
Determination of zos in construction. AIA - the procedure for obtaining, the main problems and methods of solving the Act of acceptance of ventilation mosgosstroynadzor

I Act on the performance of work on television systems (MGSN)

Act of acceptance of internal electrical work (MGSN) I

Act on the compliance of the constructed object with the requirements of adaptation for the needs of disabled people and people with limited mobility j groups of citizens (MGSN) j

Acceptance certificate for facade works (MGSN)

Act of acceptance of work on the device of outdoor lighting (MGSN)

Act of assembled technological equipment (MGSN)

The act of technical acceptance of backbone networks for connection to the City Security System (JKKHiB form)

i Act on the performance of radioactive works (MGSN)

j Certificate of inspection of critical structures (foundations, floors, spans) (MGSN) [

| The act of technical acceptance of the local security systems of the facility (form JKHiB) j

j The act of checking the quality of base soils to the technical conclusion of "Mosgorgeotrest" (MGSN)

| Certificate of Survey of Hidden Works and Testing of Building Structures (MGSN) i

| Acceptance certificate of low-current systems and automation of engineering systems (according to the list in accordance with 1

| approved project) j

j Roof acceptance certificate (MGSN)!

j Certificate of acceptance of the natural ventilation system "

The certificate of technical acceptance of the completed construction of an engineering structure (central heating station, RTP, etc.)]

Acceptance certificate of the system and internal sewerage outlets

Air conditioning system acceptance certificate

Acceptance certificate for wall drainages and outlets into drains

Acceptance certificate of the system and outlets of internal drainage from building j

Acceptance certificate of internal systems of utility and hot water supply i

| Acceptance certificate of internal heating systems \

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems acceptance certificate |

Acceptance certificate of the underground part of the building (zero cycle) 1

Acceptance certificate of the capital construction object of the state order of the city of Moscow |

Capital construction object acceptance certificate;

Act of accepted works on landscaping and gardening (winter or summer forms - MGSM form)

| Acceptance certificate for garbage chutes and garbage collection chambers j

The list of documents and materials submitted by the developer (customer) for obtaining a permit for; construction j

Application for the issuance of a building permit in full, by stages |

Application for issuance of a permit for the commissioning of an object

Application for the issuance of an opinion on the compliance of the constructed (reconstructed, repaired) capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation

List 1 of documents (clause 7) attached to the application for permission to enter the facility in I

operation I

Notification of the beginning of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of a capital construction facility j

List (inventory) of design documentation No. for construction!

Notice No. about the completion of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the capital object!


The list of documents and materials submitted by the developer (customer) for obtaining permission to put the facility into operation in Moscow

Certificate of compliance of the constructed (reconstructed, repaired) capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations;

"Certificate of compliance of the parameters of the constructed (reconstructed, repaired) object!

capital construction project documentation ■

Conclusion on the correctness of the designs made in nature



on the performance of work on television systems

Moscow "" 20


position, full name)

General contractor

checked the performance of work on the television systems of the building

By inspection and testing of equipment in operation, it was found that the television system

made according to technical conditions and project__

(No. of technical conditions)

Based on the inspection and verification of the executive documentation, it was established that the television system was prepared for operation.

(signatures, full name) Technical supervision


General contractor


made the acceptance of the facility's radio system

(name and address of the object)

By inspection and testing of equipment in operation, it was found that radio networks

executed according to technical conditions and project_.

(No. of technical conditions and project)

Based on the inspection and verification of the executive documentation, it was established that the radio system was prepared for operation.

General contractor




survey of critical structures (foundations, floors, spans)

REPRESENTATIVES: (organization, position, full name)

Technical supervision of the customer

General contractor

inspected critical structures made by_

(name and address of the object)

1. The following critical structures have been presented for examination

(list and brief description of structures)

2. The structures are made according to the project documentation_

(name of project documentation,

3. When performing constructions applied

for certificates or other documents confirming the quality)

4. Hidden works certified

(name of hidden works, dates and number of certificates of their survey)

5. Documents were submitted confirming the compliance of structures with the requirements for them, including:

a) executive geodetic schemes for the position of structures ___

b) the results of examinations, examinations, laboratory and other tests of the work performed, carried out in the process of construction control ______

(name of the document, date, number, other details)

6. Dates: start of work "_" _ 20_year.

completion of work "_" _ 20_y.

7. The presented structures are made in accordance with the design documentation and technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts ___

(article title)

(clauses of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts, sections of project documentation)

8. Based on the above:

a) the following works are allowed: _

(name of works and structures)

additional information

The act is drawn up in_instances.

, ^ тт. l. Technical supervision of the customer

(signatures, full name)

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organization

JKHiB form

technical acceptance of local security systems of the facility.

Moscow "_" _ 200_



Specialized operating organization ___

Drew up this act stating that the installation of a local security system (LSS)

object at the address: _, checked for compliance with the project

No. developed according to the Specifications from ________

equipment identification



Number of control zones


No. _, Specifications from No._.

The technical documentation has been submitted in accordance with the list.



checking the quality of the base soils to the technical conclusion of "Mosgorgeotrest"

(organization. Technical supervision of the customer, position, F. and O.)

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organization

inspected an open pit for foundations for construction

(Object name)

At the site at:

(building area, quarter, street, building, house no.)

On examination it was found:

1. The soil at the level of the foundations in the pit corresponds to the data of engineering and geological surveys and is presented: _

2. Groundwater during excavation

3. Planning marks of the surface according to the project

4. Planned position of building dimensions_

Corresponds to the sketch M 1: 500 attached

to the technical conclusion No._

5. The marks of the bottom of the pit are:

on the project actually

7. The accepted type and dimensions of foundations according to the working drawings are confirmed by calculations in accordance with the design documentation and technical regulations, norms and rules), other regulatory legal (acts) _

8. During the excavation work, there were no obstacles (weak soils, old wells, foundations of old buildings, cesspools, etc.) that require the introduction of

changes to the foundation design

do not require

5. Completion date "_" _ 20_year.

In view of the foregoing, earthworks for the construction of the foundation were carried out in accordance with the design documentation and technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts.

The foundation of the foundations does not cause fears of deformations of the building during its construction and operation. It is allowed to proceed with the construction of the foundations.

(signatures, full name) Technical supervision of the customer

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organization

Mos gosstroy oynadzor


surveys of hidden works and tests of building structures

Moscow "_" _ 20_

(organization, technical supervision of the customer ________

position, F&O) „_

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organizations

inspected the work performed_

(name and address of the object)

and have drawn up this act on the following:

1. The following works have been submitted for examination

(name of hidden works)

2. The work was carried out according to the project documentation_

3. When performing work, applied_

(name of building materials, products

4. Documents have been submitted confirming the compliance of the work with the requirements for them: _

tests of the work performed during the construction control)

5. Dates: start of work "_"

completion of work "_"

6. The work was carried out in accordance with

(indicate: title of the article,

clauses of technical regulations (norms and rules), other normative legal acts.

sections of project documentation)

7. It is allowed to carry out subsequent work on

(name of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks)

additional information

The act is drawn up in_instances.

(signatures, full name) Technical supervision of the customer

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organizations


acceptance of low-current systems and automation of engineering systems (according to the list in accordance with the approved project)

Moscow "_" _ 20_


position, full name) Technical supervision of the customer ___

General contractor_________

Subcontracting (assembly)


Operating organization_

inspected and checked the installed equipment of the system:

(system name)

Object name and address:

Design and as-built documentation presented:

Based on the inspection and tests performed, the system presented for delivery shall be considered prepared for commissioning.

Technical supervision of the customer

(signatures, full name)

General contractor_

Subcontractor (installation) organization_

Operating organization


2. When installing the roof, the following materials were used:

(name and brand of roofing materials, mastics, etc. with reference to certificates)


acceptance of internal electrical work

Moscow "_" 20

(organization. Technical supervision of the customer_

position, full name) _

General contractor _

Operating organization_

made the acceptance of internal electrical work

(name and address of the object)

The inspection found that the internal electrical work was carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the Installation of Electrical Installations" and the project agreed with "Rostekhnadzor".

Acts have been presented: for hidden work on the installation of electrical installations, installation of input distribution devices, power and lighting switchboards, checking the strength of fixtures for fixing lamps; technical report on "setting up internal electrical

On the basis of the inspection and tests carried out, the internal electrical installation systems presented for delivery shall be considered prepared for operation.

(signatures, full name) Technical supervision of the customer

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organizations

M.P. Operating organization

3. Upon acceptance, the following documents were considered: as-built drawings;

work production log; executive schemes for geodetic inspection;

acts of acceptance of the base, carpet, protective layer and other acts of intermediate acceptance and for hidden work;

passports and certificates for materials, parts and products.

4. Date of commencement of work "_" _ 20_year.

5. Completion date "__" _ 20_year.

REPRESENTATIVES, (signatures, full name)

Roofing works were carried out in accordance with the design documentation and technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts.

Technical supervision of the customer

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organization

Operating organization



on the compliance of the constructed object with the requirements of adaptation for the needs of disabled people with limited mobility of citizens.

(name and address of the object)


Customer (developer) _

General Contractor _

(position, organization, full name)

Subcontractor _

(position, organization, full name)

Department of Social Protection

population of Moscow _

(position, full name)


organization _

(position, organization, full name)

performed a check of the executive and technical documentation, the measures taken to ensure unhindered access for disabled people to the presented object and the compliance of their design documentation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.

Based on the audit carried out, measures to ensure access of disabled people and people with limited mobility to the facility

By the address_

To the extent stipulated by the design estimate documentation (indicate project sheets) _

fulfilled (not fulfilled)

Mandatory appendices to this act, in the presence of lifting platforms for disabled people (1111I), are appendices to PB 10-403-01:

Appendix No. 2 (act of technical readiness of the research institute) - when issuing an AIA;

Appendix No. 3 (certificate of commissioning of the PPI) - when issuing a permit to put the facility into operation.

(signatures, full name) Technical supervision of the customer General contractor_

Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow_

Subcontracting (installation) organizations

M.P. Operating organization


Act of acceptance of facade works

Moscow "" 20


Technical supervision of the customer

position, full name)

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organization

Operating organization

made an inspection and acceptance of the facade works_

(name and address of the object)


(name of the construction and installation organization)

During the acceptance process, it was checked:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the color passport, project and working documentation: work performed; colors, colors and finishes of the facade; applied structures, materials and components; technologies for carrying out facade work.

2. Availability of as-built documentation, documentation on the quality of materials, structures and components.

It has been established that the object has been completed with facade work__

(technical certificate, type of construction, type of finish)

in accordance with the requirements of the color passport, project documentation that has passed the examination in Mosgosexpertiza and working documentation, which has the conclusion of the ENLACOM Center for quality.

REPRESENTATIVES, (signatures, full name)

The contract for the warranty period has been drawn up.

Technical supervision of the customer

General contractor

Subcontracting (installation) organization

Operating organization



acceptance of work on the arrangement of outdoor lighting

made the acceptance of the exterior lighting of the building

(name and address of the object)

By inspection and testing of the equipment in operation, it was found that the outdoor lighting was made in accordance with the "Rules for the installation of electrical installations", technical conditions and project_.

(No. of technical conditions)

Based on the inspection and verification of the executive documentation, it was established that the outdoor lighting system was prepared for operation.


mounted technological equipment

Moscow "_" _ 200_


Technical supervision of the customer__


"General contractor _______

Subcontracting (assembly)

organizations _

Operating organization _______

inspected the installed equipment_

(name and address of the object)

and have drawn up this act on the following:

1. Submitted for examination by ___

(equipment identification)

2. The equipment was installed in accordance with the design and regulatory documentation_

(name of project documentation)

3. Documents have been submitted confirming the compliance of the work with the requirements for them: _

(executive schemes and drawings, results of examinations, examinations, laboratory and other

tests of the work performed, carried out in the course of construction control.)

4. Dates: start of work ""

completion of work "_" _

(Name of works)

additional information

The act is drawn up in_instances.

JKHiB form

technical acceptance of backbone networks for connection to the City Security System

Moscow "_" 200_

Commission composed of representatives:



Specialized operating organization __________

Drew up this act stating that the installation of line-cable structures and

equipment of the backbone network of the object_ on

checked for compliance with the project No._, developed according to the technical specifications

equipment identification

Number of equipment for the project



Number of control zones


Conclusion: the above equipment was installed in accordance with the project

No. _, technical conditions dated ______ No._. Technical

the documentation has been submitted in accordance with the list: _

The abbreviation AIA stands for "Conclusion of Compliance". The document is issued upon acceptance of a construction site, when it must comply with the approved rules and regulations. These include the construction plan, project documentation, energy and other aspects of the building.

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Speaking about what an AIA is in construction, we can safely say that this is the main document for accepting an object into operation.

Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 611 of September 17, 2013 on the implementation of state construction supervision says that AIA is issued after all stages of inspections of the facility. At the same time, during construction, any errors or inaccuracies are excluded, and if any, they must be eliminated before issuing an opinion on compliance. The document is a final check with any possible changes.

The need to obtain an AIA arises not only for new buildings, but also for secondary real estate, when major repairs are carried out.

Often a building is so extensively reconstructed that it is impossible to discern its former appearance. And even if the appearance remains the same, but a major overhaul has been made, the statement of conformity will also have to be drawn up.

General transcript

In 2020, few people are familiar with the concept of AIA, although this is a mandatory procedure for accepting an object into operation. This is because the developer or owner of the building to be reconstructed must go through many compliance checks that are similar to each other before issuing a declaration of conformity. And even people of construction professions will not always be able to give a definition of AIA and why it is needed.

AIA is the compliance of an object with technical and any other standards, depending on the type of building. The document is issued at the very last place after all inspections and tests, requiring complete information about the building as a whole and about its individual parts.

Often, an object is examined in blocks, especially if they have different purposes. This is typical for sports complexes with many halls, swimming pools, gymnastics and training facilities. In this case, individual requirements are imposed on each part of the whole object. Only after that it will be possible to obtain an AIA for all construction in general.

The main activities that are carried out before receiving the declaration of conformity:

  • trial runs of utilities - heating, water supply and drainage, power supply, gas supply systems;
  • individual checks of individual rooms;
  • acceptance certificate - typical for major repairs in secondary real estate.

After the building qualifies for the possibility of living or carrying out other activities in the facility, an AIA is issued.

What information is there

The grounds for issuing an AIA are considered both previously carried out checks and an independent examination of the object. In the course of this, all the specified information in the documents for compliance with the norms is taken into account, and also during the examination, deficiencies or the identity of the specified data are revealed.

There are two main goals pursued by the AIA:

The textual part of the declaration of conformity contains the following information:

  • Characteristics of the object - this includes both the dimensions of the occupied area and the material of manufacture of all parts of the building. At the same time, the norms for residential and non-residential premises, wall thickness and other nuances characteristic of each type of building separately must be observed.
  • Information about any work carried out at the time of inspection - according to the rules, any construction actions at the time of examination are prohibited, because this can affect the final result, and also does not give an idea of ​​the completeness of the process.
  • Information about connected communications and compliance.

If the requirements are met, the expert issues an AIA. Otherwise, the developer will have to eliminate all the shortcomings or the object will not be put into operation.

Main rules

It should be understood the difference between AIA and any other checks. Many developers mistakenly assume that it is enough to contact the gas, fire and other inspectorates so that they check the object for compliance, after which it can be sold, leased or used for its intended purpose.

In fact, this is not the case, since after all the actions taken, it is imperative to receive a statement of conformity.

What is it for

Firstly, the AIA acts as a guarantee that everything is in order with the object and that it fully complies with all the required construction standards. It is impossible to forge such a document, which means that the developer has passed all the stages of checks, and the building can be operated in complete safety for people.

Secondly, without the AIA, the developer has no legal rights to sell the erected or reconstructed structure.

It is impossible to sell the object as a whole or in parts without expertise. This is of particular importance for apartment buildings, because it is impossible to sell a single apartment without a conclusion of compliance.

An important exception: if the developer has sold at least one apartment before 2017 during a preschool education (equity participation agreement), then an AIA is not required for the building as a whole. This is due to the fact that the facility has already been put into operation and, by default, meets all the required standards. This is also stated in FZ-214.

Required documents

To obtain an AIA, the following documentation package is required:

  • notice of the start of construction;
  • notification of the completion of construction work;
  • a photocopy of a document confirming the possibility of starting construction;
  • State examination of project documentation and engineering communications;
  • examination of hazardous industrial facilities, if the building belongs to this category;
  • complete project documentation with all secondary buildings and communications suitable for them;
  • certificate of permission to carry out construction activities.

First of all, the provided documentation is checked, and only then the AIA examination is carried out. If any deficiencies are found in the listed documents, then they must be eliminated prior to the examination of the statement of conformity.

How can you get it

After all stages of construction have been completed, as well as the appropriate checks have been carried out, the developer must contact the government authorities to obtain an AIA.

As a rule, this is the responsibility of the Ministry of Construction, but the name may differ in certain regions of the country. For example, in Moscow it is a committee for urban planning supervision.

The principle of obtaining AIA is as follows:

  1. Collection of documentation.
  2. Contacting the Ministry of Construction.
  3. Waiting for a decision (examination).
  4. Receipt of Declaration of Conformity or Refusal.

What the authorities pay attention to:

Documentation provided Employees carefully study papers and certificates for a specific object. In cases of non-compliance, the examination is not carried out, and the developer is given time to eliminate the deficiencies.
Building safety The object must meet all safety standards, regardless of its purpose. In any case, people will live, work or periodically stay in the building. There should be no threats to health and life.
Technical highlights Both construction materials and the correct connection of communications are taken into account. Often, functionality does not matter if the power supply or gas pipeline is not laid correctly. In this case, the very threat to the health and life of people arises.

After the examination, the applicant is issued an AIA certificate or a refusal to issue it. In the latter case, the developer has the opportunity to reapply to the state authorities, but only after eliminating the inconsistencies. Violations are indicated in the waiver document.

Registration methods and price

There are several ways to issue an AIA - contacting government officials and specialized companies.

In the first case, everything is clear - it is necessary to collect a package of documents and present it to a representative of the Ministry of Construction, at the same time writing a corresponding application. The disadvantage of this method is a long waiting time, which in practice can be up to a month.

Contacting a specialized organization is the easiest and most profitable way to obtain an AIA, but it is necessary to take into account several points:

  • they can carry out the examination as;
  • the organization must have a certificate for the right to perform expert work;
  • the admission for the examination must be issued by a self-regulatory organization;
  • availability of accreditation to carry out expert work in the field of construction and engineering communications.

It is better to inquire about this before concluding a contract, since the risk of cooperation with fraudsters is high.

Advantages of contacting specialized companies:

  • free advice and recommendations for solving existing problems;
  • a transparent cooperation scheme with pre-agreed prices and services;
  • issuance of an AIA of a state standard;
  • speed of service provision - usually companies start work 1-2 days after signing the contract;
  • low cost.

There is no fixed price for obtaining an AIA, as the cost depends on many factors.

This includes the area of ​​the building, the number of utilities, the complexity of their connection, and much more. The average price ranges from 15-20 thousand rubles.

Permission and cases of refusal

AIA is issued no later than 1 month from the date of submission of an application for an examination. It should be noted that if the developer has not sold the object or at least one part of it (apartment) within two months from the date of issue of the statement of conformity, then it will be canceled. In this case, the examination will have to be repeated.

Cases of refusal to obtain an AIA are almost commonplace, because it is impossible to take into account all the nuances of construction the first time.

We are not talking about a gross violation of fire safety rules or other communications, which is potentially dangerous to the health and life of people. But the AIA will not be issued even with minimal violations of urban planning.

Common reasons for refusal are:

Use of substandard materials Poor quality developers sometimes resort to replacing one building material with another in order to deliberately reduce the cost of the object. In case of gross violations (replacing stone materials with wooden ones, when it is prohibited), an AIA will be refused due to the potential danger to people.
Violations of laying communications In fact, such a flaw should be eliminated at the stage of previous checks. These include unprotected electrical wiring, an electrical substation that is not able to provide the entire facility with energy at the same time, unconnected sewers, etc. These are gross violations that will not allow you to receive a statement of conformity.
Violations in technical documentation Refers to a situation when one is presented on papers, but in reality another. It doesn't matter if the object meets the requirements as it does not initially match the docs. The developer needs to reissue the papers in accordance with the existing building.

Sometimes they can refuse an AIA due to the fact that the developer is on the list of debtors. In this case, the only way out is to pay off the bills with the previous equity holders.

After elimination of violations, the right to re-apply for the AIA registration arises. The procedure will proceed in a general manner.

Features of the assessment

Assessment of the building's compliance with the required standards is divided into 3 stages:

Preparatory Employees study the submitted documentation, determine its compliance in accordance with applicable standards. Also at this stage there is an acquaintance with the object. This is not necessarily a visual inspection, it is enough to understand what exactly is being examined, its purpose and technical characteristics.
Field inspection The stage when employees go to the site and carry out the appropriate examination. Geodetic, engineering and other types of work are carried out without comparing the results.
Data processing The final stage, when the results are analyzed and the data are compared with the building codes.

The reporting contains complete information about the work performed, the indication of indicators and their comparison with the norm and the submitted documentation. All violations and shortcomings, as well as ways to eliminate them, are also indicated.

As a result, an AIA or a refusal is issued with a list of violations that need to be corrected. If the building for the most part complies with the legislative rules for construction, but there are minor flaws that do not relate to the operation of the facility and do not affect the safety of citizens, then a statement of compliance is most likely issued.

At the same time, it should be understood that these very shortcomings need to be removed in a short time.


We will launch your business.

Our specialists have sufficient experience and professional contacts for the prompt registration of the AIA. You do not have to waste valuable time and postpone the launch of the facility.

Leave us all the hard work.
We are at your service.

The final stage of the construction of the property is commissioning. The key document for obtaining an act on the commissioning of an object is conclusion of conformity (AIA).

The Conclusion of Conformity (AIA) is “the conclusion of the state construction supervision body (if the implementation of the state construction supervision is envisaged) on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the requirements for equipment of the facility capital construction with metering devices for the energy resources used, the conclusion of state environmental control in the cases provided for by part 7 of article 54 of this Code ”(paragraph 9 of part 3 of article 55 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation).

The commissioning of the capital construction facility is carried out by the technical customer in accordance with the previously agreed design documentation. The more detailed the project for the implementation of construction and installation works is, the easier it is to arrange the commissioning of capital construction projects with strict compliance with all requirements.

Each previous stage of work is drawn up with acts of hidden work, which must be presented to the building supervision inspector. All these documents must be kept by the developer throughout the warranty period of the building construction.

The block diagram of the commissioning of the capital construction facility is shown below:

An AIA may be refused for the following reasons:

  1. During the construction, reconstruction of the capital construction object, violations were made of the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and project documentation, and such violations were not eliminated before the date of issue of the conclusion on compliance.
  2. There is no inspection report after the completion of construction, reconstruction of the capital construction facility.

Regulatory documents do not provide for other grounds for refusing to issue an AIA for the commissioning of capital construction projects.

Therefore, for obtaining an opinion on the conformity of the object the following must be ensured:

a) Compliance of the work performed with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulations.

Control over the fulfillment of the requirements listed in clause a) is carried out:

  • every day by technical supervision services in the structure of the Developer, with the completion of the general work log and special logs provided for by building codes. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements in the field of construction, it is necessary to carry out surveys of hidden works with the preparation of the relevant documents, to monitor the compliance of materials used in the production of construction and installation works according to the nomenclature, quantity and quality, etc.
  • periodically by supervisory authorities. The responsibility for organizing interaction with state construction supervision bodies also lies with the services of the Developer from the moment of obtaining a building permit. If violations are detected in the process of inspections, the developer is obliged to take measures to eliminate these violations and draw up the relevant documents.

From an article by S.P. Bullfinch:

“It should be noted that state construction supervision is carried out from the date of receipt of the notice of the start of work (part 5 of article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) until the date of issuance of a conclusion on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), and other regulatory legal acts and project documentation. Therefore, a positive conclusion on compliance by the state construction supervision authority is issued only if construction supervision was carried out regularly throughout the entire construction period. And if, through the fault of the developer, such supervision was not carried out, then the supervisory authority has the right to refuse to issue an AIA. The responsibility of the state construction supervision body does not include the issuance of an opinion on compliance if the object is built or part of the object was erected in violation of the established construction procedure.

b) Compliance of the work performed with the design documentation.

During the construction of almost any object, it becomes necessary to adjust some design solutions, to replace certain materials with similar ones. The developer is obliged to coordinate such changes with the design organization carrying out architectural supervision, to document these circumstances accordingly.

c) Receipt of the final inspection report

In accordance with clause 26 RD-11-04-2006 “When conducting the final inspection, the procedure for conducting the inspection provided for in Chapter III of this Procedure must be observed, and the following must be taken into account:
a) a complete, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility is subject to visual inspection (including individual work performed, building structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks and applied building materials (products);
b) all acts (instructions, notifications) on the elimination of violations (shortcomings) identified during the implementation of state construction supervision and construction control are subject to verification. "

Before the final inspection of the facility, the following should be carried out:

Individual tests of equipment and functional tests of individual systems, ending with a trial run of the main and auxiliary equipment;
- trial launches;
- the act of acceptance of the capital construction object (in the case of construction on the basis of a contract).

During the construction and installation of buildings and structures, intermediate acceptance of equipment units and structural elements of the structure, as well as hidden works, must be carried out.

Individual and functional tests of equipment and individual systems are carried out with the involvement of the customer according to design schemes after the completion of all construction and installation work.

Defects and deficiencies made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified in the process of individual tests, must be eliminated by construction, installation organizations and manufacturers before the start of complex tests.

Trial runs are carried out during the commissioning of a capital construction facility before comprehensive testing. During a test run, the operability of the equipment and technological schemes, and the safety of operation must be checked.

Complex testing should be carried out by the customer during the final inspection. Comprehensive testing checks the joint operation of the main units and all auxiliary equipment under load.
Comprehensive testing of equipment according to schemes not provided for by the project is not allowed.
Comprehensive testing of equipment is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main equipment for 72 hours at rated load and design parameters of steam, gas, water pressure and flow rate, etc.

In heating networks, complex testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the equipment under load for 24 hours with the nominal pressure provided for in the start-up complex.

In electrical grids, complex testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation under load of the substation equipment for 72 hours, and the power transmission line for 24 hours.

At the time of signing the final verification act, a complete set of executive documentation is required, including:

Survey certificates:

  • breakdown of the axes of a capital object under construction;
  • geodetic center base;
  • hidden work, control over which must be carried out in a timely manner, before performing subsequent work;
  • building structures
  • sections of engineering networks

In addition, as-built documentation includes as-built production documentation with records of compliance with the work performed after the fact. And also contains:

  • executive geodetic schemes;
  • documentation (drawings and diagrams) of sections of engineering networks;
  • results of tests and examinations of construction control;
  • acts of testing of the applied technical devices;
  • documents on the quality of building materials;
  • some other data on the actual execution of the project;
  • special journals, the maintenance procedure of which is stipulated in RD-11-05-2007: general journal of works; magazine of design organizations exercising architectural supervision; quality control logs (input and operational).

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