
Geological geodetic ecological engineering surveys. Survey work in construction. Technical means of research

Compliance with environmental safety is important during the construction, operation and liquidation of construction projects. That is why environmental engineering surveys are of great importance today. This type of engineering research can be carried out independently or in combination with other works.

Engineering and environmental surveys are carried out on:

  • territories of future development of buildings and structures;
  • areas allocated for the necessary communications;
  • territories allocated for landscaping and landscaping;
  • areas where work is underway to reclaim the territory;
  • areas where it is necessary to inspect the territories and sanitary zones of enterprises;
  • areas where water bodies are being restored and adjacent territories are being improved.

The cost of environmental surveys for construction

An object


Work area


up to 3 meters

up to 3 meters

up to 3 meters

up to 5 meters

up to 5 meters

up to 3 meters

up to 3 meters

up to 5 meters

up to 5 meters

135,000-145,000 rubles.

up to 3 meters

140,000-150,000 rubles.

140,000-150,000 rubles.

up to 3 meters

RUB 145,000-155,000

up to 5 meters

RUB 145,000-155,000

up to 5 meters

RUB 150,000-160,000

Objectives of survey works for construction

Environmental surveys for construction are intended to assess the state of the environment at the time of work. IEI is carried out with the aim of preventing, minimizing or eliminating harmful and undesirable environmental, social, economic and other consequences and maintaining optimal living conditions for the population. Based on the data obtained as a result of environmental surveys, an environmental justification for construction work or other economic activity in the selected area is created. Therefore, studies are carried out even at the stage of preparation of pre-design documentation. The result of environmental engineering surveys should be the improvement and improvement of the quality of the environment.

The tasks of environmental engineering surveys are determined by the peculiarities of the natural environment in the development area, the nature of existing and planned anthropogenic impacts and vary depending on the stage of design and survey work.

Environmental engineering studies in construction are carried out for the following purposes:

  • justification of construction and other economic activities;
  • reducing or eliminating the adverse impact of construction on the environment;
  • preservation of ecologically clean areas suitable for human habitation.

Stages of environmental engineering surveys

There are three main stages of environmental engineering studies:

  • Preparatory. The main task of the first stage of environmental surveys is to collect materials that reveal the features of the development area. For this, current indicators, reference and cartographic data are analyzed, and the results of surveys of past years are studied. At the same stage, the survey organization receives a technical assignment from the customer, the timing and cost of surveys are set.
  • Field. At this stage, the main part of engineering surveys is carried out: a visual inspection of the area is carried out, water and soil samples are taken, air masses are studied, the radiation situation is assessed, gas geochemical studies and laboratory work are carried out. Also, at the field stage, various physical influences (vibration, noise and electromagnetic fields) are studied. Sanitary-epidemiological and medico-biological studies are also mandatory. Based on the data obtained, experts draw up tables containing relevant indicators of different areas, create the necessary schemes, form a database that will be needed for the subsequent processing of materials.
  • Cameral - the final stage of research. During the office stage, based on the data received, a report is drawn up that meets all the requirements of regulatory documents. The report contains conclusions on the state of soil, water and air in the area allocated for construction. It describes in detail the terrain, climatic conditions, geological, soil, physical and geographical factors, flora and fauna, and also gives recommendations for protecting the environment and reducing the negative impact on it. The report with the survey results forms the basis of the ecological justification of the development and is necessary for the preparation of the initial permitting documentation.

When determining the type and volume of surveys for construction, the nature and degree of use of the site before the survey is taken into account. The research process is also influenced by conditions: geological, sanitary-epidemiological and hydrogeological features of the site of future development, as well as the design stage, the nature of anthropogenic influence on the territory allocated for construction, the specifics of the object, the amount of information already available about the territory. Therefore, each stage of the ecological study allows for additional measures. The sequence and duration of work during these surveys is determined in accordance with existing norms and legal documents.

Features of the work

Engineering work can only be carried out by special organizations, since for the study of water and soil samples it is necessary to have certain knowledge and skills, as well as to have special equipment at your disposal. In the course of environmental engineering work, ultrasensitive devices are used. Thanks to modern research methods, it is possible to determine the amount of electromagnetic radiation in the area, calculate the illumination parameters or the level of noise vibrations.

A feature of this type of work can be considered that it is rather difficult to unequivocally determine the required degree and detail of research. Therefore, in environmental research, an individual approach is widespread, when first they study the general nature of the territory and the history of its existence, and only then proceed directly to the work.

As with any activity, research data should be economical, that is, avoid unforeseen costs. However, their peculiarity is that it is not always easy to distinguish between "unreasonable" costs from "reasonable" ones. Therefore, in this case, the completeness and detail of the study of engineering and geological conditions becomes the key to the efficiency of design and, accordingly, construction and installation work. For all these reasons, construction surveys require special professionalism from the performers.

Engineering surveys are a special special type of work that is carried out before the start of any design for construction to study the engineering and geological conditions within the site of the projected structure and the adjacent territory. Geotechnical conditions - soil properties, hydrogeological conditions, the structure of the geological section, the presence of unfavorable processes. After all this, a technical conclusion is drawn up on the feasibility of geotechnical conditions and on the feasibility of construction in a given area. Engineering and geological surveys are carried out by specialized organizations.

All engineering and geological surveys are carried out on the basis of a contract between the customer and the contractor. All surveys are carried out on a legislative basis, in order to conduct surveys, the contractor must receive a technical assignment from the customer, which should contain a topographic plan of the area where the construction will be carried out. The basis of all surveys is a geodetic map. The customer also applies a permit stating that he is allowed to build this structure on this territory, then a paper for the right to use this site (land acquisition). All surveys begin with the fact that in Geonadzor the performer receives permission to conduct surveys.

Engineering surveys include:

Geotechnical control;

Inspection of soils of foundations of buildings and structures;

Hazard and risk assessment from natural and techno-natural processes;

Justification of measures for engineering protection of territories;

Local monitoring of environmental components;

Geodetic, geological, hydrogeological, hydrological, cadastral and other related work and research in the process of construction, operation and liquidation of facilities;

Scientific research in the process of engineering surveys for the construction of buildings, structures and enterprises.

Thus, geotechnical surveys are a complex of field and laboratory work carried out in order to study geotechnical conditions in the territory that is intended for construction. The result of geotechnical surveys is the initial information for the design of industrial and civil buildings. For engineering and geological surveys, 5-15% of the cost of the structure is allocated.

Construction without engineering and geological surveys is FORBIDDEN!

In engineering and geological surveys, they study the climate, relief, geological structure, properties of rocks, the conditions of their occurrence, the chemical composition of soils and groundwater, and geological processes. After analyzing the data obtained, the study area is zoned and the most favorable site for construction is selected.

Organization of surveys in construction

Engineering and geological surveys are carried out by specialized organizations and private firms that have a special license for this type of work.

The geotechnical survey includes:

Collection and processing of survey materials from previous years

Decryption of space and aerial materials and aerovisual observations

Route observations (reconnaissance survey)

Driving in mine workings

Geophysical research

Field studies of soils

Hydrogeological research

Seismological research

Seismic microzoning

Stationary observations

Laboratory research of soils and groundwater

Inspection of soils of foundations of existing buildings and structures

Cameral processing of materials

Making a forecast of changes in engineering and geological conditions

Drawing up a technical report

Based on the results of geotechnical surveys, the textual part of the technical report is drawn up, which should contain: introduction, knowledge of geotechnical conditions, physical and geographical and technogenic conditions, geological structure, hydrogeological conditions, soil properties, geological and geotechnical processes, geotechnical regionalization and conclusion.

After carrying out all the work on this site, a report is drawn up, in which there must be geological sections, a table of physical and mechanical properties of soils, a list of hazardous geological processes, an assessment of hydrogeological conditions, conclusions must be drawn where it is possible to build on this area, where it is impossible, and given advice to designers.

The terms of reference for the implementation of engineering surveys for construction, as a rule, should contain the following information and data:

Object name;

Type of construction (new construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, conservation, liquidation);

Information about the staging (stage of work), terms of design and construction;

Characteristics of projected and reconstructed enterprises (geotechnical categories of objects), levels of responsibility of buildings and structures (according to GOST 27751-88);

Characteristics of the expected impacts of construction objects on the natural environment, indicating the limits of these impacts in space and time and environmental impacts on the object in accordance with the requirements of SNiP22-01-95;

The necessary initial data to justify measures for the rational use of natural resources and the protection of the natural environment, ensuring the sustainability of the designed buildings and structures and safe living conditions for the population;

Information and data on the projected facilities, measures of engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.15-90 and SNiP 2.06.15-85, on the need to rehabilitate the territory;

Purposes and types of engineering surveys;

The list of regulatory documents, in accordance with the requirements of which it is necessary to carry out engineering surveys, including territorial building codes of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Data on the location and boundaries of the site (s) and construction route;

Information on previously performed engineering surveys and studies, data on complications observed in the area of ​​the construction object (on the site, on the route) during the construction and operation of structures (deformations and emergency situations);

Information about the degree of knowledge and the main characteristics of the natural and man-made conditions of the construction site should be provided on the basis of materials and data from state federal, territorial and departmental funds.

Additional requirements for the production of certain types of engineering surveys, including the industry specificity of the designed structure;

Requirements for the accuracy, reliability, reliability and provision of the necessary data and characteristics in engineering surveys for construction;

Information about the need to carry out research in the process of engineering surveys;

Requirements for hazard and risk assessment from natural and techno-natural processes;

Requirements for the composition, timing, procedure and form of submission of survey products to the customer;

Requirements for the preparation and submission of the engineering survey program as part of the contract (contact) documentation for approval by the customer;

The terms of reference must be accompanied by graphic and text documents necessary for organizing and conducting engineering surveys at the appropriate stage (stage) of design:

Copies of existing topographic maps, engineering topographic plans, situational plans (diagrams) indicating the boundaries of sites, sections and directions of routes, master plans (diagrams) with the contours of projected buildings and structures, cartograms, copies of decisions of the local government on preliminary approval of the location of sites (routes) or the act of choosing the site (route) of construction, a copy of the decision of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government on the provision of land for exploration and research.

Certain types of work during surveys

1. Engineering-geological reconnaissance - a set of works during engineering-geological surveys at the stage of drawing up pre-project documentation, carried out with the aim of monitoring, clarifying and supplementing the collected materials from previous surveys, establishing and comparatively assessing the engineering and geological conditions of the studied area, drawing up a program for subsequent surveys, establishing the boundaries of distribution and conditions for the development of hazardous geological processes.

2. Geotechnical survey is a complex method of obtaining geotechnical information necessary and sufficient for drawing up design options.

3. Engineering-geological exploration - a set of works during engineering-geological surveys in areas for projected buildings, aimed at obtaining engineering-geological information necessary and sufficient for the development of working documentation, including calculations of the underground part of the natural-technical system.

Technical means of research:

Mining works

After engineering-geological reconnaissance, geological surveying and exploration in the study area, mining operations are planned - opening the soil by driving various mine workings.

Mine workings are cavities artificially created in the near-surface part of the lithosphere, used to study the geological structure of the territory, take samples, organize observations of the regime of groundwater and exogenous geological processes.

It is carried out to determine the structure of the soil massif and take soil samples for laboratory tests from the layers exposed by drilling rocks.

All boreholes are divided into:

Exploration (description of the exposed rocks);

Technical (selection of rocks for laboratory work, for description)

Drilling methods:

Mechanical drilling (percussion rope, auger, vibration);

Manual drilling.

Field soil tests

Experienced geotechnical (field) studies include:

Soil testing by methods of sounding (dynamic and static);

Testing of soils with static loads (test dies in a pit).

Experienced hydrogeological surveys include:

Determination of the filtration coefficient of soils in the aeration zone by the infiltration method (methods of pouring water into pits);

Determination of the filtration coefficient of soils in the aquifer by the method of experimental pumping.

Geophysical methods of work

Geophysical surveys include:

Work with a single-channel seismic installation OSU-1;

Electrical exploration by the method of vertical electrical sounding (VES);

Self-performed ones include:

Driving of boreholes by drilling method;

Testing of soils by dynamic sounding;

Carrying out a cycle of filtration observations.

For construction, this is a complex of work carried out for the preparation of a project on a selected site. Includes reconnaissance of the site, study of its relief, soil composition, groundwater, supply communications.

These works in Moscow and the Moscow region are complicated by the extremely heterogeneous hydrogeological conditions of the region. The creation of standard house designs cannot be applied routinely even within the same administrative district of Moscow or the region.

To successfully complete the assigned tasks, it is necessary to perform the following set of works:

  • study, analysis, monitoring of the area where the site is located (or its proposed location);
  • construction surveys of the area, land plots, buildings;
  • topographic survey of land plots in Moscow and the region.

A separate place is occupied by engineering and hydrogeological studies, the main purpose of which is to prevent flooding of a building being erected or put into operation.

Engineering geology for construction

Engineering and geological surveys for construction make it possible to predict as accurately as possible the interaction of the designed structures and communications with various environmental factors of a natural, man-made nature.

Engineering geology for construction allows you to successfully carry out pre-project preparation of documentation in the following areas:

  • town planning documentation;
  • substantiation of specific sizes, terms of investments;
  • design work, development of a complete package of technical documentation;
  • preparation of documentation for the reconstruction, change, re-profiling of existing buildings;
  • preparation of documentation for the technical re-equipment of production lines in existing buildings;
  • preparation of documentation for the current operation of apartment buildings, private houses, their current and major repairs, reconstruction, re-profiling, demolition.

Design studies allow you to simulate the configuration of a building, calculate possible risks, and prepare the necessary measures to protect houses and the safety of the population.

The studies carried out make it possible to avoid deformation of the building, damage or destruction of supporting structures, the formation of cracks, shedding of plaster, flooding of premises, the development of mold in them, and fungal infections.

As a result of this study, the building will be correctly located on the ground, residential buildings will receive a competent ergonomic layout of the premises. The nature and relief of the area is taken into account as much as possible, helping to ensure the correct drainage, as well as the connection of autonomous water supply sources.

One ruble invested in engineering geodesy during construction will help the customer save ten rubles when designing, one hundred rubles during the construction of a building, as well as a whole thousand rubles when operating a residential building.

Ask questions to our geologists

Cost of work

Geological surveys for construction

Geological surveys for construction are fixed at the legislative level, making the owner of a house or a cottage the beneficiary, since their application in practice allows him to protect him from the effects of adverse environmental factors.

Geological work at a specific site includes:

  • determination of the composition of the soil on the site, calculation of the stability of slopes, the possibility of collapse (sliding) of the pit walls;
  • determination of the groundwater level, modeling the possibility of foundation flooding, deformation of load-bearing walls and structures, flooding of basements;
  • calculation work on the design of the foundation, the choice of its type and design features in relation to the terrain;
  • determination of the depth and location of the supplied communications;
  • calculation of the maximum number of storeys of the house, the load on its supporting structures.

The information obtained as a result of the study of geological data forms the basis of the entire project of the house, allowing the customer to realistically assess the possible risks, calculate the additional costs associated with their prevention.

Geological surveys for the construction of a cottage are of paramount importance for the construction of the foundation, since they cannot be replaced by the choice of a standard project, without reference to the area of ​​construction. This is especially true for geological surveys for the construction of cottages in Moscow and the region, since the climatic conditions of the Moscow region are extremely heterogeneous.

Geology for building a house is carried out in several stages.

  • during the preparatory stage, the available documentation is studied, the design and estimate cost of geological works is determined, an agreement is signed for their implementation.
  • during the field stage, the study of the geological features of the soil at the site, its deformation properties, chemical composition, the nature of groundwater, the depth of the aquifers is carried out. Wells are drilled at the site to take soil samples, its frontal and lateral resistance is determined. A special passport is drawn up for each borehole.
  • at the final, office, stage of geological surveys during the construction of the building, laboratory tests of the taken samples of soil and rocks are carried out, the data obtained are analyzed, a report is drawn up on the field and laboratory work carried out.

The report must indicate the information necessary for drawing up the project; factors that determine the choice of a foundation of one type or another; geological conditions of the area, soil certificates, sections for boreholes; descriptive and statistical data for all obtained parameters.

The timing of all types of work is agreed individually, and depends on the geological features of Moscow and the region. Field work is carried out on average in 2-3 days, and cameral processing of the data obtained takes no more than two weeks.

You can order geology for construction at any time of the year, at any air temperature, regardless of weather conditions. At the same time, a technical assignment is drawn up, which indicates the necessary characteristics of the site and the projected building: topographic survey of the area; number of storeys of the building, its height and front dimensions along the axes; type of foundation; additional information of decisive importance.

Engineering surveys for construction

This complex of pre-design work allows you to study factors of a natural, man-made nature that can affect both the site and the designed facility. The whole complex of the work carried out will allow predicting the interaction of the designed structure with the environment, modeling the protection systems of the building.

How important they are can be judged by the fact that pre-design documentation, the projects themselves, working documentation, as well as recommendations, justifications for design decisions are developed on their basis. They must be carried out in compliance with the statutory norms, the requirements of the authorized bodies, as well as local authorities.

What types of engineering surveys are required to obtain a building permit? This is the conduct of engineering-meteorological, -geodetic, -ecological, -geological research; the accompanying study of groundwater at the site.

Engineering surveys of territories are carried out in the form of geotechnical control, soil studies at a construction site, forecasting possible natural and man-made risks, substantiating measures to protect territories, and monitoring environmental factors.

When conducting surveys for the construction of cottages, state-certified means of measurement, analysis and control are used. The terms of reference for the research is drawn up by the customer, with the participation of the direct contractor and taking into account his wishes.

The terms of reference should contain the name of the object, types of work, terms of preparation of the project, terms of work, geological, hydrogeological, geodetic data on the terrain; other important information.

In the case of revealing particularly difficult natural and climatic or man-made conditions, such studies can be carried out with a favorable forecast, making additions to the research program, as well as with an increase in the duration or price of engineering surveys for construction.

At the end of the research, the direct executor is obliged to bring the site into a condition suitable for further use.

Engineering surveys for design and construction are designed to provide, even at the stage of pre-design preparation, a comprehensive study of the area, its natural and climatic conditions, man-made factors, and predict their possible changes in the future.

These studies should provide the designer with all the necessary initial data for planning the ergonomics of houses and cottages, their height and number of storeys, making design decisions, and developing measures for environmental protection.

Engineering surveys in construction, carried out at the stage of "working documentation", must provide the information necessary for builders for design calculations of foundations and foundations of houses, their load-bearing structures and design solutions. During the construction and operation of buildings, these studies are carried out in order to increase the operational resource of structures, the safety of people living there, the stability and reliability of residential buildings.

The results of the studies carried out are transferred to the customer in the form of a technical report, executed in strict accordance with the regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Regional Development. The specified report consists of a textual descriptive part, a graphical visual part, and annexes to the report.

All materials of the conducted research are subject to mandatory state examination and registration in order to establish the quality, completeness and objectivity of the data obtained, as well as their further use in standard projects.

Engineering surveys for the repair of buildings and structures

Engineering surveys during the repair of buildings and structures are designed to provide a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made factors of the area on which repair, installation or construction work will be carried out, as well as the study of the interaction of the repaired object with the environment, the consequences of such interaction.

Based on the results of such work, a decision is made to protect the structure, protect the environment, health and safety of life of the population.

This type of research is the starting point for drawing up project documentation for the renovation of buildings, based on which the developers give their opinion on the rationality of the project.

Studies for the reconstruction of buildings must strictly comply with state regulations, the requirements of the provisions of legislative and regulatory legal acts, technical standards for scheduled or major repairs of buildings.

Before starting work, the customer concludes an agreement with the contractor, an integral part of which are: terms of reference, schedule, research programs, design cost calculation and cost estimate for work, additional agreements on changing the timing, scope and cost of research.

To carry out the repair of buildings, the following research works are carried out:

  • study of soils at the base of structures, identification of the causes of its deformation;
  • study of the nature, composition, depth and dynamics of groundwater;
  • study of the water supply sources of the facility, the networks connected to it;
  • organization of geodetic support of ongoing repairs;
  • inspection of basements, basements, foundations of buildings being repaired, load-bearing elements. Revealing the facts of their damage, deformation, as well as assessing the scope of the proposed repair and restoration work;
  • forecast of risks from external factors of a technogenic, social and domestic or natural nature;
  • proposal of a set of measures to protect the environment;
  • coordination of project documentation in authorized government bodies, local government, control and supervisory services.

After conducting these studies, the general contractor receives all the necessary data to make technically correct decisions. The execution, sequence of work, drawing up the final reporting documentation, methods and rules for drawing up an opinion are regulated in detail by SP 47 13330.2012 (SNiP 11-02-96). One copy of the conclusion is transferred to the customer of the work, the second is sent to the regulatory authorities.

Hydrological surveys for construction

Water on our planet is not only a source of life, it is also a formidable, irresistible element that sweeps away any obstacles in its path. To prevent the negative impact of groundwater on the construction and operation of the building, an analysis of the relevant hydrological conditions is carried out.

Their goal is to study the possible impact of aquifers on the designed structure, the likelihood of landslides, the possibility of flooding the foundation of the building.

The practical tasks of hydrogeologists are:

  • finding a suitable site, its full compliance with building codes and regulations (SNiP);
  • determination of the presence of groundwater, their depth;
  • verified calculation for drilling mines, as well as for digging a pit for the foundation of a building;
  • selection of the optimal type of waterproofing of the foundation, drainage of the pit and the entire site;
  • making proposals to the general development plan, obligatory indication of water supply sources, location of aquifers of soil;
  • conducting ecological and hydrological studies: assessing the impact on the environment of drilling wells, laying projected networks.

There are three stages of hydrological research. The first is an analysis of previous studies, based on the results of which a further work program is drawn up. The second is a direct reconnaissance of the area, drilling wells for experimental water intakes, and carrying out control measurements.

At the third stage, the data are summarized, analyzed, and the general hydrological situation at the site is modeled.

The practical components are the opening of groundwater, the design and drilling of wells, the arrangement of control points of the water intake.

Hydrogeological surveys for the construction of especially complex structures require additional study, stationary observation, and deeper modeling. At the same time, experimental and operational pumping is used in order to obtain data on the filtration properties of soils, the chemical composition of groundwater, the dynamics of their movement, the level of occurrence of aquifers.

With the help of stationary observations, the causes of the deformation of the sites, the characteristics of the aquifers, the soil itself, and the groundwater regime are established. During stationary hydrological observations, control measurements are used by specialists-hydrogeologists, in the calculations, readings of measuring equipment (sensors, receivers) are taken, data analysis of downhole equipment is carried out.

Such work should be carried out for at least one hydrological season or year, with fixing the minimum and maximum indicators. Based on their results, we obtain an assessment of the likelihood of flooding, the degree of hydrological protection, select suitable conditions for design documentation, the type of foundation, materials for its waterproofing.

Defects in surveys and design of buildings and structures

This is a category of defects made during the selection, coordination and approval of a building site, design and survey work, soil assessment, selection of materials for the construction of a building; in design calculations of loads on load-bearing structures, determination of cross-sections. The manifestation of defects made at the design stage reduces the service life of buildings and accelerates the wear of their main structures.

These defects arise, as a rule, due to the fault of the designers due to insufficient qualifications or banal negligence, as well as when deploying new lines or production technologies, when working in sparsely populated areas or in difficult climatic conditions.

It is not at all necessary that these defects lead only to structural failure. The economic losses from them are also great - for example, the increased consumption of heating of a residential building due to the overestimated density of the material of the outer wall.

Therefore, at the stage of preparing a building project, timely prevention of these defects is extremely important, since in addition to the aforementioned structural and economic damage, the moral side of losses is also of great importance - wetting or freezing of the joints of walls and ceilings in a residential building, ill-conceived sound insulation between apartments, for example.

The most dangerous are defects in foundations, foundations of load-bearing walls and basic structures of buildings, since they can lead to the destruction of the entire building.

Defects in surveys and design of buildings are classified according to the following factors: by location, by nature, by importance.

Examples of in-place defects are an unsuccessful location or deepening of a building on a site, incorrect orientation on the ground, or the binding of its axes to the cardinal points. As a result of such miscalculations, the building under construction will be constantly heated, poorly irradiated by sunlight (insolated).

By their nature, defects can be obvious or hidden, which are invisible or difficult to access by visual inspection.

According to their importance, they are divided into three groups:

  • defects that can lead to critical destruction of the supporting structures of the building, which is fraught with full-scale accidents. This group of defects must be eliminated first.
  • defects that do not threaten the integrity of buildings, but weaken the supporting structures, or lead to a decrease in the service life. For example - defects made in the design of wooden panel structures, large-panel buildings; defects leading to freezing of the walls of living quarters. They are also eliminated without fail.
  • design defects that do not lead to the destruction of building structures, but require additional maintenance costs due to a decrease in performance and a decrease in a service life.

The beginning of construction and installation and any earthwork is preceded by a study of the conditions on the ground. There are no absolutely identical sites. Each site has its own characteristics and individual characteristics. Today, most often the areas are subject to development, where some buildings have already been located. Engineering geodetic surveys provide complete information about the relief, the location of various objects and communications. Without detailed information obtained in the process of studying the land allotment, it is impossible to plan the territory and develop a construction project. The specialists of GeoGIS LLC, possessing many years of positive experience, carry out geodetic surveys for the construction of industrial and residential buildings in full compliance with the requirements of SNiP and current legislation. The necessary approvals and licenses, accreditation were obtained by our enterprise in the state bodies of the Russian Federation.

To learn more!

IMPORTANT! By concluding a contract with the company "GeoGIS" you get:

  • a guarantee of high quality performance;
  • adherence to the agreed deadlines;
  • reliable partnership with the best specialists in the field of geodesy;
  • qualified professional assistance and advice.

Our price for geodetic surveys is one of the most attractive in the region.

What are engineering and geodetic surveys

Geodetic surveys are a set of topographic and geodetic works, the results of which our employees use to create detailed graphic materials (maps, diagrams) and an accompanying explanatory note. A detailed site plan is obtained by the surveyors of our company as a result of measuring the distances and turning angles of objects, as well as ground and underground communications.

In short, geodetic surveying is the creation of a detailed map of a specific area by means of precise measurements. All buildings and objects that can affect the design decisions and plans of the developer are applied to it in the form of symbols.

Having received the terms of reference and concluding a contract for engineering geodetic surveys for construction, the professionals of our company perform the following types of specialized studies:

  • Study of available information about the site, previously conducted topographic and geodetic surveys, aerial photography and cartography.
  • Approval of the research program and obtaining the necessary permits from the supervisory authorities for their conduct.
  • Implementation of engineering geodetic surveys on the ground - reconnaissance;
  • Layout of geodetic networks, division of the axes of buildings.
  • Topographic survey of the landscape, objects of above-ground and underground location, their binding to geodetic networks.
  • Preliminary calculations at the field stage in order to check the accuracy and completeness of the measurements.
  • Study and analytical processing of the collected information (office stage) and the results of topography;
  • Drawing up graphic documentation - topographic maps, situational diagrams;
  • Comparison of communications (power transmission lines, communication lines, main water pipelines and gas pipelines) plotted on departmental maps with their actual location;
  • Formation of all received information in the technical report "Engineering geodetic surveys of a land plot", graphic work, drawing up an explanatory note to drawings and diagrams.

When do you need geodetic surveys?

They order engineering and geodetic surveys in Moscow at various stages of design work and construction. The areas in which the surveyors of our company work include:

  • geodetic surveys for construction at the pre-investment stage, which allows the landowner to make a preliminary calculation of investments in a construction project, estimate the amount of land and preparatory work, and make the right choice of a site (route);
  • geodetic surveys for design, the purpose of which is to provide the designer with the most accurate and reliable information about the landscape and features of the territory (the presence of pipelines, power grids, communication lines, capital structures, green spaces);
  • conducting engineering geodetic surveys during the construction of housing construction, during its reconstruction (transferring the project to nature, marking the center lines);
  • during the liquidation of a structure to assess the technogenic impact on the terrain;
  • engineering geodetic surveys during the construction of wells for various purposes (aquifers, geothermal, drilling) - in order to verify compliance with the drawings of the plan-height bindings;
  • conducting geodetic surveys to control soil movement and hazardous natural processes;

Geodetic surveys for the construction of a house and support of the project until the end of construction make it possible to check compliance with the drawings of the actual location of the object on the territory, monitor the subsidence of structures and deformations of walls and ceilings.

The staff of our company have professional skills and vast experience in geodetic work on sites of various categories of complexity. To order geodetic surveys, the developer (or landowner) draws up a Terms of Reference with a detailed description of the land plot and structure. This allows the specialists of our company to draw up an individual program of events and set the cost for engineering geodetic surveys during the conclusion of the contract.

IMPORTANT! The terms of reference, in addition to data on the landowner, the site and the facility being erected, should contain requirements for surveys: scale, coordinate system and heights, frequency of the terrain section. It is also necessary to indicate the stage of design (construction).

Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction. We develop a situational plan

Filming of the situation is carried out by our employees, first of all, to develop a research program. And not only geodetic ones. Topographic surveys are carried out preferably in favorable seasons. The standards allow for surveying the terrain with a small height of snow cover, while the drawings are subject to subsequent updating.

The survey and subsequent display of objects and utilities on the topographic scheme are carried out in accordance with the Terms of Reference for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction:

  • for small land plots on a large scale (usually 1: 500);
  • for planning housing estates, cities and towns - with smaller scaling.

Geodetic surveys for construction in Moscow during the preparatory work and after vertical planning allow you to update the existing topographic plans. A new plan is drawn up for the site where the changes amount to more than a third.

Geodetic surveys - price and cost calculation

For geodetic surveys, the price is formed based on the volume and complexity of the work. Accordingly, the important factors affecting the cost are:

  • the size of the site to be surveyed;
  • characteristics of the structure (dimensions and configuration);
  • documentation requirements (accuracy, scale);
  • terrain conditions (accessibility of the site, saturation of the territory with objects, the presence of a previously created geodetic network);
  • remoteness of the studied site from the company's base (transportation costs).

The listed parameters directly affect the cost of engineering geodetic surveys per 1 hectare. The largest financial costs go to field work, including: marking a geodetic network, setting benchmarks and marks, transferring design points to nature.

The company's arsenal includes modern certified devices (including lasers) and the latest equipment that meet the best international standards. If necessary, engineering and geodetic surveys of the area are carried out using aerial photography, using satellite images, which guarantees high quality of drawings and calculations.

Unit prices for a preliminary estimate of the cost of work:

Geology for individual (private) construction in Moscow and the Moscow region from 1,200 rubles / meter of drilling
Geology for the design of civil and industrial facilities in the Moscow region from 1,500 rubles / meter of drilling
Geology for the design of civil and industrial facilities in Moscow from RUB 1,800 / meter of drilling
Geodesy in the Moscow region - from 10,000 rubles / ha
Geodesy in Moscow - from 25,000 rubles / ha
Ecology for the design of civil and industrial facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region - from 15,000 rubles / ha

Engineering surveys from MOSGEOPROEKT

The main task of conducting surveys is to obtain maximum information about the environment and conditions in which the projected structure will be located. Affordable prices for the services of MOSGEOPROEKT are the merit of not only competent specialists, but also great experience. Contact us and we will find the best approach to your project!

We rightfully occupy a leading place in our region - we are trusted survey work for construction of various scales. Our clients receive comprehensive information about all the features of the construction site. For designers engineering survey provide information about the geological section, the state of soil, air, water, etc. All data are issued on the official in accordance with all standards and regulations.

The ongoing engineering survey work allow predicting the effect that a structure will have on the environment. This makes it possible to provide protective measures before the start of construction. This will save you both money and time.

Engineering surveys in Moscow

The difficult situation with land plots in the capital leads to a state of confusion for many developers. This is partly to blame for the prices of engineering surveys in construction - many unscrupulous organizations seriously overestimate the prices. We have taken this problem into account and provide our clients with optimal conditions for cooperation, which are selected individually, based on a combination of factors. Under the guidance of qualified specialists, complex engineering surveys will take a minimum of time!

We carry out the following types of engineering surveys:
- Geological surveys, which include soil testing by sounding and stamping, drilling exploratory wells, determining soil properties and simulating changes in conditions, along with assessing geological risks;
- Environmental studies, which include radiological work on the site, analysis of soil for heavy metals, radionuclides, oil products and bacteria, as well as assessment of the impact of physical factors;
- Geodetic works - measurement and layout work, topographic survey, construction support.

Our engineering survey center prepares Technical Reports on the results of all studies. All of them are compiled in accordance with applicable standards and successfully pass the state examination of engineering surveys.

The cost of engineering surveys in the Moscow region

Our organization has all the necessary documents confirming qualifications and competence. MOSGEOPROEKT has the right to carry out engineering surveys that affect the safety of capital construction projects.

Compliance provides customers with the fastest resolution of all issues. Composed by professionals engineering survey and design contract includes all the necessary work. Rigorous fulfillment of the assigned tasks guarantees the correctness of all research results. Of course, you can independently draw up a work program, but it is better to entrust this matter to specialists in this field.

At this level of quality, the question of price seems rather trivial. Our engineering survey department provides clients with an individual cooperation plan. You can always find an option that suits you and start working on it. Just call - and our managers will help you find out how much you should count on!

Construction surveys today

With the improvement of construction objects, research aimed at ensuring their safety has been constantly improved. To full-scaleengineering and construction surveys inexperienced contractors can take many times longer than professionals. Turning to experts, you save your time and achieve your goals much faster!

Engineering surveys for construction accompanied by a number of other studies. These include geophysical, geotechnical, hydrogeological works, as well as surveys of the technical condition of structures of structures. Also, MOSGEOPROEKT can perform drilling of wells for any purpose, conduct laboratory studies of soil and groundwater. All this information will be a valuable asset in the hands of specialists. Of course, all the data will then be included in the technical characteristics of the object in the official documents.

Upscale Institute of Engineering Surveys, deployed within the framework of our organization, ensured a quick start of construction for a multitude of facilities on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region. Clients of various "sizes" work with us, from private traders to large businesses. We have earned an excellent reputation for our responsible approach and meeting deadlines.

If you need organization of engineering surveys- call! Our managers will help you figure it out and choose the most profitable option for cooperation.

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