
Download Signals and superstitions How to attract money. Let's consider the Ritual "Money Vessel". Signs of money and good luck

"Not in money happiness," some will say. But I think, and they will agree with the fact that the family should have enough funds for all necessary needs. When in the house wealth, everything is calm and happy.

But it happens that it seems to work and earn, but there is no money anyway: they are not delayed in the wallet and, as it were, they will break through the fingers. You want to do not want here, but believe in superstition. Well, it may be worth paying attention to some signs to attract money, and then the financial situation will work out.

Desires materialize

First of all, get rid of greed and envy to someone else's wealth, learn to easily part with money. Never say: "Here he has ...", and make the installation yourself that it will also have this, it is only worth trying.

Psychologists advise correctly imagine the ultimate goal. This applies to the magnitude of your capital. If you clearly define the amount of money that you should appear, to which you can spend it and where you will store, then in the end you will come to the desired level.

Make a desire to specify it and write on paper. Many do not have enough amount simply because everyone is afraid to think about it, soothing themselves, that it is not for them. In vain! Forming such a life position, you seem to give money from yourself. Money cease to "love" you just as well as you do not "love" them.

Popular folk signs

It has long been from our ancestors there were various rites associated with the involvement of wealth in the house. Their roots go into paganism, but they were transferred to Christian traditions and even reached the present day. For example, on Easter for icons in the house, painted painted eggs and coins, so that there was a wealth in the house all year.

At the beginning of the construction of a new house, a coin was laid in the foundation so that life in this house was wealthy. But the most common custom and to this day is held at our weddings, when the bride and the bride shower coins, grain and sweets in order for young people in sufficient and in happiness.

So, some "cash" posts note:

  1. Filling the wallet is tied to the Phases of the Moon, so in full moon, three days in a row you need to put an empty open wallet on the window so that the moonlight falls into it, and at the same time say: "Month, our boyfriends, give us a little money."
  2. Give money to the right hand, and take-left. So you will create your personal money cycle.
  3. Begging need to give money, and the given return to you is doubly.
  4. Carry with you in your pockets several coins that do not need to spend. During the day, if you need to touch them and say: "Money will also come to money."
  5. We don't waste salary immediately on the way home - let it stay in the apartment for the night, and in the morning it can be spent.
  6. If you mistakenly gave more money, please return too much.
  7. A good place to store money is a kitchen area, as well as an entrance hall. You can place the casket with money on the refrigerator, and set a few money under the rug at the entrance door. It is also useful to put in anterior vase or a piggy bank, which is filled every day with coins.
  8. Apply the rite for the transition of wealth from another person. To do this, come to him into the house, take off the process of any plant with the words: "You, flower, wealth brought this person, and now allow me." It is advisable to plant this plant at home, and very good if it takes.
  9. In the house should grow a thickness or money tree. Place the sprout of such a flower and take care of him, representing how to increase its growth, your welfare increases.

Bans relating to money:

  1. Do not put a bag with a wallet on the floor.
  2. Do not let me in debt on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  3. The house can not whistle.
  4. Do not recount the trifle in the wallet.
  5. Do not put the wallet on the dining table.
  6. A trifle that lies at the crossroads, it is impossible to raise from the ground.

We use the wallet correctly

Use your wallet exclusively as a place to store banknotes and coins. Put them carefully, in different compartments. Remember: so that in the "Money House" they always attended, keep nearby bills in the branches of business cards, receipts and other cartons are extremely recommended.

The wallet color also matters: for women it should be red with gold, and for men - with red or gold trim. In one of the secret departments, keep the coin as a talisman. It is not recommended to leave an empty wallet.

It is advisable to put a coin in a new wallet, not to spend it seven days, and then spend.

Feng Shui and attracting money

With the help of ancient art Feng Shui, you can also seek the inflow of money. It is believed that the center of financial well-being in the house is in the south-east. Determine exactly such a place and place aquarium, fountain or imitation of the waterfall.

You can also do the picture with the image of falling water. According to oriental beliefs, water splash is associated with a ringing of money. In the aquarium it is best to settle the goldfish, as a symbol of gloss of gold coins.

  • According to Feng, you should get rid of unnecessary things, and leave in the house only those items that are constantly useful.
  • Place the coin, a piece of moss or algae under the rug near the entrance door - it contributes to an obstacle to the release of money from home.
  • Going at home, it is necessary to turn the tap in the bathroom until the end. This not only saves you from flooding, but also will save the well-being of the family according to traditions.
  • In one of the northern corners of the apartment, the turtle statuette should be placed.
  • If you want to get rich, then, alas, you should refuse to grow cacti in the apartment.
  • In the place where you keep the money or next to him, place the figure of the owl - it, as a symbol of wisdom, will help make the right decision when making a financial transaction.

Take a lot to attract money. The main thing, believing in yourself, and then they will bring you well-being.

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Video "How to become rich"!

Lyudmila Vasilchenko
Especially for "Psychology of Relations"

Who out of us does not dream of happiness, the performance of all the desires and peaceful and harmonious life? Of course, we are unable to deal with all the circumstances taking place in it, but still can definitely influence a lot. Often there are non-traditional ways of exposure to which magic belongs. In this article, we want to highlight in detail, which there are signs for good luck who will allow you to radically improve your life.

The list will take for luck and happiness.

Committed to us from the gray antiquity. Signs for good luck guarantee not only the expected result, but also accelerates its approach due to certain actions. It should be noted that there are such signs that work exclusively on someone. In this case, we are talking more about the strength of faith in either another superstition, which, unambiguous, takes not the last place in this process.

Our ancestors came up with a huge amount of arrogant, predicting an ambulance. We bring to your attention the list of beliefs that will make you happier and contribute to your success.

  1. If coming out of the house you mentered a man carrying a full bucket - Significantly get a significant profit. If met female - Wait for gratitude and improve the material situation.
  2. Notice a stork nest on the roof Houses foreshadow to you and well-being.
  3. Sealing, which is sitting near the window Or on the roof of the house - to get a big profit or a quick arrival of guests.
  4. Hear the voice of the cuckoo on the left side Promises that very soon you will gain tremendous happiness.
  5. Known sign, which promises good luck in a new home: you will need go through all rooms at home, holding a loaf of bread and a bowl with salt.
  6. If the spider is white, Silty Pouthene over your bed - You can prepare for great profits and happy events, the situation changes dramatically if the spider is black.
  7. Accidentally see the light in the windows of your own house also indicates happiness.
  8. You can count on obtaining substantial profits and happiness if you notice the emergence of ants in his home.
  9. Find on the street, promises that luck will always be with you.
  10. Meet your humpback Also indicates happy and successful events throughout life.
  11. Happiness Sulit I. seen high in the sky soaring eagle.
  12. If a you goes the road man male - It promises money profit, and if feminine - On the contrary, losses.
  13. Hang horse ringer foreshadows getting very good news.
  14. Accidentally pour tea On the table or on the floor - expect material profit and good luck.
  15. If the road is moving the tricolor cat, Your life will be very happy.
  16. There is another very interesting belief: if on a dirty road you have a right leg get fucked earlier than left - Get a big amount of money.
  17. Entering the new home if you want always happiness and harmony in it, you need first to put bread with salt and icon.
  18. Seek flying bug - So good luck and great happiness.
  19. Since ancient times it was believed that split dishes foreshadows wealth and happiness.
  20. If a bird flies unexpectedly in the church serviceAll those present will find happiness in the near future.
  21. Would you like to have happiness and luck all year? Drink the last New Year's Eve And the sign will surely come true.
  22. To the day passed successfully put the first right legAnd then only the left.
  23. Dare Silver Brings its new owners a lot of happiness and good luck.
  24. There is one ancient belief that helps to attract positive events to a new home. To do this, on the first day, it is necessary to launch the chicken of black or rooster, and in the subsequent day - a black cat or cat.
  25. Didbed the favorite cup on Saturday? Do not be sad, the sign promises you happiness.
  26. If you met on the street three nuns, the most cherished desires will come true.
  27. Sneeze at the table in front of the meal Also foreshadows happiness.
  28. If leaving home you will meet the first baby, all day will be as successful.
  29. Going to work or somewhere dress all right sleeves.
  30. If rings in the right ear - Get ready for good news. And just as well on the contrary - The ringing in the left ear indicates bad news.
  31. In order for your dwelling forever "prescribed" happiness and well-being, give the first pancake that baked a Christmas Eve for the animals.
  32. If you come out of the house and on the way you first froze right leg - The day will bring good luck and positive events.
  33. To happiness always stayed in your home, it is not recommended to look out the window before the sun goes.
  34. Meet your pregnant path A woman foreshadows a series of successful events. If she just dreamed you - life will be filled with success.
  35. If you want the trip to be successful for you, you should first well wash your home, at the same time, to pay a staircase. Also fairly widespread belief, foreshadowing: before going out of the house there is a little sit down "on the track".
  36. Meet the funeral procession on the way, oddly enough, foreshadows soon.
  37. Did you get under heavy rain? Do not get upset, this belief foreshadows you good luck in all new endeavors.
  38. If you cook food and noticed that meat in a saucepan badly swell - Will be able to succeed in the activities that are now engaged.
  39. If the spider closes to your clothes - Get ready for profits.

Perhaps, some of these accepts will seem to you enough naive, and you will take it to prejudices of the past - Well, this is definitely the full of your right. But nevertheless it would not be superfluous to listen to folk wisdom, the centuries gathered by our distant rapids and transmitted to each subsequent generation. We wish you success and good luck in all your affairs and endeavors!

How many people in Russia sit daily over wallets, convulsively counting money in it, and try to understand how to stretch them for a whole month. However, sometimes the feeling that they simply proceed through their fingers and gradually the total lack of money in the house becomes simply a constant problem.

In many ways, the person here is to blame himself, because he repels money from himself. Of course, even if you buy hundreds of amulets and observe all the signs, but at the same time, without working, then you should not wait for wealthy wealth. But also forget about them is not worth it.

That is why each person should know the foundations of how with the help of energy to lure money into the house.

Data in this article tips proves their effectiveness for a long time and at the same time easy to use.

In fact, to lure money into your home and good luck is quite simple and does not need to consider complex mathematical exercises. Such general advice is under the power to fulfill any person, so it will certainly be armed with these knowledge.

There are 4 general councils, when executing which it will be possible to see the influx of finance. Here, how to attract money to the house:

Folk signs

How to attract money to the house, just knowing some folk signs? No wonder people have long been trying to attract additional money to the family using various people's ways. Here are the most interesting and effective of them:

  • do not be afraid of donations. Charity will not raise you how much, because by believing everything that you gave will come back in two-time. Therefore, boldly apply alms to those in need;
  • if your home has a threshold, then definitely hide for it a small silver coin. She will help attract other money. Just follows every time, moving the threshold to say: "I go home, money for me";
  • women often make a manicure, but if you take it to Friday or Tuesday, then this occupation will also bring profit;
  • little ritual with oil patchouli will significantly increase the wallet. To do this, take the monetary bill on which you have your initials, spread the oil. So she will become an amulet who will attract money if you wear it in a wallet;
  • the moon is also an assistant when performing monetary magic. To do this, any bill is shown in the new moon and gradually inspire words to it: "The month is emerging, money is added."

What indoor plants attract money to the house

The world of plants Even after many millennia still remains unusually mysterious. As it turned out, they are capable even to lure money into the house. It has long been noticed that each plant has its meaning due to special energy. So what of them do you have that special?

Flowers attracting money in the house:

  1. Cacti - defenders from theft, which because of their barns are also able to ride them passing by wealth. Be sure to have several different types of this plant;
  2. The fat man has small leaves, which all their appearance resemble coins. Perhaps this is exactly what the plant has the opportunity to attract money. Never break the leaves from this plant - it will negatively affect the budget. To increase the money stream, a red or green pot with a plant should be put on the southeast, and in the roots, burine a coin;
  3. Geranium can be found in almost every home. It is she who can attract not only money in seven, o and simple well-being.

Of course, there are also other plants capable of attracting money to the house, but these are the three most significant assistants.

Attracting money in the house on Fen Shui

For many centuries, a man is trying to learn how to manage the energies around us. One of these ways is Feng Shui. At the moment, this Chinese doctrine has several ways at once, which are able to attract money. As a hair dryer to attract money to the house:

  1. Take the compass and determine the southeast on it. This room zone will be the personification of wealth. Money attracts two elements - wood and water, so they will dominate here, without suppressing the other. According to the hair dryer, everything should be in absolute harmony;
  2. Now, to activate the zone of wealth, you should put a Tolstanka in it, better known to all as a monetary tree. It will become a symbol that will attract money;
  3. This zone should also be filled with different wooden bass. Here in the course will go all what your fantasy thinks. Just remember that they must cause you pleasure. Also in this zone will also go other characters associated with money, for example, a frog with a coin in the mouth. If you have a jewel box, then it will be the very place here;
  4. Now that the zone was filled with the elements of the tree, the water time has come. The most relevant personification will be aquarium with fish. Just do not overdo it with this element, because it has a habit of suppressing other. If there is no possibility to start an aquarium, then simply put a bowl with water or hang a picture;
  5. Observe the color gamut in this corner. For water, they will be blue, black or violet, and for wood - green.

Feng Shui itself is the language of characters, which is why it is worth paying attention to detail.

Conspiracies for attracting money to the house

Such conspiracies help create a steady cash channel, which will help increase income. Main observe 2 significant rules:

  • conspiracies of monetary magic are performed only on a growing moon;
  • lighting the candles, use only matches, the lighters are excluded.

So, how can you attract good luck and money in the house?

Money conspiracy

It is quite simple, but at the same time a very powerful conspiracy is especially suitable for those who only moved to a new home. For him, you should buy a pair of church candles and order for yourself fortyst. One of the candles will go to prayer, and I will definitely take the second with you.

Then every morning, over 40 days, ignite it and start reading a plot. While this plot sounds, the candle should burn, but after that immediately quench her. If the candles did not have enough at this time, it is worth buying a new one. If a little left, then let it burn completely on the last day.

Conspire text:

In the eastern side, there is Mount Holy Athos, on that grief there is the Lord Church,
In that church, Christ is worth the throne.
As the Lord of the throne stands in the midst of the altar, it does not hesitate and will not get drowned, always rich and holy, so the house of the slave (name) stood in the midst of the whole world, it won't hesitate and will not get drowned, it will become rich and holy. Wealth in the house, and trouble from home. Amen.

All conspiracies of this group are built as prayers and call on God to increase the cash flow into the family, believing that it is he who is responsible for earthly wealth.

Other ways to attract cash energy

As already noted earlier, there are a huge many ways to attract money. In addition to those already described above, it is possible to find less well-known:

  1. In addition to plants, money is able to lure and stones. Especially effective, if you place them next to the pots or on yourself as an amulet. These stones are citrines, rodonitis, tiger eye - they all help improve the material state;
  2. Candle ritual - if you use a green candle in the ritual, it will become a truly powerful way to attract money. It happens immediately because of two things: the fact that green is a color display of wealth, as well as a causing look of the ability of the flame. The candle should be lit and, peering into the flame, reflect on what you need in the material sphere. After that, all write on the sheet with a beautiful handwriting and read out loud. Next, burn the sheet completely. However, if the sheet did not do, it is impossible to adjourn it again. After that, say my requests for memory and wait until the candle does not completely dozhrit. All ashes need to be collected in an envelope and wear it in the wallet.

The famous psychic has long been working with various energies, one of which is monetary, so in his book she proposed several ways to attract them to the house.

  1. Always open the curtains day. It is believed that money energy comes into a house with sunlight, be sure to natural. Actually, therefore it should be a lot in the house. However, after entering, be sure to close the curtains so that bad energy does not penetrate into the house;
  2. At the kitchen table under the tablecloth, be sure to store the bill of any nominal. Make sure that she does not have any flaws. It is best to take a completely new one. Dining table, the place of collecting the whole family has a huge amount of energy, so it will help to activate the cash flow;
  3. Hang over the entrance door of the big castle, preferably iron. It will help locked money in the house, speaking symbol of protection, not allowing energy output to the will;
  4. It should be remembered that any monetary problems come from the man's head, so it is necessary to immediately aim that you have no problems with finance or with cheerfulness to proceed to their decision.

As you can see, there are many ways to solve a financial problem, so whatever you choose, the main thing is to believe in its effectiveness, creating a special psychological attitude.

A few more advice on attracting money - in the next video.

Money energy is special and depends on the desires and mood. How to attract good luck and money, can be explained in a nutshell: wisely love them, believing in good luck and always thank the fate for the bonuses and awards. Performing these simple recommendations, a person will not remain without capital.

In psychology, there is a whole direction that studies the issue of attracting good luck and money. People who came to trainings are primarily taught by a positive look at life, comprehension and confidence in their abilities.

Mandatory condition for the rapid fracture of the situation for the better is the change in the thinking. Presenting yourself in need of money or lost work, it is very easy to drag these fears into reality. You should think about the success of any undertaking and imagine, what happiness he will bring. Otherwise, why take for a new thing?

Psychologists ask about the attitude to the material benefits in the family who wished to get rich a person. If relatives consider them evil and all the forces avoid prosperity, then you will have to be freed from the wrong belief.

Change internal installations as a way to attract money

Equilantic installations are primarily born and successful.

  • fear of big money;
  • the feeling of guilt because of suddenly filled wealth;
  • inability to protect and accumulate capital.

Getting rid of erroneous thoughts and inner clamps, a person will feel the tide of energy. From the set of ideas to improve the material situation, it will be able to choose the best and, persistently going to the target target, will receive a fantastic result.

Although the rules are simple, only the units become very rich. The conclusion suggests itself: free from destructive installations for one or two days of training will not work. This is everyday work, and classes with a psychologist will give a right start.

The complete replacement of sad reflection of the loser on the thoughts of self-confident succeeding man happening gradually.

Popular ways to attract money

Anyone wants to figure out how to attract money. Some methods will require large labor costs, others will allow you to get the desired very soon with the help of a talisman or conspiracy. The main secret of the success of the method is to faith in it and the energy embedded in the embodiment of the plan.

The status of a person depends largely on his environment. Communicating with embittered huskers or indifferent to material benefits, we will not earn much. Their point of view will bring the wrong installations and reduce the desire to escape from the turn of failures and poverty.

Even one lucky entrepreneur appeared on the horizon will bring great benefit. He sensately thinks and is able to tell what steps need to be done on the way to wealth. In addition, he is surrounded by aura of money, which will partially affect the novice.

Finding out the societies of secured people right and necessarily if you wish to become the same as they. Successful people will open many opportunities when looking for work or help with the opening of the case, their own business.

"Golden" Money Rule

Money comes to those who love them. The Golden Rule proposes to begin to dream of finance and present travel to exotic countries or the purchase of beautiful things that will be available thanks to them.

In the process of meditation, a person must experience joy from the performance of cherished desires. In the case of its absence, it is worth helping to get rid of clamps and fears.

Some compose poems dedicated to money, in every way praising them. On someone positively affects the drawing on the table with a pack of bills. The choice should be done on the basis of the features and preferences of the person.

Prayers are a consistent set of words that have been formed by centuries and proven by many generations. Appeal to the highest forces with a request for help was taken from time immemorial. However, one should not rely only on prayers.

Success will come to a person who saved the laziness and despondency and actively asked for the search for the accumulation of capital. Hope to support the highest strength will give confidence in the correctness and effectiveness of actions.

In Russia, it is customary to ask Nikolai Wonderworker and Matron of Moscow. Both of the saints never refused to suffer and helped to fix the shackles.

The famous prayer Saint Nicholas sounds like this: "Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, I pray you for help. Please, be strict to me, but fair. I went wealth and abundance by faith of mine and save from errors. Give me wisdom to competently dispose of money, and attract the possibilities that give me financial freedom. I hope for you, for you help everyone asking. May your name will be glorified forever. Amen".

Another prayer facing the Guardian Angel will help to succeed in any business, and not only related to finance: "I urge your guardian angel to touch my destiny, send my ways to the row of well-being and good luck. When my guardian angel will hear me, a blessed miracle, my life will overeat a new meaning, and I will find success in today, and there will be no obstacles to me in the future of my guardian angel lead me. Amen".

Rites, conspiracies for good luck and wealth

The case promising the influx of finance should begin with a growing moon. There is an old rite, also associated with it. Taking the largest bill from the wallet, you need to raise it up and, showing the sickle of the month, say: "How do you grow, let my money grow up."

It is useful to recount money and never leave the wallet empty. By making purchases, it is worth leaving in it at least one coin. Folding into bills in the wallet, you should accurately straighten them and place on seniority, "face" to yourself. Money appreciates respect and will not be promised to please your faithful fan.

According to a clairvoyant Vanga, a strongest conspiracy on abundance and good luck was recorded. It is done on black bread, on an empty stomach. Lying from loafing a piece and waiting for the night, you need to retire in the room and say the following: "God, as you fed during the lifetime of all hungry and needy, so help you and all members of my family so that they always felt satiety. Attract good luck to me, and take the mountain. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy will come to my house and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny and help everyone who needs. Amen".

Before any conspiracy, it is important to get rid of extraneous thoughts, focusing only on his utterance and the incarnation of conceived in the near future. It is unacceptable to brag a ritual or report him even close. Magic in this case will not work. Only the preservation of secrets and faith in the success of the conspiracy will bring generous fruits.

Holding the interior of the house or office, the Chinese and other nations of the East are trying to arrange furniture and mirrors in the established Feng Shui teaching order. Ancient eastern wisdom is largely similar to the main modern postulates on how to attract good luck and money into the house. The purity of dwellings, especially windows, throwing out old unnecessary things and clothing - rules familiar to all people. However, there are differences based on the religions and the traditions of the peoples who have invented Feng Shui.

The hot climate forced them to appreciate and read the water. To this day, when it became available in most localities, it is believed that an aquarium or a small fountain indoors will bring harmony. The Chinese launch a certain number of gold or red fish to the aquarium to open the money channel.

It is always nice when the house smells a freshness or sweet fruit. In the east, ripe fruits attributed to the mandatory attributes of wealth and prosperity.

Growing money tree

A beautiful tree with juicy fleshy leaves contributes to attracting money and good luck to his owner. It seems to reflect the thoughts of welfare, speeding up the growth and increasing the size of the leaves. It is believed that this flower brings abundance into the house. It is possible to strengthen its abilities, putting a pot on the bottom where it grows, a couple of coins.

Many people know about the specifics of the plant and, seeing in the apartment of a familiar tree with a lush crown and large leaves, for sure they will want to take a process to improve the "cash flow".

Using amulets

Another answer to the question, how to attract money and good luck to yourself is the manufacture and wearing of amulets and talismans. Ancient letters and signs who worshiped our ancestors will help now.

Europeans wore a round pendant on the neck, depicting a coin with a pictogram drawn inside. Its form of centuries remained unchanged, and the manufacture of amulet at home was accompanied by a number of rules like the order of the arrangement of candles on the table and the selection of the day of day.

Feng Shui advises to tie three coins with a red thread with holes in the center and remove them in the purse, away from other people's views. The Chinese prefer to invest gold-plates in the wallet with an engraved symbol of a patron animal from the East calendar of the year of the birth of a person. The plate necessarily hides in a scarlet case.

Among the talismans can be noted a frog with a coin in the mouth and a cat, the moving right paw. They also belong to the teachings of Feng-Shuya. In principle, any item can be a talisman if you believe in its magic force.

Cash mantras

Mantras are connected with Buddhism, preaching calm and friendly attitude towards others. The followers of the teachings believe in the immense forces of the Universe and offer it to her to report their desires and aspirations.

From the mantra, you need to start every morning and for more effect to repeat it as many times during the day, how much she remembers. It is not bad to store a piece of paper in the wallet on which it is recorded.

The most common mantra, changing the course of energy flows inside a person: Om Lakshmi Viganshrie Kamala Dhayrigan Swaha.

Signs of money

They have different peoples. The Chinese are afraid of the numbers "4", since his sound resembles the word "death". What well-being is possible in an apartment or house with such a number? Using on superstition, in China, they refuse this figure even in the numbering of the floors of the building.

In Russia, folk signs are forbidden to lunch crumbs from the table and transmit money through the threshold. A bad sign is the black cat or a crushed person on the way, especially if a large deal is planned. This sign makes it clear that things will not go smoothly and the outlined profit is unlikely to be obtained.

The coin found on the road, lying up the "eagle" found on the road. To increase the wealth of the house, it is worth putting a silver coin, and put a trifle in the corners of the rooms.

Currently, abroad and in Russia there are many trainings that give advice, how to attract money in your life. However, as professionals would, teachers would be, the main role in the process plays the desire of the person himself to transform and become prosperous.

You need to be ready to change and gain courage, remembering the saying that it is this quality "the city takes."

A kindness and positive attitude to life and any events in it are also constituting future success.


It is believed that the meaning of life is to achieve the goals, which helps a person to develop and find its place in the world. To achieve well-being and wealth for yourself and loved ones - a worthy task, requiring energetic and concentration, but respect for others and high status in society is worth it.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, I am the author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "Alma-Press" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently, help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge positive and give inspiration. In my free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about the epoch. I offer you articles capable of captivate a new hobby or just give pleasant moments. You need to dream of beautiful, then it will come true!

Money plays an important role in the life of everyone. And if anyone disproves this fact, most likely, he is just Lukavit. Material benefits allow you to live the life that you dream about; Do those things that are most interesting; to achieve goals and follow their own principles. There are quite a few rituals and make money, promising well-being and wealth.

Household folk signs to attract money to the house

Is it worth selecting a trifle on the street? Signs say it is better to leave coins on the spot for more people in need

  • It is no secret that money loves when they are considered. Therefore, it is important that the accumulations periodically have in your hands: systematically recount your savings and change the place of the cache to multiply their number.
  • If you are going to return debt, make it in the morning or before dinner to get rid of yourself from nutrition in finance.

Many popular signs for money are associated with homemade household.

  • For example, it is impossible to leave the wallet and cash bills on the table in the evening and night. It can attract major financial losses.
  • And cleaning in the evening will lead to money, so it is necessary to make cleanliness and order in the morning or daytime clock.
  • In addition, according to superstitions, it is impossible to sweep or vacuuming if relatives, friends, guests recently gone from the house. So you see the well-being to someone who left your dwelling.
  • Money is found where everything is in its places, no dust and dirt.
  • Have a spider? Do not destroy the insect - his appearance in the apartment foreshadows money revenues.
  • The broom is better to put in the angle, so that the sweeping part watched up, then the poverty will not come to the house.
  • Sorry that there are no leaks into the dwelling so that money does not flow from you along with water.
  • The kitchen table is always wiping with a sponge or cloth, as it leads that crumbs or garbage from the table are removed by palm.

Wallet as a storage of your welfare

Red Wallet - Powerful Magnet of Your Welfare

It is difficult to present an impressive amount of money without a wallet, so there is a lot of accomplishment, closely related to this accessory.

  • Red and gold color traditionally attract well-being. If this color scheme is found in your wallet (let's say on the interior), the chances of stable profit and careless life increase.
  • Also recommend constantly carrying a rare coin or dollar bill as a symbol of wealth and good luck.
  • It is believed that the presence of a major banknote in the wallet licks cash similar to it.
  • It is believed that the fruits of Chestnut attract material benefits: put a couple of chestnuts in a cache with money or hide them in your bag next to the wallet.

There are interesting signs associated with the salary. For example, if you received money, they should lie at least one day, and only then allow them to dispose of them. This approach to finance contributes to increasing profits. And the wage issued by new banknotes promises the allowance in the very near future.

Monetary Signals for the Phases of the Moon

Each phase of the moon has its own cash signs

For a long time, people carefully monitor the moon and, what effect it affects life. The monetary aspect is no exception. Moon cycles are undoubtedly associated with the financial sphere. Hence, various posts for money appeared depending on the location of the Earth's satellite.

The moon is considered growing if you can mentally put a wand to her and get the letter p

It is assumed that it is in this phase that it is in this phase that it is most correct to sow or plant, as the moon has a positive effect on growth processes, promises fertility and harvest. Just also occurs with money, therefore all rituals associated with wealth must be carried out during this period.

  • According to the reference, as you will see a very young month, so immediately heal in the palm of the coin and make a desire. The desire will come true very soon, and the money will be found.
  • To sufficiency, if you show your wallet to the youth or big bill of it. Also advised to know the trifle, which fills the pockets.
  • Noticed a month increasing in size, and no wallet or coins with me? Take advantage of any gold jewelry: Show his night luminaries, and then spend well.
  • A large banknote or wallet with money is advised to leave overnight on the windowsill to attract well-being and financial success.
  • Perfect time for all sorts of undertakings and implementation of promising plans. The growing moon is also recommended to enter into financial transactions. And if you are not satisfied with the salary, it is a suitable moment in order to ask for a premium or increment.

Full moon

Full moon - mystical period, but it can be used to attract long-awaited finance

Full moon is a fairly specific and contradictory period, so all rites to attract money must be performed extremely carefully and with a complete understanding of the case. There is a considerable amount of this lunar phase associated with this lunar phase.

  • According to popular beliefs, three days before the onset of the full moon you need to hide under the tablecloth a large bill, then money will come to the house.
  • Marriage, assigned to the full moon, promises wealth and stability in finance. During this period, it is customary to give debts to continue financial difficulties with ease.
  • The so-called "cash rain" will attract well-being. The basin is filled with water and coins, then put it on the windowsill under the moonlight, and in the morning, the legs charged with liquid in the morning.
  • If you assist in need, then soon the savings will increase.
  • The underwear of the Red Color will have a positive effect on the decision of the monetary issues.
  • In full moon can not lend money, because the debt will be returned to you later promised, and relationships with this person will ruin or stop at all.
  • Comable ritual: Put the open empty wallet under the moon light, let it charge in this way throughout the night.

Young moon generously giving those who worship her

  • According to folk signs, it is necessary to throw a large number of coins into the piggy bank to the new moon and say the magic phrase: "The moon grows, and the capital grows."
  • In this night, the bill of any nominal is put on the windowsill, and in the morning the means must be used for family expenses. It is believed that these acquisitions will last for a very long time and lingering well-being.
  • If you decide to move, then in the new house there will always be a lot of money.
  • To attract financial success, it is recommended to perform the following actions: at night we need to go out into the street, taking a handful of coins with you, and then three times to spend them from one palm to another.
  • According to beliefs, at night, the moon bowed seven times in a row and ask her well-being and secured life, while throwing one or another coin.

When commemoration for money is most effective

Monetary signs and rituals have a special force and efficiency on certain days. Let's see when they really do not cross.

New Year

Gorgeous New Year's outfits sit down in the house

  • On the eve of the festival, it is impossible to give debts or ask for loan, all financial issues are important to solve up to the 31st. And the dishes on the first day of the new year you can wash only afternoon.
  • The festive table should not stand empty. Even if the Kushans are eaten and it is time to remove the dirty dishes, leave on it a vase with fruits and sweets, nuts and dried fruits, baking, etc.
  • New Year's outfits are closely connected with well-being. In order to attract wealth and good luck, do something chic or sophisticated, or choose a simple wardrobe option consisting of recently purchased things. Special attention is paid to the linen, pantyles, leggings, socks, since these clothing items are closest to the body.
  • For the battle of the chimes, it is necessary to hold any coin in the left palm and pronounce positive statements about your cash ("I am very rich", "the money and stick to me", "I have a full money wallet", etc.). Then the coin is thrown into the glass and drink it with a volley. Such an amulet is worn in the wallet throughout the year, spending or lose it can not be lost.


Pie with coin - not only fun fun, but also the chance to become richer for a whole year

In this bright holiday, many people light candles, and no accident. Fire symbolizes homemade comfort and wealth, and the candles themselves attract good luck and well-being.

  • A popular Christmas ritual for increasing profits is bakeing a cake with a coin. Before cooking one coin is put on the stove from the edge. And the second - a little later thrown into the finished dough. Baking recipes are chosen on the taste of the hostess or its guests, and the key point is the coin itself, which is baked in the cake. To whom it will fall on the feast, he will live all the year without refusing.
  • In Christmas day, it is forbidden to work. All working moments are important to settle in advance. Otherwise, it will have to rolling around the arms all year round, and the money from heavy labor will not add anyway.

old New Year

Put in the wallet of money mascot - a spoon-rhe

  • A good sign is considered to buy a new wallet or a purse on the eve of the holiday. To make money more, it is necessary to correctly pick up the color range for the accessory: traditionally it is a red, green or gold color. The wallet should not be empty - put a bill or coin there, which you will not spend or run.
  • If you take into debt to the enyny amount on this day, you will spend all year in debt.
  • The beliefs say: homemade bread should be brought to the table with salt and a handful of coins, then well-being will come to the house, and the accumulated means will be brought up.


Epiphany Snowfall - Excellent Event for Thrilling Profits

  • According to popular beliefs, if you get on the night of baptism (January 19) under heavy snowfall, to be you happy, rich and healthy. And if the child was painted in this holiday, then his life will be secured and easy.
  • It is believed that if I baptic night go out into the street, raise my head to the sky and quietly ask for prosperity and health, then all this will come true. The main thing is, the request must be sincere and kind, and the request must believe in God.
  • If barking dogs are heard all night - an ambulance is expected.
  • On the eve of the momentous day, it is forbidden to carry bread, matches, salt from the house, as well as leaving. Otherwise give or bring your happiness and well-being.


Do not skimp on the treat, fill up before the dust!

In this cheerful and satisfying holiday meeting of spring and updates, the people have long brought richness and good luck to himself.

  • It was believed that in carnival days you need to be generous and responsive, especially to the poor. Pancakes were told not only relatives, friends and good acquaintances, but also shared this dish with poor and need. Charitable cases made during Maslenitsa promise wealth and careless life throughout the year.
  • There was a tradition - before or during the festival, people got rid of unnecessary things, all did not use everything. Thus, they seem to have freed the place for the whole new and called on their home well-being.
  • It is believed that the number of baked and eaten pancakes is determined by the future financial situation of the family.


It turns out that the most "money" color of Easter eggs is green, and not red!

  • To attract financial well-being in Easter day, it is necessary to eat at least three festive eggs.
  • In order to the house constantly went to the house, the eggs need to be painted not only in the traditional color - red, but also in the money - green.
  • In Russia, on this day, the male half fed herbs with walnuts, so that the heads of families were hardy and provided their loved ones.
  • Eggs and festive beekens need to be put on the table, awarded a new green tablecloth, so that prosperity in the house was.
  • It is believed that the Easter table rich on the Kushan and a large number of guests are aligned by the owners of the housing of a peaceful life throughout the year.

Other rituals to attract wealth

According to the signs, the bag in which you carry money, in no case can not be placed on the floor, otherwise you will lose your well-being. Better put on the shelf, hang, at worst, keep in your hands or on the shoulder

In addition to distributed, there are less popular, but no less truthful signs. For example, they advise you to always recalculate passing to attract wealth to yourself.

  • The people believed that the blueberry was promoting wealth and success. And whoever eat many of these berries, he is never met with poverty.
  • It is recommended to care for the nails and streak them on Friday or Tuesday, then there will be money in the wallet constantly drive.
  • To get rich quickly, under the pad, on which the newborn child is lying, put coins or bills.
  • Everyone known signs - grow at home money tree. Only nuances of care are too much. For those interested.
  • According to the monetary decision, the needles should be purchased on the first day of the week. On Thursday, it is necessary to sell a thread in the needle, and in this form to grind her clothes in the chest area.
  • To find a good amount, recommended to the left hand to cry out the water along with the water and wearing an insect with you.
  • According to popular beliefs, all small coins and bills need to be embarrassed on the needs of the poor or other charity, otherwise only small money will be found, and the paper in the wallet will not regret.
  • And in the Chinese tradition, cats are honored for patronizing wealth. But if someone else's animal was found in the dwelling - this is a bad sign, alone poverty.

In Japanese culture, this animal is also given a special place. It is believed that if the cat strokes his left ear, then you will soon be able to make a profit from a profitable sale or enter the large financial transaction.

  • It is impossible to stay on the threshold of the house for a long time, otherwise it will be difficult to penetrate in the dwelling.
  • Coins from the ground to raise - live in poverty all life.
  • Large amounts need to be stored in such a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
  • If the morning was rainy, immediately on the awakening place the coin on the windowsill. So you can attract financial progress.
  • Alive from her home, you do not need to turn around not to scare away well-being.
  • Found a lot of money? Be sure to serve alms and give something a good friend. Otherwise, a high risk is somehow losing a large amount than the opportunity to find.

All challenges and rituals for money are the people's experience, which was accumulated far from one century. Listening to these sacred knowledge, you can get rid of money problems and improve your financial situation.

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