
European quality week. In Russia, the European Week started the European Week of Quality

Holidays - unchanged satellites of people's life. Holidays for us - this is the opportunity to deliver the joy of loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where he feels where he is waiting for him. In recent years, much has changed in our lives, but the people of people for the holidays remain an important phenomenon of any person.

The holiday "World Quality Day" in our country is celebrated annually in the second Thursday of November and in 2020 falls on the 12th day. World Quality Day was established back in 1989. The initiators of creating such a holiday were the largest international organizations with the support of the UN. For the first time this holiday was celebrated in the world on November 9, 1989.

Holiday goal World Quality Day

The main goal of the holiday "World Quality Day" can be called attracting the attention of the general public to the problem of the quality of the products and services offered. It is necessary to activate the activity that is aimed at solving quality problems. This problem implies, firstly, the fact that the goods must be safe for humans and the environment. Secondly, they must fully satisfy all requests and expectations of consumers.

It must be said that in our country there is a special organization that is dealing with such issues - All-Russian quality organization (wok). Her board in 2005 decided to hold specialized forums within the framework of this holiday. Moreover, not only in the capital, but also in the regions of the country. It must be said that the first such forum was held in 2005, and the place of his holding was chosen by Saratov.

Quality issue

On World Quality Day, we suggest to pay attention to the problem of the quality of goods and services.

It should be noted that the quality of quality is considered one of the most relevant problems in the economy of very many countries of the world. The quality of goods and services in modern conditions is a prerequisite for the successful activity of any enterprise and any organization. The concept of quality is closely associated with the concept of living standards - preservation of the environment, physical health and psychological comfort of a person. So, for example, our health depends on the quality of food and water to a very large extent. It is also very important for us that the services provided to us have only high quality, otherwise it will affect our psychological comfort.


On World Quality Day, events are traditionally held, the main objectives of which are the analysis of the quality of products and services provided by various organizations.

Usually, World Quality Day is also not necessary without major scientific and practical conferences, forums and various exhibitions. Since 1995, the world community has been conducting a European version of quality. She became a fairly famous event. This week includes shares that are conducted to attract public attention to quality issues.

Holding the holiday "World Quality Day" is aimed at optimizing and improving the quality of products and services produced. The population of our country, like the rest of the world, should be able to acquire high quality goods. Unfortunately, this problem has not yet been solved completely. Our state does a lot in order to fight unfair manufacturers. The goods are checked for their compliance with the existing GOSTs and regulations today. However, it is still not yet to be said that only high-quality goods are produced in Russia. The problem of fakes is very relevant, especially common of which are cheap, but low-quality Chinese goods.

Value and struggle for quality

In modern conditions, it is simply necessary to fight for quality. In addition, it is important to note that this should be done not only by consumers, but also manufacturers. After all, only high quality products helps companies withstand severe competition existing today in our market.

But on the territory of our country, until recently there was practically no competition. This fact had a negative impact on the state of the products and goods produced, but also the service.

In the USSR, there was an artificially created deficit. The population had to learn to be satisfied very small. Shelves of stores were empty to buy something worthwhile, people were forced whole nights to stand in queues. Our citizens are accustomed to thinking that it should be so, they didn't even imagine that the goods could be diverse. Then the era of market relations and competition began in our country. Over time, our domestic producers have learned how to produce high-quality goods that can compete with foreign.

Product quality occupies an important place in the country's economic policy.

Today there was such a difficult situation in the market when the offer exceeds demand. It is necessary not to simply demonstrate the ability to produce high quality products. It is also necessary to show that the quality of products produced is consistently high.

Today, our country from all over the world comes a large amount of goods is not always good quality. To protect yourself from low-quality goods, information and quality control is necessary. First of all, buyers should know exactly how to distinguish the quality product from the fake, which parameters can be judged by the quality of products.

The problem of quality is very difficult and, I must say, it was relevant at all times. Now it is especially acute. Our economy has recently survived the crisis, whose consequences are also affected. Our enterprises face great difficulties due to poor funding. To help get out of the crisis, it can be quality.

Quality problem should solve the state, together with federal and local governments.

Currently, Russians no longer want to be consumers of all sorts of low-grade goods. They want to get quality for which there is a rather big money. Therefore, people unite in society to protect the rights of consumers. This gives them the opportunity to independently have a direct impact on quality. The level of requests of our consumers is growing all the time. Domestic goods and services have long been successfully competing with foreign. Hard competition and the possibility of free choice have a great influence on manufacturers, forcing them to think about quality.

We congratulate everyone on the holiday, with worldwide quality day!

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Traditionally, the second Thursday of November in many countries is celebrated as World Quality Day, as well as within its framework there is a European week of quality.

In 2016, World Quality Day is celebrated 10th of November , but European Week of Quality Pass from 7 to 13 November under the motto "Quality to achieve results".

Each state, organization and person can interpret this motto, assessing the real situation, opportunities and development strategies.

In any field of activity, whether scientific developments, production of products or the provision of services are important, the result and its demand for the market is important. And the formula for its achievement is always based on the high quality of all components of the process - technologies, management, competence.

In our country, a multifaceted quality infrastructure is created and maintained at the present level, which is an integral element of state economic policy. It includes such activities such as technical rationing and standardization, metrology, conformity assessment and accreditation, and also includes support for the competitive movement for quality and business perfection. Their development on an innovative basis provides a real economy sector greater opportunities to increase competitiveness, opening access to promising technical solutions.

Accepted and will begin to act since July 30, 2017, new laws of the Republic of Belarus "On Technical Regulation and Standardization" and "On Assessment of Compliance and Accreditation of Compliance Assessment Bodies". They take into account the norms of the Eurasian Economic Union agreement (EAEU) in the field of technical regulation, assessment of compliance and accreditation, accumulated law enforcement practice, ensure the effective protection of national positions and priorities, supports the development of domestic manufacturers and business communities.

The result of the work within the framework of the EAEU is the statement of 39 technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union), 35 of which have already entered into force. 4 technical regulations adopted this year regarding liquefied hydrocarbon gases for use as fuel, fish and fish products, attractions and restrictions on the use of hazardous substances in products of electrical engineering and radio electronics will begin to act in 2017-2018.

Currently, 5 projects of technical regulations are at the stage of domestic coordination (establishing requirements for the energy efficiency of power consumption devices, equipment for children's playgrounds, fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment, coals and products of their processing, packed drinking water).

7 projects of technical regulations were the stage of public discussion: on the safety of feed and feed additives, poultry, oil, oil, fuel gas, main pipelines for transporting liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, products intended for the protection of the population in emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, as well as Products intended for civil defense.

In addition, in order to develop technical regulation in the EAEU, a number of agreements relating to ensuring the safety and circulation of products, the requirements for which are not established by the technical regulations of the EAEU; eliminating technical barriers in mutual trade with third countries; Harmonization of legislation in the field of state control (supervision) for complying with the requirements of the technical regulations of the EAEU.

The regulatory technical base operating in our country covers almost all sectors of the economy and the social sphere. In total, more than 5,000 STB is currently operating in the republic, 22,500 GOST.

In 2016, more than 1,000 state standards (STB and GOST) have already been adopted in the republic. The greatest amount is in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, radio electronics and communications, chemistry and petrochemistry, the construction industry, the food sector.

The level of harmonization of adopted state standards with international and European requirements exceeds 50%. Standards of such a high level are the powerful support of the domestic industry and business in the formation of a strategy for creating new types of products that meet modern requirements and ensures competitiveness at the global level.

The implementation of the requirements of technical regulations that contain only general safety requirements and take into account the specifics of the product group, as well as the assessment of compliance with the help of standards. To fulfill the requirements of adopted technical regulations, more than 10,000 guests are applied, establishing product requirements and methods of its tests. But this is extremely not enough, so all the countries of the EAEU, including the Republic of Belarus, are engaged in the development of missing standards.

One of the supporting elements of the quality infrastructure is metrological activity, since the quality of production, the quality of the product, the accuracy of accounting for various types of resources and ultimately the confidence of consumers in the domestic and foreign markets depends on the reliability, unity, accuracy and comparability of measurement results.

An agreement on the mutual recognition of national standards, calibration and measurement certificates signed by the Belarusian side provides opportunities for their international recognition.

Noting the activities of the metrological service of the republic, it is necessary to emphasize its important role in conducting a coordinated technical policy to ensure the unity of measurements in the EAEU.

In a tough competitive environment, with high saturation of the market in goods and the variability of demand, any organization seeking to achieve sustainable and long-term success should create an effective management system and constantly improve in all areas of activity.

The ideas of system management received quite active development in our republic. Over the past decade, a large work has been done in the republic to apply the systematic approach to managing various aspects of organizations.

  • 380 quality management systems for ISO 9001;
  • 73 food safety management systems based on the analysis of hazards and critical checkpoints in STB 1470;
  • 11 food safety management systems for compliance with ISO 22000 requirements;
  • 44 environmental protection systems for ISO 14001;
  • 131 labor protection management systems in STB 18001.

The introduction of standards on the management system is the minimum plank that each organization must overcome, seeking to work successfully in a competitive environment.

Stimulating the introduction of modern management tools and best practices will be facilitated by standards that establish updated requirements for quality management systems (STB ISO 9001-2015), information security management, as well as in the field of measurement management, on statistical methods, etc.

The main task today is to increase the efficiency of already implemented management systems. After all, the management system is a tool to be used by enterprise executives to achieve real returns: this is, first of all, improving product quality, reducing inefficient costs, improving exports, expansion of sales markets, personnel development.

It can be said that the quality of products is a mirror of the work of the enterprise, and the level of used technique, technology and management objectively reflects in this mirror.

Motivation of organizations to continuous improvement largely contributes to the development of a competitive movement in the country for quality.

So, domestic organizations, regardless of the forms of ownership and the industry, which they represent, can participate in competitions that allow you to get a comprehensive assessment of all aspects of activities, to look at our production and manufactured products, analyze business processes, interaction mechanisms with the consumer, Work with staff and identify areas for improvements.

In 2016, contests were announced and held:

  • for the award of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality,
  • for the CIS award for achievements in the field of product quality and services,
  • "The Best Products of the Republic of Belarus",
  • "The best quality manager",
  • "The best diploma and research work of students in the field of management and quality control."

Among the enterprises of the Brest region, a contest "Prize of the Brest Regional Executive Committee in the field of quality for 2016" is held.

Currently, there is an assessment of the activities of 28 applicants for the title of the winner of the competition for the award of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality of 2016. Among our enterprises: BerezavroyMaterial OJSC, OJSC Brest Meat Processing Plant, OJSC Slonim Meat Processing Plant, Pinsk Meat Processing Plant OJSC, OJSC "Luninetsky Dairy Plant", Education Institution "Brest State University name A.S. Pushkin. "

The first stage of the competitor of 2016 "The Best Products of the Republic of Belarus" was submitted.

All contests are in constant development, taking into account priorities in the economy, the social sphere, the use of the best domestic and foreign experience.

In the Republic of Belarus, within the framework of World Quality Day, the organization of the State Standard will hold numerous events - round tables and seminars, open-door days and "straight lines", exhibitions and meetings with industry, which will consider current aspects of improving the quality and competitiveness of products and organizations in modern economic Conditions.

The main goal of these activities is to attract public attention to the quality of products and services, exchange experience on the development of modern technical requirements for products, the use of internationally recognized system management tools and best practices, extend new knowledge in this area.


In the Republic of Belarus, the quality of products has always been considered as the most important component of competitiveness. In modern conditions, the globalization of markets, the introduction of new technologies and increasing consumer requirements, improving the quality of the costs of costs, is attached primary importance. In the Republic of Belarus adopted and implemented "a set of measures for 2016-2020 to stimulate the introduction of advanced techniques and modern international quality management systems in the economy of the country". One of the conditions for performing a complex of measures is to introduce the requirements of the new version of the international standard ISO 9001-2015 "Quality Management Systems. Requirements.

Mogilev CSMS is a conductor and a reliable partner for the introduction and certification of modern advanced quality management systems, including STB ISO 9001-2015.

Within European Quality Week and World Quality Day Mogilev CSMA organizes events of various formats.


events of the Mogilev CSMS dedicated to the World Quality Day and

European-quality week under the motto "Quality to achieve results"

Events date


Contact details

responsible persons

1 Preparation and accommodation on the website of the Mogilev CSMS information to the World Day of Quality and European Championship 01.11.2016 Deputy. Directors

Tetherukova S.I.

tel. 72 12 85.

2 Accommodation on the site of Mogilev TSSMD Links to the themed Gosstandart Banner to the World Quality Day and European Security Week 04.11.2016 Deputy. Directors

Tetherukova S.I.

tel. 72 12 85.

3 Conducting an open door for familiarization with the activities of Mogilev TSSMS specialists from organizations, enterprises, small and medium businesses, educational institutions 09.11.2016 Deputy. Director Tetherukova S.I., Ch. Metrologist Knyazevich E.S., Head of the Test Laboratory of Food and C / x Products of Rogztsova T.V.

tel. 72 12 85.

4 Conducting a direct telephone line from 9.00 to 12.00 on the topic "November 10, 2016. World Quality Day " 10.11.2016 Deputy. Directors

Tetherukova S.I.

tel. 72 12 85.

5 Publication in the Regional Newspaper Article dedicated to the World Quality Day and European Championship 10.11.2016 Deputy. Directors

Tetherukova S.I.

tel. 72 12 85.

6 Participation in the days of quality and meeting meetings, conversations, round tables at the regions of the region:
MGCPT 01-02.11.2016 Head of Management System Certification Department

Malyshova I.V.

tel. 72 12 56.

OJSC "Bobruisky Tanning Combine" 03-04.11.2016
State Enterprise "Mogilev Regional Management Capital Construction" 08.11.2016
Kopery "ZhReu Leninsky district of Mogilev" 09-11.11.2016
Mstislav branch of OJSC Builo-Confectionery Company "Domochei" 09.11.2016 Head of Food Certification Department

Klitskova T.V. tel. 72 08 25.

OJSC "Almaz" 10.11.2016
F-l Kopey Mogilevoblstroy DRSU-130


01.11.2016 Head of the certification department of non-food products and services Dorofeev O.A.

tel. 72 15 32.

Mstislavsky joj "Zhilkomhoz" 02.11.2016
CJSC "TIS-MAGMET" in Belprommetal » 08.11.2016
PE "Largostroy" 04.11 2016
LLC "KSP-PLUS" 08.11.2016
State Enterprise "UKS G.Mo-Gileva" 11.11.2016
ODO "BelklimPrombservice" 03-04.11.2016
ChUP "Tavbel" 09.11.2016
IP Moroz S.O. 11.11.2016
LLC "Center for Steering" 08.11.2016
RUE "Belpochta" 12.11.2016

World Quality Day (World Quality Day) is held annually on Three Thursday on November, on the initiative of leading international organizations in quality: European Organization for the Quality, Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers, American Society for Quality Control and Latin American Organization (with the support of the UN). For the first time, the holiday was celebrated in 1989.

In most European countries, including Russia, since 1995, the second week of November is considered a European week of quality. The European Quality Week is held in order to attract public attention to quality issues, as well as demonstration of quality achievements. The motto of the European Champion of 2016, which takes place from November 7 to November 13, 2016 - "Quality for Results" - "Quality to achieve results".

The purpose of the World Quality Day in increasing the value of high quality products and services, as well as in the intensification of the activity that is aimed at drawing attention to the problem of quality. After all, it is not only about the safety of human and the environment, but also on the degree of satisfaction of requests and expectations of consumers.

Quality problem is one of the priority problems in the economy of leading countries of the world. The concept of quality is closely related to the fact that we call the benefits of modern civilization, quality of life: and this is the preservation of the environment, and physical health, and the psychological comfort of a person.

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow (hereinafter referred to as management) in the implementation of control and supervisory activities pays special attention to the quality and safety of both the products manufactured and sold, including the food and the quality and safety of the services provided by the population.

So, for the first 9 months of 2016, 65,441 food samples were investigated by the Office of Quality and Safety, of which 69.5% falls on catering enterprises, 28.7% - on food trade enterprises and 1.8% - on food enterprises Industry. On microbiological indicators, 25,615 samples were investigated, of which 2 343 (9%) were not met with mandatory requirements. The greatest share of the samples that do not respond to microbiological indicators is noted among the culinary products produced by unconventional technology, non-alcoholic beverages, public catering enterprises, culinary products of shops and catering enterprises that implement their products through a trading network, meat and fish products, poultry products. .

9,757 food samples were investigated by 9,757 food samples, of which 41 of the sample (0.42%) did not meet the mandatory requirements, including honey and beekeeping products - from 147 samples 14 (9.5%), fish and fish products - From 277 samples 8 (2.9%), canned food - of 120 samples 2 samples (1.7%), dietary samples - from 293 samples 3 (1.0%), fruit and vegetable products - from 2163 samples 20 (0.9% ), juices, nectars, juice drinks - from 267 samples 2 (0.7%).

In physical and chemical indicators, 15,574 food products were investigated, of which 798 samples (5.12%) did not comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

For the first 9 months of 2016, 118 samples of iodized salt were investigated, all samples corresponded to the content of iodine data presented on consumer packaging of products.

The caloric content of dishes was investigated by 2353 samples, of which, in 145 samples, deviations from the claimed information were established, the quality of heat treatment was not confirmed in 14 cases from 3,702 studies (0.4%).

In order to assess the authenticity and detection of falsification of certain types of products, there are studies of milk and dairy products, juice products, oil and fat products in terms of quality and identification indicators.

In just 9 months of 2016, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow on the results of inspections for violations of the requirements for the quality and safety of food products, 1,495 decisions on the appointment of administrative punishment were issued. The total amounts of penalties amounted to 136,777,500 rubles. For a re-violation of food safety requirements that may lead to the threat to the health and life of people, under Part 3 of Article 14.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Administrative Offenses, 14 legal entities are attracted to administrative responsibility. The amount of penalties for the indicated violation was 9,730,000 rubles.

Specialists of the Office not allowed to implement 2,266 parties with a total weight of 37,173 kilograms of low-quality and dangerous food products and food raw materials, of which dairy products amounted to 18 140 kilograms, fruits and vegetables and berries -13 294 kilograms, confectionery - 2,246 kilograms, oil and fat products -970 kilogram, culinary products - 987 kilograms, bird - 337 kilograms, catering products - 315 kilograms.

As an extreme measure, the activities of 63 objects operating in the sphere of food turnover were suspended, 30 of them of trade and 33-catering enterprises were suspended.

According to the results of the oversight of the turnover of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, 154 legal entities were brought to administrative responsibility, imposed fines in the amount of 9.7 million rubles. According to 3 materials, the court made a decision on the confiscation of alcohol products with a total volume of 17.3 DPLs in the amount of 157 thousand rubles. According to the results of laboratory research on the consumer market, 1,182 liters of alcohol products were not allowed.

In connection with the exacerbated situation related to poisoning of falsified alcohol, the Office carried out work to identify and curb the activities of sites implementing alcohol products by remote method. The court filed 49 statements claims with the requirement of recognizing forbidden to disseminate information on the sale of alcohol on the Internet. 30 lawsuits are considered by the courts and satisfied. As a result, 53 sites are recognized as banned and subject to closure.

The considerable amount of work in the field of consumer rights is accounted for for consideration of the incoming appeals of citizens (23,425), in the structure of which the appeals to the sale of goods with disadvantages prevail, to infringe the rights when providing services with financial organizations, when providing paid medical services, tourist and legal services, on domestic service. According to citizens' appeals, 2 196 unscheduled inspections and 116 administrative investigations were conducted, according to the results of which 3,152 perpetrators were brought to administrative punishment, the total amount of fines amounted to 122.4 million rubles.

On control over the execution of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.08.2016 No. 787 "On the implementation of a pilot project on the introduction of marking of goods by control (identification) signs for the heading" Objects of clothing, accessories for clothing and other products, from natural fur "in order to exclude from The turnover of fur products that do not have appropriate labeling and unknown origin, for the period from September 30, 18, 99 trade enterprises were inspected.

Total number of inspected fur products - 4725 units. For the lack of marking of fur products KIIs, 46 protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up, including under part 2 of Article 15.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for the use of administrative penalties in the form of a fine with confiscation of administrative offense items. At the same time, in order to curb the title administrative offense, such a measure was applied to ensuring the proceedings on the administrative offense as arrest of goods. The total number of arrested goods is 1060 units in the amount of 40,253,914 rubles. The materials of administrative cases are directed to the courts.

In accordance with Article 40 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" by the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow in order to protect consumers from unscrupulous entrepreneurs due to violations, 341 claims were filed with various types of services in courts, including in defense of an indefinable circle Consumers - 182 claims, in defense of a certain consumer - 159 lawsuits. According to these statements, the courts made 200 solutions in favor of consumers. The remaining claims are in courts under consideration.

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