the stores). Balconies on the back facade of Mr. and are only at the corners of the house. Such houses are usually worth the major highways and it is this side of the house, and stand on such streets. Color - something average between gray and pink.
  • 1-528kp-3b: 5-1 floors, 4 front and 64 apartments with large windows of the main and without balconies on the facades;
  • 1-528kp-3b: 5-1 floors, 4 front and 64 apartments with large windows of the front papers, with balconies on the front facade and on the ends;
  • 1-528kp-3bs: 5-1 floors, 4 front and 64 apartments with front-end windows on the back facade and with balconies on the front facade;
  • 1-528kp-3c: 5-1 floor, 4 front and 64 apartments with front-end windows on the rear facade and with balconies on both facades;
  • 1-528kp-5b: 5-1 floors, 5 front and 80 with large windows of the main and with M-shaped balconies only with the rear facade;
  • 1-528kp: 5-1 floors, 5 front and 80 apartments with large windows of the front papers, with balconies on the front facade and on the ends;
  • 1-528kp-5bs: 5-1 floor, 5 front and 80 with front-end windows on the rear facade and balconies on both facades;

List of houses of the series in the St. Petersburg region (SPB) City:

Zaporizhia - 15, Zaporizhia - 7, Zaporizhia - 9, Piskarevsky - 143, Zheleznovodskaya - 35, Canary - 12, Bering - 26K2, Kartashikhina - 15, Zheleznovodskaya - 44, Zheleznovodskaya - 48, Zheleznovodskaya - 52, Zheleznovodskaya - 31, Zheleznovodskaya - 56, Pulkovskoe - 34K1, Novorossiyskaya - 46 K.1, Kostromskoy - 57, orbell - 12, Toreza - 90, metallurgists - 13, School - 1, School - 8, School - 6, School - 4, School - 2, School - 11, School - 14, School - 12, School - 10, Stackers - 118, Kazan (Malaya Okhta) - 7,

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