
How to find out about the confirmation of maternity capital. Ways to find out the balance of maternity capital. How to find out the balance of state aid in the simplest way

Certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of maternity capital

To be able to spend the rest of the money in the maternity capital account, the person in whose name the certificate was issued applies to the Pension Fund.

Such a certificate on the size of the balance of the principal debt in the PFR for maternity capital is necessary in several cases:

  1. Registration of a mortgage loan.
  2. Payment for a part (share) of housing that is being built.
  3. Entry into the housing community of citizens.
  4. Construction of housing.
  5. Financing the provision of services to a child in various types of public educational institutions.
  6. Transfer of funds from maternity capital to the mother's retirement savings account.

This certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the balance of maternity capital is issued only if the remaining amount is more than 30 rubles. An official request for obtaining a document is accepted by the PF department upon registration.

The place where you can submit an application is unchanged, but there are four options for applying for a certificate from the FIU about the parent capital:

  1. Personally to a representative of a government agency in the department. Most citizens prefer this method, because, in their opinion, this is the most reliable option for protecting personal data.
  2. By mail - by registered mail.
  3. Through an official representative, whose rights to own and transfer personal data are legally confirmed.
  4. Online - through the portal of the State Service.

In all cases, a package of documentation is collected, consisting of a passport, a copy of a certificate, certificates of marriage and birth of children, as well as an insurance certificate and a document confirming the transfer of money. A similar document can be an act of purchase and sale, a loan agreement. If it comes to spending the rest of the money to pay off mortgage debt, then you need a certificate from the bank to the Pension Fund for maternity capital, which guarantees the availability of finance.

Getting help using the PF website

Virtual services are increasing their popularity among the population every day. This is due to the fact that filing applications for paperwork via the Internet is a convenient and fast service that helps to save personal time and avoid queues. Every citizen can order a certificate of the balance of maternity capital through the PFR website. To do this, you need to enter the resource https://es.pfrf.ru, select the section "Electronic services without registration", go to the subsection "Order a document". In the list of documents that will open after going to the section, you need to select "Certificate of the amount of maternity (family) capital".

The standard processing time for an online application is 3 days.

There is another way how to find out the balance of maternity capital through the FIU - using the online service of the State Service. To do this, you must first register on the site, then go through authorization, in the column "All services" select the section "Min. labor and social. protection of the population ". On the page that opens, you need to select "PF", indicate your personal data (phone number, email address) and fill out the application form. The term for fulfilling the requirement is 15-30 days. The certificate will be sent to the applicant's home address.

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When spending funds from the parent capital account, the Pension Fund warns about the remaining money available for spending. Informing is carried out when sending a mail notification every year. If you need information urgently, you can refer to the single portal Public services. How to use the resource is described in detail in this material.

About the program

The maternity capital is understood as the amount on the state certificate for the purpose of incurring expenses for the intended purpose. Money is given to mothers to spend on the needs of the child.

The state is ready to provide funds to finance the life of only the second, third or subsequent children.

According to the law of 2020, a child receives the right to material security:

  • born after January 1, 2020, the program is valid from 01/01/2007;
  • if you have Russian citizenship;
  • if 1.5 times the minimum wage in Russia is not exceeded.

For men, the right to obtain a certificate is valid for adopted second and subsequent children after 01.01.2007 - the date of entry into force of the law.

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The right to a certificate is granted from the moment of an application about the need to submit such a document to the authorized body that is appointed by the Pension Fund of Russia. Together with the application, parents have the right to issue SNILS for a child. The authorities do not always provide the opportunity to obtain a certificate.

To determine the chances of receiving material support funds, it is recommended:

  • calculate the average family earnings - take the annual salary and divide by 12 months the number of family members, including the child;
  • to determine the minimum wage for the region, for example, in Novosibirsk for 2020 it will be 11,854 rubles, if the amount is less, apply for a maternity capital with confidence in receiving a positive decision.

To obtain a certificate, you must provide the following documents:

  • identity cards for parents;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • family income certificates;
  • a document on the registration of marriage and the need for - dissolution;
  • bank account details for transferring material support funds;
  • confirmation of the place of registration of residence.

If the funds are used to purchase a dwelling at the construction stage, then when contacting the PF RF, a certified written commitment is provided to allocate a share in the finished object for a child, in whose favor a certificate is issued.

Inappropriate spending of funds from the certificate, attempts to cash out the full amount are suppressed by law and can lead to both the imposition of administrative and criminal liability.

With the involvement of an intermediary, it is possible to qualify the act as "by prior conspiracy" with severe punishment.

Where can you spend

If the funds from the maternity capital are partially spent, then the balance remains on the account until the moment of its implementation, there is no suspension of financing. This rule applies to cases where the amount is even insignificant.

To spend the remaining amount, it is enough to write to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation again for spending for certain purposes.

There is an opportunity to spend funds:

  1. To improve living conditions for a child - buying a new apartment of a larger area, building a house, reconstructing a room owned by a family, paying off part of an existing mortgage.
  2. Tuition fees for children - in institutions of preschool and school, special and higher levels, other expenses associated with the educational process, if such expenses are approved by the Government of Russia.
  3. To receive medical treatment - to receive services in any institution.
  4. Purchase of funds for the social adaptation of children with disabilities - if such equipment is required for movement or performance of labor functions.
  5. Transfer to the insurance part of the mother's pension - from the moment such a fund was formed.

You can spend funds when you reapply in connection with the formation of an account balance for the same or a different purpose. The rest of the maternity capital is subject to annual indexation. However, the restoration of the full amount of funds provided earlier does not occur.

Spending money is associated with a specific purpose of spending:

  • funds for education are issued no later than when the child turns 25;
  • for disabled children up to the age of 18;
  • the period for improving living conditions is not limited;
  • funds are credited to the insurance part of the mother's labor pension until the start and end of the formation of such a fund.

How to find out the balance of maternity capital through State services

You can get information about funds on a state certificate through a single portal of the State Service only if you have an electronic signature. To obtain it, you must register on the website - gosuslugi.ru.

If you have a username and password, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the "Authorities" tab in the services section.

  2. Go to the link "Pension Fund".

  3. By clicking, a menu with services will open:
    • statement of the provided social assistance;
    • ways of disposing of maternity capital funds;
    • determination of the pension;
    • inquiry about the state of the personal account with the FIU;
    • validity of the certificate for the capital.

      1. Follow the first link "Statement on the provision of social assistance". Next, the window "Informing citizens about the provision of state social assistance in the form of a set of social services" will open. The section will reflect the function "Electronic services". The item "Personal visit to the department" should be ignored. After that, you need to click "Get a service".

      2. In the window that opens, you need to fill in the information for the request - about the balance of funds on the maternity capital certificate. The answer will be provided to the user's email address by the portal within 15-30 days.
      3. Other ways to get information

        There are alternative ways to get information from the Pension Fund.

        Visit to the portal of the PF RF

        You need to go to the website of the pension fund (es.pfrf.ru) and do the following:

Today, maternity capital is a very impressive amount.

Many people spend it one-time on such needs as mortgage repayment, child education, funded part of the pension of one of the parents.

Other parents prefer to spend money in dosage, especially when life circumstances do not require large infusions of funds.

Sometimes parents forget to keep track of how much state support was left for their subsequent investments.

In this article we will figure out how to find out how much money a family has left for use.

In what cases is the remainder left?

Where does it appear on the balance sheet from maternity capital funds? Why don't young parents spend the entire amount of the certificate one-time?

There can be a lot of answers to these questions.

  1. The first case may be due to the fact that recently the parents received a one-time payment in the amount of 25 thousand rubles, which is provided for by law 256-FZ. Recall that young parents receive this amount in cash.

    Now, when planning the next spending, citizens need to know the exact amount remaining in the account in order to plan their opportunities.

  2. If the young family did not use the maternity capital at all, but received the right to use the certificate several years ago, then its amount could also change up several times, and this is due to the same indexation process.
  3. There are young parents who chose one of the directions proposed by Law 256 - FZ in order to spend money from the maternity capital, it is not at all necessary that the entire amount will be spent.

    For example, to pay off a mortgage, young parents allocated 215,000 rubles from maternity capital. the rest of the amount was left to the account to wait for the next case. In order to find out the final amount, young parents also need accurate information about the balance.

Step-by-step instructions on how to find out the remainder

There are several ways to find out how much money is in the account of young parents.

These methods are good each in their own way, and are suitable for completely different families.

We will analyze each of these methods, and you will choose the best option for your situation.

Through the Internet

Today, many young people use the Internet for work and play. In addition, the Internet allows you to perform many functions from the comfort of your home, such as ordering clothes, paying bills, buying food, and receiving and paying for some government services.

Undoubtedly, progress is making progress and, as a result, a simplified balance check system.

If you have the opportunity to access the Internet, but there is no way to get to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund, then the method we proposed will definitely suit you.

You you can use one of the intermediary sites, which are in abundance on the Internet.

Enter the data that the computer will ask you, namely, the year of receipt of maternity capital, spending on maternity capital and some other necessary information.

based on indexation data for all the years that the funds were in your account.

Upon summing up all the circumstances, the site will give you accurate information.

Most often, such settlement services from remote specialists are of a paid nature.

Online by certificate number

But it is not always convenient for citizens to use the Internet. Older people, as well as those young people who do not have access to a computer, can use a different method.

Each young family that has not yet used up their right to dispose of funds in relation to the discussed state support measure has a certificate in their hands.

It is with the certificate, or rather, with its number, that you need to contact any branch of the Pension Fund of Russia in the near future.

Upon your application and the provision of a certificate, you will be given a written statement on the status of your funds that have not yet been used for any purpose within the framework of the state support program for families.

Quick check

There is not always time to check the balance by the certificate number, and then people begin to ask the question: “How to quickly find out the balance of the mat. capital? "

The fastest way is to use one of the offered online calculators on the Internet.

To do this, you need to find a site that complies with the requirements of the law on data protection, and will not disclose your personal information.

Thereafter, enter the data requested by the site in the provided fields.

As a rule, site users are asked to provide information on what part of the funds was spent, in what year the certificate for maternity capital was received, as well as information on whether you received a lump sum payment from the funds of this state support measure.

Taking into account the years that may have passed since the receipt of the certificate, the site will independently calculate the degree.

If you have already spent money in any amount, then the remainder of the amount will be summed up with the indexation level, and you will receive a specific value equal to the balance on your maternity capital account.

This method is the fastest due to the fact that you do not need to wait some time to receive an answer to your request, and also, the majority of citizens of our country have access to the Internet, which greatly facilitates the possibility of receiving a response to the request.

How to see how much money is left on the insurance number?

If the applicant parent does not have a certificate for maternity capital with him, then a method will come to the rescue that allows you to find out the total amount of money remaining at your disposal by the insurance number.

For this a citizen must have an identity card in the form of a passport, as well as SNILS.

With these documents, the parent must appear at the branch of the Pension Fund closest to his place of residence, submitting all the documents and filling out an application, ask to find out the balance of the calculation of maternity capital.

The answer to the request will not come immediately, but after a while. The citizen chooses the method of notification independently. This can be notification by email, postal sending, SMS notification.

Also, a citizen can independently appear at the branch of the Pension Fund, where he submitted documents, and personally find out all the necessary information.

This method is rarely chosen by young parents due to the fact that it takes a certain amount of time to receive an answer, and also not all employees of the Pension Fund are ready to meet them halfway and issue information without having certificates in hand.

What can you spend money on?

Where can you spend the money left over from the total amount issued by the state to a young family as part of a state support measure?

In fact, the answer to this question lies on the surface.

In accordance with Law 256-FZ, which talks about measures of state support for young families, maternity capital can be spent for the following purposes:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • transfer of the amount to the funded part of the pension of one of the parents;
  • spend on the education of the child;
  • in addition, today legislation is considering the issue of allowing single mothers to cash out a certain amount of maternity capital.

    A family can spend in one of the above areas, regardless of which direction it has chosen in order to spend the first part of the money.


Hurry up to take advantage of such a measure of state support as maternity capital.

Legislators and political scientists predict that the family capital program will not be extended as early as 2018, which means that you have only two years left to use the funds in one of the directions proposed by the law.

Now you know how to find out your account balance, and you can calculate your capabilities and needs more clearly.

A certificate of the balance of maternity capital may be required when applying for a mortgage loan to clarify the amount of free funds that a potential client can use to pay off the initial payment. Using the family certificate for other purposes also requires obtaining this document.

Why do you need it?

For more than 10 years, a program to support families with 2 or more children has been successfully operating in Russia. The subsidy itself is provided in the form of maternity capital, the funds from which should be used to improve the welfare of the family.

The allocated funds are intended for a limited number of purposes, which is why no one gives them out. At the initial registration of the subsidy, the FIU transfers a maternal certificate to one of the parents, adoptive parents or guardians. The document itself has no material value. That is, it cannot be sold or exchanged for money.

A certificate is a document that confirms that the recipient of the subsidy has an account with a bank with public funds. The state of this account is regulated by the FIU. If it is misused, the attacker is held accountable.

The very need to obtain a certificate of the balance of funds on a personal account is associated with two factors:

  1. it is not necessary to spend all the allocated funds at one time, they can be used for various purposes without restrictions on the amount and time;
  2. from time to time, the state indexes the size of maternity capital, taking into account inflation in the country (recall that in 2020 the amount remained the same - 453,026 rubles).

A statement of the balance of funds is usually used in cases when the family has already used part of the allocated money, and now wants to use the balance to buy an apartment for a mortgage or for other needs.

The Russians usually draw up a document on the balance of funds in the following cases:

  • when registering a mortgage and using the balance as a down payment;
  • to pay off part of the existing housing loan debt;
  • to buy a share of housing under construction;
  • for building a house;
  • to pay for the education of their children or their stay in kindergarten;
  • transfer of the remaining amount to the mother's pension savings account.

Without issuing a certificate, the bank or other institutions will not even consider the application of the owner of the maternity capital. Therefore, the parent has to receive a document in which both the owner of the certificate and the balance on the personal account are registered.

Methods of obtaining

When it becomes necessary to issue a certificate of the balance of funds, the parent asks the question of where to get this document. There are several options:

  1. through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence;
  2. through EPGU;
  3. using an online calculator on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (it will not allow you to receive an official document, but you can estimate the amount for yourself).

The certificate itself can be issued to the recipient in two forms: in written or electronic format. Both of them are legally binding and are accepted by banks and other institutions as a reliable document.

Most often, citizens go to the Pension Fund for a certificate of the balance of funds. This option allows you to receive a document as soon as possible. Moreover, you can issue a certificate without personal presence. For example, the entire package of papers can be sent by mail or handed over through a representative, but he must have a power of attorney in his hands to perform such actions.

The procedure for issuing a certificate itself is quite simple.

A certificate of the balance of funds of the capital is issued directly to the person for whom this subsidy was issued. That is, if the recipient is the mother, then her name will be indicated in the field of the owner of the certificate.

To begin with, the owner of the certificate must find out what documents are needed to obtain an extract. The list of obligatory securities includes:

  • an identity document of the applicant (usually a passport);
  • copy of the maternity certificate;
  • marriage or divorce certificate (if the latter took place);
  • birth certificates for all children;
  • a document confirming the intended use of the remaining funds (it can be a loan agreement with a bank, a construction contract or a contract for the sale and purchase of residential real estate).

A power of attorney is added to this list if the application is submitted not by the owner of the subsidy, but by his representative.

If there are very few funds left on the personal account (no more than 30 rubles), then the FIU refuses to issue a certificate.

After that, it remains only to wait for a response from the FIU and come for a certificate at the appointed time for its receipt and further use.

Applicants may have another logical question: how much is the certificate done? Contacting the FIU allows you to shorten the waiting period as much as possible. Applications are considered together with a package of documents no more than 10 days after they are received. At the same time, you do not need to pay any money to an employee of the Pension Fund; on the contrary, such a requirement will be illegal.

If the certificate is issued through the portal of public services, then the duration of its formation increases. Ultimately, the client receives the document 15 to 30 days after the application was drawn up. Moreover, in this case, we are talking about electronic help in PDF format, sent by mail to your home, by e-mail or to your mobile phone.

How much is valid

The validity period of such a certificate is not specified in the document itself. In practice, banks and other institutions are usually ready to accept paper if it was issued no more than 30 calendar days ago.

If the certificate seems outdated to them, then they will have to go through the entire registration procedure again. The number of applications to the FIU for it is not legally limited.

A lawyer is ready to answer your questions.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation continues to expand electronic services for citizens, both in terms of informing them and in terms of providing public services, which make a visit to the territorial body of the PFR unnecessary.
All services and services provided by the PFR in electronic form are combined into a single portal "Electronic Services" on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at: https: //es.site.
For the convenience of citizens, the portal is structured into three sections:
1. Personal account of the insured person;
2. Personal account of the payer;
3. Electronic services without registration.
In the "Electronic services without registration" section, you can make an appointment with a specialist or order a document, including a "Certificate of the amount of maternal (family) capital". At the same time, residents of the city of Tomsk, a certificate certified in accordance with the established procedure, after 3 days must be obtained from the Office of the Pension Fund in Tomsk at the address: Tomsk, st. Gagarin, 27.
The section "Personal account of the insured person" is structured by types of services received (Pensions, Social payments, Maternity (family) capital). We remind you that access to the Personal Account of the insured person is available to citizens who have confirmed their account on the Unified Portal of Public Services.
The following services are provided for holders of a certificate for maternity capital in the Personal Account of the insured person in the section "Maternity (family) capital":
- Submit an application for the issuance of a state certificate for maternity (family) capital;
- Submit an application for the disposal of maternity (family) capital;
- Get information about the size (balance) of maternity capital;
- Order a certificate of the size (balance) of maternity capital.
Two services are currently available for residents of the Tomsk region: "Get information about the size (balance) of maternity capital" and "Order a certificate of the size (balance) of maternity capital". These services allow you to instantly receive information on the balance of maternity capital and detailed information on the exercise of the right to maternity (family) capital. At the same time, it should be canceled that the certificate is only for informational purposes and cannot be submitted as a document to state and municipal authorities, as well as other institutions and organizations to receive any services.
The services "Apply for the issuance of a state certificate for maternal (family) capital" and "Submit an application for the disposal of maternity (family) capital" operate in a pilot project and are available for residents of the following regions: Belgorod Region, Volgograd Region, Irkutsk Region, Kemerovo Region , Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurt Republic.

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