
Ranking of banks according to the central bank. Russian banks rating. Criteria for rating banks

Situations when one or another bank declares its bankruptcy or loses its Central Bank license, today, unfortunately, have become frequent. In most cases, this situation comes as a complete surprise to the clients of the financial institution. Citizens and organizations that cooperated with the bank do not always manage to return funds from deposits in full, and they suffer financial losses. To minimize the risk of such a situation, it is best to choose a decent financial institution. For this, special ratings of banks' reliability are drawn up. The top 5 banks include only the best in terms of stability and development prospects of the organization.

To find out which bank is the most and which is the least reliable, the following information is analyzed:

  • total monetary volume of loans issued;
  • the total amount of funds on open deposits;
  • total capital of a banking institution;
  • the presence of debt under loan agreements and their volume;
  • what is the place of the financial institution in terms of assets.

Based on the analysis of each position, a conclusion is made about how much the bank's services are in demand by the population of the capital.

On the financial portal Vyberu.ru, information on Russia as a whole is constantly updated. The reliability rating of banks is calculated taking into account the amount of funds transferred by the credit and financial institution into circulation, the ability of the bank to ensure the fulfillment of its credit and other obligations in a timely manner and in full. When comparing financial institutions with each other, the interest rate on their loan programs is taken into account.

By default, the bank's rating by assets is shown on the Select.ru page. Separately, you can analyze how financial institutions are located in terms of deposits and loans for individuals. Besides, we publish the positions of banks in the ratings of the largest international agencies.

Let's move on to how the information is presented on our financial portal. On Vyberu.ru, the rating of banks that have representative offices and regions takes into account data from leading rating agencies. Traditionally, the first lines are occupied by the same financial institutions. It is not surprising that the banks' reliability rating for 2018 slightly differs from the same rating for 2019. Changes usually take place due to the fact that a large bank loses its license or declares itself bankrupt. In addition, there may be a merger of two organizations or a takeover by one financial institution of another. It is not excluded that a bank that has just appeared immediately takes high positions in the general list in Russia. The reliability rating is compiled taking into account indicators in different areas of the bank's activities:

  • by assets,
  • on deposits for individuals,
  • on loans for individuals.
  • Moody "s,
  • Standard & Poor "s,
  • Forbes.

To view the details of each section, go to the appropriate tab on our website.

Vyberu.ru shows changes in the volume of assets, loans and deposits in rubles and percentage terms. Long-term indicators of this or that bank are published in the lists of international agencies. The bank's positions in the ratings of Moody's and S&P are expressed by a letter code, where A means solvent companies, and C - a state close to default. as asterisks, where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

How to choose the best bank

You can use the rating of Russian banks as one of the benchmarks to determine which credit and financial institution is the best to start cooperation with. At the same time, you have access not only to information about the reliability of a particular organization, but also data on how attractive its programs for loans and deposits are. In this regard, it is convenient to navigate one or more indicators.

  1. Demand for credit programs among citizens. If you are planning to borrow money, use this rating as a guide. The position of this or that financial institution means how favorable the clients consider the terms of the offered existing loans.
  2. If you are planning to open a deposit, familiarize yourself with the bank's indicators for deposits. The rating is compiled by comparing the benefits of existing programs and indicates how much clients trust the financial institution.
  3. Capital size. The Central Bank license is obtained by those banks that have a certain amount of their own funds. The size of the equity capital of the financial institution must meet the minimum indicators set by the Central Bank. If the organization has less funds, it may lose the license issued by the Central Bank.

The popularity of the bank indirectly speaks of how much citizens trust it with their funds and how often they apply for borrowed money (which means they provide the lender's income by paying interest on loans). In addition, one should not forget about how long the organization has been operating in the domestic financial market, how many branches are open in different regions of the country. In short, high popularity indicators indicate that the bank plans to work for a long time and fulfill its obligations in full.

Depending on the direction in which you want to cooperate with a particular financial institution, you can be guided by the data of the corresponding rating.

Information from open sources can play an important role in choosing a particular bank:

  • statements by experts in the media,
  • special articles dedicated to a particular product or a bank in general,
  • impressions of those who already use the services of a financial institution (both on Internet forums and acquaintances, friends, relatives).

The following information can additionally help in choosing a financial institution:

  • she has a convenient online banking full and mobile version for your tablet;
  • availability of user support (is it possible to make calls for free and around the clock);

Bank rating - assessment of objects according to the degree of compliance with different parameters. It allows you to provide objective information about the activities of the institution. It is compiled by an independent and authoritative organization, which can be played by both the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and rating agencies.

Criteria for rating banks

The most reliable banks are determined by the level of trust, which is formed today by the number:

  • of all capitals.

The indicators of liquidity and long-term creditworthiness are taken into account,.

Thanks to these indicators, it is possible to determine the financial stability of the banking structure. The higher all indicators are, the less likely it is that a bankruptcy situation will arise.

Banks rating by reliability

Cash receipts and turnover data are updated monthly. The rating of banks in terms of reliability is compiled according to the data of the Central Bank. The ability of a particular institution to fully fulfill its obligations both to individuals and to legal entities is taken into account. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation carefully checks

compliance of institutions with certain indicators.

The rating of Russian banks, compiled by the Central Bank, is considered fundamental. This body provides a unified state monetary policy. The list compiled by this structure may concern not only banks, but also NPFs, insurance companies. It is based on the indicators of financial statements and the performance of institutions.

How to independently compile a rating of the reliability of Russian banks and make the right choice?

Everyone can independently make their own rating of banks in terms of reliability. For this, it is investigated:

  • structure and reporting documents;
  • the composition of the founders;
  • ratings and reviews of other users;
  • interest rates;
  • availability of warranty coverage.

Before choosing a financial institution, focus on whether it is a member of state deposit insurance. The larger the founders, the more reliable the financial institution. pay attention to organizations with domestic capital that provide services to the largest industrial enterprises in Russia.

We offer a rating of Russian banks based on various data. With its help, you can find the most reliable financial institutions in which all the conditions for ensuring the safety of customers are met.

The Central Bank of Russia has established its own criterion for assessing the reliability of banks - the adequacy of equity capital.

Equity capital supports the stability and reliability of the bank, secures its obligations to depositors and creditors. Own funds serve as a reserve to cover the bank's liabilities. It is believed that the larger the bank's equity capital, the more reliable it is. When the amount of own funds (capital) decreases below the established minimum value, the Central Bank has the right to revoke the bank's license.

To assess the reliability of banks, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation introduced the ratio of the adequacy of its own funds (capital) N1.0. This is the main standard that, at the request of the Central Bank, all banks in Russia must comply.

The average value of the equity capital adequacy ratio is set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at 10-11%. If a commercial bank has this “reliability standard”, according to the Central Bank, becomes low, for example, less than 2%, then the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revokes its license.

Taking into account the reliability ratings of banks, Central Bank data and other parameters, you can choose the most stable and stable bank for a deposit, where to invest your money, so that they are not only kept, but also work for the future.

Name of the bank Equity capital as of 01.09.2015, million rubles
1 OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" 2 535 918,6
2 VTB Bank (PJSC) 1 105 036,8
3 Bank GPB (JSC) 619 908,4
4 JSC "Rosselkhozbank" 287 541,0
5 ALFA-BANK JSC 267 568,1
6 VTB 24 (PJSC) 246 108,2
7 PJSC Bank FC Otkritie 236 472,4
8 OJSC "Bank of Moscow" 171 366,5
9 AO UniCredit Bank 168 231,3
10 PJSC "Promsvyazbank" 155 840,2
11 Raiffeisenbank JSC 124 142,5
12 PJSC ROSBANK 117 863,1
14 OJSC "AK BARS" BANK 61 841,9
15 PJSC "Khanty-Mansiysk Bank Otkrytie" 61 371,0
16 PJSC "Bank" Saint-Petersburg" 57 500,7
17 PJSC BANK "YUGRA" 56 947,6
18 JSC "AB" RUSSIA " 55 661,5
19 PJSC "B&N Bank" 54 743,9
20 LLC "HKF Bank" 54 361,2
21 Bank NCC (JSC) 52 181,7
22 JSC CB Citibank 50 594,9
23 JSC "Nordea Bank" 44 375,5
24 OJSC "URALSIB" 42 169,7
25 ING BANK (EURASIA) JSC 41 305,3
27 PJSC AKB "Svyaz-Bank" 39 346,2
28 PJSC Bank ZENIT 35 543,4
29 GLOBEXBANK JSC 35 106,7
30 PJSC "Sovcombank" 33 732,1
31 JSC "MSP Bank" 33 235,6
32 PJSC "MDM Bank" 30 677,4
33 JSCB "Absolut Bank" (OJSC) 29 360,4
34 TKB BANK PJSC 28 971,1
35 OTP Bank JSC 28 333,3
36 LLC "Vneshprombank" 27 928,0
37 PJSC CB "UBRD" 26 697,5
38 PJSC KB "Vostochny" 26 396,2
39 JSCB "PERESVET" (JSC) 26 196,9
40 JSCB "RosEvroBank" (OJSC) 25 679,8
41 JSC JSCB "CentroCredit" 25 284,2
42 Bank Vozrozhdenie (PJSC) 24 212,7
43 Tinkoff Bank JSC 23 403,3
44 OJSC "MinB" 23 271,8
45 JSC "AIKB" Tatfondbank " 22 229,8
46 PJSC "MTS-Bank" 20 983,3
47 Rusfinance Bank LLC 20 855,2
48 RNKB Bank (PJSC) 20 346,8
49 PJSC "RGS Bank" 19 793,5
50 "Cetelem Bank" LLC 19 705,3
51 JSC "Credit Europe Bank" 19 042,8
52 Bank "Avers" LLC 18 503,8
53 JSC "SMP Bank" 18 193,5
55 OJSC JSCB "AVANGARD" 17 829,0
56 CB "Renaissance Credit" (LLC) 16 616,8
57 Bank "Tavrichesky" (OJSC) 16 183,1
58 JSC "KB DeltaCredit" 14 908,9
59 OJSC "SKB-Bank" 14 414,4
60 "Asian-Pacific Bank" (OJSC) 14 206,9
61 HSBC Bank (RR) LLC 14 105,9
62 Deutsche Bank LLC 13 905,9
63 "BNP PARIBA BANK" JSC 13 794,1
65 Credit Agricole CIB AO 13 267,6
66 Bank SOYUZ (JSC) 13 065,2
68 JSC "MBSP" 12 937,7
71 PJSC "Zapsibkombank" 12 232,6
72 CB "LOKO-Bank" (CJSC) 11 553,4
73 JSC "SMBSR Bank" 11 252,7
74 "NOTA-Bank" (PJSC) 11 170,6
75 Banca Intesa JSC 11 134,3
76 JSC Bank National Standard 10 659,0
77 Toyota Bank JSC 10 318,8
78 JSC CB "Center-invest" 10 168,7
80 NCO CJSC NSD 9 911,0
81 Volkswagen Bank RUS LLC 9 576,9
83 PJSC JSCB "Metallinvestbank" 8 979,4
84 PJSC "METKOMBANK" 8 926,9
85 CB "BFG-Credit" (LLC) 8 915,5
86 RN Bank JSC 8 837,6
87 PJSC "Bank BFA" 8 792,8
88 JSCB "Investtorgbank" (PJSC) 8 420,7
89 CJSC "SNGB" 8 379,1
90 Expobank LLC 8 285,8
91 JSC CB "RosinterBank" 8 068,9
92 KB "REB" (CJSC) 7 779,4
94 Bank "RRDB" (JSC) 7 539,8
95 JSCB "VPB" (CJSC) 7 527,5
96 KB "MIA" (JSC) 7 387,8
97 KB "Kuban Credit" LLC 7 378,4
99 J&T Bank (JSC) 7 314,4
100 JSCB "TPBK" (Moscow) (CJSC) 7 225,8

International rating agencies regularly update the ratings of Russian banks. The experts' assessment is influenced by the ability of the credit institution to withstand the economic downturn and the current, as well as potentially possible, sanctions.

The owner of the popular Russian bank is the international group Societe Generale. The bank's client base numbers over 3.3 million private clients. Rosbank network consists of 550 branches.

The bank ranks 10th in terms of assets, and also 9th in terms of capital. All Unicredit shares belong to the Austrian UniCredit Bank Austria. The bank is universal and offers Russians a wide range of financial services.

The bank is the first in the country in terms of assets and capital. Sberbank has over 110 million customers. The bank has offices and representative offices in the CIS, 9 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey, India and Germany.

One of two banks without foreign participation, included in the top ten most stable. The stability of the bank, according to international agencies, is based on the participation of the state. All SME shares are owned by Vnesheconombank.

The sole shareholder is the largest Chinese bank Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited. The bank works with individuals only in terms of transfers without opening an account. For legal entities ICBC offers a wide range of services.

Like many other subsidiaries of foreign banks, Credit Agricole in Russia does not work with individuals, focusing on the corporate segment. The bank belongs to the French financial group Credit Agricole.

The bank is a daughter of one of the 6 strongest banks in the world BNP Paribas. In terms of assets, the bank ranks 78th in Russia, and 67th in terms of capital. BNP Paribas is focused on working with the corporate segment.

3. HSBC Bank

The bank is owned by one of the largest financial groups - HSBC. The bank has been operating in Russia since 2002, occupying 72nd place in terms of capital, and 60th in terms of assets. The bank is focused entirely on corporate clients and does not provide services to individuals.

The bank is part of the international Citigroup group. Foreign capital provides the bank with high ratings, despite the economic and political instability in the Russian market.

The majority stake in the bank belongs to the Scandinavian group Nordea. Nordea Bank has the highest Russian credit rating from Fitch - on the national scale - 'AAA (rus)', long-term issuer default rating - 'BBB-'.

The onset of the crisis significantly reduced the level of Russians 'confidence in the banking system. In 2014, the Central Bank revoked more than 85 credit institutions' banking licenses, and in addition, seven state-owned banks (and banks with state participation) came under sanctions from the United States and the European Union (Bank of Russia, SMP Bank, Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank and Vnesheconombank).

Thus, by the beginning of 2015, even the leaders of the banking market came out with losses in their loan portfolio, reduced sustainability indicators and a “junk” rating.

In January of this year, the Deposit Insurance Agency, together with the Government, compiled a preliminary list of 27 banks that will receive state aid in the form of additional capitalization through federal loan bonds. Below is a rating of the reliability of banks that also apply for state aid. The most reliable banks in Russia were subsidiaries of foreign banks:

VTB, VTB24, Rosselkhozbank and Gazprombank were only in the 2nd group of reliability (while in 2014 they were in the first group).

Relatively reliable banks are those that fall into the reliability group B.

The credit organizations that have the possibility of default on bank liabilities were included in the CCC reliability group. Fondservicebank has been present in the group for the second year already. But Rost Bank, which is now under reorganization, got into it.

In addition, if a bank does not have a rating, it means that it is currently the least reliable. As a rule, those credit organizations remain without ratings, the founders of which do not disclose their real indicators to the RA (which indicates that the bank is closed and the business is not transparent). Also, banks were included in the rating of unreliable banks: "Russia" and SMP-Bank (affected by international sanctions last year).

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state