
Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment in a new building. What's best for health or what doctors say

For the purchase of housing. Before buying a property, people consider many different factors in order to be comfortable living in certain conditions.

On which floor is it better to live and which one to choose if the apartment is purchased for yourself?

What do most people consider when buying a home?

There are a number of points that are important to everyone:

  • Infrastructure development, availability of schools, shops, banks.
  • The structure of the apartment, its area.
  • Of course, the cost of an apartment has a huge impact. Buyers of apartments, both in new buildings, almost always start from this criterion. The floor of the apartment also affects its cost - from about the third time it increases.

There are common misconceptions and stereotypes on which floors you shouldn't buy housing:

  • In apartments 1 to 3 excellent audibility and a lot of people walking past the door... It is believed that life will not be comfortable, because you can hear literally everything - from passing cars to neighbors. However, sound insulation has not been a problem for a long time, since high-quality double-glazed windows are installed in new buildings and the material of the walls differs significantly from the walls permeable to sound in the "Khrushchev".
  • Many are sure living on the 1st and 2nd floors is in danger of being robbed... But, as statistics show, for criminals to rise higher is not a problem for a long time.
  • If apartments on the 1st floor are considered a priori "damp", then housing on the latter is often reluctant to acquire due to stereotype about the inevitable flooding from the roof in the spring... In new buildings, the likelihood of such an outcome is extremely small.

Fortunately, with the development of construction and engineering solutions, most of these shortcomings have been eradicated once and for all.

It is interesting! Oksana Seregina, a sales expert for one of the Moscow companies, noticed that apartments in new buildings are in demand among residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. from the 6th floor and above... Moreover, despite the same layout and a tangible difference in price, the client is more likely to buy an apartment on the eighth floor than on the fourth. Meanwhile, in Europe, it is believed that living above the sixth floor is very unhealthy.

What's the best for health or what do the doctors say?

Modern new buildings are getting higher every year. The presence of a large number of floors is a kind of indicator of the prestige of a building. But, Is it good for everyone to live at a bird's eye view? As shown by medical research, on the upper floors, people tend to develop phobias due to the loss of the sense of gravity.

On this basis, depression, apathy, loss of health are frequent, insomnia and a tendency to migraines develop.

Of course, it is not an option for old people to buy an apartment on the top floor. Alas, no matter how new the house is, it is not uncommon for an elevator to fail.

The environmental component also serves as one of the points against the purchase. Dust and car emissions accumulate at the level of the last floors, which is why it is not recommended to ventilate the apartment. If you constantly use air conditioner, sooner or later it will lead to the accumulation of bacteria and colds.

On which floor should you choose an apartment if you are primarily concerned with the issue of health? Medically, the most comfortable options are on 5,6,7 floors, since the amount of contamination at this level is minimal. However, if the new building is located along a transport highway, it is worth choosing housing on the 9th, 10th, 11th floors.

The high floor is contraindicated for people suffering from asthma and hypertensive patients.

Ground floors, pros and cons

If the apartment is bought for the purpose of resale, or - the first will fit perfectly. From the point of view of investors, where the main factor of choice is price, such a purchase will quickly pay off. However, apartments on the ground floor are often bought for personal use.

The advantages of apartments on the ground floor include:

  • Quite low cost;
  • When an elevator breaks down, then a person does not have to climb high and sacrifice their own time and health. This is a good option for older people with health problems.
  • High fire safety.

Disadvantages for buying real estate:

As a result, you can still think before buying real estate: is it worth saving in this way, choosing the first floor. Maybe it's really better to overpay a little, but live in more comfortable conditions?

Floors 3 to 7 - Ideal for living

The gap between the 3rd and 7th floors for buying an apartment is the “golden mean”. There are no disadvantages that are typical of the 1st and 2nd floor., but at the same time there are advantages of housing located at a height:

  • the absence or breakdown of an elevator is not a hindrance;
  • no dampness;
  • air pollution is less;
  • sufficient noise insulation;
  • there is no fear of heights and negative psychological manifestations.

Up to the 8th floor and above: prestige and disadvantages

The upper floors of new buildings are popular due to the greater illumination of the apartments and the beautiful panorama of the city outside the window.

Traditionally, it is believed that the higher the air, the cleaner, but this is not always true.

If the house is located near a highway or a manufacturing facility, all exhaust emissions will accumulate at the top floor level.

An undoubted advantage is the absence of street and internal noise, but with seeming calmness, in the event of an emergency, it is much more difficult to descend from a height or get help for residents of the upper floors. If the elevator is not working, it will also be problematic to go home.

The last floors in new buildings are often adapted for the construction of an attic, which significantly increases their prestige and cost. In addition, the lack of neighbors makes living on the upper floors truly comfortable.

What should you pay attention to when choosing the floor of your future home? There are many recommendations, but there are no universal ones, since the buyer is guided by the view of the facade of the house, the location of the rooms in the apartment, the equipment of the entrance, the availability of shops, schools, etc. within walking distance. However, you should definitely pay attention to several aspects:

  • Better to choose an apartment with windows to different sides of the world... It is desirable that the windows face south-west-east, but in apartments on the lower floors there may be problems with lighting.
  • Better apartment with windows overlooking the courtyard than if they were looking at the highway.
  • In room there should be enough light, the more sunlight the better... In hot weather, you can get by with air conditioning, but the lack of sunlight cannot be compensated for by anything.
  • note to the height of the ceilings, because the feeling of space in the apartment depends on it. Often, unscrupulous developers indicate the initial height of the ceilings in the project, which can be reduced due to ceiling work up to 10-15 cm!

These are just a few of the "pitfalls" that should be considered when buying an apartment in a new building. In any case, you should not rush to make a choice, even if he persuades into a quick deal.

Things to consider when buying an apartment

What floor is better to live on? Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment in a building under construction? Answers - in the video.

Hello Valeria!

I will dwell on several important circumstances.

A realtor is an intermediary, a representative, acting, as a rule, under an agency agreement (possibly an agency agreement). If the developer (owner and seller of this apartment) entered into an agreement with the realtor, then you are not a party to this agreement (agency or order). That is, the agreement that the Seller and the realtor entered into regarding the location of the Buyer and the execution of the purchase and sale transaction. Under such an agreement, the Seller, and not you, has the right to demand from the realtor something in case of improper fulfillment of the conditions their contract.

Moreover, in either case, you cannot oblige the realtor to "provide" you with an elevator.

Now with regard to the contract of purchase and sale of an apartment (DCT).

Reducing the price means changing the contract.

Article 450. Grounds for amendment and termination of the contract
1. Change and termination of the contract are possible by agreement of the parties unless otherwise provided by this Code, other laws or contract.

2. At the request of one of the parties, the contract may be amended or terminated by a court decision only:

1) in case of a significant violation of the contract by the other party;

2) in other cases provided for by this Code, other laws or contract.

A violation of the contract by one of the parties is recognized as significant, which entails for the other party such damage that it is largely deprived of what it had the right to count on when concluding the contract.

3. In the event of a unilateral refusal to perform the contract in whole or in part, when such refusal is permitted by law or by agreement of the parties, the contract shall be deemed to be terminated or amended, respectively.

Essential conditions of real estate monetary policy, specified in the law:

1. Subject(Article 554 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Article 554. Definition of the subject in the contract for the sale of real estate

In the contract for the sale of real estate data must be specified that allows you to definitely establish the real estate to be transferred to the buyer under the contract, including data that determine the location of real estate on the corresponding land plot or as part of other real estate .

In the absence of these data in the contract, the condition of the immovable property to be transferred is considered not agreed by the parties, and the corresponding contract is not considered concluded.

An indication of other property in the DKP, a listing of common areas, an elevator, an attic, a basement, flights of stairs and equipment located in these places is not required.

2. Price(Article 555 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

3. List of persons entitled to use this apartment(Article 558 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The rest of the conditions can be significant if they are expressly stipulated in the monetary policy. Thus, if the DKT states that there is an elevator on the floor where the apartment is located, then such a condition becomes significant and violation of it gives you a reason to demand to change (reduce the price) or terminate the contract.

If there is no such condition for an elevator in the PrEP, this condition is not essential before, therefore, you have no legal grounds to demand a change (termination) of the PrEP.

The current legislation does not establish a legal norm obliging to provide an apartment with an elevator on the floor where this apartment is located.

In addition, an elevator is a common property of an apartment building. It is impossible to install it on your floor without the permission of all co-owners of this house. It is unlikely that they will agree to this, since additional work is costs (costs of all owners of the house and residents of your floor and residents of the first floor), which I believe the residents of other floors will not agree to - after all, they do not need an elevator on the 10th floor, therefore, spending money on its reconstruction, just because the tenant of the 10th floor wants so, is not reasonable.

Conclusion. If there is an agreement between you with a realtor to search for an apartment with an elevator on the floor for you, then you should present requirements to the realtor related to improper work (service).

If your DKT with the seller-developer contains an indication of the presence of an elevator on the floor, then you can demand a change in the contract (in terms of reducing the price) or termination of the DKT. In other cases, there are no prospects for the court to satisfy your claims.

Best regards, S. Sergeev

The Public Anti-Corruption Foundation has published an investigation into First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. FBK claims that through his lawyer Sergey Kotlyarenko, Mr. Shuvalov acquired ten apartments on one floor in a skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment with a market value of 600 million rubles.

The FBK investigation claims that Igor Shuvalov's classmate, lawyer Sergei Kotlyarenko, bought ten apartments in a skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment with a total area of ​​719 sq. m and a market value of 600 million rubles. All luxury apartments are located on the same floor and are adjacent to each other.

FBK believes that Kotlyarenko bought the apartments not for himself, but for Igor Shuvalov, with whom he is associated in his studies and work. “Since 1999, Kotlyarenko's career has been inextricably linked with one official - Igor Shuvalov. Shuvalov arranged for him to work wherever he himself served as an official, ”- stated in the memorandum. Among other things, Sergei Kotlyarenko, according to the investigation, managed the Shuvalovs' family assets - for example, the Profdir company, owned by Mr. Kotlyarenko, manages several companies that are owned by the Deputy Prime Minister or his family members.

FBK assumes that the process of buying up apartments has not yet been completed and “in the near future, buyers will be able to assemble a royal flush of 17 apartments on the floor,” which, in his opinion, will be merged into one in the future. Apartments began to be bought in 2014. “United apartment for 1 thousand square meters. m, taking into account the history of the house, panoramic views, marble entrances and fresh renovation of the entire building, it will probably become the most expensive and impressive apartment in the capital, ”the head of FBK said.

In 2016, Igor Shuvalov, who several times topped the list of members of the government in terms of income (together with his wife, who is also the beneficiary of the “blind trust” that manages the assets of the First Deputy Prime Minister), did not rank first, but still declared for 2015 year income of 97.2 million rubles, and his wife - 92.5 million rubles.

The representative of the lawyer Sergei Kotlyarenko, in a written response to the radio station "Moscow speaking", did not refute the FBK's accusations and referred to the manager's right to make any decisions with respect to the assets placed in trust.

“We are not commenting on a specific case, but in general practice, real estate objects can be acquired by managers as part of an investment strategy for asset management,” reads the reply received by the radio station.

In January 2015, Igor Shuvalov commented on the crisis in the country: “If a Russian feels any pressure from outside, he will never give up his leader. Never. And we will withstand any hardships that will be inside the country: consume less food, less electricity, I don’t know, some other things that we are all used to ”.

In May, FBK published information that Igor Shuvalov was the owner of a Rolls-Royce Phantom EWB car worth 40 million rubles. and did not declare a purchase. Then the press secretary of Mr. Shuvalov also refused to comment on this information for the media.

“There is a lot of money in Russia, the richest country in the world. But today they are in the hands of 15 clans, 110 families, who have taken possession of almost all of the national wealth. The rest of the population is dragging out a miserable existence. The country does not use huge amounts of reserve funds - 36 trillion rubles. Last year, we sold our raw materials - oil, gas, gold, diamonds - for 20 trillion rubles. The budget got 8 trillion. The remaining 12 were stuffed into the pockets of our oligarchs and their foreign patrons. In many firms, these "patrons" sit in key positions, "- said the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov

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