
In Russia, they propose to introduce a tax on small children. In Russia, they may introduce a tax on small children Who will pay and how much

The President of Russia was invited to consider a law on support for large families and the introduction of a tax on small families. The author of the law is Yuri Krupnov, director of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development.

Will Russian women be bought "the right to have an abortion"?

Now in Russia 6.5% of families have many children, they raise almost 20% of the children of the whole country. The document provides for equating the activity of raising children with work experience, the right to receive a land plot with communications free of charge, as well as the introduction of a tax on small children in Russia.

If the law is adopted, then, the author believes, it will allow solving the problem of demography by 2030 and raising the status of large families, of which there are now 1.5 million. It is proposed to make the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia responsible for passing the law, since the law is intended to help solve the problem of labor resources and ensure the country's defense capability.

By law, families with many children will be divided into three categories: the poor (supported by the state), prosperous (partially supported by the state) and wealthy. This will make it possible to differentiate support measures and make them as targeted as possible. At the same time, a large family in the document is defined as "a complete family, with the exception of the death of one of the spouses, having three or more children (the youngest should not be under 18 years old)".

It is proposed to establish monthly cash payments depending on the number of children: 25,000 for families with three or four children, 45,000 for families with five or seven, and 100,000 rubles for families with eight or more children.

The other part of the support is proposed to be provided in the form of specific things or services (a musical instrument, a subscription to a conservatory or a fitness club, a tour package). At the same time, childcare activities should be included in the total length of service. Education is no less difficult work than office work, and no less significant, according to Izvestia.

The authors of the bill propose to grant families with many children the right to resettle in specialized settlements that are advanced in terms of quality of life - towns of the demographic future. If the family does not want to live in such a town, it is planned to compensate for the return of the mortgage loan upon the birth of the fourth and each subsequent child - 20% of the loan for each.

In order to achieve these goals, the State Fund for Supporting Large Families - the Fund for the Future - should be created. It will be formed from the funds of the federal (0.01%) and regional budgets (0.5%), deductions from the sale of raw materials (2%) and "tax in favor of the future" (1%).

It is also proposed to introduce a special tax on small families (for the childless for non-medical reasons and for families with one child) - its size has not yet been determined.

A special area of ​​support for families with many children is proposed to be the introduction of comprehensive support for fathers with many children: the establishment of the Order of Honored Father of Russia and the provision of benefits and discounts when purchasing a car.

Earlier, Pravda.Ru reported that the tax on childlessness existed in the USSR and amounted to 6% of the earnings of a citizen without children. It was introduced in November 1941 and finally abolished on January 1, 1992, with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"The demographic effectiveness of such approaches is not even zero, it is negative. Because we are actually interfering in a very delicate sphere of intersexual relations - intimate, marriage, marital, family. We are trying to impose something on behalf of the state. It would be correct to call it a punitive mechanism : we want to punish childless families. In no case should this be done, because it plays into the hands of completely opposite social processes. For example, there is such a movement "childfree", advocating the complete rejection of children. There is also a second subject - this is a different kind oppositionists; in general, a fruitless movement (all sorts of bulk there). Again, they have one more argument. They will say: "Look, these corrupt officials, bribe-takers first introduce the Platon system, then this is not enough for them, they want money for that you don't have children." And the manipulation of consciousness begins. You can't give such reasons, because it affects political stability."

Tax on small families in Russia 2017, latest news: The President of Russia was invited to consider a law on supporting large families and introducing a tax on small children. The author of the law is Yury Krupnov, director of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development.

The initiative assumes that families with many children will be paid monthly cash benefits (from 25,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the number of children), provide services, and give out things. According to the bill, families with many children will be given free land with infrastructure in the towns of the demographic future (specialized settlements that are advanced in terms of quality of life) or compensate for the return of the mortgage. Dads with many children are invited to issue the Order of Honored Father of Russia and give discounts on the purchase of a car.

In addition, the document provides for the introduction of a tax on small families for families with one child or for those couples who do not have children for medical reasons.

Tax on small children in Russia 2017, latest news: support for large families

Now in Russia 6.5% of families have many children, they raise almost 20% of the children of the whole country. The document provides for equating the activity of raising children with work experience, the right to receive a land plot with communications free of charge, as well as the introduction of a tax on small children in Russia.

If the law is adopted, then, the author believes, it will allow solving the problem of demography by 2030 and raising the status of large families, of which there are now 1.5 million. It is proposed to make the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia responsible for passing the law, since the law is intended to help solve the problem and ensure the country's defense capability.

By law, families with many children will be divided into three categories: the poor (supported by the state), prosperous (partially supported by the state) and wealthy. This will make it possible to differentiate support measures and make them as targeted as possible. At the same time, a large family in the document is defined as "a complete family, with the exception of the death of one of the spouses, having three or more children (the youngest should not be under 18 years old)"

It is proposed to establish monthly cash payments depending on the number of children: 25,000 for families with three or four children, 45,000 for families with five or seven, and 100,000 rubles for families with eight or more children.

The other part of the support is proposed to be provided in the form of specific things or services (a musical instrument, a subscription to a conservatory or a fitness club, a tour package). At the same time, childcare activities should be included in the total length of service. Education is no less difficult work than office work, and no less significant.

The authors of the bill propose to grant families with many children the right to resettle in advanced specialized settlements in terms of the quality of life - towns of the demographic future. If the family does not want to live in such a town, it is planned to compensate for the return of the mortgage loan upon the birth of the fourth and each subsequent child - 20% of the loan for each.

Tax on small children in Russia 2017, latest news: saving demography

The same law proposes to introduce a special tax on small families (for the childless for other than medical reasons and for families with one child) - its size has not yet been determined.

The authors of the bill claim that the document was discussed and approved by large families, which allows parliamentarians to call the initiative "worked out and approved by the public." It is well known that in every large family they are convinced that small children not only made the wrong choice in life and incorrectly set priorities, but also “underperform”, for which you need to pay somehow. Small children, by the way, can say a lot about those with many children, but they were not asked when drafting the bill.

The prepared bill, like many other initiatives, is explained by the need to “save demography”. The birth rate is falling, including due to the entry into the reproductive age of the "crisis" generation of the 90s. In order to compensate for their own small numbers, this generation needs to give birth to a lot. In 10-15 years, every working Russian will have to provide for several pensioners, but for now the demographic crisis promises to only deepen.

The concerns of the country's leadership can be understood, but it is difficult to explain the specifics of the measures taken, informs rsute.ru. Previously, demographic experts have repeatedly emphasized that fertility problems can hardly be solved with the help of regressions, including tax regressions. In the long run, neither a ban on abortion nor taxes on small children will have a positive impact on demographic indicators. Only by encouraging the birth rate can demographic problems be solved.

Tax on small children in Russia 2017, latest news: Mizulina vs.

Senator Elena Mizulina opposed the introduction of a tax on small children, she called such initiatives "erroneous and harmful."

She recalled that, by law, families with one or two children are considered small families.

“I see the introduction of a tax on small families as a kind of provocation, because, among other things, thanks to recent state social policy measures, 60-70% of births in some Russian regions are second children. And now we are being asked to tax them?!” - quotes the words of Mizulina her press service.

The senator suggested focusing on supporting families with children, and not “discriminating against certain categories” of Russians.

According to the Izvestiya newspaper, the document sent to the head of state for consideration states that the tax should be taken from families with one child, as well as from citizens who do not have children due to medical reasons. The amount of the fee in the draft law is not defined.

The bill proposes a number of measures aimed at supporting large families. For example, it is proposed to equate the activity of raising children with work experience, as well as to give large families the right to a free land plot with communications and establish monthly cash payments in the amount of 25 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the number of children.

The document defines a large family as "a complete family, with the exception of the death of one of the spouses, having three or more children (the youngest should not be under 18 years old)". At the same time, it is clarified that at present 6.5% of Russian families that raise 20% of children in the country fit this definition.

The draft law proposed by Krupnov was criticized in the State Duma and the Federation Council. Senator Elena Mizulina said that she was strongly against the adoption of such legislative initiatives.

According to TASS, the senator said that having few children is one or two children. According to Mizulina, the birth of second children is partly due to the maternity capital program. Taxing their parents would be provocative."Any initiatives to introduce a tax on small families, on childlessness seem to me erroneous and harmful," the senator stressed.

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy Valery Ryazansky, in an interview with NSN, said that such a bill would not be adopted."To say that we do not pay attention to families with many children is, of course, not true. There are also moral incentives, appropriate awards have been established, there are honorary titles ... The state supports large families in providing land and housing," the politician noted.

This initiative was also opposed Tamara Pletneva, head of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children. She called the introduction of a tax on small children wrong. "This tax was introduced in Soviet times. But in Soviet times, everyone got married officially, there were few cohabitants ... Now, I think it would not be very correct to introduce such a tax," the portal reports from her words.

Greetings, dear readers! More recently, the public was stirred up by unprecedented news: from June 1, 2017, a new tax on small children is being introduced. It sounds intimidating and somehow ridiculous. How big will it be, and who will pay? Let's take a look at this government innovation together.

Tax on small children in Russia 2017

The statement of the President of Russia V.V. is still fresh in the memory of Russians. Putin that it would be good to reduce the number and size of taxes. In contrast to the statement of the head of state, officials, as if competing, offer more and more new taxes.

The proposal of the director of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development Yuri Krupnov caused bewilderment. He put forward for consideration a draft law on the tax on childlessness and small children. He clarified that this is only one of a dozen measures to improve the demographic situation in Russia and at the same time a way to replenish the treasury.

Even earlier, Yu. Krupnov suggested that V. Putin support large families and equate the upbringing of several children with a full-fledged work experience. The law on the tax on small children is only a part of this project. So, according to the statement of the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, in Russia they intend to increase the birth rate.

Who will pay and how much?

What are the details of the law, and who will pay for the "pleasure"? From June 1, 2017, the tax is introduced only for Muscovites.

According to the government, this region is home to the wealthiest citizens who, for various reasons, either refuse to have children at all, or are content with one child, having the means to support much more. The authorities have not yet covered the effect of the tax on the territory of the whole of Russia.

The bill does not force citizens to visit the tax office every month and pay certain amounts. Everything needed will be deducted from the salary, as was done in Soviet times.

A year before the final decision on the introduction of the tax, it was proposed to charge 2% from potential parents who receive about 100 thousand rubles a month, and 3% from those whose incomes are much higher. Apparently, this method of replenishing the treasury was found to be ineffective, since it is very difficult to find a person who receives the indicated amounts at the age of 20-30.

Now, apparently, the calculation will look like this. All officially employed persons deduct 13% of their wages to the budget every month. If there are children in the family, this tax will not be withheld. The rest will, as before, deduct 13%, which is a tax on childlessness.

Who is at risk?

What should be the age of potential parents, while it is difficult to say. Previous proposals were for the age group of 22 to 50 and up to 45 for women.

If we talk about how many children should be in order to recognize the absence of small children, it turns out that at least two. Families with 3 or more children will receive assistance from the state:

  • from 25 thousand for three children (the amount increases depending on the number of children);
  • a mother with many children can receive a salary as a worker;
  • providing free expensive things, medicines, vouchers and other material benefits.

What tax will be accepted by officials will be clear after June 1, when the law will be available to everyone for review.

So far, if you think about it, there are many nuances and inconsistencies that officials will have to take into account:

  • Potentially, a woman can give birth, but the appearance of another child in the family may be associated with serious health problems, so many refuse the second or third baby. For example, with kidney pathology, it is possible to bear a fetus, but the risk for the mother is too great. It is not yet clear how this moment will be taken into account in the law.
  • If the family does not have suitable housing conditions, will there be a program to expand housing when the next baby is born.

  • When children reach the age of majority in a family, and parents are still of childbearing age, will they be forced to pay tax again?
  • The fact of infertility as a result of medical research must be taken into account.

These are far from the only "buts" that come to mind when thinking deeply about the tax that threatens Muscovites. At the same time, the law clearly contradicts the Constitution, since each person is free to create his own family, and may not marry at all and not give birth to children according to his own convictions.

How long this tax will last in effect, time will tell. So far, the population is extremely dissatisfied with the measures taken by the government.

Tax on small children: reviews

Let's look at the attitude towards the project among the people and in government circles. When the proposal to introduce the tax had just been submitted to the Duma, Dmitry Medvedev repeatedly said that the population would hardly like the decision.

To many it was clear as day. And if it was worth introducing the bill, then so far only as an experiment in one of the areas. Apparently, Moscow became such a region after many fabrications.

Before making a decision, the government conducted a survey that covered 140 million people. During it, it became clear that 70% of the respondents were against the tax. Social reviews networks also cannot be called satisfactory.

People see the decision not as an attempt to improve the demographic situation, but as a means to replenish the treasury. As an effective way to increase the population, it is proposed to think about providing affordable housing, which can really increase the birth rate.

If you open any forum dedicated to this topic, you can see that the attitude towards the tax among the population is sharply negative. The fact is that those 13% of the salary, which are proposed to be left to parents with a child, are unlikely to cover all expenses for a child.

So the decision whether or not to have kids in the family will definitely not be based on the desire not to pay tax. At the same time, for couples living for themselves, this amount will also not be fatal. The advantage of the bill for government circles is obvious: it will not greatly decrease from the citizens, but will increase to the treasury.

Whether the new tax will help improve the demographic situation, time will tell. If Moscow's experience turns out to be successful, the Russians will expect a territorial extension of the law to the entire territory of Russia. In the social networks have already included the tax in the list of the most absurd in the history of mankind.

Let's see if other countries have similar experience?

Experience from other countries

Since ancient times, there have been cases in the history of mankind when the government solved its financial problems at the expense of the childless. But in the practice of other countries this rarely happened.

Back in ancient Rome, in 351 BC, the censor Camillus passed the first tax on childlessness. The experience was repeated almost 2 thousand years later, in 1909 in Bulgaria. Italy picked up the baton in 1926, when the levy was introduced by Benito Mussolini.

The next successor to the idea was the Soviet Union. It appeared with the advent of the Second World War in 1941, when the question arose of increasing the birth rate and at the same time replenishing the treasury. According to it, men aged 20 to 50 and women aged 20 to 45 who had no children contributed 6% of their salary to the treasury, in addition to other taxes. After 1949 the rate was raised for the rural population.

  • persons who could not have children for health reasons;
  • people whose children died or went missing during the war;
  • students of special and higher educational institutions up to 25 years old.

In the 1980s, an indulgence was introduced. Newlyweds who registered their marriage were exempted from payment for 1 year. Gradually, in the early 1990s, payments came to naught. In the summer of 1990, the rate was reduced for those whose salary was less than 150 rubles. The tax was completely abolished in 1992 with the collapse of the USSR.

In Russia, until 2016, there was a kind of analogue of fees for childlessness. It was the standard child tax credit. Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov proposed introducing a tax on childlessness in 2013. Its official adoption came only in 2017.

How effective this measure will be, and whether the population will approve such an approach, remains unclear. Experience will show. It is not known for what purpose the proceeds from the tax will go. It is assumed that they will go to help poor families with many children and orphanages, but Russians are unlikely to want to support other people's children out of their own pockets.

Dear readers, we have considered the possible size and all the nuances of introducing a tax on childlessness into practice. If you want to express your opinion on this matter, leave a comment. The problem may seriously affect your friends or relatives. You can inform them by sharing the article on social media. networks.

Until new discussions, friends!

In Russia, the demographic issue is periodically reviewed. The state is trying in every possible way to change the current situation and artificially stimulate a high birth rate.

Not so long ago, a Deputy of the Moscow City Duma made a proposal to the President of the Russian Federation to resurrect the tax on childlessness in Russia that once existed in the Soviet period. According to the logic of legislators, such a tax should be introduced to support families with children.

Whether this is really necessary or not - let's try to analyze.

Will Russians pay for childlessness?

The draft version of the concept of the Federal Law "On the status of large families" was presented to the President of the Russian Federation. Among other things, such a normative act suggests introducing a tax on small children in our state.

According to the Izvestiya newspaper, Yu. Krupnov, head of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Re-development, sent a draft of modernized federal legislation to the President of the Russian Federation, which offers a whole range of measures aimed at supporting large families.

According to the developers of such a rule-making initiative, couples who are not medically childless, as well as families with only one child, should be taxed additionally.

No one has yet announced the exact size of the proposed tax.

Tax calculations in the Russian Federation

Experts, having analyzed the content of the current norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, came to the conclusion that the current legislation, even without the introduction of new measures, provides for a certain tax burden for families without children.

Yes, Art. 218 of this codified federal law says that tax benefits (in the form of standard tax deductions) are provided only for people who have children. The rest pay taxes in full.

So, when calculating the monthly income tax, the tax base may decrease:

  • by 1.4 thousand rubles. in the presence of 1 child;
  • by 2.8 thousand rubles. - for 2 children;
  • another 3 thousand rubles. on top of the 3rd and each subsequent child (that is, 5.8 thousand rubles for 3, 8.8 thousand rubles for 4- X And T.d .);
  • for each disabled child or a disabled person studying full-time 1-2 gr. under the age of 24:
  • for 12 thousand rubles. - parent and his spouse, adoptive parent;
  • for 6 thousand rubles. - when raising children by a family of guardians, trustees, foster parents.

These amounts are deductible from the total taxable mass as they are not subject to the 13% tax.

In view of this, every month a person who has at least 1 child has an increase in wages in the amount of 182 rubles. (13% × 1.4 thousand rubles).

Consequently, such an amount, on the contrary, is constantly withheld from childless Russians. In other words, such a system of tax calculations is a modern analogue of the "tax on childlessness".

Attention! If there are several children, the amount of deductions increases to 364 rubles. on 2- X and another 390 rubles. on top of each subsequent child, reaching for a complete family with many children with two spouses, the amount of additional income in the amount of more than 1.5 thousand rubles. Download for viewing and printing:

How much do the childless pay?

At present, in Russia, through the existing tax system, virtually childless and small children already pay a higher marching tax than those with many children.

According to Rosstat:

  • childless Russians, who earn an average of 72.4 thousand rubles, write off 9.412 thousand rubles to the budget. in the form of income tax;
  • parents, raising 3 children, deduct 7,904 thousand rubles to the treasury, i.e. by 1.5 thousand rubles. less.

Withheld taxes go to the regional and local budgets (proportionally 85% / 15%), the funds from which go to:

  • social support;
  • education;
  • road maintenance;
  • medicine and other social sectors.

And in the proposal submitted by the initiators of the change in legislation, it was proposed to redirect the planned bribe to the now defunct “State Fund for Supporting Large Families”, from which they are going to finance exclusively additional measures to support large families (including increased monthly benefits).

Tax on the childless in a historical context

In the Soviet period of the development of our state, the tax for childlessness existed at a rate of 6% of the salary.

They were required to pay:

  • childless men aged 20-50 years, regardless of their marital status;
  • childless married women aged 20-45 years.

In fact, such a tax existed for 50 years (from November 1941, when the Decree “On the tax on bachelors, single and childless citizens of the USSR” was issued, until January 1, 1992, when the collapse of the USSR was legally formalized).

In practice, the majority of Russians, when conducting a comparative analysis of tax amounts for the childless and the amount of money needed to support a family, preferred to pay 6% of wages. Because it was economically more profitable than to acquire offspring.

Official expert opinions

  1. According to TASS, the head of the Ministry of Labor M. Topilin said that "the ministry under his control has a negative attitude towards the prospect of a possible introduction of a tax on childlessness." At the same time, Topilin explained that the proposals put forward by the Ministry of Labor itself are aimed at measures that stimulate the birth rate. However, such initiatives are unlikely to do so. Rather, on the contrary.
  2. According to the children's ombudsman A. Kuznetsova, "large families are not bought." Kuznetsova believes that ideology and the concept of a "large family" should play a significant role in demographic policy. In her opinion, a completely different approach is required to increase the birth rate, and not an economic measure like a fine or some kind of formal payoff.
  3. The Ministry of Finance of Russia also does not support the proposal to introduce a tax on small children. This is reported by " Newspaper.ru» .
  4. According to a number of other experts, wealthy people after the introduction of such a tax will hide their income even more carefully, but they will definitely not start having children earlier and more often.

In addition, the proceeds for real support for large families will not be enough - because they will be "eaten" by the tax administration. So there will be no practical benefit from it. Among other things, such a proposal violates the laws of ethics and logic.

As for ordinary Russians, they also unequivocally spoke out against the introduction of a tax on childlessness. This was shown by a survey conducted by Kommersant FM through the Odnoklassniki social network. More than 140,000 people participated in it. That such a fee is not needed in our country, said 70% of respondents.

Important! Thus, both experts and ordinary citizens believe that the introduction of additional taxes for families without children or with a small number of children will not lead to the desired results.

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