
Sell ​​an apartment at a distance of conspiracies. Conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment - do without realtors! Sales Prayers

Anyone who has ever faced the sale of real estate at least once in his life knows perfectly well how much nerves and forces this process takes. People literally lose peace and sleep, they can neither drink nor eat. After all, an extremely important issue is being resolved and it concerns money, sometimes considerable ones. It's good if you're lucky with a realtor, but if the person selling their corner doesn't have a real estate specialist at all? What to do then? Where to go for help?

Well, first of all, you need to calm down. Yes, this is the first, and perhaps the most important thing to do. You need to calm down and just let go of the situation. After all, you yourself understand that your property will be sold. People do not sell that! So why are you worse ?! Sell ​​it, don't hesitate. Everything has its time! And we will definitely help you!

There is absolutely everything in our collection of Conspiracies. Only on Mogur you will find a consistent algorithm for cleaning your own home, as well as conspiracies for any requirement.

These are traditional Conspiracies for the sale of a house, and Conspiracies for the sale of an apartment, these are Rituals for the sale of a house, and rituals for the sale of an apartment. Moreover, here you can find conspiracies with which you can quickly change your apartment. And also conspiracies for the sale of a vehicle (conspiracies for the sale of a car or motorcycle). But that's not all! Car theft conspiracies and conspiracies that should be read when you leave your home for a long time - they are also on Mogur.

Before resorting to conspiracies

Sooner or later, but almost everyone is faced with one very trivial need - the need to sell their house (or apartment). For some, cranking this event comes out very quickly and profitably, while for others, everything gets stuck, despite all the attractiveness of the object. It seems that there is an apartment in the center, moreover, in a quiet center, and there are three steps to the metro, and the repair is excellent, and the second floor, and the price tag is more than democratic, but still the apartment (or house) is not for sale, even if you kill yourself. What to do? How to be? how to solve this painful issue?

There is a solution! Moreover, there are several solutions! And the first of them is cleaning the room. You can find out how to carry out cleaning by clicking on the link

As soon as the cleaning of the premises is over, as soon as all the negativity is removed, now you can safely start performing the ritual that will help you resolve the issue of selling your house or apartment. Which ritual to choose, decide for yourself.

Important conditions

Before you get started, you need to know a few extremely important points:

  • 1. Do not do several (different) conspiracies or rituals in a row. It takes time for the ritual to work. Give the Universe the opportunity to fulfill your desire in the time frame that is optimal for everyone. At the same time, the conspiracy you have chosen can be repeated every day, unless the conspiracy itself says that it will be carried out once.
  • 2. Any ritual, any appeal to the Higher powers requires gratitude. Don't forget to thank those you are contacting. Gratitude can be symbolic. It is not important how you will thank, it is important that there be gratitude! It can be a coin, candy, or just grain left to the birds with a message that it is for the Higher Powers.
  • 3. When performing rituals or conspiracies, you must be alone. All kinds of witnesses will only interfere and bring confusion. Nothing will come of it if someone even unwittingly interferes with you.
  • 4. When performing a ritual or reading a conspiracy, it is important not for a moment to doubt that you will succeed. This is perhaps the most important component of the entire work.
  • 5. Selling plots are best done either on the full moon or on the new moon.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

In order to sell a house or any other real estate, you will need to perform a ritual. It needs spring water. If you have nowhere to take it, then river, lake, sea water or even water taken from a well will do.

It is important that the water is not from the tap. Once you can find such water, you need to go for it early in the morning. Pick up a bucket (or at least half a bucket) and bring it home, slander it, and then wash the floor with this water. After that, the water must be taken out into the street and poured there, but this must be done so that no one sees it. This conspiracy is considered very strong, there is not yet a single person whom he has not helped.

The conspiracy text is as follows:

Mother, Key Voditsa! In all matters, my assistant!
As I wash the corners with you, I invite buyers to my house.
Let them come, let them bring me gold!
My good is worth it, they will forget to bargain,
They will be glad to see what they see, they will want to buy, in order to live in this house for a long time!
My corners will become their corners, their gold will become mine.
So be it! Now and until the end of the century!

Conspiracy at home (when you leave the house for a long time)

This conspiracy, even if you sell your house, is still very relevant. After all, it helps to keep it safe and sound. And this, you see, is important. So, in order to perform this ritual, you will need to buy a new padlock. It is on this castle that the slander itself will be done. To start performing the ritual, you need to open the lock. In the open hole (not where the key is inserted, but where the nose of the lock is inserted) the plot itself is read.

Here is its text:

As soon as the plot is read, you need to leave the castle to spend the night either under the porch (if you live in your house, then it is very simple to implement this), or on the threshold (from the inside of the apartment. The castle should spend the night in this way. In the morning, leaving the house, You need to repeat this conspiracy again, then close the lock with a key.You can either hang this lock on the front door (door handle) from the inside, or just leave the lock at the threshold, and take the key with you.

When you return, the castle needs to be opened and hidden somewhere far away so that it waits in the wings. The next time you leave home, you will need to perform this ritual again exactly as described above. This conspiracy will help you keep all your things in their places, take thieves and all kinds of scoundrels away from your house at the moment when you are not at home.

A very strong conspiracy to sell an apartment

It is hardly possible to find a unique conspiracy that would suit everyone, without exception, many think. And this is a mistake! Such a conspiracy exists! And we are glad to offer it to you. This conspiracy must be read on the water! Next, sprinkle with this water all the corners of the house. Pour the remaining water over the threshold. You can find the text of the conspiracy in our video material.

Sometimes it happens that the property that a person sells is in one place, and he himself, in another. In the literal sense of the word, for example, in another locality. The situation is difficult, what can I say. And if the apartment is, perhaps, a little simpler, that with the house, which cannot be left unattended in any way (so that it is not rolled over a log or taken apart on a pebble) it is generally difficult. The risks are great, but you need to sell, as they say, yesterday!

It is for such cases that this conspiracy is well suited. You need to do it as follows: you need to take a candle (any) and read the conspiracy on it at least seven times a day, looking at the flame.

Plot to sell a house

In order to sell a house or apartment, you need to do the following: take a bucket of clean water and slander it, here are his words:

“There are four corners in my house,
Each room has four corners.
There are locks in my house, but they are a hindrance to enemies and thieves.
I look forward to buyers and I am always glad to them!
My Brownie, come with me
We will have new mansions with four corners,
Four corners, yes in every room!
Whoever brings us money will take these corners for himself!
And you and I, my Brownie, will have a different life!
Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so"!

As soon as a slander on water is read, you need to wash the floor with this water, and pour the water onto the street, but this must be done carefully, without any witnesses. After returning to the house, you need to present your Domovoy demand, i.e. treats and once again separately ask him to help you. The brownie should never be left in an old apartment or house. When you move out, contact him and suggest that he go with you to a new house, if he so wishes, if he wants to stay, then it will be exclusively his desire. You need to ask him three times! You can do it in your own words, the main thing is that the words come from the heart!

Whoever has ever tried to sell a house or apartment knows how difficult it is! Potential buyers come (and it's good if they come), look, comment, saying that the house is somehow uncomfortable, unfriendly, and then they leave neither hearing nor spirit.

What to do? How to be? How to resolve your issue with the sale? After all, the house or apartment needs to be sold. If a similar story is about your home, then this ritual is best for you. To complete it, you need to go around your own house three times on Friday evening. And not just bypass, but bypass counterclockwise. It is important! Look, don't confuse anything! Walking around the house, do not rush, move slowly, deeply inhaling and exhaling, as if trying to breathe out your ritual (it is very good and effective, believe me!).

When the house has been bypassed three times, you need to stand at the front door (inside the house or apartment) and, looking up, to the far right corner, read this plot:

Plot to sell a house

This conspiracy is done on the key to the front door of the house or apartment that you want to sell. The people who made it talk about its extreme effectiveness. In order to sell real estate, you need to take the key from the front door and, holding it against the flame of a candle, make the following slander:

“Every person needs a home.
Every house has a door.
Each door has a lock.
Each lock has its own key.
And to me - a buyer.
Come bring me money
And I'll give you the key ”!

After the conspiracy has been read, you need to close the front door with this key and put the key under the pillow. This ritual is repeated three times in a row. Thus, you will sleep for three nights in a row on the key from the front door, and before you close the door and hide the key under the pillow, you will read this conspiracy, which will certainly help you.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

This conspiracy is carried out by applying a runic stave (several runes that will need to be applied to the wall in a house or apartment in a certain sequence). So, it is best to use a red pen or marker to apply the stave.

Runic becoming begins to "work" from the moment it is applied either on the wall, or on the photo of your house, or on the front door, or maybe even on the text of an advertisement that was published in a newspaper. The duration of the work of the stav ends immediately after the positive approval of your request. If you applied by standing on paper, thanking the Runes, you will need to burn this paper. If you applied by standing on the door, you will also need to dispose of it, not forgetting to thank the Runes for their help.

You need to remember one rule: the runic becoming must be hidden from prying eyes. It is important! You can “turn on” the work of the stave either with your own breath (you need to breathe on the applied image), or with your own blood (touch the stav).

Becoming a house for sale is worth four of them, the first of which is:

  1. Rune OTAL- the first in the runic stave. She is your gratitude for everything that was good for you when you lived in this house or apartment.
  2. Rune DAGAZ- this is the so-called Rune-driver, it is she who will start the process of the entire stav. It is thanks to her that the sales process will start.
  3. Rune FEHU- is responsible for the financial component, thanks to Fech you can count on the amount that is important to you.
  4. Rune VUNIO- provides good luck in the upcoming deal. She is responsible for ensuring that both parties benefit and are satisfied.

The clause is as follows:

“The runes are omnipotent! Runes are omnipotent! The runes are faithful!
I turn to you and ask you to help me with the sale (name what you need to sell),
within the shortest possible time, with the benefit of me and my buyer.
Let your wish come true in the most comfortable way for all participants in this case. "

Conspiracy to profitably exchange an apartment

If selling an apartment or a house is sometimes not easy, then exchanging it is even harder. There is so much: both monetary fraud, and unequal exchange, and attempts to "throw". Any "good" is enough. To protect yourself from this, read the conspiracy. He has already helped no one person and continues to help!

Conspiracy to sell garage and other real estate

This conspiracy is truly unique because of its simplicity. However, this makes it no less effective, because it is suitable for selling not only an apartment, but also a house or even a garage. You need to read it in the morning, afternoon and evening, looking at a lighted candle.

The conspiracy text in our video:

Ritual for the sale of an apartment

Selling an apartment is easy when you know a cherished word or a secret ritual. No wonder they say that all ingenious is simple. This ritual for selling an apartment is also incredibly simple. To complete it, you will need holy water, which you will need to sprinkle on your home. However, before doing this, the following words need to be uttered into the water:

Waiting for the real estate buyer

This conspiracy to sell an apartment is done just before the arrival of a potential buyer. Your task is to go around each of the rooms in the apartment (or house) counterclockwise three times, while pronouncing the hex from our video material:

Whisper for sale apartment

This conspiracy is short, like a bullet hits the target clearly and accurately. And the goal is one - to sell real estate! You need to read it on the growing moon, in the mornings on women's days, which include: Saturday, Wednesday and Friday.

On other days, this conspiracy is not read. As soon as any of the women's days has come, you need to, standing in a corner (and so you need to read this conspiracy in each of the corners of your house or apartment):

This conspiracy is read in the church, because you will have to ask the Saints for help in your business. It is very important that the property you are selling and in general the entire transaction is fair, without any hint of fraud. For if you want to deceive someone, then the Saints will not help you. Your prayer should be directed to Saint Spyridon of Trimyphus. It is believed that it is this Saint who helps in matters of property (financial) and matters related to the sale of a house, and sometimes in the fulfillment of wishes.

Do not be lazy to find information about the life of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. Read about him. Indeed, during his lifetime, he was a very kind person who never denied anyone his request, his need.

The text of the prayer in our video:

You need to pray to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky as often as possible, and he will definitely help you!

Conspiracy to sell an apartment

As mentioned at the very beginning, in order to sell real estate, you need to be one hundred percent sure that the aura (or energy of space) is blissful. Sometimes even the help of the priest invited to consecrate the apartment does not help. This video was prepared specifically for especially difficult cases, when it already seems that there is no one to expect help from anywhere. Follow the algorithm given in it and your property will definitely be bought by someone!

Strong plot to sell a home

This conspiracy to sell a house needs to be done with honey. Honey must be fresh (the type of honey does not matter)! In addition to honey, you will need a red wool thread and a knife with a wooden handle.

So, start your ritual by tearing (do not cut, but tear it off!) From the ball three long threads (about a meter in length), on each of which you will subsequently need to make twelve knots (when making knots, you need to tie all three strands together!).

The torn threads must be tied to the door handle (one end, and the other end of the threads should be in your hands), from the inside of the apartment or house. For honey, which is best kept in a small cup, you need to make the following slander:

“The honey is sticky and strong!
And the sale is pleasant, but it is profitable for me!
She brings joy to everyone, but to me more than anyone!
Honey is sweet and my life is sweet and joyful!
And the sale is on the doorstep!

After the honey conspiracy is read, and the knots on the threads are tied (tie them in front of the honey conspiracy itself), you need to smear each of the resulting knots with honey.

As soon as the knots have missed, cut off the threads with a knife, and, holding them in your hands, go around your possessions, saying:

"So be it!"

A drop of honey should be left in each room. This honey should be on the floor for at least an hour. As soon as an hour has passed, you need to use threads to remove the rest of the honey from the floor. And immediately take them out into the street and (ideally) bury them under a tree or bush, but so that no one sees it.

The same threads that remained on the door handle (after all, you cut them off with a knife and you should have left the ends) must be burned immediately upon returning from the street, saying:

“Behind the barrier!
My buyer, come!

This conspiracy may seem complicated only at first glance. It is actually very simple and effective. If something is not clear, then the execution algorithm must be read several times.

If you need money from the sale of real estate urgently, then read the conspiracy for the sale of an apartment yourself. To make the process as profitable as possible, you need to use the spell one by one until you achieve the sale of the property.

How to sell an apartment using a conspiracy?

Let's talk about the features and nuances in order to avoid a disastrous result. The most important thing is that the owner can carry out rituals for the sale of an apartment, and the witch can only correct the actions. Such actions are absolutely safe for the seller and all the people around him.

All the power of conspiracies is directed to the living space, which attracts clients with money like a magnet. If you want to contact a real estate agency along the way, then proceed. This way you will sell your property faster.

Plot for the sale of an apartment in the distance

By using words to sell property, you can make your dreams and ideas come true faster.

Anyone can cast a spell at a distance for the sale of an apartment. And then you have a question, how to carry out the ritual without being in the apartment? It's simple - it's visualization and a sincere desire to help the person who is in charge of the deal. What you need:

  1. Holy or unpopulated water (150-200 ml);
  2. Large and thick candle (church);
  3. Fresh tea leaves.

Reading magic words is permissible at any time of the day, and even on the waning moon. The exception is church holidays. Also, the entire rite from beginning to end is carried out alone. We cover the table with a white or cream tablecloth, then we put a container of water on it, light a candle behind it and pronounce a conspiracy:

"Shine like the sun, light the road, attract buyers to my apartment (house)."

We gradually pour the tea leaves into the water and say:

“How many tea leaves are there are so many sellers, buyers. I only need an honest, decent, cash buyer. Buying my dwelling, grief and misfortune none of us knows. "

Light a candle for 7 days, and pour water under any tree.

Conspiracy for the sale of housing from Stepanova

The Siberian healer, helping people, has earned trust and respect. It is safe to read slander from Natalia Stepanova for the sale of real estate, since she is the owner of white magic. This text is read on a crust of black bread, which can be bought in advance. The ceremony itself is carried out after sunset in the kitchen. You need to whisper the spell three times:

“I whisper, whisper for good, for sale and exchange, for money. You help me brownie in this, I won't leave you here, I'll take you with me on a broom. You will live with me, you will not harm others, but you will help us and successfully sell our dwelling.

Let others have happiness in it, bring their brownie with them. You have been the master here for a long time. He kept everything in order and helped me, a piece of cake for you, a piece for me. We live together for a century, but go from this habitation to another ”.

Now break off the edge of the whispered loaf and eat. Put the rest in a corner to feed the brownie.

We pronounce the conspiracy on the keys to the apartment

Trading magicians stick well to the keys, so don't be lazy and do everything right.

There is no simpler and more effective ritual for speeding up the sale.

You will need to be in the apartment and read the hex on the key from the front door. Additional items for the ritual:

  1. Front door keys;
  2. A clean, white sheet of paper;
  3. Green handle;
  4. Church candle.
  5. Iron containers for burning papers.

Go around all the rooms three times, clockwise, the entrance hall should be the concluding one. We sit down opposite the exit, fix the burning candle and write a plot on the sheet with a pen:

“I cleansed my dwelling, renewed it, and scorched it with holy fire. The flame of the wicked drove away from me, and drove into the possession of real buyers. Amen".

We fold the sheet of notes into a tight ball, put it in a metal container (so as not to start a fire) and set it on fire. During the burning process, each key must be held over the fire. Every time you show the dwelling, all the keys must be in one bunch.

If the result does not appear within three weeks, then it is necessary to repeat.

Conspiracy for the sale of real estate from Vanga

For a quick sale of an apartment, Vanga advised reading a hex on salt. Take a handful of common table salt and rub over a white cloth with your palms. In the process, a conspiracy is pronounced:

“Salt, maiden, white dove, I’ll pour you on the doorstep, I’ll put you on the windows, I want to sell my house. Take away evil spirits and liars, and speed up the sale, bring decent buyers to the estate. Amen (3 times) ".

Ritual grinding takes place in housing. Immediately after everything has been done, sprinkle it horizontally under the front door and on the windowsills.

Conspiracy on a broom for an early sale of an apartment

A broom at all times has been an irreplaceable assistant in household chores.

One of the most common ways is a broom conspiracy combined with cleaning in the room for sale. The premises should be cleaned three to seven days before the clients visit. While dusting the walls and floor, they whisper a spell:

“I sweep, I sweep, I sweep out litter. The mansion tempts clients with its cleanliness and does not let go. They agreed with me, they bought my house. The period for consent is three (or the number of days that must be specified) days and three nights. The deal is done, hands are shaking. Amen".

Put everything in a bag and burn it in the stove of a private house.

A conspiracy to successfully sell apartments

To begin with, on Thursday we buy rice, and on Friday morning we begin our procession. You need to sprinkle rice all the corners in the apartment and pronounce the conspiracy:

“I’ll draw a rice circle, I’ll put up a defense, I’ll provide myself, I won’t make money for an enemy, but I’ll give another home. I do not have a loss, but only profit goes into my pocket. Key, tongue, lock. "

Read the text in front of each corner, after three days, gently sweep and bury it.

Plot for the sale of an old dwelling

“Forest beauty, look at the product, evaluate it. Who will come without deceit to this dwelling pin. He ran for a purchase, found it, appreciated it and quickly bought it. I will stab it, sew it up, attach the words. "

Before the sale, they hide under the threshold, but after a successful deal, be sure to take it with you.

Poppy conspiracy for successful trade

If you have a vegetable garden, then it will not be difficult to make a ritual with poppy seeds and rather sell the apartment. Mix equal amounts of soil and poppy seeds. Scattering in a circle throughout all the rooms, pronounce the conspiracy:

“The good fellow, the dashing fellow, mixed with the earth. It does not grow, but it makes a profit. I close it with the key, and fall asleep with earth. "

On the land, it just crumbles to the ground.

Spell for the sale of large premises

With this shawl and conspiracy, you can quickly sell a large space, from a three-room apartment to a shopping center. Carry the red handkerchief through all rooms six times: three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise. Tie in a secluded place and say the spell:

“I don’t attract devils, I don’t look for losses, but for bargaining and successful knitting. The term is short, but the money is big. "

Spit over the left shoulder three times.

Conspiracy for the sale of any property

As you know: money is drawn to money, this also applies to moments when it is urgent to sell real estate. Therefore, you need to use a spell to sell any apartment. Any interested seller can use the ritual; you will need 5 rubles coins. Dip five coins in untouched water, then we glow over the fire and pronounce the conspiracy:

“I will temper you silverware with water and fire, for a quick sale I will use you. I will mess up in the corners of my living space (or other object, place). Key. Language. Castle".

We lay out on the left corners of the dwelling.

A conspiracy to sell an apartment is one of the most effective means to attract positive energy and resolve the situation as soon as possible. If you give up superstition and use magic, then this will help to conclude a good deal in a short time.


Strong conspiracies to effectively sell real estate

The most effective and efficient conspiracies for the quick sale of real estate that can be carried out at home include:

  • preparatory conspiracy;
  • a conspiracy to attract buyers;
  • conspiracies from Natalia Stepanova
  • a conspiracy for keys;
  • ritual "Golden Grains";
  • a conspiracy for boiled keys;
  • conspiracy to sell real estate from Vanga;
  • rituals and prayers from Sophia Vedunya;
  • rite from Ivan Vedun;
  • Simoron rituals.

Real estate conspiracies will help close the deal, even if the apartment hasn't been sold for a long time.

Preparatory plot for the sale of an apartment

So that the sale of an apartment does not become a complicated matter, it is worth cutting off all ties with the old home. After several simple rituals, energy will cease to be spent on old bindings and it will be possible to easily change your place of residence.

First, arrange with the brownie so that he hears the prayer and does not feel left out. So the spirit of the house will not obstruct and will help to attract worthy people who want to buy an apartment.

The current conspiracy to sell an apartment will help appease the brownie:

  1. Prepare a treat. Sweets, a saucer of milk or sour cream, lime honey are best suited.
  2. Place the treats in a corner where no one will disturb the brownie or on a windowsill.
  3. After dusk, stand in the middle of the room (do not turn on the light) and, looking to the left corner, say: “Brownie-father, welcome the new owners of the house, don’t be sad and let me go. Walk around the house, respect the buyers. "

A coaxed brownie will help with the sale of an apartment.

The next key point in preparation will be the abandonment of the old home:

  1. Concentrate and mentally give up the apartment.
  2. Realize that you no longer own it.
  3. Imagine moving to a new location.
  4. Take a broom and start sweeping all the litter from the rooms to the doorstep.
  5. Read a simple incantation: “As I sweep the garbage out the door, so I invite the merchants to my place. The merchants will come, they will acquire a house, and I will begin to live in the new room. Amen".

An easy-to-perform ritual will help to get rid of old attachments and energetically release the owner from the connection with the apartment. In this case, the urgency of the sale will not be a problem.

Conspiracy to attract buyers

In order to attract buyers and successfully sell an apartment, there is a ritual.

To perform the sacrament you will need:

  • Holy water;
  • fine table salt, which must be purchased at the bazaar strictly on Sunday.

The ritual must be done in the evening, when the moon appears in the sky. On a moonless night, it is not worth carrying out the ceremony.

It is necessary to correctly do all the actions of the ritual for an urgent sale as follows:

  1. Scoop up a pinch of table salt with our left hand.
  2. Sprinkle the salt with two drops of holy water.
  3. We clench it in a fist.
  4. We bring a fist with salt to our mouth and begin to whisper a conspiracy: “You can't live happily without salt, sprinkle holy water for good luck. I unclench my hand - I attract good luck, I invite customers. Buyers will come - they will buy an apartment ”.
  5. After completing the reading of the conspiracy, we open our palm and pour salt into the left corner.
  6. Salt should not be swept away until morning.

Conspiracy for a successful meeting with a buyer

To attract buyers, you can perform a ceremony with a safety pin. The ceremony is best done on the waning moon.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • a glass of sugar (to make life sweet);
  • half a glass of rice (a symbol of prosperity and abundance);
  • half a glass of salt (protection from evil spirits);
  • convenient capacity;
  • new pin.

The sequence of actions in the correct rite:

  1. Pour salt, rice and sugar into a container in layers.
  2. We stick a pin into the center, point down.
  3. We begin to mix the layers together, saying: “Customers will come, but they will bring good luck. The salt and sugar will mix - the merchants will like my house. I will invite the merchants, and they will buy my house. And I, (name), will live in the new room. "
  4. The mixture of rice, salt and sugar can be thrown away in the morning. Leave the pin with you, pin it on the back of the clothes and do not take it off until the apartment is sold.

Strong conspiracy for the sale of an apartment that has not previously been lived in

It is easier to sell a non-residential apartment, since the energy in it is not tied to a specific owner and it is easier to transfer the property to a new buyer. However, if a quick sale is needed, it is worth aiding the process with a conspiracy. The conspiracy is read by the moon.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • salt;
  • Holy water.
  1. We moisten the water with salt.
  2. We go around the corners in each room, saying: “My dwelling is about four corners, I renounce you. I attract buyers. Whoever gives up the gold will own and will. My word is indestructible like a rock. Do not break, do not uproot. "
  3. Throw a pinch of salt into each corner.
  4. The salt can be swept out one day after the completion of the ceremony.

Powerful rituals for the quick sale of an apartment from famous healers and wizards

Popular conspiracies and signs for the sale of an apartment have been tested for centuries, but you should not give up the advice of famous people with extrasensory abilities. These methods will also help to urgently sell real estate.

Conspiracies from Natalia Stepanova

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova advises to read the conspiracy for the quick sale of an apartment clearly and without getting lost.

It is better to memorize the lines before pronouncing them or write them down on a piece of paper.

On a bucket of water

The ritual for a bucket of water will be effective if you do not talk to anyone or see anyone during it. It is best to hold the ceremony at night to minimize the likelihood of meeting someone.

Rite process:

  1. Pour clean water into the bucket.
  2. We begin to scrub the floors throughout the apartment, saying: “I'm talking about an apartment for sale, for a successful deal! I give up this property, I unlock the door for new owners. Whoever gives me a coin for a house will not be a welcome guest, but will become the owner! I lock the deal with my word, a word is stronger than iron! Amen!"
  3. Pour water from the bucket under the tree.

Key conspiracy

For the next conspiracy you will need:

  • old key;
  • new tablecloth;
  • large denomination money;
  • table.

The process of ritual actions:

  1. We spread a new tablecloth on a clean table.
  2. We lay out bills in the four corners of the tabletop.
  3. We lock imaginary locks on banknotes with a key.
  4. We begin to talk about a home for a successful sale: “Run money for money, lead the buyer. I lock the wealth - I call on the buyer. The word will be indestructible. Amen!".
  5. We throw the key out the window so that it is at a distance from the apartment.
  6. We put the bills in a wallet and store them until a quick and successful sale of the home.

The ceremonies will not work if they are performed "just in case", "out of interest", not believing in the power of the ceremony.

Ritual "Golden Grains"

Put a grain in each corner, pronouncing the conspiracy:

Gold grains, lie down, and tell the merchants how it is light and comfortable to live in the apartment. You lie here, and bewitched the merchants. Let the buyers come - they will give back their money. And I, (name), will live in a new place.

The grains must be left before the sale of the apartment is concluded.

Conspiracy on boiled keys

In the following ritual you will need:

  • keys to the apartment;
  • a spoonful of sugar;
  • a pot of water.

The sequence of actions in order to profitably and quickly sell an apartment:

  1. We boil water.
  2. We throw a spoonful of sugar into the pan.
  3. We dip the keys into boiling water.
  4. We stir the keys clockwise, saying:
  5. “Boil water, call buyers. Let the merchants in the house be warm and sweet. I read the conspiracy, I invite the merchants. Selling an apartment for gold, I will live richly. My word is strong. Amen!".
  6. Let the water cool down, pour it under the tree.

You can find out about another conspiracy to sell housing from the video. The video was filmed by the Nala Kiyash channel.

Conspiracy for the sale of real estate from Vanga

The great seer advised those who want to attract good luck when selling real estate to wear red clothes. You also need to sweeten your future purchase.

For the successful sale of an apartment we take:

  • red scarf;
  • lump sugar;
  • thread with a needle.

The ceremony is performed on the growing moon.

  1. We fold the scarf in a triangle, having previously put a piece of sugar in the middle.
  2. Sew up the edges of the scarf.
  3. We pronounce the conspiracy: “I sew, I sew, but I will sew good luck, There will be a scarf nearby and good luck with me, Will not leave either in summer or in winter. I sew on a thread - I attract buyers ”.
  4. We carry a scarf with us everywhere until a bargain sale of an apartment.

Ritual from Sophia Vedunya

The magic ritual from the hereditary clairvoyant Sophia Vedunya is effective. The psychic recommends performing the ritual at dawn on Friday.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • a new broom (in no case bargain when buying, so that the ritual will take effect);
  • Holy water.

The sequence of ritual actions:

  1. Get up shortly before dawn, prepare for the ritual.
  2. Give up the apartment in your mind.
  3. Sprinkle a few drops of holy water on the broom.
  4. As soon as the sun begins to rise above the horizon, start cleaning.
  5. Sweep all the rubbish out of the room, whispering the ritual: “I sweep the garbage, I clean the apartment so that it shines with cleanliness and invites customers. Amen!".

To ensure a 100 percent effect, you need to read the conspiracy three days in a row.

Rite of passage from Ivan Vedun for a quick sale of an apartment

The ceremony from Ivan Vedun is not designed for the whole apartment, but for one room in it. It is better to choose the room in which the potential buyer will stay for the longest time. The conspiracy should attract the client, evoke positive emotions in him, a feeling of comfort, a desire to make a purchase.

Useful for the ritual:

  • aroma sticks-incense;
  • 4 coins of the same denomination;
  • a bowl filled with water;
  • compass.

The sequence of actions in the rite:

  1. Place coins in the corners of the room.
  2. Stand in the center of the room with your face facing east.
  3. Light the incense stick.
  4. Place the bowl on the floor and lower the fingers of your left hand into it.
  5. Exhale deeply several times. Before reading the conspiracy, say a short mantra: "UuuuMmmmAaaaa".
  6. Speak out the text of the conspiracy loudly and clearly: “Coin to coin, man to man, with my mind, will and power I speak, who will come here after me - that thirst without water, hunger without food, rest without sleep! Until he buys an apartment, there will be no peace. Amen!".
  7. After the last phrase, lightly splash the water in front of you.
  8. Place the coins in a handkerchief or wallet. Carry with you to all prospect meetings. After you sell the property, give the coins to a beggar or throw them into a pond with running water.

Waning moon conspiracy

The rite is done on the waning moon so that the lunar energy takes with it the old life and the old apartment, opening a new path. For a successful sale, it will be necessary for the entire period of the decrease of the month to pray every evening, reading the "Our Father" three times, and after a conspiracy.

Silver thresholds, amber matrices, golden windows, agate floors, emerald walls. Admire the house (apartment) but do not bargain, who will go somewhere else - nowhere else will he find a better one. Amen.

Simoron rituals for the sale of an apartment

Basically based on powerful visualization of the desired. Simoron - fulfillment of desires with the help of fun rituals.

The first way is to bring luck to your new home. You need to go to the pet store and buy a goldfish. Place the aquarium in the center of the apartment. Every day, share with the fish your dreams of a new home, so you get rid of old real estate faster.

Second way:

  1. Buy a baby hammer.
  2. Put on your suit.
  3. Walk around the house, banging on the walls, and say, “Sold! Sold! Sold! "

The third ritual is also built on the attraction of luck through visualization. Draw your dream home on a large A4 sheet of paper. Hang the drawing paper where you can see it. Every day, imagine that the apartment has already been sold and you are moving into a new house.

Consider in detail the most effective conspiracy for the sale of an apartment under which moon to read - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Plots for the sale of an apartment, house, land, car. How to read conspiracies for the sale of property at home and which are the most powerful.

In what cases is it appropriate to use a conspiracy to sell? He will help those who:

Wants to receive a large amount of money by selling property;

For some time he has not been able to sell the property, although it was put up for sale a long time ago;

Too worried that the deal will fail, and a potential buyer may suddenly change his mind;

He wants to somehow speed up the long process of processing all the documents necessary for the sale.

1. If you want your property, car or land to be bought as soon as possible, then the ritual must be performed from Saturday to Sunday. It has been verified that it is Sunday night that has some inexplicable power that can radically change the fate of a person reading a conspiracy, help him in all his endeavors and fulfill a desire.

2. Buy a lunar calendar and calculate when there will be a waxing moon phase. Perform the ritual in the moonlight at this particular time, unless otherwise specified in the rules for conducting your chosen ritual. The moon will give you her energy and make sure that your conspiracy for sale takes effect immediately after reading it.

3. If in the rules of the ceremony, which you have given preference, it is written that it must be carried out during daylight hours, then spend it on Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday is considered the day when there is an opportunity to materialize your thoughts, words and desires related to buying or selling.

4. No quick sale conspiracy will work if it is not accompanied by the sincere belief of the reader that he will succeed. If you do not believe in the existence of magic, then it is better not to take up rituals and reading various conspiracies. Lack of faith, self-doubt and doubts can create an emotional or psychological block that prevents you from implementing your plan and achieving your goal.

5. Do not share with anyone your thoughts and concerns about the ritual that you are going to perform. Nobody should be aware of what you are going to do. By violating this rule of nondisclosure, you run the risk of incurring trouble on yourself and instead of selling something, you will attract problems and bad weather.

6. You can not practice magic, perform rituals and speak something or someone if you are sick or pregnant. A person who has a disease has a weak energy field and he will not be able to resist those failures that may fall on him after reading the conspiracy. Pregnant women do not need to practice magic because a new life is growing in them and that little man who has not yet been born cannot resist negative energy (very rarely conspiracies can have the opposite effect and we are talking about rituals that are performed incorrectly).

7. In no case should you change the attributes that are needed for the ritual. If you are having difficulties, and you cannot find or get the item you need, then just give preference to another ceremony that will not be so difficult to carry out. The same applies to the text of the conspiracy. You cannot swap words or replace words that are difficult for you with synonyms. Yes, some conspiracies are difficult to read and impossible to understand. If you come across such a conspiracy, then re-read it in your mind several times before pronouncing. When speaking something, you cannot stutter and pause too long. You must say loudly and clearly what you want to gain. Only then will your request be satisfied by invisible forces.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment or house - the best examples and where to start

Not many people are aware of the preparation required before performing a ritual to sell real estate. Yes, the world wide web is full of information on exactly how to carry out any rituals and what to do, but there is no information on how to prepare for this. If you are sure that you need the help of magic and are going to soon make a conspiracy to sell the house, then first of all you need to appease the brownie so that he will accept new tenants and let you go. If the brownie does not want you to move, then he will simply create such an energy in your house that will alienate potential buyers and no one will buy him for a long time. To appease the brownie, you need to stand at the front door and say loudly the following words: “Please, brownie, accept new owners into this house (apartment). I promise that they will not offend or disturb you in any way. You, too, do not interfere with their quiet life. " Before going to bed, you should put a small plate of porridge or some other delicacy in the corner of your bedroom that the housekeeper may like and he will help you with the sale of the house.

There is another conspiracy that will surely contribute to the imminent sale of real estate. Fill a bucket of water and place it in a secluded spot for exactly three days. After this time, it is necessary to wash the floors in the apartment with this water, saying this: “My beloved and dear home, I renounce you now. The one who offers me the most money will be able to become the new owner. I wish it so, so it will happen. Amen". This plot to sell a house should be repeated as many times as there are corners in your house.

And the next conspiracy to sell an apartment is recognized as the most effective. There are only positive reviews about him and they say that he helps to achieve his goal in a very short time. Take a small handful of wheat and wait until the very first rays of the sun hit the ground. Then wheat should be scattered in all corners of the house so that there are five grains in each corner. Scattering it, quietly say the following words: “Golden seed, you show the buyers the apartment (house) so that they cannot but buy it. Let the buyer offer me a lot of money and the deal will be a success. Help me". Leave the wheat grains in the corners of the apartment until you sell it. After that, cleaning in it, collect every single grain and bury them as deep as possible in the ground, several kilometers from your home.

There is one very powerful ritual for which you need to take a pin that you haven't used yet. Pour half a glass of sugar, the same amount of salt and rice into a container. Stick a pin in there so that the point is at the bottom. The ritual must be done only for the waning moon, so calculate with the help of the lunar calendar when this phase will be, and do not miss it.

Say these words: “I am not selling my house to a bad person, but to a good one. For myself, I will buy a house that will be even better than this one. If I so wish, then this will happen. Amen". Now take a vessel with a pin and place it as close to the front doors as possible, but you need to do this exactly so that it is not visible to people who come to watch your house. This conspiracy differs from the rest in its strength. It belongs to a Moldovan healer. Having performed the ceremony correctly, you will have the opportunity to sell your property in a few days.

The conspiracy to sell a car - the most effective

Every person in life may have a difficult time and urgently need a large sum of money. In this case, people try to sell the property as soon as possible and start looking for people who will be interested in their offer. A person can sell a vehicle for six months or a year. If a lot of time has passed, and no one wants to buy your car, then feel free to resort to magical help, but remember that magic cannot force someone to buy a car who does not like it or will not be able to afford it. A conspiracy to sell a car will help make more people come to you and at least one of them will be interested in your vehicle and reveal a desire to buy it.

If you have already made an appointment with a potential buyer, then before that you should sprinkle the car with water consecrated in the church. Program yourself that now the very person who will definitely buy your car will come. If you are in a bad mood, and negative thoughts are swarming in your head, then it is better to postpone the time of meeting with a potential buyer to another day. You need to stop thinking that this time it won't work either. Every day, draw in your head a picture of what you want to come true. In this case, imagine how you conclude a deal to sell a vehicle. How would you feel at this moment? Where would the money you receive go? The more vividly you imagine it and the more you want it, the sooner it will happen.

For this conspiracy, you will need a full bucket of water and a rag. Thoroughly wash your car, and do not rush to pour out the dirty water, because it is over it that you will have to speak the words of the conspiracy, namely: “I wash my car, I clean the dirt so that it becomes cleaner and attracts a buyer. As dirty water quickly goes underground, so my car will find a new owner. This is my desire, so it will happen. " Now you need to take a bucket of dirty water and pour it under the very first tree that you see when you go outside. This ritual can be performed every time before you have a meeting with a potential buyer.

And the next conspiracy is focused specifically on the speed of the sale of the vehicle. You can use it only if not even a week has passed since you put the car up for sale. Go to church on Sunday and bless some water. When you get home, take a large handful of salt and sprinkle some holy water on it. Clench your hand with salt into a fist and say these words: “Just as everyone needs water and salt, so my car will be needed by those who come to watch it. If the first one does not want, then the second one will immediately buy. So I ask, so let it happen. Amen". Now you can unclench your fist and sprinkle some salt on the hood of the car. You will see that very soon people will want to buy your car and the deal will be successful, without any problems.

If your car has not been sold for a long time, then perform a ritual with cleansing. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to clear the car of everything that belongs to the previous owners (you). The car should be in the form in which you bought it. Remove anything you bought later, including stickers, air freshener, and seat covers. Thus, you clear the machine of your energy and it will be completely ready to accept another energy of the one who will reveal the desire to buy it. Taking your things from the car, say: “I will take everything unnecessary from the car, I will take my spirit out of it. Let the new owner come soon and his spirit will enter the car ”.

Plot to sell land

If there are any buildings on your plot of land, then the same ritual must be performed in them as well as on the street. There is only one truly effective ceremony that guarantees almost one hundred percent success. You need to break off a small twig from a tree that grows on your land at night and take it in your left hand, and in your right hold a lit church candle. In a whisper, say the words of the conspiracy: “With me this site has become prettier, and wonderful trees have grown on it. Let the same grow up with the next owner. I will have plenty, and this land will be well cared for. As I command, so it will be. " The prayer should be said as many times as necessary, until you have gone around the entire territory of the earth. Now put the branch in a jar of water and bury it halfway into the ground.

Plots for the sale of property will be a good helper if you need to quickly sell something. But, no, even the most powerful conspiracy will work if you do nothing to sell the property. It is necessary to submit ads, tell all relatives and friends about the sale. Combine these actions with a conspiracy and get a stunning result.

A conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell an apartment

In the modern world, magical practice covers almost all aspects of human life. With the help of magic, love issues are solved today, work problems are eliminated, financial difficulties are overcome.

So, a conspiracy to sell an apartment helps to quickly and profitably realize the sale. You can use this ritual in several cases. First of all, in order to quickly find a reliable buyer. The second is to successfully conclude a deal. Through such a conspiracy, many problems associated with the sale of real estate are solved.

It is extremely difficult to sell housing on your own today. It is necessary to be well-versed in the financial and legal aspects of this issue. This procedure is accompanied by a lot of paperwork that requires additional costs. Among other things, the procedure for buying and selling a home can take many months. In this case, a negligent buyer may well be caught.

Magic rituals allow you to sell housing at a good value to responsible buyers without unnecessary problems and financial costs.

There are many such rituals known among the people, which may differ depending on the purpose and means of their implementation. So, there are known rituals aimed at the successful sale of living space, at attracting buyers, at increasing the profitability of the event, as well as at solving related problems.

How to carry out the ritual correctly?

To conduct a successful deal for the sale of an apartment, you need to know all the nuances of such a conspiracy. Lack of experience in such a matter will not be a hindrance, since you can easily turn to an active magician for help. He will perform the appropriate ritual and attract good luck to the side of the seller. However, you can perform the ceremony yourself. This will require a sincere belief in magic, the power of words and your own strength. Among other things, you need the ability to concentrate on the goal, as well as be able to direct all your energy towards achieving it.

For the effective implementation of the ceremony, it is necessary to completely cleanse the housing being sold from the energy of the past owners. There are several special rituals for this. However, it is recommended to first clean the floors in all rooms with infused water.

Water is infused in a dark place for three days, a prayer is spoken in advance.

Among other things, it is initially recommended to appease the brownie, otherwise at the very last moment he is able to destroy the deal. This is easy to do - you need to stand in the doorway, look into the far corner and bow. After such a greeting, the brownie should be asked to accept the new owners, and then leave a saucer of food in this corner overnight.

A kind brownie will be happy to help you complete the deal. However, you can take the brownie with you to your new home - there will be no harm from this either.

Sell ​​an apartment quickly with magic

Selling an apartment may well bring a lot of financial benefits if you use the appropriate rite. To carry it out, you will need a new broom. With this item, you should visit the housing for sale and start sweeping absolutely all rooms, not forgetting the corridors and the bathroom. Simultaneously with the sweeping, the seller needs to read the words of the conspiracy.

A strong conspiracy for a quick and profitable sale of an apartment will help to quickly implement the conceived project.

It is carried out with the help of wheat grains, and you will need them exactly as many corners as the housing being sold has. At dawn, a seed should be laid on the growing moon in front of each corner and a plot should be read.

After the sale of an apartment, grain must be collected and bury away from home.

A very powerful ritual takes place on the third Thursday of the month. Having risen at night near an open window, and looking at the moon, it is necessary to cast a spell and the deal will be successful.

Is the use of magic dangerous?

The use of magic in solving various issues can be dangerous if you violate the procedure for conducting the ritual, make your own additions or change the words of the spell. Such an irresponsible attitude can affect the health of a person or his loved ones, the financial condition of the family and the well-being of family relations. Any frivolous attitude to magic is punished by higher powers.


Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you about effective conspiracies for the sale of an apartment that need to be read on the growing moon. However, there are many texts of spells with a simple ritual part, which are done on the waning moon. So, we continue the topic of magical assistance in the sale of real estate objects. It seems that you need to start with the simplest, with an independent conspiracy to sell an apartment before the arrival of the buyer.

Home conspiracy for the quick sale of an apartment with a key

The magic conspiracy is well suited for long-term non-sale properties for which there is no buyer. He helps to sell the apartment soon and get good money for it.

A powerful conspiracy for a quick sale of an apartment, readable with a key, will give good results, but for this you need to give the buyer the key to hold in his hand. If for several months, or even years, you cannot sell your property, this example of magical help will turn the tide, turn the course of events in your direction. As if by chance, let the buyer, who comes to see the plotted apartment, hold the keys in his hands. Contact between the magic object and the person should take place. This will be enough for them to make a decision on purchasing your living space.

An effective water conspiracy for a quick sale of an apartment

A powerful conspiracy of white magic. It is not suitable for a warlock, but for those who are engaged in two-handedness, a witchcraft ritual will come in handy. If you are already desperate to get rid of unnecessary real estate, read the words conspiracy to sell housing on the water. Take water from the spring at dawn. Holy Epiphany water is also suitable.

Read an independent conspiracy for a profitable sale of an apartment three times, then spray all the rooms with water. Pour some of the water over the threshold. It is better to do such rituals for greater effect in combination. So, a strong conspiracy to sell housing can be reinforced with another rite - a spell for good trade in the oak tree.

Home conspiracy for a profitable sale of a room - for successful trade

An independent conspiracy is effective when you need to achieve stable profits in trade, so that there is good luck with the merchant, so that the money goes. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how to use it in a complex for the sale of real estate, how to read a conspiracy to sell a dorm room... To do, of course, on the waxing moon. In the daytime, because the rite is not black (although some warlock rituals are also done during the day). Better before noon. The ritual part is simple here, but don't forget the visualization.

Find a tall, strong oak tree in the forest. Approach him, touch the sheets with your fingers, and in a whisper read 4 times the conspiracy for the sale of an apartment and real estate, and for money gain:

Now break off a dry branch from an oak tree, and say these words of a conspiracy to sell your home:

Concluding independent ceremony for the sale of an apartment, hide the branch at the entrance to the house you are selling. After you sign the contract and receive the money, take the branch and burn it. Give the oak a ransom for a branch. This is done immediately after the ceremony. Pour a piece of bread with salt or a handful of grain under the roots. There is an appeal to the Force in the conspiracy:

So after all, everyone has their own god. Apply to the very Force with which you are working. The white conspiracy to attract buyers to your apartment is, in fact, universal. If you begin to call demons, Enareya, thank the Master of the forest, leaving the forest.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will repeat, the witchcraft rite specifically for trade and general financial well-being will be great in combination with effective conspiracies for the profitable sale of an apartment or other real estate belonging to you:

Here, in the complex, you can include an effective conspiracy for a quick sale through an anthill.

Conspiracies for the quick sale of an apartment

Magic will help you sell your apartment

In order to profitably conduct a transaction for the sale and purchase of your real estate, you need to have a lot of luck and luck. Therefore, most often this business is entrusted to an experienced realtor, who should be paid a considerable monetary reward for the services rendered. And if you want to sell an apartment at a bargain price on your own, without involving the company's employees, then perhaps you should turn to magic for help.

For a long time, many traders have resorted to the services of the magic heavenly circle. A conspiracy to sell an apartment will also come in handy for those who for a long time cannot find worthy buyers for their property.

The origins of trade magic

In ancient times, rituals were performed for the sale of housing

Long before the existence of you and me, the rituals associated with trade were used by almost all merchants who sought to sell goods at a favorable price. At the same time, the traders did not disdain to combine two or three rituals at the same time. So, in order to quickly sell their homes, thoughtful people used conspiracies and prayers to quickly sell an apartment. Moreover, after conducting pagan rituals, many of them went to church to pray for their sin before the Almighty.

And, despite the fact that in those days only a select few were engaged in witchcraft, carefully hiding secrets from the inhabitants, today anyone who believes in the power of magic can turn to the power of the magical heavenly circle and get what they want.

Most of the rituals of this kind were directly devoted to the sale of real estate. Perhaps this will be a discovery for you, but transactions for the sale and purchase of houses and apartments were popular in ancient times. In the process of conducting rituals for successful trade, objects were used that were simultaneously mated with home and everyday life. These were ceremonies with rice, salt, broom, keys. Some took poppy seeds for the ritual, while others spoke sacred water.

Due to the fact that the conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment is not aimed at the negative and does not have the opposite effect, using such an approach in order to speed up the transaction is justified. Especially if a person has a reason to conduct a profitable deal in the shortest possible time.

As before, today you can put into action a conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment even at home, but for this you need to know the rules for conducting rituals of this kind. White magic, although not as strong as black magic, but nevertheless, if you make a mistake when casting a spell, or fail to perform a ritual, then you will face unpleasant consequences.

How to properly conduct trade conspiracies

Prayers to God will bless you for good luck in your business affairs

A conspiracy for the successful sale of an apartment will not work if you do not adhere to the basic rules for activating magical trade rituals:

  1. Many people perform various kinds of rituals just to check if magic exists. And this is not correct. If you read the conspiracy for the sale of an apartment, but at the same time you are not going to do it, then you can get yourself into trouble. Well, if the ritual does not work, in the worst case, instead of selling the apartment, which you ask for from higher magical powers, you will lose other benefits. Luck, luck, happiness, love, finances, health - you can lose this if you “disturb” the magic in vain.
  2. Only with faith in the power of the heavenly magic circle in your soul will you achieve success and get what you dream of. If you do not believe in this kind of ritual, then it is better not to waste time and energy.
  3. When setting in motion a conspiracy for the sale of an apartment, you need to have a clear idea that you will forgive the heavenly magic circle. Therefore, in order to conduct a successful sale and purchase transaction, you need to focus on your problem.
  4. Reading the conspiracy in order to sell an apartment should be taken with all seriousness, as well as other acts involving the magic heavenly circle. Only a serious approach will help you achieve what you want.
  5. The process of attracting good luck in trading is a personal matter. When performing a ritual to speed up the sale of an apartment or house, you must be alone. No person should be near you.
  6. Magic does not welcome evil intentions. So, if you read conspiracies to sell an apartment or house of an enemy against his will, then be prepared for the opposite effect. What does it mean? In any case, you will answer to the higher powers for what you have done. A magical ritual should help a person who needs help, and not harm him.
  7. Try not to spread the word that you used a strong conspiracy to sell an apartment or house. Even people close to you should not know about the ceremony you performed. With this approach, you will be able to achieve your desired goal.
  8. Before asking magical powers about the successful sale of an apartment, contact the Almighty. Prayers to God will bless you for good luck in your trade.
  9. If the conspiracy for the sale of housing involves the use of inventory or an object (pin, broom, bowl, personal item, etc.), but there is none in your house, then it is better to resort to the help of another magical act, for which there are all the necessary things.
  10. Women are not advised to perform magic rituals during menstruation.
  11. In the process of preparing and executing a conspiracy to successfully sell your property, make sure that gold-plated coins are present at home. Also, do not forget about holy water and a church candle.
  12. You need to read the conspiracy to quickly sell your property without hesitation, reservations, clearly pronouncing each word, understanding its meaning. Therefore, it is better to learn the words by heart.

Preparing for trade rites

Propagating a brownie is one of the ways to sell a home faster

Sometimes it happens that you need to sell a house or apartment. It seems that they found a buyer, but the business does not move to its logical conclusion, and you are thinking how to quickly sell the apartment. In this situation, a strong conspiracy will help you. But, before putting it into action, it is necessary to carry out two preparatory measures: we wash all the floors and corners of the house, using settled water for this. In the process of such cleaning and preparatory procedures, you need to say the following words:

“My domina, four corners, refuse you. I want to sell you. Get away from me forever. Whoever brings money for you will get you. Let it be the way I want it. My words are strong as a block of stone. Do not break them down or knock them out. Amen!".

We pronounce this slander three times, going around every corner of the house.

To quickly sell your apartment or house, you need to appease the brownie. A brownie is a creature that lives with you in the same room. At times, he tries to prevent the sale of the property. Therefore, before you conduct a strong ritual to attract a buyer, try to appease the brownie. And this is done as follows: we stand in the doorway and, referring to the far corner of the room, we bow and say the following words:

“I ask my brownie to help me in difficult times. Please accept the new neighbors. Do not offend me and the owners who have settled here again. And they will try to live with you in harmony and harmony. Let with the arrival of new owners, you will not experience infringement. If you help me with my daily problem, I will thank you with delicious dishes! "

At the end of this rite, you should cook delicious and sweet porridge, and in the evening put it in a plate and leave it overnight in the corner that you turned to the day before. Look, this ritual will help to appease the brownie, who will not only "lure" the buyer, but will also present the house in the best possible way. These rituals will be a good start on the way to the desired goal and help to carry out the main magical rite.

Conspiracies for the successful sale of housing

Conspiracies will help a successful home sale

There are many conspiracies that help to quickly and successfully sell an apartment or house. We will present to your attention the most effective ways to profitably sell real estate. At the very least, the reviews of those who resorted to the help of these rituals confirm the effectiveness of magic in commercial matters.

Powerful conspiracy to sell property

To find a buyer and sell your property as quickly as possible, this powerful and effective rite of passage will do.

We collect holy water in a bucket and put it in a dark corner of the room for three days. After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to wash the floors in all rooms, then squat down and read the following words of the conspiracy over the bucket:

“Four corners, my dwelling and my invisible friend - Brownie! I ask you to help you with my problem and understand me. I refuse you, from every door and keyhole, from all corners and the brownie with them. I want to buy a new apartment in another city. Let me go, I ask you from the bottom of my heart! My home was, but it has become a stranger! Amen".

As soon as the words are pronounced, we take out the charmed holy water into the yard and pour it under the tree. Returning home, we do not talk to anyone and do not turn around until you go back into the house. If the prescription is not followed, this 100% rite will not work.

Well, if you put up your house for sale, then there will be fewer questions from annoying neighbors. More difficult with an apartment. When you take the water out into the yard, try not to be seen by anyone. For this reason, sorcerers and magicians advise you to carry out this ceremony in the late afternoon.

We attract a profitable buyer to real estate using a conspiracy

It so happens that during the sale of real estate various kinds of problems arise. For example, potential clients visit every day, but they either do not want to buy a house, or they are offering too low a price. If you have noticed that most of the people who come to the "bride" of your apartment, turn to you with noticeable rudeness, stinginess and hostility, then most likely, damage or "seal of denial" is imposed on your soul or your house. malicious intent. You can use additional magic rituals to get rid of the evil eye. Or you can just read this slander, which with its power will cover the negative of the dark tricks of the unclean.

All material contains for informational purposes only provided by our visitors! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be careful and do not fall for the bait of scammers.

How to quickly sell an apartment - conspiracies

For those, who urgently needs to sell an apartment, it is very important to prepare the premises for sale.

You must free the apartment from old unnecessary things.

Before customers arrive, wash floors, windows and doors.

The living space should be comfortable and very light.

Also, at the time of the arrival of buyers, animals and elderly people should not be in the apartment.

The buyer should see a spacious, as empty apartment as possible - then you can make the right impression on him.

You must be hospitable hosts and must be prepared for all sorts of trade-offs associated with the deal.

Advantageously, without any problems, to sell an apartment, you will be helped by a ceremony performed early at the dawn of any day, except Friday.

Conspiracy - how to quickly sell an apartment - will definitely help you.

First you need to take a saucepan, fill it up to a quarter with water and put the key from the outer door of the apartment on the bottom. The pot must be placed on the stove, and when the water heats up, you will need to remove the pot from the heat and read the plot. And remember that the key must be in the pot before the water cools down. So how to quickly sell an apartment conspiracy:

"How people cannot live without a key,
No iron lock.
They will not be able to live like this
Without an apartment (address).
How you people cannot live without food and water,
So you can't live without an apartment
(the address).
Let it be so.".

Take away from the place where the transaction with the buyer will take place, any insignificant object, for example, a cap from a pen or a piece of paper. At home, lay out a square piece of fabric and draw a circle with chalk. In the middle of the circle, put an iron plate, on it put the same cap from the handle that you took from the place of conclusion of the contract. For this, a special conspiracy will help you. Take a church candle and while it burns read:

"My business is right
I will build a house of stone
With a third party.
The first person is the king
The second person is the prince,
And the third person is me, slave (name),
Will put bows in the belt
Not he, but I will give him power.
Everything will be allowed to me.
The fish has a key in the company,
And the fish is in the water, and the castle is in the swamp.
Let it be so!".

Very soon, luck will become your life companion and you will be able not only to profitably sell your old apartment, but to successfully buy a new house.

Your apartment has bad energy and is not being bought?

Try the following rite. To begin with, sprinkle each corner with holy water, while reading the prayer "Our Father", sprinkle the walls and the front door. Then light a church candle in each room, including the toilet and bathroom, having uttered this conspiracy in advance on them:

“Burn, burn, candle!

We slept, slept, a candle, an unkind spirit!

Let the evil smoke, come out with smoke.

Let it be so! Amen."

Leave the candles burning and open all windows or vents so that the negative coming out with smoke does not linger in the house. When the candles have decayed, discard the cinders.

“Hello invisible guest, hello conceived guest!

Come in, take a look at my hut, settle in, leave, lead the buyers and tell everyone about my warm hut, a cozy house.

Let it be so! Amen."


At sunrise on the day of the expected arrival of buyers, being in the largest room, turn your face to the east side, read "Our Father", then a conspiracy 12 times in a row:

The thresholds are gold, the windows are silver, the matrices are yacht, the walls are diamond, the floors are malachite. Admire the house, do not bargain, you will not find it better, at least where you go. Amen.

Beat off three bows, then go about your business.

Selling a house profitably

To this end, at sunset during the waxing moon in a small glass container, carefully mix half a glass of sugar, salt, rice. Then, in the middle of the mixture, stick a new open pin down with the tip down with the words:

Not to enemies, adversaries, to people who are good for prosperity, I sell unnecessary goods, but I acquire what is necessary for (your name) leisure (name the amount of money expected to be received from the sale). Let it be so!

Place the container in a secluded place at the entrance to the house (apartment) where potential buyers will surely pass to familiarize themselves with the layout of the dwelling.

When things work out, on the same day, distribute all possible help to six people in need, and bury the container with the mixture at the dawn of a new day in a place where people rarely go.

To sell a house, an apartment with a profit

They talk on a broom at three in the morning, and in the morning, with a pink glow, they sweep in the house. So for three days in a row.

As I sweep the rubbish, I sweep it, so to myself buyers
nail down. The first will come, the second will come
the third will buy it, take it for itself.

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