
How much will it cost to restore snills. The ability to restore snils in case of loss through the mfc. ✔ Recovery through State services

Every Russian has several documents, which are difficult to do without in everyday life. The certificate of compulsory state insurance also belongs to those. How to restore the lost SNILS in 2020?

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The presence of SNILS is required for employment, receipt of some state services, registration of various benefits.

But the certificate can be damaged or lost, like any paper document. How is the lost SNILS being restored in Russia in 2020?

What you need to know

The personal account indicated in the insurance certificate of compulsory insurance is called SNILS. By analogy, the document itself is called, which is a green card.

A document is issued to the hands of the insured person. Officials are discussing the possibility of replacing the usual with an electronic format, but for now, every citizen must have a paper certificate.

The presence of SNILS confirms that a person is insured in the state insurance system of the Russian Federation. The insurance number is individual, it is assigned once and cannot be changed during life.

Therefore, the loss of the insurance certificate does not become a reason for obtaining a new number. It is necessary to restore the document, having received its duplicate.


SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account required to establish the identity of a citizen insured in the compulsory insurance system. This is the number by which the citizen is personified by the FIU.

Since SNILS is necessary for the insured person to be presented in various situations, the issuance of a paper document is provided.

The laminated green card contains the following data:

  • a unique eleven-digit number;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • date of registration with the FIU.

On the reverse side of the document, the rules for its operation are indicated. SNILS registration is required for each employed person, a document and may come in handy.

Foreign citizens who officially work on the territory of the Russian Federation can also issue an insurance certificate.

Children's SNILS is not required, but parents and legal representatives of the child can issue it by contacting the FIU.

What is its role

On the personal account number of each individual insured person, information about the citizen is recorded throughout the entire period of employment.

The main purpose of SNILS is to accumulate data on all received insurance premiums. All this information will subsequently be taken into account when assigning a pension.

But a pension certificate is needed not only for accounting for pension savings. In practice, the scope of SNILS is much more extensive.

This document is required when registering government and receiving various services in government agencies. SNILS is required for employment. SNILS is drawn up in the FIU at the place.

If the employee is not insured by the FIU, the employer is obliged to independently issue him an insurance certificate.

The presence of SNILS allows:

  • use free medical care;
  • receive free medicines and referrals for spa treatment;
  • to issue social benefits;
  • get access to electronic portals to get state and municipal;
  • promptly execute various documents online.

Legal regulation

The normative regulation of the use of SNILS defines (as amended on 12/28/2016) "On personalized accounting ...".

Article 7 of the said law (as amended) is directly devoted to the evidence.

Each person insured with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation must receive an insurance certificate, which indicates the insurance number of the individual personal account, the date of registration and the personal data of the citizen.

A person who starts work on or concludes for the first time can receive SNILS through the insured.

An individual who independently pays insurance premiums can independently apply to the FIU to obtain a certificate.

Insurance certificates must be kept directly with the insured. If personal data change, then on the basis of an appeal to the FIU, a new certificate is issued with corrected information, but the old number is retained.

If the insurance certificate is lost, it is necessary to apply for its restoration within a month from the date of loss.

At the same time, it is allowed to contact the FIU in different ways - through the insured or independently. Within a month, the Foundation prepares a duplicate of the document.

Is it possible to restore a lost SNILS

Having discovered the loss or damage of SNILS, there is no need to panic. Although a document is required in many cases, the procedure for restoring it is not particularly difficult.

Since the insurance number is a unique numerical code assigned only once and for life, in the personalized accounting system it is tied to the identification data of the insured person.

If necessary, a duplicate of SNILS is provided. In particular, a new document is issued in situations such as:

  • a loss;
  • theft;
  • damage;
  • change of personal data.

There is no fee for issuing a duplicate SNILS. It is enough for a citizen to contact the FIU and confirm his identity.

But the process of obtaining a duplicate may differ slightly, based on who the insured person is, whether the citizen works or not.

In addition, although the regulations provide for the issuance of a new one upon identification of the applicant's identity, the FIU has the right to request additional information. In any case, the Foundation must respond to the applicant's request.

List of documents you may need

To obtain a duplicate SNILS, you will need to prepare:

  • passport required to verify identity;
  • a copy of SNILS, if any;
  • application of the established form.

To restore the insurance certificate, an application is filled out according to the established one. The filling rules are as follows:

  • the form is filled in personally by the insured person acting as the applicant;
  • filling in ADV-3 by other persons is allowed when contacting the FIU through the personnel department or an authorized person of the employer;
  • the presence of errors, blots, corrections in the application is unacceptable;
  • the document is filled in in block letters;
  • the correctness of the information entered is certified by the personal signature of the insured person;
  • if personal assurance is impossible, the application can be certified by the employer (insured), but with an indication of the reason why citizens cannot sign in person (illness, prolonged absence).

For a child

For a minor child, the insurance certificate is drawn up by the parents or.

Accordingly, the legal representatives of the child submit the necessary documents on their own behalf, since the child alone is not entitled to apply to government agencies.

If there was a loss of children's SNILS, then you will need to collect documents such as:

  • an application completed by the child's legal representative and certified by him;
  • passport of a parent or guardian (if necessary, documents confirming the legality of representing children's interests are presented);
  • copy of SNILS (if available).

If the child is already 14 years old, then he is recognized as partially capable. Namely, he has the right to sign documents, that is, he can apply for the restoration of SNILS on his own.

A child from the age of 14, as well as a person insured in the PFR on his own initiative, when contacting the PFR will only need a completed application and a Russian passport.

If the child does not have a passport, a birth certificate and a passport of one of the parents are provided.

For a pensioner

It may seem that the pensioner does not need SNILS, since the pension has already been assigned and the need to pay insurance premiums has disappeared.

But given that the insurance certificate is required when registering benefits and benefits, is used when receiving electronic government services and may be needed when contacting various government agencies, then in case of loss, the document must be restored.

There are no special differences in the procedure for issuing a duplicate for citizens of retirement age. A similar package of documents is submitted, including an application and a passport.

Often, pensioners turn to the social protection authorities when they lose their insurance certificate, since it is this agency that is authorized to provide most of the social ones.

But you need to know that the social security authorities are not entitled to issue a duplicate SNILS, since the document is issued by the FIU.

Accordingly, it is necessary to apply for the restoration of a document to the authority that originally issued the document and maintains the personalized accounting system.

Where can I issue

There are several ways to issue a new insurance certificate:

  1. Through an employer.
  2. In the FIU.

How to restore a lost SNILS to a working citizen? It is easiest for an employed citizen to recover a document.

He does not need to contact various structures, it is enough to visit the employer's HR department.

When employed, the employer certainly requires you to provide SNILS, since a personal account is required to transfer mandatory insurance premiums.

If an accepted employee does not have an insurance certificate, the employer independently applies to the FIU and registers the citizen in the personalized accounting system.

That is, the employer is the official partner of the Pension Fund. When contacting the employer, it is enough to inform about the loss of SNILS.

For example, a person lives at a considerable distance from the place of permanent registration.

In this situation, you can contact the PFR branch at the place of actual stay. The Foundation will carry out the necessary verification in the process of interdepartmental interaction.

Through the MFC

Most public services can be obtained with the help of the MFC. Including through multifunctional centers, you can submit applications to various structures and government agencies when restoring documents.

If you need to get a duplicate of SNILS, then you can contact the MFC and submit an application with a copy of your passport. If necessary, an employee of the Center will help with the correct filling of the document.

When accepting documents, an employee of the MFC will inform the date when it is necessary to appear to receive the finished document.

The accepted documents will be sent to the Pension Fund and a duplicate of the certificate will be returned in the same manner.

At the appointed time, the applicant comes to the MFC, presents his passport and receives his SNILS. However, it is worth considering that the possibility of issuing a new SNILS through the MFC does not exist in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Video: how to restore SNILS

In some regions, the issuance of a duplicate document is the prerogative of the Fund. Even in Moscow, not every MFC accepts documents for the restoration of SNILS. This circumstance can be clarified by contacting the MFC at the place of residence.

Through State Services

The State Services Portal was created to facilitate the interaction of citizens with government agencies. Through the site, you can submit applications to various government agencies, and some services can be obtained in full.

For example, you can make an appointment with a specific institution or order the production of a document with its subsequent delivery in electronic format or by mail.

But in relation to the insurance certificate, an electronic appeal has not yet been provided. This is due to the current legislation, according to which you can get SNILS:

  • personally;
  • under the list;
  • through the employer.

Sending an original or a duplicate of SNILS by mail is not legal. The State Services portal can be used only in the case when it is urgently necessary to find out the SNILS number, and the certificate itself is not at hand.

When registering on the site, the indication of SNILS is mandatory and the insurance number is indicated in the user's personal data.

If we talk about the possibility of electronic registration of an insurance certificate, then the possibility of obtaining an electronic form of SNILS exists.

You can order it on the official website of the FIU. SNILS will be sent to the applicant's email address.

But in order to obtain a plastic card, one cannot do without a personal visit to the FIU or contacting an employer.

How long does it take to wait for a duplicate

How long will it take to restore SNILS if it is lost? In accordance with legal regulations, a period of one month is stipulated for the issuance of an insurance certificate.

In reality, the timing is somewhat different. If the insured citizen independently applies to the FIU, then a duplicate can be issued in a few days.

When the employer is engaged in the restoration, from the moment the application for the restoration of SNILS is received, he has two weeks to transfer the documents to the FIU.

Another month the application is processed and then a new card will be provided.

When an appeal is made through the MFC, then several days must be added to the standard deadline, which are necessary for sending documents between the Center and the FIU.

Not all people know exactly why SNILS is needed, or are not sure of its current uselessness. Due to a careless attitude, the card can be lost, and it will have to be restored. You need to know how to restore SNILS when lost.

All citizens of the Russian Federation (including children) must be registered by the Pension Fund in the OPS system. And after registration, SNILS is issued to him in the form of a green plastic card. This document states that an account was opened for a person in a pension fund.

The certificate contains the following information:

  • Full name of the person;
  • date, place of birth;
  • insurance number;
  • the date when the registration in the GPO was made.

Often, SNILS is created when a person first gets a job. The employee will only need to fill out the applications, and the employer himself undertakes to transfer all the required documents to the FIU, and then issue a newly issued certificate to the owner. But it is allowed to issue SNILS even for a minor child.

The certificate cannot be used as a document identifying a person, but the scope of its application is quite wide, becoming even larger over time. For example:

  1. With the help of SNILS, verification is carried out on the electronic portal of public services.
  2. The document (number itself) is needed when applying for a new job. This also applies to transfers to another company.
  3. These certificates will be needed during the check, which is passed to receive various benefits for social groups of the population.
  4. Banks will always include SNILS in the list of documents for taking out a loan.

A lost document will complicate these situations, so you should treat it responsibly. And if the loss did occur, you need to make a duplicate. It is required to restore SNILS within 1 month from the date of loss.

How to recover

The document recovery algorithm is as follows:

  1. Contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund (or another place that allows you to restore SNILS).
  2. Have an original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If it is not possible to take a passport with you, then you need to have any document certifying a person on hand (if you lose your passport, you can use a temporary ID).
  3. Fill out an application in the form of ADV-3.

Note! When restoring a document, the SNILS number does not change. It is assigned 1 time, and remains unchanged until the end of life.

You can restore the document without contacting the Pension Fund office. For example, you can apply for restoration through a worker organization. There they take the finished document, having signed the required statement.

Through State Services

It is possible to reissue SNILS online. This is done by registering on the PFR website. The document will be restored in electronic form, and in order to receive the card itself, you will have to personally come to the Fund's office

Through the MFC

An additional way to recover is to come to the MFC at the registration address. You do not need to take any additional documents with you. To restore SNILS through the MFC, a passport and a completed application will be enough. After making the card, you need to come to the MFC a second time and pick up the document.

How much time to recover snaps

The official term for the restoration of a document is one calendar month. But often the process ends earlier, and the document becomes available after two or three weeks. In situations where the Pension Fund finds inconsistencies in the documents, the procedure may be delayed.

Recovery cost

Document replacement is completely free. There is no need to pay a state fee, there is no possibility of a paid but quick recovery. If you suddenly happen to be faced with such extortion, it is a fraud.

Consequences of issuing a duplicate

After the issuance of a new document, the old copy will become invalid. But both of them have the same personal account number - theoretically, you can use the old document. At a minimum, there are no fines or penalties in this regard.

Other consequences should be considered:

  1. There is no need to notify the employer about the receipt of a new SNILS if the restoration took place directly through the Pension Fund or the MFC.
  2. If a citizen changed jobs while the recovery process was taking place, then in order to get a job, it will be enough to provide the SNILS number. And the document itself should be provided after successful recovery.
  3. All actions on the personal account do not stop after the loss of the original document. All contributions will be paid as before.
  4. If a person had already activated an account in the public services portal before the loss, access to the office will not be lost, because the SNILS number will remain the same.

Note! There is no limit to the number of possible document recoveries. Also, no fines will be collected from the citizen for the repeated loss of SNILS. All repetitive procedures for making a duplicate do not change.

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SNILS is a combination of numbers assigned to each citizen. She points to his pension insurance account number. It is on this account that the employer makes contributions that make up the future pension.

The documents containing SNILS are called SSOPS. Until 2003, a slightly different form of the SSOPS was issued - the SSOPS, which is still relevant. SSOPS is a green laminated card without any distinctive features. Everything that is in it - and the name of the owner. On the reverse side of the SSOPS there is a brief summary that does not carry any information about its owner.

SNILS number - useful data. In 2017, it is being used almost anywhere. SNILS has become an almost universal electronic identifier. At the same time, the SSOPS is a practically useless document. It is needed only in order to look at the SNILS number on it and submit it for employment and in other rare situations. Therefore, cases when SNILS is lost along with SSOPS are not uncommon.

What to do if SNILS is lost?

If you have lost SNILS, then in the first place you should not panic. The consequences of losing SNILS are minimal for several reasons. The first thing to remember is that it is impossible to lose SNILS. It is assigned to you forever and will not go anywhere, and your retirement savings will not stop and will not be written off. You can only lose the SSOPS - the same card containing the SNILS. And its loss does not threaten you with anything serious.

If your SNILS was lost or stolen, then you personally are not in any danger. Firstly, the SSOPS is not considered an identity card, since it contains practically no data. Secondly, even having a SNILS number, practically nothing can be done with it without other documents. So if SNILS was lost, it was bundled with other documents, then first of all it is worth taking care of the loss of other documents.

It will not be difficult to restore the lost SNILS. This procedure is different for working citizens of the Russian Federation and for the unemployed. Citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have a permanent job and do not work in any organization according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must independently restore the SSOPS in case of loss. It is very simple to do this - it is enough to contact either the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

It is much easier to restore SNILS to a working citizen. You can simply contact the personnel department or accounting department and make a request there - the authorized employees themselves will submit a request to the PF RF and give you a duplicate.

What documents are needed to restore SNILS?

Documents on SNILS

The list of documents required to restore SNILS is very short. And it also depends on whether a citizen is working or not. If a citizen works and rebuilds his SSOPS at his workplace, then only a statement will be required from him. Large organizations with a large staff may also require identification to make it easier to find your case or for identification. But, as a rule, the entire list of documents is limited only to a statement.

If a citizen restores his SNILS personally, then in order to apply to the Pension Fund of Russia he will need any identity card with a series, number and date of issue. He will also need to write the simplest statement. Nothing else is needed - just submit these two documents to an authorized employee.

It takes from a week to two to restore SNILS and issue a duplicate SSOPS. In this case, the employer received a duplicate must be issued within a week from the date of receipt, for which the employee must sign in a separate form.

What if the loss of SNILS was discovered when applying for a job?

Quite often, it turns out that the SSOPS is remembered only for employment. This is due to the fact that in ordinary life it is practically not necessary to submit it anywhere - it is enough just to remember SNILS. Therefore, the question arises - who should restore the SSOPS, if its loss was discovered during the device to a new place of work?

If you find that your SSOPS is missing during employment, then you will have to submit an application yourself. The employer will not be able to do this for one simple reason - your SNILS number will simply not be in your personal file. Therefore, he will not be able to submit an application for the restoration of SNILS. Plus, he simply will not be able to make a request, since without SNILS employment is impossible, and, as a result, the employer will not be able to make a request for an employee who is simply not on the staff. Therefore, try to collect all documents on the start of employment or at the beginning of the probationary period - this will significantly prevent delays.

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Alexander Eremeev

Experience as a lawyer since 2005. Graduated from Moscow State Open University with honors. Private practice, specialization - migration and civil law.

If SNILS is lost, it must be restored without fail within one month. How to do it - right now.


  • What and where to do: Contact the MFC, pension fund or your employer (depending on the case, details below)
  • Required documents: passport and application (Read important details below)
  • Price issue: Free
  • Terms: up to 30 days

One of the main documents that belongs to every citizen, regardless of his age and legal capacity, is SNILS. It is an individual account that records not only pension contributions throughout the entire working life, but also all the necessary information about the length of service. It is he who will be needed when applying for a pension.

The combination consists of 11 numbers, and these numbers do not change throughout a person's life and are unique. The rule is triggered: for one citizen - one unique number SNILS accounts. Along with the main purpose related to pension contributions, the document will also be needed in the following cases:

  1. If you create your personal account on the State Services portal in order to receive various certificates, extracts, pay fees, then it will be needed to identify the user - i.e. along with passport data, this unique combination allows you to identify a specific citizen.
  2. It is necessary for registration and receipt of UEC - a universal electronic card.
  3. When employed, the provision of SNILS is mandatory, since the employer must receive an account to which he will send pension contributions.
  4. Along with a pension, in many cases, citizens receive certain benefits - for example, for the loss of a breadwinner.
  5. Finally, in some cases, the document comes in handy when contacting government agencies or private organizations (for example, when applying for a loan).

Thus, if SNILS is lost, it must be restored without fail, and how to do it right now.

Recovery methods

Restores and issues SNILS exclusively by the Pension Fund... However, you can contact 2 departments:

  1. In the very branch of the fund.
  2. To the MFC branch - as a rule, this allows you to significantly save the waiting time in the queue, but in general it slightly increases the time for making a duplicate (by 1-2 working days).

In general you only need to take your passport and application with you, the form of which is issued by representatives of the organization. However, a person does not always have to personally contact this department. There are several recovery options:

  1. If a citizen is an adult and is officially employed, he applies to the personnel department, writes a statement, after which the document is restored by the employer and hands it over to the employee. In this case, the employer sends a copy of the employee's passport, his application, as well as an inventory of these documents.
  2. An adult capable unemployed or self-employed citizen is personally involved in the restoration of SNILS - in this case, he will only need a passport.
  3. If it is lost by an incapacitated citizen of any age, guardians or legal representatives are engaged in the restoration - you will need a certificate of guardianship, a guardian's passport and a passport of the ward.
  4. In case of loss to a minor, the situation depends on how old he is:
  • up to 14 years old - parents restore (you will need a parent's passport and a child's birth certificate);
  • from 14 to 18 years old - the child recovers on his own, for which only his passport is needed.

NOTE. You can also restore it through your authorized representative - for this you need to draw up a power of attorney, which must be signed by a notary. The trustee takes his passport and power of attorney.

Thus, the possibility of restoring SNILS online is not provided - in any case, you will have to contact the Pension Fund office through your employer, legal representative or in person.

Procedure and terms of restoration

In general restoration period does not exceed 1 calendar month regardless of how you apply to the Pension Fund - in person, through a representative by proxy or with the help of your employer. The countdown of the period begins from the working day, which follows the day of circulation. By this time, you can add the term for sending the request from the employer and the finished document in the opposite direction, as well as 1-2 business days if you submit an application through the MFC.

It is issued in exactly the same way as the application for its restoration was submitted:

  1. SNILS is sent to the employer, who issues it to the employee under a personal signature. Then the employer sends the corresponding report to the Pension Fund.
  2. Issued personally to an unemployed (or officially unemployed citizen) who comes to the Pension Fund after 30 calendar days.
  3. It is handed over to the legal representative of a child under 14 years old (even if at the time of manufacture he was 14 years old) or to a guardian who also comes to the branch of the Pension Fund where the citizen applied.

As for the cost, the procedure getting and restoring is completely free therefore, no agency or the employer itself has the right to charge any fee. Even if it was lost repeatedly and too often, the state still manufactures it at its own expense.

NOTE. In some cases, when an emergency recovery is needed, citizens turn to private companies that provide such services for a fee. It should be understood that in this case the citizen takes responsibility for the result, since the legislation does not provide for such a possibility of restoration.

Frequently asked Questions

The answers to the most common ones are given below.

Is the employer obliged to restore the document

Yes, it is the employer's responsibility. But only in those cases when it comes to official employment. Thus, if an employee works for an individual entrepreneur or in a private company, but does not have an employment contract, he will have to start the recovery procedure on his own.

If an employee provides services under a civil law contract, it means that he has not entered into an employment relationship with his actual employer. Hence, it also goes to the pension fund on its own.

Another option is if the person works part-time and is a freelance employee, but is officially employed. In this case, he himself has the right to choose which of his 2 or even 3 employers to turn to in order to write an application for reinstatement. In all cases, the company does not have the right to charge any fee (including for sending papers).

If a citizen is not in his city

Such a case does not in any way affect the procedure. Those. it remains completely free and happens in the usual way. Thus, a citizen, personally or through an employer, has the right to apply to any branch of the Pension Fund throughout the country, regardless of his permanent or temporary registration.

How best to recover - through the Pension Fund or the MFC

If there is an opportunity to choose, it is better to contact the Pension Fund, since in this case the procedure will take a little less time. On the other hand, if you contact through the MFC, then, as a rule, you will be notified by SMS or a call that a duplicate of SNILS has already been made, which is much more convenient.

Is it possible to speed up the procedure

Unfortunately, such an opportunity, as well as the procedure for ordering SNILS online, is not provided. Those. if you constantly come to the fund and expect employees to complete recovery faster, it is wrong. Nevertheless, there are informal methods, when private companies undertake restoration for a separate fee, as mentioned above.

Do I need to change SNILS when changing the full name

In this case, a change is required. The procedure is exactly the same - a person must apply to the Pension Fund within a month (in person or through an application to the employer). The issuance procedure is completely free, regardless of how many times the last name, first name or patronymic has been changed and regardless of the reasons for the changes.

Do I need to change when moving

The answer to this question is unequivocal - no. The number is assigned to a citizen throughout his life, and it is not possible and necessary to change the combination of numbers. Thus, any change in personal data (except for the full name) does not entail the obligation to replace it, even if the citizen obtains a second citizenship or temporarily leaves Russia.

After submitting the application, it was necessary to leave the city

In this case, there are 3 options:

  1. You can issue a power of attorney in advance for any adult capable citizen who will receive it instead of the applicant.
  2. You can pick up the document upon return, since in theory the paper can be stored in the Pension Fund for as long as you like. However, in practice it is better to check with the agency representatives in advance how long they have been waiting for the applicant.
  3. Finally, you can contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund and request that the document be sent. This possibility does not always exist, therefore, the procedure should be clarified with the representatives of the department.

Receiving SNILS by military personnel

In this case, the procedure is greatly simplified, since a soldier (on a contract or on urgent service) only needs to contact his military unit, which is obliged to submit his application to the Pension Fund, from where he will go into the hands of the applicant in a month.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the SNILS of a citizen is not just a document required for calculating a pension, but also for cases of receiving various benefits and social subsidies; without it, one cannot register on the website of the unified state services, and it is mandatory for getting a job.

This plastic is often lost, it can be forgotten, and in such cases it is necessary to restore the lost document as soon as possible.

What to do if the plastic insurance certificate of the pension fund is lost?

The insurance number of an individual personal account specified in this certificate is assigned to each person once for a lifetime and cannot be transferred to another person. It is designed as a light green plastic laminated card. It contains the surname, name, patronymic of the insured person, his date and place of birth, a number consisting of 11 digits, on the back you can find the rules for using, storing and replacing this card.

Insurance number of an individual personal account

All citizens officially settled on the territory of the Russian Federation, even citizens of other states and countries, receive SNILS. This plastic can be restored in a short time, and the procedure itself is free and simple. Since it makes it possible to access pension savings and is necessary when contacting a number of organizations and companies, it should not be delayed with the production of a duplicate.

The sequence of steps depends on the type of activity you are doing. All citizens who are officially employed, to restore the plastic of SNILS, must contact the personnel department at the place of employment, and individuals engaged in private practice, individual entrepreneurs, apply personally to the pension fund department at the place of registration.

The interests of citizens under the age of 14 are represented by their parents or legal representatives. They should go to the PF branch at the place of registration of the child. The data indicated in the card must fully correspond to the data of the passport, therefore, when personal data changes, the PF plastic changes along with them.

How and where can I restore a SNILS document

If a citizen is employed, then it will be easy to restore the certificate. You need to contact the HR department, or directly to your manager or accountant if the company is small. You will be given special forms to fill out your personal and contact information. The completed forms are transferred to the Pension Fund, which draws up an official request for the production and delivery of the certificate.

Average production time is 2 to 4 weeks. You can get a ready-made duplicate at work, but you must provide and show your passport of the Russian Federation.

    If you are unemployed / informally employed. In this case, you need a personal appeal to the PF department for registration. You must have a Russian passport with you. If you have changed your place of residence, you can also contact other offices. There you will be given a form to fill out. You can also receive a ready-made certificate after production after 2-4 weeks.

SNILS is lost by a child

The entire package of documents is handed over to the employee of the Pension Fund. After making a duplicate, the employer must hand the plastic into the hands of the employee against signature in the statement within 1 week. The statement is returned back to the Pension Fund.

If the manager does not have extra free time, the entire package of documents can be sent for consideration by registered mail. With the help of the notification, you will learn that the SSOPS is ready and you can pick it up.

In addition to the Pension Fund, multifunctional centers are also involved in the issuance and restoration of insurance plastic certificates, which receive a large number of applications every day. To get a duplicate, you also need:

  • apply to such a center, having a PF passport in your hands;
  • fill in all required forms and documents;
  • wait until the duplicate is made and delivered to the MFC;
  • come to the issuance of a ready-made duplicate with a passport.

Restoration of the lost SNILS through the portal of unified state services

Unfortunately, with the help of a single portal of public services, it is impossible to restore SNILS without contacting the employer or the PFR department. This service is still not available to users. This was done in order to protect the personal information of citizens from intruders.

In the future, it is planned to launch a new format in Russia: unified universal documents, which is not found anywhere else in the world. We can assume that SNILS is testing a system for using universal documents that will open up great opportunities for management and use by owners.

The loss of a plastic certificate with the insurance number of an individual personal account is undoubtedly a nuisance, but if you act quickly, no troubles will follow. In fact, owning another person's SOSOPS, you can temporarily impersonate him, because there is no photograph on the document, and attackers sometimes use it. But since the restoration of plastic is a fairly quick procedure that does not require payment of state fees and additional commissions, this situation can be avoided. You will need to fill out just a few forms and submit an identity document, and after 14-28 days you will receive the finished plastic at the branch where the application was submitted.

How to restore SNILS, see the following video:

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How to restore SNILS when lost

A green plastic card, which confirms registration with the Pension Fund, is needed today in very many situations: in banks, at the labor exchange, when applying for a job, paying benefits, etc. It is also a future “universal card”, which they plan to provide first to Muscovites, and then to other Russians. Holders of this card usually take care of it, but in life anything happens. An important document can be lost, stolen along with a wallet, damaged - in a word, somehow lost. What to do in such cases? We restore SNILS without unnecessary problems and nerves.

New number or new card?

The SNILS number is assigned to a citizen only once - upon the first application for registration to the Pension Insurance Fund. This number is attached to the person for life or until the change of citizenship. The card on which the code is given to the hands of the payer of pension contributions is only evidence of this fact.

SNILS lost by an employee

This is the easiest option to return the document, since the law imposes on the employer the obligation to issue SNILS to the employees in case of his absence. An employee could not officially work without SNILS: either the card was provided upon employment, or it was made at the initiative of the employer in the first working month.

What does an employee need to do?

  1. Contact the HR department of the employer (in small organizations, its functions are often performed by the accounting department).
  2. Fill out the ADV-3 application form, in which you ask the employer to issue a duplicate SNILS instead of the lost one. The employer has the right to fill out the form, but the applicant's signature must be in his own hand.
  3. Attach a copy of your passport to your application.
  4. After a few weeks, receive a duplicate copy and sign the appropriate statement.

The employer will hand over to the employee a duplicate of SNILS no later than a week after it is made and delivered. The production time may vary, usually about 2 weeks. The maximum regulation allotted for this by law is 3 weeks, so that at the latest in a month, the employee will be holding his SNILS in his hands.

Employer's actions

He has a direct road to the Pension Fund.

Having received from an employee a statement of loss and a request to restore SNILS, before sending it to the address, you need to try to restore the cherished numbers. This can be done in a number of ways.

  1. In the personal files of employees, copies of their SNILS should be kept. Attach a copy to your ID and application.
  2. If a copy of SNILS has not survived or is lost from a personal file, you can try to find the number in other documents, for example, reports, pension declarations, etc. Perhaps it was recorded somewhere by the employee himself or he remembers it. If the desired sequence of numbers, no matter in what medium, was at your disposal, enter it in the application.
  3. If the numbers are lost, as it seems, irretrievably, the employer has to submit a request to the Pension Fund.
  4. Sometimes it can be simpler than a request to submit an application for registration of SNILS as if for the first time. Of course, a refusal will come from the Pension Fund, the basis for which will be the already existing number indicated in the text of the official refusal. After that, the received number can be safely entered into the form for ordering a duplicate card.
  5. The same scheme can be applied if the employee came to find a job with the already lost SNILS.

The employer takes or sends by registered mail to the branch of the Pension Fund the following papers:

  • ADV-3 form, necessarily signed by the employee;
  • copy of the identity card of the owner of SNILS;
  • an inventory of the documents to be sent, made according to the ADV-6-1 form.

When the duplicate is ready, a representative of the Pension Fund will contact the employer. All that remains is to receive the coveted card and issue it to the employee, and then send the signed statement back to the Pension Fund.

SNILS lost by the unemployed or individual entrepreneur

If you are not currently officially employed, in order to return SNILS to yourself, you will have to contact the Pension Fund in person. Any branch of the PFR can be chosen - registration does not matter for SNILS, just like the place where the card was issued for the first time. Bring your passport with you - proof of identity is required.

The department will offer you to fill out a standard form ADV-3, which will be sent to the central department of the Pension Fund to order a duplicate of SNILS.

To receive it, you must personally appear at the Pension Fund after 2-3 weeks, proving your identity with a passport.

IMPORTANT! The procedure will be exactly the same for individual entrepreneurs who are legally “their own employers”.

SNILS lost the child

Under 14 years old

If you ordered SNILS for your son or daughter before they turned 14, and he was lost, you can always restore it. To do this, parents or other legal representatives of the child (one person is enough) must come to the PFR department with their passport and baby's birth certificate. The presence of the child himself is not necessary for this procedure.

14 years and older

A teenage child who already has a passport and SNILS card, in this regard, has all the rights of an adult and must act completely according to the "adult" procedure:

  • a visit to the Pension Fund with your passport;
  • filling out a loss form;
  • after the allotted time - getting a duplicate.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The law does not insist on the mandatory presence of parents when a teenager visits a PFR department and takes actions aimed at restoring SNILS.

SNILS stolen

It happens that the pension insurance card is in a bag or wallet that has been stolen. The victim writes a statement about the theft to the police. What about the missing document?

It is not necessary to wait for the end of the investigation. The search for stolen documents is often delayed and does not always bring results. It is better to immediately contact the Pension Fund or the employer and restore the lost card.

Price in days and in rubles

Any actions aimed at obtaining a duplicate of SNILS must be performed no later than a month from the date of its loss.

The procedure for making a duplicate is free, there is no state duty for it.

How to restore SNILS when lost?

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22 June 2017 03:35 AM

If for some reason the pension certificate was lost, then it must be restored as soon as possible. It is possible to get a duplicate of the document when visiting the Pension Fund.

SNILS is a citizen's insurance number in the pension insurance system. It is individual and cannot be transferred to another person. You can see the SNILS number on your pension certificate - a green plastic card that the Pension Fund issued to you.

Specialists of the regional branch of the Pension Fund remind that the insurance number of an individual personal account is provided to each citizen once and for all and is assigned only to him. But the "green card" itself can be lost. If such a nuisance occurs, it is easy to restore the testimony.

If you work, contact the HR department with an application for a duplicate. If you belong to the category of the self-employed population (individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), contact the Pension Fund at the place of your registration as an insurer with an application for a duplicate. Non-working citizens must apply for the restoration of the "green card" to the Pension Fund at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence.

A personal account is an account with the FIU, which is assigned to a citizen once for his entire life. When the card was lost, people had to restore it, despite the fact that the number remained unchanged. In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, SNILS is included in the list of documents that must be submitted for employment at a new workplace.

Such numbers are assigned even so that a person has the opportunity to register through government services and gain access to the online capabilities of this service. SNILS is also necessary to obtain a mother capital, apply for a loan.

If earlier SNILS number was registered to those people who became participants in the OPS system, today this number has turned into personal identification.

Thus, the personal account number has become universal and no longer denotes the fact that a person has only pension rights.

What to do if you lost SNILS

When a person loses his passport, he applies for a new one at the passport office. Having lost the compulsory medical insurance policy, he goes to the insurance company. And where to go if you lost SNILS? How to restore it, is it possible in principle, and do you need to start getting a duplicate as quickly as possible? Let's take a closer look at these issues.

What is SNILS, what is it for?

Each resident of the Russian Federation has his own insurance account, including newborns and foreigners living for a long time. He is started in the Pension Fund, and then it is according to him that they keep records of the labor pensions of Russians. The combination of letters SNILS denotes the number of this account.

In everyday life, the abbreviation SNILS usually means not the account number, but the document containing it - the certificate of compulsory pension insurance - a green card of about A6 format. It is issued in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the institution of a l / s, which is why there was a confusion in the names. Further in the article, under the abbreviation SNILS, we will mean this particular document. What is this card for?

  1. To carry out deductions for future pension in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  2. To be presented to the employer's OK for employment (the card is included in the mandatory package).
  3. To create an account on the State Services website.
  4. To contact the state office for benefits and allowances.
  5. To get a bank loan.
  6. When contacts with government agencies of different levels - to speed up the processing of the submitted application, clarify the information about the applicant by the staff.

Not only adults, but also children must have an insurance certificate from birth. The presence of this document will allow parents to issue allowances and benefits for the child, speed up the registration of the baby in a nursery, kindergarten, and then to school. It is also necessary for minors if they inherit the pension savings of their parents or when they inherit after someone from their relatives.

What threatens the loss of a document

In principle, one can live without any document for a long time, especially if there are several copies of it in stock. Moreover, if SNILS is lost, a citizen loses only the certificate itself, and not access to the account assigned to it. If a person has an official job and is not going to apply for government benefits, international visas or bank loans, it seems that there is no need to rush to recover.

But it only seems to be. As a rule, the need for borrowed funds or for applying to a state office always comes suddenly. And in such establishments, it is the original SNILS that is required, and not its photocopy. Without the original card, banks will not provide a loan, government agencies will not consider an application for a benefit, and even personnel officers will not be able to employ an applicant who is suitable in all respects.

Important! According to the law, the certificate under consideration in case of loss must be reissued within a period of up to 1 month.

In order not to delay the case in a critical situation due to the lack of necessary papers, we recommend that you start re-issuing the lost document immediately after discovering its loss. It is clear that the state station will not be able to check the date of loss of the card and impose any sanctions for non-compliance with the monthly deadline. But why incur unnecessary trouble?

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