
How to issue a power of attorney to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy? Power of attorney to receive an oms policy Power of attorney to receive a policy

A power of attorney to receive an OMS policy is drawn up in a simple written form. The form of this document, as a rule, contains the following details:

- name, place and date of issue of the document (without a date, the power of attorney is invalid);
- surname, name, patronymic, passport data of the principal and authorized person;
— list of transferable powers;
- validity period of the document;
- signatures, surname and initials of the principal and authorized representative.

A power of attorney to receive a policy does not require notarization.

It is advisable to issue it in two copies - both of them may be needed during the procedure for issuing a policy.



Moscow, the sixth of December, two thousand and thirteen

I, Kunitsyna Irina Sergeevna, passport series 4571 No. 584712, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoselsky district of Moscow, I trust Alena Borisovna Lastochkina, passport series 4623 No. 258745, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs Arbat of Moscow, submit to the insurance medical organization CJSC MSK "Solidarity for Life" from on my behalf, an application for the choice (replacement) of a medical insurance organization, an application for issuing a policy or its duplicate, reissuing a policy, receiving a compulsory medical insurance policy or a temporary certificate confirming the execution of the policy, as well as sign on my behalf and perform all actions related to with this assignment.

This Power of Attorney is issued for a period of one year without the right of substitution.

I certify the signature of Alena Borisovna Lastochkina Lastochkina.

Kunitsyna and S. Kunitsyna


The power of attorney required to obtain the policy is drawn up in the usual written form. It includes the following details:

- name, date and place of registration of the paper (without a date, the power of attorney is not valid);
- Full name and passport details of both the trustee and the principal;
- a list of powers that are transferred;
- expiration date of the paper;
- Full name and signatures of the authorized person and the principal.

A power of attorney intended to obtain a policy does not require certification.

It should be noted that the power of attorney is issued in 2 copies, which may be needed when issuing an insurance policy.

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Samples of powers of attorney for obtaining a medical insurance policy

ATTENTION! View the completed sample power of attorney for obtaining a medical policy from an individual:

You can DOWNLOAD samples of powers of attorney for obtaining a medical policy from the links below:

How to write a document

Citizens have the right to receive free medical care only if they have a medical insurance policy. The insurance company is responsible for issuing the document. As a general rule, a citizen must receive a policy in person. There may be circumstances in which the insured person cannot independently appear to receive the policy.

The reasons may be different: unexpected departure, illness, personal circumstances. In this case, the document is allowed to be received by a person who has a power of attorney to perform such actions.

Remember! The power of attorney is issued in writing in a free form.

According to the law, the text of the document contains the following information:

  • name (“power of attorney”), place and exact date of execution;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the principal in full, data of his passport. For organizations - TIN, PSRN, KPP, location (legal address);
  • information about the authorized person - full name and passport data. Only honest and conscientious persons should be entrusted with obtaining documents;
  • a complete list of powers granted. In addition to obtaining a policy, it is allowed to include other additional actions in the list of transferable rights;
  • term of transfer of rights;
  • signatures of both parties.

If the authority is transferred by a legal entity, as a general rule, an imprint of the organization's seal is affixed. The legislation does not specifically stipulate the mandatory presence of a seal on a power of attorney when obtaining a medical policy, but general practice recommends doing so. It is possible to affix a facsimile instead of a signature.

Watch the video. All about the details of the power of attorney:

What type of document to choose

The law does not require notarization of authority to obtain a policy. In a free-form text, it is enough to indicate the necessary information listed above. The principal writes the text manually or types it on a computer with subsequent printing. Both parties sign the document with decryption.

Sometimes the representative of the insurance organization has doubts about the authority of the representative. Then he may require notarization of the transfer of rights.

Who can be a trustee

Any adult legally capable person is entitled to receive a policy by proxy. Relatives or friends may represent you. The main thing is that the citizen should be conscientious and trustworthy.

When it comes to insurance of employees of the organization, usually the company's lawyer receives the policies of the employees.

Representatives can be not only citizens, but also legal entities.

Who trusts their powers

A competent citizen who has reached the age of 18, who concludes an insurance contract, has the right to delegate powers in this area. If the company practices corporate insurance for employees, then the legal entity transfers the authority to obtain policies.

The procedure for issuing a power of attorney

Remember! General rules for the transfer of rights to receive a medical insurance policy:

  • drawing up a document in writing (arbitrary form);
  • no mandatory requirement for notarization;
  • execution of two identical copies of the document. Both forms will be required upon receipt of the policy.

Differences for individuals and legal entities

A power of attorney issued to a citizen includes information about the authorized person:

  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • year of birth;
  • taxpayer number (TIN);
  • passport series, number, information on issuance, place of registration.

In the final part of the document, a signature with a decryption must be affixed. Similar data is entered about the principal. The information listed is given without abbreviations.

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If the authority to obtain a policy is transferred or received by an organization, the power of attorney contains the details of the legal entity (full name, TIN, OGRN, legal address, KPP). Abbreviations cannot be used.

The authority to sign the power of attorney belongs to the head of the organization or another person specified in the constituent documents. The question arises whether it is necessary to put a seal.

The validity period of the delegated powers is written in the text. If this is not done, the validity period is considered equal to 1 year from the date of issue (part 1 of article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Obtaining a child's policy

As a general rule, the legal representatives of the child are the parents. Credentials are confirmed by the birth certificate of the child in combination with their own passport. If necessary, the policy is entitled to receive another authorized person. Mother or father give him a power of attorney, drawn up in writing, without notarization.

In order to obtain a medical policy for a child, in this case, the following are submitted:

  • received power of attorney;
  • passport or other proof of identity;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • parent's identity document;
  • SNILS of the child - if received.

As a general rule, after applying, the trustee receives a issued temporary trust policy, it is applied for 30 days. Then, again using the power of attorney, the applicant applies for a permanent insurance policy.

Obtaining employee policies

So that each of the employees of the organization does not have to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy separately, you can entrust the representation of the interests of employees to one person. It will be more expedient from the point of view of the spent time.

Art. 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that the transfer of powers by several persons is also formalized in writing.

Important! When issuing a power of attorney rights on the form are affixed:

  • signature of the head of the organization;
  • authorized person's signature;
  • seal of the legal entity.

A confirmation of authority issued by a legal entity gives the authorized person the right to:

  • receive compulsory medical insurance policies for employees;
  • submit the required documents.

The term for issuing a medical policy is 60 days.

The process can be controlled using online technologies. After the trustee receives the policies of the employees, he is obliged to transfer them to the employees. This procedure is accompanied by an entry in the registration log.

CHI insurance policy is issued free of charge to residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation by insurance organizations that are members of the compulsory health insurance system. If there is no such structure in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in order to obtain a policy, a citizen must personally or through an authorized person apply to the regional CHI fund.

A power of attorney that provides an opportunity to obtain an insurance form is a document authorizing one person to represent the interests of another person (the insured) in the performance of certain functions to the insurance company. The document is in demand in situations where the principal does not have, for various reasons, the opportunity to personally interact with the insurance company.

How to draw up a power of attorney?

A document transferring the functions of obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy must be drawn up in writing. There is no single form of power of attorney approved by authorized bodies, but the presence of the following information in the text is mandatory:

  • place of registration, date and name;
  • information on the principal and the authorized person (data of a passport or identity card, last name, first name, patronymic, registration information);
  • a detailed list of delegated functions;
  • validity;
  • signatures of the participating parties.

Notarized registration of a power of attorney to obtain an insurance policy is not required, but can be done at the request of the parties. The procedure for issuing an MHI policy takes place in two stages, so it is advisable to issue a power of attorney in 2 copies or have the original document and a copy on hand.

Due to the lack of notarization, there may be errors or inaccuracies in the text of the power of attorney, so it will not be superfluous for the trustee to have copies of the passport and pension certificate of the trustee. This fact will speed up the reconciliation of information in the application and the text of the power of attorney when preparing information for filling out the temporary certificate form. These copies do not remain at the point of issue, but are returned to the bearer after verification of compliance.

A sample power of attorney for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is possible.

Power of Attorney to obtain a child's document

By proxy for a medical policy, an insurance policy for a minor child can be issued. The design of the text is made in writing and also does not provide for the need for certification by a notary.

The authorized person must present at the point of receipt of the insurance policy:

  • power of attorney;
  • own passport (identity card);
  • child's birth document;
  • confirmation of the identity of the parents or one of the parents of the child (certificate, passport);
  • SNILS for a child (if one exists).

After providing the necessary documents in full, the authorized person is issued a temporary certificate with a limited validity period (30 days). By the end of the period specified in the certificate, it is necessary to visit the insurer to obtain a issued permanent CHI policy.

Power of Attorney for obtaining employee policies

The interests of employees of enterprises when issuing insurance policies and other relations with the regional CHI fund may be represented by the employer in the person of authorized employees on the basis of a power of attorney. An authorized employee must represent all employees of the organization or individual entrepreneur, including non-residents or non-residents of the Russian Federation.

A document form for the right to represent interests in the MHIF is drawn up in writing on behalf of the enterprise, signed by the first manager or other authorized employee and certified by the main (official) seal of the company. This requirement is enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 185).

The form of a document for representing the interests of a private entrepreneur is signed by him personally and sealed with the seal of the individual entrepreneur, if desired, can be certified by a notary. The document contains the right of an authorized representative to receive medical policies, transfer and receive the documents necessary for this.

The procedure for issuing an insurance document can take up to 60 days. During this period, when applying for medical assistance, instead of a permanent policy, an employee presents a certificate of registration in the UK of an application for its issuance.

On the websites of a number of insurance organizations, it is possible to track the degree of readiness of the document online.

After receiving the policies, the authorized person issues them to employees with a note in the appropriate registration book, providing for the following columns:

  • list number,
  • surname, name and patronymic of the employee;
  • the name of the structural unit of the employee;
  • number and series of the policy;
  • date of issue of the document to the employee;
  • employee's signature;
  • note.

A medical policy indicates that its owner can claim to receive the legally established amount of free medical care. The laws of the Russian Federation do not prohibit the procedure for obtaining it through a representative. A power of attorney to receive an insurance medical policy is a revocable document, that is, a trusting citizen can cancel it, and a person who is trusted with certain powers can refuse them. In some cases, this method is the most convenient or the only possible one.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010, which explains the principles of compulsory medical insurance for citizens in the Russian Federation, when choosing (or in case of replacing) an insurance medical organization, insured persons apply to the chosen organization personally or through their representative . When applying through a representative, it is required to provide a power of attorney confirming the powers of the attorney. The document must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the first part of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ.

A power of attorney to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy can be notarized or drawn up in a simple written form, or certified in one of the following structures:

  • the organization in which the principal is studying (carrying out labor activities);
  • housing maintenance management company (housing and construction cooperative, HOA) at the place of residence of the principal;
  • by the administration of a medical institution when the principal is in inpatient treatment.

Thus, a power of attorney is drawn up in a simple written form and does not require notarization, but if necessary, this form can be issued by a notary.

How to draw up a power of attorney

There is no single approved form of the document, but there are certain requirements for the content of the document. The power of attorney for obtaining a medical policy must contain the following information:

  1. Title of the document.
  2. Place and date of compilation.
  3. Complete information on the principal and the attorney (full name, passport details, registration information).
  4. The list of functions entrusted to the attorney on the basis of the power of attorney.
  5. Validity.

Please note that a power of attorney form for obtaining a policy from such insurers as RESO, SOGAZ, Max M is issued directly at the offices of insurance companies. On our website you can download a general sample power of attorney for a health insurance policy.

The document must be endorsed by the parties with the personal signatures of both the attorney and the principal.

What documents are needed to get

In addition to the power of attorney, the representative of the insured person must provide an identity card, as well as originals or certified copies of the documents required to obtain the policy. For an insured person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, these will be:

  • passport (copy);
  • SNILS.

For a child:

  • passport (copy) of the legal representative of the minor;
  • child metric;
  • SNILS.

Citizens of the Russian Federation will initially be issued, confirming the execution of the CHI policy, the validity of which is 30 days, after which an unlimited policy is issued. A policy replacement will be required only in case of damage, loss, or due to a change in personal data, for example,. For foreign citizens, compulsory health insurance is provided only for the period of stay in the territory of the Russian Federation. When extending the period of stay or changing documents, a corresponding replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy is made.

Upon receipt of policies for employees of the enterprise

To save time, the policies of employees of one institution can be issued to any person authorized to receive by the management of the organization. The head of the organization issues a power of attorney to the representative of the insured persons, which must contain the following details:

  1. serial number;
  2. date and place of compilation;
  3. full name of the organization;
  4. OGRN, TIN, legal address;
  5. Full name, address of residence and passport details of the attorney;
  6. name of the insurer;
  7. list of functions entrusted to the attorney;
  8. validity period of the document;
  9. signature with decryption of the attorney;
  10. the document is certified by the signature of the head with the seal of the organization.

Important! If the power of attorney for obtaining policies for employees of the organization does not expire, in accordance with Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the document is valid for a year from the date of issue.


The law provides for obtaining an insurance policy by proxy in cases where insured citizens cannot apply to the insurer in person. Also, in accordance with regulations, the choice of the form of power of attorney is at the discretion of citizens. If the principal is an organization, the power of attorney to the guarantor is issued by the head of the institution.

Citizens insured in the CHI system on an individual basis have the right to send a representative on their behalf with a power of attorney drawn up in a simple written form. Inpatients who are not able to apply to the insurance medical company on their own can issue a power of attorney for an attorney with the head physician of the medical institution. If the insured person is away, and an urgent receipt of a compulsory medical insurance policy is required, the best option would be to issue powers to a trustee from a notary. The form, together with certified copies of supporting documents, will need to be sent to the authorized person by first class mail with a description of the contents and a note of delivery.

You can ask questions of interest about the power of attorney to receive compulsory medical insurance in the comments to the article.

MAKS is one of the largest insurance companies on the market. When making a contract or receiving a payment, each insured will need to fill out an application form. All application forms are approved by the internal regulations of the MAKS insurance company.

Insurance payments are made only after the client provides the relevant application and additional documents. Based on them, the situation is analyzed and a decision is made whether to issue compensation to the person or not. This fully applies to the MAKS insurance organization, whose clients can download separate applications for payment remotely.

Insurance "MAKS-M" - Download application forms for the replacement of CHI

Citizens using the services of the MAKS organization can download application forms remotely, but their number is very limited. From the official website of the company, you can download an application only for the following programs:

  • . The client of the company can download application forms intended for changing / choosing an insurance medical organization, as well as obtaining a duplicate of the policy (its renewal).

These are all application forms of the MAKS insurance group, which are in the public domain. They can be downloaded and filled out, and then submitted to the insurance company.

The application form must be filled out accurately and without mistakes. All information should be written in capital letters. If possible, the client can download the application form, fill it out on a computer, print it out and sign it.

"MAKS-M" - List of documents for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

In addition to the application, additional paperwork must be submitted. These are documents proving the identity of the applicant, indicating the occurrence of an insured event, containing data on the amount of funds spent by the client to eliminate the consequences of the incident. The specific list depends on the chosen program.

To receive assistance, it is enough to present the MHI policy. Other documents are not required.

OMS application forms:

On the choice or replacement of an insurance medical organization The document is filled in in case of receiving a new contract or changing the insurer. You should specify:
  • date and place of birth;
  • passport data;
  • registration and actual residence;
  • citizenship;
  • gender;
  • nature of treatment: change of company once a year, replacement as a result of change of registration, etc.;
  • type of requested document: paper, plastic, etc.;
  • number of the previously received CHI, if any;
  • client type (select from the list).
About issuing a duplicate or reissuing a policy It is filled in when the document is lost or when a new form is received, due to a change in personal or other data.

The document will need to include:

  • personal data;
  • in connection with what the appeal takes place: issuance of a duplicate, re-issuance, etc.;
  • category of the insured citizen (select from the list);
  • place and date of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • passport information;
  • place of registration and actual stay.
Power of attorney If the insured cannot apply to the office of the insurer, then another citizen can represent his interests with a power of attorney.

The document should indicate:

  • date and place of registration;
  • data of the trustee and the principal;
  • passport details of each party;
  • powers;
  • validity.

The completed form is not required to be notarized. It is sufficient that the original signature of each party is on the power of attorney.

If you need to issue this product, you will have to collect:

  • An identity document of the insured person (for example, a passport).
  • Passport of the legal representative of the insured (if the latter is a child).
  • SNILS.
  • A power of attorney issued in the name of the applicant, if the latter performs actions on behalf of another citizen.

Foreigners may need not only a passport from the state, nor SNILS, an employment contract, part of the notification form for the arrival of a person who does not have citizenship of the Russian Federation.

"MAKS-M" - Where to submit documents for the issuance of CHI?

The documents listed above must be submitted to the office of the insurer.

1. Find the nearest branch through the official website:.

2. To do this, select the city of residence (the system determines automatically, but errors are possible), and then click on the button at the top of the page.

3. The user will see a list of all branches located in the selected city. With a large number of results, you can use the detailed search bar by entering a specific street. You should focus on offices that specialize in the settlement of losses.

To submit a form for obtaining an insurance product or issuing a duplicate, you must fill out an application and contact the office of the insurer. In order to receive a payment, an application will need to be submitted to the office where the Claims Department is represented.

It is important to understand that the representative of the insurance company may refuse to provide the service if the policyholder provides false information.

Thus, some samples of applications submitted to the MAKS insurance group can be found in the public domain. In order not to waste personal time, it is recommended to use the links provided above. Documents are attached to them. The specific list depends on the situation. The entire package of papers is transferred to the company's employees in one of the claims settlement offices.

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