
Nominal accounts: features, advantages and applications. Nominal account in Sberbank for a child when selling an apartment How to close a nominal account in Sberbank

Several years ago, the largest bank in Russia began using a new type of deposit, the appearance of which greatly simplified the service of citizens. This deposit in Sberbank was called a nominal account, which was opened for the guardian in order to credit it with government payments intended for his ward. Over time, the range of such deposits opened by the bank has expanded depending on the purpose of their use.

A nominal account with Sberbank is a special purpose deposit. Its peculiarity is that formally it has two owners - the one to whom the funds are intended (the beneficiary), and the one who has the right to dispose of them (the representative of the beneficiary).

Types of deposits

Depending on the purpose of the discovery, they are distinguished:

  • A nominal account for a guardian is opened by the Savings Bank in the name of the person who takes care of an adult who has been officially recognized as partially or completely incapacitated.
  • A nominal account opened with Sberbank for a child is intended for parents or guardians caring for minors;

Both deposits are used to transfer social government benefits to them, such as disability pensions, alimony, benefits and other payments.

  • The nominal account opened with Sberbank for the sale of an apartment is intended for real estate transactions, including with the use of a mortgage. Sberbank participates in transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments represented by an organization called Real Estate Center from Sberbank LLC (TsNS LLC). Those. on the day of signing the contracts and transferring them for legal registration, the money to pay for the acquired real estate is credited to a nominal account opened with Sberbank at TsNS LLC. And that, in turn, after the registration of the transaction, makes a transfer of money according to the details of the seller. In this case, the beneficiary of the funds placed on the deposit at the time of registration of the transaction is the buyer and their transfer takes place at his order. True, according to the reviews of those who have already had to deal with this service of Sberbank, this option is not very convenient, since there are many flaws in the proposed scheme. In addition, there is a certain subtext of imposition when trying to refuse a service.

How to check an account through Sberbank Online

Today, customers are used to tracking the movement of their funds on deposits through their personal account in the Sberbank Online application, however, the nominal deposit belongs to the category of those that are not reflected in it.

You can view the receipt and find out the balance of the account only by contacting the bank branch, or through an employee of the Call Center. Therefore, if the guardian wants to be able to check the balance and make transactions with the finances of his ward without visiting the office, he will have to draw up an additional agreement at the bank branch for the regular transfer of funds from the nominal account to any other deposit that Sberbank Online can reflect.

Conditions for opening nominal accounts for guardians, rules of use

Sberbank opens nominal deposits on the following conditions:

  • The account is valid for an indefinite period;
  • Deposit currency - rubles;
  • Replenishment - only through non-cash transfers for the maintenance of the beneficiary specified in Article 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Withdrawals - unlimited;
  • Interest rate - 3.5% per annum with interest accrued once a quarter.

Documents that Sberbank requests when opening a nominal deposit:

  • The passport of the guardian and his ward;
  • Birth certificate if the guardian is a minor;
  • Certificate that confirms the fact of guardianship.

Having received the documents, the bank draws up an agreement. It necessarily reflects the number of the deposit, the identifier of which on the bank's balance sheet as nominal are the first five digits - 40823.

With this agreement, the representative of the beneficiary will have to apply to the guardianship authorities in order to write an application of the established form for the transfer of payments to this account. Only after the adoption of such an application will the funds begin to be transferred according to the details specified in the agreement.

The account must be used in accordance with the basic rules:

  • Its purpose can be defined as strictly targeted - the enrollment of payments due to citizens under guardianship.
  • The use of funds received in nominal accounts is annually checked by the guardianship authorities - the obligatory submission of reports on the expenditure of money (with the exception of certain groups of guardians specified in the amendments made to the legislation of December 31, 2017).
  • The opening of a nominal deposit is carried out only after the conclusion of an agreement, duly executed on paper.
  • This deposit can be closed only upon application.

Expenditure by the guardian of funds from a nominal account

Previously, benefits were credited to a deposit opened with a bank directly in the name of the beneficiary, and the guardian could cash out from him every month an amount equal to the subsistence minimum.

Changes made in 2014 by Law No. 302-FZ simplified the procedure for working with such a deposit - now the guardian opens it in his own name and withdraws any amounts from it, however, by February 1 of the year following the reporting year, he is obliged to provide the guardianship authorities with a list expenses incurred.

Banks and their nominal deposits

Today, all banks can draw up nominal accounts; this kind of service is also provided by Rosselkhozbank, VTB, Sovcombank and Interkommerts. However, almost 90% of such deposits are opened precisely in Sberbank - in the bank that enjoys the greatest confidence among the population. The main reason that many lending institutions still do not use them is the inability of the software to service deposits of this type.


According to the decree of the Central Bank, banks do not have the right to refuse clients to open a nominal account if there is no good reason for this, which means that soon all banks in Russia should begin to provide services in this area.

Since 2014, there has been a special nominal account for legal representatives, social payments are transferred to it. In addition, the account is intended for the payment of alimony, disability benefits or loss of breadwinner. Guardians of a minor or incapacitated citizen of Russia have the right to dispose of funds at their own discretion. Most often, such accounts are opened in Sberbank, since it has the most branches and branches, and banking devices are found in all public places. In addition, the financial institution is highly secure and stable in the financial sector. His activities prove that the functioning of the internal system is not affected by the economic situation in the country, since for a long time he has consistently fulfilled his obligations to serve customers. Next, we will take a closer look at the nominal savings account of the guardian in Sberbank, what is it? After all, those who have recently become a guardian do not know all the intricacies of this procedure, and why it is necessary to have this account.

Previously, the legislation allowed guardians to use only a certain amount of funds that were credited to the ward's account. Its size was no more than the subsistence level. And in order to withdraw a significantly exceeding amount, the guardians had to apply to the guardianship authorities to obtain special permission. These funds can be spent on training, education, maintenance.

But, everything changed in 2014, when amendments were made to the legislation of the Russian Federation. They say that the account for calculating monthly payments is not opened in the name of the child, as it was before, but for the adult who looks after the ward. It turns out that under the new law there is no need to ask permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the disposal. However, this does not mean that you can start spending money without restrictions.

Since it is impossible to track the movement of funds on the account, the state decided to protect the incapacitated and underage citizen with the help of reports that the guardian provides to social services. This measure is due to the fact that quite often this category of citizens becomes unprotected, and they are often used for their own selfish purposes. Therefore, people who take on the duties of a trustee should be accountable for all money spent. The guardian provides government agencies with all receipts and checks, and also takes a printout of transactions from Sberbank. This service for guardians is provided free of charge.

Important. This reporting rule does not apply to some citizens. For example, proof documentation of spending is not needed from the parent or foster parent if the child has been living with them since birth.

All others submit reports every year; it must be received by the state structure no later than the first day of February.

The nominal account of the guardian is opened by Sberbank and several other Russian credit institutions. Few people understand how this process works, because in fact there are three account holders - the bank, the guardian and the ward himself. And if we consider the banking structure, then such an account is opened only for two participants in the transaction. That is, the deposit has two owners, one refers to the actual, and the other is formal.

Practice of using nominal accounts

People and banking structures have faced all sorts of difficulties because of this bill. In fact, it turned out that financial institutions could not open a nominal account for a guardian, because they did not understand what it was. At the same time, the organization understands this concept differently, where there are only two parties to the transaction. And according to the new regulations, there are three of them. Against this backdrop of confusion, guardians are faced with the problem of inability to receive benefits. Since the guardianship authorities demanded an account that was nominal, and the bank refused to open them.

The main reason for the refusal was the internal instructions of all banking organizations. In addition, banks did not have special software, which led to the fact that benefits for a minor or an incapacitated citizen were simply not transferred. The first financial institution to open a nominal account for guardians was the Rosselkhozbank. And already at the end of autumn of the same year, Sberbank began to offer such a service, a few days after the opening of such an opportunity, it bypassed all banks that work in this area.

Rules for using a nominal account

The legislation clearly states for which payments funds can be credited. This is explained in article 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, only social payments can be credited to the account - these are:

  • compensation for harm to health;
  • benefits, pensions;
  • alimony, in the event that the parents are deprived of their rights;
  • survivor benefits, for example, both legal representatives of the child died.

It is extremely important for a banking organization to know the purpose of the transfer, in the event that the organization does not understand from whom and for what the funds are coming, they are returned to the sender. For example, if funds are transferred for the maintenance and education of a child, then it is required to indicate in the payment documentation that this is alimony. If you indicate the wrong purpose of the transfer, then the recipient will not receive any payments. Sberbank closely monitors compliance with legislation.

Sberbank cannot independently control all the expenses that the guardian makes. However, in the event that the bank's system has a suspicion that the funds are spent not for their intended purpose, the customer service is terminated. In addition, the banking organization warns the legal representative of a minor or incapacitated citizen, as well as the official guardianship and guardianship authorities, if an amount that exceeds 1.4 million rubles accumulates on the balance of the nominal account. This is due to the fact that this is the amount covered by the insurance.

Important. Trustees are allowed to make transactions, receive certificates and statements from a banking institution, and account management can be transferred to third parties, and a power of attorney is required.

Features when opening

The contract can be entered into by a guardian who is in charge of children aged 14 to 18, as well as incapacitated persons in this category. An adoptive parent or one of the family members - mother or father can open a bank account.

The people under guardianship do not need to be taken to the bank branch; the whole procedure is made out without their personal presence. However, in order to open a nominal account with Sberbank, the trustee must write an application and provide the manager with a package of documentation. The agreement must indicate the personal information of the ward, as well as all information about the person who took the minor and incapacitated person into care. It should be noted that the trustee is not only an individual. An educational institution, a medical organization can act in its role. All cases are individual, therefore, before registration, it is required to clarify detailed information with the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Also, the agreement with the bank clearly states which payment transactions are provided for the guardians, they should not violate the rights of the ward. Sberbank provides for the accrual of an interest rate on the balance, it is also prescribed in the agreement. Today, Sberbank pays 3.67 percent on the funds that remained in the account during the billing period. It should be noted that the indexation of payments occurs once a quarter.

The agreement describes in detail all the rights and obligations of the parties under the agreement, and also indicates the rates at which the client is serviced. The account is opened without a specified expiration date. The trustee has the right to independently terminate the agreement with the credit institution, but at the same time, Sberbank notifies the minor and incapacitated citizen in writing about the termination of the agreement and the closure of the account.

Important. The ward has the legal right to independently terminate the contract with the financial institution. However, this is possible only if a person is recognized as completely legitimate. For example, a child has reached the age of 18, or the revocation of incapacity by a court order.

Required documentation for opening a nominal account

The bank has established a list of basic documents that must be presented by the trustee in order to open a nominal account. The guardian presents an identity document, that is, a passport. It is also necessary to present a birth certificate or other document of the person under guardianship. In addition, the bank requires a court order of execution to declare a person incapacitated or a limitation in legal capacity, where the name of the guardian is spelled out. In the event that the child is adopted, then a document from the guardianship and guardianship authorities is required. If the child is adopted or adopted, then the court decision is attached.

Sometimes the situation happens that the guardian is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, then it is necessary to present the bank with a certificate from the migration service. It must prove the legality of the presence of a foreign citizen on the territory of Russia. Also, if a person has a TIN, a document must be submitted to a credit institution.

In the event that all the supporting papers are in order, then the Sberbank employee opens a nominal account that starts with the numbers 40823. This account number is presented to government organizations that charge monthly payments.

In which banking organizations to open a nominal account for trustees

Citizens who have taken custody can open an account for transferring benefits in any bank that provides this opportunity. To date, their number has grown significantly. However, Sberbank is the leader in opening nominal accounts. This is due to the fact that most budget organizations cooperate with Sberbank, which means that payments are credited much faster. In addition, it has a huge number of branches throughout the country, which means you don't need to go somewhere, but just contact the nearest office, which is located next to your home.

A situation arises for guardians that they need to open a new nominal account, because according to the law, the amount on a savings account cannot exceed 1.4 million rubles. This is due to the fact that these funds are insured by the state in case of unforeseen circumstances. You can contact banks such as:

  1. MinBank;
  2. VTB 24;
  3. Uralsib;
  4. Rosselkhozbank.

Difficulties using nominal accounts of Sberbank

The bill was passed in order to facilitate the guardianship of people. However, the creation of nominal accounts has some drawbacks that create significant problems for citizens who are guardians of minors and disabled persons.

The most significant drawback of the program is the inability to link an account to a plastic product. In addition, you cannot view the balance on the balance through a mobile application or personal account on the official portal of the bank. The nominal account of the guardian is simply not displayed in Sberbank online, so it is simply impossible to learn about receipts remotely.

Realizing this, Sberbank meets its guardians halfway and offers additional services, for example, connecting the Green Street option. The program involves the transaction of funds from the custodian's deposit to a card or other current account. To do this, you need to draw up an appeal at the Sberbank office for the automatic transfer of funds from one to another current account. With this ability to manage payments is much easier.

It is possible to withdraw cash from a nominal account only in the office where the agreement on its registration was signed. That is, you cannot withdraw cash when traveling in Russia. In addition, it is impossible to use a payment terminal or make a purchase online.

Important. These savings accounts are not as secure as normal ones. That is, the bank does not keep confidentiality. Government structures have full access to the movement of funds on the account. For example, when the trustee is late to submit a report on his expenses on time, the guardianship authorities request details from the bank for all expenses.

Despite some shortcomings, this nominal account made life easier for guardians. After all, now you do not need to receive monthly permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities to withdraw cash that exceeds the subsistence minimum. In addition, all funds that are in the account are not subject to seizure or collection for the guardian's debts.

It happens that some parents, trustees or guardians do not have information where state payments to minors or disabled citizens are paid for the maintenance and care of them. To do this, it is necessary to clarify the situation and point to the nominal account where all types of social money transfers are credited.


The opening of this service in the bank provides for such charges as:

  • social benefits payments;
  • transfer of alimony;
  • enrollment of pensions, etc.

In this regard, the future owner has the following contractual obligations:

  • exercise a control function over the listed financial transfers and expense transactions;
  • keep records of received tranches;
  • to fully comply with the imposed tax obligations.

Working conditions

For a more detailed acquaintance with this service, we will indicate the main parameters:

  • opening is made at zero balance;
  • the only currency is the Russian ruble;
  • the annual stipulated interest rate is 3.5 percent; receiving interest every three months from the date of signing the contract.

Opening method

In each branch of Sberbank of Russia, it is possible to carry out the procedure for concluding an agreement. To obtain a nominal account, it is necessary to provide in full such documents as:

  • passport of the potential owner;
  • birth certificate of the ward (at the age of over 14 years old) or passport, if he is older;
  • an officially confirmed conclusion on granting the owner the right to dispose of social transfers made by the state to the ward;
  • document on registration with the tax office of the owner or beneficiary.

Disposal of funds

The service is opened for an unlimited period. Operations for spending accruals are carried out without restrictions. The owner should take note of several important points:

  • you should indicate in the agreement the number of another current account or bank card for the automatic transfer to them of the transferred funds credited to the nominal account;
  • only the Sberbank Contact Center can provide the owner with information about the latest transactions (the last 10 transactions are available, where you can find out about receipts and payments), this type of service cannot be traced in the Sberbank Online system;
  • if the bank does not identify the purpose of the payment, then the funds are sent back to the sender, so it is important to clearly indicate the social reason for the transfer (for example, alimony or harm to health).

Accrual of interest in case of termination of the contract

If the situation develops in such a way that it becomes necessary to terminate the contract, the actual income depends on the period during which the turnover of funds on the nominal account was carried out in accordance with the interest rate fixed by the contractual relationship.

In situations where it is necessary to control the targeted receipt of social benefits by unprotected strata of citizens, the presence of a nominal account makes it possible for a responsible person to manage funds and guarantees their intended use.

Client documents

Good to know


Checking an account through a Sberbank ATM

1 and the amount of funds will be displayed.

How to check the balance of Sberbank Savings Book?

Sberbank already now provides the opportunity to have a bank card and savings book with one current account. Before registration, check whether the mobile bank service is connected to your card or not. This service allows you to confirm transactions performed in your personal account using SMS passwords. To check the balance of your passbook, you just need to log in. There, on the main page, all your cards, accounts and deposits are displayed.

Here, in the bank, the client has the opportunity to carry out any operations: withdraw money or replenish the balance.

5 comments to the article "How to check an account on a Sberbank card"

It is immediately clear that we are talking about possible inconveniences in using the account. But Sberbank has foreseen everything and solved possible problems with monitoring the balance in advance. Are you wondering how you can check your savings bank account online? As a reminder, to start using online passbook account checks, you need to obtain a secret username and password. If you are interested in carrying out transactions related to money transfers to other accounts, then these manipulations are quite accessible! So, as you can see, checking the account online will not be difficult for Sberbank savings account holders.

Select the "Request Balance" option. You can also find out the balance of the Sberbank card at the operator's office upon presentation of your passport, but for this you will need to stand in line. Any account or card holder, whether debit or credit, can always be aware of the status of the account, check the balance and track the history of debit and credit transactions with the account. In this article we will tell you how to check the balance on the Sberbank card through the phone, although there are many different ways for this. This is a virtual personal account that opens up literally unlimited opportunities for each client to control and manage their cards and accounts.

To check your account using the Internet banking service or Sberbank Online, you must first register in this system.

I almost always check my card balance in the online account. And since I work on a computer, it's generally convenient for me.

Sberbank Online

The most popular way to find out the amount on a client's account is to check the balance using ATMs. To check the remainder, you need to insert a plastic card into the slot for receiving, usually located on the right and indicated by a light indicator.

And I prefer to check the balance of the Sberbank card via the Internet. It is very easy to do this in your Sberbank Online personal account.

A wide range of information on all your deposits and accounts is available in the personal account of Sberbank-Online @ yn users. To access the system, you must have a password and login. Get them at an ATM or terminal when you activate the Mobile Banking service (this is a prerequisite!). For security reasons, when entering data, you will receive an SMS message with a password to enter the Internet banking system.

After entering it, you will receive all the information about your account. Also, when paying for services via the Internet using a card, you need to enter one of the one-time passwords. 3. Users of the services of this bank are invited to check the status of the account on the savings book with the support of the Internet source. To do this, go to the main site of this bank in your Internet browser, then select access to the bank's services via the Internet. 1. Go to "Sberbank Online" in order to check the balance of the card via the Internet (the link is below). The entrance to the individual office is carried out by login and password. Enter the password when prompted by the site. You will be redirected to the page for creating a username and password in order to enter Sberbank Online. 1. Connect the "Mobile Bank" service. This can be done in some Sberbank terminals or at a bank branch, where you will be asked to write a statement.

Online account reservation

From the moment the number is provided, the account works for crediting funds *. In case of failure to provide documents within the specified time period, the account is canceled, the funds transferred to the account details are returned to the senders.

Often, the owners of savings books are confused about which account is opened on it - current or deposit. The current account is used for calculating salaries, pensions, making payments, receiving and sending transfers, cash withdrawals. The essence of a deposit account is that it is opened to accumulate funds and generate additional income.

The client will be able to use the online verification service only when Sberbank Online is connected. When registering, you will also need a Sberbank card. Having entered your personal account after authorization, the balance of all cards and accounts will be immediately available on the main page.

The verification procedure is approximately similar to the verification at the Sberbank ATM, with the only difference that a certain amount will be debited from your account for the verification performed.

In order to find out the status of your Sberbank savings bank via the Internet, you will need a registered personal account with Sberbank Online. The balance of money is shown in front of each account, here you can also see the history of payments and transfers. Let's consider how to check a passbook via the Internet using an alternative method. You can create a personal account and get access to it to check the balance of a savings account through self-service terminals. You can immediately replenish the card by depositing the amount through an ATM.

Many citizens are wondering how to check an account with Sberbank via the Internet. Registration and connection of a mobile phone and Sberbank online takes place at the lender's ATM. After receiving the identification data, the information becomes available to the client.

How to check a nominal account through Sberbank online

By downloading such a program to their smartphones or tablets, Sberbank clients always have the opportunity to check their balance after authorization. Also, for card accounts, an invoice clarification service is available using a telephone request. After activation, you can check any payment information via the Internet. In addition to the l / s, the user will receive a bank identifier, a correspondent account and other data necessary to complete a financial transaction. If you do not have these papers at hand, then the online system "Sberbank Online" will help you. There you give the documents to the clerk, and ask him to print out the details of your bank account, this service is free.

The largest Russian bank provides customers with the opportunity to find out the balance of a bank account, having only a mobile phone in their pocket.

Having received the identifier and password, go to the bank's website on your home computer and authorize in the system. Then there will be no need to look for an ATM receipt with passwords every time. After logging into the system, the customer will immediately see all their invoices on the home page. All monetary transactions can be viewed here.

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Sberbank nominal account

Different bank accounts are used for different purposes. Someone opens them simply in order to securely preserve their savings, others - for profit, still others - to gain access to remote non-cash payment transactions, and so on. Each person may have their own preferences here.

A nominal account that can be opened with Sberbank is a settlement product. It is ideal for social security payments. But at the same time, an interest rate has been set for it, charged on the balance, which will additionally allow you to receive income from the funds received. This is a great and pleasant benefit.

Conditions for opening and parameters of the nominal account of Sberbank

The nominal account is valid for an unlimited time - until the client closes it. Only Russian rubles can be on it. No minimum minimum balance has been established. You cannot make top-up operations with your account on your own.

Only automatic receipts of social payments intended for the benefit of a child or a citizen recognized as having limited legal capacity or incapacity, or transfers for the same purposes from other nominal accounts are allowed. You can withdraw money from your account at any time and in any amount.

The amount of income accrued on the balance is 3.67% per annum. Interest is calculated every 3 months.

Of the special conditions, it is worth highlighting the possibility of issuing a power of attorney for a nominal account opened with Sberbank for another person.

How to open a nominal account with Sberbank

To open an account for the purpose of crediting social payments, you need to go through several simple steps, namely: 1) Contact the nearest bank office and present a small set of documents (you can check its type on the Sberbank website). 2) Sign an agreement for opening a nominal account. The agreement will need to include data on both the account owner and the incompletely capable citizen. 3) Apply to the body that carries out social payments and submit an application for transferring all funds to a nominal account with Sberbank.


how to check a Sberbank account

Previously, the balance of the bank account could be clarified only during the working hours of the bank branch. To do this, it was necessary to stand in line and wait for the Sberbank employee to find the information he needed. Now any information can be obtained online. In the article we will tell you how to check a personal account with Sberbank via the Internet and what is needed for this.

Checking through the bank's website

The client will be able to use the online verification service only when Sberbank Online is connected. This service helps not only to see the balances of all accounts, but also to perform operations related to money transfers to other participants in the payment system.

It also allows you to pay for the most popular services, for example, top up your mobile balance or pay for cable or internet. In any of these cases, you need an ID and password to enter your page.

Registration in the service is available to customers with a mobile phone.

It will receive the initial password. When registering, you will also need a Sberbank card. Her data is entered into special fields.

Verification via mobile app

There are special online applications for modern portable devices with their operating systems. Each of them is freely available for download.

Having downloaded such a program to their smartphones or tablets, Sberbank clients always have the opportunity to check their balance after authorization. But the device must connect to the Internet, otherwise the program will not start.

Alternative verification methods

If there is no access to the network, but you need to find out about receipts or debits from the balance, then the balance is available when you call the bank's hotline. By calling the multichannel phone 8 800 555 55 50, the operator will specify some personal data (passport and code word), and then can provide information about the balances.

Also, for card accounts, an invoice clarification service is available using a telephone request. You will need to send an SMS to number 900 with the code:


where, instead of XXXX, you must enter your last four numbers from the plastic. The reply message will indicate the amount.

This operation can be done using USSD commands. To obtain information on the connected card, just use the code:

After that, the available balance for operations will be displayed on the phone screen.

How can I view my account with Sberbank?

Most bank card holders do not even think about the fact that their plastic is tied to the account. In fact, you do not need an account to pay for goods and services, as well as transactions by card number. But in some cases, full details are required to make a money transfer.

A plastic card number is a combination of numbers printed directly on a payment instrument. A personal account is a 20-digit banking product designed for settlement operations and storage of funds.

Several cards can be attached to the l / s. At the same time, the plastic numbers change after the reissue, and the account remains until the bank's client closes it. Also l / s can be closed by the statute of limitations. Using an account is relevant in the following cases:

  • financial transactions within one credit institution;
  • money transfers between banking institutions;
  • transactions in favor of legal entities.

Reading 7 min. Views 300

Financial institutions are constantly expanding the range of banking products. Citizens can open several types of accounts, each of which has a specific purpose. An innovation for Sberbank clients was the introduction of these social products. A nominal account with Sberbank is opened under certain circumstances, and the agreement is tripartite.

The concept of a nominal account

This term refers to a special banking product that involves three participants. The funds on the account belong to the owner, the beneficiary can manage the money, the bank exercises control over the process. The controller (Sberbank) must monitor the spending of the account holder in the interests of the second participant. The beneficiary (beneficiary) must be indicated in the agreement, but his participation during the execution of the agreement is not required. The opener of the nominal account and the recipient of funds from it are different citizens.

Regulation by law

This financial instrument became available to citizens only in 2014, based on foreign experience. A nominal account is a banking product that is subject to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Items affecting the processes of registration, accrual, payments are governed by the following legal acts:

  1. The requirements for the contract can be seen in article 860.1 part 2.
  2. Federal Law No. 43 regulates the provision of regular reporting from legal representatives.
  3. Article 37 part 1 of the civil code deals with situations that do not require the submission of reports.
  4. The list of all possible payments is regulated by Federal Law No. 43 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  5. The list of punishable and prohibited actions for trustees, guardians is displayed in the 37th article of part 2 of the Federal Law No. 48.

What benefits are paid?

Beneficiaries can receive the following types of payments through a nominal account:

  • social payments for maintenance, charged by the state;
  • child support;
  • child benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in the family, for disability, pensions for incapacitated or partially incapacitated citizens;
  • compensation for harm to health.

Conditions for a nominal account

Sberbank provides an opportunity to open this product on the following conditions:

  1. An indefinite period of use.
  2. Opens in Russian currency.
  3. Interest on the nominal deposit is calculated every three months.
  4. There is no irreducible balance, there is a capitalization option.
  5. The maximum amount of replenishment is not limited.
  6. The insured sum of the invoice is 1,400,000 rubles.

It is permissible to replenish a nominal account only from social authorities or indicate the "Purpose of payment". Opening, closing an account, receiving an extract on it and issuing a notarized power of attorney are free of charge.

Who can open a nominal account?

The owner of the deposit, who is a third party, can use the financial assets of the beneficiary. It is he who opens the account. According to legal documents, the owner of the deposit is the beneficiary, the money is intended only for him. Usually incapacitated or partially incapacitated citizens receive funds from a nominal product. The right to open a deposit belongs to parents, guardians of disabled children, trustees and legal representatives of the disabled category of citizens.

Opening a nominal account

To create this product, an authorized person should personally visit a Sberbank branch. It is impossible to open a nominal deposit through Sberbank Online and other remote methods. The account is created only by the legal representative of the beneficiary. The discoverer will need to verify identity and legal status. Usually, it is sufficient to provide three documents, including identity documents of the parties to the transaction and a decree on the appointment of guardianship.

Where should you go?

Previously, it was only possible to create a nominal deposit in banks with state support, where more than half of the assets belonged to the state. After the recent amendments to the Civil Code, it is possible to open products in any credit and financial organizations.

The nominal account of the guardian has its own characteristics when opened. Banking institutions are required to meet two prerequisites:

  1. Be a member of the Civil Contribution Insurance program.
  2. The amount of funds in the investment must not exceed 1,400,000 rubles.

Sberbank fully complies with the requirements for creating an account. Having collected a complete list of documentation, the trustee can visit any bank branch.

The procedure for opening a nominal deposit

To create this product, a mandatory personal visit to the bank branch is required - online applications are not accepted. The procedure is available without the participation of the beneficiary. The whole process includes three stages:

  1. Visit to the Sberbank office with a complete list of documentation.
  2. Signing an agreement specifying information about the parties to the transaction, rights and obligations, the procedure for managing the funds of the account holder and the beneficiary.
  3. Visit an appropriate organization that organizes social benefits for reporting the account number.

The owner can close the deposit on his own, but Sberbank is obliged to notify the beneficiary of the liquidation of the product in writing. The person under guardianship has the right to suspend the account upon reaching the age of majority or full legal capacity.

Required Documentation

The main package of papers includes the passports of the trustee, the ward or, in the case of a minor (up to 14 years old), a birth certificate. Additionally, you can provide a TIN. If the beneficiary is partially or completely incapacitated, then documents are needed recognizing this condition. If the child is adopted, then you should collect the appropriate paper from the guardianship and guardianship authorities. If a minor is adopted, a written court decision will be required.

When the legal guardian is not a Russian citizen, he will need to present a certificate from the migration service. After providing a complete list of securities, a bank employee opens a nominal account for calculating monthly payments.


One of the main features of the nominal deposit is the presence of an interest rate of 3.55% per annum. Interest is calculated every three months. If the contract is terminated, then the amount charged is taken into account for the actual period of storage of funds.

Account usage

The owner of this service can manage it until the ward comes of age or the full legal capacity of the ward is recognized. When using a deposit, you should take into account some of the nuances:

  1. When the owner's financial assets are frozen or seized, the money in the nominal account remains inviolable.
  2. Sberbank does not control spending on this product.
  3. When changing the address of residence, status, updating identity documents, it is required to report new information to the bank.
  4. The service provider has the right to issue a power of attorney to manage money.
  5. In the event of the death of the owner, the funds from the nominal deposit are not transferred to his heirs - the bank freezes the finances. The right of inheritance is reserved only for the descendants of the beneficiary.


There are several ways to transfer funds to a nominal banking product:

  • self-service devices;
  • online service;
  • bank branch;
  • application for smartphones.

When a money transfer is made through a personal login to Internet banking, you must provide full details. It is mandatory to fill in the "Purpose of payment" column, which may include the following words:

  • alimony;
  • content;
  • compensation for harm to health;
  • treatment.

A complete list of identifying phrases is available for download on the official website of Sberbank. Words can be written in any number and case. If the wording does not meet the required conditions, the payment will be canceled.

Checking credits

A feature of using a nominal deposit is the impossibility of checking financial receipts via the Internet. For the owner, there are two options to find out about transactions: dial the hotline number or visit the bank's office. Contact Center Operators will be able to provide information on the ten most recent arrivals.

Reports to the guardianship and guardianship authorities

The legal representatives of the ward are obliged to report annually to the relevant authorities. Self-preparation and submission of reports is made until February 1. The documentation form must contain information about the expenditure of funds that were charged on the nominal contribution.

The reporting should be accompanied by the relevant documents on expenditures and receipts. It is permissible to fill in the form in electronic format, except for the signatures of the parties. The form for filling out is available to download on the Sberbank website.


When using a nominal account, the parties to the transaction periodically encounter difficulties. The negative aspects of the product include:

  • you cannot view the receipt of funds by remote methods;
  • there is no binding of plastic to the account;
  • information on the nominal contribution, except for the parties to the transaction and the bank, can be obtained by the bodies making payments.

The inability to find out the balance of money on the service through the Sberbank website and the mobile application significantly complicates its use. Self-service devices are also not available for withdrawing funds and checking balances. You can withdraw money only at the office where the product was issued.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state