
Projects of cottages with basement and attic floors. Projects of houses with a basement. What are the benefits of a basement

The project of a house with a basement and an attic allows you to implement a number of ideas even on a limited space of the land plot. This is saving usable space and the budget allocated for construction work. The basement space is always easy to adapt to a garage or a sauna with a small pool. And an attic in a one-story cottage will be an order of magnitude cheaper than building a two-story country mansion.

Features of projects of houses with a basement and an attic

It is important to understand that the basement in the cottage will need to be additionally insulated. Especially if the basement is adapted for a steam room. Here you will need not only a layer of thermal insulation, but also additional protection against moisture or steam for neighboring rooms. If the basement is not properly insulated, high heat losses are possible, so such work should only be trusted by experienced professionals.

The standard design plan for a cottage with a basement or attic floor includes the following layout features:

  • on the ground floor there is an office, a living room and a kitchen combined with a dining room;
  • the attic is allocated for a children's room or bedroom, which can even be 2, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing;
  • the basement is used for utility rooms, a sauna, a gym or a garage, the entrance to which is provided directly from the house itself, which is very comfortable in winter.

Any of the project plans suitable for the client can be easily adjusted by the architect. You can compare the layout of house projects with basement and attic floors using the catalog of our company. The price of the finished project documentation directly depends on the area of ​​the cottage, the layout, the number of rooms in it and the need to make additional adjustments to the original architectural plan.

Every person dreams of having their own home. Time passes, dreams take shape, plans appear. And now the long-awaited moment - the decision was made to start construction. Many questions immediately arise:

  • how to place a spacious house on a small plot so that all household members and guests are comfortable;
  • how to equip a garage, workshop, boiler room, bath;
  • where to place a gym, a winter garden;
  • whether the children need a playground, and the wife needs flower beds and a gazebo.

You can combine all the wishes by building a house with a basement and an attic. Currently, more and more developers are choosing just such projects. There are many offers on the market. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is worth understanding the nuances of such a construction.


Ground floor construction

Before starting work, you need to know:

  • what is the depth of groundwater;
  • is there a high probability of flooding during the spring flood;
  • what type of soil is on the site: clay, sand, stones (the cost of excavation will depend on this).

If you have thought of everything and decided, you can start building. Work is performed in a certain order:

  • Dig a pit of the desired size.
  • Level and roll the bottom.
  • Pour sand - crushed stone or concrete mixture with a layer of at least 20 cm.
  • Lay reinforced foundation pads of standard size (110 cm long, 70 cm wide, 40 cm high). This is necessary to ensure better stability of the building.
  • Fill in the draft floor (slab). For a finishing floor, especially a decorative one, high-grade cement is used (700, 800 and above).

  • Build the foundation walls with concrete blocks and cement mortar (300, 400 grade cement). When reaching the zero level, their thickness must be at least 60 cm (for reliable protection against moisture and freezing in cold climates).
  • Make an exhaust, ventilation.
  • Lay the floor slabs (voids) on the ceiling on the concrete mortar. If the length of the slabs is less than the width of the building, it is necessary to lay out an additional main brick wall in the basement, a support.
  • Carry out a complete thermal and waterproofing outside and inside the room.

It is worth remembering that when equipping the basement, it is necessary to ensure a good hood. Ventilation provides air circulation, prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor and dampness.

It is better to make a staircase to the basement a marching one. For convenience and safety, it must have a railing at least one meter wide.

The arrangement of the basement is an expensive pleasure. Its cost is 25-30% of the project budget. However, there are pluses - space is saved on the site.

All outbuildings and outbuildings will be "hidden" and will not occupy usable space.


Houses with a basement are built from building and silicate bricks, aerated concrete and foam blocks. Blocks retain heat much better than bricks. They are also larger, which means that the work will go faster. When erecting walls above window openings, window lintels made of concrete are used.

Since the ceiling of the house will serve as the floor of the attic, it also needs to be well strengthened. To do this, lay concrete floor slabs or wooden beams.

The second option is preferable, since it reduces the load on the foundation. A heater is placed between the timber and the finished floor.

Construction of the attic floor

When building an attic, you need to consider some important points:

  • Lightweight materials should be used so that excess weight cannot collapse the structure.
  • It is necessary to additionally insulate the roof and side slopes. Now in construction stores you can find many modern high-quality materials with high thermal insulation properties.
  • The ceiling and walls of the attic are sheathed. There are two options for finishing: traditional (using different types of wood: lining, imitation timber, blockhouse) and modern (using drywall, cork panels, etc.). Wood paneling creates a healthy microclimate in the room and a special "rustic" atmosphere. Modern materials are easier to install, with their help you can create an interior of any complexity.
  • It is important to consider the arrangement of windows. If the room is small, window openings are made not in the side walls, but on the slope of the roof.
  • Stairs can be designed marching or spiral. The main thing is that it is comfortable to walk on it.

The advantages of the attic are obvious:

  • An additional floor allows you to increase the area at low cost. For example, when building a one-story house 9 by 9 meters, its area will be 81 square meters. When installing an attic, it will increase by 1.5 times and amount to 130-140 square meters.
  • So you can effectively use the usually empty attic space. In the attic, you can equip a bedroom, a room for a school-age child, a creative workshop, etc.
  • Compared to a simple one-story house, heating costs are reduced. The reason is the additional insulation of the roof.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Due to the multi-level ceiling and broken lines, it is more difficult to finish such a room than an ordinary room with straight and even walls.
  • You will not be able to avoid additional costs for the insulation and waterproofing of the side slopes and gables, as well as for the installation of windows.


The project of a small one-story house with a basement, without an attic

This option is suitable for a small family. In the basement you can arrange a garage, workshop, furnace. In the future, if necessary, the attic can be converted into an attic floor. To provide for the possibility of such an alteration, the ceiling of the building is immediately additionally strengthened.

One of the most inexpensive ways to expand your house without taking up much space on the site and without violating the norms of the number of storeys in suburban development is the arrangement of the space under the house and the creation of a basement floor. This approach makes it possible during the construction to take out all the premises of an auxiliary nature and separate them from the living rooms. Since it is not useful for human health to be at levels below zero (that is, buried underground) for more than four hours a day, it is not worth placing a dining room, living room, or, especially, bedrooms on the basement floor.

Design features

  • It is necessary to think about sufficient ventilation in order not to allow air to stagnate and humidity to rise, otherwise there will be a danger of fungus on the walls.
  • Since sunlight does not penetrate underground, enhanced artificial lighting will be required, which must be taken into account when calculating the load on the networks at the stage of creating drawings.
  • When installing a sauna, showers and bathrooms, it will be necessary to install a special pump for sewage, since natural drainage underground is not possible.
  • The height of basements must be at least 2.2 m, which is the norm for both the physical and psychological comfort of residents.
  • In areas with wet soils, the cost of waterproofing will be significantly higher than in sandy or rocky soils.

FROM It should be borne in mind that when arranging in the basement of rooms where people will stay, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 16 to 22 0 C. In pantries or dressing rooms, heating up to 8 0 C is sufficient.

Use cases

The arrangement of a garage in the basement is a great opportunity to create convenience for all family members at the same time. This is a comfortable parking, and saving space on the site, and the safety of other family members. There are quite a few projects with such a solution in the catalog:

  • original log house on a high stone plinth;
  • three-story with a garage for two cars, making it possible to build on a small plot;
  • compact modern cottage
  • unique, unparalleled

In the basement, home gyms and mini-gyms can be placed:

  • where the “simulator” is adjacent to the sauna and the laundry room, and the technical room separates the cold pantry from them;
  • a cottage with a corner terrace where the size of the basement allows you to plan a spacious billiard room next to the sports area;
  • aristocratic where a staircase hall separates the gym from a large recreation room with a home theater.

A rather reasonable solution is to equip a sauna or a steam room with a relaxation room in the basement, where you can take various wellness treatments at any time of the year. These are projects such as:

  • a cottage with a small attic, where on both sides of the shower there is a steam room and a dry sauna;
  • a representative three-story building, whose underground level accommodated both a sports area, a play area, and a corner where you can listen to music or watch a movie while relaxing after a Finnish bath;
  • quite economical and compact » with a large shower room and Jacuzzi, combined with a steam room in one volume.

In addition, the underground space can be completely utility or designated as a workshop. You can fill it with pantries for various purposes, both heated and cold for food storage and home preservation. When choosing a project, be guided by the needs of your family, and we will be happy to help you with this.

You can make the most of a small area by building a house with an attic and a basement. Projects the construction of such structures must be trusted to professionals, since their development has many nuances. The strength and durability of the future structure directly depends on the quality of the created project.

Advantages of houses with an attic and a basement:

1. Maximum use of the usable area of ​​the house. On the territory of the attic floor, you can equip one of the living rooms, for example, a nursery or a bedroom for spouses. In addition, here you can organize an office or a guest room. basement floor often used as a storage place for various things.

2. Attic is not only a functional addition to the house, but also its decoration. It gives the structure a noble appearance, makes it aesthetically attractive and harmonious.

3. For the construction of such structures, a wide range of different building materials can be used. Almost any architectural solutions are also applicable to them.

4. The attic and the basement contribute to the additional insulation of the house.

How professionals work, developing projects for houses with a basement and an attic

Development projects of houses with an attic and a basement specialists of the firm "StroyExpress". At the design stage of a residential building, the following points are taken into account:

Features of the environment of the area where the construction of the building is planned;

the type of materials used in construction;

number of storeys and area of ​​the building;

type of roof

house layout.

Availability of engineering communications.

Before drawing up a project, specialists must measure all the parameters of the future building, including basement floors. At this stage, care and accuracy are important so that there are no troubles in the future. After measurements, experts proceed directly to drawing up a drawing, with which you can visually see what the finished structure will look like.

Now houses with an attic and a basement are gaining popularity. Such buildings have special advantages for their owners. In addition, the cost of construction is much less than that of two-story houses. With the help of the basement, you can unload the plan of the house on the ground floor and move the technical room there, and no house can do without it.

The advantage of any house is the basement

Projects of houses with a basement and an attic are the most profitable, especially if you have a small plot or there is no way to build a second floor. Thanks to these two features, you can arrange rooms as rationally as possible and save space. From the basement you can make a wine cellar, a workshop, a pantry, or a lounge. The attic is often residential, it decorates the facade of the whole house, and from a functional point of view, it is a room that does not require a large amount of building materials.

The Cottage Projects company will provide you with a wide selection of house projects with a basement and an attic. If you do not find anything among the ready-made plans, then we will develop a new one especially for you, taking into account all your wishes and suggestions.

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