
How to find out points for CTP insurance. Checking CBM CTP in the rca database online. Video: How to calculate the discount for accident-free driving of KBM

The “bonus-malus” coefficient (KMB) is one of the main indicators for determining the cost of a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy (OSAGO). Its application lowers the cost of insurance for careful drivers and increases it for car owners with a risky driving style. KMB is closely related to the class of insurance assigned to the driver. The rules for assigning classes and calculating KMB are spelled out in the current version of Appendix 2 of the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated September 19, 2014 N 3384-U on the size of base rates and coefficients of insurance rates.

What is MSC in OSAGO

The bonus-malus discount system changes the price of the insurance policy depending on the insurance history of a particular policyholder. The Latin word "bonus" literally translates as "good" and means a bonus, a gift.

For a year of driving without accidents that entailed insurance payments, insurers reward insured drivers with a 5% reduction in the cost of insurance for the next period. This is a bonus. And, conversely, those responsible for frequent accidents leading to payments by insurers are punished with additional charges. This is malus (from Latin "bad").

What determines the driving class

The Bank of Russia has developed special table linking the number of accidents, which required insurance payments, admitted by the driver for a year, with a numerical multiplier (“bonus-malus” coefficient). You can also get acquainted with it on the official website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA).

MTPL table for OSAGO based on PCA - discount class

The more accidents, the lower the driver's class and the higher the coefficient used to calculate insurance... In total, there are 15 insurance classes providing for the use of KMB.

For 10 years of careful driving, the driver reaches the 13th class, the highest, and OSAGO costs him 2 times cheaper, since the accumulated discount is 50%.

Upon receipt of the lowest, class "M", the price of the insurance policy is 2.45 times higher than the base rate. To return from the worst class to a factor of 1, the driver will need 5 years of accident-free driving.

How to calculate the bonus malus coefficient

How to calculate the MSC based on the PCA database? The discount or surcharge that must be applied when determining the total cost of the insurance policy is calculated by subtracting the coefficient corresponding to the class assigned to the driver from the unit and multiplying the result by 100%.

So, the MSC for the 7th grade is 0.8, and the discount is (1 - 0.8) x 100% = 20%.

Initially, the driver, in the absence of insurance history, is assigned the 3rd class, which sets the coefficient 1, the price of the insurance policy is equal to the base rate... With each accident-free year, the class assigned to the driver increases, and the KMB decreases by 5%, correspondingly increasing the discount provided by the insurer. Conversely, the class will be downgraded, and the cost of the policy will increase depending on the number of accidents that occurred last year.

HOW to correctly calculate the CMTPL CMTPL based on the PCA base? If during the year the driver did not allow a single accident that entailed an insurance payment, the initially assigned 3rd class is increased to 4th, with a KMB 0.95 and a 5% discount. In case of one accident that entailed an insurance payment, the driver's class will drop from 3rd class to 1st class, from KMB 1.55, which means that the policy will cost an inaccurate driver 55% more expensive than the standard. In case of two or more accidents, the insurance will be almost two and a half times more expensive than the base rate, because the premium will be 145%.

For an experienced driver who has a high driving class, for example, 8th, the insurance for the first accident will not increase much, since his class will only drop to 5th, and he will receive a 10% discount when concluding an insurance contract for the next year, instead of the previous one in the 8th class a discount of 25%.

Checking the KBM of drivers in the OSAGO database

How to check the driver's KBM using the PCA database online? To check the Bonus Malus RSA coefficient online, you need to visit the official website of the RSA, there it is enough to enter the series and number of the driver's license (VU), as well as the personal data of the driver: last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. You will also need to enter the date of conclusion of the OSAGO agreement.

The service is free and is valid for drivers who are citizens of the Russian Federation... You will first need to confirm your consent to the processing of the provided personal data by ticking the corresponding line.

Many insurance brokers on their websites, along with the online calculator for compulsory motor third party liability insurance, also offer a free check of the driver's KMB based on the PCA database.

Subtleties of application

The KMB purchased by the driver is retained when changing a car or an insurer that draws up an OSAGO contract for the next year. Since all data is recorded in a single electronic PCA database. This is especially beneficial for experienced, accurate drivers who are guaranteed to take advantage of their benefits. How to find out the class of the driver of OSAGO online is described above.

1. Introduction of changes.

When changing the driver's data entered in the MTPL policy, for example, as a result of the replacement of the VU, in order to preserve the previously assigned KMB, you need to inform your insurer about this in writing.

In accordance with clause 1.10 of the Rules for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, the insurance company, having received changes in the information specified in the OSAGO agreement, enters them into the policyholder's insurance policy, and then, no later than 5 working days, into the PCA information system.

If these changes are not made to the policy before the expiration of its validity period, the driver's KMB can be restored according to the number of the previous driver's license indicated in the new VU, in the "Special notes" field.

2. If the discount is "lost".

  • 2.1. It is important to determine at what moment and with which insurer the MSC was reset. This can be done by inquiries indicating the start dates of all insurance periods on the KMB check page on the PCA website. It's a good idea to find previous insurance policies. Even those where the driver appears among the drivers of other cars will do, if there are special marks about which class was assigned to him.
  • 2.2. Next, a complaint is drawn up and sent to the insurer who made a mistake in calculating KMB. In the absence of positive results, the complaint is duplicated in the PCA and the Central Bank of Russia, then a statement of claim is submitted to the court.

3. OSAGO with and without limitation of the circle of persons admitted to management.

  • 3.1. If the car is driven by a limited number of drivers, the general MTPL for concluding an OSAGO agreement is determined by the driver with the lowest insurance class. But in the automated information base of the PCA for the drivers listed in the insurance policy, the insurance classes individually assigned to them with the corresponding KMB are saved.
  • 3.2. If driving is allowed to an unlimited number of persons, the insurance class is assigned to the owner of the car specified in the OSAGO contract.
  • 3.3. If the owner of the vehicle changes the previous policy without limiting the number of drivers, for a new one with a limitation, and at the same time was not the culprit of accidents in the previous period, the insurance company assigns him a lowering MSC.

The use of a rating system of discounts / surcharges with the assignment of an insurance class to drivers that determines the coefficient for calculating the cost of the insurance premium when issuing OSAGO allows insurance companies to reduce their risks when working with drivers who often get into accidents due to inexperience or aggressive driving style. Experienced and accurate drivers can take advantage of the favorable insurance rate.

On the site, you can check the driver's KBM using the AIS RSA base for the subsequent execution of the OSAGO contract. In addition, according to the PCA database, you can check the OSAGO policy for authenticity.

Click the button below to open the PCA database.

MSC check is carried out online according to the official database of the PCA website, so MSC can be calculated around the clock and free of charge! You can look at KBM in order to know the discount on compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

Frequent question:

How to restore the KBM in the AIS RSA database? - see the procedure for restoring the link

Checking drivers by KBM

KBM is checked on the official website of the PCA, taking into account the following parameters.

  • The unique identifier of the KBM request is provided,
  • It is possible to determine the MSC of individuals and legal entities,
  • It is possible to check the KBM policy without limiting the list of drivers,
  • The program displays data on the previous OSAGO policy, shows the name of the insurance company, as well as the current number of losses.

To make a request for KBM online, you need to enter the data in the KBM verification form:

  • select the number of drivers to check their KBM (no more than 4 at a time);
  • specify the date to be checked. To check the current odds, select the appropriate date. To determine the discount for the future policy, indicate the day following the end of this OSAGO agreement;
  • enter your full name, separated by a space, without registering (for example, "Petrov Petr Petrovich");
  • indicate the date of birth;
  • indicate the series of driver's license without registering;
  • enter the VU number;
  • press the button "show KBM";
  • write down the KBM that appears at the bottom of the form.

What is MTPL in OSAGO insurance?

What is CBM OSAGO? Bonus Malus Coefficient (MTPL) is a state-established CMTPL discount for driving without accidents, which is determined by the corresponding MTPL class for MTPL. The calculation of MTPL depends on the amount of insurance payments of the previous year and allows you to significantly save money when buying an OSAGO policy. You can get the CBM coefficient of the driver specified in the OSAGO right here on the website and even without registration. The number of requests for calculating the KBM is not limited.

Features of calculating the discount for OSAGO

Selling OSAGO, the insurance company takes data on the MSC in the national automated database AIS RSA, owned by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. If the necessary information is not available in the system, the insurance is calculated with the initial value of the "bonus-malus" equal to 1. The class of the driver (vehicle owner) is determined once during the validity of the annual insurance. This means that in case of payments through the fault of the owner of the car, the MSC increases only when the next contract is drawn up.

When the insurance policy limits the list of allowed persons, the driver who is counting on the discount is obliged to appear in the contract from the very beginning of its validity. If a person has been added to an already valid OSAGO policy, then next year MSC for an incomplete period is not taken into account for him.

The driver receives the bonus-malus coefficient based on the accident rate of his driving under the previous OSAGO agreement, from the end of which no more than a year has passed. If there is no insurance history, the base MSC is taken into account equal to 1. The discount accumulated by the driver is retained by him when the insurance is extended in any insurance company. The driver (or the owner of the vehicle) receives a discount when the previous “accident-free” OSAGO is completed by the entry into force of the new contract.

Check KBM size

Are KBM checked against the AIS database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers? Since 2013, without checking the MSC on the PCA database, it is impossible to obtain an OSAGO policy. In order to correctly check the MSC, to correctly determine the MSC class for OSAGO, it is imperative to indicate in the AIS request the date that follows the end date valid CTP policy.

RSA - Russian Union of Auto Insurers

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers (aka RSA) is a professional non-profit association of all domestic insurers of OSAGO based on the principle of compulsory membership. The purpose of this organization is to ensure mutual cooperation of all auto insurance companies for the formation of general principles of professional activity in compulsory insurance. The concept of the MSC coefficient and its application in the calculation of the motor third party liability insurance for OSAGO dates back to 2003. The RSA electronic database for OSAGO includes data on car insurance since the beginning of 2011.

You can find out KBM on the PCA base in a specialized form above. The check is carried out on the basis of the PCA official website. KBM will be calculated strictly on the specified date!

New opportunities:
Buy OSAGO online - registration and payment of the policy via the Internet.

Additional service:
Download a car sale and purchase agreement - a sample and a standard form of monetary policy.
Check the technical inspection on the EAISTO database online.
MTPL calculator online - calculating the cost of the policy.

Ask questions and you can write a comment / review about the official KBM service in the comments window, which is located below.

Today, the base of insurers allows you to check OSAGO in different ways: by the policy number, by the car number, etc. And vice versa - by the insurance number, for example, you can find out the car number. There are three test options in total:

Attention, the last weeks of the verification forms are working very slowly, they are not loaded the first time. This is a problem on the PCA side. If you want, you can try to upload the verification forms separately on their website: one, two, three, respectively.

1. Checking the status of the form by its number. Check the paper or electronic CTP policy against the AIS RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) database and find out its validity period below.

This form is for checking both paper policies and electronic policies of the XXX series purchased over the Internet! Usually, electronic insurance gets into the database immediately after registration, but sometimes, due to the workload of the database, it can take several days. The correct status for valid insurance is "is with the insured" (but if immediately after the purchase the status is still "with the insurer", then this may be normal - the agent might not have time to make changes to the database, wait a couple of days and only then sound the alarm) ... Definitely "bad statuses" of the CMTPL policy are "expired" (why exactly it became invalid, you can see in more detail on the check below) or "lost". The status "printed by the manufacturer" means that such a form has not even been handed over to the insurer.

Such a check does not give 100% certainty that you have a valid policy (after all, scammers could have made a "duplicate" of this form), but it allows you to reject obvious forgeries and stolen forms. But in order to exclude "duplicates" you need to check which car is insured according to your policy ...

2. Find out which car is insured according to a certain form. In addition to the state number, VIN code or body number, in the results you can find out a more detailed status of the form, for example, why the insurance does not work (they could have terminated the contract early or the insurance policy could have been lost):

3. Find out the number of the OSAGO policy by state number, VIN or body number + check if the driver is included in the insurance... This check is the opposite of the previous one, here, according to the data of the car, you will find out in which insurance company it is insured, the policy number and its type (limited or unlimited). VIN check is the most complete. It is searched for by state number only if this information was provided by the insurer (they do not always do this).

If the insurance has a limited list of drivers, the system will offer to check by the number and series of the driver's license whether a certain driver is included in the insurance (this option appears in the second step after).

If you recently entered someone into your MTPL policy or made other changes to the data, then according to the standards, insurance companies are obliged to make changes to the PCA database within 5 days. Therefore, do not be alarmed if after a couple of days the changes have not yet been displayed in the AIS RSA database.

The last check is also useful for checking a used car before buying. After all, the presence of two simultaneously valid OSAGO policies on one VIN-number (or license plate) can be a "ringing" that the car is a "double". In this case, I also recommend (in this case, it is a bad sign that the car regularly undergoes MOT in one region, then in another).

4. Assistance of an auto lawyer on OSAGO issues:
If you are faced with the fact that your policy is fake, judging by the database, or you have other legal questions related to OSAGO, then you can get a free lawyer's answer in the form below.

Check out the form of the electronic resource of the Union of Auto Insurers, with the help of which you can check your K bm online using the AIS RSA database (hereinafter -). This opportunity is available to users at any time and car owners should check the KBM on this site, and not try to use various unofficial access, since the information here is complete and accurate.

During the check, the user receives information not only about the current value of the MSC, but also about the source of information (in which insurance, and on which policy, the coefficient was calculated). In addition, the PCA database allows you to check the CTP policy for authenticity.

Please note that the request is sent directly to the PCA database for any date that interests the user.

This point is very important because:

  • At the time of the conclusion of a new car insurance contract, the bonus-malus coefficient will be determined on the date of the newly issued OSAGO policy. It changes the next day after the current policy expired.
  • In the case when a car driver is entered into several insurance policies at once, a new car insurance is issued taking into account the information from the last expired policy.

These moments also affect the fact that on different days the value of the coefficient may be different. This should not be forgotten.

In the form below, you can find the KBM on the PCA base.

How is the MSC check of car owners performed?

As a rule, check of MSC has the following features:

  • The user is provided with the KBM request identifier (unique);
  • The indicator can be determined for both legal entities and individuals;
  • It is possible to check the coefficient for a policy with an unlimited number of drivers;
  • The program displays information on the previous car insurance policy, which indicates the name of the insurance and the state of current losses.

It is quite easy to make an MSC request online. To do this, you need to enter your own data in the verification form, namely:

  • select the number of drivers whose given coefficient will be checked by the service (no more than 4 people can be checked simultaneously).
  • indicate the date of interest of the check (the current coefficient is checked on the corresponding date). To find out the coefficient for a newly concluded OSAGO agreement, you need to indicate the date following the day of expiration of the previous policy.
  • Enter your full name without registering (for example, Matveev Matvey Matveevich).
  • Enter date of birth information.
  • Specify auto-authentication data (case insensitive).
  • Press the "Search" key.

After that, the information you are interested in (KBm) will appear at the bottom of the page, which should be written down.

Please note that the value of this coefficient is calculated exclusively for the date specified in the request.

Calculation of the CMTPL discount: features

When concluding a car insurance contract, the car owner must know that the insurance manager receives information about the MSC from the AIS RSA database.

In the event that the necessary information is not available in the system, the price of the insurance policy will be calculated taking into account K bm = 1. Regarding the class of the car driver, it must be said that it is determined once for the entire period for which the car insurance contract is concluded (1 year). From this it follows that payments made through the fault of the vehicle owner, the coefficient increases only in the process of drawing up the next insurance contract.

If the car owner plans to conclude an OSAGO agreement with a limitation on the number of persons allowed to drive the vehicle, then the driver who expects to receive a discount must appear in this agreement from the beginning of its validity period. If the driver was added to an already valid insurance policy, then next year K bm is not taken into account for him (for an incomplete period).

It is important to understand that the driver is assigned a coefficient based on his accident-free driving under the previous car insurance contract, from the expiration of which it took no more than 1 year.

In the case when the driver's insurance history is absent, in the calculation of the policy price, KBM = 1 is taken. At the same time, the discount accumulated by the driver, as a reward for accident-free driving, remains with him regardless of which insurance company he will issue the next car insurance with.

The car driver / owner of the vehicle can only if at the time of the entry into force of the new OSAGO contract, the previous "accident-free" one has already been completed.

How to calculate yourself how K bm should be?

There are cases when the PCA database contains inaccurate information and the MSC will be indicated more than a person actually should. As a rule, this is due to the fault of the employees of the previous insurance company, who enter the wrong values ​​of "bonus-malus" into the database when registering a car insurance.

Please note that the “class” and “KBM” of the driver are practically the same. Therefore, the class can now find out the coefficient, as well as perform the reverse operation.

You can check your Kbm using the table below. Here the starting grade is 3.

Table Кбм - determination of the discount for OSAGO:

Let's assume that the user insured his car on 11/15/2016. During the insurance year, it has a certain coefficient and class (these values ​​do not change throughout the year). These indicators will be when checking the CMTPL online. If, for example, now the car driver has class 7 and KBM = 0.8, then in order to find out these parameters for the future car insurance policy, you need:

1. Watch the 7th line (grade 7 and K bm = 0.8). Then, depending on the number of insured events (see the last five columns) in this insurance year, you can find out your class in the future. For a specific example (current class 7) for the next year, the class is set:

  • 8 - if there were no insured events;
  • 4 - if there was one insured event;
  • 2 - if there are 2 insured events during the year;
  • "M" (lower class) - in 3 or more cases.

2. Return to the first two columns, where the MSC for the next year is determined in accordance with the new class.

In order not to look for indicators in the table every time, you can use a simple rule: with trouble-free driving of the vehicle, the bonus-malus coefficient for the driver will decrease by 0.05 annually, decreasing accordingly.

In conclusion, we additionally draw the attention of all car owners to the fact that representatives of insurance companies quite often make mistakes in the process of adding MSC to the unified PCA database. It is advisable to independently check this indicator and, if necessary, contact the insurance company for.

When calculating the cost of an OSAGO insurance policy, a separate place is given to such an indicator as KBM (bonus-malus coefficient). We will tell you about all the nuances of its definition in this article.

KBM enables the driver to receive a certain discount for trouble-free driving. Every year, accident-free driving increases the amount of the discount and, as a result, reduces the cost of the policy for a particular driver.

What is KBM in the CMTPL policy?

Under KBM (bonus-malus coefficient) it is customary to understand the discount on compulsory motor third party liability regulated by the state for the fact that he drove a vehicle (vehicle) without accidents. The amount of such a discount is determined for a motor vehicle by the corresponding MSC class.

The calculation of the MSC coefficient depends on the volume of insurance payments of the previous insurance period (1 year) and allows the driver to save money when buying an OSAGO policy.

You can get information about the MSC coefficient for the driver specified in the OSAGO policy here on the website (you will not need to go through the registration procedure).

Please note that the number of requests regarding the calculation of MSC is not limited in any way.

What is KBM for?

The KBM coefficient is an important indicator that must be taken into account in order to correctly calculate the cost of the CTP policy. Together with "bonus-malus", such a concept as a class of a car driver is used.

Each class of drivers has its own MSC. At the same time, a car driver who is applying for an OSAGO policy for the first time is assigned (by default) class 3 with KBM = 1.

In subsequent periods, the coefficient is calculated in accordance with the table below.

Pay attention to the following nuances:

  • In the case when a particular driver did not become the culprit of an accident within a whole year (the period for which the OSAGO policy was issued), his MSC decreases, and the class increases by one.
  • In the event that, through the fault of the driver, one / several accidents occurred, for which the insurance company was forced to make payments to other participants in the accidents, his MSC, and with it the cost of the policy, increases. At the same time, the driver's class is reduced.

The final cost of insurance (taking into account MSC and other factors) can be determined using a special MTPL calculator.

Check KBM online on the PCA database - Russian Union of Auto Insurers

A few years ago, insurers used their own archives to store KBM values. So the driver who made the decision to use the services of another insurance company to obtain a car insurance was forced to receive a special certificate from the previous insurer.

Now there is a unified database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA), which contains all the available MSC coefficients.

At the same time, PCA is a professional non-profit association (based on the principle of compulsory membership) of all OSAGO insurers in our state. The purpose of creating this structure was to ensure mutual comfortable cooperation of all auto insurance companies, which is aimed at forming common professional principles in such a field as compulsory insurance.

The term "bonus-malus coefficient (BMC)" itself and its use in calculating the price of car insurance policies arose in 2003. The maintenance of the national electronic database of the RSA on OSAGO began later, and includes information on vehicle insurance, starting from 2011.

In order to correctly check the MTP class for OSAGO, it is important to accurately draw up an AIS request. In the request itself, you should indicate the date that comes after the end date of the current policy.

How to check a driver by KBM

The verification itself is carried out on the official PCA resource, which provides users with the following capabilities:

  • Get a unique identifier for the KBM request;
  • Check the KBM policy without any restrictions on the list of drivers;
  • Determine the MSC, both for legal entities and individuals.

In addition, the program contains information regarding the previous insurance policy, indicating the name of the insurance company where it was issued, as well as the number of losses at the moment.

In order to make a request for MSC online, you need to enter information in a special form that was created to check MSC. By going to the next page (http://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/kbm.htm) or the form, any driver has the opportunity to check the KBM database on the PCA official website.

To do this, you will need to enter the following information:

  1. Full name of the driver;
  2. Date of birth;
  3. The series and number of the driver's license. It is important here that the condition is met: the letters (if any) must be entered in English.
  4. The date from which it is supposed to conclude a car insurance contract (you can enter the current date);
  5. Verification code.

Now you can click "Search", after which the user is taken to the page, where the real value of the KBM that this driver has in the PCA database will be indicated.

In the case when the obtained coefficient coincides with the value that was calculated theoretically, no questions should arise. If there are discrepancies and the check of the MSC discount on the base in the PCA did not coincide with the expected value, additional actions will be required to restore the MSC.

Please note that the KBM indicator will be calculated strictly on the date specified by the user.

MTPL discounts: calculation features

An insurance company, selling an OSAGO policy, receives information about the MSC in the automated nationwide base AIS RSA, which belongs to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. In the case when the necessary data is not available in the system, the initial value of "bonus-malus", equal to 1. As for the driver's class, it should be noted that it is determined once (within the framework of the annual car insurance), is taken into account in the calculation of the car liability insurance.

Thus, in case of payments due to the fault of the vehicle owner, the MSC increases only at the time of the next insurance contract.

If the car insurance policy restricts the circle of persons who are allowed to drive a car, then the driver who expects to receive a discount when registering OSAGO must appear in the insurance contract from the very beginning of the document's validity. In the event that a person has been added to an already valid policy, MSC for an incomplete period is not taken into account for him in the next year.

The driver receives his “bonus-malus” based on the accident rate of driving on the basis of the previous insurance contract (more than a year should not pass from the expiration of the contract). If there is no insurance history for this period, then MSC = 1 is taken into account. The driver / owner of the vehicle may receive a discount if, at the time of the entry into force of the new insurance contract, the previous “accident-free” OSAGO has already been completed.

How to restore KBM in the PCA database

Stage 1. Identifying errors

It is necessary to figure out where and in what the error was made in the MSC coefficient. You can find out on your own, having the data of all insurance policies or their copies. It should be borne in mind that the MSC is not indicated directly in the policies, which means that you will need to manually recalculate the cost of each of the policies.

In addition, do not forget that insurance coefficients change periodically, which means that calculations of the cost of policies for previous periods should be carried out based on those versions of "" that were valid at the time of purchase of each specific OSAGO policy.

It is advisable to start checking from the very last year.

It is advisable to compare the cost of each policy with the result obtained on a calculator every year. In this case, the error will most likely be identified in the very last period (in the current contract).

If you did not carry out such checks on the cost of OSAGO systematically, then an error (or several errors) can be detected in absolutely any period.

Stage 2. Eliminating errors

After the error is identified, you should contact the auto insurance company that made it in the process of issuing a car insurance, to restore the MSC.

Example. You have a valid policy issued by Rosgosstrakh. At the same time, it turned out that the wrong MSC coefficient was mistakenly entered into the SAR database. In this case, you need to contact Rosgosstrakh, where they will make changes to the database for free (after checking the information). In practice, the whole procedure takes 2-3 business days.

It is much more difficult to correct the mistake that was made in the previous policies (which have already expired). In this case, you need to contact the insurance company that issued the MTPL policy with an error.

For example, if the cost of an insurance policy purchased by a car owner in 2012 was calculated incorrectly, then in order to eliminate inaccuracies, you should contact the insurance company that sold you the policy in 2012. Only in this company can they correct their own mistake.

Please note that PCA itself has no right to make any changes to the database and it is pointless to contact them with this question.

A situation may arise when the driver has discovered an error and wants to correct it, but the insurance company, with which the OSAGO agreement was concluded several years ago, does not exist at the moment (liquidated, ruined, etc.).

In this case, it is impossible to restore the bonus-malus coefficient in the PCA database, since other insurance companies will not do this, and the PCA itself is not authorized.

It follows from this that it is very important to systematically check the correctness of the MSC coefficient using the PCA base, because it will not take much time, and the probability of errors will be minimized.

How to calculate MSC: table for calculating the class in 2017

Below is a table with which you can find out the KBM of any driver.

  1. Calculations should start from the line that contains class 3 (marked in red);
  2. Every year of accident-free vehicle control allows you to go down one line.
  3. In each emergency year, you need to go to the line that corresponds to the number of insurance payments.
  4. If the driver was entered into the policy within a year, then the class for him becomes equal to 3.
  5. If an open MTPL policy is applied, where the number of car drivers is not limited, then the KBM will change exclusively for the owner of the vehicle, and all other persons are considered not included in the MTPL.

It is important to remember that the above table makes it possible to have only the theoretical value of the MSC coefficient. In practice, this value may be higher, due to the fact that insurers deliberately may not enter MSC into the PCA database. This allows them to sell the policy for more than it really should be. At the same time, drivers who are not guided by the nuances of car insurance and who do not independently calculate its cost easily fall for such tricks of the insurance company employees.

It should be noted that every second car driver, when issuing a policy, is faced with the fact that he was incorrectly calculated the cost of a car insurance. From this we can conclude that errors in accounting for MSC are quite systemic in nature, and they should not be attributed to the usual oversights of managers of insurance companies.

For the correct calculation of the MSC in 2017. the following table applies:

How to save KBM in the event of an accident and not lose the discount

As mentioned above, KBM is the reduction factor with which you can save on the cost of car insurance.

It is only natural that the driver who caused the minor accident wants to maintain the discount he has earned over the years of trouble-free driving.

To understand in detail how much a car driver can lose due to insurance payments, you should consider the above table with a specific example. Suppose that Fyodor Ivanovich drove a car for 11 years and during this time he never became the culprit of an accident. In this case, his driver's class is 13, and MSC = 0.5. Fedor Ivanovich, living in Moscow and driving an Opel Corsa (75 hp) car, must pay the cost of insurance without discounts - 10,000 rubles. However, taking into account his experience of trouble-free driving, the policy will cost him only 5,000 rubles. After an accident, the cost of the next policy will increase for him to 8,000 rubles.

A one-time accident will affect the price of car insurance over the next 6 years.

One more calculation can be cited as an example:

  • The price of the policy for the next 6 years in case there was no accident:
    5,000 x 6 = 30,000 rubles.
  • The price of OSAGO for the next 6 years in the case when the driver nevertheless became the culprit of the accident:
    8,000 + 7,500 + 7,000 + 6,500 + 6,000 + 5,500 = 40,500 rubles.

As you can see, the difference between the amounts is 10,500 rubles. (taking into account that the example used a car with a rather low engine power - 75 hp), and if the engine is more powerful, then the cost of the policy will be much higher.

For example, if you just scratched another car's mirror, then you can offer the driver the amount of 1,500 - 2,000 rubles. (to remove scratches). If he agrees with such a proposal, then by paying compensation, you can save on the cost of an MTPL insurance policy in the future. In this case, you also free yourself from the need to draw up insurance documents and provide a car for inspection of existing damage.

Of course, this solution is only suitable for minor accidents with minor damage. If, through your fault, an accident occurred with significant damage to the vehicle, then it is more advisable to contact the insurance company.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is quite often possible to find mistakes that employees of insurance companies make when entering MSC coefficients into the PCA database. You should check your own coefficient yourself and contact the insurance company to make adjustments, if any are necessary.

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